SOP For Compliances For Compliances For Issue of Gate Pass and Passing of Contractors Bills
SOP For Compliances For Compliances For Issue of Gate Pass and Passing of Contractors Bills
SOP For Compliances For Compliances For Issue of Gate Pass and Passing of Contractors Bills
Revision # 00
1. Purpose :
2. Scope :: This covers all Gate passes & bills involving payment of wages
to contractual labours working inside the RCCPL Maihar Plant and Mines.
4. Procedure: -
Document Check list at different stages of Gate pass Preparation and Bill
passing for ensuring control entry/ exit and legal compliances.
Stages Requirements
Copy of WO/PO/LOI
Labour License --As required (applicable)
for Issue PF / ESIC Registration No. of Vendor
Work Oder PF / ESIC Registration No of workmen
Name and Mobile No of Site In charge
SPOC Name and Contact No
Prepared By MR. S.D. JANA Approved By (UNIT HEAD) MR. UTTAM KUMAR ROY Date xx.xx.xxxx
Department (Name) HRD
Revision # 00
4 Nos Photographs
Safety Induction
Prepared By MR. S.D. JANA Approved By (UNIT HEAD) MR. UTTAM KUMAR ROY Date xx.xx.xxxx
Department (Name) HRD
Revision # 00
Check Work Order Validity -- Copy (Showing Validity, No of
Persons to be employed)- FORM A
W/C Policy- If applicable (Clear showing Firm Name, Policy No,
Validity Date & No. of Person Covered)
Pre-requisits For Copy of Old gate pass to be submitted
Renewal of Gate
Pass Personal Details form ( If not filled earlier)
ESIC Copy duly signed & stamped by employer (showing last
contribution if old) - Challan Copy
ECR Copy (Showing last Contribution in case of old employee)
LOI/ WO issued for Shut Down (Showing Validity, No of Persons to
be employed)
Letter from the Contractor approved by the department head -- List
of employees to be issued Gate Passes
Making Gate
Pass Valid W/C Policy for all the new contractor during shut down period
Shut Down
The gate pass during shutdown will be issued only for approved
person of medical / Safety team
regestration of fingers for Biometric punching of attendance
Pre-requisits For Contractor Request letter for regestration of punching ratified by the
Punching HOD
Punching Registration with IT dept. (as per applicability)
Entry MIS immediately at Time Office
Record keeping & Updating in KRONOS
Generation of Attendance Report and its certification by the
contractor / concerned Dept.
Bill Prepration
Certification of Attendance by the Contractor and user Department
Certified Wages Register in prescribed Format
Prepared By MR. S.D. JANA Approved By (UNIT HEAD) MR. UTTAM KUMAR ROY Date xx.xx.xxxx
Department (Name) HRD
Revision # 00
Bill Invoice
Bill checking and certification
SRN by user Dept
Tracker ID of the Bill
Cross check Work /Purchase/Order copy clearly showing Validity of
the work/purchase order.
Statutory Wage Register- Form D (Current Month)
Attendance Register- Form B (Current Month)
Bill Processing PF Challan Copy- (Previous Month- Bank Payment Receipt)
ECR Report for PF Challan
ESIC Challan - (Previous Month- Bank Payment Receipt)
W/C Policy- If applicable
Bank Payment Receipt of Previous Month (Paid to workmen)
Any Other document
Prepared By MR. S.D. JANA Approved By (UNIT HEAD) MR. UTTAM KUMAR ROY Date xx.xx.xxxx