Beowulf, Burton Raffel Translation
Beowulf, Burton Raffel Translation
Beowulf, Burton Raffel Translation
Directions: Describe or use a quote to identify three instances in which each symbol appears in
Beowulf, and write a short paragraph describing the context and significance of that appearance. Then
write a longer paragraph analyzing the broader meaning of the symbol in Beowulf.
Beowulf’s mead hall vs Herot Context: Beowulf’s hall is burnt down by the
That his hall, his throne, the best of buildings, dragon as it ravages Geatland
Had melted away in the dragon's burning
Breath. Their words brought misery, Herot is constructed in honor of Hrothgar and his
greatness as a king. It is supposed to be a hall
Beowulf's where many warriors can meet and celebrate their
Sorrow beat at his heart: he accused feats, although it is plagued by the visits of
Grendel and his mother. The hall represents the
glory and legacy of kings, in which the legends of
their culture tell of how they struggle and rise as
heroes and warriors. The constant attacks on the
hall represent how the tales of the time and culture
follow the struggles of kings and the greatness of
nobility. Herot and Beowulf’s halls differ as Herot
suffers constant attack, whereas Beowulf’s hall is
struck by the dragon once, years after his glory
days. Although they differ in frequency, they
represent that even if the call to glory isn’t always
present, the time shall arise for all kings and
nobility to fight for their claim to glory.
Herot vs Grendel’s Mother’s Lake Herot is the celebration of Hrothgar and his deeds.
It is a homage to Hrothgar, his legacy, and his
To run as rapidly as he could toward death's ability to persevere. It is also a place for others to
Cold waiting hands. His mother's sad heart, celebrate their great deeds. Because of this it can
be seen as a celebration of life and the ability to
And her greed, drove her from her den on the persevere. It is a hall that represents the heroes
dangerous that triumphed over death and lived to tell the tale.
Pathway of revenge. Grendel’s Mother’s Lake in contrast is a symbol
of death. The first sight of the lake is the beheaded
Danish advisor of Hrothgar. The lake itself is
They could see the water crawling with filled with items and creatures symbolic of death,
from the sea monsters who are often seen in tales
snakes, as death bringing monsters who bring ships down
Fantastic serpents swimming in the boiling to Grendel’s mother who acts upon the death of
Lake, and sea beasts lying on the rocks another character. The lake also notably has a
-The kind that infest the ocean, in the early sword forged by giants, a dead race. This is
Dawn, often ending some ship's notable as the sword is associated with the taking
1430 Journey with their wild jaws. They of life. The lake itself is filled with symbols of
rushed death which contrast Herot, a symbol of life
Hrothgar’s great mead hall, Herot, is a happy, celebratory place during the day. However, during the
night, it becomes a place that no one, but the most courageous warriors such as Beowulf, would dare
step foot in, due to a monster, Grendel, coming to Herot every night and eating anyone there. Looking
beyond the surface, Herot is more than just a place that men drink at during the day and Grendel fills
his belly at nights. It represents the achievements of the Danish, being a palace full of rich decorations
that only a civilization at their level could make. Additionally, it symbolizes light and life when people
are living to their fullest extent there, in contrast to Grendel’s cave, which lacks life and is constantly
dark. Herot also serves as a symbol of Beowulf and Grendel’s victories, since Grendel won there by
striking terror into the hearts of the Danes, and Beowulf has triumphed over Grendel in Herot.
Following this, the mead hall illustrates change, since it goes from a building that was feared because
of Grendel’s presence there, to a place that the Danes can inhabit without fear, as Grendel is gone.
SYMBOL: Gold, Treasure, Trophies and Gifts
Names: Names Redacted
Provide specific examples- you could also look into the symbolism of decapitation!
1: “The monsters’ hall was full of Rich treasures, Context: After Beowulf’s battle against Grendel’s
but all that Beowulf took Was Grendel’s head and mother, he could have chosen to take any amount
the hilt of the giants’ Jeweled sword” of treasure from the, now unguarded, cave.
(1612-1615) Beowulf, however, chose to take Grendel’s head
and the hilt of the sword as his only trophies of the
Analysis: Several times in the story, someone’s
head is taken, whether a monster or a human, as a
trophy of battle. These trophies prove that the
enemy was defeated. By taking Grendel’s head
instead of the treasure, the trophy of the battle is
what confirms he defeated the monster. Beowulf’s
main ideal is that fame and glory are the only
things that outlive death; therefore, Beowulf
chooses glory over treasure.
2: Then Healfdane’s son presented Beowulf CONTEXT: Hrothgar is presenting Beowulf with
With gold standards as a victory gift, countless treasures at the party for successfully
An embroidered banner; also breast-mail killing Grendel.
And a helmet; and a sword carried high,
That was both precious object and a token of ANALYSIS: Hrothgar’s riches mean next to
honor. nothing to Beowulf, but everything to Hrothgar.
So Beowulf drank his drink, at ease; Hrothgar is giving Beowulf his riches out of
It was hardly a shame to be showered with such gratitude and to have peace between the Geats and
gifts the Danes. He is being a good king by giving
In front of the hall-troops. There haven’t been compensation for the good deed done by Beowulf.
many Beowulf does not care for the treasure itself, but
Moments, I am sure, when men have exchanged for the fame it is bringing him as it is being
Four such treasures at so friendly a sitting. presented in front of the filled hall. [see: “So
An embossed ring, a band lapped with wire Beowulf drank his drink, at ease; It was hardly a
Arched over the helmet: head-protection shame to be showered with such gifts In front of
To keep the keen-ground cutting edge the hall-troops”] Beowulf’s luff is his immortality.
From damaging it when danger threatened
And the man was battling behind his shield.
Next the king ordered eight horses
With gold bridles to be brought through the yard
Into the hall. The harness of one
Included a saddle of sumptuous design
3: “And Unferth helped him, Hrothgar’s courtier Context: Before Beowulf goes to fight Grendel’s
Lent him a famous weapon, a fine, mother, Unferth gives Beowulf his own sword to
Hilted old sword named Hrunting; it had fight her with. His sword is named Hrunting and
An iron blade, etched and shining has brought glory to everyone who used it in
And hardened in blood. No one who’d worn it battle.
Into battle, swung it in dangerous places, _____________________________________
Daring and brave, had ever been deserted— Analysis: Unferth gives his own sword to
Nor was Beowulf’s journey the first time it was Beowulf as a gift before his battle. Here, this gift
taken is acknowledging how Unferth has come to think
To an enemy’s camp, or asked to support of Beowulf as a superior warrior and he respects
Some hero’s courage and win him glory. him. When Beowulf and Unferth first met,
Unferth had tried to forget his greeting Unferth did not respect him and believed his
To Beowulf, his drunken speech of welcome; stories were exaggerated. After seeing his defeat
A might warrior, he lent his weapon of Grendel, however, Unferth came to respect
To a better one.” Beowulf as a mightier warrior than himself. The
(1455-1468) gift of Hrunting shows that Unferth believes in
Beowulf’s strength and acknowledges him as a
better warrior.
4: The old lord gazed sadly at the gold. CONTEXT: Beowulf is dying and is giving a
“To the everlasting Lord of All, speech to Wiglaf after fighting the dragon.
To the King of Glory, I give thanks
That I beheld this treasure here in front of me, ANALYSIS: Beowulf shows us here that gold is
That I have been allowed to leave my people not only wealth, but meant to show status and
So well endowed on the day I die. greatness. Beowulf, by asking for “Beowulf’s
Now that I have bartered my last breath Barrow” and giving Wiglaf his necklace, shows
To own this fortune, it is up to you the readers that gold and treasure are symbols of
To look after their needs. I can hold out no longer. greatness. The necklace is a big symbol of
Order my troop to construct a barrow greatness, being originally given to Beowulf by
On a headland on the coast, after my pyre has Welthow (Hrothgar’s wife) for killing Grendel,
cooled. showing his greatness as a warrior. It is now being
It will loom in the horizon at Hronesness passed on to Wiglaf from Beowulf for Wiglaf’s
And be a reminder among my people-- greatness during the battle with the dragon.
So that in coming times crews under sail
Will call it Beowulf’s barrow, as they steer
Ships across the wide and shrouded waters.”
Then the king in his great-heartedness unclasped
The collar of gold from his neck and gave it
To the young thane, telling him to use
It and the war shirt and the gilded helmet well
5: “He was a famous king, with a fitting High hall Context: Beowulf has just arrived home from his
and a wife, Higd, young But wise and knowing battle with Grendel and as well as his mother.
beyond her years. She was Hareth’s daughter, a Higlac, the king of the Geats, greets his fellow
noble queen with none of the niggardly ways of soldiers as well as Beowulf with his wife, Hygd.
women Like Thirth. Higd gave the Geats gifts Hygd is kind and generous and gifts Beowulf and
With open hands” (1925-1931) the Geats for their hard fought battles.
Analysis: Hygd is described as being “wise” and
“And Beowulf gave Welthow’s gift, her wonderful “knowing beyond her years.” She is also said to be
Necklace, to Higd, Higlac’s queen, And gave her, kind and generous. This is shown through her gift
also, three supple, graceful, Saddle-bright horses; giving. It was considered courteous and generous
she received his presents, Then wore that to give gifts to those who have done something
wonderful jewel on her breast.” (22172-2176) important and brave. She offers the Geats mead
for all they have done. Beowulf actually returns
the favor later in Chapter 31 in line 2172-2173
when he gives Welthow’s gifts, a necklace and
horses, to Higd. He does this simply out of
generosity. It goes back to the point of a “Great
Warrior” by giving back the treasure he was given
without anything in return.
6: ¨Their lord and leader, they walked on the Context: Beowulf comes returns to mead-hall to
mead-hall Green. Then the Geats’ brave prince bring Hrothgar and the Danes Grendel´s head
entered Herot, covered with glory from the daring
Battles he had fought; he sought Hrothgar to Analysis: Grendel´s head symbolizes a type of
salute him and show Grendel’s head. He carried trophy. Beowulf is seen as brave, covered with
that terrible trophy by the hair, Brought it straight glory after his daring battles. He won the battle
to where the Danes sat.¨ (1642-1648) and did not have to bring anything back, but the
head is seen as this great trophy for his victory, for
slaying Grendel and to show Hrothgar that he was
successful with his task.
Gold, Treasures, Trophies and Gifts are major symbols in the poem Beowulf. Throughout the poem
there are great battles and accomplishments that lead people to give gifts or to receive trophies. Trophy
being one of the major symbols shows how the warrior accomplished a great battle. An example of this
would be the beheading of Grendel, Hrothgar’s friend, and Grendel’s mother and by the decapitation of
the heads it serves as a symbol of a trophy. When the great warriors accomplished a great victory they
were often rewarded with great gifts and gold, but the gold represented fame and status rather than
wealth. The gifts that the warriors received were shown as a sign of respect for all of the battles they
had won. By being given gifts and gold represents how the warriors are brave and are respected, while
the gold represents fame and status.
SYMBOL: Symbol of Three
Names: Names Redacted
i.e. The three battles, three monsters, etc.
3 heads Context-
“And the Danes shivered, In Beowulf there are three complete decapitations;
Miserable, mighty men tormented first is Esher, then Grendel's Mother, and finally
By grief, seeing, there on that cliff Grendel.
Above the water, Esher's bloody Analysis-
The fact that there are three heads shows totality.
“And struck with all the strength he had left, The beheading is a form of total death and this is
Caught her in the neck and cut it through, reflected by the three heads that were decapitated.
Broke bones and all. Her body fell We can also see the complete cycle of revenge
with the three heads as each head is the result of
To the floor, lifeless”(1565-1568) revenge. When the last head was taken this cycle
of revenge ended.
“he sought Hrothgar
To salute him and show Grendel's head.
He carried that terrible trophy by the hair,
Brought it straight to where the Danes sat,
Drinking, the queen among them.”
Context -
(Grendel)“Stalked Hrothgar's warriors, old
And young, lying in waiting, hidden Throughout the novel, Beowulf encounters three
In mist, invisibly following them from the monsters. These Monsters are Grendel, Grendel's
Mother, and the Dragon. These monsters occur at
edge Of the marsh, always there, unseen. So different points in Beowulf’s life.
mankind's enemy continued his crimes,
Killing as often as he could, coming Alone, Analysis-
bloodthirsty and horrible. Though he lived In
Herot, when the night hid him, he never The Three Monsters whom Beowulf kills
Dared to touch king Hrothgar's glorious represent isolation, vengeance, and greed. These
not only apply to the monsters but also Beowulf's
Throne, protected by God-God, Whose love own life.
Grendel could not know. But Hrothgar's
Heart was bent. The best and most noble First the reader sees isolation in Grendel. He lives
Of his council debated remedies, sat alone in a swamp with only his mute mother. He
In secret sessions, talking of terror only comes out in the cover of night, and even
And wondering what the bravest of warriors then the men he sees are soon killed and provide
could do. “ (160-174) no company. It should also be recognized that
Grendel cannot touch Hrothgar when he sits on his
“Grendel's mother Was waiting, ready for throne because of God, meaning that he has not
revenge, hating The Danes for her son's just been isolated from humanity but also the
divine. We can see the isolation reflected in
death. The monstrous Hag succeeded, burst Beowulf and the Danes as well. Beowulf fights
boldly into Herot And killed Esher, one of the Grendel alone without the help of armor or even a
king's oldest And wisest soldiers...The water weapon. The Danes must isolate themselves to
ran red with blood and at last, With a mighty secrecy and plan what to do next.
sword that had hung on the wall, I cut off her
head. I had barely escaped With my life, my Next there is Vengeance in Grendel's Mother. She
seeks vengeance for her son by killing the best
death was not written.” (2118-2141) friend of Hrothgar. This then instilled a sense of
vengeance in Beowulf and he killed Grendel's
“The beast Had slept in a huge stone tower, mom. This vicious cycle of revenge is a key part
with a hidden Path beneath; a man stumbled of Beowulf's battle with Grendel’s Mother.
on The entrance, went in, discovered the
ancient Treasure, the pagan jewels and gold The Dragon represents greed. The dragon had
claimed mountains of treasure that he never
The dragon had been guarding, and dazzled
intended to share, and couldn't manage it, so
and greedy. “ (2213-2217) much of it fell into disrepair. In fact, when a
slave stole a single jeweled chalice, the dragon
awoke and imposed it's wrath on the Geats out of
greed. Beowulf then kills the dragon losing his life
in the process, his motives for this are, however,
greed. He wants the mountain of riches for his
kingdom, he wants the fame of killing the greatest
beast to live, and he wants to be remembered as
the greatest king to ever live.
3 tribes (Geats, Danes, Swedes) The Geats, Danes, and Swedes are the only tribes
“You! Tell me your name, and your father’s; no prevalent in the story, with the Danes and the
spies go further onto Danish soil than you’ve Geats making up the majority of the
come already. Strangers, from wherever it was representation of tribes. The Danes and Geats are
you sailed, tell it, and tell it quickly, the quicker of course allies and aside from their initial
the better, I say for us all. Speak, say exactly who confrontation, they get along very well. The
you are, and from where, and why.” Swedes however were noted to have fought with
the Geats in the past, though they aren’t
“We are Geats, men who follow Higlac. My father mentioned much more. The three tribes are the 3
was a famous soldier, known far and wide as a peoples that exist in this story essentially, totality.
leader of men.”
“Then Hrothgar, taking the throne, led The Danes (64-79) Following the introduction of Hrothgar,
to such glory that comrades and kinsmen: Swore the narrator describes the pride and joy of the
by his sword, and young men swelled His armies, Danish people, their King’s mead hall, Herot.
and he thought of greatness and resolved: To build
a hall that would hold his mighty: Band and reach (2231- 2242) After describing the actions of the
higher toward Heaven than anything: That had thief who stole the jeweled cup, the narrator
ever been known to the sons of men. And in that describes the riches of the Dragon’s Tower.
hall he'd divide the spoils: Of their victories, to
old and young what they'd earned: In battle, but (2804-2808) Beowulf lays on the ground and
leaving the common pastures: Untouched, and speaks to Wiglaf following the killing of the
taking no lives. The work: Was ordered, the dragon. Here he articulates his final wishes to
timbers tied and shaped: By the hosts that Wiglaf.
Hrothgar ruled. It was quickly: Ready, that most
beautiful of dwellings, built: As he'd wanted, and Analysis-
then he whose word was obeyed: All over the
earth named it Herot.” (Lines 64-79) Throughout Beowulf, description of three towers
is a prominent feature of the narration. The
“That tower, Was heaped high with hidden narrator depicts the fortress of Herot, the stone
treasure, stored there: Years before by the last tower of the dragon as well as Beowulf’s seaside
survivor: Of a noble race, ancient riches: Left in tomb. These towers serve to symbolize the birth,
darkness at the end of a dynasty: Came… The life and death of Beowulf and the epic warrior.
gold and jewels he guarded so long… He brought Herot is described as being built to hold mighty
The precious cups, the armor and the ancient men and where King Hrothgar would divide the
Swords to a stone tower, Near the sea, below a spoils of victory. This towering fortress serves as
cliff…” (Lines 2231-2236, 2239, 2241-2242) the first destination for Beowulf along his journey.
Seeing the glory and majesty of Herot instills in
“Here, at the water’s edge, high: On this spit of Beowulf a desire to obtain riches and glory for
land, so sailors can see: This tower, and remember himself. It is here at Herot where Beowulf learns
my name, and call it Beowulf’s tower, and boats fully of the dangers faced by the Danes and the
in the darkness And mist, crossing the sea, will tasks that must be accomplished to free the
know it.” (Lines 2804-2808) people. Therefore, through its installation of
values and education of Beowulf, the towering
Herot is symbolic of his birth.
“He twisted in pain, And the bleeding sinews deep (1535)- Beowulf throws down hrunting due to its
in his shoulder Snapped, muscle and bone split ineffectiveness vs Grendel’s mother and is
And broke. The battle was over, Beowulf Had fighting her
been granted new glory” (Chapter 12 815)
(2540)- Beowulf is on his way to face the dragon
“ He raised His arms and seized her by the
shoulder; anger Doubled his strength, he threw her (2510)- Beowulf before entering the battle with
to the floor. She fell, “ (Chapter 22 1535) the dragon states this
The symbol of three is a recurring literary device throughout the epic, Beowulf. While differing in its
representation, the symbol of three ultimately represents totality or completion. In modern life we see
the symbol of three most prevalent in the Christian trinity, one total God composed of three parts,
Father, Son, and Spirit. Within Beowulf, the symbol of three represents the cycle of birth, life, and
death through which all epic hero's pass. This cycle is represented in multiple fashions, however, the
three towers that are described define this cycle in a clear and apparent way. Further, the symbol stands
for the fullness of an evil being through the monsters of Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and the dragon
representing isolation, vengeance, and greed. On the other hand the symbol of three is also utilized to
depict the body, mind, and spirit of a hero in the person of Beowulf. Beowulf’s bravery, strength, and
wisdom encapsulates all aspects of heroism. The three tribes of Beowulf, the Geats, the Danes, and the
Swedes, represent the total extent of the world for the Anglo-Saxon people and the interactions that
they engage in. Ultimately, the symbol of three is seen through the death and subsequent beheadings of
Grendel, Grendel’s mother, and Esher. Death is the complete end and totality of one's life, and it is
therefore fitting that the symbol of three be symbolized in such a manner. Encompassing totality, the
completion of a life cycle, and the fullness of a person, the symbol of three is prevalent throughout
SYMBOL: The Armor
Names: Names Redacted
i.e. Shields, Hrunting and the Giant Sword, Mail Shirt, etc.
1. “..That Hrunting could not hurt her, was Context: Unferth gave Beowulf his sword to fight
useless Grendel’s mother. Their inital detest towards each
Now when he needed it. They wrestled, other serves a transformative ground between the
she ripped two, but regarding the fight, the sword serves little
And tore and clawed at him, bit holes in use.
his helmet, ________________________________
And that failed him too.” (lines - Unferth giving Beowulf his sword is
1525-1527) symbolic of peace and acceptance since
the two initially despised each other
- The sword can also be seen as an
indication of Unferth’s recognition of
Beowulf as a powerful and courageous
- Maybe his motive when giving the sword
away is telling of his desire to avoid
participating in the battle and his lack of
heroicness reflecting his true character
and role as a warrior at Herot
“I would rather not Use a weapon if I 2. Context: Beowulf is about to go fight the
knew another way To grapple with the dragon. Before he goes he makes a speech
dragon and make good my boast As I did about the past and why he must go to fight
against Grendel in days gone by. But I the dragon.
shall be meeting molten venom In the fire
he breaths, so I go forth In mail-shirt and Analysis: Beowulf doesn’t use armor or
shield. ...“Men at arms, remain here on the weapons when he fights Grendel, which
barrow, Safe in your armor, to see which symbolizes his strength and power of
one of us Is better in the end at bearing youth. He doesn’t need protection of
wounds In a deadly fray. This fight is not armor because he is strong enough to
yours, Nor is it up to any man except me protect himself. He chooses not to use
To measure his strength against the weapons because he is strong enough to
monster Or to prove his worth. I shall win defeat Grendel without the extra help of a
the gold By my courage, or else mortal sword.
combat, Doom of battle, will bear your
lord away.” Then he drew himself up As he gets older he must use armor and
beside his shield. The fabled warrior in his weapons in order to defeat his enemies.
war-shirt and helmet Trusted in his own After one battle he already needs armor
strength entirely And went under the crag. and weapons to defeat Grendel’s mother.
(2518-2541) Right before he goes to battle the dragon,
he makes sure everyone remembers the
days when he was strong enough to fight
without armor and weapons. He claims
he’d rather go into it without these things,
but he is no longer the same man of his
youth. He goes into the battle with the
dragon knowing he needs the armor if he
wants any chance to win. Because of his
old age, he needs more protection. And he
ultimately needs the help of a younger
man, his weapons, and his armor to defeat
the dragon.
“At once and repaid him with her Context: This is during Beowulf’s fight
clutching claws, Wildly tearing at him. He against Grendel’s mother and he is having
was weary, that best And strongest of a harder time than he did fighting
soldiers; his feet stumbled And in an Grendel. His chainmail shirt is the only
instant she had him down, held helpless. thing that saves him from death.
Squatting with her weight on his stomach, Analysis: Throughout the story, the chain
she drew A dagger, brown with dried mail shirt continuously saves Beowulf
blood, and prepared To avenge her only from his enemies in their fights.
son. But he was stretched On his back, Specifically in this quote, the chainmail
and her stabbing blade was blunted By the shirt symbolizes protection against
woven mail shirt he wore on his chest.” Grendel’s mother ultimately being the
pg. 71 only reason why he defeats her.
¨Beowulf Context:
Began to fasten on his armor, These lines describe the preparation Beowulf went
Not afraid for his life but knowing the woven through before fighting Grendel’s mother.
Mail, with its hammered links, could save
That life when he lowered himself into the lake,
Keep slimy monsters´ claws from snatching at
His heart, preserve him for the battle he was sent Analysis:
To fight. Hrothgarś helmet would defend him; The description of Beowulf’s armour and
That ancient, shining treasure, encircled protection tells us how secure Beowulf felt in
With hard-rolled metal, set there by some smith´s preparation of fighting. Beowulf knew the armour
Long dead hand, would block all battle he had would save his life, “Stop all blades”.
Swords, stop all blades from cutting at him These lines symbolize and imply the success of
When he´d sworn toward the bottom, gone down the armour that Beowulf possesses.
in the surging¨
(lines 1442- 1454)
Throughout Beowulf, armor that Beowulf acquires is telling of his attributes. Pieces such as the
chain mail, the Hrunting, and even Beowulf’s refusal to use armor are significant in telling Beowulf’s
character and also the motives of other characters. There are great events such as the dragon fight, the
instance before his fight with Grendel’s mother, and Beowulf’s funeral that highlight this. These events
also lead to interpretations of the armor having double history, which relates to family lineage and
performance, which then corresponds to Beowulf’s reputation as a whole. Something to note is that the
destruction of these symbols could be seen as a way to preserve his reputation with time (can’t
desecrate symbols that don’t exist). This mentality is characteristic of the oral traditions of this time.