E-Auction Sale Notice and Terms and Conditions
E-Auction Sale Notice and Terms and Conditions
E-Auction Sale Notice and Terms and Conditions
Governrnent of India qR-dsas'R
Ministry of Einance
Debts Recovery Tribunal_If F-fHlTdq
-_ 3'd Floor, Bhikh,.riirui Cf,.rnu"i",, xuroq'frorf!-ow-rr
Near Kochrab Ashram, paIdl, Ahmedabad ffsrcrdr,flrgqr{N,
cuj arat otiffEsrwc-+qrg qrc$, srrrErqr<, gsrkl
Rl{!g No. 8el2o10 in (o.A.No. 274lzoot)
IDBI Bank Ltd. V/s vijion oig;ics Lta.
CD No.01 Vision Organics Ltd.
A/2, .'Swag at, B/h Overseas Avenue,
Nr. Nathubhai Centre, Race Courss'Circle,
C.D,No. 02 Shri Jatin Hiratat Shai Vadodara
C.D.No. 03 Nayanaben J. Shah
(02 & 03 rlo 27/29, Niltarang
' Vadodara _390 00g)
Society, New Sama Road,
C.D,No. 04 M/s AIMS Chemicats'pvt.
A/2, ..Swag at, Bfh Overseas Avenue,
,X1 ve,,Lrs,
^qLc LUUfSe Llfcle, VadC
z.\ &
' .. .
RP/RC No. 9ol2o10 in (o.A.No.
Bank of Baroda V/s Vision Orginics
Tb, Ltd.
CD No.01 Vision Organics Ltd.
A/2, .,Swag at, B/h Overseas Avenue,
Nr. Nathubhai Centre, Race Course
Circle, Vadodara
C.D.No. 02 Shri Jatin Hiralal Shah
C,D.No. 03 Nayanaben J. Shah
(02 & 03 rlo 27/29, Niltarang Society,
New Sama Road,
Vadodara _390 008)
C.D.No. 04 Mls AIMS Chemicals Pvt. Ltd'
A/2, "Swa gat" B/h Overseas Avenue,
Nr' Nathubhai Centre, Race Course Circle' Vadodara
The above mentioned cDs have failed to pay, the outstanding dues of
Website: https://drt.auctiontiger.net.
I ;), ...
Recovery Officer
r1. l Debts Recovery Tribu nal-ll,
i' Ahmedabad
TERMS ANo cSrypryf"g&g.qr s4fE
5, Any person, unless may submtt bid which shiall be accompanled by the
earnest money not less than 10or'o of the reserve prlce or
ap prescrlbed rn augtron s;ie
notlce as decldnd by the Recovery officer and uploadeu on
[r.,* website, The amount ln
the case of the successful bidder shall be adjusted to*araf the
conslderalon amount
and ln case of unsuccessful bldders, the same shall be returned
at the close of the
Auctlon to all concerned through RTGS/NEFT ln the *1*."...ounts
from whlch
transactlon ls made to deposlt the EMD. The prospecilve
are also advlsed to
give complete detalls of thelr accounts, fldders
6' The highert bidder shatl have to deposit ts$ of
his ftnal btd fimount after adJustment of
EMD alreadv paia, trumronrFlflffiffiu*.irr.o., r,[r,.ril'ao*1. (H1], As resards
declaratlon as H1 ls concerned the concerned e-auction ,gJh.y
is directed to send an e-
mall {lf possible autq'generated) lmmedlately after .o*llution of bid process as per
schedule to the H1 that he ls the hlghest bldder advtstng him to deposit 25%
of btd
y::y *rys the arnount pard as ".rn.rt money rrnmedratery, For the purpose of this
the rneaning of word 'immediaterl means same day but if bank ti*ing i,
ovei lmmadlately m€ans next bank worklng day by 4:00 p,M. through RTGS/NEFT in
account as mentloned ln sale notice,
7, The sdccesrful bldder/auctlon purchaser shall depostt
*$S*qgls 1f ,the
lmmedlate flrst bank workrng day through nresirurrr rn ,n,. *..orit as mentioned
sale notlce. Further the purchaser shan atso be liabte
to ,tk. ;;;f dffi;;;;
dlfferencs between hls flnal bld amount and the p*ce ror wiiii [I iuar*quentty sold.
8. The purchaser shall also deposlt poundage
fee @fX
tee on to,qfirrf. clnstderatton money
@lg,o on
(plus Rs. 10) through DD in.favour of Theiegist"i,
onr-rr, nip;;;b.d. The DD prepared
towards poundage's fees sharr
fX*r:::1yJs shail be
submrtted drrectry
wrtrr th4
trrd ;ffr;; ; Recovery officer-
o u nd se fe e Draft,
o, J "m." "r ;;;;;; i*;;,1
t" ;.1 ;;;,U;
Il TI],*1y"1rb*Jl.*
of The Regtstrar, oRT.il, Ahmedibad,
a r, r
anU paym.n, .i]"riO.ge fee will not be
accepted through RTGS/NEfT ln any ctrcum$tances.
9' ln case of default of ptyment wlthln the presribed perlod,
the deposit, arter deduction
"":-'i:r:1of,'th€ expenses of the sale, may, lf tlie undersigned thinks fit, be forfelted
to the
and the defaulttng purchaser shall forfett aU ctatms to the properry
{\ f,I;*-t[:l-lccount
(ln orlglnal) in that regard and the full name andicomplete address
"aqtfioftY of such
ir"""s*,ttY his PANfAN Number and ptiotocopy thereof. ln ..;[;; proper
*'"decElon of Recovery officer taken at the time of
authorlty, rhe
conflrmatior{ of sale shall ba final.
11.The properues shail ordrnary be sord rn the
proclamatlon same;;;J;;rh
they appear In the
the proPertY.
g to the bidder/auction
26. All terms & condltlons menttoned herelnabove
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