The Unchanging Word
The Unchanging Word
The Unchanging Word
The un - chang - ing word of God we’ll see Just as it is to - day.
Is the God of heav - en weak as man? Or can His prom - ise fail?
Search the whole broad space of earth a - round, And search it once a - gain.
And for me the prom - ise sure was made And sealed on Cal - va - ry.
While I trust Thy change - less word, are blent With - in this heart of mine.
On the word of God I calm - ly rest, With a sweet as - sur - ance in my breast;
For I know it is His ho - ly will, Each prom - ise to ful - fill.
WORDS: Charles W. Naylor, pub.1900. MUSIC: Barney E. Warren, pub.1900. Public Domain.