Multiple Choice Questions SUBJECT: Law of Crimes

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Multiple Choice Questions

SUBJECT: Law of Crimes

1. Section 82 of IPC provides that nothing is an offence which is done by a child under:
A. six years of age
B. seven years of age
C. nine years of age
D. ten years of age.
Ans. B
2. A person is stated to be partially incapax under section 83, IPC if he is aged:
A. above seven years and under twelve years
B. above seven years and under ten years
C. above seven years and under sixteen years
D. above seven years and under eighteen years.
Ans. A
3. The maxim ‘actus non facit rea nisi mens sit rea’ means:
A. crime has to be coupled with guilty mind
B. there can be no crime without a guilty mind
C. crime is the result of guilty mind
D. criminal mind leads to crime.
Ans. B
4. “In every statute, mens rea is to be implied unless the contrary is shown.”:
This view was expressed in-
A. Sherras v. De Rutzen
B. R. v. Dudley & Stephen
C. Harding v. Price
D. R. v. Prince.
Ans. A

5. Section 84 of IPC provides for:

A. medical insanity
B. legal insanity
C. moral insanity
D. unsoundness of mind of any kind.
Ans. B
6. A hangman who hangs the prisoners pursuant to the order of the court is exempt
from criminal liability by virtue of:
A. section 77 of IPC
B. section 78 of IPC
C. section 79 of IPC
D. section 76 of IPC.
Ans. B
7. Operation of consent to all offences, short of causing death intentionally, has been
extended under:
A. section 88 of IPC
B. section 90 of IPC
C. section 91 of IPC
D. section 87 of IPC.
Ans. A
8. The principle ‘de minimus non curat lex’ is contained in:
A. section 92 of IPC
B. section 93 of IPC
C. section 94 of IPC
D. section 95 of IPC.
Ans. D
9. The right of private defence is contained in:
A. section 94 of IPC
B. section 95 of IPC
C. section 96 of IPC
D. section 98 of IPC.
Ans. C
10. The right to private defence is based on the natural instinct of:
A. self-preservation
B. self-respect
C. self-sufficiency
D. self-reliance.
Ans. A
11. The right to private defence is:
A. unrestricted
B. subject to restriction contained in section 99 of IPC
C. subject to restrictions contained in Chapter IV of IPC
D. subject to restrictions contained in any other provision of IPC.
Ans. B

12. Every person has a right of private defence of his own body and the body of any
other person against any offence affecting the human body, has been provided:
A. under section 96 of IPC
B. under section 97 of IPC
C. under section 98 of IPC
D. under section 99 of IPC.
Ans. B

13. Dishonest misappropriation of property, knowing that it was in possession of a

deceased person at his death and that it has not since been in the possession of any
person legally entitled to it is dealt under-
A. Section 402 of IPC
B. Section 403 of IPC
C. Section 404 of IPC
D. Section 405 of IPC
Ans. C

14. 148 Criminal breach of trust is dealt under-

A. Section 406 of IPC
B. Section 407 of IPC
C. Section 408 of IPC
D. Section 409 of IPC
Ans. A
15. Which of the following is false of Section 34 of the Indian Penal Code?
A. it is only a rule of evidence
B. it does not create a distinct offence
C. lays down principle of liability
D. it is a penal provision
Ans. D
16. The basic principle which runs through Section 32 to 38 of IPC is that:
A. in certain circumstances some part of the act is attributed to a person who may have
performed only a fractional part of it.
B. in certain circumstances an entire act is attributed to a person who may have performed
only a fractional part of it.
C. in certain circumstances an entire act is attributed to a person who may have performed the
whole of it.
D. in certain circumstances no act is attributed to a person who may have performed only a
fractional part of it.
Ans. B
17. Abetment of any offence, if the act abetted is committed in consequence, and where
no express provision is made for its punishment is dealt under-
A. Section 109 of IPC
B. Section 110 of IPC
C. Section 111 of IPC
D. Section 112 of IPC
Ans. A
18. A quarrel arose between ‘C’ on the one side and ‘A’ and ‘B’ on the other. C abused
A, whereupon A struck him with a stick, and B struck him down with an axe on the
head. He also received two other wounds with the axe on the other parts of the body.
Any one of the three axe wounds was sufficient enough to cause death, especially the one
on the head.
A. C is guilty for voluntarily provoking the attack while B is guilty of culpable homicide
B. A is guilty of culpable homicide, while B is guilty of voluntarily causing hurt
C. B is guilty of culpable homicide, while A is guilty of voluntarily causing hurt
D. Both A and B are guilty of culpable homicide
Ans. C
19. Abetment of any offence when one act is abetted and a different act is done; subject
to proviso is dealt under-
A. Section 109 of IPC
B. Section 110 of IPC
C. Section 111 of IPC
D. Section 112 of IPC
Ans. C
20. A gives Z fifty strokes with a stick. Here A may have committed the offence of
voluntarily causing hurt to Z by the whole beating and also by each of the blows which
make up the whole beating. As per Section 71 of IPC which of the following should be
the punishment?
A. A is liable for every blow and should be imprisoned for fifty years one for each blow
B. A is only liable for blows he delivered on the victim
C. A is liable to one punishment for the whole beating
D. A should be separately punished for beating and delivering blows
Ans. C
21. Abetment of any offence, punishable with death or imprisonment for life, if the
offence be not committed in consequence of the abetment is dealt under-
A. Section 115 of IPC
B. Section 116 of IPC
C. Section 117 of IPC
D. Section 118 of IPC
Ans. A
22. What is the minimum term of imprisonment in case of, at the time of attempting
robbery or dacoity, the offender is armed with any deadly weapon, he is punished with
imprisonment of not less than:
A. four years under Section 397, IPC
B. five years under Section 397, IPC
C. six years under Section 397, IPC
D. seven years under Section 397, IPC
Ans. D
23. Which of the following Section of the IPC deals with solitary confinement?
A. Section 71
B. Section 72
C. Section 73
D. Section 74
Ans. C
24. Whoever is a party to a criminal conspiracy other than a criminal conspiracy to
commit an offence punishable is dealt under-
A. Section 118B of IPC
B. Section 119B of IPC
C. Section 120B of IPC
D. Section 121B of IPC
Ans. C
25. A is beating Z and Y jumps in to stop the beating. In the process A intentionally
strikes Y. As per Section 71 of IPC which of the following should be the punishment?
A. A is liable to one punishment for voluntarily causing hurt to Z and to another for the blow
given to Y
B. A is liable to one punishment for voluntarily causing hurt only to Z
C. A is liable to one punishment for voluntarily causing hurt only to Y
D. No offence
Ans. A
26. In a case the accused who was a widower led a homely life with his 12-year-old son,
nephew and unmarried daughter. The accused suffered from no insanity. One day the
accused accompanied by his son went with an axe in his hand to woods to gather siadi
leaves. Sometimes after his nephew who had been working in the field discovered the
accused sleeping under a tree with the blood stained axe beside him. There was no trace
of the son of the accused. Later his son was found hacked to death. It transpired in
evidence that the accused for the time being was seized of a state of mind in which he
visualised that a tiger was going to pounce on him and as such mistaking his son as the
tiger he cut him into pieces.
A. the accused is lying and is guilty of culpable homicide
B. it was mistake of fact and the accused had no intention of causing the death of his son
whom he dearly loved.
C. the accused is not his sound frame of mind
D. it is murder.
Ans. B
27. A, the captain of a steam vessel, suddenly and without any fault or negligence on his
part, finds himself in such a position that before he can stop his vessel, he must
inevitably run down a boat B, with twenty to thirty passengers on board, unless he
changes the course of his vessel, and that by changing his course, he must incur risk of
running down a boat C with only two passengers on board, which he may possibly clear.
Here if A alters his course without any intention to run down the boat C and in good
faith for the purpose of avoiding the danger to the passengers in boat B. But in the
course of this action A runs down boat C.
A. A is guilty
B. A is not guilty of any offence
C. A did not intentionally run down boat C
D. A is guilty of murder
Ans. B
28. A accused of murder, alleges that by reason of unsoundness of mind, he did not
know the nature of the act.
A. The burden of proof is on the police
B. The burden of proof is on A
C. The burden of proof is on the Court
D. The burden of proof is on prosecution
Ans. B

29. A does sexual intercourse with a widow below 16 years of age with her consent-

(A) A has not committed rape

(B) A has committed adultery

(C) A has committed rape with B

(D) Nothing above is correct

30. A, a surgeon, knowing that a particular operation is likely to cause the death of Z,
who suffers under painful complaint, but not intending to cause Z’s death, and
intending, in good faith, for Z’s benefit, performs the operation with Z’s consent.
A. A is guilty of culpable homicide
B. A deliberately caused the Z’s death
C. A is not guilty of any offence
D. A is guilty of murder
Ans. C
31. Assaulting or obstructing public servant when suppressing riot, etc. is dealt under-
A. Section 150 of IPC
B. Section 151 of IPC
C. Section 152 of IPC
D. Section 153 of IPC
Ans. C
32. ‘Sedition’ as offence was held constitutionally valid in Kedar Nath v. State of Bihar,
AIR 1962 SC 955 us dealt under-
A. Section 124 A of IPC
B. Section 128 of IPC
C. Section 136 of IPC
D. Section 138 of IPC
Ans. A

33. The Indian Penal Code 1860 came into effect/existence from...

A) 6 October 1960

B) 5 October 1980

C) 1 May 1980

D) 6 December 1960

Ans. A

34. X threatens to publish a defamatory libel concerning Y unless Y gives you money.
He thus induces Y to give him money. Here X has committed the offense of...

A) Defamation

B) Mischief

C) Criminal intimidation

D) Extortion
Ans. D

35. According to Criminal Law (Amendment) Act, 2013, the right of private defence of
the body extends to the voluntary causing of death or of any other harm to the assistant
if the offence which occasions the exercise of the right is the act of:

A. Stalking

B. Voyeurism

C. Acid Attack

D. Molestation

Ans. C

36. A demand or request for sexual favour from a woman is punishable offence under
Indian Penal Code, 1860, under:

A. Section 354A

B. Section 354B

C. Section 354C

D. Section 354D.

Ans. A

37. Under section 45 of IPC, life denotes:

A. life of a human being

B. life of an animal

C. life of human being and of an animal both

D. life of either human being or animal.

Ans. A

38. False statement rumour, etc., made in place of worship etc, with intent to
create enmity hatred or ill-will is dealt under-

A. Section 128 of IPC

B. Section 201 of IPC

C. Section 505 of IPC

D. Section 302 of IPC

Ans. C

39- ‘A’ intentionally fired a shot from his pistol at ‘B’ but it hit ‘C’ and ‘C’ died. The
offence committed by ‘A’ is-

  (A) Attempt to murder

  (B)Culpable homicide

  (C)Murder under Section 300

  (D)Murder under Section 301


40. ‘A’ is cutting the wood with an axe at a place where children are playing ? The axe
files off and kills a nearby child. ‘A’ is liable for—

(A) No offence

(B) Murder

(C) Culpable homicide

(D) Causing death by negligence


41. ‘A’ finds a purse with money, not knowing to whom it belongs; he afterwards
discovers that it belongs to ‘B’ and appropriates to his own use. ‘A’ is guilty of-

(A) Theft

(B) Criminal misappropriation

(C) Criminal breach of trust

(D) Cheating


42. The grounds for punishing Prince in R. V/s Prince was-

(A) Prohibited act done by Prince

(B) Illegal act done by Prince

(C) Knowingly committing of civil wrong by Prince

(D) Illegal and prohibited act done by Prince


 43. Which one of the following preparation is not an offence?

(A) Preparation for robbery of a Bank

(B) Preparation of dacoity in a Bank

(C) To make die for counterfeiting coins

(D) To make die for counterfeiting Indian coins.


44. For abduction the abducted person should be-

(A) Below 16 years of age

(B) Below 18 years of age

(C) Insane person

(D) Of any age


45. The case of Bachan Singh V/s State of Punjab is concerned with-

(A) Capital punishment in India

(B) Custody of under trial prisoners

(C) Prosecution for attempted suicide

(D) Acid attack


46.  In which of the following cases the Privy Council made a distinction between
‘common intention’ and ‘similar intention’?

(A) Barendra Kumar Ghosh V/s Emperor

(B) Mahboob Shah V/s King Emperor

(C) Srinivasmal Barolia V/s Emperor

(D) Bannu Mal V/s Emperor


47. A and B both are of 16 years of age. A entices B for marriage and takes her to
another city. What offence has been committed by A?

(A) A has committed kidnapping

(B) A has committed no offence as B has gone with her own consent

(C) A has committed abduction

(D) A is himself minor. Hence A has committed no offence


48. A snake-charmer while showing his play claims to cure the snake bite. The deceased
got himself a snake bite believing on assurance of the snake-charmer. The snake-
charmer could not cure the deceased. The snake-charmer is liable for-

(A) Murder

(B) Cheating

(C) May be liable for culpable homicide

(D) Liable for nothing


49. A meets B on high roads, shows a pistol and demands B’s purse. B in consequence,
surrenders his purse. Here A has committed-

(A) Theft

(B) Extortion

(C) Robbery

(D) Dacoity


50. A intentionally causes B’s death, partly by illegally omitting to give food to him, and
partly by beating him. A has committed –

(A) Culpable homicide

(B) Attempt to murder

(C) Murder
(D) Culpable homicide not amounting to murde



Q.1- ‘An act and intent must concur to constitute an offence.’ – Explain

Q.2- Explain the maxim actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea in the context of essentials to

constitute a crime.

Q.3- Explain in detail the principle of ignorantia facti excusat, ignorantia juris non excusat

With the help of relevant case law.

Q.4- Discuss intra and extra territorial jurisdiction of IPC.

Q.5. What are different theories of punishment?

Q.6. Define punishment and discuss fully various theories of punishment.

Q.7. What are the objects of punishment? Enumerate the kinds of punishment provided under

the IPC.

Q.8. Discuss the law relating to sedition.

Q.9. Discuss the law relating to the immunity of children from criminal liability under the

Indian Penal Code.

Q.10. Describe law of insanity under IPC.

Q.11. What is mistake of fact under IPC?

Q.12. Discuss the provisions relating to right of private defence of body. What are the

limitations thereon?

Q.13. Discuss the provisions relating to abetment under Indian Penal Code.

Q.14. State the essential ingredients of criminal conspiracy. Distinguish it from abetment.

Q.15. What is abetment? What are it’s different forms?

Q.16. When culpable homicide is not amounting to murder? Discuss.

Q.17. Discuss in detail hurt and grievous hurt under IPC.

Q.18 . Explain in detail the law of sudden and grave provocation under IPC.
Q.19. Explain the difference between force, criminal force and assault. Substantiate your

answer with proper illustrations.

Q.20. Distinguish between culpable homicide and murder.

Q.21. Define theft and distinguish it from extortion with suitable illustrations.

Q.22. Discuss the offence of mischief under IPC.

Q.23. ‘In all robbery there is either theft or extortion.’ Explain.

Q.24. Define adultery and distinguish it from rape.

Q.25. Discuss the offences relating to marriage.

Q. 26. Discuss the offence of rape in the light of Criminal Law Amendment Act, 2013.

Q. 27. What is meant by defamation? Critically discuss the provisions relating to defamation

Q.28. A being Z’s servant and entrusted by Z with the care of Z’s plate, dishonestly runs
away with the plate without Z’s consent. Discuss A’s liability.

Q.29. A, an officer of court of justice being ordered by that court to arrest Y and after due

enquiry believing Z to be Y arrests Z. Discuss A’s liability.

Q.30. A has sexual intercourse with Mrs. B without her consent. Discuss A’s liability.

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