Canara Bank Form 589 Rsnxls PDF Free
Canara Bank Form 589 Rsnxls PDF Free
Canara Bank Form 589 Rsnxls PDF Free
FROM: Raminder Singh Nibber The Manager/Senior Manager,
H.No. 1021, Phase-IV, S.A.S. Nagar CANARA BANK
I offer to stand as a guarantor/co-obligant for the banking facilities entended/to be extended by you to Pritika Autocast Ltd.
and furnish the particulars herebelow :-
1 Full Name Raminder Singh Nibber 5 Whether related to the borrower/other co-obligant/
guarantor if so, furnish the details. Director of the company
2 Father's /Husband Name:- Sh. Gurcharan Singh 6 Whether related to any of the employees of our Bank -NO
(if yes, nature of relationship
3 Age (In years) 74 years 7 SB/CA No. 1132 Opened on ____________
Place : Mohali
Date: 27-Jun-16 Signature /LTI of Guarantor/Co-obligant
Particulars of Assets Standing in the Name of the Applicant (Borrower) Pritika Autocast Limited
Movables Immovables
Sl.No. Description of Approx. Encumbranc Sl.No. Description Extent Location & Approx Details of Details of Encumbrance,
Property Market Value e, if of property Boundaries Market documents documents if any (furnish
(Rs.) any(Furnish Value conferring conferring particulars)
Particulars Rights Rights
Seperately Given W
I declare that I am the true owner of the assets, and I am in possession of documents conferring right on me I further declare that the particulars furnished
by me herein above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief
Place : Mohali
Date: 27-Jun-16 Signature /LTI of Guarantor/Co-obligant
a. We certify that we have verified information furnished in the format with reference to the documents conferring rights/title to the
borrower/Guarantor/co-obligant, and the existance of the property, its market value, marketability
b. The details furnished herein are verified/compared with the information furnished earlier (in NF 589) and we are satisfied about the veracity
of the same (applicable in case of existing parties)
Place :
Date : Manager/Senior Manager
FROM: Harpreet Singh Nibber The Manager/Senior Manager,
H.No. 1021, Phase-IV, S.A.S. Nagar CANARA BANK
I offer to stand as a guarantor/co-obligant for the banking facilities entended/to be extended by you to Pritika Autocast Ltd.
and furnish the particulars herebelow :-
1 Full Name Harpreet Singh Nibber 5 Whether related to the borrower/other co-obligant/
guarantor if so, furnish the details. Director of the company
2 Father's /Husband Name:- Sh. Raminder Singh Nibber 6 Whether related to any of the employees of our Bank -NO
(if yes, nature of relationship
3 Age (In years) 44 Years 7 SB/CA No. Opened on ____________
Place : Mohali
Date: 27-Jun-16 Signature /LTI of Guarantor/Co-obligant
Particulars of Assets Standing in the Name of the Applicant (Borrower) Pritika Autocast Limited
Movables Immovables
Sl.No. Description of Approx. Encumbranc Sl.No. Description Extent Location & Approx Details of Details of Encumbrance,
Property Market Value e, if of property Boundaries Market documents documents if any (furnish
(Rs.) any(Furnish Value conferring conferring Rights particulars)
Particulars Rights
Seperately Given W
I declare that I am the true owner of the assets, and I am in possession of documents conferring right on me I further declare that the particulars furnished by
me herein above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief
Place : Mohali
Date: 27-Jun-16 Signature /LTI of Guarantor/Co-obligant
Enclosure to Credit Report No. ___________
Space for Branch Use
a. We certify that we have verified information furnished in the format with reference to the documents conferring rights/title to the
borrower/Guarantor/co-obligant, and the existance of the property, its market value, marketability
b. The details furnished herein are verified/compared with the information furnished earlier (in NF 589) and we are satisfied about the veracity of the
same (applicable in case of existing parties)
Place :
Date : Manager/Senior Manager
FROM: Ramesh Chander Saini The Manager/Senior Manager,
H.No. 336/2, Sec-45A, Chandigarh CANARA BANK
Sub:- Banking Facilities Extended/to be extended by you to NIBBER CASTINGS PRIVATE LIMITED
I offer to stand as a guarantor/co-obligant for the banking facilities entended/to be extended by you to Nibber Castings Pvt. Ltd.
and furnish the particulars herebelow :-
1 Full Name Ramesh Chander Saini 5 Whether related to the borrower/other co-obligant/
guarantor if so, furnish the details. Director of the company
2 Father's /Husband Name:- Sh. Mukandi Lal 6 Whether related to any of the employees of our Bank -NO
(if yes, nature of relationship
3 Age (In years) 64 Years 7 SB/CA No. Opened on ____________
Place : Mohali
Date: 20-02-2015 Signature /LTI of Guarantor/Co-obligant
Particulars of Assets Standing in the Name of the Applicant (Borrower) Nibber Castings Pvt. Ltd.
Movables Immovables
Sl.No. Description Approx. Encumbranc Sl.No. Description Extent Location & Approx Details of Details of Encumbrance,
of Property Market Value e, if of property Boundaries Market documents documents if any (furnish
(Rs.) any(Furnish Value conferring conferring Rights particulars)
Particulars Rights
Seperately Given W
I declare that I am the true owner of the assets, and I am in possession of documents conferring right on me I further declare that the particulars furnished by
me herein above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief
Place : Mohali
Date: 20-02-2015 Signature /LTI of Guarantor/Co-obligant
Enclosure to Credit Report No. ___________
Space for Branch Use
1 Name of the firm in shich the guarantor/co-obligant is interested : _______________________________________
2 Whether enjoying any credit limit with us (if yes, furnish full particulars) : Yes/No
3 Confidential Reports from Banks. :
4 General Remarks :
a. We certify that we have verified information furnished in the format with reference to the documents conferring rights/title to the
borrower/Guarantor/co-obligant, and the existance of the property, its market value, marketability
b. The details furnished herein are verified/compared with the information furnished earlier (in NF 589) and we are satisfied about the veracity of
the same (applicable in case of existing parties)
Place :
Date : Manager/Senior Manager
Rs. In Lakhs
1 House Property Flat No. 336/2, Sector-45 A,
Chandigarh 70.00
3 PPF 7.00
FROM: S. Balasubramaniyam The Manager/Senior Manager,
H.No. 430, Sec-9, CANARA BANK
Sub:- Banking Facilities Extended/to be extended by you to NIBBER CASTINGS PRIVATE LIMITED
I offer to stand as a guarantor/co-obligant for the banking facilities entended/to be extended by you to Nibber Castings Pvt. Ltd.
and furnish the particulars herebelow :-
Place : Mohali
Date: 20/02/2015 Signature /LTI of Guarantor/Co-obligant
Particulars of Assets Standing in the Name of the Applicant (Borrower) Nibber Castings Pvt. Ltd.
Movables Immovables
Sl.No. Description Approx. Encumbranc Sl.No. Description Extent Location & Approx Details of Details of Encumbrance,
of Property Market Value e, if of property Boundaries Market documents documents if any (furnish
(Rs.) any(Furnish Value conferring conferring Rights particulars)
Particulars Rights
Seperately Given W
I declare that I am the true owner of the assets, and I am in possession of documents conferring right on me I further declare that the particulars furnished by
me herein above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief
Place : Mohali
Date: 20/02/2015 Signature /LTI of Guarantor/Co-obligant
Enclosure to Credit Report No. ___________
Space for Branch Use
1 Name of the firm in shich the guarantor/co-obligant is interested : __________________________________________________
2 Whether enjoying any credit limit with us (if yes, furnish full particulars) : Yes/No
3 Confidential Reports from Banks. :
4 General Remarks :
a. We certify that we have verified information furnished in the format with reference to the documents conferring rights/title to the
borrower/Guarantor/co-obligant, and the existance of the property, its market value, marketability
b. The details furnished herein are verified/compared with the information furnished earlier (in NF 589) and we are satisfied about the veracity of
the same (applicable in case of existing parties)
Place :
Date : Manager/Senior Manager