Developing A Taxonomy For The Understanding of Business and It Alignment Paradigms and Tools
Developing A Taxonomy For The Understanding of Business and It Alignment Paradigms and Tools
Developing A Taxonomy For The Understanding of Business and It Alignment Paradigms and Tools
The alignment of information technology with business objectives tends to be a managerial priority in modern organisations. Thus, practitioners and researchers have proposed different approaches to assess this relationship, some following similar approaches whilst others proposing different ones. The variety of approaches proposed, however, has created confusion about the applicability and context in which these approaches can be used. Thus, aiming to tackle this challenge, this paper proposes a taxonomy that organises and compares studies of alignment assessment in terms of their theoretical constructors and their practical use. The taxonomy is build around two research sources: a) a review of the literature of alignment and b) a framework for comparing IS methodologies. The structure of the taxonomy permits insights into studies by means of six theoretical (objective, nature of strategy, paradigm, dimension, type of measurement, model) and six practical constructors (audience, scope, output, techniques, product, target). The taxonomy is then applied to six assessment studies. The benchmarking analysis of these helped to identify their theoretical basis and its practical use, and confirms the need for more practical mechanisms to assess alignment. Additionally, it becomes apparent that process perspectives and social understanding of alignment are the two main paradigms for alignment. Keywords: strategic alignment, alignment assessment, IS planning
Many organisations realise that aligning information technology and business objectives, commonly referred to as alignment, is a managerial priority for solving organisational and business challenges (Ives Mandviwalla, 2004; Luftman, 2000; Tallon & Kraemer, 2003). The competitiveness of the market has produced organisations to look for a better way of understanding how to implement IT projects that boost their business strategies (Weill & Broadbent, 1998). Despite the fact that this area of research increases in relevance researchers and practitioners have not reached an agreement on the different ways to approach this challenge. This disagreement can be seen by the wide variety of studies that have emerged by proposing alternative approaches to research alignment. These commonly presume a wide debate to answer underlying questions such as how can organisations achieve alignment? and how can organisations assessed their alignment?. In the literature, research into alignment has been covered as a complete roundtrip process which involves three indistinct stages: assessing, achieving, and maintaining alignment (Luftman, 2000; Avison, 2004). Most research, though, does not identify any differences away from these stages even though each one might contribute independently to the field. As a consequence, some studies do not specifically advocate an adequate mean of measurement, whilst this is considered one of the steps towards achieving alignment. The different views make the comparison of insights more complex if considered that an alignment approach should satisfy the organisational context by ad-hoc measures (Zee, 2001). Today, few studies exist which collate current studies of alignment assessments by using mechanisms of comparison. This lack of research suggests that practitioners and researchers not only struggle to identify these studies but also point towards a laborious selective process for the most valuable approach to fulfil individual interests. There are no convincing mechanisms for evaluating the type of assessments that more adequately satisfy specific organisational needs. This process normally depends on the judgement of practitioners and researchers. In addition, the literature fails to compare studies taking into account their philosophical paradigms, which may permit benchmarking them and, eventually, expose their capabilities. This paper aims to contribute to the IT and business alignment process by clarifying alignment assessments through the content of their underlying constructors (the authors refer as constructors to the theoretical and empirical components involved in alignment assessments). In doing so, a taxonomy for current alignment assessments is proposed to benchmark these studies. The proposed taxonomy structure has theoretical and practical capabilities to support comparative mechanisms of analysis. Insights into alignment assessments are achieve by means of six theoretical and six practical constructors. To guide the reader, the rest of the paper is organized as follows: the next section presents an overview of underlying constructors of alignment. This is followed by an explanation of two research sources for the development of the taxonomy structure. Then, the taxonomy structure is described and tested by using six studies. Finally, the findings are summarized in the conclusion together with limitations of this research and recommendations for further research.
Alignment is a phenomenon that focuses on the complexity of organisational relationships given by the integration of IT and business objectives (Weill & Broadbend, 1988; Henderson & Venkatraman, 1999; Ciborra, 1997; Smaczny, 2001). In most cases, this relationship has been subject to different interpretations and according to the context behind the particular research attained. This research recognises that alignment research might be advanced by exposing such different interpretations. For instance, many alignment studies have exposed their differences against others by establishing their own boundaries. By reviewing some of the most cited articles in the alignment literature it became
apparent that some of these interpretations have been indicated. For instance, Chan et al. (1998) use Mintzberg (1998) to classify common understandings of organisational information systems (IS) strategies in order to suggest which strategy shapes their own research. The discussion is centred on two definitions: a) intended strategy, defined as not current, but the formal strategy susceptible to support future or past strategy; and b) realised strategy which reflects current and undertaken strategy. Reich and Benbasat (1996) also recognise alternative interpretations but they are focused on dimensions of alignment. They argue that alignment research should consider the difference between social and intellectual dimensions. The social dimension is the content of information technology and business plans that are internally consistent and externally valid (Reich and Benbasat, 1996 p.55) and intellectual dimension occurs when the information systems and business executives understand each others objectives and plans (Reich and Benbasat, 1996 p.55). In a more recent study, Reich and Benbasat (2000) extend the scope of social dimension by including the influence of four factors (shared domain knowledge between business and IT executives, IT implementation success, communication between business and IT executives, communication between business and IT planning process) and suggesting two paradigms as a consequence of the outcome of achieving alignment. These paradigms imply that the output of implementing alignment can be understood by either considering a state or a process. A state view involves alignment as a fixed output and the effect of itself. A process view is centred on intangible but planned activities which are performed dynamically through the roundtrip process of achieving alignment. Hale and Cragg (1996) propose a new instrument to assess alignment in small organisations based on the STROBE instrument developed by Venkatraman (1989) and the STROIS instrument developed by Chan (1992). To argue how these instruments could work simultaneously, they examine two ways of measuring alignment: a matching measure based on the difference between two measures, and a moderation measure which reflects synergy between two different measures. To calculate the alignment degree, the selected measure gives an interpretation of the difference between the scores of two items, which consequently represents the IS-business strategy integration.
STUDY CHAN ET AL. (1998) UNDERLYING CONSTRUCTOR Types of strategy evaluated DESCRIPTION Intended strategy: no current, but formal strategy susceptible to support future or past strategy Realised strategy: reflects current and undertaken strategy Intellectual dimension: focuses on content of planning approaches (methods and techniques).This dimension evaluates the content of IT and business plans if they are internally consistent and externally valid (Reich and Benbasat, 1996) Social dimension: focuses on people or factors involved in creating alignment. This dimension includes mutual understanding and commitment to the business and IT mission, objectives and plans (Reich and Benbasat, 2000) Process perspective: focuses on the integration of IT and business as a process State perspective: focuses on the integration of IT and business as cross-sectional data and analyses states of such integration Matching measure: based on the difference between two measures (Hale and Cragg, 1996) Moderation measure: reflects a synergy between two measures (Hale and Cragg, 1996)
Alignment dimensions
Alignment paradigms
Table 1
The literature suggests that alignment approaches have been demarked by alternative interpretations to describe their underlying constructors. Types of strategy evaluated (Chan et al., 1998), alignment dimensions (Reich & Benbasat, 1996), alignment paradigms (Reich and Benbasat, 2000), and alternative interpretations for measuring alignment (Hale & Cragg, 1996) have been discussed as key references to confine the scope of alignment assessments (see table 1). These interpretations not only clarify the foundation behind current alignment assessments but also provide insights into the research diversity of alignment. Moreover, these interpretations allow comparing mechanisms if they are taken reference to compare other studies. To enable such mechanisms in this research, the research gap is tackled by means of proposing a classification scheme which could be used as a reference to compare underlying constructors of alignment assessments.
Even though there are various classification schemes in the literature, a taxonomy was chosen for this research as it offers comparative advantages and contributes towards new research (Carper & Snizek 1980; Mezzich & Salomon, 1980; Mckelvey, 1982). The proposed taxonomy relates to a scheme that partitions a body of knowledge and defines the relationships among the pieces. It issues for classifying and understanding the body knowledge (IEEE, 1986). For this research, the body of knowledge was provided by collecting the data of different studies available in the literature, then generalising their concepts. Each selected study became a source of theoretical and practical data to be filled out into the taxonomy structure. There were no preconceived ideas regarding the intended structure. The first step was concentrated to develop the taxonomy structure based on elements able to characterise alignment assessments. Two sources of research were undertaken to define the taxonomy structure: investigating IS comparison frameworks and evaluating common and underlying constructors of alignment assessments in the literature. 3.1 First research source for the taxonomy development: reviewing common constructors in the literature of alignment assessments
This research source focused on defining constructors for the taxonomy structure by means of reviewing literature of alignment. The design of the taxonomy began empirically by finding common constructors within current alignment assessments. In doing so, a selection process was performed in the current literature to identify representative articles concerning alignment assessments. E-resources were used as the primary means to carry out such selection. Initially, studies focused on alignment were searched. The web of science, part of ISI web of knowledge service for UK education, and its associated database science citation index expanded provided the searching resources. This database indexes 5900 major journals across 150 scientific disciplines (ISIknowledge, 2006) and permits a review of wider selection of databases. The database was used during the first two weeks of July 2006 to compile a collection of relevant literature whose title or abstract contains the keyword strategic alignment. Fifty-three articles were found and then ranked according their research impact (the number of times a study has been cited). These articles were also categorised according a criteria which included three objectives: a)propose tools or instruments of assessment, b)implement empirically their instruments or tools and c) hold relevant keywords such as measure, measurement, measuring, assessing or assessment in their abstract or title. After the revision, a group of thirty-one articles was compiled from which their references and citations allowed drill down other relevant articles. Therefore, new articles were added to the group according to whether their keywords in abstracts and titles included alignment, strategic information systems planning or information systems planning, and their impact would agree with the aforementioned criteria. Finally, articles were classified into two groups according their objective(s). Firstly, a group that include studies that focus on alignment to support its relevance, the impact of IT on business performance, and its relation with financial benefits or its business IT value. Secondly, a second group with studies that helps on understanding the alignment phenomena, and measures
alignment to help organisations to improve their current situation; see table 2 for the figures of each group. Finally, nine articles with assessing objectives were complied to constitute the first source of the taxonomy development. This group was the bases to identify such constructors for the taxonomy structure.
GROUP Relevance, impact and benefit of alignment OBJECTIVE Focus on alignment to support its relevance, the impact of IT on business performance, and its relation with financial benefits or its business IT value Help on understanding the alignment phenomena, and measures alignment to help organisations to improve their current situation TOTAL NUMBER 22
9 31
Table 2 3.2
Second research source for the taxonomy development: selecting a comparison framework
The second research source was concentrated on investigating a comparison framework for current alignment assessments. Since developing successful information systems has been closely related to the use and implementation of methodologies (Avison & Fitzgerald, 2006; Olle, 1991; Tagg, 1983) and methodological approaches have been related to justify current studies of alignment, research activities were dedicated to searching a framework with comparing capabilities for IS methodologies.
Figure 1.
According to Avison & Fitzgerald (2006), there are three main categories of rationale that organisations and individuals have used to justify the adoption of a particular methodology. They state that the aim of a methodology should be oriented to develop a better end product, a better development process, and a standardised process. In addition, they have been pointed out that IS methodologies should include a philosophical view, because methodologies intrinsically have applicability limitations as a consequence of those assumptions made by their own authors. The limitations of current IS methodologies mark an additional issue when decision-makers start a selecting process for a methodology that should fit their individual requirements. This process normally might include tailoring activities since small number of methodologies can satisfy ideally all expected requirements. By considering this, principles to implement alignment assessments or IS methodologies share similar rationales. The evaluation process as well as the elements involved in alignment assessments or methodologies hold similarities that might be exposed by using comparison techniques. The
framework provided by Avison and Fitzgerald (2006) proposes seven basic elements of comparison (see figure 1) to benchmark underlying elements of IS methodologies. As main advantage, this framework allows to remove any element according to the researching needs. Moreover, this framework offered theoretical and practical comparing capabilities that also can be applied to studies. This framework was selected as the second development resource for the taxonomy but adapted to the characteristics of alignment assessments.
The taxonomy structure was visualised with theoretical and practical capabilities. Avison & Fitzgerald (2006) suggest these reasons for comparing IS methodologies but regarding studies of alignment assessments face practical considerations. Most alignment assessments have been envisaged by using strong theoretical background, but not many advocating practical capabilities (Avison et al. 2004). For this research it was a criterion to include and evaluate both aspects. The taxonomy includes two substructures; a theoretical substructure with constructors concerning the background behind the study and a practical substructure with constructors concerning the practicability of the study. The theoretical substructure identifies six constructors (aim objective, nature of strategy, paradigm, dimension, type of measurement approach & background model). Four constructors, nature of strategy, paradigm, dimension and type of measurement, were included into this substructure as a result of the first research source of development. In addition, elements such as objective and model were taken from the framework for comparing IS methodologies proposed by Avison & Fitzgerald (2006). The constructor domain was discarded from the taxonomy since its definition details areas of concern but alignment research commonly envisages the entire organisation instead of specific business units or departments. The practical substructure includes other six constructors (practice/audience, scope, output, technique, product and target). These six elements were taken from the Avison & Fitzgerald (2006)s framework and included into the practical group as result of the second source of construction. A detailed description of each theoretical and practical constructor is itemised in table 3 and table 4. Each suggested constructor will guide into the content of underlying constructors involved in alignment assessment. It is expected that constructors within a study will help the process of understanding a study as well as provide comparing mechanisms against others. The description of each constructor pretends to be a guideline for researchers and practitioners when they are planning a project of alignment assessment.
THEORETICAL CONSTRUCTORS Aim objective Nature of strategy Paradigm Dimension Type of measurement approach Background model OBJECTIVE DESCIPTION Delimits boundaries of the area of concern. Indicates what type of strategy is being used for the study, these are either pretend or intended strategies Depicts the way of thinking view when alignment is implemented, considers either outcome or process views Considers two dimensions: social dimension attains the level of mutual understanding of alignment and intellectual dimension focuses on the content of plans Shows the alternatives undertaken to understand how alignment is measure, these are either matching and moderation types of measurement Includes the representation & abstraction used for the basis of the study
Table 3
PRACTICAL CONSTRUCTORS Practice/audience Scope Output (conceptual deliverable) Technique of measurement Product Target (limitations)
DESCRIPTION Indicates who does or executes the assessment implementation Indicates the studys scope by giving individual or combination of either assessing, maintaining or achieving objectives Indicates what type of output the assessment produces in terms of its deliverables Depicts those techniques used to carry on the alignment measurement Includes the final and practical element produced by the assessment Evaluates the applicability of the study by including its limitations
Table 4
Having defined the taxonomy structure, data from six representative alignment assessments was used to develop the taxonomical study (see table 5 and table 6). Theoretical and practical insights were analysed according twelve underlying constructors, six theoretical and six practical. The design of the taxonomy implies that studies can be examined by using either of these two or both insights. For instance, both insights were applied to Luftmans approach (2003). A description of his research is summarised according the theoretical and practical capabilities of the study. Each constructor has been highlighted to help readers to identify the taxonomys functionality. Luftman (2003) researchs objective aims recommendations for improving alignment based on maturity categories by means of a model originally adapted from the Capability Maturity Model (CAM). This study not only considers six categories (communication, competency, governance, partnership, technology scope, and skill) to assess alignment maturity in any organisation, but also to achieve and maintain such maturity alignment. His roundtrip scope for assessing, achieving and maintaining alignment suggest a dynamic paradigm process to understand alignment. To use in practice his assessment, Luftman applies a questionnaire and interviews with IT and business executives. These executives are in charge of the final overall alignment score, which is agreed by using group-decision-analysis techniques, to carry out consensus. In fact, this technique considers executives perceptions by measuring a synergy between individual maturity criteria. Results are based on mutual understanding of such perceptions which relate to a strategy that exclusively assesses current organisational planning. His research product is a conceptual framework which can be applied via questionnaire. The taxonomy also permits partial examinations. By using the theoretical substructure only theoretical characteristics related to an assessment can be examined. In doing so, the content of six constructors (objective, nature of strategy, dimension, type of measurement and background model) are applied. An evaluation of the theoretical substructure is applied to Avison et al. (2004). Avison et al. (2004)s research objective aims to determine alignment levels by means of the strategic alignment model (SAM). Their practical framework understands alignment in a dynamic environment by working on the process paradigm. They consider realised strategy since documentation of projects completed is used to perform the assessment. A classification which matches projects based on the strategic alignment model (SAM) perspectives represents their type of measure. Subsequently, a graphical representation is produced to evaluate the alignment level. In addition, practical capabilities of an assessment can also be outlined. For instance, Hale & Cragg (2003) put in practice an alternative to measure alignment for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) by assessing people perceptions. This scope embraces exclusively assessing alignment regardless achieving or maintaining alignment. They provided a deliverable in terms of an instrument based on interviews and a questionnaire applied to top management levels. They assess synergy of two scores to depict a moderation type of measurement. Finally, three more
studies were filled into the taxonomy. Data content from Chan et al. (1998), Reich and Benbasat (1998) and Papp (2006) was added. Their theoretical and practical capabilities can also be visualised in table 5 and table 6. Theoretical and practical capabilities of the six representative studies can be benchmarked by means of the two substructures. Even though the process to fill out the data from such studies is complex, the taxonomy guide into the underlying constructors comprised by typical alignment assessment. It is expected for any user of the taxonomy to be familiar with a study that will be applied into it.
Study Avison et al. (2004) Chan et al. (1998) Hale & Cragg (1996) Aim objective Determine alignment levels by means of SAM in practice Measure existing use of IT in organisations Measure alignment for small firms & investigate factors that influence alignment Identify recommendations for improving alignment based on the organisations maturity Identify specific recommendations for improving alignment Measure the social dimension of alignment Nature of strategy Realised Realised Paradigm Dimension Type of measurement approach Matching Moderation Background Model Strategic Alignment Model Henderson & Venkatraman (1990) SROBE Venkatramans (1989) STROBE - Venkatramans (1989) STROIS - Chans (1992) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Strategic Alignment Model Henderson & Venkatraman (1990) Horovitzs(1984)s strategic dimensions
Process State
Intellectual Social
Luftman (2003)
Intended Intended
Process State
Intellectual Social
Matching Matching
Table 5
Study Avison et al. (2004) Chan et al. (1998) Hale & Cragg (1996) Luftman (2003) Papp (2006) Reich & Benbasat (1998)
Product Graphical representation Questionnaire Questionnaire & interviews Questionnaire On-line questionnaire
Questionnaire & Based on interviews documentation Ac= Achieving alignment As= Assessment alignment M= Maintaining alignment
Table 6
Two objectives have been addressed in this research: evaluate the applicability of the taxonomy as well as indicate the results of the comparative analysis of six representative alignment assessments, both concerns the discussion of this research. The functionality of the taxonomy was applied by means of testing theoretical and practical capabilities of six representative studies. Twelve constructors were defined to characterise them, six practical (practice/audience, scope, output, technique of measurement, product and target/limitations) and six theoretical (aim objective, nature of strategy,
paradigm, dimension, type of measurement approach & background model) constructors. Even though filling out data from such studies to the taxonomy structure is not a simple process, the taxonomy guides into the content of underlying constructors for alignment assessments and provides a comparing mechanism. The comparative analysis reveals that most alignment assessments tend to measure senior management perceptions instead of tactical or operational mechanisms within organisations. These mechanisms create restrictions for assessing consistently alignment, since alignment measurements should consider a variety of indicators at all organisational levels (Zee, 2001). This research gap has been raised in Gutierrez et al. (2006) work which suggests an instrument which comprises strategic, tactical and operational levels to assess alignment within SME. Generally speaking, a process paradigm has been more embraced by researchers. This coincides with Avison et al. (2004) arguments in the sense that earlier research on alignment has been focused predominantly on state perspectives. In addition, the social dimension leads against the intellectual dimension to approach alignment. More studies have opted to consider a social dimension as this assumes that alignment tends for mutual understanding of business and IT mission, objectives and plans. This has a wide consideration about people behaviour within the whole process extent of alignment since it is required peoples mutual understanding of alignment to increase the level of success in an alignment implementation. The taxonomy confirms the variety of approaches to assess alignment however taking in account the comparative analysis might suggest a possible trend to research alignment. This alignments trend shapes an approach more dynamic and related to process-oriented issues which also has been included as a privileged interest in IT governance literature and cross-related activities of organisational business processes (Thorogood et al., 2004).
This paper forms part of an ongoing research on alignment assessment. This research contributes to the IT and business planning process by providing a guide for six theoretical (aim objective, nature of strategy, paradigm, dimension, type of measurement approach and background model) and six practical (practice/audience, scope, output, technique, product and target) constructors which allows comparing insights into current alignment assessments. In this research six representative studies of alignment assessment were applied into the taxonomy to verify its functionality. Results clarify a trend in alignment assessments towards a social paradigm. Most of the evaluated studies aim to adopt mutual social understanding between factors that inhibit or enable the process of achieving alignment. This implies a wide consideration on people behaviour and subjective factors throughout the alignment process. It becomes apparent an alignment research more dynamic and related to processoriented measures based on complex organisational criteria. Despite the increasing relevance of alignment in the industry, few studies look for practical capabilities and most studies remain theoretical. Research into alignment remains still complex for practical proposes which limits organisations in the planning to be aligned. The proposed taxonomy helps in this planning process when insights into various alignment assessments need to be exhibited but further research in the area is required. The taxonomy was designed by means of limited sources of development which are the result of only a sample of representative studies. Therefore, an extension of this research is a contribution with additional and refined constructors as well as guidance to identify them. In addition, an extensive review of relevant articles and examination of techniques of comparison might contribute to the functionality of the taxonomy.
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