Monografía Acetazolamida
Monografía Acetazolamida
Monografía Acetazolamida
Jagdish Parasrampuria
Abbott Laboratories
Pharmaceutical R&D
1.1 History
1.2 Therapeutic Category
1.3 Chemistry and Structure-Activity
Re1 ati onshi p
2.1 Name, Formula, and Molecular Weight
2.2 Appearance, Color, Odor, and Taste
2.3 Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms
3.1 Dissociation Constant (pKa)
3.2 U1 traviolet Spectra
3.3 Solubility
3.3.1 pH-Sol ubil i ty Profi 1 e
3.3.2 Solubility in Various Commonly Used
Pharmaceutical Sol vents
3 -3-3 Sol ubi 1 i zation through Cosol vency
3.4 Polymorphism
3.5 Melting Point
3.6 Differential Scanning Calorimetry
3.7 Infrared Spectra
3.8 X-Ray Diffraction
3.9 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra
4.1 Identification Tests
4.2 U1 traviolet Spectroscopy
4.3 Polarography
4.4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
4.5 Chromatography
4.5.1 High-Performance Liquid
4.5.2 Gas Liquid Chromatography
5.1 pH-Rate Profile
5.2 Stability in Intravenous Admixtures
5.3 Effect of Temperature
5.4 Effect of Buffer Species, Buffer
Concentration, and Ionic Strength
5.5 Stability in Various Solvents
6.1 Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism
6.2 Bi oavai 1 abi 1 i ty
1.1 History
I n t h e e a r l y 1930s, Roughton (1) discovered t h e
existence i n erythrocytes of an enzyme which promotes t h e
hydration o f carbon d i o x i d e and dehydration o f carbonic
acid. The enzyme was found t o be carbonic anhydrase. Since
then, t h e presence of carbonic anhydrase has been
demonstrated i n p r a c t i c a l l y every physiological b a r r i e r
where i o n exchange occurs, e.g., t h e kidney, sweat glands,
s a l i v a r y glands, b r a i n and spinal cord t i s s u e , choroid
plexus, p a r i e t a l t i s s u e o f g a s t r i c mucosa, pancreatic
tissue, and t h e eye. I n the eye, carbonic anhydrase has
been found i n t h e lens, r e t i n a , c i l i a r y body, i r i s , and
v i t r e o u s body.
According t o the c l assf cal concept developed between
1930 and 1950, carbonic anhydrase was thought t o have a
s i n g l e chemical r o l e , t h a t i s , c a t a l y s i s of t h e r a t e o f
a t t a i n i n g e q u i l i b r i u m i n t h e primary r e v e r s i b l e r e a c t i o n :
A secondary, p r a c t c a l l y instantaneous e q u i l i b r i u m
H2CO3 H+ + ~ ~ 0 3 -
i s n o t c a t a l wed. Thus t h e enzyme-sensitive r e a c t i o n i s t h e
r a t e - c o n t r o l i i n g step i n t h e o v e r a l l process (2).
I n 1950, a series o f unsubstituted h e t e r o c y c l i c
sulfonamides were synthesized. Among these was
acetazol ami de (3 *4), a compound found t o possess speci f ic
carbonic anhydrase-inhibiting a c t i v i t y and a low incidence
o f acute and chronic t o x i c i t y . Thus, acetazolamide was
f i r s t used by physicians i n 1953 as a d i u r e t i c .
3.1 D i s s o c i a t i o n Constant
3.2 U l t r a v i o l e t Spectroscopy
3.3 Solubility
Wavelength (nrn)
I I I I I i I I 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
( + std. dev.)
F i g u r e 4 ( A and 6) i l l u s t r a t e s t h e e f f e c t o f g l y c e r i n ,
1,Z-propylene g l y c o l , PEG 300, PEG 400, polypropylene g l y c o l
420, e t h y l alcohol, dimethylacetamide, and dimethylsulpoxide
a l l mixed w i t h water a t d i f f e r e n t r a t i o s . There i s an
increase i n aqueous s o l ubi 1it y o f acetazol ami de upon t h e
a d d i t i o n o f cosolvents. A s o l u b i l i t y - e n h a n c i n g e f f e c t i s
dependent on t h e t y p e and volume f r a c t i o n o f cosolvent used.
G l y c e r i n showed l e a s t e f f e c t , w h i l e dimethylsulphoxide i s
t h e most e f f i c i e n t cosolvent f o r i n c r e a s i n g t h e s o l u b i l i t y
According t o t h e equation derived by Yalkowski e t al.,
(30) l o g a r i t h m s o l u b i l i t y i s p l o t t e d against volume f r a c t i o n
o f t h e cosolvent. As depicted i n F i g u r e 5, t h e r e i s a
1 inear r e 1a t i onshi p between 1og sol ubi 1 it y o f acetazol amide
and volume f r a c t i o n o f g l y c e r i n , 1,2-propylene g l y c o l ,
methyl alcohol, e t h y l alcohol, PEG 300, PEG 400, and
dioxane. The r e l a t i v e s o l u b i l i z i n g power o f these s o l v e n t s
can be obtained from t h e slope o f t h e l i n e as l i s t e d i n
Table 2 (29).
0' I
lo 20 30 40 50
Concentration (% v/v)
Figure 46: Solubility o f Acetazolamide in Some Mixed
Solvent Systems. 0---0Dimethyl Sulfoxide;
A---A Dimethyl Acetamide; 0---o Dioxane;
Methanol ; A---A Ethanol
2.2 -
2.0 -
1.8 -
.- 1.4-
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Fc
Table 2
G1 ycerol 5.294 x
3.4 Polymorphism
Acetazolamide has two polymorphic forms (Forms A and
B). The solubility and dissolution rate of Form B is about
1.1 times higher those of Form A (31). The transition
temperature obtained by solubility measurement is 78"C, and
the heats of transition (AHtrans) calculated by solubility
measurement and by differential scanning calorimetry are 2.6
and 1.7 kJ.mol-l, respectively. The free energy change
( ~ G 2 5 0 ~between
) the two polymorphic forms is 357 J. mol-l,
which is a relatively small value. It is therefore
presumed, following Aguiar and Zelmer, that acetazolamide
polymorphic forms do not significantly affect
bioavailability. The kinetics of isothermal transition from
Form A to Form B at high temperature follows the mechanism
of random nucleation with first-order kinetics. The
activation energy for this tran ition as derived from
Arrhenius plots is 246 kJ. mol-I. The results from the
scanning electron microscope indicate that the crystal shape
of acetazolamide during isothermal transition from Form A to
Form B does not change significantly (31).
form A
Form A
1 1 I I I I
4000 3000 2000 1500 1000 650
Form A
5 10 '0
Form B
5 10
28 degrees
~ ~~~
-241.2 (CONH)
[-241.4b (CONH)]
-282.4 (S02NH2)
-282.6b (SOzNHz)
-15. 7b [ N=C ( S ) -SO21
-58.3b [N=C(S)-NH]
I n t e r f e r i n g absorbance due t o e x c i p i e n t s i n
pharmaceutical formulations a f f e c t s t h e accuracy o f t h e
spectrophotometric method. A p p l i c a t i o n o f pH-induced
s p e c t r a l changes f o r acetazol ami de, however, nu1 1 i f ies t h e
i r r e l e v a n t absorbance i f we assume t h a t t h e e x c i p i e n t i s n o t
a f f e c t e d by these pH changes. As seen i n F i g u r e 9, i n 0.1 N
NaOH acetazol ami de e x h i b i t s a bathochromi c s h i f t together
w i t h a hyperchromic e f f e c t . The bathochromic s h i f t i s
a t t r i b u t e d t o t h e formation o f SQ.NH-, which i s conjugated
with the t h i a d i a z o l e r i n g (33).
I \.
0 5 . I '\\
Ob .
0 3 .
a2 '
13 '. ;
' L' '. u \\
211 250 270
290 30
330 A
4.3 Poloragraphy
Acetazolamide can be assayed i n a polarographic c e l l
t h a t i s immersed i n a water bath regulated a t 25 k 0.5"C,
and de-aerated by b u b b l i n g nitrogen through the solution f o r
10 minutes. A mercury-drop electrode should b e immersed i n
a s u i t a b l e polarograph, and the polarogram recorded from -
0.20 volts t o -0.75 volts, using a saturated calomel
electrode (SCE) as the reference electrode i n 0.1 M HC1.
Diffusion current i s recorded a t -0.70 volts.
A method of determining acetazolamide by reductive
amperometry w i t h flow injection using a s e s s i l e mercury-drop
electrode i s reported ( 4 5 4 Acetazolamide was determined i n
the range of 10-70 mcg m l a t -0.85 V vs. SCE i n 0.1 M HC1.
4.4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Acetazolamide can be assayed using an NMR spectrometer
equipped w i t h a variable temperature probe having a six-turn
insert. Spectra were scanned a t a probe temperature of
42'C. A 25% ammonia solution i s selected as the solvent
and t-butanol is used as the internal standard (32).
4.5 Chromatography
4.5.1 High-performance Liquid Chromatography
Several systems have been developed for acetazolamide.
Table 4 describes assays published in the literature.
0.02 M Phosphate 3a
Chl orothi azide C18 1-20 6% ACN, 0.05 M 39
Acetate, pH 4.5
Sul fadiazine C 18 1-50 3% ACN, 2% MeOH, 40
pH 4.0
Propazolamide Porasil 1-50 9.7% Ethanol , 41
79.4% Di chloro-
methane, 1%HAC
Chl oroth azide Silica Gel 1-30 65% Hexane, 25% 42
Chloroform, 10%
MeOH, 0.25% HAC
Chl oroth azide U1 trasphere 0.05 10% ACN, 0.05 M 43
-20 Acetate, pH 4.5
2-Acetamido-4- cia 1-25 23.8% MeOH, 44
methyl-5-thiadiazole 0.02 M Ammonium
sul fonamide Phosphate
Time (days)
-3 -
-4 -
-5 -
-6 -
- -7 -
-8 -
-1-g/ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
kcal /mol e kcal /mol e kcal /mol e cal /mol /deg
6.2 Bioavailability
Bi oequi Val ent comparisons of two sustained re1 eases
and an immediate-release acetazolamide dosage form performed
in normal human volunteers (n = 18) demonstrates a large
statistical difference between the preparations. The
sustained-re1 ease dosage forms are 40-70% 1 ess avai lab1 e
than the immediate-release dosage form, based on the AUC
data (62).
Comparisons were made between the ocular hypotensi ve
effects and blood levels achieved with the single-dose
administration of either generic acetazolamide or brand-name
acetazolamide (Diamox). The generic and brand-name
acetazolamide were equivalent in their effects on
intraocul ar pressure. Comparable bl ood 1 eve1 s of
acetazolamide were obtained with the two products.