Mathematical Modelling Boost Converter
Mathematical Modelling Boost Converter
Mathematical Modelling Boost Converter
School of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
REVA University Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
[email protected]
May 27, 2017
1 Introduction
Now a day’s digital controller design plays an important in the design of
controllers for power converters. Digital controllers find more importance because
of its advantages like flexibility and cost and systems can be made smart systems
due to usage of digital controller which can be programmed [2]. Programming of
such controlled can be done with the usage of mathematical equations like
differential equations, algebraic equations and Laplace transform [3]. that is how
the importance of mathematical modelling coming into picture.
2 Mathematical Approach408
It is a major method of modelling and simulation of systems which
oversee the laws of physics. Different forms of assumption may be
considered in mathematical modelling process based on the particular
scenario. State space modelling technique is used for optimal control
problems whereas transfer function technique is used for transient response
or frequency response analysis of SISO [6]. transfer function modelling
technique is preferred than any other modelling technique. As soon as
mathematical model is derived for the given system various computational
methods can be used synthesis and analysis.
Here mathematical model is obtained for the boost converter circuit based
on theory of its working principle. In this paper ideal model of non-isolated
DC-DC Boost converter is considered for simplifying the complexity of
modelling. Fig. 1 shows the basic boost converter and it is used in this entire
paper for all four modelling techniques [7]. The boost converter is made
with two energy storage elements, one n-channel MOSFET and one diode.
During switching process MOSFET and diode work compliment to one
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
another i.e. When MOSFET is ON diode is OFF and when diode is ON,
MOSFET is OFF at a given interval of time.
Vin S C
ic c (2) dt
The boost conversion begins when the switching process starts, which
results in two forms of circuits as shown in Fig 2a.and Fig. 2b
While inductor VL for switching condition of ON and OFF are shown in (3)
and (4) respectively.
Vin C
Vin C R
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
vL (vin vout) *PWM (4)
The switching time between (3) and (4) is determined by the PWM
switching frequency and its duty cycle shows in (5), here duty cycle is the
ratio of V0 - Vin to V0.
PWM (vo vin ) fpwm1 (5)
After obtaining, the current through the capacitor can be determined in (7),
where is the current through load resistor. iC iL iR (7)
After obtaining iC, the capacitor voltage can be calculated in (8), which
indicates the load voltage of the boost converter in case of ideal model.
vC C i dtC (8)
Inductorcurr VVou
L ent D
DCvolta mosf C R
ge et
Ztotal Z S Z S1
2 (9)
Z1(S) is given by
Z1S Cs
I S RCs1
Inductor current is given by
I S RCLsRCs2 Ls R.Vin S (12)
Z2(S) is given by
Step Response
Bode Diagram
Fig.7.Boost converter pole & zero map, step response and bode plot.
When switch in boost converter is ON, the state variable and output Y
are obtained as
. dt 0 0 IL t L1
*Vin (17)
Y 0 1* VC 0 * V
in (18)
When switch in boost converter is OFF, the state variable and output Y
are obtained as follows
dt 0 1 I t
1 1 (19)
0 *Vin
By applying averaging
technique to the I equations (17),
(18),(19) and (20) (20), average
Y 0 1* VCL
large signal state space model is
obtained as tt0 * Vin follows
0 (1 d)
L1 *Vin (21)
VC t C
Equation 21 and t 22 are
Y 0 1 * 0 .Vin
implemented in state space
functional block (22) I as shown
in fig.8
Fig.8.State space model in functional block implementation
7 Conclusion
Over all, four modelling techniques such as state space modelling, transfer
function modelling, circuit modelling and mathematical modelling are done for boost
converter and presented in this paper. The Simulation results for all four, modelling
techniques are also presented. Simulation results of all models perfectly overlapping
each other and also settling time is less in circuit modelling and transfer function
modelling which is more desirable. Moreover, mathematical modelling techniques
find more scope in digital controller design for dc-dc converters.
It gives complete outline of boost converter modelling and its simulation by applying
mathematical concepts such as differential equations, circuit theory, control theory,
s-domain, signal and systems for DC-DC converter.
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