Journal of Agriculture and Food Research: Neha Chausali, Jyoti Saxena, Ram Prasad

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Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 7 (2022) 100257

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Recent trends in nanotechnology applications of bio-based packaging

Neha Chausali a, Jyoti Saxena a, **, Ram Prasad b, *
Biochemical Engineering Department, Bipin Tripathi Kumaon Institute of Technology, Dwarahat, Almora, 263653, UK
Department of Botany, Mahatma Gandhi Central University, Motihari, 845401, Bihar, India


Keywords: Nanotechnology has reached to almost every sector and amazed the world by offering various potential appli­
Nanotechnology cations in these sectors. Since nanostructure materials have been known for their unique physical and chemical
Food packaging properties and enhanced performance, hence preferred over their macrostructure counterparts. Food industry is
Food processing
one of the areas in which nanotechnology has transformed the way of preserving, processing, testing and
Food testing
Food preservation
packaging of foods. Nanotechnology based advanced packaging has made it possible to transport food items
Nanomaterial toxicity safely without spoiling the taste, nutrition and quality. Moreover, it also prevents contamination and sustains
mechanical, physiological, physical and chemical properties of food items. Various nanomaterials have been used
in food packaging to provide improved, active, bio-based, and smart/intelligent packaging. Smart/intelligent
packaging ensures food safety by detecting contamination, gases, moisture, temperature and other food pa­
rameters by means of sensors. On the other hand, bio-based packaging employs biodegradable and biocompatible
packaging material in place of conventional plastic for the protection from any kind of food spoilage. Although,
more efforts are needed to resolve cost and other property related issues of bio-based packaging materials.
There are many studies available on nanopackaging such as improved, active and intelligent packaging but
only a few have focused on bio-based packaging. Bio-based packaging is next generation packaging that en­
courages the use of natural polymers instead of conventional plastics. This paper summarizes different types of
nanopackaging materials with special focus on bio-based packaging and unique features and attributes of
improved, active and intelligent packaging. Recent advances in bio-based packaging and presumed risk of
nanoparticle migration have also been discussed.

1. Introduction environment, agriculture, medical, food etc. and is one of the fastest
emerging research areas in agri-food industry. Due to nanotechnological
Nanotechnology is a branch which deals with the production, char­ advancements, agri-food sector has shown remarkable growth in
acterization, fabrication, management and utilization of nanostructured worldwide food production with better quality, nutritional value and
materials for various applications [1,2]. Nanostructure materials have safety [9,10]. The demand for nanomaterials has increased significantly
an intermediate size of 1–100 nm and can be transformed further [3]. in recent years with fast growing market of nanotechnology. Global
The size reduction to nanometer range enhanced the surface to volume nanomaterial market revenue reached $38.5 billion in year 2020 and is
ratio (thereby, surface energy), adsorption capacity and biological expected to grow by 12.2% of compound annual growth rate (CAGR)
effectiveness [4]. Besides, physical and chemical characteristics such as from 2021 to 2026 [11]. Moreover, recent records showed that the
diffusivity, strength, colour and solubility and optical, magnetic and bio-based packaging demand increased worldwide and was expected to
thermodynamic properties of nanomaterials also improved drastically touch 884,000 tons till 2020 with CAGR (compound annual growth rate)
[5–7]. The other special features of nanomaterials are chemical, me­ of 18.3% [12]. Also, according to a report of ‘Credence Research’ the
chanical and kinetic stability and lower density [8]. Undeniably, inno­ market of biodegradable food packaging is likely to reach USD 7058.8
vative nanostructure materials and nanocomposites have a wide range million by the end of 2023 with a CAGR of 11% between year
of applications and improved performance than those of their macro/­ 2016–2023, while it is estimated to double by 2020–21 from 2014 with
bulk counterparts. Nanotechnology covers various fields such as regard to volume [13].

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (J. Saxena), [email protected] (R. Prasad).
Received 18 October 2021; Received in revised form 29 November 2021; Accepted 17 December 2021
Available online 26 December 2021
2666-1543/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 7 (2022) 100257

Nanotechnology offers a range of applications in food sector from favours environment by avoiding pollution [17]. On the other hand,
food processing, nutraceuticals, nutrient delivery, mineral/vitamin nanocomposite based smart packaging consist of time-temperature
enrichment etc. to food packaging. Moreover, engineered nanomaterials integrating systems, sensors (e.g. gas detectors) etc. for detection of
have also been reported to facilitate the testing, monitoring the any sort of spoilage and contamination [18]. In addition, nanoparticles
contamination and ensuring better quality and safety of food products used in sensors and assays permit the detection of microorganisms,
[14]. Certainly, food packaging is one of the most important and chal­ pathogens, simple organic molecules and air/gases [15]. Hence, current
lenging part as it ensures the quality and safety of food products for long food packaging trends involve the concept of nanocomposite,
time. Nanocomposites when used in packaging films overcome the nano-reinforcement, biodegradability and nanosensing with the aim to
problems of conventional packaging by providing enhanced antimicro­ provide safe and nutritious food to consumers [19]. However, the pre­
bial, degradation, thermal, barrier, and mechanical properties with sumed toxicity and risk of migration of nanoparticles to food items is a
nanosensing provision to alert consumers about conditions (tempera­ matter of concern. Limited studies, inadequate data on risk assessment
ture, gas, moisture, contaminants etc.) and safety of food products [15]. and insufficient clinical trials are still the barrier in commercial and
The applications of nanotechnology in food sector may be catego­ social acceptance of nanopackged food products.
rized into two groups: food nanostructured constituents and food The current chapter is an overview of various nanomaterial-based
nanosensing (Fig. 1) [16]. Food nanostructured constituents encompass packaging with special emphasis to bio-based packaging. It focuses on
food packaging and food processing, whereas food nanosensing ensures recent developments in bio-based packaging that offer various features
food safety and quality. Nanotechnology applications in food packaging of improved, active and intelligent packaging i.e. active bio-based
have added most advanced features by incorporating nanoparticles and packaging, improved bio-based packaging and intelligent bio-based
nanocomposites, which offer improved, active, smart/intelligent and packaging. Next generation packaging includes biodegradable poly­
bio-based packaging (Fig. 1) [7,17]. Nanotechnology based modern meric materials from agro-food waste and other biopolymers to propose
packaging include various nanomaterials, (nanofillers, nanometal, eco-friendly packaging. Hence, bio-based packaging as a next generation
nanosensors), metal oxides, bioactive compounds, mixed polymers, packaging, provides a sustainable way to reduce plastic waste and
antioxidants, oxygen scavengers etc. This packaging not only helps to degradation issues of persistent materials in environment. The article
maintain the food quality and increase the shelf life but also prevents the concludes with concise summary of environment and safety consider­
contamination inside the packaging. Bio-based packaging basically uses ations with future perspectives.
biodegradable or biocompatible bionanomaterials which offer sustain­
able alternative to conventional packaging as shown in Fig. 2. Biode­ 2. Food packaging and its classification
gradable plastics including ethylene terephthalate (bio-poly), polylactic
acid (PLA), polyester amide (PA), polybutylene succinate (PBS), poly­ In recent years the novel materials and packaging methods have been
vinyl alcohol (PVA), cellulose and starch thermoplastics etc. have been well demonstrated and researched in various studies. At present,
employed in recent years in place of conventional plastics. Also, edible nanotechnology based nanoreinforcement/improved, nanocomposite
coatings films used for food packaging generally are made up of lipids smart, nanocomposite active and bio-based packagings are on trend.
(fatty acids, acylglycerols, waxes, essential oils and extracts), proteins One of the prime roles of packaging is containment and confinement of
(milk and soy proteins, gelatin, zein, myofibrillar proteins etc.) and food and to give composition, production and expiry information in
biopolymers/polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, pectin, chitosan, algi­ graphical or textual form [20]. As food is a rich source of nutrients, thus
nate, pullulan, kefiran and carrageenan) which ensure safety of food and susceptible to spoilage and contamination due to the presence of

Fig. 1. Classification of food packaging.

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 7 (2022) 100257

Fig. 2. Bio-based packaging materials/Biopolymers and their categories.

microorganisms in the environment. In view of that, the packaging must moisture, gas or surrounding environment and food spoilage conditions
ensure safety of food products inside the package and maintain quality by means of nanosensors. Pathogen specific and gas specific sensors are
and freshness of food for maximum possible time duration. Hence, most commonly used for the detection of food spoilage [31]. Last cate­
nanosized or nanostructured materials have been incorporated with gory of packaging is bio-based packaging, which utilizes biological
polymers and designed in such a way so they can meet the requirement materials such as proteins, fats and polysaccharides instead of conven­
of modern packaging. tional or non-degradable materials. It is a sustainable alternative as it
According to the method of packaging and materials involved, it may uses biodegradable, biocompatible and environment friendly materials
be classified into four major categories viz. improved, active, smart and and may offer a sustainable candidate for packaging material [18].
bio-based packaging. In improved packaging, the polymer matrix
properties can be enhanced using nanomaterials or functional materials 3. Bio-based packaging
resulting in a flexible, stronger polymer with better gas, temperature, pH
and humidity resistant packaging [17,21]. In addition, physiochemical Conventional packaging materials including plastics i.e. polyvinyl­
properties of the polymer matrix such as durability, mechanical chloride (PVC), polystyrene (PS), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP)
strength, flexibility/elasticity and barrier properties are improved by and PET have been known for good strength and resistance to heat,
means of polymer reinforcement with nanomaterials. Improvement in moisture etc., though due to non-degradable nature, their extensive use
thermal properties resulted in lower flammability and higher heat has become an environmental threat. Therefore, the need of the hour is
resistance, whereas enhancement in mechanical properties might have to replace the conventional packaging with an environment friendly and
permitted the use of thinner films for packaging, thereby reducing the sustainable packaging material [32]. Biopolymers integrated with
raw material consumption and recycling cost [22]. By the use of nano­ nanomaterials have shown enhanced performance and their potential
materials based packaging the effective elastic modulus including applications are discussed in this section. Biodegradable materials are
Young’s modulus increased 110% and tribological properties such as the best choice for packaging but their low gas and water barrier, low
wear loss and friction coefficient also got enhanced [23,24]. Nanoclays mechanical and thermal resistance must be enhanced to facilitate
have been found best among various nanocomposites in increasing wear desirable packaging. Lately, Sharma et al. [33] produced the
resistance of polyester composite material, whereas cellulose based bio-nanocomposites by the incorporation of nanofillers into biopolymer
nanocrystal coating was the best in reducing friction coefficient of to overcome these limitations. Nanofillers including nanoclay and
polyethylene terephthalate (PET) [25,26]. The second type of packaging layered silicate nanoparticles (montmorillonite (MMT)) have been
called active packaging, has the active components that intentionally applied for nanoreinforcement of biopolymers [13].
modify the environment inside the package to maintain sensorial Nanoreinforcement is a technique of filling the space between
properties and quality of food with enhancing its shelf life [27]. polymer molecules by introducing nanofillers consequently increasing
Therefore, active packaging allows contact among food, packaging strength and feasibility of polymer packaging [19]. Nanoreinforcement,
material and surrounding conditions or the environment. Antimicrobials by enhancing the interfacial area between matrix and filler and
[e.g. silver (Ag), titanium dioxide (TiO2), zinc oxide (ZnO), magnesium restricting the matrix mobility, increases mechanical strength, thermal
oxide (MgO) and silicon oxide (SiO2)], oxygen scavengers (e.g. iron, and barrier properties of composites. Moreover, biopolymers such as
cobalt and small organic compounds as ascorbic acid, ascorbates, proteins, fats, polysaccharides (starch, chitosan, cellulose etc.) might be
photosensitive dyes, sulfites, glucose oxidase enzyme and unsaturated incorporated along with synthetic polymers such as PLA and PHB
hydrocarbons etc.) and carriers (for delivering enzymes, antioxidants, (polyhydroxy butyrate) for better performance in packaging [34].
anti-browning agents, flavours, bioactives), ultraviolet (UV) absorbance Bio-based materials are generated from renewable or non-renewable
etc. were integrated with active packaging which in turn increased shelf sources and some show biodegradable properties but others do not. Bio-
life of food by protecting food products from spoilage [28–30]. Third based polymers have been categorized into three types on the basis of
type of packaging known as intelligent/smart packaging carries device their resources: (i) Polymers directly produced from natural sources
that do not change environment or product condition but can monitor it (proteins, polynucleotides, polysaccharides etc.) (ii) Polymers produced
[27]. Thus, intelligent packaging offers the detection of temperature, from bio-monomers or chemical synthesis from bio-based monomers

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 7 (2022) 100257

(bio-polyesters, PLA, PBS, PVA, PGA (polyglycolic acid) etc.) (iii) 3.1. Bionanocomposites
Polymers extracted from microorganisms or genetically modified or­
ganisms (GMOs) (PHB, xantha, PHA (polyhydroxyalkonoates), PHBV Nanotechnology has ability to enhance the properties and minimize
(poly3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3hydroxyvalerate), bacterial cellulose (BC) the cost by transforming the ways of bio-polymers production/fabrica­
etc.) [35,36]. Edible coating and films are also a part of bio-based tion. Bio-nanocomposites including chitosan, proteins, cellulose and
packaging. Coatings and films are composed of polysaccharides, lipids, starch based nanocomposites such as PLA, PHB, PBS etc. have been
proteins in various forms like single layer, bilayer or multilayer forms. recently noticed for their better performance in food packaging. Usually
But due to their sensitive nature and low mechanical and barrier prop­ for the better performance and for enhancing mechanical and barrier
erties they cannot fully replace other materials but can be used in properties, plastisizers are added along with protein and polysaccharide
multilayer systems with conventional coatings or films (Ramos et al., based films as reported by Espitia et al. [39]. In addition, various metals
2016) [37]. In addition, bio-based packaging is not so popular today due and their oxides have been used for antimicrobial activity such as silver
to higher cost than fossil-based polymers [38]. nanoparticles (Ag NPs), nano zinc oxide (nano-ZnO), nano titanium
dioxide (nano- TiO2) etc. [40]. Metal oxides viz. TiO2 and ZnO have also

Table 1
Natural bionanocomposites for packaging and their applications in food industry.
Polymeric matrix Polymer source Nanomaterial Improved properties References

Chitosan Marine sources Chitin whiskers Mechanical, water vapor permeability [50,68]
Cellulose micro/nano fibers Mechanical, transparency [69]
BC micro/nano fibers Mechanical, water vapor permeability, antibacterial [69]
Cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) Tensile strength, mechanical, water permeability [70]
BC nanoribbons Mechanical [61]
MgO NPs, clove oil Mechanical, film thickness, transparency, [71]
ZnO NPs Tensile strength, film thickness, transparency, gas [72]
barrier, antimicrobial
ZnO/chitosan nanocomposite coated on plasma treated Adhesion, antimicrobial [73]
polyethylene (PE) film
Nano SiOx Mechanical, gas permeability [74]
MgO NPs Mechanical, film thickness, transparency, thermal, [75]
UV and moisture barrier
MMT CuO NPs Antibacterial activity [76]
TiO2 NPs Antioxidant, ethylene scavenging, antimicrobial [77]
Sodium montmorillonite (Np-Clay), NP-ZnO Mechanical, thermal, antibacterial [78]
Nanoclay Antibacterial [79]
CNC Antibacterial and antifungal activities [80]
PVA-chitosan Marine source TiO2 NPs Mechanical, gas barrier, [81]
Starch Cassava Starch nanocrystals Mechanical, water vapor permeability [82]
Starch Corn Poly vinyl chloride (PVA) loaded with nano size poly (methyl Hydrophobicity [83]
Starch – Chitin nanoparticles Mechanical, water vapor permeability [84]
Starch and chitosan – Nanographene Thermal, tensile strength, water vapor permeability [85]
Starch and PVA – Nano TiO2 Antimicrobial, mechanical, tensile strength [86]
Starch – Starch and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) blend Mechanical, water barrier [87]
Starch Pea starch CNC, starch-PVA blend Mechanical, barrier [88]
Starch Potato Starch nanocrystals Mechanical, thermal [89]
Starch – Chitin whiskers Mechanical, antimicrobial, water vapor permeability [90]
Starch – Starch/TiO2 nanocomposites Thermal, mechanical, hydrophobicity, water vapor [42]
Starch – Starch films- nanocellulose-stabilized Pickering emulsion wood Excellent mechanical, thermal, and WVP (water [91]
(Cinnamomum camphora) (TPS-PE-Ho wood) vapor permeability) properties
Cellulose acetate – MMT Mechanical [92]
Cellulose – Surfactant modified CNC, PLA Water permeability, oxygen barrier [93]
Cellulose – PHBV- CNC-me (functionalized methyl ester) Mechanical, thermal, barrier, migration [94]
Cellulose – Ag NPs, grapes seed extract (GSE), 2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine- Antimicrobial, antioxidant [95]
1-oxyl (TEMPO)-oxidised nano-cellulose (TNC)
Cellulose Mango leaf Nanobrillated cellulose films with mango leaf extract (NFC- UV-light protection and antioxidant properties. [96]
Carboxymethyl – ZnO NPs and grape seed extract (CMC/ZnO/GSE) Water vapor and UV barrier, mechanical, antioxidant, [97]
cellulose extended the shelf-life of high-fat meats.
Protein Soy protein Exfoliate MMT Mechanical [98]
isolate (SPI)
whey protein Nanoclay Mechanical, water vapor permeability [99]
isolate (WPI)
SPI Exfoliate MMT Mechanical, water vapor permeability, thermal [100]
Gelatin Bacterial CNC Mechanical, hydrophobicity, edible [101]
WPI MMT Mechanical [102]
Wheat gluten Lignin nanoparticles (LNPs) UV resistance, water sensitivity, mechanical, thermal [103]
WPI Zein NPs Mechanical, water vapor permeability [104]
Soybean ZnO NPs Tensile strength, microbial activity, thermal, [105]
WPI WPI-polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH) blend Mechanical and water barrier [106]
WP Poly-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyhexanoate nanoparticles Mechanical, oxygen barrier [107]

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 7 (2022) 100257

been recognized for improving barrier properties of polymer matrix. some metals/metal oxides (e.g. Fe3O4, TiO2 etc.), metal nanoparticles,
Clay and silver nanoparticles are the most common nanomaterials used (e.g. Ag), MMT, nanoclay etc. to provide modified or improved pack­
to enhance the properties (antimicrobial, mechanical, thermal and aging as listed in Table 1. Cellulose fibrils contain amorphous and
barrier) of nanocomposites. Furthermore, bio-nanocomposites may offer crystalline regions from which crystalline part is separated to give cel­
improved biochemical packaging and active functions by the inclusion lulose whiskers or CNCs. Acid hydrolysis is commonly used to extract
of antioxidants, oxygen scavengers, antimicrobial activity, aroma, nanowhiskers from amorphous region by maintaining crystalline region
colour and other biologically active compounds. undamaged [62]. In addition, bacterial cellulose (BC) has been used to
make packaging films. It has different properties and structure, while
3.1.1. Natural bio-nanocomposites similar chemical composition as plant based cellulose. Due to better
Natural polymers such as starch, chitosan, cellulose, proteins and mechanical properties, water barrier, crystallinity and nanofibrillar
materials including nanoclay, zein etc. has been acknowledged for sus­ network, BC is highly preferred for reinforcement over plant cellulose
tainable packaging applications. These polymers have been recognized [63]. Further, cellulose based nanoreinforcement is beneficial way to
for various applications in food packaging that has been discussed in the make economic, light weighted and strong nanocomposites.
following sections in detail. Protein based nanocomposites. In the same way protein based Starch based nanocomposites. Starch is a polysaccharide that nanocomposites have also gained attention for the packaging material.
used most commonly for bio-based packaging. It is abundant, cheap, Wheat gluten, lectins, corn zein, soy and sunflower protein have been
recyclable and eco-friendly polymer for packaging. However, low me­ utilized for bio-based packaging and bionanocomposite. Protein based
chanical and barrier properties and sensitivity to UV and moisture are packaging except corn zein and keratin are not so popular due to poor
the major drawbacks of starch based polymers [41]. Nanoparticles such mechanical and barrier properties [13]. Therefore, plasticizers are
as ZnO, TiO2, Graphene, poly (methyl methacrylate-co-acrylamide) have generally used to improve the protein based polymer matrices [64].
been used to improve the mechanical and barrier properties of starch Zein, due to its hydrophobic nature, is a potential reinforcement agent
[42,43]. Starch native granules may vary from micro to nano range and also identified as safe for packaging by food and drug administration
(<100 μm), amorphous and semicrystalline (100–400 nm), amorphous (FDA) [65]. Table 1 represents different protein based nanocomposites
and crystalline (9–10 nm), depending on the sources [44]. Chemical utilized for bio-based packaging.
modifications like acetylation and hydroxylation are usually done for
substituting ester/ether group with hydroxyl to improve the mechanical Nanoclay based nanocomposites. Nanoclays particularly MMT is
or barrier properties [45–47]. Le Corre et al. [48] produced starch found abundantly and commonly used as nanofiller composed of layered
nanocrystals by acid hydrolysis of native starch and used as reinforce­ phyllosilicate clays. Nanoclay is a potential reinforcement agent that has
ment agent. Starch based thermoplastic films are used for food wrapping been found to improve properties (i.e. young’s modulus, elastic
applications and as food containing casing/crate, however they are not modulus, thermal stability, water and gas barrier etc.) of polymeric
so firm hence blended with other materials, modified chemically or matrix to many folds. There are different techniques to introduce
platisized in order to improve its strength. Table 1 shows the recent work nanoclay into polymeric metrices such as in situ polymerization, melt
on starch and other bio-based nanocomposites and their role in intercalation and solution intercalation [66]. In many studies it has been
improving polymer characteristics. found that nanoclay incorporation into polymer matrix such as PLA and
ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) boost up oxygen barrier, consequently Chitosan based nanocomposites. Chitosan is another natural shelf life of food. Nanoclay based composites usually contain 5% w/w
polysaccharide obtained from deacetylation of chitin, an abundant nanoclay particles giving 80–90% decline in permeability due to
biopolymer. It is biocompatible/biodegradable polymer and also has torturous path of diffusion created by clay reinforcement [67]. Various
antimicrobial properties [49]. Biocompatible or biodegradable films, nanoclays such as MMT, sapnotite, laponite etc. used to develop nano­
coatings, composite materials and nanocomposites have been formed composites are listed in Table 1.
using chitosan and chitosan based systems. Sriupayo et al. [50] It is clear from Table 1 that various natural polymers such as starch,
demonstrated the production of chitin nanoparticles or nanowhiskers cellulose, chitosan and other protein based polymers have been recog­
using various chitin sources (marine natural sources i.e. crustacean nized as good alternative to conventional packaging materials with wide
shells etc.) by the process of deproteinization. The process was done in range of applications. Some modifications like addition of nanofillers or
presence of hot alkaline KOH and then hydrolysing with hot HCl under plastisizers might be advantageous for improvement in properties [90,
heavy stirring conditions. While, Chang et al. [51] employed a double 102]. Even other compounds including nanometals and their oxides
acid treatment procedure and repetitive process of sonication and dis­ have also been added to give better performance and antimicrobial
ruption/dispersion. On the other hand, chitin nanoparticles were also properties [42,105].
produced by ionotropic gelation of chitosan with sodium tripolyphos­
phate [52]. The incorporation of micro and nanoreinforcements in a 3.1.2. Synthetic bio-nanocomposites
polymer matrix or unification of chitin with other systems like layered Bioplastics have attracted many researchers in recent years because
nanosilicates (i.e. montmorillonite/MMT) has proven to enhance the the use of plastic has caused serious health hazards and pollution.
properties of chitosan based packaging material [53–56]. Therefore, to replace petroleum based plastic, the biodegradable or
renewable plastics came into trend. Bioplastics/biopolymers can be Cellulose based nanocomposites. Cellulose is a natural polymer, degraded into organic compounds, carbon dioxide, hydrogen and water
comprised of glucose monomers and present abundantly in the envi­ by the action of microorganisms [108,109]. Bio-based packaging totally
ronment. Cellulose derivative such as CNC have been most commonly depends on biopolymers or bioplastics and has been discussed in section
used as fillers for the reinforcement of polymer matrices because native 4. Many studies have proven that these nanocomposites offer various
cellulose did not posses desirable qualities for packaging applications advantages with improved and active packaging materials ensuring
[57]. Thus, CNC consequently improved mechanical, barrier and ther­ safety of food items.
mal properties of polymeric matrix [58–60]. Nano-fibrillated and cel­
lulose nanowhiskers are some other forms of cellulose used for Polylactic acid (PLA) based nanocomposites. PLA is one of the
nanoreinforcements [61]. The diameter of nanofibrils falls in the range most promising materials for food packaging due to suitable mechanical
of 2–20 nm. Several nanocomposites have been formed using CNC and properties, transparency and availability [110,111] but poor gas and

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 7 (2022) 100257

water barrier properties, low thermal resistance and cost factors are Table 3
some drawbacks which limit its application. Nanofillers have been used PHA based nanocomposites and their use in bio-based packaging.
to overcome these limitations and for the synthesis of nanocomposites Polymeric matrix Nanomaterial Improved References
with better mechanical, barrier and physiological properties. In addi­ properties
tion, synthetic biopolymer PLA in combination with lignocellulosic PHBV (poly 3- ZnO NPs Mechanical, [138]
nanofillers, nanoclays, metal oxides etc. has been studied and PLA based hydroxybutyrate-co- thermal,
bionanocomposites have been used for packaging of various food 3-hydroxyvalerate) crystallization,
products. antimicrobial
Poly (styrene-co-butyl Fibrillated cellulose Tensile strength, [139]
It can be seen from Table 2 that PLA in combination with other acrylate) barrier
polymers or nanofillers including nanoclay (MMT), nanostructured PHBV Clay-PHBV UV, oxygen and [140]
chitosan, CNC, cellulose nanowhiskers or lignin NPs gave better per­ nanocomposite water vapor
formance in terms of mechanical, water, gas and thermal resistance barrier
Poly (3- PHBHHx/graphene Thermal stability, [141]
[114,121,124,130]. Also, various metals and metal oxides such as TiO2,
hydroxybutyrate-co- oxide (GO) gas and vapor
Fe3+, Ag, SnO2, Ce2O4 etc. nanoparticles used along with biopolymers in 3- nanocomposites barrier, biocide
order to enhance mechanical, barrier and antimicrobial properties hydroxyhexanoate) action
[117–120,123]. (PHBHHx)
PHBV Ag NPs Antimicrobial [142]
PBHV PHBV–ZnO Mechanical, water [143,144] PHA (polyhydroxyalkonoates) based nanocomposites. PHAs nanocomposite and oxygen
(including PHB, PHBV) are biodegradable compounds, isolated from barrier,
microorganisms and considered as potential candidate for bio-based antimicrobial
packaging. It has various shortcomings such as low strength, brittle­ PBHV PHBV-g-MWCNT Mechanical, [145]
thermal, barrier,
ness, thermal stability etc., hence nanoclay, CNC, ZnO, fullerenes, car­ migration
bon nanotubes and other materials have been added to overcome these PHBV CNC Mechanical, [94]
problems. thermal stability,
PHA with other polymers such as cellulose nanowhiskers (BCNW) water barrier,
showed remarkable improvement in mechanical and barrier properties
PHAs BCNW Permeability to [146]
[146]. According to Ambrosia-Martin et al. [147] when PHBV nano­ water and gases,
composites were produced by ball milling with BCNW, resulting nano­ ductile behaviour,
composite showed superior mechanical, barrier, migration properties PHAs BCNW Crystallization, [147]
with better crystallization capability (Table 3). Additionally, metal mechanical,
thermal, barrier,
nanoparticles including Ag and ZnO were also used with PLA based
nanocomposites to incorporate antimicrobial feature into packaging PHAs Long alkyl chain Gas barrier, heat [148]
[142,143]. Furthermore, carbon nanotube (CNT) is another bio-based quaternary salt resistant,
packaging material which is used for its higher elastic modulus and (LAQ) antibacterial
aspect ratio. Generally, single and multi-walled carbon nanotubes have
graphene oxide (GO-
been used with several polymers to modulate their mechanical proper­ g-LAQ)
ties [19]. CNTs were also found to enhance antibacterial property, PHAs Graphene Mechanical [149]
crystallization behaviour, thermal and gas resistance when used with nanosheets (GNS)
PHBV matrix [140]. Yu et al. [145] used PHBV grafted multi-walled

Table 2
PLA based nanocomposites and their use in bio-based packaging.
Polymeric matrix Nanomaterial/Nanoparticles (NPs) Improved properties References

PLA (Polylactic Ag-chitosan NPs Antimicrobial [112]

acid) Nanoclay Antibacterial [113]
Cellulose nanowhiskers Water vapor, oxygen barrier [114]
Ag-zeolite NPs Antimicrobial [115]
Ag NPs Antimicrobial [116]
TiO2, Fe3+, Ag, SnO2 NPs Photocatalytic and antimicrobial [117,118]
TiO2 NPs Mechanical, barrier [119,120]
MMT clay (10–1000 nm), chitosan Oxygen barrier [121]
CNC, Ag NPs Antimicrobial, mechanical [122]
Ag-nanoclay NPs Antimicrobial [123]
Nanostructured chitosan Mechanical, vapor barrier, antimicrobial [124]
Ag-cellulose NPs Antimicrobial [122,
Poly (lactide)-lignin composites Mechanical, thermal [128]
CNC Mechanical [129]
CNC, Lignin NPs Mechanical, antimicrobial [130]
ZnO NPs Antimicrobial activity [131]
Nanoclay Mechanical, biodegradability [132]
Graphite and silica-based nanoparticle Water vapor and oxygen barrier, storage modulus, tensile strength, crystallinity, glass [133]
transition temperature (Tg) value, antimicrobial
PBAT-PLA nanocomposite Mechanical [134]
PLA-acetylated cellulose nanocrystals (ACNC)- UV blocking, antibacterial, mechanical, oxygen and water vapor barrier [135]
ZnO NPs composite
PLA/ZnO nanofibers Antimicrobial, physicochemical [136]
Napier cellulose nanowhiskers Mechanical, physical crystallinity, thermal stability, light transmittance, water absorption, [137]

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 7 (2022) 100257

CNTs (PHBV-g-MWCNT) film (for packaging) by the solution casting strength and advantages [153,154,165]. Ma et al. [162] used nano­
procedure and reported that the young’s modulus and tensile strength of crystal cellulose-silver nanohybrids in PLA/PBAT composite to give
resulting film was increased by 88% and 172%, respectively. Conse­ better outcome in terms of mechanical strength, toughness, antimicro­
quently, mechanical strength, thermal, migration and barrier properties bial, thermal and crystallization properties.
of PHBV got enhanced with maximum decomposition temperature of
nanofilm was reported 22 ◦ C more than that of control/neat PHBV. CNT 4. Nanocomposite smart/intelligent packaging and bio-based
utilization also facilitates the removal of CO2 or absorption of unpleas­ intelligent packaging (nanobiosensors)
ant aroma and flavour.
Intelligent or smart packaging is used to monitor, detect and provide Mixed polymer based composites. Various biopolymers in mixed information about food quality and environmental conditions inside the
form have been used to overcome the problems relating to individual food package. Intelligent packaging has a wide range of applications that
polymer. In addition, properties such as mechanical strength, thermal are divided into two portions. The first one is about observing the real
stability, oxygen permeability, UV and water barrier were found to in­ time conditions and quality of food by detecting a change (e.g., colour)
crease by using these mixed biopolymers nanocomposite materials in [169] and the second category is about responsive packaging (smart
food packagings. Inclusion of one biopolymer with other synthetic packaging) that offer a source for releasing bioactive agents (antioxi­
biopolymer may also affect the overall cost and degradability rate [13]. dants, antimicrobials etc.) when food spoilage takes place [170].
Table 4 depicts various combinations of biopolymers and their effects on Chemical and electro-optical properties of nanomaterial have been uti­
properties of resulting bionanocomposites. lized to facilitate the detection of gases, odor change, contaminating
As per Table 4, PLA has been used extensively with other polymers molecules (veterinary drugs, toxins, pesticides etc.) and pathogens.
such as PCL, PHA, PHBV, PBAT etc. to give mixed bionanocomposites Nanosensor responds to external or internal parameter change of food
with better properties [150,152]. PLA/PCL composite was also found to items by giving a signal against this change. Therefore, by providing
enhance degradation rate and other properties and CNC/other natural accurate information of food quality and freshness it reduces the de­
polymers are also incorporated with this blend to further add extra pendency on food expiry dates.
Sensors are made up of a receptor and a transducer. Receptors
Table 4 convert chemical or physical information into energy, while a trans­
Mixed polymer based nanocomposites and their use in bio-based packaging. ducer transforms it into an electrical signal [171]. Thus sensors are
analytical tools that can sense, record and transmit the biological or
Mixed polmers Nanomaterials Improved References
biochemical change [172]. Nanosensors are called nanosensor either
due to their sized or sensitivity or the distance between the analyte and
PLA and PCL - Mechanical [150]
the sensor is in nano range [173]. Nanosensors have been found to give
PLA-PHA blend - Mechanical, [151] better performance than conventional colorimetric indicators as a result
thermal of their higher surface reactivity and better optical properties [17].
PLA and Polybutylene – Mechanical, [152] Therefore, the intelligent/nanosensor based packaging took the modern
adipate-co- thermal
packaging a step ahead with its speed and accuracy of detecting
(PBAT) contaminating molecules and impurities. Biosensor is an analytical de­
PLA/PCL blend Organomodified Biodegradation [153,154] vice consisting biological sensing element or bio-receptor such as
clay rate, oxygen enzyme, antibody, cell, aptamer etc. that can detect a specific analyte.
permeability, Analytes may be chemical or biological but the recognition component
or sensing element should always be biological [174]. Further, nano­
PLA-PHB blend CNC and surfactant Mechanical, film [155–158] biosensors are result of nanotechnology based biosensors which incor­
modified CNCs stretchability, porate nanomaterial into biosensor to improve its performance and
oxygen a, UV and sensitivity. Time temperature integrators (TTIs), radiofrequency iden­
water barrier
tification (RFID), moisture indicators, freshness indicators, O2 sensors,
PLA/PBAT CNC–Ag Mechanical, [159]
nanocomposite toughness
gas sensors, microbe detectors are some examples of sensors used in
PLA/PCL – Thermal. [160–163] intelligent food packaging which are now integrated with various
(polycaprolactone) Mechanical, nanomaterials and biological materials to be called nanobiosensors. We
rheological, are paying more attention to nanobiosensors here and have been dis­
cussed in detail in subsection 4.1 and 4.2.
PLA/PBAT nanocrystal Mechanical, [164]
cellulose-silver toughness, 4.1. Nanobiosensor for the detection of pathogens and toxins
nanohybrids antimicrobial,
Various microorganisms, toxins and pathogens may deteriorate food
PLA-PBS CNC Mechanical, [129] quality, hence need to be detected. Fluorescent nanoparticles have been
barrier used to monitor microbes, pathogens and related toxins [175]. Toxin
PLA-PHBV CNC Mechanical, [165] produced by various food spoiling pathogens is detected by means of
barrier bioreceptor present in nanobiosensor which binds to analytes (microbes
PLA-PHB CNC Interfacial [166]
adhesion, thermal
or related toxins). Monoclonal antibodies, enzymes, ssDNA probes and
stability, aptamer sequences have been used against analyte (microbes and
mechanical toxins), which upon binding gives a signal that can be measured, reco­
Carboxymethyl Nano zinc oxide Water vapor [167] ded and transmitted to give information regarding presence of a
chitosan (CMCS)/ (ZnO) (CMCS/CMC barrier, oil
particular toxin or pathogen inside the food package. Several gas sensors
carboxymethyl + PLA/ZnO NPs resistance,
cellulose sodium nanocomposite) antibacterial have been developed to detect the microorganisms by analyzing their
(CMC)/PLA gas emissions or change of food colour due to spoilage. Metal oxides
Polyester-Amide CNC Crystallinity, gas [168] based gas sensors have been used for high sensitivity and stability [176].
(PEAs) barrier, Table 5 gives an overview of various nanobiosensors for the detection of
foodborne pathogens and toxins.

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 7 (2022) 100257

Table 5
Nanobiosensors for the detection of pathogens and related toxins.
Sensor type Nanomaterial (Transducer element) Bioreceptor Sample/Analyte Function References

Giant magneto resistive (GMR) Tri-layer oxide (SiO2 10 nm/SiO3 Monoclonal antibodies for Mycotoxins (Aflatoxin-B1, Toxin detection [177]
sensors 10nm/SiO2 10 nm) alfatoxin-b1, zearalenone zearalenone)
Electrochemical glucose biosensing AuNPs-polyaniline (PANI)/AgCl/ Pyranose oxidase (PyOx) Integration of DNA, Glucose detection [178]
gelatin enzymes or antibodies with
Signal Transduction by Ion Nano Quartz capillaries nanopipettes Monoclonal antibodies for HT-2 Toxin detection [179]
Gating (STING) HT-2
Electrochemical impedance-based Single- walled carbon nanotubes ssDNA probes, Salmonella enterica serovar Microbe detection [180]
DNA sensor (SWCNTs) complementary DNA Typhimurium
Electrochemilumi-nescent CNTs Bovine serum albumin, Aflatoxin B1 Toxin detection [181]
polyclonal anti-palytoxin
Carbon electrode biosensor Au NPs L. monocytogenes specific L. monocytogenes Microbe detection [182]
Junction biosensor SWCNTs Biotinylated E. coli antibodies E. coli K-12 Microbe detection [183]
Aptamer-based biosensor Poly (amidoamine) dendrimers Cysteamine, Aflatoxin B1 Aflatoxin B1 Toxin detection [184]
Surface-enhanced Raman Fe3O4 magnetic gold NPs S. Typhimurium aptamer S. Typhimurium, S. aureus Microbe detection [185]
spectroscopy (SERS) aptasensor sequence, S. aureus aptamer
Fluorescence detection Carbon dots Amino modified aptamers of S. typhimurium Microbe detection [186]
S. Typhimurium
Immunochromatographic assay Super paramagnetic iron oxide Monoclonal antibody against Bacillus anthracis spores Microbe detection [187]
(LFIA) particles B. anthracis
Aptamer-based biosensor Carbon dots Aflatoxin B1 aptamer Aflatoxin B1 Toxin detection [188]
Immunochromato-graphic Gold magnetic (Fe3O4) bifunctional Anti S. choleraesuis S. choleraesuis Microbe detection [189]
nanobeads monoclonal antibodies
Quantitative colorimetric detection Magnetic NPs E. coli O157:H7 protease E. coli O157:H7 Microbe detection [190]
Graphene-interfaced electrical Graphene NPs E. coli O157:H7 specific E. coli O157:H7 Microbe detection [191]
biosensor antibody
Carbon nanotube-based aptasensor MWCNTs Salmonella aptamer sequence S. enterica Microbe detection [192]
Electrochemical immunobiosensor (Cadmium sulfide-quantum dots) Anti-E. coli O157:H7 antibody Pathogens (E coli O157:H7) Electrochemical [193]
Cd QDs encapsulated in ZIF-8 metal signal generation
organic framework

Table 6
Nanobiosensors for heavy metals, drugs and contaminants detection.
Sensor type Nanomaterial Analyte Function References

Electrochemical Au NPs Antioxidants (BHA, BHT, TBHQ) Improved conductivity and increased active [195]
Electrochemical CNT-Cu NPs Mannitol, sucrose, glucose and Enhanced surface area, oxidation of [196]
fructose carbohydrates
Electrochemical Graphene nano-ribbons (GNR) Antioxidants (Ascorbic acid) Improved electrochemical properties and [197]
increased surface area
Paper-based amperometric sensor Cu NPs based ink Glucose, fructose, and sucrose Oxidation of carbohydrates [198]
Electrochemical Au NPs loaded on MWCNT Toxins (BPA) Enhanced conductivity and surface area [199]
Electrochemical MWCNT Adulterants (Melamine) Conductive and functionalizable layer [200]
Electrochemilu-minescent immunoassay GNRs/GO (gold nanorods)/ Adulterants, sudan I Enhanced surface area and signal generation [201]
(graphene oxide)
Electrochemical CuO nanostructure Residual pesticides (Chlorpyrifos, Surface area enhancement [202]
fenthion and methyl parathion)
Electrochemical Pt NPs Residual pesticides (Paraoxon) Conductivity, surface area and enzyme [203]
loading enhancement
Electrochemical SWCNTs gold Heavy meats (Hg2+) Higher surface area [204]
Electrochemical GSH@Fe3O4 (glutathione Heavy meats (Pb2+, Cd2+) Preconcentration [205]
coated magnetic nanoparticles)
Electrochemical GQDs (Graphene quantum Heavy meats (Hg2+, Cu2+) Preconcentration [206]
dots)- AuNPs
Optical CeO2 NPs Adulterants (Dopamine) Colorimetric signal [207,208]
Colorimetric sensing CeO2 NPs Mycotoxin (Ochratoxin) Catalytic activity [209]
Surface plasmon resonance biosensor Au NPs Pathogens (E coli and Salmonella sp.) SPR optical properties [210]
SERS Au NR Pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus) SERS activity [211]
Fluorescence sensor Nitrogen-doped carbon dots Heavy metals (Hg2+, Cu2+, Fe3+) Fluorescent response [212]
Gold immunochromatographic sensor Au NPs Veterinary antibiotics (26 Speed, reliability [213]
(GICS) sulfonamiders)
Colorimetric detection MnO2 nanosheets Antioxidants (Ascorbic acid) Catalytic activity (speed, sensitivity) [214]
Colorimetric antioxidant detection Au nanocage Antioxidants (Gallic acid) Morphological change induces localized [215]
surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) change
SERS-based aptasensor Au@AgNPs Veterinary antibiotics (Kanamycin) SERS activity [216]
Cuvette-type localized surface plasmon Au NPs Adulterants, sudan I SPR optical properties [217]
resonance (LSPR) sensor

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 7 (2022) 100257

Table 5 can be referred for bionanosensors that have been developed regarding the nanoparticle migration from packaging materials [227]. A
to detect pathogens such as Salmonella, E. coli etc. by means of specific report on nanoclay particle migration stated that clay nanoparticles can
aptamers or antibodies for these microbes [189,190,192,193]. These migrate into 10% ethanol and 3% acetic acid [228]. Aluminium (Al) was
nanosensors provide better detection of pathogens with improved the major element evaluated in clay which was released to food stimulus
sensitivity and miniaturization. By using various platforms with incor­ from two different clay based packagings quantified with migration
poration of immuno and aptamer identification by using QDs, graphene value of 51.65 ng/cm2 and 24.14 ng/cm2) [228]. Further, it was re­
particles, MWCNTs, Au NPs, Ag NPs and antimicrobial peptides bio­ ported that the migration of clay nanoparticles was directly proportional
nanosensors provide significant improvement over conventional sensors to temperature and contact time [229]. In another study by Farhoodi
[194]. et al. [230], silicon (Si) and Al migration was reported from clay based
packaging for a period of 7–90 days of shelf life. They concluded that the
4.2. Nanobiosensor for the detection of heavy metals, drugs, pesticide and Si migration was 23% more than that of Al. In addition, it was also found
contaminants that the migration rates of nanoparticles largely depended on factors
such as storage time and temperature [227]. Generally, toxicity of
A number of heavy metals, drugs, pesticides, veterinary antibiotics or nanoparticles can be explained in two ways: (i) toxicity based on reac­
allergens which may have adverse effect on human health, have been tive oxygen species and (ii) toxicity based on chemical composition of
the most common contaminants found in food products. For the detec­ nanoparticles. Chemical phenomena such as crystallization and recrys­
tion of these contaminants various platforms have been used namely (i) tallization of metal or metal oxide NPs can alter the confirmation of
Optical and electrochemical sensors (nanomaterials such as Au NPs, Ag various protein molecules. On the other hand, metal alloys, SWCNTs and
NPs with surface platform resonance (SPR) characteristics and good MWCNTs may cause gene toxicity [231]. Metal oxides including ZnO,
conductivity) (ii) Magnetic NPs (Fe2O3 NPs) for better separation and TiO2 and SiO2 are insoluble NPs and once reach gastrointestinal tracts,
enrichment of analyst, (iii) CNTs and graphene (for better electrical they start absorbing calcium and lipopolysaccharides, which in turn
conductivity) based electrochemical sensors [194]. Table 6 enlisted the activates blood mononuclear cells and phagocytes [232]. Conclusively,
most popular nanobiosensors with nanomaterials and their functions in it can be stated that metal and their oxides NPs including Co/Cr alloy,
food packaging. Fe/Pt alloy, SWCNTs, MWCNTs, SiO2, ZnO and TiO2 cause direct and
Table 6 gives brief information about recent developments in bio­ indirect genotoxicity [233,234]. Therefore, nanomaterial toxicity and
nanosensor technology for the contaminant detection. Wang et al. [212] the ultimate fate in food packaging can be governed by its physico­
used fluorescent sensor based on nitrogen doped carbon dots nano­ chemical properties and dose [235,236]. Moreover, pH, osmotic con­
material for the detection of heavy metals such as Hg2+, Cu2+, Fe3+. This centration, absorption, metabolism, excretion, toxicity, physical and
sensor made use of carbon dots adorned with amino acids (L-glycine, chemical factors of nanomaterials should be evaluated and quantified
L-lysine, L-serine) that stimulated quenching response to metallic ions. for safe commercial applications [235–238]. Biological nanostructured
Organophosphate based pesticides were detected using non-enzymatic materials are generally safe but migration of biopolymers into food
method with CuO nanoparticles synthesized in situ over indium tin items also needs studies and consideration. Europian union (EU) is the
oxide (ITO) and reported to give enhanced signals and surface area only region providing a clear regulation regarding nanomaterials and
[202]. Further Pt NPs based bionanosensor also reported to give better their use in present food legislation [239]. Also, US Food and Drug
surface area, enzyme loading and conductivity, thus offer rapid identi­ Administration (FDA) takes care about nanomaterials use in food sector
fication of residual pesticide paraoxon [203]. and its regulations. Additional studies and investigations are required on
toxicity, exposure, effects of nanocomposites and bionanocomposites for
5. Environment and safety considerations the commercial and social acceptance.

Over the past few years a drift towards natural products have been 6. Conclusions and future perspectives
seen due to environmental concern. Hence, bio-based or natural poly­
mer based packaging with innovative technologies such as nanotech­ Nanotechnology being a game changer has enormous possibilities in
nology and biotechnology has been offered potential applications in food sector i.e. food processing, preservation and packaging. Bio-based
food sector [218]. But when the safety aspects of nanomaterials are packaging as a next generation packaging, offers a sustainable alterna­
discussed, hundreds of researches are available which states that tive for conventional plastic or non-degradable packaging materials. The
nanomaterial may pose health hazards due to their toxicity. This toxicity next generation packaging provides a sustainable way to reduce plastic
may arise due to migration of nanoparticles from food packaging to food waste and degradation issues of persistent materials. Next generation
items. As far as safety of bionanomaterials is concerned there is limited packaging includes biodegradable polymeric materials from agro-food
data available about migration possibility and consequences of nano­ waste and other bio polymers to offer eco-friendly packaging [240].
fillers/reinforcement agents or other bio-based nanomaterials. Nano­ Several bio-based materials such as natural biopolymers (poly­
clays i.e. MMTs are identified and generally recognized as safe (GARS), saccharides, polynucleotides, proteins etc.), synthetic biopolymers
while organomodified clay such as aminopropyltriethoxysilane and (bio-polyesters, PVA, PBS, PLA, PGA etc.) and biopolymers extracted
octadecylamine showed toxicity [216–219]. For nanocellulose, a large from microorganisms or GMOs (PHA, PHB, PHBV, xantha etc.) have
number of studies are available stating it nontoxic as certified by ISO been the major categories of biocompatible or biodegradable packaging
Standard 109,993–5 [217,218,220,221]. However, nanocellulose dry materials. Moreover, natural polymers are converted into nano­
powder inhalation exposure may be risky because cellulose nano­ composites by the reinforcement of natural polymeric matrix with
particles may stick to respiratory tract in the alveolar region [219]. nanofillers such as nanoclays, layered silicates (MMTs), CNTs and
Therefore, direct contact or inhalation exposure to nanoclays or nano­ plastisizers (glycerol, vegetable oils, triethylcitrate) to overcome the
cellulose should be avoided with proper safety measures [222]. More­ limitations of low mechanical and barrier properties. At present the
over, carbon nanotube particles were marked unsafe due to bio-based nanocomposites are not so popular in contrast to conventional
accumulation in living organisms and formation of ROS (reactive oxy­ packaging materials due to higher cost, technical and mechanical issues,
gen species) [223–226]. In various studies, clay nanoparticles have been legislations, handling and safety. Therefore the cost, performance,
reported for reinforcing mechanical strength in addition to antimicro­ scale-up, clear regulations and guidelines issues require more consid­
bial properties. However, the risk of migration of these nanoparticles eration and need to be addressed by extensive research and studies.
must be considered and taken into account. Legislative agencies such as Whereas, toxicological and migration behaviour of these natural agents
FDA and EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) have made regulations and nanofillers are still unclear and needs investigation. Therefore, for

N. Chausali et al. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research 7 (2022) 100257

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