Examination Scheme - Syllabus - IIFT-Non Teaching Posts-Recruitment 2022-Upload

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IIFT Bhawan, B-21, Qutab Institutional Area,
New Delhi - 110016

Sl. Post PaperI PaperII SkillTest/Interview

1 Assistant Registrar MCQType(150 Descriptive Type, Interview
(Level-10) questions),Time:2 hours, Time:2hours, (150marks)
150 marks 150 marks
2 Personal Assistant MCQType(150 Descriptive Type, Skill Test
(Level-6) questions),Time:2 hours, Time:2hours, Time:1hr,50marks
300 marks 150 marks (qualifying in nature)
3 Library Information MCQType(150 DescriptiveType, Skill Test
Assistant questions),Time:2 hours, Time:3hours, Time:1hr,50marks
(Level-6) 300 marks 150 marks (qualifying in nature)
4 Stenographer MCQType(150 N/A Skill Test
(Level-4) questions),Time:3 hours, Time:½hrs,50marks
300 marks (qualifying in nature)
5 Senior Assistant MCQType(150 DescriptiveType, N/A
(Level-6) questions),Time:2 hours, Time:3hours,
300 marks 200 marks


i. The question paper would be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to respond in either
of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used throughout.
ii. 20 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates.
iii. The minimum qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II separately shall be 45 %for the unreserved posts and 40% for
the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/PwD category.
iv. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated, only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-I.
v. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4th of marks allocated per question.
vi. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify both the Papers I and II and Personality
Test/Interviewseparately. The Merit shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of both the papers and interview.
However, the candidate must score atleast 50% in Personality Test/Interview.
vii. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list would be decided
as follows:
• The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is definedas the
minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
• In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be givenpreference.
• In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.


General Studies Total questions Total marks Type of questions Duration

150 150 150 MCQ 2 hrs

Paper I: Test of General Studies (MCQ Type) Questions:Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s
General Studies viz., General Science, current events of national and international importance, History of India and Indian
National Movement, Indian and World Geography, Indian Polity & Economy, General Mental Ability. Questions on General
Science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of everyday observation and
experience, as may be expected of a well-educated person who has not made a special study of any particular scientific

In Current Events, knowledge of significant national and international events will be tested. In History of India, emphasis will
be on broad general understanding of the subject in its social, economic and political aspects. Questions on the Indian
National Movement will relate to the nature and character of the nineteenth century resurgence, growth of nationalism and
attainment of Independence. In Geography, emphasis will be on Geography of India. Questions on the Geography of India
will relate to physical, social and economic Geography of the country, including the main features of Indian agricultural and
natural resources. Questions on Indian Polity and Economy will test knowledge of the country’s political system and
Constitution of India, Panchayati Raj, Social systems and economic developments in India. On General Mental Ability, the
candidates will be tested on reasoning and analytical abilities.


Topic Marks allocated

Educational Administration and Financial Management (Descriptive Type)

Knowledge and awareness on higher education system in India, its 20 marks (2 questions x 10 marks) Each
regulatory bodies and recent developments in the field, question to be answered in 100 words

Basic concepts and principles of Public Administration and Finance 20 marks (2 questions x 10 marks) Each
including Organization, Hierarchy, Unity of command, Span of control, question to be answered in 100 words
Authority and Responsibility,
Co-ordination, Centralization and Decentralization, Delegation, 20 marks (2 questions x 10 marks) Each
Supervision, Line and Staff. question to be answered in 100 words
Knowledge of relevant regulations and guidelines viz. CCA/CCS Rules, 20 marks (2 questions x 10 marks) Each
RTI, POSH etc. (addition) question to be answered in 100 words

Personnel Administration including recruitment, training, promotion, pay 20 marks (2 questions x 10 marks). Each
scale and service conditions, Union-Management Relationship. question to be answered in 100 words

Financial Administration including budget, formulation and execution of 30 marks (3 questions x 10 marks). Each
budget, General Financial Rules (GFR), FR-SR, etc. question to be answered in 100 words
Application of Information Communication Technology (ICT) and other 20 marks (2 questions x 10 marks). Each
modern technologies in the University system. question to be answered in 100 words

Total Marks 150 Marks


The interview/personality test shall be conducted in such a manner that the candidates’ suitability for the post is probed among
other things, through academic qualifications, relevant experience, extracurricular activities, general awareness/knowledge,
communication and problem solving skills and overall personality etc.


1. The question paper would be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to respond in either
of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used throughout.
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination, which is defined as the
minimum eligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II separately shall be 45 % for the unreserved posts and 40%
for the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/PwD category.
4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated, only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-I.
5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4th of marks allocated per question.
6. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify both the Papers I and II and Personality Test/Interview
separately. The Merit shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of both thepapers and interview. However, the
candidate must score atleast 50% in Personality Test/Interview.
7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit listwould be decided
as follows:
a. The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is definedas the
minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b. In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be givenpreference.
c. In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
8. 20 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates.


Section (i) Section (ii) Section (iii) Section (iv)

General Reasoning Mathematical Language Total Total Type of

Awareness ability ability (Hindi/English) questions marks questions

30 40 40 40 150 300 MCQ 2 hrs

(i) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s General Awareness of the
environment and its relevance to the society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of the current events and
of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to
India and its neighboring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography,
Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc.
(ii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on
analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory,
discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number
series etc.
(iii) Mathematical Ability: The test will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions,
L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration,
Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
(iv) Test of English or Hindi:
In addition to the testing of candidate’s understanding of the English or Hindi Languages, its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence
Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested. Candidate shall have the option for test of
Hindi or English.


Topic Marks allocated

Basic knowledge of the Constitution of India and working 30 marks (3 questions x 10 marks)
of its political system Each question to be answered in 100 words
Basic knowledge of the administration in institutions of 20 marks (2 questions x 10 marks)
Higher Education Each question to be answered in 100 words
Knowledge and application of Office Procedures, Rules & 30 marks (3 questions x 10 marks)
Regulations Each question to be answered in 100 words

English/Hindi with special reference to skill in 20 marks (2 questions x 10 marks)

noting/drafting Each question to be answered in 100 words
Situation Test essay, where the candidates reaction 25 marks (200 words)
would be sought on a given situation test case
Knowledge of Computers with special reference to 25 marks
knowledge of word processing, data analysis packages

Total Marks 150 Marks


(a) Dictation: 10 mts @ 100 w.p.m.

(b) Transcription: 40 mts. (English) or 55 mts. (Hindi) on computer.
(c) Computer proficiency viz. Typing Skill, Word Processing, Spread sheet, Internet, E-mailcommunication etc.

The test will be of 50 marks. To qualify the candidate should obtain 25 marks.(This will however be only be qualifying
in nature.)


1. The question paper shall be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the optionto respond in either of
the languages. However, the same medium of language must be usedthroughout.
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/ examination which isdefined as the
minimum eligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II separately shall be 45% for the unreservedposts and 40% for
the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved forSC/ST/PWD category.
4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated, only if the candidate qualifies inPaper-I.
5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4thof marks allocatedper question.
6. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify Paper I, Paper II and skill test, separately. TheMerit shall be
drawn on the basis of combined scores of Paper I and Paper II only.
7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit listwould be decided
as follows:
a. The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is definedas the
minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b. In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be givenpreference.
c. In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
8. 20 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates.


Detailed Syllabus for Paper I:

(i) Library Aptitude: Questions will be designed to test the knowledge and awareness on Library Information Science and
recent development in the field of Library Science. The questions may be from all the spheres of library science.

(ii) General Awareness:Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s General Awareness of the
environment and its relevance to the society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of the current events and
of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to
India and her neighboring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography,
Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc.

(iii) Reasoning Ability:The syllabus of General Intelligence includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may
include questions on analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision
making, visual memory, discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure
classification, arithmetical number series etc.

(iv) Mathematical Ability:The test of Arithmetical and Numerical Ability will cover Number System including questions on
Simplification, Decimals, Fractions, L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple
& Compound Interest, Mensuration, Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.

(v) Test of Language English or Test of Language Hindi:In addition to the testing of candidate’s understanding of the
English or Hindi Languages, its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc.
would also be tested. Candidate shall have the option for test of Hindi or English.

Section (i) Section (ii) Section (iii) Section (iv) Section (v)

Library General Reasoning Mathematical Language Total Total Type of Duration

Aptitude Awareness ability ability (Hindi/English) questions marks questions
50 25 25 25 25 150 300 MCQ 2 hrs

Note – The candidate has to secure 50% marks in section (i) of this paper, 5% relaxation will be provided for
SC/ST/OBC/PwD). Section (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) of paper I will be evaluated only if candidate obtains 50% in the section (i).

The questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s knowledge and awareness on Library and Information
Science and recent development in the field and on the following subjects.

Topic Marks allocated

Knowledge and application of Library and Information Science Section 1 – 50 MCQ 100 marks (50
Procedures, rules & Regulations. questions)
Knowledge of Computers with special reference to knowledge of Section 2 – 5 Questions of 10 marks each
Library Software Packages, Word Processing, Data Analysis Descriptive type (50 marks)
Total Marks 150 Marks


The skill test shall be qualifying in nature and no additional credits for the same shall be allocated.The skill test shall be
conducted in a manner to check the practical knowledge of the candidate inhandling various processes associated with
Library’s functioning.

The candidates may be tested for his/her skills in:

• Search in electronic data bases(online)

• Knowledge of specialized, open source application software for libraries like Digital Library Software etc.
• Knowledge of any Indian/Foreign language as opted by the candidate from the list given below:
o Arabic, Persian, Urdu, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Malyalam, Kannada, Odiya, Bengali, Assamese, Chinese,
Japanese, Korean, French, German, Spanish and Russian.

Time : 1 hr ; The test will be of 50 marks. To qualify the candidate should obtain 25 marks. This will however be only qualifying
in nature.

1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to respond in either
of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used throughout.
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination which is defined as the
minimum eligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum overall qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II shall be 45% for the unreserved posts and 40% for the
posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/PwD category.
4. However, section (ii), (iii), (iv) & (v) of the Paper I will be evaluated only if a candidate obtains 50% marks in the
section (i) of the Paper-I, 5% relaxation will be provided for SC/ST/OBC/PwD.
5. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-I.
6. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4th of marks allocated per question.
7. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify Paper I and Paper II and skill test, if any separately. The Merit
shall be drawn on the basis of combined scores of Paper I and Paper II only.
8. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list would be decided
as follows:
a. The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is defined as the
minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b. In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be given preference.
c. In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots
9. 20 minutes extra per minute would be given to Visual Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates.


Section (i) Section (ii) Section (iii) Section (iv)

General Reasoning Mathematical Language Total Total Type of

Awareness ability ability (Hindi/English) questions marks questions
30 40 40 40 150 300 MCQ 3 hrs

(i) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s General Awareness of the
environment and its relevance to the society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of the current events and
of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to
India and its neighboring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography,
Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc.
(ii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on
analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory,
discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number
series etc.

(iii) Mathematical Ability: The test will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions,
L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration,
Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.

(iv) Test of English or Hindi:

In addition to the testing of candidate’s understanding of the English or Hindi Languages, its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence
Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested. Candidate shall have the option for test of
Hindi or English.


Time: ½ hrs.*. The test will be of 50 marks. To qualify the candidate should obtain 25 marks. This will however be onlybe
qualifying in nature. (20 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visual Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates.)

1. The question paper should be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the optionto respond in either
of the language. However, the same medium of language must be usedthroughout.
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of 12th Class/ Senior Secondarylevelwhich isdefined as the
minimumeligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum qualifying marks for Paper I shall be 45% for the unreserved posts and 40% for the posts reserved for
OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/PwD category.
4. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4th of marks allocated per question.
5. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify for Paper I and Skill Test separately. The Merit shall be drawn
on the basis of scores of Paper I only.
6. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list would be decided
as follows:
a. The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is defined as the
minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b. In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in agewill be given preference.
c. In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.

Section (i) Section (ii) Section (iii) Section (iv)

General Reasoning Mathematical Language Total Total Type of

Awareness ability ability (Hindi/English) questions marks questions

30 40 40 40 150 300 MCQ 2 hrs

(i) General Awareness: Questions will be designed to test the ability of the candidate’s General Awareness of the
environment and its relevance to the society. The questions will also be designed to test knowledge of the current events and
of such matters of everyday observation as may be expected of an educated person. The test will include questions relating to
India and its neighboring countries, especially pertaining to History, Indian Polity & Constitution, Art & Culture, Geography,
Economics, General Policy, Science & Scientific Research, National/International Organizations /Institutions, events etc.
(ii) Reasoning Ability: The syllabus includes questions of both verbal and non-verbal types. Test may include questions on
analogies, similarities, differences, space visualization, problem solving, analysis, judgment, decision making, visual memory,
discrimination, observation, relationship, concepts, arithmetical reasoning, verbal and figure classification, arithmetical number
series etc.
(iii) Mathematical Ability: The test will cover Number System including questions on Simplification, Decimals, Fractions,
L.C.M., H.C.F., Ratio & Proportion, Percentage, Average, Profit & Loss, Discount, Simple & Compound Interest, Mensuration,
Time & Work, Time & Distance, Tables & Graphs, etc.
(iv) Test of English or Hindi:
In addition to the testing of candidate’s understanding of the English or Hindi Languages, its Vocabulary, Grammar, Sentence
Structure, Synonyms, Antonyms and its correct usage etc. would also be tested. Candidate shall have the option for test of
Hindi or English.


Topic Marks allocated

Basic knowledge of the Constitution of India and working of 30 marks (3 questions x 10 marks) Each
its political system question to be answered in 100 words
Basic knowledge of the administration in institutions of 20 marks (2 questions x 10 marks) Each
Higher Education question to be answered in 100 words
Knowledge and application of Office Procedures, Rules & 30 marks (3 questions x 10 marks) Each
Regulations question to be answered in 100 words

English/Hindi with special reference to skill in noting/drafting 20 marks (2 questions x 10 marks) Each
question to be answered in 100 words
Situation Test essay, where the candidates reaction would 25 marks (200 words)
be sought on a given situation test case
Knowledge of Computers with special reference to 25 marks
knowledge of word processing, data analysis packages

Essay 50 marks (500 words)

Total Marks 200 Marks


1. The question paper would be bilingual (English and Hindi) and the applicant will have the option to respond in either
of the languages. However, the same medium of language must be used throughout.
2. The questions in the written test will be of the level of degree/diploma/examination, which is defined as the
minimum eligibility for the respective post.
3. The minimum qualifying marks for Paper I and Paper II separately shall be 45% for the unreserved posts and 40% for
the posts reserved for OBC category and 35% for the posts reserved for SC/ST/PwD category.
4. Answer script of Paper-II of a candidate would be evaluated, only if the candidate qualifies in Paper-I.
5. There shall be negative marking for wrong answers in Paper I to the tune of 1/4th of marks allocated per question.
6. Merit shall be drawn only for candidates who qualify both the Papers I and II separately. The Merit shall be drawn on
the basis of combined scores of both the papers.
7. In case of bunching/bracketing of candidates in the results of the written test, the priority/merit list would be decided
as follows:
a. The candidate having more marks in aggregate in the examination/degree/diploma which is defined as the
minimum eligibility for the respective post will be given preference.
b. In case of further bunching/bracketing of candidates, candidate senior in age will be givenpreference.
c. In case option at (a) and (b) is exhausted, it will be decided through draw of lots.
8. 20 minutes extra per hour would be given to Visually Handicapped and Cerebral Palsy candidates.


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