Guidelines For Installing Aquacrop Plug-In Program Version 6.0
Guidelines For Installing Aquacrop Plug-In Program Version 6.0
Guidelines For Installing Aquacrop Plug-In Program Version 6.0
To run AquaCrop Plug-In, the required data files to run the list of projects should be available
on the PC. If the files were created through the user interface of the AquaCrop standard window
program they will be in the DATA subdirectory of AquaCrop. If so, the AquaCrop standard
window program and the AquaCrop Plug-In program should be on the same PC.
§ Copying the AquaCrop standard window and Plug-In program to appropriate folders
on a 64-bit PC
1. Copy the 64bit zipped files to the PC;
2. Unzip;
3. Copy the full content of the unzipped file:
- for the AquaCrop standard window program it consists of files and 5 subdirectories with
more files;
- for the AquaCrop Plug-In program it consists of files and the subdirectories LIST
(which is empty), OUTP and SIMUL;
4. Paste the full content in a directory (folder) of the PC:
- for example C:\FAO\AquaCrop for the AquaCrop standard window program;
- for example C:\FAO\ACsaV60 for the AquaCrop Plug-In program.
Installation guidelines for AquaCrop Plug-In program Version 6.0 – March 2017
Once installed
When AquaCrop is properly installed, you will find in the respectively directories:
the AquaCrop.EXE file (the executable file, to launch the standard window program);
and five subdirectories:
- DATA (default subdirectory for the input files);
- IMPORT (default subdirectory for text files with climatic data);
- OBS (default subdirectory for the field observations files);
- OUTP (default subdirectory for the output files);
- SIMUL (subdirectory for simulation purposes, containing between other files the
MaunaLoa.CO2 file, files with default project settings (*.PAR), and SOILS.DIR (a file with
default values for soil characteristics).
the ACsaV60.EXE file (the executable file, to launch the Plug-In program);
and three subdirectories:
- LIST (subdirectory in which the copied project files should be stored);
- OUTP (subdirectory, where simulation results will be stored);
- SIMUL (subdirectory, which contains Manauloa.CO2 and eventually the
‘AggregationResults.SIM’ and the ‘DailyResults.SIM’ text files in which the options for
the content of the output files are specified. In the absence of the ‘AggregationResults.SIM’
file no intermediate results will be provided. In the absence of ‘DailyResults.SIM’, no daily
results will be provided.
Installation guidelines for AquaCrop Plug-In program Version 6.0 – March 2017