PTW Associated Certificates KEC - Final v3 - EXCAVATION
PTW Associated Certificates KEC - Final v3 - EXCAVATION
PTW Associated Certificates KEC - Final v3 - EXCAVATION
Date: __________________
Time: __________________
Soil Classification Type Brief description and reason for excavation: Connected PTW/Certificate No.
Class A
Class B
Class C
Length x Width x Depth of Excavation: _______ mtr. X _______ mtr. X _______ mtr.
Means of Protection: Sloping/Benching: Angle of slope/bench: ________ degrees,
(Attach details/sketch) Shoring:
Site plan attached
Means of Excavation: Manual: Site as-built drawing attached
Dewatering required: Means of dewatering: ________________ Excavation drawing attached
Soil compaction required Degree if compaction: ________________ % Protection sketch attached
Yes No Compaction details attached
Period during which excavation will remain open: From ..................... Date until ............ Date
Area barrication through: Cordon Rope,
Yes No tape Fence Manual guarding TRA attached
External Agency Certificates attached
Ensure all excavation equipment and accessories have been inspected before use.
Mechanical excavation is not allowed inside process facilities or within 10 ft. of existing flow lines/ instrument - electrical cables etc.
Original : Performing Authority: Copy1: Permit to Work Station: Copy 2: CoW Office: