Aae Quesionnaire

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1. ZETO is Zero Tolerance is to avoid minor or major accident and to improve safety performance
by using 10 ZETO Rules:

⚫ Permit to work

⚫ Verify energy isolation before start working

⚫ Obtain authorisation before overriding or disabling safety critical equipment

⚫ Obtain authorisation before entering a confined space

⚫ Protect yourself against fall when working at height

⚫ Use correct PPE while handling hazardous chemicals

⚫ Obtain authorisation before excavation or entering a trench

⚫ Do not position yourself under a suspended load

⚫ Do not smoking outside designated areas

⚫ Do not use a mobile phone or walkie talkie while driving and fasten your seatbelt


⚫ PETRONAS Carigali health, safety and environment policy (Bacho Pilong, 1 July 2019)

⚫ PETRONAS Carigali stop work policy (Bacho Pilong, 1 July 2019)

⚫ PETRONAS Carigali environmental objective statement policy (Bacho Pilong, 1 July 2019)

⚫ PETRONAS policy on substance misuses (Datuk Wan Zulkiflee, 1 April 2015)

⚫ PETTRONAS health, safety and environment policy (Datuk Wan Zulkiflee, 1 April 2015)

3. Company policy

⚫ Health, safety and environment policy

⚫ Stop work policy

⚫ Safe navigation policy

⚫ Waste management policy

⚫ Drug & alcohol policy

⚫ Smoking policy

⚫ HSE charter policy

4. PCSB CIMMV - Charterer instruction to Master of Marine Vessel

⚫ To provide an instruction to master of Offshore Support Vessel (OSV) Chartered by Petronas

Carigali or its contractors with basic guideline and requirement for safe and efficient handling of
the vessel.

5. PCSB technical standards

⚫ To provide minimum safety requirement for all Offshore Marine acitivites conducted at Petronas
and Join venture (JV’s). Its cover anchor handling, mooring and securing and lifting for Offshore
Marine Vessels.

6. Petronas Technical Guideline- PTG

⚫ Offshore Marine Operation Safety

7. Petronas Technical Standard- PTS

⚫ Marine Safety

⚫ Offshore Support Vessel and Marine Support Craft Vetting

⚫ Overwater Personnel Transfer Safety

8. Drills & Training Requirement

⚫ Fire, abandon ship, Man overboard (MOB) and personnel injury -Monthly

⚫ Oil pollution and steering gear failure -every 3 month

⚫ Collision, grounding, main engine/genset failure & power failure -twice a year

⚫ Explosion -yearly

9. Manual of Permitted Operation (MOPO) (Rev 01, 2017)

⚫ To assist user with understanding associated activity and what additional control and may need
to implemented to proceed with caution.

⚫ MOPO also used as Communication and training tools.

⚫ Applies when faces with conditions or conflict in activites or operation.

Example scenario:-

⚫ Boat to boat transfer - activities not permitted when waves/swell height more than 2.5 metre &
wind more than 25knots and diving operation in progress.

⚫ Anchor handling operation (40 ~ 100MT Bollard pull) - activities not permitted when
waves/swell height more than 2.5 metre and wind more than 25knots, loss communication and
malfunction of navigational aids.

⚫ Lifting (routine) - activities not permitted when waves/swell height more than 2.5 metre and
wind more than 25knots, no banksman, no competent crane operator and SWL inadequate.

NOTE: Apply NOTE TO PROTEST when OIM or Crane Operator ask to continue the job.

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