Robotics, Laboratory Manual
Robotics, Laboratory Manual
Robotics, Laboratory Manual
Vaishnavi Institute of Technology & Science, Bhopal
$ist of Epe'i(ents
1. +a!e you seen cartesian/cylindrical/spherical configuration robot,
2. -i!e any practical eample of each of them.
ndustrial Robots Definition
A robot is a programmable arm simulator.
'he Cartesian co(ordinate robot is one that consists of a column and an arm. t is
sometimes called an (y( robot$ indicating the aes of motion. 'he (ais is lateral
motion$ the y(ais is longitudinal motion$ and the (ais is !ertical motion. 'hus$ the
arm can mo!e up and do"n on the (ais the arm can slide along its base on the (
ais and then it can telescope to mo!e to and from the "or area on the y(ais. 'he
Cartesian co(ordinate robot "as de!eloped mainly for arc "elding$ but it is also
suited for many other assembly operations.
Robots "ith Cartesian configurations consists of lins connected by linear 4oints 567.
-antry robots are Cartesian robots 56667. A robot "ith 3 prismatic 4oints 8 the aes
consistent "ith a Cartesian coordinate system.
'he cylindrical co(ordinate robot is a !ariation of the Cartesian robot. 'his robot
consists of a base and a column$ but the column is able to rotate. t also carries an
etending arm that can mo!e up and do"n on the column to pro!ide more freedom of
mo!ement. 'he cylindrical co(ordinate robot is designed for handling machine tools
and assembly.
Robots "ith cylindrical configuration ha!e one rotary 5 R7 4oint at the base and linear
567 4oints succeeded to connect the lins. A robot "ith 2 prismatic 4oints and a
rotary 4oint 8 the aes consistent "ith a cylindrical coordinate system.
:olar robots ha!e a "or space of sphe'ical shape. -enerally$ the arm is connected
to the base "ith a t"isting 5'7 4oint and rotatory 5R7 and linear 567 4oints follo". A
robot "ith 1 prismatic 4oint and 2 rotary 4oints 8 the aes consistent "ith a polar
coordinate system.
"onclusion+ 2
'he three basic robot configurations based on co(ordinate system is studied
in details. 'his "ill help you in deciding the "orspace area of robot for a
particular operation/tas and to choose correct type of co(ordinate
configuration of robot for design.
1. Decide suitable robot co(ordinate configuration any seen or unseen
2. @hy do you prefer only that particular robot co(ordinate configuration,
1. +a!e you seen Articulated/SCARA configuration robot,
2. -i!e any practical eample of each of them.
ndustrial Robots Definition
A robot is a programmable arm simulator.
A'ticulate9 Ro7ot+
'hose "ith the designation 'RR are also called articulated robots. An articulated
robot more closely resembles the human arm.
Assembly operations
@eld sealing
Spray painting
+andling at die casting or fettling machines
S"ARA Ro7ot+
'he SCARA 5Selecti!e Compliance Assembly Robot Arm7 is a cylindrical type$ "hose
reach is obtained by using a re!olute$ instead of a prismatic 4oint. SCARA robot is
suitable for assembly operation and is therefore etensi!ely used in se!eral
industries for this purpose.
+igh speed.
+eight ais is rigid
6arge "or area for floor space
=oderately easy to program.
6imited applications.
2 "ays to reach point
Difficult to program off(line
+ighly comple arm
"onclusion+ 2
'hese t"o configurations apart from three basic robot configurations based
on co(ordinate system are for the ad!anced usages. 'his "ill help you in
deciding the "orspace area of robot for a particular operation/tas and to
choose correct type of co(ordinate configuration of robot for design.
1. Decide suitable robot co(ordinate configuration any seen or unseen
2. @hy do you prefer only that particular robot co(ordinate configuration,
78ective+ 'o !erify the in!erse inematic and in!erse dynamic modeling of one(lin
arm or t"o(lin arm as robotic structure using =A'6AB.
1. Do the in!erse inematic and dynamic !irtual modelings for one or t"o(lin
arm robot/manipulator.
2. +o" much did you cope "ith =A'6AB,
'o !erify the in!erse inematic and in!erse dynamic modeling of one the
simple robotic structure =A'6AB program is "ritten. =A'6AB programming is one
of the best "ays to !erify the problems.
:rog.17 Referring abo!e ;ig.1$ the input homogeneous matri$ ' is gi!en as 1/2$(
E3/2$F$ E3G%/2 E3/2$1/2$F$ E3/2G1F$F$1$FF$F$F$1H "here IJ&FK$ and the non(ero
constant D+ parameters from table a1Ja2J2 units$ and a3J1 unit. C2JF.*&& and
s2JF.%$ "hich yields L2J3FK. S1JF and c1J1. Value of 4oint angle L1 is obtained as
L1JFK. ;inally$ L3J3FK.
Ontermediate Calculations
"Jp(a3Qcos5phi7 "yJpy(a3Qsin5phi7 delJ"Q"G"yQ"y
OAngles in degree
P'og.> ;or the t"o(lin manipulator as sho"n in figure 2$ consider a1Ja2J1$ and the
4oint angle !ariations for both 4oints$ L1 and L2$ are taen being the same as per
e>uations ecept that their end conditions are different$ i.e. L15'7Jpi and
L25'7Jpi/2. sing the =A'6AB program sho"n belo"$ the 4oint angle and tor>ue
plots can be obtained.
for iJ19%1$
ti5i7J5i(17Q'/%F angJconQti5i7
ONoint tra4ectory
th1d5i7Jdelth1Q51(cos5ang77/' th1dd5i7Jdelth1QconQsin5ang7/'
th25i7J th2FG5delth2/'7Q5ti5i7(sin5ang7/con7
Onertia matri
sth2Jsin5th25i77 cth2Jcos5th25i77
i22Jm2Qa2Qa2/3 i21Ji22Giner21Qcth2/2 i12Ji21
h2Jiner21/2Qsth2Qth1d5i7Qth1d5i7 h!Jh1$h2H
cth1Jcos5th15i77 cth12Jcos5th15i7Gth25i77
gam2Jm1QgQa2/2Qcth12 g!Jgam1$gam2H
ONoint tor>ue
tauJimQthddGh!Gg! tor15i7Jtau5i7 tor25i7Jtau527
"onclusion+ 2
ne of the critical modeling as in!erse inematics and dynamics of one or
t"o(lin arm manipulator is can be !erified "ith ease using =A'6AB soft"are.
t taes less time to !erify and gi!es better understanding too.
0ntroduction to Robotics by S.. Saha('ata =c-ra" +ill nc.
1. Are you able to do it for more number of lins,
78ective+ 'o design and !erify by modeling and analysis of t"o different robotic
1. @hat are the different types of grippers,
2. Re!ie" of modeling and analysis of 3 D parts.
'he design of the end(of(arm tooling for a robotic assembly system is !ery
important for reducing errors and decreasing cycle times. 'his is the piece of the
robotic parts handler or assembler that physically interacts "ith the en !ironment.
@hile many factors may be blamed for the common failures of "orcells$ the culprit
is !ery often the grippers. @ell designed grippers can increase throughput$ impro!e
system reliability$ compensate for robot inaccuracy$ and perform !alue added
functions to the assembly.
n order to design robot "e need to consider the gripping force of the robot
end(effectors to grip the ob4ect "ithout slippage.
=odel 19
A simple pi!ot(type gripper is used to hold boes as sho"n follo"ing figure.
'he gripping force$ ;g re>uired is 2F gf. 'he gripper is to be actuated by a piston
de!ice to apply an actuating force$ ;a. 'he corresponding le!er arms for the t"o
forces are sho"n in the figure.
'aing moments of the forces on one arm and summing them to ero$ "e get$
;g lg J ;a la
r$ ;a J ;g lg
J 2F 2F J *F gf.
=odel 29
A bloc of "eight ha!ing 1#FF P is to be gripped as sho"n in figure. ;ind the
clamping force assuming a safety factor 2. Assume coefficient of friction J F.2.
'he centre of gripping does not coincide "ith the centre of gra!ity.
=odeling of different robot grippers is done using suitable modeling soft"are
lie Solid <dge$ :ro(<ngineer or Catia V% for eample see 3 D figure.
"onclusion+ 2
'"o different types of grippers are designed and modeled using CAD
soft"are. ;urther it is analye for maimum stresses using Analysis soft"are
1. Design grippers considering its types i.e. <lectrical$ :neumatic$ +ydraulic,
1. @hat do you no" about Sensory ntegration 5S7,
2. @hat are the application areas of S,
@e "ould lie to tal about 0@hat is Sensory ntegration, Although this
seems lie an ob!ious >uestion$ it is important to define "hat is and "hat is not
sensory integration as many research studies purport to use S$ yet the
modifications of treatment are so substantial as to mae one >uestion "hether the
procedures truly are sensory integrati!e.
'hus$ studies "hich in!ol!e pure sensory stimulation such as that of controlled$
systematically applied !estibular stimulation 5e.g.$ the "or of antner7 should not
be grouped "ith those of sensory integration. Similarly$ perceptual motor programs
"hich tend to be preplanned$ therapist directed$ structured programs should be
considered separately. 'he distinction is not al"ays clear(cut since some studies
combine sensory integration and perceptual motor procedures. ;or eample$ +uff
and +arris in their study "ith 3# mentally retarded adults utilied sensory
integration acti!ities but in a specified se>uence. n their study$ each treatment
session "as di!ided into four areas9 CPS normaliation 5ecitation or inhibition7$
sensory stimulation$ refle inhibition and gross motor acti!ity$ and !isual motor
acti!ity. 'hus$ treatment "as substantially more structured than in sensory
integration$ and "as therapist directed rather than therapist guided.
<!en among the eperts$ there is not clear agreement as to "hat is considered to be
sensory integration. n his re!ie" of S research$ ttenbacher included the studies
by De:au" and by =ontgomery and Richter "hereas Clar and :ierce did not. n the
other hand$ Clar and :ierce and ttenbacher include the study by =agrun in their
re!ie" of S research e!en though the therapy program consisted of 3 Utherapist
designed acti!ities from "hich the client chooses.
+o"e!er$ despite this problem$ the importance of clearly defining Sensory
ntegration is of particular importance since re!ie"ers of studies of sensory
integration effecti!eness often ha!e included research studies in "hich treatment
!iolated so many of the principles of sensory integration procedures. Although the
treatment may ha!e dra"n upon S theory$ it "as not sensory integration therapy.
n 1T*&$ ;lorence Clar and Doris :ierce presented a literature re!ie" on S and
other rele!ant treatment effecti!eness studies specifically carried out "ith
pediatric populations by occupational therapy researchers. 'he t"enty(si studies
found included research "ith large samples as "ell as single(sub4ect designs.
'hirteen of the studies eamined the effecti!eness of sensory integration
procedures as their independent !ariable$ four eamined the effect of
systematically applied !estibular stimulation$ four of multisensory input$ and fi!e of
perceptual motor training. -i!en these numbers of studies$ it becomes apparent that
occupational therapy efficacy research in this area is progressing$ although slo"ly.
influencing brain organiation and brain change. 'he idea that the neural
organiation is actually changing or de!eloping as a result of the sensory
input/adapti!e response is contro!ersial. Brain change in humans is nonobser!able
and thus$ it is !ery difficult to establish support for it. n demonstrating the
effecti!eness of sensory integration$ "e are primarily limited to obser!able
beha!iors. Brain change can be inferred only from indirect obser!able !ariables$ such
as change in a childs performance it cannot be easily directly obser!ed ecept$
perhaps$ through autopsy.
'here is some possible support for the effect of sensory integration therapy on
change in the ner!ous system. n a study by a"ar$ findings suggested that sensory
integration therapy positi!ely influenced hemispheric specialiation as measured by a
dichotic listening tas in a sample of children "ith learning disabilities. ttenbacher
demonstrated change in postrotary nystagmus$ as measured by the Southern
California :ostrotary Pystagmus 'est 5SC:P'7$ "ith multiple measurements of 3
children o!er a 2F("ee treatment period. +o"e!er$ as ttenbacher noted$ many
factors contribute to postrotary nystagmus 5:RP7 as tested " ith the SC:P'$ thus it
is not clear "hether or not the :RP change "as due to change in central ner!ous
system physiology or to other factors.
"onclusion+ 2
+ere the Sensory ntegration 5S7 therapy is studied "hich is !ery important
and effecti!e for the treatments. 'his concept is still a field of de!elopment and
hence need to be "ell researched.
Sharon A. Cerma$ 0'he <fficacy of Sensory ntegration :rocedures$ 1TTF
issues of Sensory ntegration Xuarterly.
1. @hat is your opinion about the area,
2. Do you ha!e any idea of/for the concept or the area "here the concept has to
be applied,
78ective+ 'o study the VA6 language programming for linear and non(linear path.
1. @hat are different robot languages,
2. @hat are the different tra4ectory paths possible of robot manipulator,
VA$ $anguage+
VA6 is a popular tetual robot language de!eloped by nimation nc. for the
:=A series of robots. VA6 has been upgraded to VA6 system "ith more
interlocing facilities. Victor Sheinman de!eloped VA6 language. VA6 is !ery user(
friendly. t pro!ides arm mo!ement in 4oint$ "orld and tool coordinates$ gripping and
speed control. @A' and S-PA6 commands can be gi!en to implement a specific
tas. 'he commands are subroutines "ritten in BASC and translated "ith the aid of
an interpreter. Compiled BASC has more fleibility.
;ollo"ing are the t"o programs "hich are "ritten for specific tass and they are
"ith linear and non(linear paths of manipulator.
n a pallet ob4ects protruding #F mm from the face of the pallet are located
in a number of ro"s and columns. 'he pallet has 3 ro"s that are 3F mm apart and #
columns that are %F mm apart. 'he plane of the pallet is assumed to be parallel to
the Y(W plane. 'he ro"s are parallel to Y(ais and the columns are parallel to W(ais.
'he ob4ects are to be piced up one after another from the pallet and placed in a
location of sliding channel 5chute7. ;igure 1 indicates the pallet.
:R-RA= D<:A66<' 1
R<=AR :R-RA= ' :C BN<C'S ;R= A :A66<'
R<=AR CRP<R APD C+'< 6CA'PS AR< 'A-+'
S<' =AYC6 J #
S<' =AYR@ J 3
S<' R@ J 1
S<' C6=P J 1
;igure 19 Depalletiing
"onclusion+ 2
ne of the Robot :rogramming 6anguages 5R:67 i.e. VA6 language is used for
linear and non(linear paths and "hich is collecti!ely$ found easier "ay of
0RB'CS '<C+P6-W APD ;6<YB6< A'=A'P by S. R. Deb$ 'ata
=c-ra"(+ill :ublication Company 6td.
1. @rite programs for applications comprising linear and non(linear paths.