Planning Implementations Rationale Evaluation

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After 8 hours of continuous INDEPENDENT

nursing intervention, the ● Assess and monitor the ● To be able to spot any Goal and rationale were
pediatric patient shall be able vital signs of the irregularities or achieved. The patient
to: patient. advancements. verbalized feelings of comfort
● Declare and and the efficacy of their
demonstrate a ● Encourage the patient ● To be able to increase breathing pattern, as well as
reduction in chest pain to practice breathing the patient's focus and decreased chest pain and the
from 6 out of 10 to 4 deeply as a form of reduce their pain. lack of dyspnea.
out of 10. relaxation.
● To be able to make the
● Manifest the absence ● Put the patient in High patient's breathing and
of dyspnea. or semi- Fowler's lung expansion easier.
● Declare and ● To be able to improve
demonstrate feelings of the patient’s pulmonary
comfort and relief. ● Encourage the patient ventilation and
to change positions secretion clearance.
every 2 hours or as
much as needed. ● To be able to inform
the client's mother or
● Inform the patient’s guardian about the
mother about the causes of a high fever
factors of high fever and a dry cough
and dry cough due to caused by pneumonia
pneumonia and as well as the course of
treatment process of therapy after a
diagnosis. diagnosis.

● To be able to hydrate
● Encourage the patient the body and thin the
to consume fluids up to secretions for simpler
3-4 liter per day, unless mobility and
contraindicated. evacuation.
● Administer Cefuroxime ● To be able to stop a
100mg/kg/dose every 8 variety of bacterial
hours as prescribed. infections by
eradicating the
● Administer bacteria.
15mg/kg/dose for a ● To lower the patient’s
temperature of 38 fever or high body
degree Celsius as temperature.

● Perform postural ● To be able to aid in

drainage and sputum clearing and
percussion, as ordered. secretion raising.

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