Sustainability 13 13385 v2
Sustainability 13 13385 v2
Sustainability 13 13385 v2
Generation Y’s Sustainable Purchasing Intention of Green
Personal Care Products
Massoud Moslehpour 1,2, * , Panita Chaiyapruk 1 , Sahand Faez 3,4 and Wing-Keung Wong 5,6,7
Abstract: Global warming and depletion of the environment are more than a hunch; they are
irrefutable facts. While caring for the environment seemed like a luxurious hobby twenty years
ago, it has become a crucial necessity these days. However, the sustainable demand for eco-friendly
products seems to be less than it should be. In other words, the consumers seem to lack the intent to
purchase green products. Therefore, studies on factors affecting sustainable green purchasing intent
seem to be crucial now more than ever. This study attempts to shed some light on the matter using
structural equation modeling. After receiving the answers of 357 respondents from Thai Generation
Citation: Moslehpour, M.;
Chaiyapruk, P.; Faez, S.; Wong, W.-K.
Y participants, the estimations reveal that attitude towards green packaging and green marketing
Generation Y’s Sustainable awareness have the strongest effects on purchasing intention. On the other hand, environmental
Purchasing Intention of Green concern seems to have the weakest effect on purchasing intention. The findings suggest that the
Personal Care Products. Sustainability producers must pay more attention to packaging and other novel forms of marketing to increase the
2021, 13, 13385. customers’ intent for purchasing green products.
Keywords: green purchasing intention; green personal care products; green marketing awareness;
Academic Editor: Antonino Galati green packaging
2019, the market for personal care products in Thailand grew around 7.2–7.9%. Moreover,
its market is expected to reach $8 billion in 2022.
One of the defining features of the Thai people is their considerable environmental
awareness, which has been quite high since 1994 [9]. Therefore, they try to increase
the share of products that claim to be natural and eco-friendly in their consumption
package. However, they also give weight to the price of the products they consume [10].
Nevertheless, the demand for green and organic products is increasing; and personal care
products are no exception. Therefore, many firms push to adopt green practices into their
businesses [11]. As a result, marketing emphasizing product greenness has also become an
important factor in the current markets.
According to the latest reports published in Thailand [12], The share of Generation Y in
the country’s population is more than 40 percent. Generation Y encompasses those born be-
tween 1980 and 2000, making them between 18 to 40 years of age at the moment. Amongst
their characteristics are their comfort with technology, self-awareness, and concern for
environmental issues [12]. Therefore, this generation seems to be a unique candidate for
studying the factors affecting purchasing intentions.
A deeper understanding of this generation’s purchasing intentions, given its emphasis
on eco-friendliness and its considerable share in the market, is crucial for a successful
marketing strategy in any market; let alone the market which has shown massive growth
over the past decade, i.e., the market for personal care products. Therefore, this study has
been conducted in order to answer the following question:
RQ: Does environmental awareness affect Generation Y’s purchasing intention for
personal care products in Thailand?
In order to answer this question, in this study, the environmental awareness of Gen-
eration Y is divided into environmental concern (EC), environmental knowledge (EK),
green marketing awareness (GMA), green price sensitivity (GDP) and attitude towards
green packaging (ATGP). Several previous studies have considered one or two of these
factors when analyzing their effects on purchasing intention. For instance, Anastasios and
Anastasios [13] have studied the effects of EC and EK on green consumption. Furthermore,
Noorhazila et al. [13] show the importance of EK in explaining consumer behavior. Similar
arguments can be found regarding the other factors [14–16].
Despite the existence of several studies on factors affecting consumption based on
the goods’ eco-friendliness [5,7,11] there is still room for analyzing the combined effects of
these factors on purchasing intentions of specific age groups such as Generation Y for a
specific product such as personal care products. Therefore, the commonalities of this study
with the existing literature, notwithstanding, could be considered a new step towards a
better understanding of a sustainable market for personal care products.
In the remaining sections of this study, first, by discussing the existing literature and
theoretical debates, the study’s conceptual framework will be presented. Next, based on
the existing body of literature, the main hypotheses for the study are extracted. Then, the
methodology through which the data in this study are assessed will be introduced. Finally,
after analyzing the results of the model’s estimation, conclusions and discussions will
be presented.
2. Theoretical Framework
This section will discuss the concept of green consumption based on the existing body
of literature. The purpose of this section is to draw a theoretical map of green consumption
and the key factors affecting it. The argument will commence with the discussion of
traditional consumption theories; the basics of these theories will then be combined with
the features of the theory of planned behavior [17] and the value attitude-behavior hierarchy
model [18] from the literature of social psychology; the argument will then evolve into the
role of consumer’s behavior concerning environmental concerns. Eventually, a theoretical
framework will be drawn to build the foundation for the conceptual framework.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13385 3 of 14
The analysis of consumption and the factors affecting it began as an endeavor among
microeconomists under the banner of consumer theory [19]. They argue that consumption
is defined by the consumer’s income and the prices of the products (the budget constraint)
on the one hand and the consumer’s preferences for certain products (utility function)
on the other hand. The former covers one’s ability to procure certain volumes of certain
products; while the latter is more concerned with one’s desires, intent and preferences. With
the development of macroeconomics, analysis of consumption evolved further. Initially,
Keynes’s theory of consumption discusses the relation between income and consump-
tion [20]. Furthermore, Modigliani’s life-cycle hypothesis [21] and Duesenberry’s relative
income hypothesis [22] added time and peer comparison, respectively, to the analysis.
While both macroeconomics and microeconomics covered how material factors affect
one’s decision to consume what one consumes, the field of social psychology succeeded in
expanding on the mental aspect of a consumer’s decision-making process. To economists,
the utility function was, and still is, a vague function following the assumptions of being
complete, reflexive and transitive, and having continuity and monotonicity [19]. Reaching
a more comprehensive theory of consumption requires a more detailed assessment of the
consumer’s decision-making process (both material and mental). The two concepts of the
theory of planned behavior and the value attitude behavior hierarchy model from social
psychology could aid in reaching such a theory of consumption.
The theory of planned behavior was developed by Icek Ajzen from the theory of
reasoned behavior [17] in his influential work from intentions to actions: a theory of
planned behavior. Based on this theory, three core concepts comprise one’s behavior,
attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control. These concepts affect one’s
intent and consequently embody one’s behavior. The norms that are in play in the society
combined with one’s attitude towards such norms and one’s comprehension of these norms
will define and direct one’s intentions and, in turn, his/her behavior. Norms could come
from communities in terms of traditions and peer pressure, or they could be more official
and less flexible such as state laws and regulations [23].
Norms and traditions are rooted in values. Furthermore, values could come from
personal features and be internal; they could result from social interactions and be external.
In other words, one’s values could come from their perception of who they are or how they
perceive themselves through the lens of the society they grew up or lived in. Starting with
the work of Homer and Kahle [18], through a form of hierarchy, one’s values could and
would eventually affect one’s behavior. Based on their findings, values are the first step in
the process. Next, they affect one’s attitude, which eventually shapes and affects behavior.
In the literature, this process is known as the value-attitude-behavior hierarchy.
Combining the macroeconomic and microeconomic theory of consumption with
the theory of planned behavior and the value–attitude–behavior hierarchy will give the
following theoretical framework covering both material and mental factors that affect the
consumer’s behavior. An individual’s income and the prices of the products comprise
the material factors; values plus norms define the mental factors. Together they shape an
individual’s behavior. When individuals take on the role of consumers, consumption or
consumer behavior is formed (Figure 1). This study intends to assess this framework for
green products as the goods being consumed. The next section discusses this concept and
reaches the conceptual framework and the study’s hypotheses.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13385 4 of 14
Sustainability 2021, 13, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 15
Figure Schematicdepiction
3.3. Theoretical
3.1. Environmental Concern and EnvironmentalKnowledge
Environmental Concern and Environmental Knowledge
people’s realization
people’s level
realization towards
level environ-
towards envi-
mental issues [24]. The earth today is much more different than the earth a
ronmental issues [24]. The earth today is much more different than the earth a hundred hundred years
evena considerable difference
has a considerable from what
difference from itwhat
was ittwenty years ago.
was twenty yearsThe
ago.CO 2
levels are critically high; earth temperature has drastically increased; sea levels
CO2 levels are critically high; earth temperature has drastically increased; sea levels areare danger-
ously high. These
dangerously high.make
Theseenvironmental concern concern
make environmental is a key issue in the
is a key 21stincentury.
issue the 21st It could
be related to the breakage of the environment that might affect society [25]. According
It could be related to the breakage of the environment that might affect society [25]. Ac- to
previous studies, it could also be an important motivating factor for the customers’ decision
cording to previous studies, it could also be an important motivating factor for the cus-
to buy pro-environment products [20,26,27]. On the other hand, environmental knowledge
tomers’ decision to buy pro-environment products [20,26,27]. On the other hand, envi-
could be defined as people’s level of understanding concerning the environment and the
ronmental knowledge could be defined as people’s level of understanding concerning
ecosystem [28]. According to Anastasios and Anastasios [13], environmental concern and
the environment and the ecosystem [28]. According to Anastasios and Anastasios [13],
environmental knowledge are key factors explaining green consumption.
environmental concern and environmental knowledge are key factors explaining green
Moreover, according to Bang et al. [29], environmental concern and environmental
knowledge are significant. Therefore, it seems that having concerns towards the environ-
Moreover, according to Bang et al. [29], environmental concern and environmental
ment pushes the individual towards improving his/her knowledge regarding the envi-
knowledge are significant. Therefore, it seems that having concerns towards the envi-
ronment. Therefore, this study hypothesizes that the sustainable correlation should come
ronment pushes the individual towards improving his/her knowledge regarding the en-
from environmental concern towards environmental knowledge. Hence, the following
vironment. Therefore, this study hypothesizes that the sustainable correlation should
hypothesis is proposed.
come from environmental concern towards environmental knowledge. Hence, the fol-
lowing hypothesis
Hypothesis 1 (H1). is proposed. concern has a significant and positive influence on environ-
mental knowledge.
Hypothesis 1 (H1). Environmental concern has a significant and positive influence on envi-
3.2. knowledge.
Environmental Knowledge and Attitude towards Green Packaging
Since its invention in 1907, plastic has been a source of utility and pollution; because it
3.2. Environmental
takes ages before a Knowledge andbag
single plastic Attitude
into Packaging
nature. On the other hand, being
one ofSince its invention
the main in 1907,
ingredients plastic has
in packaging, been pollution
plastic a source of utility
has andapollution;
become because
serious issue. At
it takes
the sameages
time,before a single
such an plastic
issue has bagbirth
given couldto dissolve intoofnature.
the concept On the other
green packaging hand,
(GP), whichbe-
ing one
could of the main
influence ingredients
the brand’s in packaging,
characteristics plastic pollution
and popularity [3]. Some has become also
customers a serious
GP At the same time,
to have such quality
higher an issueand
birth For
to the conceptRajendran
instance, of green packaging
et al. [30]
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13385 5 of 14
mentioned that GP products smell and taste better for Malaysian consumers, have more
reasonable prices, and are healthier.
Furthermore, according to Noorhazila et al. [13], consumers’ awareness of green pack-
aging could be a defining factor in their attitude towards green packaging (ATGP). In other
words, they may show more support for GP products if they know of their benefits for the
environment. They have also shown that knowledge brings responsibility. Therefore, hav-
ing environmental knowledge could affect the consumers’ attitude sustainability towards
green packaging. Hence, the following hypothesis is proposed.
Hypothesis 2 (H2). Environmental knowledge has a significant and positive influence on attitude
towards green packaging.
Hypothesis 3 (H3). Green marketing awareness has a significant and positive influence on attitude
towards green packaging.
Hypothesis 4 (H4). Environment knowledge has a significant and positive influence on purchasing
price sensitivity is a logical and key influencing factor for his/her purchasing intention
in general, so is green price sensitivity (GPS) for green purchasing intention. Therefore,
giving more value to a product’s eco-friendliness means the consumer would be willing to
accept higher prices, which means the consumer would be willing to purchase the product
despite its higher price. In other words, the higher one’s green price sensitivity is, the
higher one’s green purchasing intention will be [43]. Hence, the following hypothesis is
Hypothesis 5 (H5). Green price sensitivity has a significant and positive influence on purchasing
Hypothesis 6 (H6). Attitude towards green packaging has a significant and positive influence on
purchasing intention.
Figure Conceptualhypotheses
Hypothesis 7 (H7). Attitude towards green packaging mediates the relationship between environ-
mental knowledge and purchasing intention.
Hypothesis 8 (H8). Attitude towards green packaging mediates the relationship between green
marketing awareness and purchasing intention.
Hypothesis 9 (H9). Environmental knowledge and attitude towards green packaging mediate the
relationship between environmental concern and purchasing intention.
4. Methodology
4.1. Development of the Questionnaire
This study is based on the data acquired from a structural questionnaire that assesses
each participant’s attitude towards eco-friendly personal care products. The questions
are based on a 5-point Likert Scale. The demographic questions aside, the questions
in this questionnaire were extracted from several studies that focused on purchasing
green products. Table 1 summarizes the questionnaire and the sources from which its
questions are derived. As the table shows, four questions assess environmental concern,
five questions assess environmental knowledge, five questions assess attitude towards
green packaging, five questions assess green marketing awareness, four questions assess
green price sensitivity, and four questions assess purchasing intention.
Table 1. Cont.
Green Price Sensitivity (GPS) * When I buy the OPCP, the price is not important.
The consumer’s sensitivity towards I compare the prices of OPCP before buying OPCP.
I will check my budget before buying OPCP. [39]
the premium price of the products,
especially green products [38] I can remember the prices of OPCP that I use in my daily life.
Source: Extracted from several studies (mentioned in the table). * Strikethroughs are deleted items.
Nine items were omitted from the final analysis after further considerations using
exploratory factor analysis (EFA) due to their low factor loading. This analysis method
is commonly used to reduce invalid variables [51]. The remaining items all had factor
loadings of more than 60 percent. Table 1 shows the items that were omitted from the final
analysis. Factor Analysis (both confirmatory and exploratory) was conducted via the use
of SPSS Amos 25.
Factor Cronbach
Construct Items CR KMO AVE
Loading Alpha
Environmental EC1 0.61
0.636 0.5 0.62 0.469
Concern EC3 0.75
EK1 0.61
Environmental EK2 0.80
0.823 0.78 0.81 0.541
Knowledge EK3 0.80
EK4 0.72
ATGP2 0.72
Attitude Towards ATGP3 0.63
0.878 0.79 0.88 0.649
Green Packaging ATGP4 0.92
ATGP5 0.91
Green Price GPS2 0.76
Sensitivity 0.641 0.5 0.63 0.474
GPS3 0.61
GMA3 0.71
Green Marketing
GMA4 0.79 0.785 0.7 0.78 0.55
GMA5 0.73
PI1 0.73
PI3 0.66 0.789 0.69 0.78 0.558
PI4 0.84
Total 0.88 34.514
Source: own calculations.
Finally, the discriminant validity of the constructs was estimated. The results are
reported in Table 3. As the figures show, cross-values for each pair of constructs are all
less than 0.85. in other words, the constructs possess discriminant validity and cannot be
substituted with one another. In other words, the constructs have been chosen optimally
for a structural equation model (SEM) to test the study’s hypotheses.
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13385 10 of 14
The first look at the results in Table 4 suggests that all the study’s hypotheses were
accepted with a 90% degree of confidence or higher. However, upon closer inspections,
further information is revealed. For instance, the effect of green marketing awareness on at-
titude towards green packaging (0.49) is more than twice that of environmental knowledge.
Furthermore, among the factors directly affecting purchasing intention, environmental
knowledge has the lowest effect (0.14) while the attitude towards green packaging shows
the highest effect (0.6); a value is more than four times that of environmental knowledge.
Finally, among the three combined paths included in this study, the total effect of green mar-
keting awareness on purchasing intention (0.65) has the highest effect. On the other hand,
the highest indirect effect is also observed in this path (0.30). Thus, the same argument
could be observed for the indirect and direct effects.
After further analysis, it was found that Thai Generation Y’s environmental concern
positively and significantly affects its environmental knowledge. Furthermore, other
paths estimated in the model seem to have the same result, i.e., a positive and significant
coefficient. In other words, the results from the SEM estimation support all the nine
hypotheses of this study. One noteworthy finding could be that environmental knowledge
has the least direct effect on purchasing intention (0.19). On the other hand, attitude
towards green packaging seems to affect purchasing intention directly. However, the
highest total effect on purchasing intention seems to belong to green marketing awareness,
Sustainability 2021, 13, 13385 11 of 14
which goes through attitude towards green packaging. In other words, given the findings
of this study, the most effective method for convincing Thai people to buy green products
would be through green packaging.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.M., P.C. and S.F.; methodology, M.M. and P.C.; software,
M.M., P.C. and S.F.; validation, M.M., S.F. and W.-K.W.; formal analysis, M.M.; investigation, P.C.;
resources, M.M., W.-K.W.; data curation, M.M., and P.C.; writing—original draft preparation, M.M.
and P.C.; writing—review and editing, S.F. and W.-K.W.; visualization, P.C.; supervision, M.M.;
project administration, M.M.; funding acquisition, M.M. and W.-K.W. All authors have read and
agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable. This study did not involve any harm to
humans or animals. Data collection was anonymous.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Conflicts of Interest: We declare that this study does not have any conflict of interest.
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