Check For Tension: TF TDF: MF m1 M MW

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Date 21-05-2022

Title Design Calculation of End plate Designed By ARK

Project Visakhapatnam Port Trust Checked By : MSS


SI units
Frame No. 1
Nominal Dia. Of Bolt 'db' = 36 mm Plate Length 1830

Thickness of plate, 't' = 32 mm Plate Width 600 Detail D as per GAD

Fillet weld size in flange 'w1' = 12 mm
Throat Size t1 = 8 mm Load Case 18
Fillet weld size in web 'w2' = 8 mm Conn'n No. SP-1, SP-7
Throat Size t2= 6 mm
Number of bolt near one flange 'n' = 12 Nos Уmf = 1.25
Depth of connected beam 'd' = 1500 mm Уm1 = 1.25
Width of beam flange 'bf' = 375 mm Уm = 1.10
thickness of beam flange 'tf' = 32 mm Уmw = 1.25
thickness of beam web 'tw' = 12 mm
Shear Force 'V' = 917.0 kN
Bending Moment 'M' = 2558 kN-m
Tension Force 'T' = 532.0 kN
Yield stress of material 'Fy'= 345 N/mm2
Ultimate tensile stress of Plate 'fu'= 490 N/mm2 IS 800:2007 Table-1 (viii)
β= 2 (2-for Non pre tensioned bolt & 1-for pre tensioned bolt)
Ultimate stress of bolt, fu = 800 N/mm2 IS 800:2007 Table-1 (iv)
Proof Stress of bolt, f0=0.7 X fu = 560 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.3
End distance 'Ed'= 75 mm > 1.5x D = 54 For Machine Flame cut, sawn & Planed edge
le=1.1xt(provided)x √(βf0/fy)= 63.4 mm IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.7
lv= 30.0 mm Distacnce b/w centre of bolt to fillet weld of flange.
Leverarm= 1350.0 mm

Check For Tension: Tf ≤ Tdf

Actual Total Tension in the bolt , Tf = Tb+Q
Flange Force 'Ff' = M / (d+tf) +T/2 = 2160.8 kN
Tension per bolt 'Tb' = Ff/n = 180.1 kN

Prying Force, Q= (lv/(2*le)) * (Te-β*γ*f0*be*t^4/(27*l*e^2*lv^2) 10.2 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.7

Tf = Tb+Q= 190.2 kN
Tdf = Tnf/γmf
Tnf = 0.9*fub*An ≤ fyb*Asb*γml/γm
Tnf = 0.9*fub*An = 549.7 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5
or Tnf = fyb*Asb*γml/γm = 740.3 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5
Hence Tnf = Min of above two value = 549.7
Capacity of Bolt (Tdf)= Tnf/ymf = 439.7 kN > 190.21 Hence OK IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5

Design strength of bolt in Shear:

Shear per Bolt 'Vsb' = Shear Force/2N = 38.20 kN
No. of Shear Plane with thread intercepting (nn) = 1.0
No. of Shear Plane without thred intercepting (ns) = 0.0
Distance b/w extreme rows of bolt (lj) = 1660.0 > 15db Reduction for Long Joint required IS 800:2007 Cl
Reduction Factor for shear (βij) = 0.84 where 0.75≤ βij ≤ 1.0
Hence, Reduction Factor for shear (βij) = 0.84
Bolt Grip/Thread Length (Lg) = 0.00
Reduction Factor for shear (βig) = 1.00 No Reduction Factor Required IS 800:2007 Cl
Factored Shear Strength of the Bolt (Vsb) = 275.7 kN after applying reduction factor for long joint
Design Shear Strength of the Bolt (Vdsb) = 220.6 kN (fu/√3)x(nnx Anb+nsx Asb)xβij IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.3

Design strength of bolt in Bearing :

Reduction Factor for Bearing 'Kb'= 0.64 kb=min of e/3d0,p/3d0-0.25,fub/fu,1 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Nominal Bearing Strength of the Bolt (Vdpb) = 904.6 kN (2.5 kb d t fu)/ymb IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Design Bearing Strength of the Bolt (Vdpb) = 723.7 kN Vnpd/ymb IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Design shear strength of Bolt , Vdb = 220.6 kN Min of blt strength in shear or bearing = min(Vdpb , Vdsb)
Factored shear force shall satisfy condition, Vsb = Vdb > 38.2 Hence OK IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.2

Check For Combined Shear & Tension:

Tension Force per Bolt (Tf) = 190.2 kN
Design Tensile Strength of the Bolt (Tdf) = 439.7 kN
Factored Shear Force per Bolt, Vsf = 38.2 kN
Design shear Strength of the bolt, Vdf = 220.6 kN

Combined Stress Ratio (Shear+ Tension) = (Vsf/ Vdf)2 + (Tf/ Tdf)2 < 1 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.6
= (38.2/220.56)^2+(190.21/439.73)^2 = 0.22 < 1.0, Hence OK

End Plate Design :

Tension in extreme bolt 'Tb' = 190.2 KN
Factored Moment due to tension at Flange top = 2.9 KN-m (actual tension bolt x lv / 2 )
Factored Design Moment, Md = 2.9 KN-m
fy x b Refer Dr. N Subramanian Book

t= 16.1 mm < 32, Hence OK

* Hence provide 24 No's of 36 mm dia bolts with 1830 X 600 X 32 thick splice plate
Date 21-05-2022
Title Design Calculation of End plate Designed By ARK
Project Visakhapatnam Port Trust Checked By : MSS


SI units
Frame No. 1
Nominal Dia. Of Bolt 'db' = 40 mm Plate Length 1770

Thickness of plate, 't' = 32 mm Plate Width 600 Detail A as per GAD

Fillet weld size in flange 'w1' = 12 mm
Throat Size t1 = 8 mm Load Case 18
Fillet weld size in web 'w2' = 8 mm Conn'n No. SP-2, SP-6
Throat Size t2= 6 mm
Number of bolt near one flange 'n' = 12 Nos Уmf = 1.25
Depth of connected beam 'd' = 1500 mm Уm1 = 1.25
Width of beam flange 'bf' = 375 mm Уm = 1.10
thickness of beam flange 'tf' = 24 mm Уmw = 1.25
thickness of beam web 'tw' = 12 mm
Shear Force 'V' = 853.0 kN
Bending Moment 'M' = 5016 kN-m
Tension Force 'T' = 493.0 kN
Yield stress of material 'Fy'= 345 N/mm2
Ultimate tensile stress of Plate 'fu'= 490 N/mm2 IS 800:2007 Table-1 (viii)
β= 2 (2-for Non pre tensioned bolt & 1-for pre tensioned bolt)
Ultimate stress of bolt, fu = 800 N/mm2 IS 800:2007 Table-1 (iv)
Proof Stress of bolt, f0=0.7 X fu = 560 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.3
End distance 'Ed'= 80 mm > 1.5x D = 60 For Machine Flame cut, sawn & Planed edge
le=1.1xt(provided)x √(βf0/fy)= 63.4 mm IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.7
lv= 30.0 mm Distacnce b/w centre of bolt to fillet weld of flange.
Leverarm= 1350.0 mm

Check For Tension: Tf ≤ Tdf

Actual Total Tension in the bolt , Tf = Tb+Q
Flange Force 'Ff' = M / (d+tf) +T/2 = 3962.1 kN
Tension per bolt 'Tb' = Ff/n = 330.2 kN

Prying Force, Q= (lv/(2*le)) * (Te-β*γ*f0*be*t^4/(27*l*e^2*lv^2) 45.7 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.7

Tf = Tb+Q= 375.8 kN
Tdf = Tnf/γmf
Tnf = 0.9*fub*An ≤ fyb*Asb*γml/γm
Tnf = 0.9*fub*An = 678.6 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5
or Tnf = fyb*Asb*γml/γm = 913.9 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5
Hence Tnf = Min of above two value = 678.6
Capacity of Bolt (Tdf)= Tnf/ymf = 542.9 kN > 375.82 Hence OK IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5

Design strength of bolt in Shear:

Shear per Bolt 'Vsb' = Shear Force/2N = 35.54 kN
No. of Shear Plane with thread intercepting (nn) = 1.0
No. of Shear Plane without thred intercepting (ns) = 0.0
Distance b/w extreme rows of bolt (lj) = 1644.0 > 15db Reduction for Long Joint required IS 800:2007 Cl
Reduction Factor for shear (βij) = 0.87 where 0.75≤ βij ≤ 1.0
Hence, Reduction Factor for shear (βij) = 0.87
Bolt Grip/Thread Length (Lg) = 0.00
Reduction Factor for shear (βig) = 1.00 No Reduction Factor Required IS 800:2007 Cl
Factored Shear Strength of the Bolt (Vsb) = 364.6 kN after applying reduction factor for long joint
Design Shear Strength of the Bolt (Vdsb) = 291.7 kN (fu/√3)x(nnx Anb+nsx Asb)xβij IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.3

Design strength of bolt in Bearing :

Reduction Factor for Bearing 'Kb'= 0.62 kb=min of e/3d0,p/3d0-0.25,fub/fu,1 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Nominal Bearing Strength of the Bolt (Vdpb) = 972.4 kN (2.5 kb d t fu)/ymb IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Design Bearing Strength of the Bolt (Vdpb) = 777.9 kN Vnpd/ymb IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Design shear strength of Bolt , Vdb = 291.7 kN Min of blt strength in shear or bearing = min(Vdpb , Vdsb)
Factored shear force shall satisfy condition, Vsb = Vdb > 35.54 Hence OK IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.2

Check For Combined Shear & Tension:

Tension Force per Bolt (Tf) = 375.8 kN
Design Tensile Strength of the Bolt (Tdf) = 542.9 kN
Factored Shear Force per Bolt, Vsf = 35.5 kN
Design shear Strength of the bolt, Vdf = 291.7 kN

Combined Stress Ratio (Shear+ Tension) = (Vsf/ Vdf)2 + (Tf/ Tdf)2 < 1 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.6
= (35.54/291.71)^2+(375.82/542.87)^2 = 0.49 < 1.0, Hence OK

End Plate Design :

Tension in extreme bolt 'Tb' = 375.8 KN
Factored Moment due to tension at Flange top = 5.6 KN-m (actual tension bolt x lv / 2 )
Factored Design Moment, Md = 5.6 KN-m
fy x b Refer Dr. N Subramanian Book

t= 21.9 mm < 32, Hence OK

* Hence provide 24 No's of 40 mm dia bolts with 1770 X 600 X 32 thick splice plate
Date 21-05-2022
Title Design Calculation of End plate Designed By ARK
Project Visakhapatnam Port Trust Checked By : MSS


SI units
Frame No. 1
Nominal Dia. Of Bolt 'db' = 32 mm Plate Length 1140

Thickness of plate, 't' = 24 mm Plate Width 460 Detail B as per GAD

Fillet weld size in flange 'w1' = 12 mm
Throat Size t1 = 8 mm Load Case 18
Fillet weld size in web 'w2' = 8 mm Conn'n No. SP-3, SP-5
Throat Size t2= 6 mm
Number of bolt near one flange 'n' = 8 Nos Уmf = 1.25
Depth of connected beam 'd' = 900 mm Уm1 = 1.25
Width of beam flange 'bf' = 275 mm Уm = 1.10
thickness of beam flange 'tf' = 14 mm Уmw = 1.25
thickness of beam web 'tw' = 8 mm
Shear Force 'V' = 483.0 kN
Bending Moment 'M' = 1032 kN-m
Tension Force 'T' = 576.0 kN
Yield stress of material 'Fy'= 345 N/mm2
Ultimate tensile stress of Plate 'fu'= 490 N/mm2 IS 800:2007 Table-1 (viii)
β= 2 (2-for Non pre tensioned bolt & 1-for pre tensioned bolt)
Ultimate stress of bolt, fu = 800 N/mm2 IS 800:2007 Table-1 (iv)
Proof Stress of bolt, f0=0.7 X fu = 560 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.3
End distance 'Ed'= 75 mm > 1.5x D = 48 For Machine Flame cut, sawn & Planed edge
le=1.1xt(provided)x √(βf0/fy)= 47.6 mm IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.7
lv= 30.0 mm Distacnce b/w centre of bolt to fillet weld of flange.
Leverarm= 780.0 mm

Check For Tension: Tf ≤ Tdf

Actual Total Tension in the bolt , Tf = Tb+Q
Flange Force 'Ff' = M / (d+tf) +T/2 = 1611.1 kN
Tension per bolt 'Tb' = Ff/n = 201.4 kN

Prying Force, Q= (lv/(2*le)) * (Te-β*γ*f0*be*t^4/(27*l*e^2*lv^2) 45.3 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.7

Tf = Tb+Q= 246.6 kN
Tdf = Tnf/γmf
Tnf = 0.9*fub*An ≤ fyb*Asb*γml/γm
Tnf = 0.9*fub*An = 434.3 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5
or Tnf = fyb*Asb*γml/γm = 584.9 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5
Hence Tnf = Min of above two value = 434.3
Capacity of Bolt (Tdf)= Tnf/ymf = 347.4 kN > 246.64 Hence OK IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5

Design strength of bolt in Shear:

Shear per Bolt 'Vsb' = Shear Force/2N = 30.18 kN
No. of Shear Plane with thread intercepting (nn) = 1.0
No. of Shear Plane without thred intercepting (ns) = 0.0
Distance b/w extreme rows of bolt (lj) = 1024.0 > 15db Reduction for Long Joint required IS 800:2007 Cl
Reduction Factor for shear (βij) = 0.92 where 0.75≤ βij ≤ 1.0
Hence, Reduction Factor for shear (βij) = 0.92
Bolt Grip/Thread Length (Lg) = 120.00
Reduction Factor for shear (βig) = 1.00 No Reduction Factor Required IS 800:2007 Cl
Factored Shear Strength of the Bolt (Vsb) = 224.4 kN after applying reduction factor for long joint
Design Shear Strength of the Bolt (Vdsb) = 179.5 kN (fu/√3)x(nnx Anb+nsx Asb)xβij IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.3

Design strength of bolt in Bearing :

Reduction Factor for Bearing 'Kb'= 0.71 kb=min of e/3d0,p/3d0-0.25,fub/fu,1 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Nominal Bearing Strength of the Bolt (Vdpb) = 672.0 kN (2.5 kb d t fu)/ymb IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Design Bearing Strength of the Bolt (Vdpb) = 537.6 kN Vnpd/ymb IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Design shear strength of Bolt , Vdb = 179.5 kN Min of blt strength in shear or bearing = min(Vdpb , Vdsb)
Factored shear force shall satisfy condition, Vsb = Vdb > 30.18 Hence OK IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.2

Check For Combined Shear & Tension:

Tension Force per Bolt (Tf) = 246.6 kN
Design Tensile Strength of the Bolt (Tdf) = 347.4 kN
Factored Shear Force per Bolt, Vsf = 30.2 kN
Design shear Strength of the bolt, Vdf = 179.5 kN

Combined Stress Ratio (Shear+ Tension) = (Vsf/ Vdf)2 + (Tf/ Tdf)2 < 1 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.6
= (30.18/179.51)^2+(246.64/347.44)^2 = 0.53 < 1.0, Hence OK

End Plate Design :

Tension in extreme bolt 'Tb' = 246.6 KN
Factored Moment due to tension at Flange top = 3.7 KN-m (actual tension bolt x lv / 2 )
Factored Design Moment, Md = 3.7 KN-m
fy x b Refer Dr. N Subramanian Book

t= 19.1 mm < 24, Hence OK

* Hence provide 16 No's of 32 mm dia bolts with 1140 X 460 X 24 thick splice plate
Date 21-05-2022
Title Design Calculation of End plate Designed By ARK
Project Visakhapatnam Port Trust Checked By : MSS


SI units
Frame No. 1
Nominal Dia. Of Bolt 'db' = 32 mm Plate Length 1295

Thickness of plate, 't' = 32 mm Plate Width 460 Detail C as per GAD

Fillet weld size in flange 'w1' = 12 mm
Throat Size t1 = 8 mm Load Case 23
Fillet weld size in web 'w2' = 8 mm Conn'n No. SP-1
Throat Size t2= 6 mm
Number of bolt near one flange 'n' = 8 Nos Уmf = 1.25
Depth of connected beam 'd' = 1050 mm Уm1 = 1.25
Width of beam flange 'bf' = 275 mm Уm = 1.10
thickness of beam flange 'tf' = 16 mm Уmw = 1.25
thickness of beam web 'tw' = 8 mm
Shear Force 'V' = 0.0 kN
Bending Moment 'M' = 1274 kN-m
Tension Force 'T' = 817.0 kN
Yield stress of material 'Fy'= 345 N/mm2
Ultimate tensile stress of Plate 'fu'= 490 N/mm2 IS 800:2007 Table-1 (viii)
β= 2 (2-for Non pre tensioned bolt & 1-for pre tensioned bolt)
Ultimate stress of bolt, fu = 800 N/mm2 IS 800:2007 Table-1 (iv)
Proof Stress of bolt, f0=0.7 X fu = 560 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.3
End distance 'Ed'= 75 mm > 1.5x D = 48 For Machine Flame cut, sawn & Planed edge
le=1.1xt(provided)x √(βf0/fy)= 63.4 mm IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.7
lv= 55.0 mm Distacnce b/w centre of bolt to fillet weld of flange.
Leverarm= 900.0 mm

Check For Tension: Tf ≤ Tdf

Actual Total Tension in the bolt , Tf = Tb+Q
Flange Force 'Ff' = M / (d+tf) +T/2 = 1824.1 kN
Tension per bolt 'Tb' = Ff/n = 228.0 kN

Prying Force, Q= (lv/(2*le)) * (Te-β*γ*f0*be*t^4/(27*l*e^2*lv^2) 81.2 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.7

Tf = Tb+Q= 309.2 kN
Tdf = Tnf/γmf
Tnf = 0.9*fub*An ≤ fyb*Asb*γml/γm
Tnf = 0.9*fub*An = 434.3 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5
or Tnf = fyb*Asb*γml/γm = 584.9 kN IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5
Hence Tnf = Min of above two value = 434.3
Capacity of Bolt (Tdf)= Tnf/ymf = 347.4 kN > 309.17 Hence OK IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.5

Design strength of bolt in Shear:

Shear per Bolt 'Vsb' = Shear Force/2N = 0.00 kN
No. of Shear Plane with thread intercepting (nn) = 1.0
No. of Shear Plane without thred intercepting (ns) = 0.0
Distance b/w extreme rows of bolt (lj) = 1178.0 > 15db Reduction for Long Joint required IS 800:2007 Cl
Reduction Factor for shear (βij) = 0.89 where 0.75≤ βij ≤ 1.0
Hence, Reduction Factor for shear (βij) = 0.89
Bolt Grip/Thread Length (Lg) = 120.00
Reduction Factor for shear (βig) = 1.00 No Reduction Factor Required IS 800:2007 Cl
Factored Shear Strength of the Bolt (Vsb) = 218.5 kN after applying reduction factor for long joint
Design Shear Strength of the Bolt (Vdsb) = 174.8 kN (fu/√3)x(nnx Anb+nsx Asb)xβij IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.3

Design strength of bolt in Bearing :

Reduction Factor for Bearing 'Kb'= 0.71 kb=min of e/3d0,p/3d0-0.25,fub/fu,1 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Nominal Bearing Strength of the Bolt (Vdpb) = 896.0 kN (2.5 kb d t fu)/ymb IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Design Bearing Strength of the Bolt (Vdpb) = 716.8 kN Vnpd/ymb IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.4
Design shear strength of Bolt , Vdb = 174.8 kN Min of blt strength in shear or bearing = min(Vdpb , Vdsb)
Factored shear force shall satisfy condition, Vsb = Vdb > 0 Hence OK IS 800:2007 Cl 10.3.2

Check For Combined Shear & Tension:

Tension Force per Bolt (Tf) = 309.2 kN
Design Tensile Strength of the Bolt (Tdf) = 347.4 kN
Factored Shear Force per Bolt, Vsf = 0.0 kN
Design shear Strength of the bolt, Vdf = 174.8 kN

Combined Stress Ratio (Shear+ Tension) = (Vsf/ Vdf)2 + (Tf/ Tdf)2 < 1 IS 800:2007 Cl 10.4.6
= (0/174.79)^2+(309.17/347.44)^2 = 0.79 < 1.0, Hence OK

End Plate Design :

Tension in extreme bolt 'Tb' = 309.2 KN
Factored Moment due to tension at Flange top = 8.5 KN-m (actual tension bolt x lv / 2 )
Factored Design Moment, Md = 8.5 KN-m
fy x b Refer Dr. N Subramanian Book

t= 28.9 mm < 32, Hence OK

* Hence provide 16 No's of 32 mm dia bolts with 1295 X 460 X 32 thick splice plate

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