Action Plan in Research 2021-2022

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Colongulo, Surallah, South Cotabato


School Year 2021-2022

Teacher III

Principal I
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XII
Division of South Cotabato
Colongulo,Surallah,South Cotabato


(School Year 2021-2022)

Research is "creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge". [1] It involves the collection, organization
and analysis of information to increase understanding of a topic or issue. A research project may be an expansion on past work in
the field. To test the validity of instruments, procedures, or experiments, research may replicate elements of prior projects or the
project as a whole. The primary purposes of basic research  (as opposed to applied research) are documentation, discovery,
 interpretation, and the research and development (R&D) of methods and systems for the advancement of human knowledge.

Research in basic education aims to inform actions to be made through policy making, improvement of practice in the classroom
setting, human resource development for effective governance. It is anchored on the following principles: an academic tool in
facilitating learning for Knowledge Building. DepEd Action Research is a process of systematic, reflective inquiry to improve
educational practices or resolve problems in any operating unit (i.e. school, classroom, office). Action Research in should be in
adherence to the DepEd Order No. 39 series 2016, entitled Adoption of the Basic Education Research Agenda of the
Department of Education.
A. Pre-implementation
Phase -Conduct first meeting JUNE 2021 School head -Well-planned activities
1. To plan activities and -Create a school action research Coordinator and creation of school
committee. action research
assign focal persons on
classroom-based action
2. To orient teachers on the -Orient teachers during the Teachers by -Clear and wide
Research Management Professional Learning Community JULY 2021 Grade Level dissemination of
Guidelines (RMG) and Basic (PLC) and to be facilitated by the information about
Education Research Fund assigned teacher per level. research guidelines and
(BERF). funding.
3. To present action -Conduct second meeting for JULY 2021 School head -Finalization of all action
research proposals Teachers. Coordinator research
-Check action research proposals.
4. Increase school’s -Assess school’s research January 2022 Teachers, -Complete the school’s
understanding of the current Environment school head assessment on research
use and participation in -Orient teachers on the parts of concerns
research. basic and classroom based action
-Connect with
mmunity members
(internally/externally) to gather
research concerns.
-Consider school’s research
5. Increase the school’s -Develop research agenda for the January- April Teachers, -Assessed community
understanding of research school 2022 Research needs; List of research
-Seek input from staff, school Coordinator priorities
partners and research partners
-Hold community and school
survey through informal/formal
communication to get input from
constituents (stakeholders) about
research priorities
-Conduct or review existing
community/school needs
6. Establishing school’s -Develop guidelines/criteria for -May 2022 -Furnished a written
research involvement in future research MOU; crafted policies and
Policies and protocols activities protocols
-Develop standard Memorandum
of Understanding for work with
research partners
-Follow DepEd guideline, policies
and protocols in making research
7. Engage in -Develop/implement plan to -Whole year -Teachers, -Pictorials; Written plan
partnership/project build/maintain relationships with round Research with research partners;
implementation research partners; Conduct Coordinator Linkage with partners
research (stakeholders)
-Disseminate findings to school
staff, community constituents
-Present work to others-
conference presentation and
article publication
8. Improve research-related -Attend research seminars -Whole year -Pictorials, certificates of
training (webinars) and workshops given round participation
by the division -Data were collected
B. Implementation Phase - Teachers, through standardized
1. To conduct standardized -Give standardized tests to Coordinator tests given.
tests (examples: Phil-iri respondents. -Problems were identified.
Inventory, surveys, validated -Conduct third meeting for all -Interventions were
Teachers Teachers successfully done
questionnaire and interview Researchers
-Give intervention, enrichment or
on their respective reinforcement activities to the
respondents. respondents.
2.To monitor progress of
intervention programs and
identify problems Teachers
encountered by the Researchers
3. Develop initiatives in -Conduct LAC session on
improving the culture of research focused on research
research title and crafting an action
4. Monitor the progress of research proposal
research activities -Presentation of an action
research proposal;
C.Post-implementation - Whole year Teachers -Results were tabulated
Phase -Collect and record all the data round Researchers and analyzed.
1.To finalize and report the needed. -Action researches were
-Submit all action research to the submitted to the
results of all action research
Division’s Research Coordinator. Division’s Research
conducted. School head Coordinator.
Teachers -Increased numbers of
2.To submit all action Researchers independent level in
research to the Division’s reading both in English
Research Coordinator. and Filipino.
-Lessen cases of bullying
in school.
-Increased Mean
Percentage Scores (MPS)
in Mathematics and
Science subjects.
3. Develop an action -Conduct the action research ; -Whole year Teachers, -Hard Copy of Action
research output Present finished action research round Research research output
Prepared by:


Research Coordinator

Principal I


Names Titles Remarks
1.Suzanne T. Templonuevo Level of Parents ‘ Involvement in Monitoring Student’s Academic Performance On going
2. Aurora F. Derla
3. Elvie P. Perono Improving Reading Skills of Grade 7 Students through Reading Remedial Classes On going
4. Rosemin E. Siarez Reward System and its Effects to the Academic Performance of Grade 8 Students of Colongulo On going
5. Mila R. Esteves National High School
6. Gerly E. Jacinto Feeding Program in Addressing Severely Wasted and Wasted Students of Colongulo National High On going
7. Melanie D. Mendoza School
8. Maybelline C. Matavia Stakeholders’ Perception for English Modules Distributed for School Year 2021-2022 On going
9. Marelou M Franco Summer Reading Materials in Improving the Reading Comprehension of Non-reader Learners On going
10. Marilou E. Garino Summer Reading Materials in Improving the Reading Comprehension of Very Slow Learners On going
11.Merdelina M. Victorio Summer Reading Materials in Improving the Reading Comprehension of Slow Learners On going
Modular Learning Modality: Its Effects on Academic Performances in Mathematics of Grade 10 On going
12.Sherreth A. Cabrillos School at Home: Experiences of Students during the Covid 19 Pandemic Completed
13.Renafe S. Rendaje
14.Nonamer B. Labaco
15.Maeflor A. Patac The Effect of Career Guidance Program to the Career Choice of Colongulo National High School On going
SHS Students
16. Nestor B. Jereos Tardiness of Grade 1o Heron Students: A Qualitative Analysis Completed
17.Linet R. Perlas Covid 19 Related Anxieties Among Parents and Students of CoNHS: Basis for Proposed Vaccination On going
Campaign Programs
18. Gregorio T. Posada Jr.
19. Ana Fe O. Laquihon
20. Katherine T. Alperto The Effect of "New Normal" Education System to the Performance of Grade 9 Orchid Students in On going
Learning Mathematics for SY 2021-2022
21. Rowena T. Matavia

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