Electronic Media As Important Tool in Today's Business: January 2020
Electronic Media As Important Tool in Today's Business: January 2020
Electronic Media As Important Tool in Today's Business: January 2020
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All content following this page was uploaded by Fadwa Chalfoun on 30 January 2020.
1. Introduction
The world is in a fast development in communication technology and
application of the Internet. It is known as the WWW (World Wide Web) that
has been rising and growing since 1994 (Assaad & Gomez, 2011). The way in
doing businesses has been changed. A lot of strategies, policies and practices are
implemented to attain the efficiency and effectiveness of Electronic Media.
Thus, E-media is the modern concept that used by companies in order to reach
the maximum E-consumers. Companies adopt Electronic Media to shop their
services and products. Companies in all sectors use E-media in order to support
their dealings and markets. Different authors and researchers have defined
Electronic Media differently. For example, Electronic Media is “achieving
Fadwa/ Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science Vol. 4 (2017) No.2 16‐30
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Fadwa/ Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science Vol. 4 (2017) No.2 16‐30
Fadwa/ Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science Vol. 4 (2017) No.2 16‐30
platforms trying to focus and to make these platforms unique for media and
branding and viewed by millions of viewers. In addition, internet marketing
adoption was positively related to perceived relative advantage, compatibility,
organizational innovativeness, and competitor and customer pressure (Shaltoni,
From websites to social media: exploring the adoption of internet marketing in
emerging industrial markets, 2017).
From other hand, Consumer perception pointed that Internet and network
related to services and product have the possibility to reduce cost as well as
keeping a good quality and service. Consumer behavior and perception are
increased by selecting good choices of vendors, delivering, serving and
following, (E-Gharry, 2012). Recurrent online shoppers retain the good feeling
regarding E-Media (EM) as compared to non-shoppers. (Schibrowsky, 2007)
underlined that the study of product and branding it offers new possibilities to
the development process of the product. That several factors can influence
behavior and attitude toward E-Media (EM). In all companies for example,
commerce sector need and require more knowledge and skills to use E-Media
and knowledge about Electronic Media efficiency and effectiveness in various
But, with the development of more technologies (Colliender, 2011)
introduces a new element of media practices known as Electronic Media (EM)
which is a media tool that forms direct dialogues between a company and its
customers based on trust and confidence. Despite that, electronic privacy
protection behavior was related to hacking anxiety and privacy self-efficacy.
Data hacking worries mediated relations between hacking websites and privacy
protection (Elhai, 2017).
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media (TM), Interaction Media (IM), Database media (DM), Network media
Trying to prepare research methodology for efficiency evaluation of E-Media
the systematic understanding of it, the classification of E-Media types by
distribution channels are presented in Table 1.
The global digital economy tends to grow up through the adoption of key
technologies, mobility, cloud computing, data mining, artificial intelligence or
the extension of social environments (Stoica, 2013). For e-businesses,
companies use these various media such as television, radio, internet, fax,
mobiles and others that are possible by technology. EM plays a crucial role for
promoting communication in the society in several and various ways. Thus, it
can provide these contributions:
- The real advancement of the business environment and situation;
- Employees are able to collaborate and share information regarding
project in a time and cost saving manner (Wang, Wang, Jiang, Yang, &
Cui, 2016);
- Employees can easily exchange and discuss ideas in various forums
further promoting their work;
- It stimulates and promote marketing for businesses by employing them
as tools for communication;
- Facilitate interaction in communication and helps companies to adopt a
different way to well conduct public relations;
- Electronic Media enables individuals to get news and information
concerning the whole world instantly and immediately (Liu, Dai, Wei, &
Li, 2016).
Moreover, electronic media promotes communication through entertainment.
It creates diversity use of internet via e-mails, all tools of social media, video
charts and others.(Wessel et al. 2016). Thus, in education institutions,
universities and schools utilize electronic media tools for teaching online classes
discussions. Furthermore, social media networking is essential and fundamental
in communication by people and societies worldwide (Guido, Pichierri,
Nataraajan, & Pino, 2016). It educates, informs, updates, notifies, teaches, and
updates their participation in all perspectives. It is really very significant to use
any types of Medias to make communication easy between people.
Table 1. Digital channels of media distribution (Created by Fadwa Chalfoun using
Wood 2004; Davidavičienė 2017)
Fadwa/ Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science Vol. 4 (2017) No.2 16‐30
Different communications
Electronic media channel Description
Search engine marketing Searching all results for Search Engine
(SEM) pages, like google Bing, Optimization (SEO)
YouTube. Also includes listing in the natural
advertising on third-party listing which does not
publisher sites which are attract a fee per click.
part of the search display Based on on-page
networks (Davcik & optimization and link-
Sharma, 2016) building (Deng &
Wang, 2016)
(advertising) sponsored
listings using Google
Ad Words for example
Fadwa/ Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science Vol. 4 (2017) No.2 16‐30
Different communications
Electronic media channel Description
the click action through to Network advertising
the target site or address The behavior to get
market interactive marketing
Opt-in e-mail marketing Using legal, permission- Acquisition e-mail
based e-mailing to activity including list
prospects or customers who rental, co-branded
have agreed to receive e- campaigns, advertising
mails from an organization. on e-newsletters
E-mails to communicate Retention and growth
with prospects can be activity, e.g. house list
rented from a publisher or for e-newsletters and
other list owner or customer e-mail
companies can build up campaigns
their own “house list” Automatic or event-
containing customer or triggered e-mail
prospect details campaign activity
Social network and sites Micro blogs post is seen
facilitate the by all followers and
communication between users.
Social Network users with common A message widely
interests, affiliations, and posted and reposted is
benefits called a “viral post “
Text messaging uses
mobiles airwaves and The instant
protocols in order to deliver messaging is
Mobile use for text message. Messages are comparable to text
text and instant near instant communication messaging. But it
messaging and can be quicker than a carried over the
phone call or any other tool internet rather than
that needs time and cost. It over cell phone
facilitates privacy and frequencies
friability in communication (Feuerriegel &
and messaging. Prendinger, 2016)
One key innovation has been the development of social media platforms (e.g.,
Facebook, Twitter, blogs and others) which have allowed ongoing, “back-and-
forth” online conversations among students, professors, and researchers around
the world (Andrew, 2010). In addition, electronic Media positively make
advantage, compatibility, organizational innovativeness, competitor and
customer pressure (N. Kim, Shin, & Min, 2016).
Electronic Marketing is at crossroads and emphasis on client satisfaction, it
has fundamental implications for social marketing networks, (McDermott, 2006)
Fadwa/ Journal of Logistics, Informatics and Service Science Vol. 4 (2017) No.2 16‐30
and also has a built-in advantage on the trust and confidence. These benefits of
satisfaction sustainability and trust support the possible for ideas like social
enterprise and can help to attain the growth and popular engagement that is
needed to deliver social change and transformation.
Taking in mind that all declared above, the evaluation of quality efficiency
and effectiveness is extremely important. In the future research methodology for
each digital channels of E-Media should be considered and performed.
4. Conclusions
In conclusion, Electronic media is used as a competitive advantage tool and
increase efficiency in media. It shows social media is effective even if it is
relatively new to the media world, it is just as useful and effective if not more
than other traditional forms of media. Top managers have to understand that
there has been a shift of power from the producers to the consumers. Moreover,
electronic media provides a platform for consumers to speak their thoughts
regarding a new advertisement, products or service. Many researchers
concluded by stating that the business world is developing rapidly and that with
the constant communication that has been made available marketers have been
given the big chance to have the potential consumers, and at the same time
keeping and getting the loyalty from present consumers.
Internet and online connectivity can relate people for communicating, trading,
sharing, promoting, selling, showing, accurating information and solving all
ambiguities. The widespread use of Mobile, tablets and smarts phones help
businesses to create context for user friendly to mobiles phones (Guido et al.,
2016). According to many recent reports, more than 40% of users of electronic
Medias, practice and use mobile devices. Moreover, Electronic Media give the
user convenience and comfort, low cost and better quality, positive perception
and good behavior (Lim, Kim, & Cheong, 2016). Companies can use E-Media
to facilitate the life of their customers by helping them in choices and selections.
Updating profiles and data contribute to a better use and custom for both
company and customer. Therefore, this article handled how to classify
Electronic Media, and how electronic media use continue to increase and
become more widespread (Taggart, 2016).
Based on the information established in this article, it is recommended from
managers the following recommendations:
- Electronic media must be proved to be effective
- It must be considered as a major player in creation and awareness.
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