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Requirement Analysis Document (RAD) for Industrial project on

Freshman Student Placement System

Submitted to the faculty of computing in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information

by: -
Name ID
1, Lidia Eshetu…………………...1010974

2,Metadel Fentie………………...1010807

3, Meron Tsehay…………………1010883

Advisor:-Mikiyas Gulema


Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar Institute of Technology

Online Department placement 2013

The Project is our own and has not been presented for a degree in any other
university and all the sources of material used for project have been duly

……………………………. …………………………………

Name Signature

……………………………. …………………………………

Name Signature

……………………………. …………………………………

Name Signature

Faculty: Computing

Program: Information Technology

Project Title: Freshman Student Placement System

This is to certify that I have read this project and that in my supervision and the
student’s performance, it is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a project for
the degree of Bachelor of Science.

Mikiya Gulema ………. ……………

Name of Advisor Signature

Examining committee members Signature Date

1. _________________ ________ _________

2. _________________ _________ _________

It is approved that this project has been written in compliance with in formatting
rules laid down by the faculty.

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Roles and Responsibilities of the Group Members

List of Task Member List

Lidia Metadel Meron

Rrequirement gathering   
Project design   
Coding   
Testing   

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First and for most and above all our biggest thanks would be to Almighty “GOD” because
nothing could be possible without his free will and the completion of this project is supported
by him.

Secondly, our deepest thanks go to our Advisor Mikiyas Gulema for guiding and correcting
our document with attention and care. He has given time, goes through the project, and made
the necessary correction as and when needed.

Thirdly, we thanks to the Bahir Dar University department of information technology for
their acquiescence of 24hrs of laboratory class and free internet service that make us to
accomplish our project.

At the last but not the least, even if it were unusual, the group members would like to thank
each other. The main contributors to the success of this project are teamwork, friendship and
the belief that we may achieve something we set out to do. We also hope that this project and
the documentation may be testaments to our continued friendship and better work. In
addition, it may be the essence of success and symbolic witness of what we have worked for
during our stay at the Bahir Dar University.

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List of acronyms
BDU……………………………………………………...Bahir Dar University
PHP……………………………………………………….Hyper Text Pre processor
MYSQL…………………………………………………..Structural query language
HTML……………………………………………………Hypertext markup language

CSS………………………………………………………..Cascade Style Sheet

RAM………………………………………………………Random Access Memory

GB…………………………………………………………Giga Byte
UML…………………………………………………….... Unified model language

CRC…………………………………………………………Class responsibility collaboration

BR…………………………………………………………..Business rule

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List of Figures
figure 1: use case diagram ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
figure 2: use case prototype .................................................................................................................................................... 21
figure 3: state chart for adminstrator page ....................................................................................................................... 22
figure 4: state chart for department page.......................................................................................................................... 23
figure 5: state chart diagram for student page ................................................................................................................ 24
figure 6: Activity diagram for login ................................................................................................................................... 25
figure 7: Activity diagram for process placement ........................................................................................................ 26
figure 8: Activity diagram for view department placement ..................................................................................... 27
figure 9: Activity diagram for import ................................................................................................................................ 28
figure 10: Sequence diagram for login.............................................................................................................................. 29
figure 11: sequence diagram for import ........................................................................................................................... 30
figure 12: sequence diagram for process placement .................................................................................................... 31
figure 13:sequence diagram view placement ................................................................................................................. 32
figure 14: analysis class model ............................................................................................................................................ 33
figure 15: CRC diagram for user account ........................................................................................................................ 38
figure 16:CRC diagram for adminstrator ......................................................................................................................... 38
figure 17: CRC diagram for student ................................................................................................................................... 39
figure 18: CRC diagram for department manager ........................................................................................................ 39
figure 19: Class diagram ......................................................................................................................................................... 40
figure 20: User Interface prototyping for home page .................................................................................................. 41
figure 21: User Interface prototyping for login ............................................................................................................. 42
figure 22: Architectural design............................................................................................................................................. 43
figure 23: Component diagram ............................................................................................................................................44
figure 24: Deployment diagram ........................................................................................................................................... 45
figure 25: Class model ............................................................................................................................................................ 46
figure 26: Persistent model .................................................................................................................................................... 47

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List of Tables
Table 1: Schedule ........................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Table 2: Use case Identification ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Table 3: Use case description for Login ............................................................................................................................ 14
Table 4: Use case description for Import .......................................................................................................................... 15
Table 5: Use case description for Update ......................................................................................................................... 16
Table 6: Use case description for Read and watch ....................................................................................................... 17
Table 7: Use case description for Process placement .................................................................................................. 17
Table 8: Use case description for View placement....................................................................................................... 18
Table 9: Use case description for Download................................................................................................................... 19
Table 10: Use case description for Logout...................................................................................................................... 20
Table 11: Access ........................................................................................................................................................................48

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Table of Contents
Roles and Responsibilities of the Group Members ...................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgment ........................................................................................................................................................................ iv
List of acronyms ............................................................................................................................................................................v
List of Figures .............................................................................................................................................................................. vi
List of Tables ............................................................................................................................................................................... vii
Abstract .............................................................................................................................................................................................x
Chapter one ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Background ............................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Mission ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.2 Vision .......................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Statement of Problem ......................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Objectives of the project .................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 General objective ................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 Specific objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Methodology .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.1 Requirement gathering methods ...................................................................................................................... 4
1.4.2 Analysis and Design methodology ................................................................................................................. 4
1.4.3 Implementation Methodology........................................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Feasibility................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
1.6 Significant Of the Project .................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.7 Limitation of the project .................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.8 Scope ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1.9. Organization of the project.............................................................................................................................................. 8
Chapter Two .................................................................................................................................................................................. 9
System Features ............................................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1 The Existing System ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
2.1.1 Problem of existing system ............................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.2 Users requirement ................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.2 Proposed System ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.3 Requirement Analysis......................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.1 Functional requirement ........................................................................................................................................ 11
2.3.2 System Use case ..................................................................................................................................................... 11 Use case Diagram............................................................................................................................................... 11 Use Case documentation ................................................................................................................................ 13

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2.3.3 Business Rule Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 20
2.3.4 User Interface prototype ..................................................................................................................................... 21
2.3.5 State chart diagram ............................................................................................................................................... 21
2.3.6 Activity Diagram .................................................................................................................................................. 25
2.3.7 Sequence diagram ................................................................................................................................................ 28
2.3.8 Analysis Class Model ......................................................................................................................................... 33
2.3.9 Logic model ............................................................................................................................................................ 34
2.4. Non functional requirement ......................................................................................................................................... 36
2.5. System Requirement ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
2.5.1 Hardware requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 37
2.5.2 Software requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 37
2.6 Key abstraction with CRC analysis .............................................................................................................................. 38
2.6.1 Conceptual modeling: Class diagram .......................................................................................................... 40
2.6.2 Identifying change cases .................................................................................................................................... 41
2.6.3 User Interface Prototyping ................................................................................................................................ 41
Chapter 3 ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
System Design............................................................................................................................................................................. 43
3.1 Architectural Design.......................................................................................................................................................... 43
3.1.1 Component modeling .........................................................................................................................................44
3.2.1 Deployment Modeling ....................................................................................................................................... 45
3.2 Detail Design ..................................................................................................................................................................... 46
3.3. Access control and security ...........................................................................................................................................48
References.................................................................................................................................................................................... 49

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The purpose of this project is to develop a Web Based online student placement system, the
system reduces the time and labor required, change the manual storage mechanisms into
computerized system (database), and provide fast, efficient, flexible, reliable and secured
services. The existing system of the organization is facing different problems such as data
redundancy, lack of data security and lots of paper work. To solve this problem the project
team used different data collection methods such as Interview, Document analysis and
Practical observation. In order to analyze and design the system we used Object oriented
approach for both analyzing and designing the new system.The system gives a lot of
information about department, allow students to choose and view department online. The
adminstrator process placement and update information.

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Chapter one

1. Introduction
Now days we all are using the internet to do multiple things like booking, academic search,
apply for any job, etc. Computer and Information technology has a major influence on the
society and the society is becoming more and more dependent on technology. Going on is an
era of simplifying almost all complicated works using computers.

Department selection for university student is an activity that is performed in each year in
every university of Ethiopian. In this process students are allocated department of their choice
according to their performance in specific course.Department Selection and placement for
University student is useful for any function it must be trained using a well selected set of
training data and learning rules or algorithms .Universities will have the benefit of admitting
motivated students as they will have had a better chance of selecting applicants into
department of their own choice. It is more likely that students pursuing department of their
own choice will be better motivated to succeed. In this system, the department prepares a
form for the students to fill their departments up on their interests and registration has also its
own registration form. The department places the student according to the requirements. But
BDU uses manual system for department placement system for freshman students, so our
study focuses producing the web based process to accomplish the tasks. The role of web
based department placement for BDU helps to manage the time and increase the effectiveness
of the service .It is capable of giving information about the departments going to be chosen
and how the students should fill all the requirements and the dynamic information that is
retrieved from the server database is sent by the backend system that is found in the registrar

1.1. Background

Bahir Dar University was created from the merger of two former higher institutions. The first
was Bahir Dar Polytechnic Institute, which formed one of the faculties of the University, was
established in 1963 under the technical cooperation between the Government of USSD and
the Imperial Government Of Ethiopia. The objective of the institute was to train skilled
technicians in the fields of Agro-Mechanics, Industrial Chemistry and Metal, Textile,

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Electrical and Wood Technologies. The Institute had to undergo number of program changes
within the area of technology until the commencement of the Engineering degree program
1996. Throughout these program changes, the institute did all what it could to supply the
labor market with the best technicians who are now running most of the businesses in the
industrial, educational, agricultural and other sectors.

The other institution of higher learning was Bahir Dar Teachers College, which had been
established more than three decades ago. Its original name was the Academy of Pedagogy,
and it was created in 1972 by the tripartite agreement of the Imperial Government, UNESCO,
and UNDP and started actual work in the following year under the auspices of the Ministry of
Education and Fine Arts. Its general objective was to train multi-purpose primary education
professionals capable of adopting primary education to rural life and rural development. Its
specific objectives were to train primary school teacher trainers, supervisors, educational
leaders, adult education organizers and community development agents.

The two institutions were integrated into Bahir Dar University following the Council of
Ministers regulation no. 60/1999. The University was inaugurated on May 6, 2000, and the
Polytechnic Institute and the Teachers College became the Faculty of Engineering and
Faculty of Education, respectively. In addition, the university added two more faculties, that
of Business and Economics and the faculty of Law, which were established in 2001 and 2003
respectively. Bahir Dar University was officially inaugurated in May 2001.

1.1.1 Mission

The mission of Bahir Dar University is to contribute substantially to the nation and beyond
through high quality education, research and community services.

1.1.2 Vision
The vision of Bahir Dar University is to become one of the ten premier research universities
in Africa by 2025.

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1.2 Statement of Problem
Freshman student placement system, in BDU is done manually by ink and paper which is
very slow and time consuming.

The problems of existing system are listed below:-

 The first one is wastage of time. Since the university accepts a large number of
students, assigning those students to department following each point of the
legislations manually is time-consuming.
 The second one is cost. In case of the manual system, Paper and Ink must be provided
to complete the task. This paper and Ink are needed to prepare the form for the
students to fill, to post placement results, and to analyze and make a selection of
 Thirdly, we have seen a student being placed in more than one department. Even if
most of the placement completed successfully, the placement is difficult to revise
since each student’s choice is on paper, it may be lost or easily damaged.
 The fourth problem is the openness of the system for corruption as the manual
placement system is fully processed by humans.

1.3 Objectives of the project

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective is to develop online freshman student placement system for BDU.

1.3.1 Specific objectives

In order to attain the general objective, the following list of specific objectives are set:
 Gathering relevant data about the current system.
 Analyzing and identifying problems in the existing system.
 Suggest all possible and feasible solution and choose the best.
 Design the interface and database by using Object oriented approach.
 implement the proposed system
 To test the system using various testing methodology
 To deploy with the working environment

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1.4 Methodology
Methodology of the project concentrates on the different method, tools and instruments for
data collection, which helps for the fulfillment of the study.

1.4.1 Requirement gathering methods

For gathering data, we use following techniques:

1. Interview: - help us to get the basic information and background information about the
existing student placement system, the team will interview the Registrar manager and some
university office worker about the services that are assigned to them, and the problems
associates with that environment.

2. Observation: - help the team to revise some data fill forms and reports associates with the
Student Department Placement System process.

3. Document analysis: - help us to get more information about student department placement
system; how it processed manually, we refer books, documents and other reading materials.

1.4.2 Analysis and Design methodology

To design the system, the project team has chosen Object Oriented Modeling techniques
and unified modeling language tools. Reason for choosing:

 It enables us to comprehensively model a system before we develop it.

 Modification of the object implementation is easy because objects are loosely
 Understanding of the structure is easy because object oriented modeling and tools
used to represent real world entities.

1.4.3 Implementation Methodology

Some of the following tools may be used:-
Programming language client side (frontend):
 Java Script
Programming language severs side (backend):-

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Hardware and Software Development Tools
Software Requirements
 WAMP server :- as a web server
 Browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox and IE :- for executing our code
 Microsoft office 2007:- for documenting the corresponding deliverables associated
with the project
 Macromedia Dreamweaver :- for designing the interface pages
 Microsoft Visio 2003 and Edraw 6:- for designing UML diagrams associated with
the project.
Hardware Requirements: Flash disk, Printer, Laptop.

1.5 Feasibility
A feasibility study involves taking a judgment call on whether a project is doable and by the
judging the system it is feasible.

Economic feasibility - It is economically feasible. Its cost is fair and not expensive. The
organization can afford it so the system doesn’t face problems because of its price.Since this
project is developed as student of university for graduation we do not spent money to buy
computer. However other hardware is needed to do and we spent money to get thus hard
ware. Thus are listed below.

 Flash disk (2GB):- for data transfer from one source to other.
 Paper
 Pen
 Agenda
 Printing

Operational feasibility - It analyzes how the project plan satisfies the requirement identified
in the requirement analysis. This system satisfies all requirements so it is satisfy operational

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Scheduling feasibility- The project will fail if it fails to complete on time. This system
completed on time.

Table 1: Schedule

Activity June1-5 June6-16 June17- July10- Aug28- Responsible

July2 aug27 sep15
Requirement gathering All member

Requirement analysis All member

System design All member

Implementation All member

Testing All member

1.6 Significant Of the Project

The significance of a project can be categorized into different areas depending up on to

whom the benefit goes.

For university
 Reducing the broad manual work
 Reduce economy spend for running new students department placement work like
paper ,ink price
 Can run the teaching learning process and other activities as plan.
 No need of more manpower and reduce the worker tiredness.
 Can access the student information easily like search.
 To develop a reliable and secured database to keep the overall records associated
with the student’s that would help the department management process.
 Colleges are not crowed .Because a student knows his/her department as result
he/she directly goes to the department not to the college.

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For the students
 They get full information about the departments.
 Help them to choose department online and know his/her department
 They do not bother where are college and department at fresh level to fill the
placement form face to face.

For us

 this project is important to apply the studies we had taken and increase our
 And if every requirement will be full we can be rise to sell.So may get economy

1.7 Limitation of the project

Our project will not be applicable in following manners:

 Our project not work for users who have button type phone because of constraints

like time and economy

 Does not work with out internet

 Support only English and Amharic language.

 Not used for blind users.

1.8 Scope
Our project will include the following operations:

 Process the placement based on the policy of the Institute

 Our system display all the available Faculties and Departments
 Enabling the students to fill out the department choice or department field study on
 Enable the students get full information about the course under the departments of
the college online.
 Enabling the students to view placed student information on online
 The system arranges only for first year first semester students.
 Enabling to check placement availability.
 Enabling to check departments’ students holding capacity
 The Administrator can update course details when needed.

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1.9. Organization of the project

Our project will consist of five chapters.Chapter one, requirement analysis, includes
background, objective and methodology among others. Chapter Two, includes current system
description, problem of the current system, proposed solution and others tasks. Chapter three
is design of proposed system using UML modeling techniques to realize the solution selected
in previous chapter. Chapter four is implementation of the system based on identified
solution. This chapter will include Writing code. Chapter five will discuss about testing the

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Chapter Two

System Features

2.1 The Existing System

To have a clear understanding about the existing system as we mentioned in chapter one we
use different techniques. These techniques are Interview, Observation, and Document
analysis.With the help of these techniques we gather the following information. The existing
system has four actors:- registrar office, colleges, departments and new students and these
actors have responsibilities.

Registrar office

 accept the students list from the federal minster of education

 disseminates the list into the colleges and post semester schedule.
 accept course breakdown from department and preparing registration form (slip).


 accept the students list from registrar

 give orientation
 give the placement form
 investigate the student choice and post the allocated departments.


 perform course breakdown and submit to registrar

 accepting the students and give registration form

new students

 attending the orientation

 accepts the department selection form and put their choice
 return the form
 go to department and register

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2.1.1 Problem of existing system
The existing system does not fully automate the management system and has the gap to
provide automatic student department placement.
 Problem in data security
 Due to unorganized storage of data, there is data loss
 Redundancy of data occurs during current system; as a result, data is not consistent.
 Performance and Response time
The systems has low performance and response time when executing users input.
Generally, the following problems exist in the current system: -
 Department placement is not effective since it uses manual way of the placement
 It takes more time and effort.
 It consumes manpower.
 Lack of consistency of data

2.1.2 Users requirement

When the uses come to the users’ requirement first of all users are registrar, new students,
colleges and departments. All thus are needs effective and efficient access within time, within
minimum cost.

 When come to students need. They need to know about the college information such
as what are the departments, schedule, and details of departments before joining.
And know the department which one he/she enrolled to prepare by required matters
before coming.
 In addition colleges need to reduce cost, time wastage and department placement
complexity as mentioned above.
 Finally registrar needs all the above effective activities to facilitate teaching learning
process as scheduled.

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2.2 Proposed System
The solution we propose is developing friendly website. It solve problems of existing system

 Change the existing system from manual to computerized.

 Reduce paper work
 Reduce time wastage
 Reduce cost and complexity of the system
 gives full information about the department and have well organized database.

2.3 Requirement Analysis

2.3.1 Functional requirement

The developed system is expected to provide the following functionalities:
 Import student personal information,
 Give full detail about field study
 Register schedule by department and display for students online
 student choice of field of department online,
 Process the placement based on the policy of the Colleges,
 Break down the bulk data into smaller groups and exporting
 Display students department placement information online,
 Enable department to download newly placed student information

2.3.2 System Use case Use case Diagram

Use cases are best discovered by examining the actors and defining what the actor will be
able to do with the system. Use case diagrams graphically depict system behavior (use cases).
These diagrams present a high level view of how the system is used as viewed from an
outsider’s (actor’s) perspective.

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Actors that will be participating in the system are:-

 Administrator :- register students’ personal information,register student’s score and

chosen department, process placement, and store the processed data.
 Department manager:- register the schedule, register the department details as well
as can update the schedule department details and finally output placed student data.
 Student:- is user of the system who can choose and view his/her placement

figure 1: use case diagram

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Online Department placement 2013 Use Case documentation
Use Cases Identification

No Use case Use case Description

1 Login Us1 User authentication.
2 Import Us2 Allow to import the student information to
3 Update Us3 Be able to update information from the
4 Process Us4 Assign the students into departments.
5 View department Us5 To decide the department choice order the
detail student first get full information
6 View placement Us6 Be able to fetch placed information from
7 Choose Us7 Student selects the department order.
8 Download Us8 Authorize user can download information.
9 Manage account Us9 Administrator manage account
10 Register Us10 Department manager post department detail
department detail
9 Logout Us11 Every actor after finished and want to leave
the page will logout.
Table 2: Use case Identification

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Table 3: Use case description for Login

Use Case Name Login

Actors Administrator, student, department manager
Description The actors should enter user name and password to enter into
SPS inside home page.
Precondition The department and student should have privilege to access
SPS that is granted by Administrator.

Post condition The system should give user interface for each user
according to their grant.

Basic course of action

1. The administrator, student and department want to
2. They click login form and fill user name and
3. System validate user name and password
4. If true forward to next page
Alternative course of action 5.If the administrator uses Wrong username and/or password

6.The system identify the user entered wrong username

and/or password

7.The system inform the user authenticated failure .display

error message incorrect user name and password

8. The system will continue from step 2.

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Table 4: Use case description for Import

Use case name Import

Actor Administrator
Description Administrator import student information into database.
Precondition Administrator get student information from minster of
education with excels.
Post condition Student information stored into mysql database.
Basic course of actions 1. Administrator click login form
2. Fill user name and password
3. System check the user name and password
4. If valid go to import page
5. Click import
6. Brows the directory where the information is there
7. Import
Alternative course of action 8. If input incorrect user name and password
9. System validate the wrong input
10. System display error massage incorrect user name
and/or password
11. Will back to step 2

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Table 5: Use case description for Update

Use case name Update

Actors Administrator, student and department manager
Description Update information from database
Precondition The actors should login into update page by correct user
name and password
Post condition The database information is modified
Basic course of action 1. Information be available in database
2. Actor click login form
3. Fill user name and password
4. System validate user name and password
5. If correct user name and password go update page
6. Click update link
7. Insert search key
8. System validate the key
9. If true display information from database
10. Actor modify and submit

Alternative course of action 11. If actors fill incorrect user name and password
12. System identify the wrong input
13. System display error message
14. Turn to step 3
15. If actor input wrong key
16. System display error message
17. Turn to step 7

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Table 6: Use case description for Read and watch

Use case name Read and watch

Actor Student
Description Read and watch the detailed information about the
Per condition Student knew he/she is placed BDU
Pos condition Student able to decide the department choice order
Basic course of action 1. Student want to get the detail information about
the departments and rule of university
2. Open the page
3. Click college and select his/her college
4. By select department can watch and read the detail

Table 7: Use case description for Process placement

Use case name Process placement

Actor Administrator
Description Administrator process placement after the student
finished the department choice.
Pre condition Student finish department choice
Post condition Allocate student by departments.
Basic course of actions 1. Student finish department choice
2. Administrator click login form
3. Administrator fill user name and password
4. System validate input
5. If input is valid click placement process
Alternative course of action 6. If administrator input wrong user name and
7. System identify the input
8. Display error message
9. Back to step 2

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Table 8: Use case description for View placement

Use case name View placement

Actor Student , department manager
Description View the student list that is allocated at departments.
Pre condition Administrator finished placement process
Post condition Student know his/her department and department know the
student list by department
Basic course of actions 1. Administrator finished placemen process
2. Actors click login form
3. Fill user name and password
4. System validate the input
5. If true go to view page
6. Click view
7. Enter key
8. System validate the key
9. If true can view the placement
Alter native course of action 10. If input incorrect user name and password
11. System identify the input
12. System display error massage to actor
13. Turn to step 2
14. If input wrong key
15. System validate the key
16. System display error message to actor
17. Turn to step 7

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Table 9: Use case description for Download

Use case name Download

Actor Department manager
Description To file the information download in to personal system.
Pre condition Administrator give finish the placemen process and import detail
information about the student.
Post condition The actors can have their own file.
Basic course of action 1. Administrator finished the process
2. Actor click login page
3. Fill user name and password
4. System validate the input
5. If true go to download page
6. Down load
Alternative course of action 7. If input wrong user name and password
8. System identify wrong input
9. Display error message wrong user name and/or password
10. Turn to step 2

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Table 10: Use case description for Logout

Use case name Logout

Actor Student, Administrator and Department manager

Description All actors after finish their work leave the page by click
logout button

Pre condition Login

Post condition Page will be closed

Basic course of action Actors first login

Finish work want to leave the page

Click logout button

2.3.3 Business Rule Documentation

To be error free one must obey the following rules: -

 BR1: Authorize to the system. Users must have a valid user name and password
in order to access the system.

 BR2: The system administrator should administer the system and give accesses
(views) to those students as per their priority to the system and update the
password as needed.

 BR3:valid Information. The user should also control the information of new
students .
 BR4:Students must choose with in activate date
 BR5:Students choose and view department placement only by admission number

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2.3.4 User Interface prototype

figure 2: use case prototype

2.3.5 State chart diagram

State chart diagram describes the flow of control from one state to another state. States are
defined as a condition in which an object exists and it changes when some event is triggered.
The most important purpose of State chart diagram is to model lifetime of an object from
creation to termination.

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figure 3: state chart for adminstrator page

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figure 4: state chart for department page

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figure 5: state chart diagram for student page

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2.3.6 Activity Diagram
Activity diagram is UML behavior diagram which shows flow of control or object flow with
emphasis on the sequence and conditions of the flow. An activity diagram visually presents a
series of actions or flow of control in a system similar to a flowchart or a data flow diagram.
Activity diagrams are often used in business process modeling Some of the activity diagrams
of the project known as BDU Freshman student placement system are:

Login activity diagram

figure 6: Activity diagram for login

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figure 7: Activity diagram for process placement

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figure 8: Activity diagram for view department placement

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figure 9: Activity diagram for import

2.3.7 Sequence diagram

Sequence diagrams are used to formalize the behavior of this system and to visualize the
communication among objects. The diagrams show the flow of messages from one object to
another, and as such correspond to the methods and events supported by a class/object. These
typically show a user or actor, and the objects and components they interact with in the
execution of a use case.

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Login Form : Login Menu

<<UI>> Control <<UI>>
1. user open Login form and Enter user
name and password
Click () Enter User 2. Login check the input
User Name and if valid directed to required page
Password () else system depict error message

Chec k()
Try Again


figure 10: Sequence diagram for login

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Import Button Import

<<UI>> Control DB

1. user click the import button

Import 2. Import the required information
User Click () 3. Import controller check the
4. If not say try again
5. If valid submit to the Database
Check() 6. store the imported information
Try Again

Submit ()

Store ()

figure 11: sequence diagram for import

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Placement PPlacement
Button control DB

Click () 1. Administrator click Process Placement

Administrator Button
Process () 2. Process
Check () 3. Process Placement control check the
4. If not correct display error message
Try Again 5. If correct submit to Database
6. then the DB store it
Submit ()
Store ()

figure 12: sequence diagram for process placement

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Placement Menu Search Box Search

<<UI>> <<UI>> Control

User Click ()
Ente r t he Check ()
Ke y

Try Again
Submit ()
1. user click placement menu
2. display search box
3. search control check the
input key
4. if not valid display error
Display ()
5. if true submit the key to
6. Display the view

figure 13:sequence diagram view placement

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2.3.8 Analysis Class Model
The class diagram in the unified modeling language is a type of static structure
diagram that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's class,
their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects.
The class diagram is the main building block of object oriented modeling.
Classes in a class diagram represent both the main elements, interactions in the
application, and the classes to be programmed.

figure 14: analysis class model

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2.3.9 Logic model

Algorithm for Login

Users Involved:

 Administrator
 Department Manager
 Student

User click on login link

Login form is displayed
User enter username and password
User click on login button
System validate
If (valid)
forward to next page
Display error message

Algorithm for Import

Users Involved:

 Administrator

Administrator click login link

Fill user name and password
System check the user name and password
If (valid )
Click import link
Browse the directory where the information is there
Click Import button

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Algorithm for Process placement

Users Involved:

 Administrator

Administrator click login form

Administrator fill user name and password
System validate input
If ( valid )
click placement process

Algorithm for Download

Users Involved:

 Department manager

Actor click login page

Fill user name and password
System validate the input
If (valid )
go to download page
Down load

Algorithm for Update

Users Involved:

 Administrator
 Department Manager
 Student

Actor click login form

Fill user name and password
System validate user name and password
If (valid)
go update page
Click update link

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Insert search key
System validate the key
If (true)
display information from database
Actor modify and submit
Algorithm for Logout

Users Involved:

 Administrator
 Department Manager
 Student

Actors first login

Finish work want to leave the page

Click logout button

2.4. Non functional requirement

Non-Functional requirement explains and describes requirements that support the system but
they are not part of the system functionalities. Generally nonfunctional requirements describe
the quality of the system.

Technical requirements are the technical issues that must be considered to successfully
complete a project.

 Availability: - the customer to access the system at any time 24/7 hour.
 Performance: Since the system is web based the deliver response time of the
system should be very fast.
 Speed: -The system has quick response time.
 Security- this system has user name and password to login to the system for
perform the tasks and also the data base uses the encryption methods in order to
protect the data.
 Effectiveness- can user’s complete task, achieve goals with the product
 Error handling: - This system allows minimize error by displaying the message
box or the system warns the users who make errors.

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2.5. System Requirement
System requirements are the hardware and software components of a computer system that
are required to do the proposed system and simply identify tools and methodology

2.5.1 Hardware requirements

Hardware requirements are the physical part that can be touchable and visible components
that are necessary to develop a system. The hardware required to develop the proposed
system are:

 Personal computer (PC): almost all tasks of our project are performed on computer.
 RAM 4GB: To store the file temporarily
 Hard disk: store large file permanently
 Flash disk

2.5.2 Software requirements

The software requirements are the instructional components used to develop a system.
Software requirement to develop system are as follows:

 Browser:-to run program

 Notepad++:-for writing code
 MYSQL server:-for designing the database
 Microsoft office Word:-for documenting the corresponding deliverables associated
with the project
 Microsoft office Visio and Edraw 6: -to design Unified Modeling Language
(UML) diagrams.
 WAMP Server: -to test the system by running.

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2.6 Key abstraction with CRC analysis

figure 15: CRC diagram for user account

Actor class (CRC for actor classes)

figure 16:CRC diagram for adminstrator

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figure 17: CRC diagram for student

figure 18: CRC diagram for department manager

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2.6.1 Conceptual modeling: Class diagram
System class diagram is a type of structured diagram that describes the structure of the
system by showing the system’s classes, their attributes, methods with operations, and the
relationships among the classes. The class diagram is the main building block of object-
oriented modeling. It is used both for general conceptual modeling of the systematic of the
application, and for detailed modeling translating the models into programming code.

figure 19: Class diagram

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2.6.2 Identifying change cases
Change cases are used to describe new potential requirements for a system or modifications
to existing requirements. These are modeled in a simple manner. Describe the potential
change to the existing requirements, indicate the likeliness of that change occurring, and
indicate the potential impact of that change.

 Missing activities: -Where there the important activities missed in each project
development phase and the developing team latterly understood them, they should
include them.
 Comments from Advisor: - When crucial comments are raised from the advisor,
teachers and examiners that should be included and excluded the developing team
assess the project again.
 Lack of resources: - If there is scarcity of resources occurred to develop many
system activities, the developing team also restructured the contents of the project.

2.6.3 User Interface Prototyping

figure 20: User Interface prototyping for home page

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figure 21: User Interface prototyping for login

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Chapter 3

System Design

3.1 Architectural Design

A software system is a set of communicating entities that collaborates to perform task. The
architectural Design is a top level design which shows these entities, their relationships. The
system uses this architecture. Users use laptop or Desktop use to communicate and access
system. The user requests to the browser as soon as web browser receive the request it
transfer to web server then the web server send query to the database and finally server
retrieve information from the database and give response.

figure 22: Architectural design

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3.1.1 Component modeling
The Component Diagram helps to model the physical aspect of an Object-Oriented software
system. It illustrates the architectures of the software components and the dependencies
between them, those software components including run-time components, executable
components also the source code components.

figure 23: Component diagram

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3.2.1 Deployment Modeling
Deployment diagrams shows how they are deployed in hardware. The purpose of deployment
diagrams can be described as:

 Visualize hardware topology of a system.

 Describe the hardware components used to deploy software components.
 Describe runtime processing nodes. For this project, the project team developed the
following deployment diagrams.

figure 24: Deployment diagram

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3.2 Detail Design
3.2.1 Design class model

figure 25: Class model

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3.2.2 Persistent model

figure 26: Persistent model

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3.3. Access control and security
Access control is a fundamental component of data security that dictates who's allowed to
access and use company information and resources. Through authentication and
authorization, access control policies make sure users are who they say they are and that they
have appropriate access to company data.

Roles Actors
Administrator Department Student
Login   
Import student information  ˟ ˟

Process Placement  ˟ ˟
Update   
View Placement ˟  
Download ˟  ˟
Choose department ˟ ˟ 
Read and Watch ˟ ˟ 
department detail
Manage account  ˟ ˟

Table 11: Access

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1. definition of system requirement spacification
2. Functional requirement vs nonfunctional requirement
3. UML use case diagram
4. UML diagram,

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