LP Electromagnetic Spectrum
LP Electromagnetic Spectrum
LP Electromagnetic Spectrum
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students should be able to attain 85%
level of proficiency to:
F. Value: The regions of the Electromagnetic Spectrum have various uses and
applications such as Radio and television communication, satellite television and
communication, household electrical appliances, Artificial lighting, sterilization,
medical use and medical treatment.
A. Motivation
Very Good! It seems that you really
understand our previous lesson.
Therefore, we can now proceed to
our next lesson, but before that, let’s
have another activity. I have here set
of letters that you have to arrange
and try to form words.
Is that clear class? Yes. Ma’am!
(The teacher will give the materials.) (The students will perform the activity.)
B. Discussion
1. Electromagnetic Spectrum
Is a continuum of electromagnetic waves
arranged according to frequency and wave length.
It is a gradual progression from the waves of
lowest frequencies to the waves of highest
2. Electromagnetic Wave
Electromagnetic waves or EM Waves are
waves that are created as a result of vibrations
between an electric field and a magnetic field. In
other words, EM waves are composed of oscillating
magnetic and electric fields.
1.) You are going to watch a short video clip.
2.) Each group will have an assigned part on the
Electromagnetic Spectrum.
3.) Your task is to answer the questions written in a
roll of paper.
4.) And lastly, you are going to post the pictures of
each region of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and Yes. Ma’am
write its description, uses and applications.
5.) One representative will report your answer. (The students will go to their corresponding
Do you have any clarifications regarding the
1.) Focus on the description and applications of the
Electromagnetic Spectrum.
Get your notebook or any scratch paper to jot down Yes. Ma’am
the important details.
Class, are you ready?
The wave length of the different colors of light (The students will clap)
EM Wave Applications/Uses
b. infrared
c. Radar
V. Evaluation
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the correct
VI. Assignment
(On your notebook)
Prepared by:
Marichu M. Cayabyab