Executive Summary: A. Company Details

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Executive Summary


A. Company Details :
Name : PT. Wijaya Coal Mining
Mining Area : 1 0 .000 Ha.
Location : Desa Senyiur Kecamatan Muara Ancalong
Kabupaten Kutai Timur Propinsi Kalimantan Timur

Fig 1. Location Map from East Kalimantan

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Executive Summary

Fig 2. Accesibilty Map for Coal Hauling

Executive Summary

B. Coal Resources
7 Coal seam with 0,67 – 2,00 m thickness
Measured (tonnes) Indicated (tonnes) Infered(tonnes)
26.320.282 1.788.950 260.514

C. Coal Reserves
Proved Coal Reserve Probable Coal Reserves (tonnes)
11.781.356 (SR 4,10) 7.640.000 (SR 4,20)

D. Coal Quality
 Total Moisture (TM) : 23.30 – 31.20 % (ar)
 Inherent Moisture : 16.30 – 19.80 % (adb)
 Ash Content : 0.90 – 7.90 % (adb)
 Total Sulphur : < 1 % (adb)
 Calorific Value : 5.100 – 5.600 (adb)

E. Legality

Subject Date Reference Number

Mining Business License for 188.4.45/719/HK/X/2009

October 29th, 2009
Environmental Feasibility 660/K.831/2013
September 17th, 2013
Environmental License September 23th, 2013 660/K.847/2013

Leasehold of Forest Area

License (IPPKH) July 26th, 2011 SK.412/Menhut-II/2011

F. Area Classification
PT. Wijaya Coal Mining
Total Area 10.000
Areas of Other Use (APL) 8.527
Sub Total
Forestry Cultivation Area PT. Inhutani I Long Nah PT. Melapi Timber
1.380 93

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Executive Summary

G. Area Status
Based on the attachment of Minister of Forestry Decree No.SK.554 / Menhut-II / 2013, the mining area of
PT. Wijaya Coal Mining is in an area of Production Forest / Hutan Produksi (HP) and Areas of Other Use
/Area Penggunaan Lain (APL)

Fig 3. Area Status Map based on Forestry Area

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