Curriculum of Bachelor Aquaculture Study Program

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NUMBER 9776/H3/KR/2012





Considering a. According to provision in Education Regulation

Universitas Airlangga to the curriculum that has
considered by Representatives Faculty Board, has to be
ratified and assigned by Rector’s Decree
b. According to the consideration of a. has to assign the
Rector’s Decree on Curriculum Assignment of
Aquaculture Study Program in Bachelor Degree in the
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga

In view of 1. Law number 20 Year 2003 on National Education

System (Sheet of Republic Indonesia Number 78 Year
2003, Supplement to Sheet of Republic Indonesia
Number 4301 Year 2003);
2. Government Regulation Number 57 Year 1954 on
Establishment of Universitas Airlangga in Surabaya has
changed to Government Regulation Number 3 Year
1955 on Changing Government Regulation Number 57
Year 1954 (Sheet of Republic Indonesia Number 99
Year 1954, Supplement to Number 695 juncto Sheet of
Republic Indonesia number 4 Year 1955 Supplement to
Sheet of Republic Indonesia number 784);
3. Government Regulation Number 30 Year 2006 on
Assigment of Universitas Airlangga as State-Owned
Legal Entity (Sheet of Republic Indonesia Number 66
Year 2006);
4. Decree of Guardian of Universitas Airlangga Number
34/H3.MWA/K/2010 on Assignment Rector of
Universitas Airlangga Period of 2010-2015;
5. Decree of Guardian of Universitas Airlangga Number
12/P/MWA-UA/2008 on Household Budget of
Universitas Airlangga
6. Universitas Airlangga Rector Regulation Number
11/H3/PR/2009 on Education Regulation of Universitas

In notice of 1. Letter approval of meeting result BPF-FPKUA Number

8/ H3.1.13/BPF/2012 on July 18th 2012 on Curriculum
of Aquaculture Study Program in Bachelor Degree
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga.

2. Letter of Universitas Airlangga’s Center for Study and

Development of Education Number 329/H3.15/PP/2012
on June 13th 2012.



First Assign the curriculum of Aquaculture Study Program in
Bachelor Degree Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas
Airlangga as listed in attachment of these decree.
Second The decision applies since the date assigned

Copy based on Original Assigned in Surabaya

University’s Secretary On July 31st 2016



NIP. 19730406 200312 1 002 NIP. 19461231 197412 1 001

Copy : Submitted to
1. Ministry of National Education
2. Leaders in Universitas Airlangga

The Faculty of Fisheries and Marine is one of thirteen Faculties in
Universitas Airlangga and established the Aquaculture Study Program according
to Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture’s
Decree Number 325/DIKTI/Kep/2000 dated September 7th, 2000. According to
Rector’s Decree Number 5887/JO3/OT/2008 dated July 25th, 2008 inauguratedas
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Airlangga.
The Aquaculture Study Program has earned accreditation with B score
according to National Council for Higher Education Accreditation’s Decree
Number 018/BAN-PT/Ak-X/S1/XI/2006 dated November 2nd, 2006. In 2012, the
National Council for Higher Education Accreditation assigned the accreditation
status of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine become A, according to National
Council for Higher Education Accreditation’s Decree Number 004/BAN-PT/Ak-
Related to statement above, the curriculum is one of academic parameter
that has to be conducted so the student’s competence will improve and fulfill the
academic and soft skill ability in workplace. In the redesign curriculum that has
already conducted by the Aquaculture Study Program in Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine, Universitas Airlangga involved the all academicians, as well as the input
from stakeholder and government (Fisheries and Marine Authorities and Fisheries
and Marine Research House). The assignment of the curriculum change in 2012
by adding the study interest become 2 are Aquaculture and Fisheries Product
Industrial Technology in order to fulfill the development in Fisheries and Marine
sector, so the vision, mission, main competence, supporting competence and
specific competence can be achieved.
The acknowledgement for Universitas Airlangga’s Center for Study and
Development of Education (LP3UA) which provides the evaluation in the
arrangement on curriculum document of Aquaculture Study Program in the
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas Airlangga; all of the academic staffs;
supporting staffs; and stakeholder as well as all the people who support the
academic development in the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Universitas

Surabaya, Mei 2013

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
Universitas Airlangga
Prof. Dr. Hj. Sri Subekti, DEA., drh.
NIP. 19520517 197803 2 001


PREFACE ....................................................................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... 2
I. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 4
1.1. Vision..................................................................................................................... 4
1.2. Mission .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3. Profile .................................................................................................................... 4
1.4. Learning Outcomes................................................................................................ 5
1.5. Description on KKNI Level 6 (Equal to Bachelor Degree) .................................. 6
1.6. Subject Organization ........................................................................................... 10
II. CURRICULUM STRUCTURE AND LOAD OF STUDY ............................ 12
2.1. Curriculum Structure ........................................................................................... 12
III. CURRICULUM CONTENT ............................................................................ 15
IV. LEARNING STRATEGY ............................................................................... 100
4.1. Learning Method ............................................................................................... 100
4.1.1. Small Group Discussion .................................................................................... 100
4.1.2. Simulation.......................................................................................................... 100
4.1.3. Discover Learning ............................................................................................. 100
4.1.4. Self-Directed Learning ...................................................................................... 100
4.1.5. Cooperative Learning ........................................................................................ 101
4.1.6. Collaborative Learning ...................................................................................... 101
4.1.7. Contextual Learning .......................................................................................... 101
4.1.8. Project Based Learning ...................................................................................... 101
4.1.9. Problem Based Learning and Inquiry ................................................................ 101
4.2. Learning Media.................................................................................................. 101
4.2.1. Figure ................................................................................................................. 102
4.2.2. Television .......................................................................................................... 102
4.2.3. Audio Recording................................................................................................ 102
4.2.4. Printed Material ................................................................................................. 102
4.2.5. Video ................................................................................................................. 102

4.2.6. LCD ................................................................................................................... 102
4.2.7. E-Learning ......................................................................................................... 103
4.3. Academic Staff .................................................................................................. 104
V. EVALUATION SYSTEM ............................................................................... 105
5.1. Exam and Evaluation ......................................................................................... 105
5.2. Scoring System .................................................................................................. 106
5.3. Achievement Scoring ........................................................................................ 108
5.4. Study Evaluation................................................................................................ 109
5.5. Field Work Practice (PKL) and Communty Service Program (KKN-BBM) .... 111
5.6. Undergraduate Research and thesis (Skripsi) Proposal ..................................... 112
5.7. Research Proposal Seminar ............................................................................... 114
5.8. Undergraduate Thesis Examination................................................................... 115
5.9. Grade Point Average and Graduate Predicate ................................................... 115
5.10. Academic Sabbath (Cuti Akademik) ................................................................. 116
5.11. Mutation/Transfer Student ................................................................................. 116


The implementation of Aquaculture Study Program in Faculty of Fisheries

and Marine, Universitas Airlangga in order to produce graduates according to
science and technology development on fisheries and marine as well as conform
the demands of development, so has to be clear in vision, mission, outcomes and
sub-outcomes and conformity with KKNI level 6 (equal to Bachelor Degree).

1.1. Vision

Become the study program nationally known and having competitive

advantages in developing and implementing science, insight and technology in
aquaculture field focused on Fish Health and Environmental Sustainability as
well as become an independent human resources developing science and
technology in aquaculture in line with morality, ethics and environmetal
sustainability and representing social welfate oriented institution.

1.2. Mission

The mission of Aquaculture Study Program in Faculty of Fisheries and

Marine are:
a. Providing academic education in the field of aquaculture based
advance learning technology that can motivate the students to have the
confidence and professional skills as well as a strong desire to develop
their knowledge
b. Conducting basic research, applied and policy research which is
innovative and high quality in the field of aquaculture to the
c. Dedicated their expertise in the field of aquaculture to the community
d. Develop partnerships and information systems of science and
technology with several government and private institutions which is

1.3. Profile

Graduate graduated from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas

Airlangga are prospected to play role as:
a. Manager, the one having ability in organizing workforce and becoming
a community leader in Fisheries and Marine field
b. Enterpreneur, the one having braveness in well conducting a risk
management and developing a owned fisheries industry

c. Researcher, the one having capability in exploring fisheries and marine
resources through performing research
d. Instructor/Lecturer, the one, who can transfer knowledge and give
understanding to stakeholders in line with the development of fisheries
and marine technology

1.4. Learning Outcomes

1. Capable to solve problems in aquaculture field especially in fish

diseases and aquatic environment health
2. Capable to develop fisheries and marine technology
3. Capable to develop logics and analysis in making decision for fisheries
and marine field
4. Capable to increase fishery and marine product’s value added
5. Capable to grow the fisheries industry
6. Capable to control fish pest and disease
7. Capable to estimate supporting potency for fisheries and marine
resources development
8. Capable in aquatic environment management
9. Capable in hatchery technology
10. Capable in fish feed and nutrition
11. Capable of implementing eco-friendly and sustainable aquaculture
12. Capable of implementing aquaculture technology
13. Capable of implementing policy on fisheries and marine development

1.5. Description on KKNI Level 6 (Equal to Bachelor Degree)

The Aquaculture Study Program in Faculty of Fisheries and Marine

according to KKNI level 6 (Equal to Bachelor Degree) as following below:

1. Capable of advancing science and technology in the field concerned

2. Capable of adapting towards situation faced in solving problem

3. Capable of undestanding teoritical concept on a particular science field

generally and specifically about special topic in a particular science

4. Capable of formulating the procedure of problem solving

5. Capable of making proper decision in line with baseline analysis

6. Capable of giving instruction for choosing various alternatives

7. Responsible to the duties and ready to be allocated responsibilities on

organizational objectives

Table 1.1 Relationship Description of KKNI and Learning Outcome in order to Achieve
Vision, Mission, Profile, Learning Outcome and Sub-Outcome in Aquaculture
Study Program, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine

Expected Type of
Element of Competence
Description on Qualification of Learning Competence
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
ELO 1, 2,
1. Capable to utilize science v v
4, 5, 6, 8,
and technology in areas of v v
9, 10, and
experties v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
2. Capable to adapt to the ELO 1, 4, v v
situation 5, and 13 v v
v v
v v

v v
v v
3. Capable for mastering the
v v
theoretical concept of ELO 2
v v
certain knowledge both in and 7
v v
general and specific
v v
v v

v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
4. Capable to formulate the
ELO 1, 4, v v
solving problem
8, and 13 v v
v v
v v
v v

v v
v v
5. Capable to take a decision
ELO 1, 3, v v
according to analysis of
4, and 7 v v
information and data
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
6. Capable to provide a
ELO 3 v v
guidance for choosing the
and 7 v v
alternative solution
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
v v
7. Responsible in self-duty v v
and be responsible on ELO 1 to v v
organization performance 13 v v
result v
v v
v v
v v


U : Main competence
P : Supporting competence
K : Specific competence
MPK : Character building course
MKK : Knowledge and skill course
MKB : Creative skill course
MPB : Creative attitude course
MBB : Civilization course
ELO : Expected Learning Outcome
1. Capable to solve problems in aquaculture field especially in fish
diseases and aquatic environment health
2. Capable to develop fisheries and marine technology
3. Capable to develop logics and analysis in making decision for
fisheries and marine field
4. Capable to increase fishery and marine product’s value added
5. Capable to grow the fisheries industry
6. Capable to control fish pest and disease
7. Capable to estimate supporting potency for fisheries and marine
resources development
8. Capable in aquatic environment management
9. Capable in hatchery technology
10. Capable in fish feed and nutrition
11. Capable of implementing eco-friendly and sustainable aquaculture
12. Capable of implementing aquaculture technology
13. Capable of implementing policy on fisheries and marine

1.6. Subject Organization

8 (6 credits) Final Exam
7 (8 credits) Implementation Scientific reasoning Seminar Coral High economic
of religion in (Philosophy of (Research Identification product value
life (Religion Science) proposal) (Coralogy) – from sea plant
II) Elective (Marine Biota
course Industrial
Technology) –
Elective course
6 (24 credits) Fish Feed Diseases caused by Application of Aquaculture Research stage Research Community Field work Standard The potential
technology virus and its control fish hatchery biotechnology (Research Design service program- practice (PKL) operating development of
development (Fish Disease technology engineering Methodology) (Experimental Learn based procedure of aquatic biota
(Fish Feed Analysis II) (Fish Breeding (Aquaculture Design) community (KKN- fish (Marine
Technology) Technology) Biotechnology BBM) quarantine Resources
) (Fish Exploration) –
Quarantine) – Elective course
5 (22 credits) Identification of Disease caused by The mechanism Fish The utilizing of Basic statistics The impact of Definition of The basic
parasitic worm bacteria and fungi of heredity on reproduction fish nutrient to analyze the water pollution on entrepreneurship concept and
(Fish parasites and its control (Fish fish as the fish systemand and its results of the aquaculture and the process molecular
and disease II) Disease Analysis I) breeding base biotechnology application study (Water Pollution) (Entrepreneurship) biology role
(Genetic and (Fish (Fish Nutrient) (Statistics) on problem-
Fish Breeding) Reproduction) solving in
fisheries field
to Molecular
4 (20 credits) Identification of Basic concept of The basic The basic Changes in fish Natural feed Coastal resources
protozoa and marine culture concept of principles of tissue cultivation and management
parasitic (Marine Culture brackish processing pathology (Fish (Life Feed analysis (Coastal
arthropods Management) aquaculture fish and non- Pathology) Culture) and Marine
(Fish parasites (Brackish scale fish Management)
and disease I) Water industry
Aquaculture (Fisheries
Management) Product
3 (22 credits) Type of The mechanism of The basic Management Body structure Biological and Types of boats, Biological

bacteria, fungi action and side concept of of water and normal cell ecological fishing gear and properties of fish
and virus cause effects of a freshwater quality for structure (Fish aspects of fishing techniques as a resource that
diseases on fish substance that can aquaculture aquaculture Histology) marine (Marine (Fish Capture can be utilized
and shrimp cause food management (Management Biology) Technology) (Fisheries
(Microbiology) poisoning (Freshwater of Water Biology)
(Introduction to Aquaculture Quality)
Aquatic Management)
2 (22 credits) Physical and Biochemistry Physiology of Social and Limnological Morphology of An aquatic
chemical process in organism aquatic animals behavioral conditions in Water environment that
processes in (Biochemistry) and processes in freshwater Invertebrate supports the
marine(Introduc environmental fisheries (Limnology) (Aquatic growth of the
tion to influences on community Invertebrates) organism (Aquatic
Oceanography) the physiology (Sociology Ecology)
of fish (Aquatic and
Animal Counselling
Physiology) Fisheries
1 (22 credits) Faith and Strengthening of Strengthening The functions English Law and policy The scope of Plankton and Basic concept Indonesian
Taqwa(Religion citizens in the the character of and fish organ (English) in fisheries fisheries and analysis plankton of aquaculture writings and
I) implementation of citizens in the systems fish development marine in aquatic (The Basic of scientific
Pancasila(Pancasila life of the (Ichthyology) (Fisheries Law (Introduction to (Planktonology) Aquaculture) presentations
) nation and Policy) Fisheries Science) (Bahasa
(Civics/ Indonesia)


2.1. Curriculum Structure

The curriculum structure and load of study on Aquaculture Study Program

in Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga consists of 146 credits
with the provision that 142 credits are required and 2 credits both in odd and even
semester are elective.

Table 2.1 The Curriculum Structure of Aquaculture Study Program in

Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
No Courses Credit Competency

Code Name Course Practice Total Kind Element

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
First Semester
1.a AGI101 Islamic Religion I
1.b AGP101 Kristen Protestant Religion I
1.c AGK101 Kristen Catholic Religion I
1.d AGH101 Hindu Religion I 2 0 2 Supporting MPK
1.e AGB101 Buddhism Religion I
1.f AGC001 Kong Hu Chu Religion I
2 NOP103 Pancasila 2 0 2 Supporting MPK
3 NOP104 Civics/Kewarganegaraan 2 0 2 Supporting MPK
4 PLU105 Planktonology 2 1 3 Main MKK
5 BAE110 English 2 0 2 Supporting MBB
6 HKA106 Fisheries Law and Policy 2 0 2 Main MBB
7 PLU104 Introduction to Fisheries Science 2 0 2 Main MKK
8 PLU103 Ichthyology 2 1 3 Main MKK
9 PLU101 Introduction to Aquaculture 2 0 2 Main MKK
10 BAI101 Bahasa Indonesia 2 0 2 Supporting MPK
Sub-total 22
Total Credit of Semester 1 22
Second Semester
11 PLU102 Aquatic Animal Physiology 2 1 3 Main MKK
12 BIK101 Biochemistry 2 1 3 Supporting MKK
13 PLL102 Limnology 2 1 3 Main MKK
Sociology and Counseling of
14 SOS252 1 1 2 Supporting MBB
15 PLU106 Aquatic Invertebrates 2 1 3 Supporting MKK
16 MNG301 Fisheries Agribusiness 2 0 2 Supporting MPB
17 PLL103 Introduction to Oceanography 2 1 3 Supporting MKK
18 PLL201 Aquatic Ecology 2 1 3 Supporting MKK
Sub-total 22
Total Credit of Semester 2 22
Third Semester
19 PLU202 Fish Histology 2 1 3 Special MKK
Introduction to Aquatic
20 FAT205 Pharmacology 2 0 2 Special MKK
21 PLU201 Fisheries Biology 2 1 3 Main MKK
22 MNG204 Water Quality Management 2 1 3 Main MKB

23 BIM202 Microbiology 2 1 3 Main MKK

24 BIL301 Marine Biology 2 1 3 Supporting MKK
25 PLT304 Fish Capture Technology 1 1 2 Supporting MKK
Fresh Water Aquaculture
26 MNG203 Management 2 1 3 Main MKB
Sub-Total 22
Total Credit of Semester 3 (Aquaculture) 22
Fourth Semester
27 KHD204 Fish Parasite and Disease I 2 1 3 Special MKB

28 MNG302 Marine Culture Management 2 1 3 Main MKB
Brackish Water Aquaculture
29 MNG202 Management 2 1 3 Main MKB
30 PLT301 Fisheries Product Technology 2 1 3 Supporting MKB
31 PLU203 Fish Pathology 2 1 3 Special MKK
32 PLP201 Life Feed Culture 2 1 3 Main MKB
33 MNG303 Coastal and Marine Management 2 0 2 Supporting MPB
Sub-Total 20
Total Credit of Semester 4 (Aquaculture) 20
Fifth Semester
34 KHD305 Fish Parasite and Disease II 1 1 2 Special MKB
35 KHD306 Fish Disease Analysis I 2 1 3 Special MKB
36 BIG301 Genetic and Fish Breeding 2 1 3 MKB MKB
37 MNW301 Entrepreneurship 2 0 2 Main MPB
38 PLU302 Fish Reproduction 2 1 3 Main MKK
39 NUI301 Fish Nutrient 2 1 3 Main MKK
40 PLL202 Water Pollution 1 1 2 Supporting MKB
41 MAS210 Statistics 2 0 2 Supporting MPB
42 BIS302 Introduction to Molecular Biology 2 0 2 Supporting MKK
Sub-Total 22
Total Credit of Semester 5 (Aquaculture) 22
Sixth Semester
43 PLT303 Fish Feed Technology 2 1 3 Main MKB
44 KHD307 Fish Disease Analysis II 2 1 3 Special MKB
Community Service -Learning
45 KNI491 Based Community (KKN-BBM) 0 3 3 Main MPK
46 PLT302 Fish Hatchery Technology 2 1 3 Main MKB
47 BIT401 Aquaculture Biotechnology 2 1 3 Main MKB
48 PNI497 Research Methodology 2 0 2 Supporting MPB
49 PNI301 Experimental Design 2 0 2 Supporting MPB
50 KLI401 Field Work Practice (PKL) 0 3 3 Main MPB
51 Elective Course 2 0 2
Sub-Total 24
Total Credit of Semester 6 (Aquaculture) 24
Seventh Semester
52.a AGI401 Islamic Religion II
52.b AGP401 Kristen Protestant II Supporting MPK
52.c AGK401 Kristen Catholic II
52.d AGH401 Hindu Religion II 2 0 2 Supporting MPK
52.e AGB401 Buddha Religion II
52.f AGC401 Kong Hu Chu II

53 PHI101 Philosophy of Science 2 0 2 Supporting MPK

54 PNI498 Research Proposal 2 0 2 Main MPB
55 PLU301 Elective Course 2 0 2 Supporting MKK
Sub-Total 8
Total Credit of Semester 7 (Aquaculture) 8
Eighth Semester
56 PNI499 Undergraduate Thesis (Skripsi) 6 0 6 Main MPB
Sub-Total 6
Total Credit of Semester 8 (Aquaculture Program) 6
57 PLU301 Coralogy 2 0 2 Supporting MKK
58 PLT309 Marine Biota Industrial Technology 1 1 2 Supporting MKB
59 PLU303 Fish Quarantine 2 0 2 Special MKK
60 PLL302 2 0 2 Supporting MKB
Marine Resources Exploration
Total Credit 146

MPK : Character building course

MKK : Knowledge and skill course
MKB : Creative skill course
MPB : Creative attitude course
MBB : Civilization course

Obligatory credit total : 142 credits

Additional credit (odd semester) : 2 credits
Additional credit (even semester) : 2 credits
Total credit : 146 credits

Table 2.2 The Load of Study Percentage on the Type of Competence in Aquaculture
Study Program

No. Semester Competence Total in each

Main Supporting Special Total %
1 I 12 10 0 22 15.06%
2 II 9 11 2 22 15.06%
3 III 12 5 5 22 15.06%
4 IV 9 5 6 20 13.70%
5 V 6 6 10 22 15.06%
6 VI 15 4 5 24 16.43%
7 VII 2 6 0 8 5.5%
8 VIII 6 0 0 6 4.1%
Total 71 47 28 146 100%
48.63% 32.19% 19.18% 146 100%


The description on curriculum/course of Aquaculture Study Program in

the Faculty of Fisheries ad Marine, Universitas Airlangga can be seen in Table 3.1
to Table 3.94.

Semester I

Tabel 3.1.a. Description on Islamic Religion I

1. Course Islamic Religion I (belum ada GBPP)

2. Code of Course AGI101
3. Load of Study 2 (two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (First)-Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to explain the faith,
piety, develop noble character and make
6. Competence Islam as the foundation of thinking and
behaving in the development of the
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
This course explains about conception of
God in Islam, Faith and Piety,
Implementation of Faith and Piety in
Modern Life, Humanity According to
Islam, Law, Human Rights and
Democracy in Islam, Islamic Law and
9. Course Description Contribution of Indonesian Muslims,
Ethics, Moral, Science and Arts in Islam,
Interreligious Harmony, Civil Society and
People's Welfare, Islamic Economy,
Islamic Culture, and Islamic Political
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Moral, Ethics
11. Learning Method Contextual Instruction, Discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
Task/Paper (12,5%), Presentation and
13. Study Assessment Discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Nurul Asiyah Nadhifah, M.HI.
1. Ahmad, HA. Malik, Tauhid, Membina
Pribadi Muslim dan Masyarakat,
Jakarta, al-Hidayah, 1980.
2. Madjid, Nurcholis, Cita-cita Politik
Islam Era Reformasi, Jakarta:
15. References Paramadi-na, Cetakan keenam, 2002
3. Shihab, Muhammad Quraish,
Membumikan al-Qur’an, Cetakan ke
12, Bandung : Mizan, 1996.
4. Djatnika, Rachmat, Sistem Etika Islam,

Jakarta: Pustaka Panimas, 1990.
5. Muslim Nurdin, K.H., dkk., Moral dan
Kognisi Islam, Bandung : Alfabeta, Edisi
kedua, 1995.

Tabel 3.1.b. Description on Protestant Religion I

1. Course Protestant Religion I (belum ada GBPP)

2. Code of Course AGP101
3. Load of Study 2 (two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (First) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to explain the love
of God in Jesus Christ with the guidance
of the Holy Spirit so that it can grow as a
whole person in all aspects and can prove
6. Competence themself as a mature human, responsible
to God, other humans and their natural
environment and willing to devote their
whole life and work to the benefit of their
fellow human beings.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
Protestant Christianity is religion which
provides a source of value and guidance
in the development of a Christian
personality that upholds human dignity.
This is presented based on the compenent
of Curriculum Based Competency
(KBK), which consists of Competencies,
9. Course Description Substance Studies, Sub-Events and the
whole process of learning including
methodology and evaluation. The
substance of the study is a topic that has
been determined by the Directorate
General of Higher Education through
Decree no. 38 / Dikti / Kep / 2002.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Moral, Ethics
11. Learning Method Contextual Instruction, Discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
Task/Paper (12,5%), Presentatio and
13. Study Assessment Discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Didik Mismanto, S.Th.
1. Bre Redana. 2002. Potret Manusia
Sebagai Si Anak Kebudayaan Massa.
LSPP – Jakarta.
2. Browniee, M. 1987. Tugas Manusia
Dalam Dunia Milik Tuhan. BPK
Gunung Mulia – Jakarta.
15. References 3. David Bergamini. 1979. Alam
Semesta. Tira Pustaka – Jakarta.
4. Eka Darmaputera. 2002. Beragama
dengan Akal Sehat. Gloria –

Tabel 3.1.c. Description on Catholic Religion I

1. Course Catholic Religion I (belum ada GBPP)

2. Code of Course AGK101
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (First) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to explain adequate
faith, so they are able to account for and
6. Competence realize their faith as an inclusive, social,
congregating and socializing Christian.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
This course explains the nature and
dimensions of humanity, the Supreme
Godhead, Jesus Christ, the Ethics-Moral,
the Dialogue and the harmony of the
faithful, the socializing faith, the Culturing
9. Course Description Church, the Science of Technology and the
Arts, the Political Social Life, the Law, the
Human Rights, And democracy in
Catholicism and the Role of Women in the
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Moral, Ethics
11. Learning Method Contextual Instruction, Discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
Task/Paper (12,5%), Presentation and
13. Study Assessment Discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Moses G. Pandin, S.S., M.Psi.
1. Nico Syukur, Filsafat Agama Kristiani,
Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius
2. Drijarkara, Filsafat Manusia,
Yogyakarta: Penerbit:Kanisius
3. Dep Pendidikan Nasional, Modul
Acuan Proses Pembelajaran
15. References Matakuliah Pengembangan
Kepribadian: Pendidikan agama
4. Iman katolik, buku informasi dan
referensi, Jakarta: Obor.
5. Katekismus Gereja Katolik, Embuiru,
Ende: Nusa Indah.

Tabel 3.1.d. Description on Hindu Religion I

1. Course Hindu Religion I (belum ada GBPP)

2. Code of Course AGH101
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (First) –Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to explain the meaning
of Godhead, the God of the Nirakara and
Akara, the Chess Marga of Yoga, the means,
place and feast day of worship, the
conception of human and human dignity, the
saint and awatara actualization of ethics and
morality in life, srada, jnana , Karma as a
6. Competence unity in yadnya, trihita karana and
responsibility to the environment, the
essence of togetherness in religious
plurality, the role of Hindus in realizing a
prosperous society, the source of Hindu
teachings about politics, the role of
Hinduism in the formulation and
enforcement of the law
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
The concept of God (Brahma Widya), Chess
Marga Yoga, Hindu Human Nature I, Hindu
Human Nature II, Ethics and Morality I,
Ethics and Morality II, Science Technology
In Hindu Perspective I, II, Harmony of
9. Course Description Religious People, Working Community
Jagadhita, Culture as an Experience of
Hinduism, Politics According to Hindu
Perspective, Hinduism in the Framework of
Enforcing Justice.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Moral, Ethics
11. Learning Method Contextual Instruction, Discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
Task/Paper (12,5%), Presentation and
13. Study Assessment Discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Drs. I Ketut Arta
1. Tim Penyusun. 1997. Pendidikan
Agama Hindu Untuk Perguruan
Tinggi. Hanuman Sakti.
2. Ketut Wiana. 1994. Bagaimana
Hindu Menghayati Tuhan.
15. References Manikgeni.
3. I.B. Punya Atmaja. 1974. Panca
Sradha. PHDI Pusat. I Made Titib.
1996. Veda Sabda Suci Pedoman
Praktis Kehidupan. Paramita.

Tabel 3.1.e. Description on Buddhism Religion I

1. Course Buddhism Religion I (belum ada GBPP)

2. Code of Course AGB101
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (First) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to explain the
essence of God Almighty and practice
the Godhead of God Almighty. Students
have understanding and understand the
existence of God, Bodhisattva, Arahat
and Buddha so that students are able to
6. Competence carry out their role model. Students
understand about Bodhisattva and
Buddha and live and practice Dharma.
Students can understand and understand
the Law of the Sunyataan and the law of
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
The essence of God Almighty, in the
Holy Bible UDANA VIII: 3 is described
as follows: The Absolute and
Unconditioned and Unborn is Nibbana.
(Persons who have attained Sainthood)
Arahats. The Birth of P, Sidarta for Six
Years and the Perfect Illumination of
Buddhism, the Discipline of Dharma in
the Garden of Isipatana the formation of
the Sangha. Before a person becomes a
9. Course Description Buddha he must become a Bodishatva,
possessing Metta Karuna and Mudita
and more concerned with others than
himself. The law of the Sunyataan that
prevailed in 31 realms of life, Alam
Arupa Loka, Rupa Loka and Karma
Loka. The karmic law of deeds done by
mano Vacci and karma and driven by
cetana, without Cetana there will be no
karma, Karma is the result of deed and
will receive, apply and implement.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Moral, Ethics
11. Learning Method Contextual Instruction, Discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
Task/ Paper (12,5%), Presentation and
13. Study Assessment Discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Pdt. Kemawati
1. Kuliah Agama Budha Untuk
Perguruan Tinggi
15. References 2. Dhamma pada Inti Sari Ajaran Sang

Tabel 3.1.f. Description on Kong Hu Chu I

1. Course Kong Hu Chu I (belum ada GBPP)

2. Code of Course AGC001
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (First)-Required
5. Requirement -
The students are ble to explain the faith,
6. Competence piety, and develop noble character as
Kong Hu Chu teachings.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
This course describes the history of
Confucius, Confucius, Kong Hu Chu,
9. Course Description the Concept of Godhead, true character
or human nature according to Kong Hu
Chu and the spread of Confucianism.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Etika
Contextual Instruction, Discussion,
11. Learning Method Presentation
12. Learning Media LCD
Task/Paper (12,5%), Presentation and
13. Study Assessment Discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer PJMA : MKWU Team
a. Dawson, R. 1993. Kong Hu Cu
15. References Penata Budaya Kerajaan Langit.
Grafiti. Jakarta. 145 pp.

Tabel 3.2. Description on Civics

1. Course Civics (belum ada GBPP)

2. Code of Course NOP 104
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (First) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students are ble to analyze the
constextual problems of nationality, by
developing positive attitudes and displaying
6. Competence behaviors as a reflection: (i) the spirit of
nationality and love of the homeland, (ii) a
civilized democracy, and (iii) legal
awareness and diversity
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
This course contains the concept and
description of the situation relating to
strengthening the character of citizens in the
life of the nation and state, the discourse on
the subject includes: Civics as the
orientation of character strengthening,
National Identity, State and Constitution,
9. Course Description Rights and Obligations of Citizens,
Indonesian Democracy and National
Integration . The framework of the
discussion is related to the phenomenon of
globalization, human rights and democracy
(politics and economy) as well as dynamics
to actual Indonesiaan like Anti-Corruption
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Communication
11. Learning Method Contextual Instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD, white board, hand-out
13. Study Assessment Task (30%), UTS (30%), UAS (40%)
14. Lecturer MKWU Team
1. Adib, Mohammad, Listiyono Santoso,
dan Ajar Triharso. 2013. Pendidikan
Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan :
Sebuah Pengantar Membangun
Karakter Bangsa. Surabaya: Airlangga
University Press.
2. Tim ICCE UIN Jakarta, 2003.
Demokrasi, HAM dan Masyarakat
15. References Madani. Jakarta: Prenada Media.
3. Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik
Indonesia 1945 (Hasil Amandemen).
4. Winarno. 2007. Paradigma Baru
Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Jakarta :
Bumi Aksara.
5. Latif, Yudi. 2014. Mata Air
Keteladanan : Pancasila dalam
Perbuatan. Jakarta: Mizan.

Tabel 3.3. Description on Pancasila

1. Course Pancasila
2. Code of Course NOP 103
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits
4. Semester 1 (First)
5. Requirement -
The students are able to review, analyze
and solve the problems of nation and
6. Competence state development in the perspective of
Pancasila basic values as ideology and
basic of the Republic of Indonesia
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
This course contains the concept and
description of the situation related to the
strengthening of citizens in the
implementation of the values of
Pancasila in the life of the nation and the
state, the perception of the actual
situation of ideology, the State and the
9. Course Description citizens. More specifically this course
discusses Pancasila in the study of the
history of the nation, Pancasila as the
foundation of the State, Pancasila as the
State ideology, Pancasila as a system of
philosophy, Pancasila as an ethical
system, Pancasila as the basis of science
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Leadership
11. Learning Method Contextual Instruction, task, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD, white board, hand-out
13. Study Assessment Task (30%), UTS (30%), UAS (40%)
14. Lecturer MKWU Team
1. Notonegoro, 1975. Pancasila Ilmiah
Populer. Jakarta: Pantjuran Tujuh.
2. Sutrisno, Slamet. 2006. Filsafat dan
Ideologi Pancasila. Yogyakarta :
15. References Penerbit Andi
3. TIM MKWU Unair, 2014.
Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kwn
Untuk Karakter Bangsa, Surabaya.

Tabel 3.4. Description on Planktonology

1. Course Planktonology
2. Code of Course PLU105
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 1 (First) -Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of study, the students are able to
explain about the plankton as life feed for
6. Competence fish and role of plankton in biological
balance in aquatic
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKK
The course discusses about the roles,
taxonomy, classification and group of
plankton, the distribution of plankton in
9. Course Description various aquatic, the function of plankton in
the aquatic, and identify plankton
qualitatively and quantitatively
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Communication
Instruction, Small Group Discussion, Self-
11. Learning Method Directed Learning, Simulation, Discovery
12. Learning Media LCD, Power Point, Textbook
UTS (20%); Task/ Paper/ Presentation
13. Study Assessment (40%); UAS (30%), Soft skill (10%)
Coordinator : Sudarno, Ir., M.Kes.;
Committee : Dr. Endang Dewi Masithah,
Ir., M.P; Rahayu Kusdarwati, Ir., M.Kes;
14. Lecturer Moch. Amin Alamsjah, Ir., Msi, Ph.D;
Rozi, S.Pi., M. Biotech; Mohammad
Faizal Ulkhaq, S.Pi., M.Si (Banyuwangi)
1. Davis, C. 1951. The Marine and
Freshwater Plankton. Michigan State
University Press.
2. Hutabarat, S. Dan Evans M. S. 2000.
Kunci Identifikasi Zooplankton.
15. References
Universitas Indonesia Press.
3. Sachlan, M. 2000. Planktonologi.
Jurusan Perikanan, Fakultas
Peternakan dan Perikanan UNDIP,

Tabel 3.5. Description on English

1. Course English (belum ada GBPP)

2. Code of Course BAE110
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (First)-Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to engage in
English conversations in accordance with
6. Competence tenses and grammar, and the highest level
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MBB
English course describes simple present
tense, present continuous tense, present
perfect tense, present perfect continuous
tense, simple past tense, past continuous
tense, past perfect tense, past perfect
continuous tense, simple future tense,
future continuous tense, future perfect
Tense, future perfect continuous tense,
9. Course Description past future perfect tense, past future
perfect continuous tense, noun, singular
and plural, pronoun, verbal, gerund,
adjective, adverb, preposition,
conjunction, question tags, Modals,
subjunctive, degrees comparison of
adjective, direct and indirect speech,
case, passive voice, conditional sentence,
gender, interjection.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Oral communication
Contextual instruction, discussion,
11. Learning Method presentation
12. Learning Media LCD
Task/Paper (12,5%), Presentation and
13. Study Assessment Discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer PJMA : MKWU Team
a. Strauss, J. 2011. The Blue Book of
Grammar and Punctuation. Jossey-
Bass and a Wiley Imprint.
15. References Indianapolis. USA. 176 pp.
b. Latham, R.G. 2009. A Hand Book of
the English. America Libraries. New
York. USA. 408 pp.

Tabel 3.6. Description on Fisheries Law and Policy

1. Course Fisheries Law and Policy

2. Code of Course HKA106
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (First)-Required
5. Requirement -
The student will be able to understand
about legistlation system as a
6. Competence Government’s law product and policy in
establishing fisheries in Indonesia
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MBB
This course discuss about fisheries
development, convention, law and
9. Course Description policy regulating fisheries development
system and fisheries industry in
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline and Communication
Instruction and Discussion, Discovery
11. Learning Method Learning, Small Group Discussion
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point
Task/Paper (12,5%), Presentation and
13. Study Assessment Discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
Coordinator : Prof. Moch.Amin
Alamsjah, Ir., M.Si.,Ph.D.;
Committee : Prof. Dr. Sri Subekti, drh.,
14. Lecturer DEA; Kustiawan Tri Pursetyo, S.Pi.,
M.Vet; Annur Ahadi Abdillah, S.Pi.,
M.Si; Eka Saputra, S.Pi., M.Si; Heru
Pramono, S.Pi., M.Biotech.
a. Albert W. Koers. 1972. Konvensi
Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa tentang
Hukum Laut. Penerjemah: Rudi M.
Rizki, Wahyuni Bahar. Penyunting:
Komar Kantaatmadja, Etty R.
Agoes. Gadjah Mada University
b. Chairul Anwar . 1995. ZEE di dalam
Hukum Internasional.. Sinar Grafika
c. Charles O, Jones. 1994 .Pengantar
Kebijakan Publik (Public Policy).;
15. References Editor: Nashir Budiman. Raja
Grafindo Persada.
d. Departeman Kelautan dan Perikanan
RI. 2002. RENSTRA Pembangunan
Kelautan dan Perikanan 2001-2004.
e. Food and Agriculture Organization
of The United Nation. 1995. Code of
Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.
f. Frans F. Likadja, Daniel F. Besle.
1994. Hukum Laut dan Undang

Undang Perikanan. Ghalia
g. Keputusan Menteri Kelautan dan
Perikanan No. Kep. 34/MEN/2002
tentang Pedoman Umum Penataan
Ruang Pesisir dan Pulau- Pulau
h. Samodra Wibawa. 1994. Kebijakan
Publik: Proses dan Analisis..
i. Undang Undang No. 13 tahun 2004
tentang Perikanan
j. Undang Undang No. 32 tahun 2004
tentang Pemerintahan Daerah
k. Undang Undang No. 33 tahun 2004
tentang Perimbangan Keuangan
antara Pusat dan Pemerintahan
l. Undang Undang No. 16 tahun 1992
tentang Karantina Hewan, Ikan dan
m. Undang Undang No. 4 tahun 1982
tentang Ketentuan Ketentuan Pokok
Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
n. Undang Undang No. 23 tahun 1997
tentang Pengelolaan Lingkungan
o. Undang Undang No. 27 tahun 1999
tentang Analisis Mengenai Dampak
p. Undang Undang No. 7 tahun 2006
tentang Perlindungan Nelayan

Tabel 3.7. Description on Introduction to Fisheries Science

Introduction to Fisheries Science (belum

1. Course ada GBPP)
2. Code of Course PLU104
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (First) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students can explain the fishery
6. Competence sectors in relation to increasing the
productivity of fishery resources.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKK
This course includes freshwater
cultivation, brackish water cultivation, sea
water cultivation, Panca / Sapta fishery,
Traditional and modern processing
methods (Drying Methods of Fishery
Products, Methods of Frying of Fishery
Products, Canning Methods of Fishery
Products, Methods of Fishing Products),
Fisheries Business Management /
9. Course Description Management, Environmental
Conservation. This is based on the fields
in fisheries science that has been widely
developed in Indonesia. The hope is that
the students will be better able to
understand the field of fisheries and can
develop it in the future. An overview of
the scope of the lecture can be seen in the
material organization.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Analytical, solutive
E-Learning, discussions, presentations,
11. Learning Method assignments.
12. Learning Media LCD
UAS(40%); UTS(30%); Task (10%);
13. Study Assessment Quiz (10%); Soft skills(10%)
Coordinator : Boedi Setya Rahardja, Ir.,
14. Lecturer
Committee : A. Haris Santosa, Ir., MM.;
Sudarno, Ir., M.Si.; Prayogo, S.Pi., MP.
1. Afrianto, E dan Liviawaty, E. 1989.
Pengawetan dan Pengolahan Ikan.
Kanisius. Yogyakarta. 125 hlm.
2. Anonymous. 2000. Advanced
Aquaculture. Taiwan Fisheries
Research Institute. Taiwan.
3. Brandt, A.V. 1964. Fish Catching
15. References Methods of The World. Fishing
News Book Ltd. England. 418 hlm
4. Bardach, J. E., Ryther, J. H. and
McLarney, W. O. 1972.
Aquaculture, The Farming and
Husbandry of Freshwater and
Marine Organisms, John Wiley and

Sons Inc., USA.
5. Dahuri, R dkk. 1996. Pengelolaan
Sumber Daya Wilayah Pesisir dan
Lautan Secara Terpadu. PT Pradnya
Paramita. Jakarta.

Tabel 3.8. Description on Ichthyology

1. Course Ichthyology
2. Code of Course PLU103
3. Load of Study 3 (three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 1 (first)-Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of study, the students are able to
6. Competence explain the fish in the scope of biology,
ecology and taxonomy.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKK
The course discusses on the scope of
ichthyology, morphology and taxonomy,
fish classification, identification and
classification, sensory organ, integument,
9. Course Description muscularis, skeleton, circulatory system,
digestive system, respiratory system,
urogenital system, nervous system and
hormone system.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline
Instruction, Discovery Learning,
11. Learning Method Simulaion
12. Learning Media LCD, Power Point, Textbook
Quiz (15%), UTS (20%), Task (10%),
13. Study Assessment Practice (15%), UAS (30%), Soft Skill
Coordinator : Rr. Juni Triastuti, S.Pi.,
Committee : Laksmi Sulmartiwi, SPi.,
14. Lecturer MP. Kustiawan Tri Pursetyo, S.Pi.,
M.Vet; Annur Ahadi Abdillah, S.Pi.,
a. Djuhanda, T. 1981. Pengantar Anatomi
Perbandingan Vertebrata II. Armico,
b. Hoar, W.S., Randall, D.J. 1962. Fish
Physiology. Vol. 1 dan IV. Academic
Press. New York, San Fransisco,
c. Jasin, M. 1992. Zoologi Vertebrata
(untuk Perguruan Tinggi). Sinar
Wijaya, Surabaya
15. References d. Lagler, K.F., J.E. Bardach and R.R.
Miller. 1962. Ichthyologi: The Study of
Fishes. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New
York – London.
e. Saanin, H. 1995. Taksonomi dan Kunci
Identifikasi Ikan (1 dan 2). Binacipta,
f. Sjafei, D.S., M.F. Rahardjo, R.
Affandi, M. Brojo dan Sulistiono.
1992. Fisiologi Ikan II. Reproduksi
Ikan. Pascasarjana IPB. Bogor.

Tabel 3.9. Description on Introduction to Aquaculture

1. Course Introduction to Aquaculture

2. Code of Course PLU101
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2 – 1)
4. Semester 1 (First) -Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of the course, students should be
able to explain the basic concepts of fish
6. Competence aquaculture on freshwater, brackish water,
and marine.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKK
Explaining the definition of aquaculture
and analysis of the scope of aquaculture,
fish pond ecosystems, ecological aspects
in the management of fish ponds, food
9. Course Description webs in the fish pond, predict the carrying
capacity of ponds, increasing the value
added in the production and growth of fish
as well as the utilization of food energy
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline and Participation
Contextual Instruction, Discovery
11. Learning Method Learning
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point
UTS (20%), Quiz (20%), Practice Report
13. Study Assessment (10%), Task/ Paper (10%), UAS (35%),
Soft Skill (5%)
Coordinator : Muhammad Arief, Ir.,
Committee: Dr. Woro Hastuti, Ir., M.Si;
14. Lecturer Dr. A. Taufiq MuktiPrayogo, S.Pi., M.P;
Daruti W, S.Pi., M.P; Luthfiana, S.Pi.,
1. Afrianto, E. Liviawati, E. 2002.
Beberapa Metode Budidaya Ikan.
Kanisius .Yogyakarta.
2. Brawijaya University. 2002.
International Symposium on Ecology
and Health Safety Aspects of
Genetically Modified Agricultural
Products. Brawijaya University
Malang. 20 May 2002.
15. References 3. Brotowidjoyo, M. D, Tribawono,
DJ.Mulbyantoro , E. 1995. Pengantar
Lingkungan Perairan dan Budidaya
Air. Liberty, Yogyakarta
4. Dhont, J. and G.V. Stappen. 2003.
Biology, Tank Production and
Nutritional Value of Artemia in Live
Feeds in Marine Aquaculture. J. G.
Stottrup and L. A. Mc.Evoy(Eds).
Blackwell Science.

5. Handajani H, Hastuti, W.
2002.Budidaya Perairan. Bayu Media
dan UMM Press. Malang
6. Lucas, J.S. and P.C. Southgate. 2005.
Aquaculture, Farming Aquatic
Animals and Plants. Blackwell
Publishing, Oxford.
7. Matthew Landau, 1994, Introduction to
Aquaculture John Wiley and
SonsCanadaXv, 440 p, ind, bibl, apnd.
8. Michael L. Jahncke, E. Spencer,
Garret, Allan Reilly, Roy E. Martin,
Emille Cole, 2002Public, Animal, and
Environmental Aquaculture .
HealthIssues. A John Wiley and
Son,Inc, Publication, USA
9. Mukti, A., T., Arief, M., Hastuti, W.,
2013.Diktat Kuliah. Dasar-Dasar
Akuakultur. Program Studi Budidaya
Perairan. Fakultas Perikanan dan
Kelautan Airlangga. Surabaya
10. Paul Hart and John D Reynolds, 2002.
Handbook of Fish Biology and
Fisheries ( I & II). Wiley Blackwell.
11. Pillay TVR and Kutty MM,
2004.Aquaculture and Environment
2nd Edition Blackwell.
12. Pillay, T.V.R. and M.N. Kutty. 2005.
Aquaculture, Principles and Practices.
2nd Edition.Blackwell Publishing,
13. Rahardi, F. Kristiawati R., Nazarudin.
2003. Agribisnis Perikanan. Penebar
Swadaya, Jakarta.
14. Resosoedarmo, S., Kartawinata,K., dan
Soegiarto, A. 2002. Pengantar Ekologi.
Remaja Karya. Bandung.
15. Schmittou, H.R.,Jian,Zdan Cremer,
M.C. 2004. Beberapa Prinsip dan
Praktek Budidaya Ikan Kolam Sistem
80 : 20. American Soybean
16. TFRI. 2000. Advanced Aquaculture.
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute.
17. Zonneveld,N.,Huisman,E, A. dan
Boon, J,H. 2001. Prinsip-Prinsip
Budidaya Ikan. Gramedia Pustaka
Utama. Jakarta.

Tabel 3.10. Description on Bahasa Indonesia

1. Course Bahasa Indonesia (belum ada GBPP)

2. Code of Course BAI 103
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (First) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to use good and
correct Indonesian in scientific oral and
6. Competence scientific communication, upholding
scientific ethics, and have a positive
appreciation of the Indonesian language
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
This course discusses the important role
of Bahasa Indonesia and awakens
nationalism, among others, proud and
optimistic about Indonesian (soft skill).
In addition, enhanced spelling writing,
effective sentences, paragraph
development are also given as support in
writing scientific papers. In the field of
scientific essay will be presented
9. Course Description systematic problems of scientific essays,
citing techniques (scientific ethics),
techniques to compile a bibliography, as
well as in scientific writing. In order for
the skilled students to speak at once to
produce scientific work, students are
assigned to write scientific papers,
present groups in front of the class, and
discuss them.
Togetherness, discipline, meticulous,
10. Attribute of Soft Skill communicative, confidence, sensitivity
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD, white board, hand-out
Paper and presentation (35%), UTS
13. Study Assessment (30%), UAS (35%)
14. Lecturer MKWU Team
1. Sugiri, Eddy dan Mochtar Lutfi. 2013.
Penguatan Nilai-Nilai Karakter
Bangsa dalam Mata Kuliah Bahasa
Indonesia. Surabaya : Direktorat
Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga.
2. Rohmidi, Mohammad, Eddy Sugiri,
dan Aninditya Sri Nugraheni. 2013.
15. References Belajar Bahasa Indonesia : Upaya
Terampil Berbicara dan Menulis
Karya Ilmiah (Mata Kuliah Wajib
Pengembangan Kepribadian.
Surakarta : Cakrawala Media.
3. Nasucha, H. Yakub dkk. 2010. Bahasa
Indonesia untuk Penulisan Karya Tulis
Ilmiah. Surakarta: Media Perkasa.

4. Maimunah, Siti Annijad. 2007. Buku
Pintar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta.
Prestasi Pustaka.

Semester II
Tabel 3.11. Description on Aquatic Animal Physiology

1. Course Aquatic Animal Physiology

2. Code of Course PLU102
3. Load of Study 3 (three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 2 (second) -Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of study, the students are able to
summarize the fish physiology as aquatic
6. Competence organism, subsequently, can be a basic of
development technique on fisheries field.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKK
The course discusses on scope of aquatic
animal physiology, physiology system,
osmoregulation, nervous system,
endocrine system, digestive system and
nutrition, metabolism and growth,
9. Course Description sensory, physiological circulation,
physiology of the reproductive system,
aquatic toxicology, the influences of
environmental factors on the physiology
and adaptation of fish in abiotic
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Communication
Self-Directed Learning, Cooperative
11. Learning Method Learning
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point
Quiz (20%), Task (20%), Practice (20%),
13. Study Assessment UTS (40%), UAS (60%)
PJMA : Laksmi Sulmartiwi S.Pi.,MP.;
14. Lecturer Committee : Prof. Dr. Ir. Hari Suprapto
1. Heath, A.G., 1987. Water Polllution
and Fish Physiology, CRC Press.
2. Lagler, RR Miller, JE Bardach, 1962.
Ichtyologi. John willey and Sons, NY
3. R. Mardiati, 2000. Faal Endokrin, CV.
Sagung Seto, Jakarta
4. Sulmartiwi, L. dan H. Suprapto, 2009.
15. References Bahan Ajar Fisiologi Hewan Air. FPK
Unair Surabaya.
5. W.S. Hoar & D.J. Randall, 1988. Fish
Physiology, Academic Press.London
(Vol 1-6).
6. Y. Fujaya, 2004. Fisiologi Ikan (Dasar
Pengembangan Teknik Perikanan)
Rineka cipta Jakarta

Tabel 3.12. Description on Biochemistry

1. Course Biochemistry
2. Code of Course BIK101
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 2 (Second) -Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of study, the students are able
to explain about biochemical and
metabolic processes that occur in living
6. Competence organism as well as biocatalyst especially
aquatic biota, both physiological and
pathological circumstances.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MKK
The course discusses about the
explanation on the term and role of
biochemistry in living organism, role of
carbohydrate, lipid, protein, nucleic acid,
9. Course Description co-enzyme, cell structure and function,
metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid,
protein and amino acid as well as
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Communication
11. Learning Method Discovery learning
12. Learning Media Computer,LCD, Power Point
Task/PAper (11,11%), Presentation and
Discussion (11,11%), Practice Report
13. Study Assessment (11,11%), Soft Skill (11,11%), UTS
(22,22%), UAS (33,34%)
PJMA : Prof. Moch. Amin Alamsjah, Ir.,
M.Si., Ph.D.
Committee : Prof. Dr. Sri Subekti, DEA.,
14. Lecturer drh., Annur Ahadi Abdillah, S.Pi., M.Si.,
Eka Saputra, S.Pi., M.Si., Heru Pramono,
S.Pi., M. Biotech.
1. Murray, R.K., D.K. Granner, P.A.
Mayes and V.W. Rodwell. 2008.
Harper’s Illustrated Biochemistry.
29th Edition.
15. References 2. Stryer, L. 1988. Biochemistry.
3. Lehninger, A.L., D.L. Nelsom. And
M.M. Cox. 1993. Principles of

Tabel 3.13. Description on Limnology

1. Course Limnology
2. Code of Course PLL102
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 2 (Second) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to directly analyze
6. Competence the conditions of freshwater limnologist in
the field properly and accurately.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKK
Discussed classification of tap and lotic
waters, heat dissemination and movement
of water, specific gravity, surface tension,
water viscosity, water-soluble material
and transformation, water pH and
alkalinity, water-soluble oxygen, carbon
dioxide, nitrogen, phosphorus, methane in
9. Course Description freshwater ecosystem , Minerals and
organic materials in water, plankton,
benthos, high level plants (biological
relationship with physical and chemical
properties of water), as well as aquatic
productivity. Is based on the analysis of
freshwater resources potential in terms of
physics, chemistry and aquatic biology.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Analytical, solutive
E-learning, practice, discussions,
11. Learning Method presentations, assignments
12. Learning Media LCD
UAS (30%); UTS (20%); Practice (20%);
13. Study Assessment Task (10%); Soft skill (10%)
Coordinator : Boedi Setya Rahardja, Ir.,
14. Lecturer Committee : Yudi Cahyoko, Ir., M.Si.;
Prayogo, S.Pi., MP.; Abdul Manan, S.Pi.,
1. Alabaster, J.S. and R. Llyoid. 1980.
Water Quality for Freshwater Fish.
FAO. Of the United Nations. London.
2. APHA, AWKA, WPFC. 1976.
Standard Methods for Examination of
Water and Wastewater, 14th Ed.
American Publ. Health Asc. New
15. References York.
3. Boyd, C.E. 1992. Water Quality
Management for Pond Fish Culture.
Department of Fisheries and Allied
Aquacultures. Agricultural Experiment
Station. Auburn University, Alabama,

Tabel 3.14. Description on Sociology and Counselling of Fisheries

Sociology and Counselling of Fisheries

1. Course (belum ada GBPP)
2. Code of Course SOS252
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 2 (Second) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students are expected to be able to
explain the profile of life of fishery
6. Competence society, about social process and behavior
that happened.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MBB
Discusses the social processes, status
9. Course Description systems, and structuring of fisheries
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Leadership, teamwork, disiplin,
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
UTS (20%),Task (20%), UAS (50%), Soft
13. Study Assessment Skills (10%)
Coordinator: Agustono, Ir., M.Kes.;
14. Lecturer Committee : Djoko Tribawono, Ir., M.Si.
1. Diktat Penyuluhan (berbagai sumber)
2. Diktat Sosiologi Pedesaan (berbagai
15. References sumber)
3. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Miskin
diPesisir Pantai.

Tabel 3.15. Description on Aquatic Invertebrates

1. Course Aquatic Invertebrate

2. Code of Course PLU106
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 2 (Second) - Required
5. Requirement -
Students are able to characterize aquatic
6. Competence invertebrates
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MKK
This course studies on anatomy,
physiology (movement, feed and
nutrition and feeding habit, resporatory
system and excretion), reproduction,
9. Course Description classfication, relationship to the aquatic
ecosystem and economic value of
aquatic invertebrates such as Porifera,
Protozoa, Helmyth, Arthropods, Mollusc
and Echinodermata
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline and active participation
11. Learning Method Self Directed Learning
12. Learning Media Power Point, LCD, teks book
Quiz (10%); Task, Practice
Report(20%); Practice exam (10%);
13. Study Assessment UTS (20%); UAS (30%); Soft Skill
Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Sri Subekti,
DEA., drh.;
Committee : Rosmanida, M.Kes., dra.;
14. Lecturer Dr. Kismiyati, Ir., M.Si.; Sapto
Andriyono, S.Pi., MT.; Kustiawan Tri
Pursetyo, S.Pi.
1. Barnes, R.D., 1982. Invertebrate
Zoology, 4 th Ed. Saunder College,
Philadelphia, Holt Saunders Japan,
2. Beaumont A et Cassier P,
1981.Biologie Animale des
Protozoaires aux Metazoaires
epithelioneuriens. Tome I. Dunod
3. Brusca, R,C, and G.J. Brusca, 2003.
15. References Invertebrates. Sinauer Associates.
Second Edition
4. Merritt, R.W and Cummins K.W.,
1979. An Introductionm to the
Aquatic Insects of North America. .
Third Printing Kendall/Hunt Pub
Comp. Iowa.
5. Rokhmin Dahuri, 2003.
Keanekaragaman Hayati Laut.PT
Gramedia Utama. Jakarta.

6. Soulsby EJL., 1986. Helminths,
Arthropods and Protozoa of
Domesticated Animals. English
Language Book Service Bailliere
Tindall. 7th. Ed.
7. Sri Subekti, Kismiyati, Rosmanida,
Sapto Andriyono, dan Kustiawan
T.P., 2016. Teks book Avertebrata
Air. Global Persada Press, Surabaya
8. Suwignyo, S., Widagdo, B.,
Wardianto, Y dan Krisanti, M.,
2005. Avertebrata Air jilid I.
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta
9. Wallace, R.L. and Taylor, W.K.,
2002. Invertebrate Zoology. A
Laboratory Manual. Sixth Edition.
Prentice Hall. Upper Saddle River
NJ 07458 Webb JE,
10. Wallwork JA and Ellgood JH, 1980.
Guide to Invertebrate Animals.
Second Edition. The Maccmillan
Press Ltd. London.

Tabel 3.16. Description on Fisheries Agribusiness

1. Course Fisheries Agribusiness (belum ada GBPP)

2. Code of Course MNG301
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 2 (Second) -Required
5. Requirement -
Setelah mengikuti mata ajaran Agribisnis
Perikanan, mahasiswa mampu
6. Competence menjelaskan proses agribisnis perikanan
dan aplikasi di lapangan.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPB
The students are able to explain the
9. Course Description process of agribusiness fishery and
application in the field.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, participation
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, presentation
12. Learning Media LCD
UTS (30%), Practice (10%), Paper (10%),
13. Study Assessment UAS (40%), Soft Skill (10%)
Coordinator : Dr. Kismiyati, Ir., M.Si.;
14. Lecturer Committee : Kustiawan Tri Pursetyo,
S.Pi., M.Vet.
1. Larsen, K., R. Kim, and F. Theus.
2009. Agribusiness and Innovation
Systems in Africa (Agriculture and
Rural Development Series). CRC
15. References Press. USA.
2. Committee on Fish Stock Assessment.
1998. Methods and National Research
Council Improving Fish Scock
Assessments. CRC Press. USA.

Tabel 3.17. Description on Introduction to Oceanography

1. Course Introduction to Oceanography

2. Code of Course PLL103
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 2 (Second) -Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of study, the students are able to
apply the phenomenon in the sea and
6. Competence explain how it can be occurred such as
season, wind and tidal
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MKK
The course discusses on sea and land, the
physical, biological and chemical
9. Course Description properties of sea, sediment, tidal, sea
current, ocean and climate, sea pollution as
well as the effect for human.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline and Participation
11. Learning Method Self-Directed Learning
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point
Quiz (20%); UTS (30%); UAS (40%);
13. Study Assessment Soft Skill (10%)
Coordinator : Dr. Gunanti Mahasri, Ir.,
14. Lecturer Committee : Prof. Moch. Amin Alamsjah,
Ir., M.Si., Ph.D; Abdul Manan, S.Pi.,
M.Si; Putri Desi Wulansari, S.Pi., M.Si
1. Ckarlesw. B M. 2008.Biological
Oceanography. Blackwell science
2. Friedrich, H. 1969. Marine Biology.
3. Harold T and Alan P. 2004.
15. References Introductory Oceanography. Person
prentice hall. New jersey.
4. Hutabarat, S. dan Evans S.M. 2000.
Pengantar Oceanografi. UI Press,
5. Nybaken. 1986. Biologi Laut. Jakarta.

Tabel 3.18. Description on Aquatic Ecology

1. Course Aquatic Ecology (belum ada GBPP)

2. Code of Course PLL201
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 2 (Second) - Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to explain the aquatic
environments that have physical, chemical
6. Competence and biological parameter values that
support the growth of cultivated
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MKK
Discusses ecological concepts,
biogeochemical cycles, food chains, food
webs, energy transfer, ecosystem limiting
9. Course Description factors, aquatic ecosystems (calm, flowing,
estuary, mangroves, beaches, coral reefs
and deep seas)
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, participation
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, presentation
12. Learning Media LCD
UTS (30%), Practice (10%), Paper (10%),
13. Study Assessment UAS (40%), Soft Skill (10%)
Coordinator: Yudi Cahyoko, Ir., M.Si.;
14. Lecturer Committee : Boedi Setya Rahardja, Ir.,
MP.; Prayogo, S.Pi., MP.
1. Barnes, R.S.K. and K.H. Mann. 1982.
Fundamentals of Aquatic Ecosystem.
Blackwell Scientific Publication.
2. Boaden, P.J.S. and R. Seed. 1985. An
15. References Introduction to Coastal Ecology.
Blackie Chapman and Hall. New York.
3. Goldman, C.R. and A.J. Horne. 1983.
Limnology. Mc Graw Hill Book
Company. New York.

Semester III

Tabel 3.19. Description on Fish Histology

1. Course Fish Histology

2. Code of Course PLU202
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 3 (Third) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to explain the
6. Competence structure and function of each organ of
the body.
7. Type of Competence Special
8. Element of Competence MKK
Discussing the structure of the body and
the structure of normal cells, differences
in the body of fish and mammalian, the
composition and function of the skin,
9. Course Description nervous system, blood vessels, digestion,
endocrine, gill structure and function,
sensory organs, kidneys, multiple
organs, gonad function and sex
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
UTS (30%), Practice (10%), Paper
13. Study Assessment (10%), UAS (40%), Soft Skill (10%)

Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Hari Suprapto,

Ir., M.Agr.;
14. Lecturer Committee : Laksmi Sulmartiwi, S.Pi.,
1. Takashima, F. and T. Hibiya. 1995.
An Atlas of Fish Histology, Normal
and Pathological Features.
Kodansha, Tokyo, Japan.
2. Duke, T.W., M.A. Hayes, J.
Leatherland, B. Wicock. 1995.
15. References Sustemic Pathology of Fish.
Elcevier, London.
3. Junqueira, L.C., J. Carneiro, R.O.
Kelley. 1992. Basic Histology.
Appleton and Lange, London.
4. Yatim, W. 1996. Histologi. Tarsito,

Tabel 3.20. Description on Introduction to Aquatic Pharmacology

1. Course Introduction to Aquactic Pharmacology

2. Code of Course FAT205
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 3 (Third) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to explain about
class, chemical structure,
pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics,
work mechanism and side effects and
6. Competence interactions of various drugs and
substances that can cause poisoning,
clinical symptoms due to poisoning,
toxic action mechanisms and ways of
overcoming due to poisoning.
7. Type of Competence Special
8. Element of Competence MKK
Discusses introduction on pharmacology,
antibiotics, antihelmintics,
chemotherapy, antiprotozoa, antiviral,
vitamin, antiseptic, antifungal,toxicology
9. Course Description pesticides, toxicology of toxic plants,
toxicology of heavy metals and
environment. Mastery of matter is
observed with esay and MCQ tests.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
UTS (30%), Practice (10%), Paper
13. Study Assessment (10%), UAS (40%), Soft Skill (10%)

Coordinator : Prof. Sri Agus Sudjarwo,

Ph.D., drh;
Committee: Dr. D.K. Meles, MS., drh.;
14. Lecturer Tutik Juniastuti., MKes., drh.; Iwan
Sahrial H., MSi., drh.; Rochmah
Kurnijasanti., MSi., drh.
1. Sulistia et al. 1995. Farmakologi dan
Terapi. Edisi 4. Bagian Farmakologi
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas
2. Goodman and Gilmans. 1990. The
Pharmacological Basis of
Therapeutics. 8th ed. Mac Millan
15. References Publishing Company
3. Nicholas, H.B and Leslie, E.M.
1992. Veterinary Pharmacology and
Therapeutics. 6th ed. Iowa state
University Press
4. Clarke and Clarke (2201) toksikogi
veteriner 4 th ed. A Lange Medical.

Tabel 3.21. Description on Fisheries Biology

1. Course Fisheries Biology

2. Code of Course PLU 201
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 3 (Third) -Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of study, the students are
able to conclude the biological
properties of fish as a resource that can
6. Competence be utilized optimally and can make
recommendations and improvements in
the utilization of these resources.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKK
The course discusses on the scope of
fisheries biology, feeding habits and
how to feed, competition and predation,
calculate the survival, mortality,
recruitment and yield as well as its
9. Course Description management, ruaya and determining
the age of fish, fish growth, population
dynamics and population analysis
fecundity, fish sexuality, gonad
maturity level, spawning and life cycle
of fish.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline
11. Learning Method Instruction, Instruction and Discussion
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point
Quiz (20%), Task (20%), Practice
13. Study Assessment (20%), UTS (40%), UAS (60%)
Coordinator : Laksmi Sulmartiwi, S.Pi,
14. Lecturer Committee : Wahju Tjahjaningsih, Ir.,
1. Effendie, M.I., 1971, Metode
Biologi Perikanan, Yayasan Dewi
Sri, Jakarta.
2. Effendie, M.I., 1971, Metode
Biologi Perikanan, Yayasan Dewi
15. References Sri, Jakarta.
3. Lagler, RR Miller, JE Bardach,
1962. Ichtyologi. John willey and
Sons, NY London.
4. Nikolsky, EV, 1963. The Ecology
of Fishes, Academic Press

Tabel 3.22. Description on Water Quality Management
1. Course Water Quality Management
2. Code of Course MNG204
3. Load of Study 3 (Two) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 3 (Third) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to explain the
importance of water quality
management, water physics parameters,
aeration, drying and calcification,
6. Competence fertilization, filter and recirculation,
blue green algae and plankton
management and can manage water
quality for aquaculture.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKB
Discusses the importance of water
quality management, which includes
water physics parameters, water
9. Course Description chemical parameters, aeration, drying
and calcification, fertilization, filter and
recirculation, blue green algae and
plankton management.
Courage and ability to argue and ask
10. Attribute of Soft Skill questions in class, discipline and
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
Task (15%); U T S (15%); Practice
13. Study Assessment (25%); UAS (35%); Soft Skill (10%)
Coordinator : Dr. Gunanti Mahasri, Ir.,
14. Lecturer Committee : A. Shofy Mubarak, S.Pi.,
M.Si.; Ir. Moch. Amin Alamsjah, M.Si.,
1. Alerts, G. dan Sri Simestri S.
1984. Metode Penelitian Air. Usaha
Nasional – Surabaya Indonesia.
2. Boyd, C.E. and Craig, S.T., 1992.
15. References Water Quality and Pond Soil
Analysis for Aquaculture.
Alabama Agricultural Experiment
Station, Auburn University.

Tabel 3.23. Description on Microbiology

1. Course Microbiology
2. Code of Course BIM202
3. Load of Study 3 (three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 3 (tiga) -Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of study, the students are able to
explain about the types of bacteria, fungi
6. Competence and virus that course disease in fish and
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKK
The course discusses about the basic
properties, nomenclature, classification,
relationships between host and micro-
9. Course Description organism, growth, proliferation of bacteria,
fungi and viruses that cause disease in fish
and shrimp and microbes on the quality of
fishery products.
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Communication
Small Group Discussion, Self-Directed
11. Learning Method Learning, Discovery Learning
12. Learning Media LCD, Power Point, White Board
UTS (20%); Task/Paper/Presentation
13. Study Assessment (30%); UAS (40%); Soft skill (10%)
Coordinator: Sudarno, Ir., M.Kes.;
Committe: Rahayu Kusdarwati, Ir.,
M.Kes.; Prof. Dr. Hari Suprapto, Ir.,
14. Lecturer M.Agr.; Wahju Tjahjaningsih, Ir., M.Si.;
Dr. Didik Handijatno, drh., M.S; Rozi,
S.Pi., M. Biotech.; Daruti Dinda Nindarwi,
S.Pi., M.Si.
1. Austin, B., and A. Austin. 1991.
Bacterial Fish Pathogen : Disease in
Farmed and Wild Fish. 2nd Edition.
Ellis Horword. New York
2. Baron, E., S.M. Fibegold and L.R.
Peterson. 1994. Diagnostic
Microbiology. 9th Edition. Mosby.
3. Beishir L. 1991. Microbiology in
Practice : A Self Instructional
Laboratory Course. 5th Edition. Haoped
15. References Collins Publisher Inc. New York
4. Lighter, D.V. 1994. Handbook of
Shrimp Pathology and Diagnostic
Procedure for Disease of Cultured
Penaeid Shrimp. The World
Aquaculture Society.
5. Munday, B.L. 1998. Bacterial Disease
of Fish In : Fish Disease Refresher
Course for Veterinarians. Proceeding
106. Australia.

Tabel 3.24. Description on Marine Biology

1. Course Marine Biology

2. Code of Course BIL301
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 3 (Third)-Required
5. Requirement Aquatic Invertebrates
6. Competence The students are able to explain the
biological and ecological aspects of
marine waters as biological resources
of fisheries, marine biology research
methodology as a basis for exploitation
and exploration of marine resources by
minimizing marine pollution.
7. Type of Competence
8. Element of Competence MKK
9. Course Description Discusses the biological and ecological
aspects of marine waters as a fishery
resource and understands marine
biology research methodology as a
basis for exploitation and exploration of
marine resources by minimizing marine
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Communication
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
13. Study Assessment Quiz (15%), UTS (20%), Task (10%),
Practice (15%), UAS (30%), Soft Skill
14. Lecturer Coordinator: Rr. Juni Triastuti, S.Pi.,
Committee : A. Shofy Mubarak, SPi.,
M.Si.; Moch. Amin Alamsjah, Ir.,
MSi., Ph.D.

15. References a. Allen, G.R. 2004. Tropical Coral

Reef Fishes of Indonesia. Periplus
Editions (HK) Ltd. Singapore
b. Bengen, D.G. 2002. Pengenalan
dan Pengelolaan Ekosistem
Mangrove. Pusat Kajian
Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Lautan.
Instintut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor.
c. Fiene-Severns, P., M. Severns and
R. Dyerly. 2004. Tropical Seashells
of Indonesia. Periplus Editions
(HK) Ltd. Singapore.
d. Hutabarat, S dan Evans. 1980.

Pengantar Oceanografi. UI Press,
e. Nybaken, W. 1988. Biologi Laut.
Suatu Pendekatan Ekologis. PT.
Gramedia, Jakarta.

Tabel 3.25. Description on Fish Capture Technology

1. Course Fish Capture Technology

2. Code of Course PLT304
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (1-1)
4. Semester 3 (Third) -Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to explain the
various types of vessels and fishing gear
6. Competence and fishing techniques in relation to the
increase of capture fisheries production
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MKK
Discussing the materials and fishing gear,
machines and types of fishing vessels,
9. Course Description fishing ports, fishing grounds, fishing
techniques with various types of fishing
gear and other types of bait.
Courage and ability to argue and ask
10. Attribute of Soft Skill questions in class, discipline and
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
Task (15%); U T S (15%); Practice
13. Study Assessment (25%); UAS (35%); Soft Skill (10%)
Coordinator : Dr. Gunanti Mahasri, Ir.,
14. Lecturer Committee : Moch. Amin Alamsjah, Ir.,
M.Si., Ph.D.; Ali Munthaha, Ir., MT.
1. Anonimus, 1996. Klasifikasi Alat
Penagkap Ikan (yang Disesuaikan
untuk Perairan Indonesia), Balai
Pengembangan Penangkapan Ikan,
2. Sudirman dan Mallawa, A., 2004.
15. References Teknik Penangkapan Ikan, Rineka
Cipta, Jakarta.
3. Von Brandt, A.,1984. Fish Catching
Methods of the World. Third
Edition, Fishing News Book,

Tabel 3.26. Description on Freshwater Aquaculture Management

1. Course Freshwater Aquaculture Management

2. Code of Course MNG203
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2 – 1)
4. Semester 3 (Third) - Required
5. Requirement Introduction to Aquaculture
The students are able to explain about
6. Competence the basic concept of aquaculture
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKB
Describes the basic concepts of
aquaculture, cultivated species /
commodities, cultivation systems and
9. Course Description technologies, technical aspects of
cultivation covering technical aspects,
social, economic, administrative and
financial facilities and infrastructure.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Participation
Contextual instruction, discussion,
11. Learning Method presentation
12. Learning Media LCD
UTS (20%), Quiz (20%), Practice Report
13. Study Assessment (10%), Paper (10%), UAS (35%), Soft
Skill (5%)
Coordinator : Muhammad Arief, Ir.,
14. Lecturer Committee : Akhmad Taufiq Mukti,
S.Pi, M.Si.; Prayogo, S.Pi, MP.
1. Arie, U. 2000. Pembenihan dan
Pembesaran Nila Gift. Penebar
Swadaya, Jakarta.
2. Afrianto, E. Liviawati, E. 2001.
Beberapa Metode Budidaya Ikan.
Kanisius. Yogyakarta.
3. Bardach, J. E., Ryther, J.H, and Mc
15. References Larney, W.O. 1972. Aquaqulture,
The Farming and Husbandry of
Freshwater and Marine Organisms,
John Wiley and Sons Inc, USA
4. Brotowidjoyo, M. D, Tribawono, DJ.
Mulbyantoro, E. 2000. Pengantar
Lingkungan Perairan dan Budidaya
Air. Liberty, Yogyakarta.

Semester IV

Tabel 3.27. Description on Fish Parasite and Disease I

1. Course Fish Parasite and Disease I

2. Code of Course KHD204
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 4 (Fourth)
5. Requirement -
6. Competence In the end of the course, students
should be able to differentiate and
diagnose various parasitic arthropod
species of protozoa that cause disease
in fish / shrimp, and understand how to
prevent and control them.
7. Type of Competence Special
8. Element of Competence MKB
9. Course Description This course explain about
classification, morfology, predilection
and hosts, life cycle, disease
epidemiology, mode of transmission ,
pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, and
the prevention and control parasitic
diseases in fish/shrimps caused by
protozoa and arthropod.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline
11. Learning Method Self-Directed Learning
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point
13. Study Assessment UTS (20 %), Task(15 %), Quiz (15 %),
Practice exam (20 %), UAS (30 %)
14. Lecturer Coordinator : Dr. Kismiyati, Ir., M.Si.
Committee : Dr. Gunanti Mahasri, Ir.,
M.Si; Putri Desi Wulansari, S.Pi., M.Si
15. References 1. Buku Ajar Parasit dan Penyakit
Ikan I (Protozoa)
2. Buku Ajar Parasit dan Penyakit
Ikan I (Arthropoda)
3. Hirsckhorn, H.H., 1989. Hand Book
of Fish Diseases. TFH. Pub. Inc.
4. Kabata, Z., 1982. Crustacea as
enemies of Fishes. Fisheries a res.
Board of Canada Biological
Nations Naraimo.
5. Lom, J. and I. Dykova., 1992.
Protozoa parasites of Fishes.
Elsevier. Amsterdam.
6. Woo, P.T.K., 2006. Fish Diseases
and Disorders Vol. I.Protozoan and
MetazoanbInfections. Second
edition. Library of Conggress
Cataloging in Publication data
British Library, London, U.K.

Tabel 3.28. Description on Marine Culture Management

1. Course Marine Culture Management

2. Code of Course MNG302
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 4 (Fourth)
5. Requirement Introduction to Aquaculture
Competence In the end of study, the students are able to
6. organize marine culture directly in the
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKB
Course Description The course discusses the basic concept of
marine culture, economically important
fisheries commodities in marine culture,
9. the basic aspects in marine culture
management as well as the marine culture
Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Responsible, Active
10. Participation
Learning Method Small Group Discussion, Self-Directed
11. Learning, Cooperative Learning
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, White Board, Handout
Study Assessment Task(15%); UTS (20%); Practice (20%);
13. UAS (35%); Soft Skill (10%)
Lecturer Coordinator : Dr. Akhmad Taufiq Mukti,
S.Pi., M.Si
Committee : Dr. Ir. Woro Hastuti
14. Satyantini, M.Si; Ir. Muhammad Arief,
M.Kes; Dr. Ir. Gunanti Mahasri, M.Si;
Daruti Dinda Nindarwi, S.Pi., MP.
References 1. Amarullah MH. 2001. Dukungan
Perbenihan dalam Pengembangan
Kawasan dan Sistem Usaha Budidaya.
Pertemuan Lintas UPT Lingkup Dirjen
Perikanan Budidaya. Yogyakarta.
2. Azwar ZI et al. 1999. Pengaruh Bahan
Organik Daun dan Batang dari
Beberapa Spesies Mangrove terhadap
Kehidupan Udang Windu Penaeus
monodon dan Mutu Air. Seminar
Nasional Penelitian dan Diseminasi
Teknologi Budidaya Laut dan Pantai.
15. Puslitbang Perikanan, Jakarta.
3. Bardach JE, Ryther JH and McLarney
WO. 1972. Aquaculture, the Farming
and Husbandry of Freshwater and
Marine Organisms, John Wiley and
Sons Inc.
4. BBL. 1999. Pembenihan Ikan Kerapu
Tikus Cromileptes altivelis. Balai
Budidaya Laut Lampung. Lampung.
5. Djazuli N, Budiyanto D and
Sutimantoro. 2001. Penanganan dan
Pengolahan Produk Perikanan

Budidaya dalam Menghadapi Pasar
Global - Peluang dan Tantangan.
Pertemuan Lintas UPT Lingkup Dirjen
Perikanan Budidaya. Yogyakarta.
6. Ismail W and Pratiwi E. 2000. KJA
Suaka, Teknologi Alternatif untuk
Meningkatkan Populasi Ikan di Alam.
WARTA, Penelitian Perikanan
Indonesia, 6 (1).
7. Kungvankij P et al. 1986. Biology and
Culture of Sea Bass Lates calcarifer.
SEAFDEC Aquaculture Department.
8. Mokoginta I. 1997. Formulasi Pakan
Buatan untuk Ikan Laut. Pertemuan
Koordinasi dan Pemantapan Rekayasa
Teknologi Perbenihan Lintas UPT
Dirjen Perikanan. Yogyakarta.
9. Nybakken JW. 1988. Biologi Laut,
Suatu Pendekatan Ekologi. Gramedia.
10. Rachmansyah dan Usman. 1998.
Produksi Induk Bandeng dalam
Karamba Jaring Apung di Laut.
Prosiding Seminar Teknologi
Perikanan Pantai. Puslitbang
Perikanan-JICA. Jakarta.
11. Ramelan SH. 1998. Pengembangan
Budidaya Ikan Laut di Indonesia.
Seminar Teknologi Perikanan Pantai,
Loka Penelitian Perikanan Pantai
Gondol. Bali.
12. Ramelan SH. 1999. Rencana
Pengembangan Budidaya Laut di
Indonesia. Seminar Nasional Penelitian
dan Diseminasi Teknologi Budidaya
Laut dan Pantai. Puslitbangkan, Jakarta
13. Rausin N dan Mintardjo K. 1991.
Pengaruh Beberapa Jenis Pakan Ikan
Rucah terhadap Pertumbuhan Ikan
Kerapu Lumpur, Epinephelus tauvina
di KJA. Bulletin Budidaya Laut.
14. Rukyani A. 2001. Pengembangan
Perikanan Budidaya Ramah
Lingkungan. Pertemuan Lintas UPT
Dirjen Perikanan Budidaya.
15. Sudrajat A et al. 2001. Teknologi
Budidaya Laut dan Pengembangan Sea
Farming di Indonesia. Puslitbang
Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan.
16. Sugama K. 1999. Inventarisasi dan
Identifikasi Teknologi Budidaya Laut
dan Pantai Yang Telah Dikuasai untuk
Diseminasi. Puslitbang Perikanan.

17. TFRI. 2000. Advanced Aquaculture.
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute.
18. Zonneveld N, Huisman EA dan Boon
JH. 1991. Prinsip-Prinsip Budidaya
Ikan. Gramedia Pustaka Utama,

Tabel 3.29. Description on Brackish Water Aquaculture Management

1. Course Brackish Water Aquaculture Management

2. Code of Course MNG202
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2 – 1)
4. Semester 4 (Fourth)
5. Requirement Introduction to Aquaculture
In the end of study, the students are able to
exhibit the correlation among variable in
6. Competence brackish water aquaculture management
directly in field
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKB
The course discusses on basic concept of
brackish water aquaculture, important
types/ commodities that can be cultivated
in brackish water, site selection, design
9. Course Description and construction, aquaculture system, the
aspects of aquaculture consist of
technique, facilities and infrastructures,
and the development of brackish water
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline and Communication
11. Learning Method Self-Directed Learning,
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point, Handout
UTS (20%), Quiz (15%), Practice Report
13. Study Assessment (10%), Paper (10%), UAS (35%), Soft
Skill (10%)
Coordinator : Dr. Woro Hastuti Satyantini,
Ir., M.Si
Committee : Muhammad Arief, Ir. M.Kes;
14. Lecturer Dr. Gunanti Mahasri, Ir., M.Si; Luthfiana
Aprilianita Sari, S.Pi., M,Si; Daruti Dinda
Nindarwi, S.Pi., M..
1. Amarullah, M. H. 2001. Dukungan
Perbenihan Dalam Pengembangan
Kawasan dan Sistem Usaha Budidaya.
Pertemuan Lintas UPT Lingkup
Dirjen Perikanan Budidaya.
2. 2. Anonymous. 2002. Advanced
Aquaculture. Taiwan Fisheries
Research Institute. Taiwan.
3. 3. Anonymous. 2001. Budidaya
15. References Udang Windu Intensif Ramah
Lingkungan. Departemen Kelautan
Dan Perikanan. Direktorat Jenderal
Perikanan Budidaya. Balai Besar
Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau.
4. 4. Bardach, J.E., J.H. Ryther and W.
O. McLarney. 1982. Aquaculture,
The Farming and Husbandry of
Freshwater and Marine Organisms,

John Wiley and Sons Inc., USA.
5. 5. Beaumont, 2003. Biotechnology
and Genetic in Fisheries and
Aquaculture. Wiley Blackweel.
6. Buwono, I. D. 1993. Tambak Udang
Windu. Sistem Pengelolaan berpola
Intensif. Kanisius. Yogyakarta.
7. Djazuli, N., D. Budiyanto dan
Sutimantoro. 2001. Penanganan dan
Pengolahan Produk Perikanan
Budidaya Dalam Menghadapi Pasar
Global-Peluang dan Tantangan.
Pertemuan Lintas UPT Lingkup Dirjen
Perikanan Budidaya. Yogyakarta.
8. Elliot, M dan Krystal Hemingway,
2002. Fishes in Estuaries. Blackwell.
9. Ismail, A., Wedjatmiko., Sastrawidjaya
dan S. Hermawan. 2001. Kajian
Usaha Pembesaran Bandeng Secara
Intensif pada Tambak di Kamal,
Jakarta Utara. Departemen Kelautan
dan Perikanan. Pusat Penelitian dan
Pengembangan Eksplorasi Laut dan
Perikanan bekerja sama dengan JICA.
10. Kungvankij, P., J. R. Pudadera., B.J.
Tiro and I.O. Potestas. 1986. Biology
and Culture of Sea Bass (Lates
calcarifer). SEAFDEC Aquaculture
11. Made, L. N., B. Sumartono dan A.
Taslihan. 2000. Hasil Survey Potensi
Lahan Pertambakan untuk Budidaya
Udang di Sumbawa. Jepara.
12. Odd Ivar Lekang, 2007. Aquaculture
Engineering. Blackwell.
13. Pillay TVR and Kutty MM, 2004.
Aquaculture and Environment 2nd
Edition. Blackwell.
14. Paul Hart and John D Reynolds, 2002.
Handbook of Fish Biology and
Fisheries ( I & II). Wiley Blackwell.
15. Teknik Budidaya Udang Secara
Benar.2003. Direktorat Jenderal
Perikanan Budidaya. Balai Besar
Pengembangan Budidaya Air Payau.
16. Woo, PTK, et al. 2009. Diseases and
Disorders of Finfish in cage Culture.
CABI Publishing.
17. Zonneveld, N., E.A. Huisman dan J.H.
Boon. 1991. Prinsip-prinsip Budidaya
Ikan. PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama.
18. Taslihan, A., Supito., E. Sutikno., dan

R.B. Callinan. 2003. Teknik
Budidaya Udang Secara Benar.
Direktorat Jenderal Perikanan
Budidaya. Balai Besar Pengembangan
Budidaya Air Payau. Jepara. 59 hal.
19. Chiu, Y.N., L.M. Santos and R.O.
Juliano. 1988. Technical
Considerations For The Management
and Operation of Intensive Prawn
Farms. U.P. Aquaculture Society,
Iloilo City, Philippines. 172 p.
20. Afrianto, E. dan E. Liviawaty. 2003.
Pemeliharaan Kepiting. Penerbit
Kanisius. Yogyakarta, Cetakan ke 5.
74 hal.
21. Kanna, I. 2006, Budidaya Kepiting
Bakau. Pembenihan dan Pembesaran.
Penerbit Kanisius. Yogyakarta,
Cetakan ke 5. 80 hal.
22. Haliman, R.W. dan D. Adijaya S.
Udang Vannamei. Penebar Swdaya.
Jakarta. Cetakan ke 2. 75 hal.

Tabel 3.30. Description on Fisheries Product Technology

1. Course Fisheries Product Technology

2. Code of Course PLT301
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 4 (Fourth)
5. Requirement -
Student will be able to implement
principles of fisheries processing
6. Competence technology and other aquatic products and
controlling critical point in fish processing
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MKB
This course is given in face to face
meeting, which focuses on basic of aquatic
processing technology, including
9. Course Description explanation on handling, processing,
drying, brining, curing, fermentation,
caning, and producing value added product
and food processing critical control point.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Teamwork, Independent
11. Learning Method Self-Directed Learning,
12. Learning Media LCD, Power Point, Textbook
UTS (20%); Paper/ Presentation (40%);
13. Study Assessment UAS (30%), Soft Skill (10%)
Coordinator : Rahayu Kusdarwati, Ir.,
Committee : Sudarno, Ir., M.Kes; Dr.
14. Lecturer Gunanti Mahasri, Ir., M.Si; Heru Pramono,
S.Pi., M.Biotech; Eka Saputra, S.Pi., M.Si;
M. Nur Ghoyatul A., S.TP., M.P., M.Sc.
1. Afrianto, E. and Liviawaty, E. 1989.
Pengawetan and Pengolahan Ikan.
Penerbit Kanisius Yogyakarta.
2. Badan Standarisasi Nasional, 1999.
Panduan Penyusunan Rencana Sistem
Analisa Bahaya and Pengendalian
Titik Kritis (HACCP). Pedoman 1004-
3. Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional,
2002. Bahan-Bahan Pelatihan
Penerapan HACCP pada Industri
15. References Pangan Asal Hewan, IPB, Bogor.
4. Erliza H, Suryani,A., 2004. Membuat
Aneka Olahan Rumput Laut. Penerbit
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.
5. Hadiwiyoto., S. 1992. Teknologi
Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan. Penerbit
Liberty, Yogyakarta Junianto, 2003.
Tehnik Penanganan Ikan, Penebar
Swadaya, Jakarta.
6. Moelyanto, 1992. Pengawetan and
Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan, Penerbit
Penebar Swadaya, Jakarta.

7. Standar Nasional Indonesia, 2000.
Batas Maksimum Cemaran Mikroba
and Batas Maksimum Residu dalam
Bahan Makanan Asal Hewan. SNI No.
: 01-6366-2000.
8. Winarno, F.G., 1996. Tehnologi
Pengolahan Rumput Laut. Pustaka
Sinar Harapan, Jakarta

Tabel 3.31. Description on Fish Pathology

1. Course Fish Pathology

2. Code of Course PLU203
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 4 (Fourth) - Required
5. Requirement Fish Histology
6. Competence The students are able to explain the basic
concepts of fish health and describe
general pathology changes.
7. Type of Competence Special
8. Element of Competence MKK
9. Course Description Discusses the basic concepts of fish
health and pathology changes, species of
infected fish and several factors causing
them and how to handle them.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, communication
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, presentation
12. Learning Media LCD
13. Study Assessment UTS (20%), Quiz (20%), Practice Report
(10%), Paper (10%), UAS (35%), Soft
Skill (5%)
14. Lecturer Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Hari Suprapto,
Ir., M.Agr.;
Committee : Laksmi Sulmartiwi, S.Pi.,
15. References 1. Heath, A.G. 1987. Water Pollution
and Fish Physiology. CRC Press.
2. Robert, R.J. 1988. Fish Pathology.
Bailliere Tindall. London. UK.

Tabel 3.32. Description on Life Feed Culture

1. Course Life Feed Culture

2. Code of Course PLP201
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 4 (Fourth)
5. Requirement Planktonology
In the end of semester, the students are
6. Competence able to develop nutrient for life feed
culture in aquaculture field
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKB
Explain about the basic concept of life
feed and basic aspects in life feed
culture consists of nutrient aspect and
9. Course Description types of potential life feed, nutrient and
culture medium, environmental factors,
harvest and post-harvest, and
development of life feed.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline and Communication
Self-Directed Learning, Cooperative
11. Learning Method Learning
12. Learning Media Power Point, Textbook, Paper
UTS (20 %), UAS (40 %), Quiz (10 %),
13. Study Assessment Practice (10 %), Presentation (10 %),
Soft Skills (10%)
PJMA : Dr.Woro Hastuti Satyantini, Ir.,
Committee : Dr. Endang Dewi
13. Lecturer Masithah, Ir., MP; M. Amin Alamsjah,
Ir., Msi., Ph.D; Luthfiana Aprilianita
Sari, S.Pi., M.Si; Daruti Dinda
Nindarwi, S.Pi., M.P.
1. Balai Budidaya Laut Lampung.
2002. Budidaya Fitoplankton &
Zooplankton. Direktorat Jenderal
Perikanan Budidaya. Departemen
Kelautan Dan Perikanan. Seri
Budidaya Laut No: 9. ISBN : 979-
2. Nyan Taw. 1990. Guide to the
maintenance of pure and mass
culture of microalgae. United
Nations Development Programme .
14. References FAO of the United Nations.
3. Richmond, A. 1986. CRC
Handbook of Microalgal Mass
Culture. CRC Press. Inc.
4. Su, H.M. 2000. Production and
utilization of live feeds in
aquaculture in Advanced
Aquaculture. Taiwan Fisheries
5. Su, H.M., Mao Sen Su and I Chiu
Liao. 2000. Collection and culture

of live foods for aquaculture in
Taiwan in Advanced Aquaculture.
Taiwan Fisheries Institute.
6. Stein, J.R. 1979. Handbook of
Phycological Methods. Culture
Methods and Growth Measurements.
Cambridge University Press.
London. New York. New Rochelle.
Melbourne. Sidney.
7. Tech, E. 1982. Culture of
phytoplankton. Report of the
training course on growing food
organisms for fish hatcheries.
SEAFDEC. Tigbauan, Iloilo.
8. Tech, E. 1982. Culture of
zooplankton (Brachionus and
Moina). Report of the training
course on growing food organisms
for fish hatcheries. SEAFDEC.
Tigbauan, Iloilo. Philippines.
9. Villegas, C.T. 1982. Culture and
screening of food organisms as
potential larval food for finfish and
shellfish. Report of the training
course on growing food organisms
for fish hatcheries. SEAFDEC.
Tigbauan, Iloilo. Philippines.

Tabel 3.33. Description on Coastal and Marine Management

1. Course Coastal and Marine Management

2. Code of Course MNG303
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 4 (Fourth)-Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of study, the students are able
6. Competence to explain the coastal resources and
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPB
The course discusses on coastal areas,
the potential of coastal resources, coastal
management, coastal function, utilize the
9. Course Description coastal areas, problems in coastal areas,
planning and development of coastal
areas, as well as the policy of sustainable
fisheries and marine development
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline and Participation
Contextual Instruction, Discovery
11. Learning Method Learning, Small Group Discussion,
Problem Based Laerning and Inquiry
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point
Task (20%), UTS (30%), UAS (40%),
13. Study Assessment Soft Skills (10%)
Coordinator : Muhammad Arief, Ir.,
14. Lecturer Committee : Abdul Manan, S. Pi.,M.Si;
Boedi Setya Raharja, Ir., MP; Dr.
Adriana Ir., M.P
1. Chua,T.E and L.F.Scura (Eds).
1992. Integrative Framework and
Methods for Coastal Area
Manajgement. ICLARM, Manila,
2. Clark, J.R. 1992. Integrated
Management of Coastal Zones.FAO
Fisheries Technical Paper. No.327.
Rome, Titaly.
3. Dahuri, R.J. Rais.,S.P.Gintingdan
M.J. Sitepu, 2004. Pengelolaan
Sumberdaya Wilayah Pesisir dan
15. References Lautan Secara Terpadu.Cetakan ke
3.PT. Pradnya Paramita. Jakarta.
4. Duuton, LM and K. Hotta, 1995.
Coastal Management in the Asia
Pasific Region; Issues
andApproach. Japan International
Marine Science and Technology
5. Odum, 1976. Ecological Guidelines
for Tropical Coastal Development.
International Unionfor Cons
ervation of Nature and Resources.

6. Rizald MR dkk.2013. Pengantar
Ilmu Kelautan. Penerbit Sekretaris
Dewan Kelautan Indonesia.Jakarta

Semester V

Tabel 3.34. Description on Parasite and Fish Disease II

1. Course Parasite and Fish Disease II

2. Code of Course KHD305
3. Load of Study 2 (two) credits (1-1)
4. Semester 5 (fifth)
5. Requirement -
After passing this undergraduate course,
the student is expected able to analyze
disease caused by helminth in fish
6. Competence according to pathological anatomy
changes, clinical symptom and its
7. Type of Competence Specific
8. Element of Competence MKB
This course studies about classification,
morphology, predilection, wet nurse, life
cycle, transmission, pathogenecity.
9. Course Description Clinical symptom, technique for fish
disease diagnostic, and treatment for
disease caused by helminth
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Leadership, Teamwork, Discipline
11. Learning Method Self-Directed Learning
12. Learning Media LCD, Power Point, Text Book
Tugas Mingguan dan akhir (15%); U T
13. Study Assessment S (15%); Praktikum (25%); U A S
(35%); Soft Skill (10%)
Coordinator : Dr.Gunanti Mahasri, Ir.,
Committee : Prof. Dr. Hj. Sri Subekti,
DEA.,drh.; Prof. Dr. H. Setiawan
14. Lecturer Koesdarto, M.Sc., drh.; Dr. Kismiyati,
Ir., M.Si.; Putri Desi Wulansari, S.Pi.,

1. Ferguson, H.W., 1989. Systemic

Pathology of Fish. A Text and Atlas
of Comparative Tissue Responses
in Diseases of Teleosts. Iowa State ,
University Press / Ames.
2. Hirschhorn, H.H., 1989. Handbook
of Fish Diaseses, T.H.F.
Publications. Inc. United State.
15. References
3. Klaus Rohde. 2005. Marine
Parasitology. CABI and CSIRO
Publishing. UK.
4. Leatherland, J.F. and P.T.K. Woo.
1998. Fish Disease and Disorders
Volume 2: Non-Infectious Disorders.
Ontorio Veterinary Collage and
Department of Zoology University of

Guelph Canada. CABI Publishing.
5. Lightner, D.V. 1996. A Handbook of
Shrimp Pathology and Diagnostic
Procedures for Diseases of Cultured
Penaeid Shrimp. The World
Aquacultured Society.
6. Nabib, R. and F.H. Pasaribu, 1989.
Patologi and Penyakit Ikan .
Departemen Pendidikan and
Kebudayaan, Direktorat Jenderal
Pendidikan Tinggi, IPB -Bogor.
7. Soulsby, E.J.L. 1986. Helminth,
Arthropods, and Protozoa of
Domesticated Animals. 7th ed.
Bailliere Tindall. London.
8. Euzeby J, 1966. Les Maladies
Verminieuses des animaux
domestiques et leurs incidences sur
la pathlogie humaine, tome 2.
Maladies duesaux Platyhelminthes.
Fasc.l. Cestodes. Vigot Freres, Paris,
9. Euzeby J, 1966. Les Maladies
Verminieuses des animaux
domestiques et leurs incidences sur
la pathlogie humaine, tome 2.
Maladies duesaux Platyhelmint,
Fasc.3. Trematodes. Vigot Freres,
Paris, France.
10. Zafran, Des Rosa, Isti K., Fris
Johnny. 1998. Manual for Fish
Disease Diagnosis Marine Fish and
Crustacean Disease in Indonesia.
Editedby Ketut Sugama, Kishio
Hatai and Hiromu Ikenoue. Gondol
Research Station for Coastal
Fisheries and Nippon Veterinary and
Animal Science University.

Tabel 3.35. Description on Fish Disease Analysis I

1. Course Fish Disease Analysis I

2. Code of Course KHD306
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 5 (Fifth)-Required
5. Requirement Microbiology
The students are able to explain the
6. Competence diseases caused by bacteria and fungi and
how to control it.
7. Type of Competence Special
8. Element of Competence MKB
Discusses various diseases of fish and
shrimp caused by bacteria and fungi that
9. Course Description include clinical symptoms, pathogenesis,
mode of transmission, epidemiology and
how to control it.
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Discipline
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, presentation
12. Learning Media LCD
Task/ Paper/ Presentatiom (40%); UTS
13. Study Assessment (20%); UAS (30%); Soft Skill (10%)
Coordinator : Rahayu Kusdarwati, Ir.,
14. Lecturer Committee : Sudarno, Ir., M.Kes.;
Prof.Dr.Hari Suprapto, Ir., M.Agr.
1. Austin, B. And A. Austin. 1991.
Bacterial Fish Pathogen : Diseases in
Farmed and Wild Fish 2nd Edition.
Ellis Horword. New York.
2. Baron, E., S.M. Fibegold and L.R.
Peterson. 1994. Diagnostics
15. References Microbiology 9th Edition. Mosby.
3. Beishir, L. 1991. Microbiology in
Practice : A Self Instructional
Laboratory Course 5th Edition. Haoped
Collins Publishers Inc. New York.

Tabel 3.36. Description on Genetic and Fish Breeding

1. Course Genetic and Fish Breeding

2. Code of Course BIG301
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 5 (Fifth)-Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of study, the students are able
6. Competence to surmise the genetic trait as a basic of
fish breeding
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKB
In the course discusses about
introduction, classic and modern
taxonomy, concept of genetic,
inheritance system, law of Mendel I and
9. Course Description II, quantitative genetic, qualitative
genetic, genetic diversity, law of Hardy-
Weinberg, chromosome, karyotyping,
sex determination, selection and
hybridization on fish
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Discipline
11. Learning Method Instruction, Simulation
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point
Quiz (15%); UTS (20%); Task and
13. Study Assessment Report (15%); UAS (40%); Soft Skill
Coordinator : Rr. Juni Triastuti, SPi.,
Committee : Dr. Endang Dewi Masithah,
14. Lecturer Ir., M.P; Dr. Epy M. Luqman, drh.,
M.Si; Annur Ahadi Abdillah, S.Pi.,
1. Jusuf, M. 2001. Genetika, Struktur
dan Ekspresi Gen. Sagung Seto.
2. Purdom, EC. 1995. Genetics and
Fish Breeding. Chapman & Hall.
3. Sofro, ASM. 1994. Keanekaragaman
Geneetik. Penerbit Andi Offset.
15. References Yogyakarta.
4. Tave, D. 1986. Genetics for Fish
Hatchery Managers. Avi Publishing
Company. Westport, Connecticut.
5. Zaldivar, JM dan Imsiridou, A. 1999.
Methodology and Formats for
Genetic Identification of Fish
Species. European Commision Joint
Research Centre. Italy.

Tabel 3.37. Description on Entrepreneurship

1. Course Entrepreneurship
2. Code of Course MNW301
3. Load of Study 2 (two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 5 (fifth)-Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of study, the students are able
to build a business based on the concept
6. Competence of entrepreneurship from the preparation
to the implementation independently
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPB
The course discusses on scope of basic
entrepreneurship, dream and sel
motivated, creativity and innovation,
business opportunities, SWOT,
9. Course Description production, marketing, communication
and interpersonal skills, organization and
management, finance, business planning,
business analysis.
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Cooperation
11. Learning Method Instruction, Contextual Instruction
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point
UTS (30%); Task (20%); UAS (40%);
13. Study Assessment Soft skill (10%)
Coordinator : Dr. Rr. JuniTriastuti,
14. Lecturer Committee : Dr. Ir. Adriana Monica
Sahidu, M.Kes.; Kustiawan Tri Pursetyo,
S.Pi., M.Vet
1. Directorate of Learning and Student
Affair. 2013. Module of
Entrepreneurship Learning.
15. Reference Directorate General of Higher
Education, Ministry of Education
and Culture. Jakarta

Tabel 3.38. Description on Fish Reproduction

1. Course Fish Reproduction

2. Code of Course PLU302
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 5 (Fifth)-Required
Ichthyology and Aquatic Animal
5. Requirement Physiology
The students are able to explain the
6. Competence system of reproduction of fish and
biotechnology on fish reproduction.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKK
Discussing the reproductive organs of
fish, types of sexuality in fish, habitat
and behavior of fish reproduction, fish
reproductive hormonal, gametogenesis
9. Course Description process in fish, fertilization process, fish
differentiation process, pathogenesis on
fish reproduction, research in fish
reproduction and entrepreneurship based
reproduction of fish
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Active learning
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, presentation
12. Learning Media LCD
UTS (20 %), UAS (40 %), Quiz (10 %),
13. Study Assessment Practice (10 %), Presentation (10 %),
Soft Skills (10 %)
Coordinator : Dr. Ir. Endang Dewi
Masithah, MP.;
Committee : Rr. Juni Triastuti, S.Pi.,
14. Lecturer M.Si.; Epy Muhammad Luqman, M.Si.,
drh.; Dr. Bambang Poernomo S., M.S.,
drh., A. Shofy Mubarak, S.Pi., M.Si.
1. Bond, Carl E. 1989. Biology of
Fishes. W.B. Saunders Company.
Philadelphia. London. Toronto.
2. Donaldson, DJ. Randal. 1962. Fish
physiology Vol. 3,5,8,9,11.
3. Fujaya, Y. 2004. Fisiologi Ikan,
Dasar Pengembangan Teknik
15. References Perikanan. Rineka Cipta.
4. Ginzburg, A.S. 1992. Fertilization in
Fish and The Problem of
Polyspermi. Israel Programe for
Science. Trans Jerussalem. 366 pp.
5. Hoar, WS., D.J. Randall E.M.
Donaldson. 1993. Fish Physiology.
Reproduction. Academic Press. New

Tabel 3.39. Description on Fish Nutrient

1. Course Fish Nutrient

2. Code of Course NUI301
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 5 (Fifth)
5. Requirement -
The students are able to expected to be
6. Competence able to prepare the nutritional needs of
fish and its application.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKK
Discusses the elements of nutrients,
analysis and metabolism and preparation
9. Course Description of nutrients for the growth of fish and
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Analysis and applied
Contextual instruction, practice,
11. Learning Method presentation
12. Learning Media LCD
UTS (20%),Task (20%),Practice(25%),
13. Study Assessment UAS (25%), Soft Skills (10%)
Coordinator : Agustono, Ir., M.Kes .;
14. Lecturer Committee : Widya Paramita L., MP.,
drh.; Dr. Mirni Lamid, MP., drh.
Shrimp and Fish Nutrition and Feed
15. References Management Central Institue of
Brackishwater Aquaculture.Chennai.

Tabel 3.40. Description on Water Pollution

1. Course Water Pollution

2. Code of Course PLL202
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 5 (Fifth)-Required
5. Requirement Aquatic Ecology
The students are able to explain about the
scope of water pollution, its impact on
6. Competence aquaculture, supervision and management
of pollution of the distribution for the
purpose of aquaculture.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MKB
Discussing the physical, chemical and
biological requirements of waters, the
characteristics and capabilities of
ecologically sound waste management, the
process of water body pollution. It also
9. Course Description discusses the initial estimates of water
pollution, pollution toxicity, BOD, DO and
COD in various levels of pollution.
Household waste, industry and water
pollution of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, seas
and waste management issues, quality
standards, criteria and pollution index.
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Analytical, solutive
Contextual instruction, practice,
11. Learning Method presentation
12. Learning Media LCD
UAS (30%); UTS (20%); Practice (20%);
13. Study Assessment Task (10%); Quiz (10%); Soft Skill (10%)
Coordinator : Boedi Setya Rahardja, Ir.,
14. Lecturer Committee : Prof. Dr. Hari Suprapto, Ir.,
M.Agr.; Yudi Cahyoko, Ir., M.Si.; Prayogo,
S.Pi., MP.; Abdul Manan, S.Pi., M.Si.
1. Boyd, C.E. 1979. Water Quality in
Warm Water Fish Pond. Auburn
University Agriculture Experiment
Station, Alabama.
2. Connel, D.W. and G.J. Miller. 1995.
Kimia dan Ekotoksikologi Pencemaran.
Pendamping Sahati. UI-Press, Jakarta.
15. References 3. Darmono. 2001. Lingkungan Hidup dan
Pencemaran : Hubungannya dengan
Toksikologi Senyawa Logam. UI-Press,
4. Suratmo, F. Dan Gunawan. 1998.
Analisa mengenai dampak lingkungan.
Gadjah Mada University Press,

Tabel 3.41. Descrription on Statistic

1. Course Statistic
2. Code of Course MAS210
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 5 (Fifth)-Required
5. Requirement -
6. Competence The students are able to explain the
results of research with statistical basics
to draw conclusions in a study conducted.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPB
9. Course Description Explain the basics of statistics to draw
conclusions through testing the test
hypothesis t, X2, Wilcoxon, Mann
Whitney, Kruskal Wallis, Friedman,
Regression and Correlation.
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Discipline, cooperation, responsibility,
active participation
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, presentation
12. Learning Media LCD
13. Study Assessment Task (15%); UTS (20%); Practice (20%);
UAS (35%); Soft Skill (10%)
14. Lecturer Coordinator : Dr. M. Anam Al Arif, MP.,
15. References 1. Moh. Nazir. 1985. Metode Penelitian,
Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.
2. Muhamad Zainuddin. 2005.
Metodologi Penelitian. Diktat Kuliah
Program Pascasarjana, Universitas
3. Sutrisna, B. 1986. Pengantar Metode
Epidemiologi, PT. Dian Rakyat,
4. Singarimbun, M. dan Efendi, S.,
Metode Penelitian Survai, Cetakan
ke-7, LP3ES, Jakarta, 1987.
5. Hanafiah, K.A. 1991. Rancangan
Percobaan: Teori dan Aplikasi.
Cetakan I, CV Rajawali, Jakarta.

Tabel 3.42. Description on Introduction to Molecular Biology

1. Course Introduction to Molecular Biology

2. Code of Course BIS302
3. Load of Study 2 (two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 5 (fifth)-Required
5. Requirement -
6. Competence In the end of study, the students are able to
explain the cell system and biology
process in level cellular and molecular in
prokaryotic and eukaryotic
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MKK
9. Course Description The course discusses about the scope on
molecular biology, evolution and cell
organization, biomembran structure,
interaction of intracell and extracell,
genetic material, replication, transkription,
translation, protein system and enzyme,
synthesis and control of immunoglobulin,
receptor of antigen membrane, interaction
of immuno-competent cell, cell culture
technique, protein analysis technique,
DNA and RNA analysis technique.
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Discipline
11. Learning Method Instruction, Contextual Instruction,
Discovery Learning
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point
13. Study Assessment Quiz (20%); UTS (25%); Task (15%);
UAS (30%); Soft Skill (10%)
14. Lecturer Coordinator: Rr. Juni Triastuti, S.Pi.,
M.Si.; Committee : A. Shofy
Mubarak, S.Pi., M.Si.; Wahju
Tjahjaningsih, Ir., M.Si.
15. References 1. Albert, D., D. Bray, J. Lewis, M. Raff,
Keith R., J.D. Watson. 1994.
Molecullar Biology of the Cell. Third
Edition. Garland Publishing Inc., New
York, USA.
2. Boyer, R.F. 1990. Modern
Experimental Biochemistry. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing
Company Inc. California, USA.
3. Davis, L.G., M.D. Dibner, J.F. Battey.
1986. Basic Methods in Molecular
Biology. Elsevier Science Publidhing
Co., Inc., USA
4. Freshney, R.I. 1990. Culture of Animal
Cell. Wiley-Liss, Inc., New York.
5. Roitt, I. 1995. Essential Immunology
(terjemahan). Penerbit Widya Medika,
6. Subowo. 1993. Imunobiologi. Penerbit
Angkasa. Bandung.
7. Madigan, M., J. Martinko, D. Stahl,

and D. Clark. 2012.Brock Biology of
Microorganism. 13th Edition. Pearson

Semester VI

Tabel 3.43. Description on Fish Feed Technology

1. Course Fish Feed Technology

2. Code of Course PLT303
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 6 (Sixth)-Required
5. Requirement -
The students are able to explain the
6. Competence technology of developing fish feed.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKB
Discussing feed preparation, feed
formulation, feeding technology, feeding
9. Course Description method, growth count, feed storage
method and labeling
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Leadership, teamwork, disiplin,
11. Learning Method Contextul instruction, practice
12. Learning Media LCD
UTS (20%), Task (20%), Practice (25%),
13. Study Assessment UAS (25%), Soft Skill (10%)
Coordinator : Agustono, Ir., M.Kes.;
14. Lecturer Committee: Widya Paramitha L., MP.,
drh.; Dr. Mirni Lamid, MP., drh.
1. Ensminger, M.E., J.E. Oldfield and
W.W. Heinemann. 1990. Feed and
Nutrition. 2nd Ed. The Ensminger
Publishing Co. California. USA.
15. References 2. Hartadi, H., S. Reksohadiprodjo dan
A.D. Tillman. 1986. Tabel
Komposisi Pakan untuk Indonesia.
Gadjah Mada University Press.

Tabel 3.35. Description on Fish Disease Analysis II

1. Course Fish Disease Analysis II

2. Code of Course KHD307
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 6 (Sixth) -Required
5. Requirement Microbiology
In the end of study, students are able to
analyze the virus causes disease in fish
6. Competence and shrimp, factors that trigger the
occurence of viral disease and its
prevention and control properly.
7. Type of Competence Special
8. Element of Competence MKB
The course discusses about fish/ shrimp
disease analysis includes virus causes
disease, the features of virus, the
9. Course Description symptons, factors that trigger the
occurence of viral disease, how to
analysis the disease, its prevention and
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Communication
Interactive Teaching, Discovery
11. Learning Method Learning (Interactive Teaching),
Cooperative Learning
12. Learning Media Computer LCD, Power Point
Quiz/ Task : 8,3 %, Paper : 8,3 %,
Practice Report : 8,4 %, Post test : 8,3 %,
13. Study Assessment Soft Skills : 8,3 %, UTS : 16,7 %,
Practice Exam: 16,7 %, and UAS : 25 %
Course Coordinator:
Wahju Tjahjaningsih, Ir., M.Si.;
14. Lecturer Committee :
Nanik Sianita Wijaya, SU., drh.
1. Roberts, RJ. 1989. Fish Pathology.
Bailliere Tindall. London.
2. Plumb, JA. 1994. Health
Maintenance of Cultured Fishes.
Principal Microbial Disease. CRC
Press, Inc. London.
3. Woo, PTK and DW. Bruno. 1999.
Fish Diseases and Disorders. Vol. 3.
CABI Publ. New York.
15. References 4. Lio-Po, GD., CR. Lavilla, ER Cruz-
Lacierda. 2001. Health Management
in Aquaculture. Aquaculture
Departement. Phillipines.
5. Fenner FJ, EPJ Gibbs, FA Murphy,
R. Rott, MJ Studdert, and DO White.
1993. Virologi Veteriner
(Terjemahan). IKIP Press. Semarang.
6. Techniques in Fish Immunology.
1990. FITC-1. SOS Publ

Tabel 3.36. Description on Community Service Program-Learning Based
Community (KKN-BBM)

Course Community Service Program-Learning

1. Based Community (KKN-BBM)
2. Code of Course KNI491
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (0-3)
4. Semester 6 (Sixth) -Required
Requirement Students have completed the course until
5. the sixth semester or have taken 110
Competence The students are able to conduct the
6. community service program-learning
based community
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MPK
9. Course Description -
10. Atribute of Soft Skill -
11. Learning Method KKN-BBM
12. Learning Media KKN-BBM
13. Study Assessment KKN-BBM
14. Lecturer Field Supervisor (DPL)
15. References Related references

Tabel 3.37. Description on Fish Hatchery Technology

1. Course Fish Hatchery Technology

2. Code of Course PLT302
3. Load of Study 3 (three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 6 (six)-Required
5. Requirement -
In the end of study, the students are able to
apply the fish hatchery theory and
6. Competence application of fish hatchery technology
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKB
The course discusses the basic theory of
fish hatchery and application of emerging
technologies. This material is presented
through face to face, consisting of a basic
understanding of fish hatchery technology
and the development of biotechnology,
9. Course Description selection of parent fish, method of
supplying fish products continuously,
environmental manipulation, parent stock,
hatchery place, hormonal manipulation in
hatcheries and capita selekta of fish
hatchery technology development.
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Discipline, Communication
Self-Directed Learning, Collaborative
11. Learning Method Learning, Project Based Learning
12. Learning Media LCD, Computer, Power Point
Task/Paper (11,11%), Presentation and
Discussion (11,11%), Practice Report
13. Study Assessment (11,11%), Soft Skill (11,11%), UTS
(22,22%), UAS (33,34%)
Coordinator : Prof. Moch.Amin Alamsjah,
Ir., M.Si.,Ph.D.
Committee : Dr. Gunanti, Ir., M.Si.; Dr. Ir.
14. Lecturer Endang Dewi Masithah, MP.; Prayogo,
S.Pi., MP.; Annur Ahadi Abdillah, S.Pi.,
1. Andersen, R.A. 2005. Algal Culturing
Techniques. Elsevies Academic
2. Anonymus. 2000. Pedoman
Pembenihan Udang Penaeid. Direktorat
Jenderal Perikanan. Departemen
Pertanian. Jakarta.
15. References 3. Anonymous. 2003. Ponds for Seeding
in Mariculture. Academic Press. New
York. USA.
4. Fujaya, Y. 2004. Fisiologi Ikan, Dasar
Pengembangan Teknik Perikanan.
Rineka Cipta. Jakarta.
5. Ginzburg, A.S. 1992. Fertilization in
Fish and The Problem of Polyspermi.

Israel Programme for Science. Trans
Jerusalem. Israel.
6. Isnansetyo, A. dan Kurniastuty. 1995.
Teknik Kultur Phytoplankton dan
Zooplankton. Pakan Alami Untuk
Pembenihan Organisme Laut. Kanisius.
7. Komarudin, U. 2000. Betutu. Pemijahan
Secara Alami dan Induksi. Penebar
Swadaya. Jakarta.
8. Lannan, J.E., R.O. Smitherman and G.
Tchobanoglous. 2002. Principles and
Practices of Pond Aquaculture. Oregon
State University Press. USA.
9. Hoar, W.S., D.J. Randall and E.M.
Donaldson. 1993. Fish Physiology
Reproduction. Academic Press. New
York. USA.
10. Rustidja. 1995. Teknik Seleksi Induk
Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Benih.
Fakultas Perikanan. Universitas
Brawijaya. Malang.
11. Sjafei, D.S., M.F. Rahardjo, R. Affandi,
M. Brojo dan Sulistiono. 1993.
Fisiologi Ikan II, IPB. Bogor.
12. Zairin, M. 2002. Sex Reversal.
Memproduksi Benih Ikan Jantan atau
Betina. Penebar Swadaya. Jakarta.

Tabel 3.38. Description on Aquaculture Biotechnology

1. Course Aquaculture Biotechnology

2. Code of Course BIT401
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (2-1)
4. Semester 6 (sixth)-Required
Biology, Animal Water Physiology, Fish
Reproduction, Genetic and Fish
5. Requirement Breeding, Fish Nutrient and Introduction
to Molecular Biology
In the end of study, the students are able
to develop the aquaculture biotechnology
6. Competence
to support the success of aquaculture in
the field effectively and efficiently.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKB
The course discusses the basic concept
of modification or aquaculture
biotechnology and aquaculture
9. Course Description development as well as the application of
technology (modern) in the both
freshwater, brackish and marine
aquaculture development
Discipline, responsible, active
10. Attribute of Soft Skill participation
Small Group Discussion, Cooperative
11. Learning Method Learning
LCD, Computer, White Board, Paper,
12. Learning Media Handout
Task (15%), UTS (20%), Practice (20%),
13. Study Assessment UAS (35%), Soft Skills (10%)
Coordinator : Dr. Akhmad Taufiq Mukti,
S.Pi., M.Si.
Committee : Dr. Ir. Woro Hastuti
14. Lecturer Satyantini, M.Si; Ir. Muhammad Arief,
M.Kes; Dr. Ir. Gunanti Mahasri, M.Si;
Daruti Dinda Nindarwi, S.Pi., MP.
1. Austin A. 2004. Control of Fish
Diseases. Prosiding Pengendalian
Penyakit pada Ikan dan Udang
Berbasis Imunisasi dan Biosecurity.
2. Beaumont AR and Hoare K. 2003.
Biotechnology and Genetics in
Fisheries and Aquaculture. Blackwell
15. References 3. Bromage NR and Roberts RJ. 1996.
Broodstock Management and Egg
and Larval Quality. Blackwell
4. DCD. 1997. Mengenal Tambak
Lapis Plastik Udang Windu. PT.
Dipasena Citra Darmaja. Lampung.
5. Dunham RA. 2004. Aquaculture and
Fisheries Biotechnology. Genetic

Approaches. CABI Publishing
6. Gjedrem T. 2005. Selection and
Breeding Programs in Aquaculture.
7. Gjedrem T and Baranski M. 2009.
Selective Breeding in Aquaculture:
An Introduction. Springer.
8. Irianto A. 2003. Probiotik
Akuakultur. Gadjah Mada University
9. Flegel TW. 1998. Advances in
Shrimp Biotechnology. BIOTEC.
10. Komen J. 1990. Clones of Common
Carp, Cyprinus carpio. New
Perspective in Fish Research.
Wageningen, Netherlands.
11. Lee C and Donaldson EM. 2001.
Reproductive Biotechnology in
Finfish Aquaculture. Elsevier.
12. Lucas JS and Southgate PC. 2005.
Aquaculture, Farming Aquatic
Animals and Plants. Blackwell
13. Lutz CG. 2001. Practical Genetics
for Aquaculture. Fishing News
Books, Blackwell Science.
14. Muir JF and Roberts RJ. 1993.
Recent Advances in Aquaculture IV.
Blackwell Scientific Publications..
15. NRC. 1983. Nutrient Requirement of
Warmwater Fishes and Shell Fishes.
National Academy Press.
16. Pillay TVR and Kutty MN. 2005.
Aquaculture, Principles and
Practices. Second Edition. Blackwell
17. Purdom CE. 1993. Genetics and Fish
Breeding. Chapman and Hall.
18. Stottrup JG and Mc.Evoy LA. 2003.
Live Feeds in Marine Aquaculture.
Blackwell Science.
19. Tave D. 1993. Genetics for Fish
Hatchery Managers. Avi. Publ. Co.
Inc. Wesport, Connecticut.
20. TFRI. 2000. Advanced Aquaculture.
Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute.

Tabel 3.39. Description on Research Methodology

1. Course Research Methodology

2. Code of Course PNI497
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 6 (Sixth)-Required
5. Requirement -
6. Competence The students are able to describe the
conceptual stages of research, research
problems, hypotheses, research
variables, research design, instruments
and data collection techniques, analysis
of research results to prepare a proposal.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPB
9. Course Description Discussing research proposals that
include: research stages, research
problems, hypotheses, research
variables, type of research, research
design, instruments and data collection
techniques, analysis of research results,
and how to prepare reports. Mastery of
the material is observed by assigning
tasks to the topic of the lecture from the
start of the research title to the proposal
presented at the end of the lecture.
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Discipline
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, presentation,
12. Learning Media LCD
13 Study Assessment UTS (20 %), UAS (50 %), Task (20 %);
Soft Skill (10%)
14. Lecturer Coordinator : Dr. Kismiyati, Ir., M.Si.;
Committee : Dr. Kusnoto, drh., MSi.; Rr.
Juni Triastuti, S.Pi., M.Si.
15. References 1. Moh. Nazir. 1985. Metode
Penelitian, Ghalia Indonesia, Jakarta.
2. Muhamad Zainuddin. 2005.
Metodologi Penelitian. Diktat Kuliah
Program Pascasarjana, Universitas
3. Sutrisna, B. 1986. Pengantar Metode
Epidemiologi, PT. Dian Rakyat,
4. Singarimbun, M. dan Efendi, S.,
Metode Penelitian Survai, Cetakan
ke-7, LP3ES, Jakarta, 1987.
5. Hanafiah, K.A. 1991. Rancangan
Percobaan: Teori dan Aplikasi.
Cetakan I, CV Rajawali, Jakarta.

Tabel 3.40. Description on Experimental Design

1. Course Experimental Design

2. Code of Course PNI301
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 6 (Sixth) -Required
5. Requirement Statistics
The students are able to arrange the
research design or design the experiment
on his research proposal correctly, using
statistical analysis of the research data
6. Competence and interpret the result of data
processing of the research with good and
correct so that obtained the result which
can be scientifically justified.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPB
Includes introduction and basic
understanding, basic elements of
experimental design, diversity and
experimental models, complete
randomized design (RAL), multiple
comparisons with the smallest real
difference test (BNT), real honest
differences (BNJ) and Duncan multiple-
9. Course Description range test, contrasting orthogonal
contrast and Orthogonal polynomial,
randomized block design (RAK),
missing data, latin square design (RBL),
factorial experiments with RAL,
factorial experiments with grouping
design, factorial experiments with
divided plot design.
10. Atribute of Soft Skill Honest, disciplined, accurate, confident
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
UTS (22,22%); Task (16,67%); Quiz
13. Study Assessment (16,67%); UAS (33,33%); Soft Skill
Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Hj. Kusriningrum
R.S., Ir., MS.;
14. Lecturer Committee : Prof. Dr. H. Rochiman
Sasmita, MS., MM., drh.
1. Kusriningrum, R.S. 2009. Buku Ajar
Perancangan Percobaan. Fakultas
Kedokteran Hewan. Universitas
Airlangga. Penerbit Dani Abadi,
15. References 2. Kusriningrum, R.S. 2008.
Perancangan Percobaan. Fakultas
Kedokteran Hewan. Universitas
Airlangga. Airlangga University
Press, Surabaya.

Tabel 3.41. Description on Field Work Practice

1. Course Field Work Practice

2. Code of Course KLI401
3. Load of Study 3 (Three) credits (0-3)
4. Semester 6 (Sixth)-Required
Requirement Students have completed equivalent
5. subjects with or more than 115 credits
without E score.
Competence The students are able to carry out Field
6. Work Practices in fisheries and marine
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of Competence MKK
9. Course Description -
10. Atribute of Soft Skill -
11. Learning Method Field Work Practices
12. Learning Media Location of Field Work Practice
13. Study Assessment Field Work Practices
Lecturer Coordinator : Supervisor (1 orang);
14. Committee : Examiner (2 orang)
15. References Related references

Tabel 3.42. Description on Fish Quarantine (Elective)

1. Course Fish Quarantine

2. Code of Course PLU303
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 6 (Sixth)-Elective
Parasite and Fish Disease I and II; Fish
5. Requirement Disease Analysis I
The students are able to explain the basic
concept and history of fish quarantine,
fish quarantine task and function and
6. Competence basic aspects concerning the
implementation of fish quarantine and its
application in the field.
7. Type of Competence Special
8. Element of Competence MKK
Discusses the basic concept and history of
fish quarantine, fish quarantine functions
and tasks, quarantine laws and
regulations, SPS agreement provisions,
types of fishery commodities
dilalulintaskan, types of pests and diseases
9. Course Description of fish quarantine, monitoring, monitoring
and monitoring of fish pests and diseases
Quarantine, IRA implementation, fish
quarantine role in fisheries development
and global market, fish quarantine
implementation, work procedure and
procedure of fish quarantine action
Courage and ability to argue and ask
10. Atribute of Soft Skill questions in class, discipline and
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
Task (25%); UTS (25%); UAS (40%);
13. Study Assessment Soft Skill (10%)
Coordinator : Dr. Gunanti Mahasri, Ir.,
14. Lecturer Committee : Laminem, S.Pi., M.Si.; Retno
Wilis, S.Pi.,M.Si.
1. Pusat Karantina Ikan. 2003.
Konsep Manual Analisis Resiko
Impor Media Pembawa Hama dan
Penyakit Ikan. Departemen Kelautan
dan Perikanan. Jakarta.
2. OIE. 1994. International Aquatic
Animal Health Code and Diagnostic
15. References Manual. OIE.
3. Karantina Ikan Juanda. 2002a .
Tatalaksana Karantina Ikan Pada
Stasiun Karantina Ikan Juanda -
Surabaya. Karantina Ikan Juanda.
Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan.
4.Karantina Ikan Juanda. 2002b.

Penyebar luasan informasi
karantina ikan. Karantina Ikan
Juanda - Surabaya. Departemen
Kelautan dan Perikanan.
5.Prayitno, S.B. 2002. Peranan
Karantina Ikan Dalam Menyongsong
Pasar Global. Fakultas Perikanan
dan Ilmu Kelautan Undip. Semarang.

Semester VII

Tabel 3.85.a. Description on Islam Religion II

1. Course Islam Religion II

2. Code of Course AGI401
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) Credits (2-0)
4. Semester 7 (Seventh)-Required
5. Requirement -
6. Competence The students are able to implement religious
teachings in life, have attitudes as someone
who educated Muslim scholars in performing
every activity of life and strengthen the faith,
piety, develop noble character and make the
teachings of Islam as the foundation of
thinking and behaving in professional
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
9. Course Description Discussing Concepts to God in Islam, Faith
and Piety, Implementation of Faith and Piety
in Modern Life, Humanity According to
Islam, Law, Human Rights and Democracy in
Islam (Understanding), Islamic Law and
Contribution of Indonesian Muslims, Ethics,
Morals and Morals , Science and Technology
and Art in Islam, Interreligious Harmony,
Civil Society and People's Welfare, Islamic
Economy, Islamic Culture, and Islamic
Political System.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Moral, Ethics
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
13. Study Assessment Task/paper (12,5%), Presentation and
discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%), UTS
(25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Sri Subekti, DEA.,
Committee : Moch. Amin Alamsjah, Ir.,
M.Si., Ph.D.; Dr. Kismiyati, Ir., M.Si.
15. References 1. Ahmad, HA. Malik, Tauhid, Membina
Pribadi Muslim dan Masyarakat, Jakarta,
al-Hidayah, 1980.
2. Madjid, Nurcholis, Cita-cita Politik Islam
Era Reformasi, Jakarta: Paramadi-na,
Cetakan keenam, 2002
3. Shihab, Muhammad Quraish,
Membumikan al-Qur’an, Cetakan ke 12,
Bandung : Mizan, 1996.
4. Djatnika, Rachmat, Sistem Etika Islam,
Jakarta: Pustaka Panimas, 1990.
5. Muslim Nurdin, K.H., dkk., Moral dan
Kognisi Islam, Bandung : Alfabeta, Edisi
kedua, 1995.

Tabel 3.85.b. Description on Protestant Religion II

1. Course Protestant Religion II

2. Code of Course AGP401
3. Load of Study 2 (Two) Credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (Seventh)
5. Requirement -
6. Competence Students are able to implement the
teachings of religion in life, living the love
of God in Jesus Christ with the guidance of
the Holy Spirit and as someone who is
educated Christian scholar in performing
every activity of life so that it can grow as
a whole person in all aspects and can prove
himself as a new man The god, responsible
to God, his fellow human beings and his
natural environment and willing to devote
all his life and work to the benefit of his
fellow human beings.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
9. Course Description Discusses Protestant Christianity as a
source of values and guidance in the
development of Christian personality that
upholds human dignity. This is presented
based on the Competency Based
Competency (KBK) component, which
consists of Competencies, Substance
Studies, Sub-Events and the whole process
of learning including methodology and
evaluation. The substance of the study is a
topic that has been determined by the
Directorate General of Higher Education
through Decree no. 38 / Dikti / Kep / 2002.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Moral, Ethics
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
13. Study Assessment Task/ paper (12,5%), Presentation and
discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Coordinator
15. References 1. Bre Redana. 2002. Potret Manusia
Sebagai Si Anak Kebudayaan Massa.
LSPP – Jakarta.
2. Browniee, M. 1987. Tugas Manusia
Dalam Dunia Milik Tuhan. BPK Gunung
Mulia – Jakarta.
3. David Bergamini. 1979. Alam Semesta.
Tira Pustaka – Jakarta.
4. Eka Darmaputera. 2002. Beragama
dengan Akal Sehat. Gloria – Yogyakarta.

Tabel 3.85.c. Description on Catholic Religion II

1. Course Catholic Religion II

2. Code of Course AGK401
3. Load of Study 2 (two) sks (2-0)
4. Semester 7 (seventh)-required
5. Requirement -
6. Competence The students are able to implement the
teachings of religion in life, have an
adequate understanding of the faith as a
person who educated Catholic scholars in
performing every activity of life so as able
to account for and realize his faith as an
inclusive, social, congregating and
socializing Christians.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
9. Course Description Discussing the nature and dimensions of
man, the Supreme Godhead, Jesus Christ,
the Ethics-Moral, the dialogue and harmony
of religious people, the socializing faith, the
culturing Church, the Science of
Technology and the Arts, the Political
Social Life, the law, the human rights and
democracy in Catholicism and the Role of
Women in the Church.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Moral, Ethics
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
13. Study Assessment Task/ paper (12,5%), presentation and
discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Coordinator : Dr. Lucia, M.Si., drh.
15. References 1. Nico Syukur, Filsafat Agama Kristiani,
Yogyakarta: Penerbit Kanisius
2. Drijarkara, Filsafat Manusia,
Yogyakarta: Penerbit:Kanisius
3. Dep Pendidikan Nasional, Modul Acuan
Proses Pembelajaran Matakuliah
Pengembangan Kepribadian: Pendidikan
agama Katolik
4. Iman katolik, buku informasi dan
referensi, Jakarta: Obor.
5. Katekismus Gereja Katolik, Embuiru,
Ende: Nusa Indah.

Tabel 3.85.d. Description on Hindu Religion II

1. Course Hindhu religion II

2. Code of Course AGH401
3. Load of Study 2 (two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 7 (seventh)-required
5. Requirement -
6. Competence After attending the class, the students can
behave as an educated person Hindu
scholars can implement the teachings of
religion in life, understand about the
meaning of Godhead, God YME the
Nirakara and Akara, Chess Marga Yoga,
facilities, places and feast day worship,
human conception and human dignity, The
saints and the realization of ethics and
morality in life, srada, jnana, karma as
unity in yadnya, trihita karana and
responsibility to the environment, the
essence of togetherness in religious
plurality, the role of Hindus in realizing a
prosperous society, the source of Hindu
teachings about politics, Hinduism in the
formulation and enforcement of the law.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
9. Course Description Discussing the conceptions of the Godhead
(Brahma Widya), Chess Marga Yoga,
Hindu Human Nature I, Hindu Human
Nature II, Ethics and Morality I, Ethics and
Morality II, Science Technology In Hindu
Perspective I, II, Harmony Religious
People, Jagadhita, Culture as an Experience
of Hinduism, Politics According to Hindu
Perspective, Hinduism in the Framework of
Enforcing Justice.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Moral, Ethics
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
13. Study Assessment Task/ paper (12,5%), Presentation and
discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Drs. I Ketut Arta
15. References 1. Tim Penyusun. 1997. Pendidikan Agama
Hindu Untuk Perguruan Tinggi.
Hanuman Sakti.
2. Ketut Wiana. 1994. Bagaimana Hindu
Menghayati Tuhan. Manikgeni.
3. I.B. Punya Atmaja. 1974. Panca Sradha.
PHDI Pusat.
4. I Made Titib. 1996. Veda Sabda Suci
Pedoman Praktis Kehidupan. Paramita.

Tabel 3.85.e. Description on Buddhism Religion II

1. Course Buddhism Religion II

2. Code of Course AGB401
3. Load of Study 2 (two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (seventh)
5. Requirement -
6. Competence After attending the class, the students can
behave as someone who is educated Buddhist
scholars can implement religious teachings in
life, understand and live the essence of God
Almighty and practice the Godhead of God
Almighty. Students have understanding and
understand the existence of God, Bodhisattva,
Arahat and Buddha so that students are able to
carry out their role model. Students understand
about Bodhisattva and Buddha and live and
practice Dharma. Students can understand and
understand the Law of the Sunyataan and the
law of Karma.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
9. Course Description Discussing the essence of God Almighty, in the
Holy Scriptures of UDANA VIII: 3 is described
as follows: The Absolute and Unconditioned
and Unborn is Nibbana. (Persons who have
attained Sainthood) Arahats. The Birth of P,
Sidarta for Six Years and the Perfect
Illumination of Buddhism, the Discipline of
Dharma in the Garden of Isipatana the
formation of the Sangha. Before a person
becomes a Buddha he must become a
Bodishatva, possessing Metta Karuna and
Mudita and more concerned with others than
himself. The law of the Sunyataan that prevailed
in 31 realms of life, Alam Arupa Loka, Rupa
Loka and Karma Loka. The karmic law of deeds
done by mano Vacci and karma and driven by
cetana, without Cetana there will be no karma,
Karma is the result of deed and will receive,
apply and implement.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Moral, Ethics
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
13. Study Assessment Task/ paper (12,5%), Presentation and
discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%), UTS
(25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Pdt. Kemawati
15. References 1. Kuliah Agama Budha Untuk Perguruan
2. Dhamma pada Inti Sari Ajaran Sang Budha

Tabel 3.85.f. Description on Kong Hu Chu II

1. Course Kong Hu Chu II

2. Code of Course AGC401
3. Load of Study 2 (two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 1 (seventh)-required
5. Requirement -
6. Competence The students are able to implement
religious teachings in life, practice faith,
piety, develop noble morals as the
teachings of Kong Hu Chu.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of MPK
9. Course Description Discusses the history of Confucius,
Confucius, Confucius, Conflicts, the true
nature or nature of human nature
according to Kong Hu Chu and the
spread of Confucianism and the
application of Confucianism to the
organization of life.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Ethics
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
13. Study Assessment Task/ paper (12,5%), presentation and
discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Coordinator : MKWU Team
15. References a. Dawson, R. 1993. Kong Hu Cu
Penata Budaya Kerajaan Langit.
Grafiti. Jakarta. 145 pp.

Tabel 3.86. Description on Phylosophy of Science

1. Course Phylosophy of Science

2. Code of Course PHI101
3. Load of Study 2 (two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 7 (seventh)-Required
5. Requirement -
6. Competence The students are able to explain scientific
reasoning in scientific development,
identify the basics of scientific knowledge
and reasoning as well as non-scientific
according to the principles of scientific
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MPK
9. Course Description Discusses the history of the development
of science, philosophical relationships,
science and philosophy of science, the
position of philosophy of science, the
diversity and grouping of science, the
basis of study of science (ontology,
epistemology and axiology), scientific
thinking methods, the problem of truth and
the relationship between philosophy, .
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline, oral communication
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion
12. Learning Media LCD
13. Study Assessment Task/ paper (12,5%), Presentation and
discussion (12,5%), Soft Skill (12,5%),
UTS (25%), UAS (37,5%)
14. Lecturer Coordinator : Drs. Budi Setiawan, M.A.;
Committee : Boedi Setya Rahardja, Ir.,
15. References 1. Bertens, K. 1985. Filsafat Abad XX.
PT. Gramedia. Jakarta.
2. Conant and J. Bryant. 1956. Science and
Common Sense. Yale University Press.
New Heaven. USA.
3. Verhaak, C. dan I.R. Haryono. 1989.
Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan. PT. Gramedia.

Tabel 3.87. Description on Proposal of Undergraduate Thesis

1. Course Proposal of Undergraduate Thesis

2. Code of Course PNI498
3. Load of Study 2 (two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 7 (seventh)
5. Requirement Mahasiswa memperoleh paling sedikit
137 sks (IPK lebih dari atau sama dengan
2) dan maksimal mempunyai nilai D 25%
serta tidak ada nilai E.
6. Competence Mahasiswa mampu membuat Proposal
Skripsi dalam bidang perikanan dan
7. Type of Competence Mian
8. Element of MKK
9. Course Description -
10. Attribute of Soft Skill -
11. Learning Method Proposal of Undergraduate Thesis Result
12. Learning Media Proposal of Undergraduate Thesis Result
13. Study Assessment Proposal of Undergraduate Thesis Result
14. Lecturer Coordinator : Chief of examiner;
Committee : Examiner (2 persons) dan
Supervisor (2 persons)
15. References Related references

Tabel 3.88. Description on Coralogy (Elective)

1. Course Coralogy
2. Code of Course PLU301
3. Load of Study 2 (two) credits (2-0)
4. Semester 7 (seventh)-Elective
5. Requirement Aquatic avertebrate, Marine biology
6. Competence Students are able to explain various types
of corals (soft and hard coral), habitat and
potential utilization of corals, and able to
analyze problems of coral damage and
marine environment.
7. Type of Competence Supporting
8. Element of Competence MKK
9. Course Description Discusses coral understanding, coral
species, coral habitat, types of living
organisms and / or symbiosis with corals,
coral damage, transplantation and coral
cultivation and artificial corals.
10. Attribute of Soft Skill Discipline
11. Learning Method Contextual instruction, discussion,
12. Learning Media LCD
13. Study Assessment Task (20%), UTS (30%), UAS (40%),
Soft Skills (10%)
14. Lecturer Coordinator : A. Shofy Mubarak, S.Pi.,
Committee : Sapto Andriyono, S.Pi., MT.
15. References 1. Spalding, M.D., C. Ravilious, E.P.
Green. 2001. World Atlas of Coral
Reefs. Prepared at the UNEP World
Conservation Monitoring Centre.
University of California Press,
Barkeley, USA.
2. Julian, S. 1999. Corals : A Quick
reference Guide (Oceanographic
Series). 1st Edition. Ricoldea

Semester VIII

Tabel 3.93. Description on Undergraduate Thesis (BP)

1. Course Undergraduate Thesis

2. Code of Course PNI499
3. Load of Study 6 (Six) credits (6-0)
4. Semester 8 (Eighth)
5. Requirement The student has conducted Research
Seminar with minimum value of C.
6. Competence The students are able to make
undergraduate thesis as final project and
get Bachelor (S1) degree.
7. Type of Competence Main
8. Element of MPB
9. Course Description -
10. Attribute of Soft Skill -
11. Learning Method Compilation of scientific writings from
the results of conducted research
12. Learning Media Compilation of scientific writings from
the results of conducted research
13. Study Assessment Undergraduate Thesis
14. Lecturer Coordinator : Chief of examiner;
Committee : Examiner (2 person) dan
Supervisor (2 person)
15. References Related references


The learning strategy which is applied on Aquaculture Study Program in

the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine consists of learning method, learning media
as well as the academic staffs who are a course coordinator.

4.1. Learning Method

The learning method which is conducted on Aquaculture Study Program

such as Small Group Discussion, Simulation, Discover Learning, Self-Directed
Learning, Cooperative Learning, Collaborative Learning, Contextual Instruction,
Project Based Learning, and Problem Based Learning and Inquiry

4.1.1. Small Group Discussion

In this method, the students are divided into small group consists of 5 to
10 students and they choose the material for discussion then present the paper as
well as discuss in front of the class. In the other hand, the lecturer makes draft for
discussion and its rule. The lecturer also becomes a moderator and reviews it in
the end of discussion.

4.1.2. Simulation

The students learn and conduct a role which is given to them or practice
various model (computer) which is provided. The lecturer plans the activity that is
similar with the real such as plays role, computer model, or various simulation
exercises and then discusses the student’s performance.

4.1.3. Discover Learning

The students look for, collect, and arrange the information to describe
knowledge. In the other hand, the lecturer, provide the data or direction (method)
to excursions knowledge which has to be learned by students. Then, examine and
review the independent learning outcome of the student.

4.1.4. Self-Directed Learning

The students plan a learning activity, conduct and assess their own
learning experience. The lecturer as facilitator provides guidance, advice, and
confirmation on the learning improvement which is conducted by the students.

4.1.5. Cooperative Learning

The students discuss and conclude the problems or tasks which are given
by lecturer as a group. The lecturer drafts and monitors the learning process and
learning outcomes of student’s group.

4.1.6. Collaborative Learning

The students work together with the members of their group to finish the
task; make draft process and assessment form according to consensus of their own
group. The lecturer designs tasks that are open ended and also becomes facilitator
and motivator.

4.1.7. Contextual Learning

The students discuss the concept (theory) related to the real situation and
conduct the field study or plunge in the real workplace to learn the suitability of
theory. In the other hand, the lecturer explains the theoretical study materials and
links it with the real situation in daily activity or professional work or managerial
or entrepreneurial.

4.1.8. Project Based Learning

The students do the task (a project) which is designed systematically and

show their performance and take the responsibility of their work in forum. While
the lecturer designs task (project) systematically in order to the students learn the
knowledge and skill through looking for or inquiry process that is structured and

4.1.9. Problem Based Learning and Inquiry

The students look for information and utilize it to solve the problems.
While the lecturer designs tasks to achieve the certain competence and makes
direction (method) for students to look for the problem solving which is choose by
students themselves or which is assigned.

4.2. Learning Media

The learning media which is conducted in Aquaculture Study Program

such as Figure, Television, Audio Recording, Printed Material, Video, LCD and
E-Learning. The description of the learning media as following below:

4.2.1. Figure

Figure is a material example. This material can be put on the bulletin

board, slide projector to show it. The raw material slide film, book, bulletin board,
or slide projector t put this figure is an example from equipment or hardware.
4.2.2. Television

Television is an electronic system which sends the figure together with

sound through cable or space. This system use tool to change light and sound into
electronic wave and convert back to the light which can be seen and the sound can
be heard. The television is a communication media which is used for transmitting
and receiving broadcasting moving pictures and is equipped with the sound.

4.2.3. Audio Recording

The audio recording is a learning method to record and perpetuate

something through recording devices, can be form of sound or picture, and then
we can hear and see it again.

4.2.4. Printed Material

The printed material can be defined as a device which is consists of

material or learning content to achieve the objective of the learning process using
printed technology. The printed material contains material in the form of ideas,
facts, concepts, principles, or theories according to discipline of science as well as
other information in the learning.

4.2.5. Video

Video is technology to catch, record, process, transmit, and rearranging the

moving picture. The digital video is s video recording system which works using
digital system compared to analog in video representation.

4.2.6. LCD

LCD is a device which integrates the source of light, optic system,

electronic and display with the aims to project picture or video to the wall or

4.2.7. E-Learning

E-learning is a way of delivering course related to teaching learning

process by utilizing the development of information and communication

4.3. Academic Staff



No. Department Lecturer

1. Fish Health Management Dr. Gunanti Mahasri, Ir., M.Si
and Aquaculture Rahayu Kusdarwati, Ir., M.Kes
H. Muhammad Arief, Ir., M.Kes
Prof. Dr. Hari Suprapto, Ir., M.Agr
Dr. Kismiyati, Ir., M.Kes
Sudarno, Ir., M.Kes
Boedi Setyo Rahardjo, Ir., M.P
Agustono, Ir., M.Kes
Dr. Woro Hastuti Satyantini, Ir., M.Si
Yudi Cahyoko, Ir., M.Si
Dr. Ahmad Taufik Mukti, S.Pi., M.Si
Prayogo, S.Pi., M.P
Abdul Manan, S.Pi., M.Si
Putri Desi Wulan Sari, S.Pi
Rozi, S.Pi., M. Biotech
Daruti Dinda Nindarwi, S.Pi., M.Si
Luthfiana Aprilianita Sari, S.Pi., M.Si
Nina Nurmalia Dewi, S.Pi., M.Si
2. Marine Prof. Dr. Hj. Sri Subekti, DEA., drh.
Wahju Tjahjaningsih, Ir., M.Si
Prof. Moch. Amin Alamsjah, Ir., M.Si., Ph.D
Dr. Endang Dewi Masithah, Ir., M.P
Dr. Laksmi Sulmartiwi, S.Pi., M.P
Dr. Rr. Juni Triastuti, S.Pi., M.Si
Dr. Adriana Monica S., Ir., M.Kes
Ahmad Shofy Mubarak, S.Pi., M.Si
Sapto Andriyono, S.Pi., M.T
Kustiawan Tri Pursetyo, S.Pi., M.Vet
Annur Ahadi Abdillah, S.Pi., M.Si
Heru Pramono, S.Pi., M. Biotech
Eka Saputra, S.Pi., M.Si
Patmawati, S.Pi., M.Si
M. Nur Ghoyatul Amin, S.TP., M.P., M.Sc
Dwi Yuli Pujiastuti, S.Pi., M.P., M.Sc
3. PDD-Banyuwangi Suciyono, S.St.Pi., M.P
Hapsari Kenconojati, S.Si., M.Si
Muhammad Faizal Ulkhaq, S.Pi., M.Si
Lailatul Lutfiyah, S.Pi., M.Si
Arif Habib Fasya, S.Pi., M.P
Muhammad Hanif Azhar, S.Pi., M.Si
Darwaman Setia Budi, S.Pi., M.Si


The evaluation system on Aquaculture Study Program in the Faculty of

Fisheries and Marine consist of exam and evaluation, scoring system,
achievement scoring and study evaluation.

5.1. Exam and Evaluation

5.1.1. Purpose and Adjectives of the Implementation of Exam Result

1. Assessing student learning outcomes in understanding the
course serving in a lecture
2. Assessing the learning outcomes stated in alphabet so the
student grouping based on student’s ability consists of A, AB,
B, BC, C, D and E

5.1.2. System and Exam Implementation

1. Student is allowed to take exam in a course if attends at least
75% in total lecture and 100% in laboratory activity in the
relevant course. The student who studies over again is allowed
to take exam in a course if attends at least 50% in total lecture.
The laboratory activity for student who studies over again
depends on policy of coordinator course (PJMK).
2. The exam course can be written form, oral examination, task,
and lecturer’s observation.
Written exam is held in a form of:

a. Quiz or structured task is required and if it is held, the

frequency depends on relevant lecturer. Quiz and
structured task is conducted before UAS.
b. The laboratory exam is held if the course has laboratory
activity and the time depends on relevant lecturer.
c. The middle test semester (UTS) is scheduled. The material
involve of material from beginning to middle of semester.
d. The final test semester (UAS) is scheduled after quite
week. The material involve of material in the beginning of
face to face to in the end of these semester.
3. The student who is unable to join the exam, no later than one
week after exam has to report to academic and student affair by
bringing the official letter. If late to report, the score of UTS
and UAS in the exam (not followed) is zero (0) and it is still

calculated in final scoring. The student who is unable to join
UTS and/or UAS can show the official letter to take the
supplementary exam and the time is set by relevant lecturer
according to assigned schedule.
4. The coordinator course and team have to fill and announce the
score all of the exam and structured task, in a form of raw score
through cyber campus. Final score (in a form of alphabet) has
to delivered by coordinator course (PJMK) to academic and
student affair, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine no later than
two weeks after exam schedule over, to be announced to
students through cyber campus.
5. In system credit semester (SKS), to fix score, the student is
allowed to take and/or repeat the course in that semester which
includes the course implementation.

5.2. Scoring System

5.2.1. In each exam is given raw score in form 0 to 100. Especially for
final score, scoring is conducted into 7 grades such as A, AB, B,
BC, C, D, and E.

5.2.2. Final score of a course is determined by combining evaluation

result from all of exam score held by relevant lecturer.

Component % (1) % (2) % (3) % (4)

Quiz 10 10 20 20
Laboratory Result 0 10 - -
Laboratory Exam 5 15 - -
Soft Skill 0 10 10 10
UTS (middle test) 22 27.5 30 35
UAS (final test) 33 27.5 40 35

(1) If exam quality between UTS and UAS is different
(2) If exam quality between UTS and UAS is same
(3) If course without laboratory activity with exam quality
between UTS and UAS is different
(4) If course without laboratory activity with exam quality
between UTS and UAS is same

5.2.3. Final score management (raw score/ number) be a quality score
(alphabet) is processed in seven grades. From final score (raw
score) can be processed a final score.

Quality score for exam result using benchmark scoring (PAP):

Raw Score Alphabet Score

≥ 75 A
70 - 74.9 AB
65 - 69.9 B
60 - 64.9 BC
55 - 59.9 C
40 - 54.9 D
< 40 E

5.2.4. Serving score from result management above using seven grades,
as follows:

Alphabetic Score Transformation score Quality score

A A 4
AB AB 3.5
B B 3
BC BC 2.5
C C 2
D D 1
E E 0

5.3. Achievement Scoring

5.3.1. Scoring of student learning achievement expressed in Grade Point

Average (GPA) or Average quality score (AQS).

5.3.2. Grade Point (GP) determine by summing the multiplication of

each credit quality score, divided by the number of credits

Ki = Total credits taken per courses

Ni = Quality score each course
∑ = Total

For example regarding measurement of GPA, please check the

table below.

Credit Scor Score
Courses (N) e (KA) N x K
Planktonology 3 A 4 12
Fisheries law and
policies 2 D 1 2
Introduction to
Fisheries Science 2 C 2 4
Ichthyology 3 B 3 9
Statistic 2 D 1 2
Total 12 29

5.4. Study Evaluation

Success of study expressed in Grade Point (GP) or AQS. Study Evaluation
of bachelor degree student conducted by the end of semester, first two
year (end of semester IV), following two years (end of semester VIII) and
end of study time limit 7 years.

5.4.1. Evaluation of Semester study result

Evaluation of semester study result is conducted by the end of
semester covering all of courses taken by the student. Evaluation
of the results is expressed by measurement of the student’s Grade
Point (GP) in the end of semester. The valuation result is basis of
total of credit that allowed to be taken in the upcoming semester
with this consideration:

Total credit that allowed to be

taken in the upcoming semester
Grade Point

≥ 3,00 Maximum 24 credits

2,50 – 2,99 Maximum 22 credits
2,00 – 2,49 Maximum 20 credits
1,50 – 1,99 Maximum 17 credits
< 1,50 Maximum 13 credits

The student only allowed taken the courses that offered in the 1
semester odd/even above. For example, a student in the semester

IV only allowed to taking courses that offered in semester VI, and
student that in the semester III only could taking semester V and
considering the prerequisite of the courses that will be taken.
Student in the semester I and II are not allowed taking course in the
above semester.

5.4.2. Evaluation of first two years study

Evaluation of first two years study is measured in the first two
years (end of semester IV) of the student enrolled in the Faculty of
Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga. Student study result
evaluated for decided whereas the student could continue the study
or dropped out from the college. The student could take the next
semester if:

1. They have took at least ½ (a half) of total credit programmed in

the first two years curriculum.
2. They get the Grade Point Average (GPA) > or = 2.00.
If during that time the student could collect at least a half of
total credit offered, the evaluation will be decided based on ½
(a half) of total credit from the courses with highest score.

5.4.3. Evaluation of first four years study

In the end of first four years study, starting from the student
enrolled in the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas
Airlangga, the study results will be evaluated to decide whereas the
student could continue the study or leave faculty.
The student could continue the study if qualify:

1. Have collected at least ½ (a half) of total credit programmed in

the first four years study
2. Grade Point Average (GPA) > or = 2.00. If the student in the
first four year could collect more than ½ (a half) of total credit
programmed, the evaluation will be measured from the courses
with highest score.

5.4.4. Study Result Evaluation

The students graduate from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
Universitas Airlangga if:

1. Collected all of courses programmed

2. Grade Point Average (GPA) > or = 2.00
3. Have no E grade
4. Have no D grade > 20% from total courses

The student is stated should drop out if could not qualify:

1. The student not qualify during first 2 (two) year evaluation

2. The student not qualify final evaluation until end of limit study
time starting from he/she’s first enrollment in Faculty of
Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga

5.4.5. Evaluation of study limit

1. Student allowed to finish the bachelor degree in Faculty of
Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga during 8 (eight)
semester and no more than 14 (four teen) semester
2. Student stated should leave the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
if could not finish bachelor degree in Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine during 14 semester
3. Decision of drop out from Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
stated based on Decree of Rector of Universitas Airlangga after
acceptance of proposal from the dean of Faculty of Fisheries
and Marine Universitas Airlangga

5.5. Field Work Practice (PKL) and Communty Service Program (KKN-

5.5.1 Field Work Practice (PKL)

Student of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga
that passed of first two year evaluation with GPA ≥ 2 could take
field work practice (PKL) after propose Field Work Practice
Proposal (Proposal PKL) that regulated separated in Field Work
Practice Guideline. Student that will take Field Work Practice
should pass the criteria which determined by Faculty of Fisheries
and Marine Universitas Airlangga in Field Work Practice
Guideline. Theme and title of Field Work Practice that proposed in
the proposal of Field Work Practice (PKL) fully handed over to the
student and acceptance of advisor.

5.5.2 Title Field Work Practice (PKL) should meet the following

1. Interesting for the student and not duplication from other
students proposal, inside or outside of Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Universitas Airlangga considering the study program
2. Supported by literature study
3. Relevant with the fisheries science

5.5.3 Student that finished the Field Work Practice (PKL) obligated to
write PKL report and test at least six month after field work
practice ended. If the student could not fulfil the requirement, they
must repeat the Field Work Practice with different title.

5.5.4 Field Work Practice advisor is lecturer of Faculty of Fisheries and

Marine that assigned by Dean Decree.

5.5.5 Field Work Practice Examination (PKL) lead by a chief examiner

and two member
Examiner that decided by Vice Dean I Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Universitas Airlangga stated by Dean Decree (SK Dekan).

5.5.6 The Graduation of Field Work Practice examination decided by the

committee discussion. If the examination committee could not
come to terms for deciding the graduation, the final decision will
be handed over to the Dean/Vice Dean I. Minimum grade of
graduation is C. If minimum grade could not fulfil, the examination
should be repeated at least two week after the first examination.

5.5.7 Community Service-Learning with the Society (KKN-BBM).

Student of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga
could take Community Service (KKN) after taking courses up to
semester IV or 84 credits that will be arranged separately based on
Guideline of Community service-Learning with Community
(KKN-BBM) Universitas Airlangga.

5.6. Undergraduate Research and thesis (Skripsi) Proposal

5.6.1. For students of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas

Airlangga required to conduct undergraduate thesis (Skripsi) as
one of requirement to get bachelor degree (S.Pi.) by submit a
research proposal that accepted by the main supervisor and team.

Students that submit the undergraduate thesis research proposal
should fulfil the requirement that stated by Faculty of Fisheries
and Marine Universitas Airlangga and other rule stated in the
undergraduate thesis (Skripsi) guidebook.

5.6.2. Undergraduate thesis title that submitted in the Research Proposal

fully decided by the student by accordance of main supervisor and

5.6.3. Undergraduate thesis (Skripsi) should fulfill this criteria:

1. Interesting for student and not duplication from any others
student inside or outside study program of Aquaculture or
Industrial Fisheries Product Technology Faculty of Fisheries
and Marine Universitas Airlangga
2. Supported by adequate references
3. Relevant with Fisheries science

5.6.4. Main supervisor of undergraduate thesis is fixed lecturer at least

hold Associate Professor (Lektor Kepala) or Assistant Professor
(Lektor) that hold PhD. Main supervisor have responsibility to
give academic advice to the student(s) in finishing the
undergraduate research and thesis.

5.6.5. Team supervisor is fixed lecturer that hold at least Associate

Professor (Lektor kepala) or Assistant Professor hold Master or
Certified Lecturer (Asisten Ahli) hold master or PhD. Team
supervisor have responsibility to give academic advice during the
finishing process of undergraduate thesis.

5.6.6. Main and team supervisor stated by Dean Decree Faculty of

Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga

5.6.7. Undergraduate thesis (Skripsi) that submitted in the Research

Proposal should be based on:
a. Research that conducted by the student
b. Field Survey
Undergraduate thesis (Skripsi) is a duty as learning experience for
the student to write the academic writing, by expertise attitude,
mind-set, scientific method, and present and defend their result(s)

in written or oral in the frame of finishing of study of bachelor
(sarjana S1).

5.6.8. Guest professor could become team supervisor of undergraduate

thesis, stated by Dean Decree Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
Universitas Airlangga.

5.6.9. Research proposal writing and undergraduate thesis will be

rejected if there is any plagiarism (Guidebook of Education
Universitas Airlangga 2014-2015 Chapter. XI, 39) in the
undergraduate thesis and the writer will be fully responsible on the
research proposal and undergraduate written.

5.6.10. Research Proposal and Undergraduate Thesis writing should be

following Undergraduate Thesis Guidebook that published by
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga.

5.7. Research Proposal Seminar

5.7.1. Research Proposal Seminar will be agreed to be held if the student

fulfill this requirement:

1. Student of Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas

2. Hold at least 136 credit (GPA≥ 2.00) showed by the Result
Study Card (KHS) all semester taken
3. Maximum 20% of D grade from total credit taken and no E
4. Show Field Study Practice Report card evidence
5. At least 10 times attending and 5 (five) times ask in the
previous Research Proposal Seminar

5.7.2. Research proposal seminar will be accepted if minimum 1 (one)

supervisor and 2 (two) Examiner (lecturer) stated by Dean Decree.

5.7.3. Graduation of research Proposal Seminar stated by the discussion

of Examination Committee. If the committee could not come to
terms for deciding the graduation, the final decision will be handed
over to the Dean/Vice Dean I. Minimum grade of graduation is C.
If minimum grade could not fulfil, the examination should be
repeated maximum a month after the previous examination.

5.8. Undergraduate Thesis Examination

5.8.1. Student that have already finished undergraduate thesis and

accepted by main and team supervisor will be ready for final
examination by the Examination Committee. Requirement for
undergraduate thesis final examination:

1. Student of Study Program Aquaculture or Industrial Fisheries

Product Technology Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
Universitas Airlangga in those semester
2. TOEFL score minimum 450
3. Show Laboratory and Library free card

5.8.2. Student that will defend the undergraduate thesis must write
defend letter submitted to Academic and Student Affair. Based on
the submission Academic and Student Affair will arrange
Undergraduate Thesis Examination Committee consist of 5 (five)
lecturer, three Examiner and two supervisor stated on Faculty of
Fisheries and Marine Dean Decree.

5.8.3. Undergraduate thesis examination held together and qualified if

attended by at least 1 (one) supervisor and 2 (two) examiner.

5.8.4. Undergraduate thesis examination material consist of thesis and

related material or courses with the thesis

5.8.5. Graduation of undergraduate thesis defend is decided by the

examination result. Minimum graduation of undergraduate thesis
examination is C. In case the final score less than minimum
standard, the test will be repeated after revision and re-examination
maximum a month after previous test in accordance of supervisor.

5.8.6. If the committee could not come to terms for deciding the
graduation, the final decision will be handed over to Dean/Vice
Dean I Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlangga

5.9. Grade Point Average and Graduate Predicate

In the end of education process, study result evaluation will be done by

Grade Point Average (GPA) as Graduate Predicate as follow:

5.9.1. Graduate Predicate consist of 3 (three) level, satisfactory, very
satisfactory, and with compliment and stated in the academic

5.9.2. Grade Point Average as basis of graduate predicate bachelor

degree is:
GPA 2.00 -2.75 : Satisfactory
GPA 2.76-3.50 : Very Satisfactory
GPA 3.51 – 4.00 : With Compliment

5.10. Academic Sabbath (Cuti Akademik)

5.10.1. Academic leave is the student, with valid permission, have

permission not to following academic program in 1 (one)

5.10.2. Academic leave only given to the student that take at least 4
(four) semester consecutively.

5.10.3. During education process, the student only permitted 2 (two)

semester Academic leave (not consecutive semester).

5.10.4. Academic Leave (Cuti Akademik)

5.11. Mutation/Transfer Student

5.11.1. Student that could accepted transfer to study program bachelor

(S1) Aquaculture or Industrial Fisheries Product Technology
Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Universitas Airlngga is State
Universities that meet this criteria:

1. Student parent that due to their duty or other accepted reason,

move to Surabaya by showing valid certificate
2. From study program of State Universities, not official ministry
higher education, teacher training, and religion
3. Study program from state universities as stated before have
same or higher study program accreditation
4. Have following education program in previous institution at
least 4 (four) consecutive semester and collecting at least 48
credit point with GPA at least 2.50.

5. Study program that taken in previous university same or in
accordance with study program Aquaculture or Industrial
Fisheries Product Technology Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
Univesitas Airlangga
6. Never do any regulation breaking in previous universities,
proven by valid decree
7. Not dropped out student due to academic problem in previous

5.11.2. Transfer student and credit transfer stated based on credential

that holds by the student and institution.

5.11.3. Transfer student from and to Universitas Airlangga or from one

study program to other program in Universitas Airlangga is
conducted by credit transfer

5.11.4. Beside credit validation, the situation of Faculty in Universitas

Airlangga also becomes consideration during decision of
transfer student from other universities or from one faculty to
other faculty in Universitas Airlangga.

5.11.5. Study time which taken in previous university/ faculty/ study

program, included in the study time limit allowed.


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