Contractor Selection at Prequalification Stage Cur
Contractor Selection at Prequalification Stage Cur
Contractor Selection at Prequalification Stage Cur
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project if is given to them. The prequalification process ratio), technical performance (resources and
is conducting to ensure the client that their satisfaction experience), safety and health policy (compensation
criteria were considered [2]. paid to labor accidents, safety and health
The selection of construction contractor in general investment), and public work past performance (cost
contains two stage namely prequalification and bid overruns, schedule overruns, claims issued at executed
evaluations [3]. In the prequalification stage a large contracts). Trivedi et al. [3] named six prequalification
numbers of contractors are invited and analyzed, criteria which are financial turnover, manpower
based on predetermined criteria and a short listed resources, equipment resources, post experience, past
contractor is drawn by the clients. In the bid performance, and affordable relatable projects.
evaluation stage short listed contractors in the Manideepak et al. [12] proposed criteria such as a
prequalification stage are again invited and recommended bid amount, financial soundness,
investigated to select the appropriate contractor for technical ability, management capability, safety and
the project. Capability of each applicant will be health records, and reputation to be included in the
compared with the predefined sets of minimum process of assessing and deciding on a contractor.
values. The literature identifies several prequalification criteria
Prequalifying contractors is a critical element in which can be used in the selection process. The most
project planning because it can have a huge impact cited prequalification criteria for contractor selection
on the final outcome of the project. Despite of the from the literature are: management capability,
fact that the process of screening the potential technical ability, financial capacity, and occupational
contractors is an important feature of prequalifying, health and safety.
the current prequalification evaluations are often
inadequate. This study aims to investigate the 1.2 Practices for Evaluation of Prequalification for
shortcoming of the current evaluation of different Contractor Selection
prequalification criteria for the contractor selection at
prequalification stage. According to the literature, the current
prequalification contractor selection criteria are:
1.1 Prequalification Criteria management capability, technical ability, financial
capacity, and occupational health and safety [13-15].
Prequalification is a method to examine and gauge In contractor evaluation, numerous criteria are taken
the skills of potential contractors to determine if they into account, which, in turn, are characterized by the
can perform the project properly. Researchers, such as right sub criteria. In fact, the prequalification criteria
Hatush and Skitmore [4] and Ng [5] have done much were assessed based on the related sub-criteria. Table
research on the usage of the prequalification process. 1 displays the list of basic and sub-criteria of contractor
As a result of the prequalification process, there will be prequalification evaluation by Plebankiewicz, [14].
a directory for clients to refer to when they need to As can be seen in Table 1, most of the criteria are
invite contractors for tendering. To get their names on evaluated based on the evidence provided by the
the endorsed directory, a candidate must first send in contractors for each prequalification criterion.
an application to the client, after which the client will Prequalification criteria, such as financial capacity,
carry out the necessary steps to assess the contractors' occupational health, and safety and technical ability
financial status, management capability, are assessed by the evidence that are provided by
organizational structure, technical expertise and the contractors such as credit rating, banking
previous experiences of similar projects [6]. Hunt et al. arrangement, bonding and financial status for the
[7] assert that criteria that include the technical, issue of financial capacity; occupation health and
management and financial aspects of a contractor safety incident rates for the health and safety
should be accounted during prequalification performance of the contractor, questionnaire is
selection. Such criteria consist of the candidates' another method for the occupation health and safety
current and existing venue of business, capacity of performance; equipment by the resources and tools
plant and tools to carry out the project, sufficient funds for the technical ability. Anagnostopoulos and
to fulfill the project's needs, and aptness of technical Vavatsikos [11] established the criteria and sub-criteria
skills and experience. according to their hierarchy for the purpose of
Clients [8] and executive management [9] are prequalification evaluation which consist of financial
placing high value on contractors who are punctual in performance (credit ratio, current ratio, and asset
completing their construction projects. Besides that, turnover ratio), technical performance (resources and
other critical criteria were bid price, quality of work, experience), safety and health policy (compensation
contractor organization, previous and current paid to labor accidents, and safety and health
experience, and financial capability. Rashvand et al. investment), and management capability (cost
[10] suggested a list of prequalification criteria such as overruns, schedule overruns, and claims issued at
previous work experience, workloads, work records, executed contracts). These have been shown in Figure
completion time, technical knowledge, and cost. 1.
Anagnostopoulos and Vavatsikos [11] came up with From Table 1 and Figure 1, it can be concluded that
an extensive list of criteria which comprises of financial while the sub criteria are often based on direct
performance (credit ratio, current ratio, asset turnover
83 Muhd Zaimi Abd Majid et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 77:16 (2015) 81–89
objective evaluation, However, the evaluations monitoring and training program which is not
employed for some prequalification processes are still comprehensive.
inadequate or highly subjective [14]. Huang [15], for
example, noted that questionnaires can be used to Table 1 Prequalification Evaluation [14]
collect the required data for the prequalification
process, argued that contractors may be tempted to Criteria Sub-criteria
answer the questions to their best advantage. For Financial Standing 1. Financial stability
example, the contractor may bluntly answer ‘yes’ to a 2. Turnover, profit, obligations,
question that asks whether a safety issue is the top amounts due
3. Owned financial funds
priority in their businesses, though it is actually not
Technical Ability 1. Experience
being practiced. In another study conducted by Aje 2. Plant and equipment
[16] on the impact of contractors’ prequalification on 3. Personnel
project performance, results showed that the Management 1. Past performance and
evaluation of the contractor’s technical ability is not Capability quality
applicable because the contractors had gone out of 2. Quality control policy
their way to prove that their manpower resources 3. Project management system
were sufficient to execute and complete the project. 4.Experience of technical
However, upon qualification and selection, it became
5.Management knowledge
clear that many contractors, wishing to maximize Health and safety 1. Accidents
profit, did not engage enough workmen on site, 2. Health and safety
resulting in serious project delays. Also in a construction management system
prequalification questionnaire [17] published by British 3. Insurance policy
standard institution, the contractor management Reputation 1. Past failures in completed
capability as one prequalification was not evaluated projects
completely as only few variables relating to this 2. Number of years in
prequalification were considered i.e. quality
3. Past client relationships
4. Cooperation with contactors
Training prog ram Indemnities paid fo r Cost overrun at
Current ratio experience in similar
for personnel project labor ac cident execute d cont racts
Employed Cont ractor activity Schedule overrun
Credit ratio engineers three during last three at execut ed
years years contracts
Return on net worth Equipment by t he Cont ractor ye ars in
ratio owner business
employed for this prequalification relies mainly on the model. Secondly, the models have focused almost
time and cost performance of a project which is not exclusively on time and cost performance as outcome
enough to evaluate the management capability of variables, which may not be enough to evaluate the
contractors. Management capability consists of management capability of contractors. This
objective (experience, quality control policy, project shortcoming can be found in studies by [11], Wong
management system) and subjective criteria (past [23] and Plebankiewicz [14] whereby the evaluation of
performance and management knowledge). The past performance for management capability was
evaluation of objective criteria is based on the related to the time and cost performance of the
evidence provided by contractors; however the previous projects.
evaluation of subjective criteria is highly ambiguous Although time and cost performance are important
since there is no indication for evaluation of good and elements in identifying competent contractors, solely
bad practices. relying on these metrics may give an incomplete
The evaluation of management capability is critical picture of their performance capability, particularly
as it can support the identification, evaluation and when time or cost overruns occur for reasons outside of
screening of other prequalification criteria approved the contractors’ control. The overrun of time and cost
by the client. To illustrate with an example: an overrun in the project are usual and can be the result
important management capability is being equipped of other stakeholder’s faults. Therefore, it is important to
with the resources and tools to ensure the evaluate the management capability of the
prequalification of strong technical ability that can be contractor based on the related variables rather than
monitored by the resource management. time and cost only. The Impact of Contractors’
Management Capability on Cost and Time
1.3 Evaluation of Management Capability Performance of Construction Projects. Hatush and
Prequalification Skitmore [13] recognized financial capability, technical
skills, management capability, and health and safety
As can be concluded from the previous section, the performance of contractors as the most popular
prequalification criteria were assessed based on the criteria during the selection of contractors. From the list
related sub-criteria. Management capability, as an of criteria, the delivery of construction materials is
important prequalification criterion, has both mostly affected by the management capability of
subjective and objective variables. The objective contractors since they are the party who controls the
variables include years of contractor experience and construction resources. Ajibade [24] and Odusami [25]
quality achieved [15; 18]. These variables are assessed define management capability as the competency of
with evidence from the contractor’s previous contractors to manage the assets and resources
performance to certify and confirm the quality of work responsibly to ensure that the project is kept on track
done, the nature of the project, and years of financially and within the specified duration and
experience in similar projects. On the other hand, quality. Budget Monitoring and Price Intelligent Unit
subjective variables typically include monitoring and [26] rated management capability as the critical
controlling ability, problem solving skills, team criteria for contractor selection. Aje [18] studied on the
development skill, management knowledge, and impact of the contractor management capability on
resource management. The evaluations for these time and cost performance of construction project.
variables are ambiguous. Statistical data have proven that contractors'
Table 2 is the collection of various studies conducted management capability have a strong influence over
between 2000 and 2009 that indicates the contractor’s the assessment of the prequalification and tendering
selection models. From Table 2, two important of contractors, expenditure performance, and project
shortcomings of the previous model which is related to duration. This is the reason why management
the evaluation of subjective management capability capability is a critical factor in the prequalification
have been identified. Firstly evaluating the process as the cost and time performance is highly
contractor’s ability to realize a given project, should affected by the management capability of the
take into consideration with different variables of his contractors. Aje [18] suggested that the cost and
capabilities. This shortcoming can be found in studies duration of the project can be estimated by using
by Fong and Choi [20], Cheng and Li [21] and Turskis et predictive models which are based on the
al. [22] where the interaction between client and performance of the management capability of
contractor was considered as the only subjective contractors. By doing so, the clients will be able to
management variable to evaluate this have an early indication of the contractors'
prequalification. The management capability of performance. This practice will substantially improve
contractors consists of both subjective and objective the selection process of construction contractors.
variables; whereas only a few variables of this
capability were considered in the current evaluation
85 Muhd Zaimi Abd Majid et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 77:16 (2015) 81–89
1.4 Management Capability Variables for on the analysis of respondents’ ratings, are
Contractors contractors’ experience, quality control program,
management knowledge, past performance and
Management encompasses the organizing, quality achieved, and number of workforce in the
planning, controlling, and leading processes company. According to Wong et al. [19], control and
executed to achieve the project objectives [27]. It monitoring procedures, ability to manage risks, and
also involves other aspects such as the recruitment, adequacy of information technology knowledge
allocation of resources and funds to produce an were regarded as the key variables.
outcome [18]. Contractor should equip their According to Hatush and Skitmore [13], past
company with qualified and skilled staff with project performance and quality, project management
management skills. The term “management” is very organization, experience of technical personnel and
ambiguous in definition so, it is nearly impossible to management knowledge are the variables of
find agreement of its nature. According to Aje et al. contractor management capability. McCaffer [28]
[18], the variables of management capability, based concluded that the effective use of the plant and
86 Muhd Zaimi Abd Majid et al. / Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 77:16 (2015) 81–89
Monitoring and
Problem Solving
different studies. As can be seen in Table 3, problem
solving skill and management knowledge, in contrast
with other variables obtained the highest ranks by
seven out of 10 authors. The second highest ranked
was belong to ‘Monitoring and controlling’, as
mentioned by six authors. ‘Resource management’ McCaffer
and ‘Team development skill’ are ranked third by [28]
four citations and the least related variables were Lam et al.
‘organizational management’ and ‘planning which [35]
were cited by three and two authors respectively. Abiola
From Table 3, the seven most cited management [27]
capability variables are monitoring and controlling, Fong and
planning, problem solving, team development skill, Choi [20]
management knowledge, organizational Wong et
management and resource management. al. [19]
3.0 METHODOLOGY Turskis et
al. [22]
The methodology is based on extensive literature Plebankie
review followed by data collection, data analysis, wicz [14]
discussion, and conclusion. A literature review was Aje et al.
conducted using different tools such as books, [18]
Journal and etc. related to the topic. For data Huang
collection, beside the literature review, expert survey [15]
was conducted to assess the criticality of the data Total 6 7 4 7 4 3 2
gathered from the literature. This was done to ensure citation
that the current shortcomings are exists in real
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