Conf Report - 'Islam and Humanitarian Action: Prospects and Challenges'
Conf Report - 'Islam and Humanitarian Action: Prospects and Challenges'
Conf Report - 'Islam and Humanitarian Action: Prospects and Challenges'
Conference Report
The report is based on the proceedings of the two-day national conference held in Karachi on 24, 25
November 2021.
Institute of Policy Studies Islamabad is an autonomous, not for profit, civil society organization, dedicated
to promoting policy-oriented research and human development. IPS provides a forum for informed
discussion and dialogue on national and international issues. The contributions spanning over forty years
and the overall impact signifies the importance of pragmatic research on policy issues. The Institute
highlights the role of think tanks in modern democratic polity.
Established in 1863, the ICRC operates worldwide, helping people affected by conflict and armed violence
and promoting the laws that protect victims of war. An independent and neutral organization, its
mandate stems essentially from the Geneva Conventions of 1949. The ICRC is based in Geneva,
Switzerland, and employ some 16,000 people in more than 80 countries. The ICRC is funded mainly by
voluntary donations from governments and from National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.
Building on its core principle of humanity, the ICRC in Pakistan has been serving the needs of the
vulnerable since 1947. From the direct relief operations to an approach that promises sustainability, it
works to improve the lives of people through innovative solutions. It strives to bring lasting changes in
the fields of health, physical rehabilitation, community-based risk education, restoring family links,
promotion of International Humanitarian Law and management of the dead in emergencies.
Still, there exists a noticeable tendency in Muslim In the context of the recent increase in religion-
societies, and more particularly in Pakistan, to based division and discrimination, it is useful to
help the needy and the vulnerable. The ongoing review the foundations of humanitarian services
armed conflicts, the poor law and order situation, in Islam and their scope in varying conditions. An
economic and social deprivation, natural interesting dimension of such review would
disasters, the presence of IDPs and refugees, the explore the potential of an Islam-based
religious and ethnic divide are among the factors humanitarian activity to be neutral in its
which make the humanitarian actions more application.
critical. To deal with these challenges, there is a
IPS and ICRC jointly organized a two-day national
significant presence of Muslim humanitarian
conference titled “Islam and Humanitarian Action:
organizations as well as individuals who are
Prospects and Challenges” in Karachi on 24, 25
engaged in addressing human miseries and
November, 2021, to discuss this key point. The
improving lives in individual and collective
conference approached the subject in its entirety
spheres. Some of these organizations are
to discuss other key aspects related to the key
primarily motivated by religion. They are present
point with particular focus of their application in
from local neighborhoods to national and
international levels, and enjoy public trust
through their selflessness, empathy and sacrifice. The organizing committee gave a call for papers
and in response nine papers were selected for
The Red Cross and Red Crescent (RC & RC) is a
presentation. Apart from that, religious scholars,
major global movement providing humanitarian
academicians and humanitarian leaders were
services around the world. Working on the
invited to contribute to the event.
fundamental principles of humanity, impartiality,
Inaugural Session
1: ( L-R) Mufti Muneeb-ur-Rehman, Syed Nadeem Farhat, Khalid Rahman, Dr. Ziaullah Rahmani, Syed Abrar Hussain.
The conference began with the recitation of the Holy This was also emphasized by the Prophet (PBUH) in
Qur’an. Chairman Tanzīm ul Madāris Pakistan, Mufti his farewell sermon which teaches Muslims equality
Muneeb-ur-Rehman presided over the inaugural and empathy, he added.
session. He was joined on the stage by the Chairman
Underlining the role of religious scholars and ulema
IPS Khalid Rahman, Regional Advisor on Islamic Law
in humanitarian services, Mufti Muneeb was of the
and Jurisprudence ICRC Dr. Ziaullah Rahmani, Vice
view that it is fundamental obligation of the Muslim
Chairman IPS Syed Abrar Hussain, and conference
religious scholars to support every victim of
coordinator Syed Nadeem Farhat.
oppression in the world.
Delivering his keynote address, Dr. Ziaullah Rahmani
Mufti Muneeb also said that some powers wanted to
from the ICRC presented an overview of the basic
achieve their nefarious goals under the guise of
principles upon which the Red Cross and Red
humanitarian services. He warned such actions would
Crescent movement has been extending
malign the noble cause and dishearten those
humanitarian services. His address laid out the
humanitarian workers who are genuinely striving for
purpose and aim of the two-day national conference.
creating a better world for future generations. He
Syed Abrar Hussain from the IPS discussed the
called upon the international community to extend
importance of neutrality, impartiality and non-
unconditional humanitarian aid to the people of
alignment in humanitarian services, while defining
Afghanistan where a humanitarian disaster was
their horizon.
While addressing the opening ceremony, Mufti
Chairman IPS Khalid Rahman welcomed the
Muneeb-ur-Rehman stressed that extending help to
participants joining the conference from across the
the needy in the hour of need is not only Allah’s
country and thanked the chief guest for accepting the
commandment in the Qur’an but it was also reflected
invitation to chair the inaugural session.
by the Prophet (PBUH) through practice all his life.
Session II
2: (L-R) Mufti Abdul Mun‘em, Maulvi Abdullah Khoso, Syed Abrar Hussain, Khalid Rahman, Maulana Muhammad Yasin Zafar.
After the end of the inaugural session, formal Maulana Muhammad Yasin Zafar from Faisalabad
proceedings of the conference began. The session and Maulvi Abdullah Khoso from Kashmore came up
chaired by Vice Chairman IPS, Syed Abrar Hussain, with their views on the topic “Islam and
included three research papers. The speakers Humanitarian Action: Prospects and Challenges”.
discussed ideational dimension of humanitarian While justifying humanitarian action from Islamic
services in Islam under the theme of “Islam and sources, Maulana Yasin Zafar identified a number of
Humanitarian Services”. Various perspectives of the avenues of human activity in which humanitarian
conceptual framework of humanitarian action under support could be provided and was done so in the
Islamic teachings were brought to the fore by the Islamic state of Madinah. Similarly, Maulvi Abdullah
speakers. Khoso also shed light on the prospects of
humanitarian action irrespective of religious, racial,
Mufti Abdul Mun‘em from Karachi presented his
political and ethnic affiliations from an Islamic
research findings on tradition and scope of
humanitarian services in Islam. After presenting
Qur’anic evidences for humanitarian services, the The participants were invited to comment and pose
speaker opined that Islamic perspective of questions to the speakers regarding their findings.
humanitarian services covers not only the believers After a fruitful discussion, the chair of the session
but Muslims have been encouraged by the Qur’an briefly addressed the audience on the theme.
and Sunnah to extend support to the non-believers as
well. He pointed out that humanitarian services are a
distinct feature of Islam.
Session III
3: (L-R) Syed Nadeem Farhat, Dr. Tariq Ramzan, Maulana Muhammad Yasin Zafar, Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad, Muhammad Rafiq Shinwari.
The next session was also comprised of three Dr. Muhammad Tariq Ramzan presented a
research presentations. Chaired by Nazim e A‘la of comparative study of Islamic International Law and
Wifaq ul Madāris As Salafiyah Pakistan Maulana International Humanitarian Law in respect of the
Muhammad Yasin Zafar, this session was titled as rights of prisoners of war and possible methods of
“Islam and Humanitarian Action: Shari‘ah and Legal their release.
Viewpoint”. As evident from the title, the discussion
The last contributor of this session was Dr. Ishfaq
evolved around the legal perspective of humanitarian
Ahmad who had done an analytical study of
action in Islamic and contemporary legal traditions.
humanitarian action in war-torn areas and objectives
Muhammad Rafiq Shinwari from Peshawar, Dr. Tariq
of Shari‘ah. He argued that the nature of interaction
Ramzan from Sargodha and Dr. Ishfaq Ahmad from
between Muslims and non-Muslims is based on
Islamabad were there to present research findings on
peace, and not war. Additionally, he gave valuable
their topics under this theme.
recommendations for humanitarian work in war-hit
The chair of the session opened the discussion by areas in light of the objectives of Shari‘ah.
inviting Muhammad Rafiq Shinwari who spoke on the
Open discussion followed the proceedings in which
topic “Duty of the International Human Relief &
participants made valuable additions to the
Compliance of State Laws: Possible Challenges &
discussion through their questions and comments.
Recommendations for Resolution”. He discussed the
Maulana Yasin Zafar, chair of the session,
possible ways for humanitarian organizations and
summarized the points brought forth by the three
their workers to avoid violation of state laws while
presenters and gave his remarks on the topic.
fulfilling their humanitarian duties.
Session IV
4: ( L-R) Dr. Syed Mohsin Naqvi, Shujauddin Sheikh, Dr. Ahmad Binori.
The last session of the day was based on a discussion Dr. Ahmad Binori emphasized the need for better
regarding the challenges which humanitarian cooperation between western societies as well as
workers have to face in the field and what role humanitarian organizations and Islamic societies in
religion and its followers need to play in order to the field of humanitarian activity. He was of the view
overcome these challenges. The session was that political and ideological differences with the
comprised of a keynote speech by Dr. Syed Mohsin West must not prevent the possibilities of
Naqvi, prominent religious scholar and educationist, cooperation between the two in humanitarian work
additional discussion on the subject by Dr. Ahmad because such cooperation is part of religious
Binori from Jami‘a Binoria Karachi, and remarks from teachings of Islam.
the session chair, Shujauddin Sheikh, the president of
Shujauddin Sheikh, while concluding the discussion,
Tanzīm e Islami Pakistan.
opined that humanitarian work must not be made
Dr. Syed Mohsin Naqvi argued that the most critical controversial by involving conflicting ideologies in it.
issue in the way of humanitarian work in a society like He emphasized that along with humanitarian work,
Pakistan is religious and sectarian discrimination. He peacekeeping, conflict resolution and peacebuilding
was of the view that for effective and long-lasting should also remain a key concern for global bodies
humanitarian work, religious organizations need to and states so that the quantity as well as intensity of
collaborate beyond their religious, sectarian, social human crises could be lowered. The first day’s
and political affiliations and people in crisis need to proceedings came to an end with this insightful
be reached indiscriminately. session.
Session V
5: (L-R) Dr. Oumar Saleem, Hafiz Usama Hameed, Muhammad Abdus Shakoor, Maulana Hanif Jalundhry, Dr. Shahzad Channa.
Proceedings of the second day of the national The second speaker was Dr. Oumar Saleem, who
conference were aimed more at the practical came up with his research analysis on “Importance of
dimension of humanitarian works and role of Islam, Humanitarian Action in Islam and Contemporary
Islamic organizations and Muslims in this regard. The Philosophies”. In his discussion, he listed a number of
first session was titled “Islam & Contemporary Forms institutional arrangements established for
of Humanitarian Action”. President Alkhidmat humanitarian works and analyzed their services
Foundation Pakistan Muhammad Abdus Shakoor through the lens of Islamic principles of humanity and
chaired the session with Maulana Hanif Jalundhry, humanitarianism.
prominent scholar and Nazim e A‘la Wifaq ul Madāris
Hafiz Usama Hameed was the next speaker who
Al Arabiya Pakistan, as the co-chair. Dr. Shahzad
talked about the “Financial and Human Resource
Channa from Karachi, Dr. Oumar Saleem from Topi
Utilization for Humanitarian Services in the State of
and Hafiz Usama Hameed from Islamabad presented
Madinah”. After discussing the foundational aspect
their papers on different topics.
of humanitarian services in Islam, the speaker
Dr. Shahzad Channa presented an analytical study on presented a number of examples of human welfare
the topic “Islam & the Concept of Humanitarian from the first Islamic welfare state of Madinah. He
Action in Contemporary Times”. After discussing the was of the view that Islam as a whole is for the
Qur’anic principles for humanitarian services and development of humanity and Prophet Muhammad
instances from the life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) took unmatched steps for humanitarian
(PBUH), the speaker proposed a number of areas services both in his individual capacity as well as the
including health, economy, women welfare, social head of the first Islamic state. Financial as well as
and medical services, senior citizenry, etc. where human resource can easily be produced and
humanitarian services can be delivered in effectively utilized in the arena of humanitarian
contemporary times. services if Islamic state of Madinah is taken as an
Maulana Hanif Jalundhry, co-chair for this session, agenda in Pakistan under the veil of humanitarian
said that Muslims have been drivers of the services.
humanitarian work not only in prophetic times, even
While concluding the session with his final remarks,
now their role is crucial in this regard. He gave
Abdus Shakoor, chair of the session, drew the
example of thousands of religious education
attention of those present in the conference to work
institutions, i.e. madrasahs, which have been
for more organized, well-connected and well-
providing free food and accommodation to hundreds
coordinated humanitarian services. He said that
of thousands of students alongside arranging for their
individual good deeds are also valuable but the
religious education. He argued that this was because
efficiency, effectiveness and impact of humanitarian
of the Islamic teachings which urge Muslims to
work are multiplied when humanitarian
dedicate their lives to philanthropy. The Maulana also
organizations and workers are in better coordination
raised concerns about the rumors that some western
with each other.
NGOs have been promoting their controversial
Session VI
6: (L-R) Dr. Maliha Zeba Khan, Aqsa Tasgheer, Raheela Khan, Kanwar Waseem.
This was the last session having discussion on formal Dr. Maliha Zeba Khan discussed the humanitarian
research papers. All three papers presented in this action in Pakistan’s maritime zone in light of the state
session discussed humanitarian action in the and international laws. Particular focus of her
Pakistani context. Provincial Secretary Pakistan Red discussion was the humanitarian role which Pakistan
Crescent Society Sindh Kanwar Waseem presided Maritime Security Agency (PMSA) plays at sea.
over the session. The presenters included Aqsa According to the facts described in this presentation,
Tasgheer from Lahore, Dr. Maliha Zeba Khan from the agency extends a diverse range of humanitarian
Islamabad and Advocate Rahila Khan from Karachi. services at sea including rescuing the ships and boats
facing some human or natural crisis, providing fueling
The discussion was opened up with the presentation
services to the vessels running short of fuel,
of Aqsa Tasgheer. The topic she covered was “Islamic
preventing children from being smuggled for child
Concept of Neutrality in Humanitarian Services and
labor and human trafficking at large, preventing drug
Islamic Republic of Pakistan”. After the foundational
smuggling, etc.
thoughts from Islamic sources, she drew a
comparison between the goals of secular and Islamic Advocate Rahila Khan talked about “Humanitarian
humanitarian groups. She described a few models of Action in Pakistan: Need, Nature and Challenges”.
humanitarianism extracted from the Islamic Under this topic, she discussed multiple kinds of
teachings. She also presented an overview of the political, social and economic challenges which make
government-based and private models of a huge part of Pakistan’s population to rely on
humanitarian services working in Pakistan. The last humanitarian support. She also came up with a
component of her discussion was an analysis of the number of short-term and long-term strategies which
possible coordination between religious-based and can be made in order to effectively perform
non-religious organizations of humanitarian service. humanitarian services in the country.
After an enlightening question-answer and support to their Muslim and non-Muslim brethren.
comments session by the audience, chair of the Pakistan is no exception in this case and the Pakistani
session Kanwar Waseem expressed his thoughts on nation is one of the most generous communities in
the theme. He was of the view that humanitarian the world. Humanitarian efforts at different levels
services have never been a strange phenomenon for and in various capacities need to be synergized in
Islam and Muslims. Throughout Islamic history, order to reach more concrete and productive
Muslims have extended massive humanitarian outcomes.
Session VII
Religion, Neutral Humanitarian Action and Humanitarian Organizations
7: (L-R) Muhammad Abdus Shakoor, Dr. Anis Ahmad, Dr. Shahida Naumani, Umair Hasan .
The subject cannot be justified unless the Muhammad Abdus Shakoor, President Alkhidmat
practitioners from the humanitarian field are not Foundation Pakistan; and Dr. Shahida Naumani,
given the opportunity to share the issues they face in Chairperson Shaoor Welfare Foundation Pakistan.
the practical field and the prospects and hopes they
While talking on the topic “Role and Strategy of the
come across during their daily interaction with the
Humanitarian Organizations in the Global Scenario”,
needy and those who are extending financial as well
Umair Hassan said that the sectarian divisions and
as human support to them. It is equally important to
religious discrimination had negatively affected the
know the level and extent of mutual interaction
obligation of humanitarian services. This resulted in
between the humanitarian organizations and what is
the violation of human rights which created vacuum
needed to be done in this regard. Keeping this in
for the non-religious humanitarian organizations to
view, this session consisted of a dialogue between
extend relief services without religious differences.
the representatives of different organizations
He admitted that the religious-inspired NGOs have
working for relief and rehabilitation in their
expanded their influence in recent decades and their
respective fields. The session was chaired by
contribution is now being recognized globally. This is
Professor Dr. Anis Ahmad, Vice Chancellor of Riphah
the reason the forums like UN agencies are now
International University. The discussants included
compelled to consider the role of religion in
Umair Hassan, Country Director Islamic Relief;
humanitarian services. The speaker opined that there
is no better tool than humanitarian work if the Action: Contemporary Challenges & the Way
believers of a religion want to defeat the anti-religion Forward”. She opined that ignorance, poverty,
propaganda and present their positive image to the joblessness, class-based discrimination and
world. prisoners’ issues were the major challenges which
needed to be addressed by the humanitarian workers
Abdus Shakoor was the next speaker who was to talk
on priority basis. The first and foremost step towards
on the topic “Importance of Coordination and
resolving these challenges was to create awareness
Collaboration between Humanitarian Institutions”.
among the masses. She stated that Islam in its
While sharing his personal experiences in practical
essence is the complete code for our life and its
life, he argued that the humanitarian workers come
implementation in this manner can resolve most of
across the stories of misery, helplessness and grief on
our problems.
a daily basis. He said that certain classes like the
transgender community and religious minorities are The session continued to an insightful discussion in
facing unimagined social as well as economic which the audience actively participated. Professor
hardships. Those working in this field with a religious Dr. Anis Ahmad, chair of the session, concluded the
motivation must aim at giving the marginalized session with his remarks. He said that as far as
communities a feeling of protection, peace, and love. humanitarian services matter, Islam does not
He emphasized that religiously motivated categorize the humans in majority and minority. The
humanitarian workers must have a worthy character. basic principle of humanitarianism in Islam is
He also reinforced the need for better cooperation humanity-first. The Holy Qur’an does not divide the
and coordination between the humanitarian needy in respect of their religious affiliation, their
organizations in order to share their experiences, race, color or origin. In contrast, it categorizes them
challenges faced by them and learn from one as per their requirement, i.e. orphans, borrowers,
another. AlKhidmat has been working in this poor, prisoners, etc. People should also keep these
direction and it has established several platforms for principles in mind while extending support to the
the organizations working for the well-being of needy.
orphans and disaster-management organizations. He
He argued that emergency-based humanitarian work
praised the efforts by the IPS and ICRC to bring
was also important but those with a religious identity
intellectuals, academics and practitioners closer.
must not forget to work for long-term strategies for
Dr. Shahida Naumani was the next speaker who the well-being of humanity.
presented her views on the topic “Humanitarian
Session VIII
Unbiased Humanitarian Services: Role of Madrasah
8: (L-R) Dr. Umair Mahmood Siddiqui, Maulana Zubair Ashraf Usmani, Mufti Abdur Raheem, Dr. Syed Azizur Rahman.
This session was dedicated to the discussion on public like that of the humanitarian organizations.
neutral humanitarian services through madrasahs. Instead religious institutions provide everything
The topic is important because religious educational considered basic necessity, mainly to the two classes,
institutions in Pakistan have been playing significant i.e. the teachers and students coming to these
role in providing free shelter, food and other basic seminaries for education.
facilities, along with education to thousands of
He opined that prior to 1857, there was no concept
students from poor and middle class families. This
of establishing a religious educational institute under
can be considered one of the most organized effort
the banner of a certain sect or school of thought. It
for humanitarian cause.
was vice versa as the religious schools of thought and
The session was chaired by Mufti Abdur Raheem, scholars used to be identified through the seminaries.
President Jamiatur Rasheed Karachi. This concept needs to be revived in order to soften
the differences and overcome sectarianism on
In-charge IIUI’s Regional Dawah Centre Karachi Dr.
religious lines.
Syed Azizur Rahman was the lead discussant who was
joined by Dr. Zubair Ashraf Usmani from Jamia Darul Dr. Umair Mahmood Siddiqui expanded the debate
Uloom Karachi, and Dr. Umair Mahmood Siddiqui initiated by the keynote speaker. His discussion
from the University of Karachi. evolved around the four essential questions
regarding the scope of impartial, neutral social work
Dr. Syed Azizur Rahman delivered his keynote speech
in Islam, present role of madrasah in this regard,
in the session. He argued that the social service which
challenges and future prospects. He came up with a
a madrasah provides does not go to the general
number of Qura’nic verses, prophetic traditions and admired the services which seminaries like Jamiatur
instances from the early Islamic period to prove that Rasheed, Jamia Darul Uloom Karachi and Jamia
Islam encourages the principle of “Humanity First” in Binoria have been offering to humanity for many
social works. He praised religious seminaries for their decades. He agreed with the previous speakers that,
contribution to humanitarian services and opined in order to overcome the shortcomings, madrasahs
that, in many cases, madrasahs have not remained need to accommodate modern trends and adopt the
confined to the welfare of their teachers and required strategies so that their influence could be
students. Rather they have opened their doors to the made visible in the society.
needy in times of human crises as well as natural
Chair of the session, Mufti Abdur Raheem, said the
disasters irrespective of religious, national, racial, or
solution to the problems being faced by humanity lies
ethnic identities of those at the receiving end. Many
in following the path set by the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
madrasahs in Pakistan have been providing free basic
He stressed the need for eradicating depression and
facilities to the foreign nationals without any
anxiety in today’s world.
discrimination. Hence, they should be considered as
the largest NGOs in this field. Referring to the minorities, he warned if the non-
Muslims living in Pakistan feel insecure then the
The speaker, however, admitted that sectarian
Muslims across the globe would also be in distress.
division among the religious class had been badly
He underlined the importance of human compassion
affecting the principle of impartiality and neutrality.
in Islam by saying that even in times of war, the
Religious leaders from every school of thought must
agreements made with the infidels were
come forward, use platforms provided by the
implemented in letter and spirit and infidels were
organizations like IPS and ICRC, and look for avenues
also helped in their difficulties whenever they needed
through which the issue could be resolved.
assistance. He deplored the gulf of
Dr. Zubair Ashraf Usmani briefly discussed the role of misunderstandings between seminaries and NGOs
the madrasah sector in humanitarian services. He and reiterated that this mistrust must be bridged.
Concluding Session
9: Distribution of certificates
The proceedings were now about to end after the Khalid Rahman, while paying gratitude to the
insightful and enlightening discussion on the subject audience, speakers and the organizers for their
for two days. The concluding session consisted of the contribution in the success of this event, said that the
distribution of certificates and souvenirs among two days of discussion provide a ray of hope that
various participants along with the concluding religious circles are committed to the wellbeing of
remarks by the chairman IPS Khalid Rahman and their community and humanity as a whole. He said
ICRC’s regional advisor Dr. Ziaullah Rahmani. Dr. that we, the Pakistanis, especially the young
Ziaullah Rahmani, in his concluding speech, shed light generation, must not be disappointed with our
upon some issues which were raised by the speakers country and our nation. No human society is
in various sessions. One of these was that human- completely free of evils. Pakistan and its people have
made crises like wars have deprived a considerable potential and a will to utilize their potential for
portion of humanity of the basic needs and whether human well-being. An evidence of this is that
it would be wise to stick to the relief work without Pakistani society is one of the most generous
identifying and curbing the root cause due to which a societies as far as humanitarian services are
crisis occurred. Dr. Rahmani was of the view that concerned. What we need is to have faith in our
every organization has a mandate and area of religion, in our country, in the values which we inherit
specialization and it should be expected to excel in from our socio-religious tradition and in our potential
that area only. Humanitarian organizations like ICRC in order to uplift our society and promote the
have no political or military power to stop conflict. message of goodwill, love and peace for the entire
Conflict resolution is a very important job beyond any humankind.
doubt, but it is the responsibility of political
After the distribution of certificates and souvenirs,
institutions like the UN and the states. He
the conference came to an end with prayers.
congratulated the IPS and ICRC teams for successfully
organizing a well-disciplined and productive