Important Notice: Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022 Recruitment - Reg

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Government of India

भारत सरकार Staff Selection Commission

कर्मचारी चयन आयोग
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances &
कार्र्मक लोक र्िकायत और पेंिन र्ंत्रालय,
ब्लॉक सं , 12केन्द्रीय कायामल य पररसर, लोधी रोड ,
Block No. 12, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road,
नई र्िल्ली. 110003-
New Delhi - 110003.

Important Notice

Subject: Schedule to conduct Computer Based Examination for

Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022 Recruitment – Reg.

F. No. 08/02/2021-RHQ- Kindly refer to the Important Notice dated

06.07.2022 uploaded on the website of the Commission vide File No. HQ-C-
II02/1/2022-C2 regarding Schedule of Examinations and provision mentioned
in NOTE below Para-1.2 of the Notice of Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022. In
continuation to that, it is informed that Computer Based Examination for
Selection Posts/Ladakh/2022 is scheduled to be conducted along with Phase
X/2022/Selection Posts Examination i.e. from 01.08.2022 to 05.08.2022.

2. Candidates are also advised to visit the website of SSC(NWR),

Chandigarh( ) for ascertaining their application status and
latest information on the subject.

Under Secretary (RHQ)


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