Apriadi, BNJ Vol 3 (3) - 174-182
Apriadi, BNJ Vol 3 (3) - 174-182
Apriadi, BNJ Vol 3 (3) - 174-182
2017 June;3(3):174-182
Accepted: 18 February 2017
Diyan Wahyuningsih1*, Syarief Taufik Hidayat2, Nur Khafidhoh3, Ari Suwondo4, Diyah
Fatmasari1, Kun Aristiati Susiloretni1
Magister Applied Midwifery, Health Polytechnic of Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
Medical Staff Group of Obstetry Gynecology Departement, Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang, Indonesia
Midwifery Department, Health Ministry Polytechnic of Semarang, Semarang, Indonesia
Health and Work Safety Department, Faculty of Public Health, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
*Corresponding author:
Diyan Wahyuningsih, MTr.Keb
Magister Applied Midwifery, Health Ministry Polytechnic Semarang
Jl. Tirto Agung, Pedalangan, Banyumanik, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia (50268)
E-mail: [email protected]
Background: Musa balbisiana Colla, known as Jantung Pisang Klutuk or Pisang Batu, is considered as a
traditional food that can increase breast milk production. Little is known about its benefit in Indonesia. Thus, to
examine the impact of Musa balbisiana Colla on the production of breast milk is needed.
Objective: This study aims to examine the effect of the extract of banana flower (Musa balbisiana Colla) to
increase milk production of breastfeeding mothers.
Methods: This was a quasi-experimental study with pretest-posttest control group design. This study was
conducted in the working area of the Health Center (Puskesmas) of Pesantren II in January – February 2017.
There were 16 respondents were selected by accidental sampling, divided into intervention group (8
respondents) and control group (8 respondents). Randomization was performed to select the respondent in each
group. The quantity of milk production was measured based on the volume of milk production, while the quality
of milk production was based on the levels of prolactin in early (pre) and late (post) using Electro Chemi-
Luminescence Immunoassay (ECLIA) method. Independent t-test was used to analyze the data.
Results: Findings showed that the mean of the volume of the breast milk production in the experiment group
was 470.681 ml and in the control group was 364.650 ml with SD 113.502. The mean of prolactin levels in the
experiment group was 35.337 nanogram and in the control group was -38.381 nanogram. There was a
significant effect of consuming Musa balbisiana Colla extract on the volume of breast milk production (p-value
0.003) and prolactin levels (p-value 0.001) (<0.05).
Conclusion: There was a significant effect of banana flower (Musa balbisiana Colla) extract on breast milk
production and prolactin level in breastfeeding mothers. The findings of this study could be used to be
alternative daily menu for postpartum mothers and a solution for midwives to deal with those who have
inadequate production of breast milk and low prolactin levels.
Keywords: banana flower, Musa balbisiana Colla, milk production, prolactin, breastfeeding
Table 2 Breastfeeding duration per day (the 5th day to 12th day of postpartum)
Mean of Breastfeeding
duration per day (Min)
Experiment group 235.300
Control group 182.300
Table 3 Mean of the volume of breast milk production after given intervention
Mean of the volume of breast milk Standard
production (ml) Deviation
Experiment group 470.681 65.637
Control group 364.650 113.502
Table 3 shows that the mean of the volume of breast milk production in the
volume of the breast milk production in experiment group was higher and more
the experiment group was 470.681 ml heterogeneous than the mean of the
with SD 65.637, while in the control volume of breast milk production in the
group was 364.650 ml with SD 113.502. control group.
This number showed that the mean of the
Table 4 Mean of the increase of the prolactin level after given intervention
Mean of the increase of the
Groups Standard Deviation
prolactin level (nanogram)
Experiment group 35.337 40.714
Control group -38.381 60.853
The quality of breast milk production was control group was -38.381 nanogram. It
measured based on the level of the was indicated that the mean of prolactin
prolactin level between the 5th day (pre) to level in the experiment group was higher
13th day (post). Table 4 shows that the than the mean in the control group. But
mean of prolactin level in the experiment the range of data between two groups was
group was 35.337 nanogram, and in the similar.
Table 5 Normality test for breast milk volume and prolactin level using Shapiro Wilk
Variable Groups p-value
Volume of breast milk production Experiment 0.671*
Control 0.081*
Prolactin level Experiment 0.814*
Control 0.064*
*)Normal distribution > 0.05
Table 5 shows the result of Shapiro Wilk, intervention and control group were in
which indicated that the volume of breast normal distribution with p-value > 0.05.
milk production and prolactin level in the
Table 7 Comparison test of confounding variables on breast milk production volume and prolactin levels
Volume of Breast milk
Prolactin level
Confounding production
variables Contingency Contingency
p-value p-value
Coefficient Coefficient
Age 0.812 0.412 0.816 0.406
Education 0.707 0.368 0.707 0.417
Job 0.707 0.368 0.707 0.417
Parity 0.811 0.426 0.816 0.406
*)Significant level <0.05
All confounding variables as shown in the breast milk production and prolactin level
table 7 had no effect on the volume of with p-value >0.05.
Table 8 The effect of musa balbisiana colla on the volume of breast milk production and prolactin level
(Independent t- Test)
Mean Interval
Variable T df p-value
Difference Lower Upper
Volume of breast milk production 3.914 14 0.003* 106.031 39.088 172.974
Table 8 shows that there was a significant the experiment group and 182.300
effect of consuming Musa balbisiana minutes in the control group. It could be
Colla extract on the volume of breast milk seen that the average of breastfeeding
production with p-value 0.003 (<0.05), duration in the experiment group was
and the mean difference between longer than it in the control group. This
intervention and control groups was finding was in line with the previous study
106.031, ranged between 39.088 (lower) of Wahyuni,15 stated that an increase in
to 172.974 (upper). The data also showed the duration of breastfeeding significantly
that there was a significant impact of affected by consuming banana blossom
Musa balbisiana Colla extract on the for 7 days in a row. In this case, she
prolactin level with p-value 0.001 (<0.05). assumed that the more a mother breast-
The mean difference of prolactin level feeding, the higher the volume of milk
between both groups was 73.718, which produced in the body.15 However, the
ranged between 36.336 (lower) to 111.101 calculation of milk production volume in
(upper). this study was more accurate than in the
previous study, because the researchers
DISCUSSION consider the average duration of
The findings of this study revealed that breastfeeding per day. In this study, a
the mean of breastfeeding duration since Soetjiningsih’s formula17 to measure the
the 5th day to 12th day of intervention in volume of an average milk production per
postpartum period was 235.300 minutes in day in units of milliliters, assuming that