Dead Machine Protection Working Principle - 94G ANSI Code - Electrical4u
Dead Machine Protection Working Principle - 94G ANSI Code - Electrical4u
Dead Machine Protection Working Principle - 94G ANSI Code - Electrical4u
When current flow increases in an electrical circuit, simultaneously the voltage drop increase.
Since when the generator acts as an induction motor, the machine starts take high inrush
current. This causes the voltage across the generator terminal get reduced. Therefore, The
dead machine protection consists of an over current protection + under voltage protection. The
overcurrent protection sense the current flow through the generator winding and the under
voltage relay detects the voltage across the generator. The under voltage relay trips the circuit
breaker, if the voltage falls below 85% of the related voltage. 1/2
4/1/22, 6:04 PM Dead Machine Protection Working Principle - 94G ANSI Code | Electrical4u
The Dead Machine Protection initiates the trip command to the generator breaker on stage-I x
but still the fault exits it gives the trip command to the upstream 110kV grid circuit breaker.
Relay acted:
Consequences: 2/2