Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in The Grid by Applying International Standards To The Inverter As A Multifunctional Grid Interface
Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in The Grid by Applying International Standards To The Inverter As A Multifunctional Grid Interface
Integration of Distributed Energy Resources in The Grid by Applying International Standards To The Inverter As A Multifunctional Grid Interface
C onventional power systems include centralized power interconnected systems and communication protocols. While
plants, the power mainly flows in one direction, and the power utility device-to-device interoperability is recently
active control takes place only in the high voltage levels. In proposed via IEC 61850, application-to-application
contrast, smart power systems include centralized power interoperability can be achieved via middleware architecture
plants, distributed energy resources (DERs) as well as such as Distributed Object Computing (DOC) middleware,
renewable energy sources (RESs) in all voltage levels, and Component Object Middleware (COM), and Message
characterized by actively controlled bidirectional power flow Oriented Middleware (MOM). On the other hand, IEEE has
[1]. The energy converting system (ECS) of the RES converts adopted the Distributed Network Protocol version 3 (DNP3)
the energy from one form to dc current, which must be as a communication protocol for future Smart Grids under the
converted into ac in order to be fed to the grid. This can be name IEEE P1815™ [3]. Traditionally, DNP3 and IEC 60870-
5-104 are considered as legacy SCADA protocols that offer
communication between remote terminal units (RTUs), as
This research work is supported by the German “Federal Ministry of field devices, and the SCADA system as control center
Education and Research” and administrated by “Arbeitsgemeinschaft
industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen "Otto von Guericke" e.V. (AiF)”. application. The National Institute for Standards and
S. Jaloudi, W. Sinsukthavorn, P. Wirasanti, and N. Alamin are pursuing Technologies (NIST) has recently launched a project for
their PhD degrees at South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences mapping the information objects of IEC 61850 to the data
through the joint program with the University of Bolton (UK), Soest,
Luebecker Ring 2, 59494 Germany (e-mail: [email protected]).
objects of DNP3 [4], which will offer the device-to-
E. Ortjohann is a professor at South Westphalia University and head of application interoperability.
Power Systems and Power Economics department, Soest, Luebecker Ring 2, Therefore, application-to-application interoperability is
59494 Germany (e-mail: [email protected]).
D. Morton is a research professor in the School of Business and Creative
discussed in section II, entitled information integration in the
Technologies at the University of Bolton, Deane Road, Bolton, BL3 5AB, Smart Grid as a distributed system. Standard communication
978-1-4244-8417-1/11/$26.00 ©2011
protocols for conventional and future power systems are B. Structured Communication
discussed in section III. Device-to-device interoperability and Remote procedure calls (RPC) is an example of this type of
application-to-device interoperability depending on IEC and technology. The Sun RPC and distributed computing
IEEE standards are discussed in section IV, which is entitled environment (DCE) are tow examples of the RPC technology.
comparison between international standards and middleware RPC-based technique allows procedures in one application to
for interoperability and control of DERs. Section V introduces call procedures in remote applications as if they were local
a general strategy for the inverter as a multifunctional grid calls. Structured communication offers higher-level
interface device by applying specific IEEE and IEC standards communication than the ad hoc programming. However,
to it. Finally section VI concludes the whole paper. disadvantages of ad hoc networks were not fully overcome.
Moreover, tightly coupled components in the network, is a
II. INFORMATION INTEGRATION IN THE SMART GRID AS A serious problem in this technology.
C. Middleware Architecture
A new trend in power systems is developing toward
distributed generation (DG), which means that energy It is the bridge infrastructure software that interconnects
conversion systems (ECS) are suited close to energy distributed applications and components to ensure
consumers and large units are substituted by smaller ones [5]. interoperability. It resides between the application layer and
In general, DG is geographically distributed across the grid the underlying operating system, network infrastructure, or
and their accompanying information and communication database. The main goal of a middleware is to enable
technology (ICT) systems are distributed as well among distributed heterogeneous SW/HW systems to
different stakeholders. Hence, the Smart Grid is a distributed intercommunicate and interoperate via integration
system that could be a collection of heterogeneous architecture. Distributed Object Computing (DOC)
components and unrelated software systems communicating Middleware, Component Object Middleware (COM) and
over different networks through an intelligent integration Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) are all examples of
middleware, which enables these components, systems and this middleware.
devices to share the resources of the power system and to The DOC technologies are based on Object-Oriented
organize their activities, so that the interconnected systems techniques (Object-Oriented Middleware: OOM), and
look like a single integrated grid. This gives Smart Grids some consider each entity in the distributed system as an object with
characteristics related to distributed systems such as: no distinction between clients and servers. Moreover each
1) Future Smart Grid has multiple points of control, object provides services to other objects and receives services
2) Different systems will be able to interoperate through from other objects through a communication middleware
well-defined interfaces that mandates the Smart Grid called an object request broker (ORB) [8]. CORBA 2.x and
to be an open system, remote method invocation (RMI) are examples of DOC
3) Components, objects and resources of Smart Grids technology. CORBA also defines communication protocols
may not be shared or accessible by all stakeholders, and object information models to enable interoperability
4) Smart Grid will be scalable; size scalability (number between heterogeneous applications [9]. DOC technologies
of users/applications), geographical scalability focus on interfaces, and the object models treat these
(distance between nodes), and administrative interfaces as client/server and tightly couple the
scalability (number of administrative domains). intercommunicating objects [10]. This means that
In general, three technologies are developed to support programmers must explicitly program the connections among
distributed systems [6]: Ad hoc network programming, the objects, which limits the flexibility of CORBA-based
structured communication and middleware architecture. applications.
COM middleware tried to overcome the limitations of the
A. Ad hoc network programming DOC middleware by creating a virtual boundary around
Inter-process communications (IPC) is an example of this application components, with well-defined interfaces,
technology that includes pipes, shared-memory and sockets composing and executing components in generic application
programming. It enables components from different address servers [10]. It encapsulates services to provide reusable
spaces (clusters) to intercommunicate. Clustering is the building blocks, and looks at each implementation entity as a
process of partitioning a network into subnets of nodes, and it component and defines a set of connection points and
is a way of making ad hoc networks more scalable [7]. Using interfaces to synchronously intercommunicate with other
e.g. sockets, directly within application code, tightly couples components. Some component models also support
this code to the socket API. Adding new application to the asynchronous message passing. These components represent
system becomes costly, and needs manual effort. On the other clients, whereas a container represents the server. To associate
hand, programming directly to an IPC can cause a paradigm clients with their servers, connection points are joined with
mismatch, e.g., one side uses method invocations while the named interfaces provided by other components [6].
other uses message passing. Microsoft’s COM and DCOM that are deprecated in the .NET,
Enterprise Java Beans (EJB), Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
and CORBA 3.x Component Middleware (CCM) are all
examples of this type of middleware. In fact, CCM is a III. STANDARD COMMUNICATION PROTOCOLS FOR
technical improvement on EJB, and joins the best of .NET and CONVENTIONAL AND FUTURE POWER SYSTEMS
J2EE component models. The .NET is multi-language, single- More and more power-related applications utilize
platform, while J2EE is single-language and multi-platform. information and communication technologies (ICTs) and
Apache ActiveMQ and Java Messaging Server (JMS) standard protocols for information exchange that intelligently
provide loosely coupled exchange of messages and represent integrates the SW/HW components of new DERs into the
MOM products. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) can existing conventional power systems. This comes by the
be used to offer the functionality of this middleware as a application of standard communication protocols between
firewall-friendly standard. Nevertheless, it needs more different stakeholders of the power system. Some of these
programming efforts. More details can be found in section IV. protocols are already in use. The most popular are the legacy
On the other hand, two communication mechanisms exist, SCADA protocols, such as the IEC 60870-5-104 (T104) and
the request/response and the asynchronous messaging, which the distributed network protocol version 3 (DNP3). New
includes publish/subscribe topic messaging and point-to-point standards are emerging such as the IEC 61400-25 for wind
message queuing. COM and DOC Middleware are examples power plants, the IEC 62056 for telemeter, and the IEC 61850
of the request/response pattern, whereas, MOM is an example for communication and data modelling in substations, DERs
of the asynchronous messaging pattern. The request/response and hydroelectric power plants. These standards are explained
pattern introduces synchronous communication between client in the following subsections.
and server. The main characteristics of this pattern are point-
to-point communication, which means that the client A. IEC 60870-5-104
communicate with only one server at a time, and clients are The IEC 60870 standard defines communication protocols
tightly coupled to servers, which means that the client must between control center (CC) and substation. Part 5 consists of
know the identity or the address of the server, (i.e. designated 6 sections, under the general title “Telecontrol equipment and
communication). The Publish/Subscribe and message queuing systems – Part 5: Transmission protocols” [11]. Part 5-104
mechanisms introduce asynchronous communication, where represents a legacy SCADA protocol and widely used for
senders transmit data to receivers without blocking to wait for telecontrol between the control center and RTUs in Europe.
a response. Furthermore, it supports group communication, This protocol can be used over Internet WAN because it was
where multiple subscribers can receive events sent by one built according to the IEEE model, and hence web-based
publisher. Moreover, Publishers are loosely coupled to SCADA systems can be built in hierarchical way.
subscribers, where the publisher must not know about the The IEC 60870-5-104 (T104) data units are application
existence of the receiver (i.e. anonymous communication). service data units (ASDUs) in the IEEE 802 model (RFC
2200), as shown in Fig 1. This means that they are services in
D. Enterprise Service Bus
the application layer that are divided into data units. These
Web services can be used to implement the Service ASDUs are associated with control frames called application
Oriented Architecture (SOA), and together with a MOM can protocol control information (APCI). The APCI together with
build an effective enterprise service bus (ESB), which is a the ASDU form the application protocol data unit (APDU),
distributed system that integrates heterogeneous SW/HW which is the main transferred data unit from the CC to the
systems. The ESB in this case groups both the SOA together RTU in the control direction, and from the RTU to the CC in
with the Event Driven Architecture (EDA) to build seamless the monitoring direction, in vertical communication way as
information integration architecture. EDA can complement shown in Fig. 2. The minimum size of the APDU is 6 bytes,
SOA because services can be activated by triggers fired on while the maximum size is 255 bytes including control and
incoming events. However, the main technologies used by header frames [11]. This limits its usage to transfer large
web services are the Web Service Description Language amount of small sized data units. However, the server,
(WSDL) and the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). controlled station, always uses TCP port number 2404, while
SOAP is the XML-based communication protocol used for the client, controlling station, uses ephemeral TCP ports. In
exchanging structured information in a decentralized addition, an IPv4 address must be assigned to each client as
distributed environment, and hence the naming, SOAP-based well as each server in order to be used in a WAN such as the
web services. It is used for accessing a Web Service via HTTP Internet. The hardware part of the RTU may or may not exist.
and hence, passes through firewalls. In addition, it allows This totally depends on the application that may use a
communication between applications running on different database (DB) instead of a HW device, or may use both of
operating systems, with different programming languages. In them together in a LAN with other SW/HW entities.
fact, Web services offer synchronous communication via
SOAP/HTTP and represent an SOA, whereas, asynchronous B. DNP3
communication can be implemented using SOAP/JMS, It is the American version of the early IEC 60870-5
SOAP/Apache ActiveMQ or even SOAP/SMTP in order to version, and originally designed as a general SCADA
represent an EDA. However, SMTP is a standard protocol, protocol. It was developed in the 90s while it was in public
whereas, JMS and Apache ActiveMQ are industry products. use, and later, its ownership is given to the DNP3 users group.
In January 2010, the IEEE announced that work is underway
for the formal recognition of DNP3 as an IEEE standard.
Fig. 2. The IEC 60870-5-104 protocol philosophy – vertical communication. Fig. 3. Approach of the IEC 61850 protocol stack.
IEC 61400-25-2/3
As mentioned above, information integration in distributed
power systems mainly covers communication networks and
standard communication protocols. Therefore, the available
standard protocols that can be applied for communication
between the control center and SW/HW systems (RTU/IED,
DB, PC) of an ECS, in vertical communication over IP-based Fig. 4. Standards for RESs interfaces in vertical communication.
WAN, are shown in Fig. 4. Each DER is shown in a LAN
together with its related SW/HW systems as mentioned in bytes. In the IEEE P18115, the size of the APDU may vary
section III, part A, communicating in vertical way to the between 0 and 2048 bytes. Hence, T104 may require a large
control center via IEC 60870-5-104 (T104). number of ASDUs to send data, which may lead to a loss of
While the IEC 61850-7-4 and 61850-7-420 define efficiency, in this case. In the same sense, the IEEE P1815
information models for the communication with DERs logical usage is limited to small amount of data that have large-sized
nodes, the IEC 61850-7-410 is used for the same purpose in packets.
hydroelectric power plants. The IEC 61400 parts 25-2 and 25- An important difference between both protocols is the type
3 are also used for information modeling and information of data sent in each ASDU. While IEEE P1815 allows
exchange modeling respectively in wind power plants. multiple data objects in one ASDU frame, only data objects of
Legacy SCADA protocols, such as IEEE P1815 (DNP3) the same type can be transmitted in one T104 ASDU. In
and T104, are not fully capable of fulfilling the requirements contrast to T104 that uses request/response mechanism, IEEE
and all expected functions of future smart power systems. P1815 can use both request/response and event mechanisms,
Moreover, both are designed for low bandwidth control and via TCP/IP connections and UDP/IP connections respectively.
monitoring operations. In addition, the semantic content of Which protocol to be chosen, depends on the application
their messages are not machine readable. At the same time, the and on the needs of the customer, especially the amount of
new SCADA standard, IEC 61850, uses the MMS as a traffic between the control center and the DER interface unit.
communication protocol that is not suitable for As the IEEE P1815 protocol has variable length ASDUs, can
communication with control centers (SCADA systems). On carry different data types in the same frame, and supports both
the other hand, future smart power system devices will require communication mechanisms, it would be the right choice for
high bandwidth and rapid communications that are better mapping the IEC 61850 information objects.
supported by the IEC 61850 and hence, the information As shown in Fig. 4, SCADA/EMS (Energy Management
models of IEC 61850-7-4 and 61850-7-420 mapped to the data System) supervises, controls, optimizes and manages
objects of T104 or IEEE P1815 are proposed here for DERs generation and transmission systems. However, SCADA/DMS
control and monitoring. For the wind power plant, this is (Distribution Management System) performs the same
specified by the IEC 61400-25-4 standard. For IEC 61850-7-4, functions for power distribution networks. Both systems
the standard IEC 61850-80-1 can be used for the mapping to enable utilities to collect, store and analyze data from
T104 and for mapping to IEEE P1815 the National Institute of thousands of data points in national or regional networks,
Standards and Technology (NIST) has recently launched a perform network modeling, simulate power operation,
project for this purpose called Priority Action Plan (PAP 12) pinpoint faults, preempt outages, and participate in energy
[4]. trading markets [15]. In general, the main functionalities of the
Choosing the right legacy protocol, for mapping, depends control center can be summarized as follows: load frequency
on many factors. Although both have the same origin, which is control (LFC)/automatic generation control (AGC), economic
IEC 60870-5-101, the IEEE P1815 is a general SCADA dispatching, state estimation, contingency analysis, security
protocol. On the other hand, the amount of data to be sent and alerts and alarms [16]. These functionalities must be
received from the DER interface, to the SCADA system may automated in Smart Grids to achieve a reliable and stable
influence the efficiency of the whole system. While, the power system. This can happen by applying international
maximum size of the APDU in the T104 is 255 bytes standards to the inverter and between the inverter and other
including the header and control bytes, its minimum size is 6 associated DER SW/HW applications, components and
networks for physical control as well a business functions.
As shown in Fig. 5, the inverter can act as a multifunctional hence, be able to connect to the advanced meter infrastructure
grid interface device, by converting it into an IED, and (AMI), for billing purposes as a business-related function.
applying specific information models of the IEC 61850-7-4 Moreover, the database of the inverter may contain owner
and 61850-7-420 to an IED inside the inverter. Fortunately, information, latitude, longitude, and other customer data.
the logical nodes of the IEC 61850 can be modeled using the These can be communicated to the customer information
functional blocks (FBs) of IEC 61499 and enhanced with system (CIS) and geographic information system (GIS) via
intelligence, which results in an executable model of an Web Services. The outage management system (OMS) may
automation agent. According to [17], they were able to apply use SCADA information, GIS information, CIS information,
this architecture for simple fault location. Here we are trying and AMI information among other information in order to
to apply the same idea on the inverter for physical control. As complete its functionality. This mandates the usage of ESB
MASs are not standardized yet, this approach could convert based on EDA and SOA (MOM and Web Services)
the inverter into an automation agent that mimics MAS, acts architectures for business integration and inter-application
autonomously and collaborates with other inverters to achieve integration, as shown in Fig 5. This architecture can be built
the power system reliability and stability, as shown in Fig. 5. based on IEC 61968 (DMS), which is dedicated for
Using this architecture, vertical and horizontal application integration at electric utilities [18]. It defines
communications can be achieved, and therefore, inverters can interfaces for the DMS that consists of various distributed
communicate in peer-to-peer for physical control, in addition application components for the utility to manage electrical
to the hierarchical structure that can be achieved as well. distribution networks. These capabilities include monitoring
On the other hand, the IEC 62056 standard can be applied and control of equipments for power delivery, management
for metering between DER meter equipment and the control processes to ensure system reliability, voltage management,
center. Adding the metering functionality to the inverter gives demand-side management, outage management, work
it the ability to count the injected power into the main grid and management, automated mapping and facilities management.
IEC 62056
3~ 3~
IEC 62056
IEC 61499
= =
= =
- +
Local Area Network (LAN)
DB Database
IEC 62056
3~ DB
IEC 62056
IEC 61499
IEC 62056
IEC 61499
IEC 62056
3~ DB 3~ DB
= =
Diesel Generator
- + - + - +
Fig. 5. Application of standards to the inverter for control and integration of DERs, vertical and horizontal communications over IP-based WAN.
According to [18], the IEC 61968 is relevant to loosely [9] S. Vinoski, "An Overview of Middleware," 9th International
Conference on Reliable Software Technologies Ada-Eroupe 2004, Palma
coupled applications with more heterogeneity in languages, de Mallorca, 14-18 June 2004.
operating systems, protocols and management tools. It is [10] A. Gokhale et al., "Applying model-integrated computing to component
intended to support applications that need to exchange data on middleware and enterprise applications," Communications of the ACM,
vol. 45, no. 10, pp. 65-70, Oct. 2002.
an event driven basis. The standard is intended to be
[11] Telecontrol Equipment and Systems-Transmission Protocols-Network
implemented with middleware services that broker messages Access for IEC 60870-5-101 Using Standard Transport Profiles, IEC
among applications, and will complement, but not replace Standard 60870-5-104-2006.
utility data warehouses, database gateways, and operational [12] Communication Networks and Systems in Substations, IEC Standard
stores. Hence, the ESB introduces its architecture for the DMS [13] Wind Turbines: Communications for Monitoring and Control of Wind
in order to implement all these functionalities. Power Plants, IEC Standard 61400-25-2006.
In the ESB, the EDA architecture complements the SOA [14] Electricity Metering: Data Exchange for Meter Reading, Tariff and Load
Control, IEC Standard 62056-2006.
architecture because services can be activated by triggers fired [15] The evolution of SCADA/EMS (from ABB). [Online]. Available:
on incoming events, which satisfies the intended
implementation of the IEC 61968. 82f.aspx. Last accessed Sep. 2010.
[16] Anjan Bose, "Power System Control Centers: New Vision," EPCC
workshop, Duplin, Ireland, June 2009. [Online]. Available:
[17] V. Vyatkin, G. Zhabelova, N. Higgins, K. Schwarz, and N.–K. C. Nair,
This paper introduced the inter-application, inter-device, "Towards Intelligent Smart Grid Devices with IEC 61850
and application-to-device interoperability in future Smart Interoperability and IEC 61499 Open Control Architecture," IEEE Conf.
Grids that include many RESs and DERs together with their on Transmission and Distribution, New Orleans, 2010, pp. 1–8.
[18] Application Integration at Electric Utilities: System Interfaces for
accompanying SW/HW systems. The paper shows that inter- Distribution Management, IEC Standard 61968-1-2003.
device and device-to-application interoperability can be solved
via IEC 61850 information objects modeled with IEC 61944
functional blocks, mapped to IEEE P1815 data objects, and
applied to the inverter as an automation agent. This increases
the functionality of the inverter, converts it into an IED, and
gives it the ability to communicate horizontally in peer-to-peer
with other inverters for physical control, in addition to the
vertical communication that can be achieved as well.
Moreover, the billing functionality can be applied to the
inverter, as a multifunctional grid interface device; via the IEC
62056 to achieve business-related functions as well. On the
other hand, the ESB based on SOA and EDA, built according
to the IEC 61968 interfaces can solve the problem of inter-
application interoperability and information integration. In
addition the ESB offers business-business integration medium.
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