Consumables For E911 Crmo Steel: En/Din Astm

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CONSUMABLES FOR E911 CrMo STEEL Email: [email protected]
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Alloy type Microstructure

Modified 9CrMo type generically called E911, with a In the PWHT condition consists of tempered martensite.
nominal composition of 9%Cr-1%Mo-1%W+NbVN.
Welding guidelines
Preheat-interpass range for E911 is 200-300°C. Before
Materials to be welded
PWHT it is preferable to cool to 100°C or lower to
EN/DIN 1.4905 X11CrMoWVNb 9 1 1 ensure full martensite transformation.
1.4906 G-X12CrMoWVNbN 10 1 1 (cast)
ASTM A182/A336 F911 (forgings)
A213 T911 (seamless tube)
A234 WP911 (fittings) PWHT requirements are essentially the same as for P91,
A335 P911 (seamless pipe) which requires PWHT in the range 730-780°C.
A369 FP911 (forged pipe) Castings are often PWHT at temperatures towards the
A387 Grade 911 (plate) bottom of this range but the time is proportionally
increased to ensure sufficient tempering. As a general
rule the tempering parameter (P), should be 21, or
higher, to achieve adequate tempering.
Electrodes for the new European creep-resistant steel
E911, which is essentially the ASTM P91 type with P = °C+273(20+logt) x 10-3 (t = time in hours)
1%W added to increase creep strength for service up to
at least 600°C. Suggested conditions are 12h at 730°C or 3h at 760°C.

Related alloy groups

These consumables are mainly intended for castings,
which have a slightly higher Cr level. Castings also This alloy is closely related to the P91 alloy (data sheet
have up to 1%Ni to suppress retained ferrite; in wrought A-17) and P92 alloy (data sheet A-20). The 9CrWV
products nickel is limited to 0.4%. For microstructural TIG wire (A-20) can be used in conjunction with
control and to optimise toughness after PWHT, the weld Chromet 10MW. Also see alloy 921 (data sheet A-25).
metal has about 0.6%Ni added.
Products available
Applications for E911 steels include components such Process Product Specification
as headers, main steam piping, boiler tubes, turbine MMA Chromet 10MW --
casings and steam valves in fossil fuelled power
FCW Cormet 10MW --
generating plants. It may also find future use in oil
refineries and coal liquefaction and gasification

Rev 08 05/09 DS: A-18 (pg 1 of 3)

CHROMET 10MW MMA electrode for E911 creep-resisting steel

Product description MMA electrode with a basic low hydrogen flux system made on high purity steel core wire. Electrode is all-
positional with a moisture resistant coating giving very low weld metal hydrogen levels.
Recovery is about 120% with respect to core wire, 65% with respect to whole electrode.

Specifications AWS A5.5 E9015-G (E9015-B9 modified)

ASME IX Qualification QW432 F-No --, QW442 A-No --

Composition C Mn Si S P Cr Ni Mo W Nb V N Al
(weld metal wt %) min 0.08 0.50 0.15 -- -- 9.0 0.40 0.85 0.85 0.04 0.18 0.03 --
max 0.14 1.20 0.30 0.01 0.02 10.5 0.80 1.2 1.2 0.08 0.25 0.07 0.02
typ 0.11 0.8 0.25 0.008 0.010 9.5 0.5 1 1 0.05 0.22 0.05 0.01

All-weld mechanical Typical after PWHT: 730°C/12h

properties typical
Tensile strength MPa 760
0.2% Proof stress MPa 620
Elongation on 5d % 19
Reduction of area % 62
Impact energy + 20°C J 60
Hardness HV 250

Operating parameters DC +ve or AC (OCV: 70V min)

ø mm 3.2 4.0 5.0

min A 80 100 140
max A 140 180 240

Packaging data ø mm 3.2 4.0 5.0

length mm 380 450 450
kg/carton 14.4 16.5 16.8
pieces/carton 393 225 159

Storage 3 hermetically sealed ring-pull metal tins per carton, with unlimited shelf life. Direct use from tin will give
hydrogen < 5ml/100g for longer than a working shift of 8h.
For electrodes that have been exposed:
Redry 250 – 300°C/1-2h to ensure H2 < 10ml/100g, 300 – 350°C/1-2h to ensure H2 < 5ml/100g. Maximum
420°C, 3 cycles, 10h total.
Storage of redried electrodes at 50 – 200°C in holding oven or heated quiver: no limit, but maximum 6 weeks
recommended. Recommended ambient storage conditions for opened tins (using plastic lid): < 60% RH, > 18°C.

Fume data Fume composition, wt % typical:

Fe Mn Ni Cr Cu Pb F OES (mg/m3)
15 5 <0.2 <3 <0.1 <0.1 18 1.7

Rev 08 05/09 DS: A-18 (pg 2 of 3)

Cormet 10MW Metal cored wire for E911 creep-resisting steel

Product description Metal cored wire designed to weld equivalent E911 steels. Metal powder core with an alloyed strip producing
weld metal recovery of about 96%.

Specifications AWS A5.29 No current national standards.

ASME IX Qualification QW432 F-No -, QW442 A-No -

Composition C Mn Si S P Cr Ni Mo W Nb V N B Al Cu
(wire wt %) Min 0.08 0.50 -- -- -- 9.0 0.40 0.9 0.9 0.04 0.18 0.03 -- -- --
Max 0.13 1.20 0.40 0.015 0.02 10.0 0.85 1.2 1.2 0.08 0.25 0.07 0.0015 0.04 0.1
Typ 0.11 0.8 0.30 0.01 0.017 9.5 0.6 1.0 1.0 0.05 0.2 0.05 0.0005 0.01 0.05

All-weld mechanical PWHT 755°C / 3h typical

properties Tensile strength 770
0.2% Proof stress 650
Elongation on 4d 11
Elongation on 5d 9
Reduction of area 20
Impact energy + 20°C 14
Hardness 260

Operating parameters Shielding gas: Ar + 2.5-20%CO2 at 20-25l/min (operability is improved at higher CO2 contents but impact
properties are better with lower CO2 contents).
Current: DC+ve ranges as below:
ø amp-volt range stickout
260A, 28V 15-25mm

Packaging data Spools vacuum-sealed in barrier foil with cardboard carton: 15kg (33 lbs)
The as-packed shelf life is virtually indefinite.
Resistance to moisture absorption is high, but to maintain the high integrity of the wire surface and prevent any
possibility of porosity, it is advised that part-used spools are returned to polythene wrappers.
Where possible, preferred storage conditions are 60% RH max, 18°C min.

Fume data Fume composition (wt %), shielding gas 80%Ar-20%CO2:

Fe Mn Ni Cr3 Cu Pb OES (mg/m3)

60 5 < 0.5 5 < 0.1 < 0.1 5.0

Rev 08 05/09 DS: A-18 (pg 3 of 3)

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