c-2 & 3 Q.B.

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One Mark Questions

1. What kind of structures is formed at the end of microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis?

2. Write the function of coleoptiles.

3. What is funiculus?
4. What features of flowers facilitate pollination by birds?

5. Why are pollen grains produced in enormous quantities in maize?

6. Name the type of pollination in self-incompatible plants.

7. Define parthenocarpy.

8. Name the landing platform for pollen grains.

9. What is microsporogenesis?

10. Name the substance of which the intine and exine is made.

11. Wind pollinated flowers are not visited by honey bees. Give two reasons.
12. Why is emasculation done in the process of hybridization?

13. What do you understand by double fertilization?

14. What is an anatropous ovule?

15. A bilobed, dithecous anther has 100 microspore mother cells per microsporangium. How many
male gametophytes this anther can produce?

16. What is sporopollenin?

17. What is the shield shaped single cotyledon of monocots called?

18. Name one plant each where pollination occurs with the help of a) Water b) Bats
19. Why do most zygotes develop after certain amount of embryo is formed?

20. What is polyembryony?

Two Mark Questions

1. Describe the structure of a microsporangium with a neatly labeled diagram.

2. The flower of brinjal is referred to as chasmogamous while that of beans is clerstogamous. Why?

3. Mention strategies involved to prevent self-pollination in flowers.

4. Banana is a parthenocarpic fruit whereas oranges show polyembryony. How are they different
from each other with respect of seeds?

5. Why pollen grains can remain well preserved as fossils?

6. Explain any two devices by which autogamy are prevented in flowering plants.

7. What is self incompatibility? Why does self pollination not lead to seed formation in these
8. How many haploid cells are present in a mature female gametophyte of a flowering plant? Name

9. How are the cells arranged in an embryo sac?

10. What is geitonogamy? Give its one similarity to autogamy and xenogamy.

11. Why are cleistogamous flowers invariably autogamous?

12. Where is sporopollenin in plants? State its significance with reference to its chemical nature.
13. State the characteristics of insect pollinated flowers.

14. Mention the function each of the following; i) tassels of corn cob ii) tepetum in the
15. Differentiate between chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers

16. What is pericarp? Mention its functions.

17. Where does the triple fusion take place in a flowering plant? Why is it so called?
18. Which type of pollination ensures the arrival of genetically different pollen grains to stigma?

19. What relationship exists between a species of moth and Yucca plant?

20. Mention the reasons for difference are ploidy of zygote and primary endosperm nucleus in an
21. What are cleistogamous flowers? Can cross – pollination occurs in cleistogamous flowers. Give

22. Draw a labeled diagram of mature embryo sac & label the following i) Egg cell ii) Antipodal cells
iii) Synergids iv) Polar nuclei
23. Mention two strategies evolved lay flowers to prevent self-pollination

24. Draw a well labeled diagram of longitudinal section of pistil showing pollen germination?

25. List the advantages of pollination to angiospermic plants?

Three Mark Questions

1. Differentiate between microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis.

2. What are the differences between self and cross pollination?

3. Why angiosperm anthers are called dithecous? Describe the structure of its microsporangium.

4. How does endosperm in angiosperms become triploid?

5. Explain the stages involved in the maturation of a microspore into a pollen grain.

6. Describe different types of pollination.

7. What is triple fusion? Where does it occur?

8. What is apomixes and what is its importance?

9. Draw a diagram of L.S. pf an anatropous ovule of an angiosperm and label the following parts.

i) nucellus ii) integument iii) antipodal cells iv) secondary nu

10. Explain the structure of an anatropous ovule with a neat labeled diagram?

11. What is agamospermy? How is agamospermy different from parthenogenesis and


12. Describe the structure of a pollen grain.

13. Enlist the advantages offered by seeds to angiosperms.

14. Give any three advantages of sexual incompatibility.

15. List any three differences between wind pollinated flower & insect –pollinated flower.

16. Trace the development of microsporocyte into mature pollen grains.

17. Differentiate between Geitonogamy & Allogamy.

18. Draw a diagram of L.S. of an anatropous ovule of an Angiosperm & label the following parts :-(i)
Nucellus (ii) Integument(iii) Antipodal cells (iv) Secondary Nucleus.

19. Why is process of fertilization in flowering plants referred to as double fertilization?

20. i) Explain the structure of a maize grain with the help of a diagram ii) Why cannot we use the
term maize seeds for maize grains?

21. Trace the development of megasporocyte into mature ovule.

22. Incompatibility is the natural barrier in fusion of gamete”. Justify this statement.
23. How dose pollination takes place in salvia. List any four adaptations required for such type of

Five Mark Questions

1. Explain the formation of an embryo sac with diagrams.

2. Explain the development of embryo in a dicotyledonous plant with neatly labelled diagrams.

3. (a) What is double fertilization? Write three post fertilization changes leading to the formation of
seed.(b) differentiate monoecious and dioecious plants. Give one example of each.
4. What develops into a microspore mother cell in a flower? Trace the development of this cell into a
pollen grain which is ready for germination. Draw a labelled figure of a mature pollen grain.

5. Trace the events that would take place in a flower from the time the pollen grain of the same
species falls on the stigma up to the completion of fertilisation.

6. i) Why is zygotes dominant for sometime in fertilized ovule? ii) What is polyembryony? Give an
example. iii) In fruits, what is formed from following parts:- a) Ovary wall b) Outer integument c)
Inner integument d) zygote e) Primary endosperm f) Ovary g) Nucellus


One Mark Questions

1. Why are male testes located outside the abdominal cavity?

2. What is acrosome?
3. State the function of leydig cells.

4. What is corpus luteum?

5. Where do we find fimbriae?

6. Expand i) HCG ii) FSH

7. What is semen?

8. What do you mean by foetal ejection reflex?

9. Define parturition.

10. What is corona radiate?

11. Where does fertilization normally takes place in a human female.

12. List the changes that the primary oocyte undergoes in the tertiary follicular stage in the human

13. Name the substance present in the sperm acrosome & which help in sperms entry into egg.
14. Name the layer of cells that forms the outer wall of blastocyst.

15. At what stage is the mammalian embryo implanted in uterus?

16. Despite the presence of So many sperms in the vicinity of an egg cell, onlyone sperm enters the
ovum. Why?
17. How many polar bodies are given out in production of one egg duringcogenesis?

Two Mark Questions

1. Describe the structure of a sperm with a diagram.

2. Who discovered Sertoli cells? Mention their role in spermatogenesis?

3. Enlist any two functions of a female placenta.

4. Define spermiogenesis and spermiation.

5. What is the number of chromosomes in the following cells? Primary oocyte,secondary oocyte,
ootid and follicle.
6. What is seminal plasma? What are its components?
7. What is corpus luteum? How does it function as endocrine gland?

8. Where are leydig cells located? What do they secrete?

9. Which organs together form the female reproductive system?

10. Draw well labeled diagram of T.S. of ovary? 11. What is ovulation? What happen to the graffian
follicle after ovulation?

12. Why testes of human males are considered extra abdominal? What is thesignificance of this

13. Name the hormones produced only during pregnancy in human female. Mention their source
14. Draw a diagram of the T.S. of seminiferous tubule of testis of an adult humanmale & label any
four parts in it.

15. What function do fallopian tubes perform?

16. What is colostrum? What is its significance to new born baby?

Three Mark Questions

1. A sperm has just fertilized a human egg in the fallopian tube. Trace theevents that the fertilized
eggs will undergoes up-to implantation of blastocystin the uterus.
2. Where oogenesis does takes place. Describe the stages of this process?Briefly describe the stages
of spermatogenesis in human?

3. Describe the hormonal control of human male reproduction system with thehelp of a flow chart &
highlight the inhibitory & stimulatory directions in it?

4. What are the various male accessory glands? Give their function.
5. Explain the menstrual cycle with a diagram. 6. Differentiate between spermatogenesis and

7. ‘A fertilized egg is the blue print of future development’. Explain

8. Name the source of gonadotropins in human females. Explain the changes brought about in the
ovary by these hormones during menstrual cycle.

9. First half of the menstrual cycle is called proliferative phase as well as follicular phase. Explain.

10. Why does meiosis and mitosis occur in germ cells?

11. What happen to the blastocyst immediately after implantation?

12. Why does corpus luteum secrete large amount of progesterone during luteal/secretory phase of
the menstrual cycle?
Five Mark Questions
1. Explain the development of human embryo with diagrams.

2. What is menstruation? What are the specific actions of FSH, LH, estrogen &progesterone in
menstrual cycle?
3. A woman has conceived & implantation has occurred within her uterus.Discuss the sequence of
changes up to parturition which will take placewithin her body under the influence of various

4. (a) When and how does placenta develop in human female? (b) How is the placenta connected to
the embryo? (c) Placenta acts as an endocrine gland. Explain.
5. Give a schematic representation of oogenesis in human. Mention the number of chromosomes at

each stage. Correlate the life phases of the individual with the stage of the process.

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