Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert: September 2019

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Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert

Preprint · September 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28059.41764/2


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1 author:

Domina Petric
UHC Split


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Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert
Domina Petric, MD

ABSTRACT An ambivert is someone who

exhibits qualities of both introversion and
Introversion-extraversion levels are part of
extraversion and can flip into either
a single, continuous dimension of
depending on their mood, context and
personality. Most of the personalities can
goals. Ambiverts have also been called
be measured somewhere between the two
outgoing introverts (an introvert who can
extremes. The most adaptive personality
be outgoing in certain situations, or around
traits have ambiverts, because they exhibit
certain people, or when they absolutely
both introversion and extraversion,
need to), antisocial extroverts (an
depending on the situation. It is possible to
extrovert who needs time to recharge
develop abilities from the opposite side of
before socializing or likes to be alone more
this spectrum with mental training. For
than a typical extrovert) and social
example, predominantly introverted person
introverts (an introvert who can dial up
can learn how to manage in large groups,
into extraversion when needed)2.
and predominantly extroverted person can
learn how to work alone and reflect. INTROVERT-AMBIVERT-
Introvert, ambivert and extrovert is
Jung (1921) suggested the principal
a spectrum of personality traits rather than
distinction between personalities is the
personality types. It is very rare to find
source and direction of an individual’s
person that is pure introvert or extrovert.
expression of energy-defining extroversion
Most of the personalities can be measured
as ˝an outward turning of libido˝ and
somewhere between these two extremes.
introversion as ˝an inward turning of
The most psychologically stable persons
libido˝. The interest of the introvert is
seem to be ambiverts who can exhibit both
directed inwards; they think, feel, and act
extraversion and introversion, depending
in ways that suggest the subject is the
on the situation. For example, ambivert
prime motivating factor. Extroverts, on the
enjoys spending time with others, but
other hand, direct their interest outwards to
needs to be alone occasionally. Ambivert
their surrounding environment; they think,
can be outgoing in the right social context,
feel, and act in relation to external
can be on teams after working
factors rather than the subjective1.
independently and can process out loud or very important and the ability to
internally2. communicate with patients. Predominantly
introverted person might have a problem
with this. And in the case that this person
Introversion is the state of being is studying medicine, he or she has to be
predominantly interested in one's own able to develop some of the abilities of the
mental self3. Introverts are typically extrovert, for example, team work and
perceived as more reserved or good communication skills. For some
reflective4. Some popular psychologists people, it is possible to develop abilities
have characterized introverts as people from the opposite side of the introvert-
whose energy tends to expand through ambivert-extrovert spectrum, and for
reflection and dwindle during interaction5. others it is sometimes too difficult.

Advantages of being dominantly introvert EXTRAVERSION

are the abilities to reflect, to be alone and
Extraversion is the state of
work independently. It is considered that
primarily obtaining gratification from
introverted persons might be successful as
outside oneself3. Extraverts tend to enjoy
artists, writers, scientists, composers,
human interactions and to
inventors and in similar professions, for
be enthusiastic, talkative, assertive, and
which the abilities of strong reflection and
gregarious. Extraverts are energized and
independent work are mandatory. On the
thrive off being around other people. They
other hand, introverted persons have
take pleasure in activities that involve large
several weak spots. They might have
social gatherings, such as parties,
problems with team work, socialization,
community activities, public
public speak and might not be successful in
demonstrations, and business or political
professions that demand extraversion, for
groups. They also tend to work well in
example, politics, show business, teaching,
groups4. Advantages of being dominantly
medicine…What if an introverted person is
extrovert are abilities to socialize, to work
talented for medicine and wants to become
in team, to present oneself in public.
a physician? In this case, introverted
Extroverts might be successful in show
person has to engage oneself in mental
business, politics, medicine, teaching and
training and has to learn how to be an
similar professions that demand team work
extrovert when the situation demands it.
and interaction with many people.
For example, in medicine, team work is

Weak spots for extroverts might be social isolation. Ambiversion seems to be
inability to work alone, weaker ability to the most adaptive and stable combination
reflect, to introspect, to understand of introversion and extraversion.
themselves, in comparison with introverts.
Extroverts usually absorb other people´s
thoughts and emotions, and might be more Introversion-extraversion levels are
sensitive to insults and defamation of part of a single, continuous dimension of
character than introverts do. Social personality. Most of the personalities can
isolation is usually very toxic for be measured somewhere between the two
extroverts, whilst introverts can survive extremes. It is very rare to find an extreme
social isolation more easily. extrovert or introvert. The most adaptive
personality traits have ambiverts, because
they exhibit both introversion and
Most contemporary trait theories extraversion, depending on the situation. It
measure levels of extraversion-introversion is possible to develop abilities from the
as part of a single, continuous dimension opposite side of this spectrum with mental
of personality, with some scores near one training, when necessary. For example,
end, and others near the half-way mark6. predominantly introverted person can learn
Ambiversion is falling more or less how to manage in large groups, how to
directly in the middle3, 7. socialize or present oneself in public,
whilst predominantly extraverted person
An ambivert is moderately comfortable
can learn how to reflect or work
with groups and social interaction, but also
independently. The task of a psychologist
relishes time alone, away from a crowd. In
is to help in this training.
simpler words, an ambivert is a person
whose behavior changes according to the
social context. In face of authority or in the
presence of strangers, the ambivert may be
1. Houston, E. (2022) Introvert vs Extrovert: A
more introverted. However, in the presence Look at the Spectrum and Psychology.
of family or close friends, the ambivert
may be more extraverted. Ambiverts have extroversion-spectrum/

the ability of adaptation to many different 2. Van Edwards, V. (2022) What is an Ambivert?
situations. They are able to manage in
3. Introversion, extraversion ambiversion. Merriam
large groups, but are also able to survive
Webster Dictionary.

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4. Briggs Myers, J. (2022) Extraversion or

5. Helgoe, L. (2008) Introvert Power: Why Your
Inner Life is Your Hidden Strength. Naperville,
Illinois: Sourcebooks.
6. Application of Trait Theory. (2022)

7. Cohen, D., and Schmidt, J.P. (1979)

Ambiversion: Characteristics of Midrange
Responders on the Introversion-Extraversion
Continuum. Journal of Personality
Assessment, 43(5):514–6.

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