A Review On The Perception and Recognition Systems For Interpreting Sign Languages Used by Deaf and Mute

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VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)

ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Eng
ineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

A review on the perception and recognition systems for

interpreting sign languages used by deaf and mute

Suyash Koltharkar1, Amit Gupta2, Hemil Patel3, Sunita Naik4

(Department of Computer Engineering, VIVA Institute of Technology, India)
(Department of Computer Engineering, VIVA Institute of Technology, India)
(Department of Computer Engineering, VIVA Institute of Technology, India)
(Asst. Professor, Department of Computer Engineering, VIVA Institute of Technology, India)

Abstract: Extensive research conducted across several fields revealed that hearing impairment and inability to
verbally communicate lead to inequality of opportunity, as well as problems even in everyday life. Despite being
a very useful medium of communication for deaf and mute people, sign language has no meaning for someone
who does not understand it. The identification of these hand gestures is done by one of the two methods. Static
images are one method of identifying while dynamic gestures are another. After skimming through the previous
research, many limitations were exposed. The existing systems offered high accuracy rates upon feeding static
images but the accuracy dropped significantly when dynamic inputs were fed. Some systems achieved good
accuracy rates when fed with dynamic input but their scope was inadequate. After analyzing these techniques and
identifying their limitations, we conclude with several promising directions for future research.

Keywords - Impairment, Deaf and Mute, Gestures, Static, Dynamic, Accuracy

Living in a privileged world of intellectuals and witnessing revolutions in the technological fields it is
essential to not overlook the responsibilities to utilize technology to contribute to the progress and development
of the society at large. The ability to communicate is key for any individual to lead a normal life. According to
the definitions presented, anyone who cannot hear at all or can only hear loud noises is considered hearing
impaired. A person who is deaf or whose speech isn't understood by a listener of normal comprehension and
hearing is taken into account to possess a speech disability. An individual who is unable to talk because of speech
disorders is considered mute. Most candidates who are hearing disabled are also speech disabled. According to
Statista [11], in 2018, over 5% of the world’s population – 360 million people – have hearing loss (328 million
adults and 32 million children).

In the course of extensive research conducted in various domains, researchers found that hearing
impairment and inability to verbally express oneself causes disadvantages in terms of equal opportunity as well
as causes communication issues in general. Sign Language, although being a medium of communication for deaf
and mute people, still has no meaning when conveyed to a person who does not understand sign language.
Many nations have their interpretations of sign languages. The identification of the character's gesture is
done by one of two methods. The first is a glove-based method in which the person wears a pair of gloves while
capturing hand movements [5]. The second is a visual technique, which is divided into static and dynamic
recognition. Static systems deal with the two-dimensional representation of gestures, while dynamics is a live,
real-time capture of gestures. And despite an accuracy of over 77% [1], wearing gloves is uncomfortable and

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Eng
ineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

cannot be used in rainy weather. They are not easy to transport because they require computers to use. Hence to
overcome the shortcomings of static hand gestures, dynamic hand gestures are used for better results.

A survey was done on the existing literature and products to find out their shortcomings and research
gaps in their systems. This survey consisted of more than 15 literature papers wherein the most relevant ones are
shortlisted. The review of literature has been divided into three main categories to simplify the process, clarify
and determine the advantages and shortcomings of the current technologies being used and being implemented,
these categories are:
1 System with Static input:
Daphne Tan, et.al [1] carried out a sign language gesture recognition system using three various
techniques. This research has explored CNN (Convolutional neural network) to detect shapes that are performed
by using American sign language and then compare accuracies of various models. The only difference between
these three models is that it uses various forms of the same database i.e some with no filtration or some with
filtrations. Firstly the model was trained using a normal dataset without any preprocessing on it and was observed
to give accuracy of 77% and alphabet accuracy of 74%. Secondly, it was performed using skin masking. As the
name suggests it is obtained by masking the original image and just fetching the required part which in this case
is the hand of the user. Here the result obtained was 92% and alphabet accuracy of 72%. Lastly, it was trained
using Sobel filtration which means a gradient-based method that looks for strong changes in the first derivative
of an image. It gave an accuracy of 91% and an alphabet accuracy of 71%.
Mehreen Hurroo, et.al [2] implemented sign language recognition using CNN and computer vision. Here
A, B, C, D, H, K, N, O, T, and Y alphabets dataset were used for training and testing the model. Since output
classes decreased there was an increase in the accuracy of the model. Before prediction, images undergo various
preprocessing such as gray scaling, masking, segmentation, and feature extraction later. This model was able to
give an accuracy of 98% which is considerably higher than the previous one with the disadvantage that it uses
fewer classes for output.
Abdul Kawsar, et.al [6] were able to achieve an accuracy of 97% by using a CNN model by
implementing a Faster Convergence and Reduction of Overfitting in Numerical Hand Sign Recognition using
DCNN. The process starts by entering pre-processed data into the input layer. The system contains four pairs of
convolution layers. Each convolution layer is followed by a max-pooling layer. These layers are equipped with
an activation function called exponential linear unit. These set convolution and max-pool layers are followed by
batch normalization layers. Each ASL Numerical class is equipped with 500 images, totaling 5000 images for 10
numerical classes. CNN with Dropout model gives an accuracy of 98.00% and CNN with Batchnorm and Dropout
model gives an accuracy of 98.50%.
Sakshi Lahoti, et.al [8] successfully executed an Android-based American Sign Language Recognition
System with Skin Segmentation and SVM. Here a dataset of 36 symbols containing alphabets A to Y, numbers
from 0-9, and a spacebar was created. Z was not included in the database as it required video capturing and frame
partitioning. Each symbol is trained using 500 images. The training images are resized to 200X200 pixels. The
black background is used to make skin segmentation and edge detection easy. The sign language recognition
process includes three steps; hand gesture capture and skin segmentation, feature extraction, and classification
using SVM. Skin segmentation is done by YCbCr color systems. Feature extraction is done using HOG (histogram
of oriented gradients). Finally, the classification is done using Support vector machines (SVMs). The system
achieved an accuracy of 89.57%, though the accuracy may vary with complex backgrounds.
Shadman Shahriar, et.al [9] provided a study on the American Sign Language (ASL) finger speller based
on Skin segmentation and machine learning algorithms. They have presented an automatic human skin
segmentation algorithm based on color information. A YCbCr color space is used because it is typically used
when encoding video and provides effective use of chrominance information for transforming human skin colors.
In the CbCr plane, skin color distribution is modeled as a bivariate normal distribution. The algorithm's
performance is demonstrated by simulations performed on images depicting people of various ethnicities. The
performance of the algorithm is illustrated by simulations performed on images depicting people of different
ethnicities. Then the convolutional neural network (CNN) is used to extract features from the images and the
deep learning method is used to train a classifier to recognize sign language.
2 System with Dynamic input:
Anup Nandy, et.al [3] administered the classification of Indian sign language in real-time. Here first data
was preprocessed using gray scaling followed by masking and then applying a threshold. This makes the data
more precise to undergo a model for training and prediction. Then the research focuses on two main classification
techniques namely using Euclidean distance and using K-nearest neighbor.

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Eng
ineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

Panakala Kumar, et.al [4] devised a Video-Based Indian Sign Language Recognition System (INSLR)
Using Wavelet Transform and Fuzzy Logic. Here data is filtered and preprocessed along with the Gaussian filter
which smoothens the frames. The model uses fuzzy logic and Fourier descriptors for classification. With the
inclusion of 80 signs, the model gave a recognition rate of 94%.
Jayan Mistry, et.al [7] materialized An Approach to Sign Language Translation using the Intel RealSense
Camera. Here a dataset consists of 26 gestures (alphabets) with 100 samples extracted from 10 participants. Data
is gathered using the Intel RealSense F200 camera and the RealSense API. 75% of the instances are used for
training while the remaining 25% is used for testing purposes. Preprocessing is done using techniques available
in the sci-kit-learn library. StandardScaler, MaxAbsScaler, and Normalization techniques are used for
preprocessing. A multilayer perceptron (MLP) with three hidden layers gave the best results so it was used for all
further experiments. The combination of SVM and MaxAbsScaler reached a performance of 95.00% while the
MLP came close with 92.10%.
3 Physical System:
Carlos Fiel, et.al [5] resolved a Design of Translator Glove for Deaf-Mute Alphabet. The design of the
glove consisted of hardware components like resistive sensors and an accelerometer placed on the glove which
uses a technique to detect the exact position of fingers and hand movements. Data acquisition is done from the
sensors via C programming language to identify the alphabet letters formed with fingers. Bend sensor, Pressure
sensor, Accelerometer, and Signal conditioning circuit are the components required for reading the data.
Components included in the processing stage are Microcontroller PIC16F887 and program. The translation phase
includes a display LCD, EMIC 2 Text to Speech Module #30016, and a horn.
Ching-Hua Chuan, et.al [10], utilized a compact and affordable 3d motion sensor to demonstrate an
American sign language recognition system. A palm-sized leap motion sensor offers more portability and greater
economic benefits than the cyber globe or Microsoft Kinect currently used in studios. The 26 letters of the English
alphabet in American sign language were classified using k nearest neighbors and support vector machines based
on the sensory data. In the test results, the k nearest neighbor achieved 72 78% and the support vector machine e
achieved 79 83% average sort rates, respectively. They also provided detailed discussions on the parameter setting
in machine learning methods and the accuracy of specific alphabet letters in this paper.


Table 1 represents the detailed analysis of the previous research using a tabular view of the Techniques,
Advantages, and Limitations mentioned in each paper. This simplifies the review process and provides a clear
description of different types of technologies and methods previously used to recognize sign languages.

Sr No. Title Summary Advantages Technology
1 Implementing Implementation of gesture recognition Out of all the three models, Convolution
Gesture Recognition using CNN model to detect shapes and the one with skin masking Neural Network,
in a Sign Language represent them in sign language. gives higher accuracy TensorFlow, and
Learning Application. Keras
2 Sign Language Captured images through camera and Low computing power and Web Camera,
Recognition System preprocessed the data with HSV color gives a remarkable Convolutional
using Convolutional algorithm. The processed data is then fed to accuracy of above 90% Neural Network
Neural Network and the CNN model for classification.
Computer Vision. [2]
3 Classification of An algorithm has been followed to More accurate K-nearest
Indian Sign Language calculate edge orientations in the sequence classification results. neighbor and
in real-time. [3] of ISL gestures which would be recognized Euclidean
using Euclidean distances and K-nearest distance,
neighbor methods. Gaussian filter

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Eng
ineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

4 A Video-Based A wavelet-based video segmentation The work was Takagi-Sugeno-

Indian Sign Language technique is proposed which detects shapes accomplished by training a Kang (TSK),
Recognition System of various hand signs. Shape features are fuzzy inference system by MATLAB
(INSLR) Using extracted using Fourier descriptors. using features obtained
Wavelet Transform Gesture recognition is done using the using DWT and Elliptical
and Fuzzy Logic. [4] Sugeno-type fuzzy inference system. Fourier descriptors by 10
different signer videos for
80 signs with a recognition
rate of 96%.
5 Design of Translator Implementation of a glove that helps The glove uses a portable Bend sensor,
Glove for Deaf-Mute deaf/mute communicate by detecting the voice synthesizer and a Pressure sensor,
Alphabet. [5] movement of fingers and translating the microcontroller instead of a Accelerometer,
same into words and sending audio signals. computer or a smartphone Microcontroller
to improve portability. PIC16F887
6 Faster Convergence A layerwise optimized neural network The proposed method Batch
and Reduction of architecture is proposed where batch achieves 98.50% accuracy normalization,
Overfitting in normalization contributes to faster over the constructed ASL- DNN
Numerical Hand Sign convergence of training. Batch Numerical data set.
Recognition using normalization forces each training batch Increased accuracy in a
DCNN. [6] toward zero mean and unit variance, shorter time is achieved by
leading to improved flow of gradients diminishing overfitting.
through the model and convergence in a
shorter time.

7 An Approach to Sign An Intel RealSense camera is used for Classification of American IntelRealSense
Language Translation translating static manual American Sign Sign Language with the camera,
using the Intel Language gestures into text. The highest IntelRealSense camera is MaxAbsScaler,
RealSense Camera. accuracy of 95% is achieved by a support feasible with high accuracy PCA
[7] vector machine with a scaling method, as and speed. A support vector
well as the principal component analysis machine used together with
used for preprocessing. pre-processing yielded the
best results.
8 Android-based An Android application that captures HOG (histogram of YCbCr color
American Sign images and converts the ASL to text is oriented gradients) is used systems, HOG,
Language implemented. The system achieves an instead of SIFT and other SVM
Recognition System accuracy of 89.54% when skin descriptors as it is
with Skin segmentation is done by using the YCbCr unaffected by photometric
Segmentation and system and classification of signs is done and geometric
SVM. [8] by the SVM model. transformations.
9 Real-Time American A Real-time ASL fingerspelling translator As the system detects skin YCbCr color
Sign Language based on skin segmentation and machine color, YCbCr color space is space, CNN,
Recognition Using learning algorithms. ImageNet with 25 employed because it is AlexNet
Skin Segmentation layers is used for datasets. CNN is used for typically used in video
and Image Category feature extraction from images and a deep coding and provides
Classification with learning classifier is used to recognize sign effective use of
Convolutional Neural language. chrominance information
Network and Deep for modeling the human
Learning. [9] skin color

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Eng
ineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

10 American Sign An American Sign Language recognition The palm-sized Leap Palm-sized Leap
Language system using a compact and 3D motion Motion sensor provides a Motion sensor,
Recognition Using sensor is presented. K-nearest much more portable and K-nearest
Leap Motion Sensor. neighbor and support vector machine to economical solution. The neighbor,
[10] classify the 26 letters of the English experiment result shows the Support vector
alphabet in American Sign Language is highest average machine.
applied. classification rate of
72.78% and 79.83%

Considering static images and dynamic videos used as a dataset for predicting sign languages lack
accuracy in real-time. Talking about the static images, it doesn’t support word recognition and only limits itself
to alphabet recognition. Models based on the same were unable to predict words/alphabets which consisted of
motion/gesture. On the other hand, video feed [4] doesn't support the formation of sentences which eventually
breaks the flow of communication. Also, existing research focuses on specific language and sign language and
there is no system that focuses on the facial expressions of a person because mainly they feed small frames of an
image (only fist) to the model. Moreover, none of the existing research is open source. For a person who is deaf
and mute, communication has always been an obstacle as it becomes difficult for a person with normal
comprehension to interpret the hand signs. Also, sign language interpretations differ across the world. This
increases the communication gap to a further extent. Thus there is a need for a system that will work on a dynamic
video feed and will be able to form sentences with higher accuracy in a real-time environment.

Proceedings Papers:

[1] Daphne Tan, Kevin Meehan, “Implementing Gesture Recognition in a Sign Language Learning Application”
IEEE, August 2020, 31st Irish Signals and Systems Conference (ISSC), 11-12 June 2020, Letterkenny,
Ireland, DOI: 10.1109/ISSC49989.2020.9180197
[2] Mehreen Murroo, Mohammad Elham Walizad, “Sign Language Recognition System using Convolutional
Neural Network and Computer Vision”, IJERT, Vol. 9 Issue 12, 11 Dec. 2020, Paper ID : IJERTV9IS120029
[3] Anup Nandy, Pavan Chakraborty, Jay Shankar Prasad, G. C. Nandi and Soumik Mondal, “Classification of
Indian Sign Language in real time”, February 2010, Researchgate
[5] Carlos Pesqueira Fiel, Cesar Cota Castro, Victor Velarde Arvizu, Nun Pitalúa-Díaz, Diego Seuret Jiménez,
Ricardo Rodríguez Carvajal, “Design of Translator Glove for Deaf-Mute Alphabet”, 3rd International
Conference on Electric and Electronics (EEIC 2013), December 2013, DOI: 10.2991/eeic-13.2013.114
[6] Abdul Kawsar Tushar, Akm Ashiquzzaman, Md. Rashedul Islam, “Faster Convergence and Reduction of
Overfitting in Numerical Hand Sign Recognition using DCNN”, 2017 IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian
Technology Conference (R10-HTC), 21-23 Dec. 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh, DOI: 10.1109/R10-
[7] Jayan Mistry, Benjamin Inden, “An Approach to Sign Language Translation using the Intel RealSense
Camera”, 2018 10th Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (CEEC), 19-21 Sept. 2018, Colchester,
UK, DOI: 10.1109/CEEC.2018.8674227
[8] Sakshi Lahoti, Shaily Kayal, Sakshi Kumbhare, Ishani Suradkar, Vikul Pawar, “Android based American
Sign Language Recognition System with Skin Segmentation and SVM”, 2018 9th International Conference

VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 5 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
10th National Conference on Role of Eng
ineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)

on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 10-12 July 2018, Bengaluru, India,
DOI: 10.1109/ICCCNT.2018.8493838
[9] Shadman Shahriar, Ashraf Siddiquee, Tanveerul Islam, Abesh Ghosh, Asir Intisar Khan, Celia Shahnaz,
“Real-Time American Sign Language Recognition Using Skin Segmentation and Image Category
Classification with Convolutional Neural Network and Deep Learning”, TENCON 2018 - 2018 IEEE Region
10 Conference, 28-31 Oct. 2018, Jeju, Korea (South), DOI: 10.1109/TENCON.2018.8650524
[10] Ching-Hua Chuan, Eric Regina, Caroline Guardino , “American Sign Language Recognition Using Leap
Motion Sensor”, 2014 13th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 3-6 Dec. 2014,
Detroit, MI, USA, DOI: 10.1109/ICMLA.2014.110
[11] Sevgi Z. Gurbuz, Ali Cafer Gurbuz, Evie A. Malaia, Darrin J. Griffin, Chris S. Crawford, Mohammad
Mahbubur Rahman and Emre Kurtoglu, “American Sign Language Recognition Using RF Sensing”, IEEE
Sensors Journal, Volume: 21, Issue: 3, Feb.1, 1 2021, pp. 3763 - 3775.
Journal Papers:

[4] P.V.V. Kishore, Panakala Rajesh Kumar, “A Video Based Indian Sign Language Recognition System
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January 2012, DOI: 10.7763/IJET.2012.V4.427
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Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 08 Issue: 08, Aug 2021, pp. 3672-3675.
[13] Huy B.D Nguyen and Hung Ngoc Do, “Deep Learning for American Sign Language Fingerspelling
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[14] Huy B.D Nguyen and Hung Ngoc Do, “Deep Learning for American Sign Language Fingerspelling
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[15] Rajesh George Rajan and M. Judith Leo, “American Sign Language Alphabets Recognition using Hand
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