Pinnacle - Quantitative Reliability Optimization (QRO) Executive Brief
Pinnacle - Quantitative Reliability Optimization (QRO) Executive Brief
Pinnacle - Quantitative Reliability Optimization (QRO) Executive Brief
Quantitative Reliability
Optimization (QRO)
We're introducing the next evolution of reliability -
Quantitative Reliability Optimization. Join us as we
transform how the world approaches reliability.
When it comes to the basic needs of modern living— and result in increased performance. To achieve the
commodities—we expect them to be available when optimal balance between maximizing the time a
required and sold at reasonable prices. For this to facility is able to operate and the investment needed
happen, complex industrial facilities must be reliable. to achieve that ideal run time, facilities should use
Over the years, the definition of reliability has varied a new approach to reliability called Quantitative
based on the context and people applying the term. Reliability Optimization (QRO). QRO represents the
When talking at a facility, business, or industry level, next leap forward in reliability modeling and will help
reliable has meant something different than when ensure industrial facilities maximize their investments
talking about a specific asset or piece of equipment while improving their reliability.
within the facility. Pinnacle defines reliability as the
ability to operate when desired. In the following executive brief, Pinnacle will
describe the economics of reliability that are at
As the world’s largest industries place an even stake, how we got to the current state of reliability,
bigger emphasis on lowering costs while sustaining today’s challenges, and how QRO will address those
operations, companies strive to ensure that reliability challenges.
and maintenance investments are in the right places
In the fourth quarter of 2020, Pinnacle published the global refiners is easily attainable and would translate
first issue of The Economics of Reliability, a quarterly to a savings of $5 billion across the industry.
report that quantifies the impact of reliability on
various industries. The first report focused on the While this report focused on refining, this analysis can
refining industry and provided an example of the be applied to other complex processing industries
financial impact that optimized reliability programs such as chemicals, mining, and water and wastewater
can have on global industries. treatment. When the estimated savings from the
refining industry are translated to other industries,
In the report, Pinnacle found that complex operating there’s an opportunity for industrial facilities to
companies around the world spend roughly $500 collectively save hundreds of billions of dollars
billion annually on reliability, $50 billion of which is annually through optimized reliability programs. To
spent by refiners. The analysis showed that a 10% realize this savings, we must improve our approach to
improvement in optimized reliability spending for managing reliability.
Fifty years ago, the industrial age gave way to the Optimization, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
age of lean manufacturing. Mining operations, power (FMEA), Root Cause Analysis (RCA), Turnaround
generation facilities, chemical plants, refineries and Optimization, Process Hazards Analysis (PHA), and
other large, complex processing facilities began Advanced Condition Monitoring were all models
shifting their focus towards reducing downtime while launched during this era. In refining, for example,
optimizing associated reliability spend. During those the reliability (operating when desired) across the
decades, dozens of programs were created and segment increased by nearly 15% from 1980 to 2010.
standardized to drive towards improved reliability. While each of these models added notable value,
Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM), Mechanical the impacts of their application have taken years to
Integrity (MI), Risk-Based Inspection (RBI), Spare Parts realize.
Nearly half a century of analyzing assets and making and advanced data analytics. The goal of these new
improvements in reliability has propelled some reliability initiatives is to provide more quantitative
companies to the top of their industry. However, the insights so that facility leaders and reliability
improvements seen from the models listed above professionals can make objective decisions about
have leveled off over the past decade and companies how to invest and improve facility performance.
are beginning to invest billions of dollars in initiatives To successfully apply data-driven models, we must
that will help them achieve the next level of reliability. recognize that there are gaps in traditional models
Many of these investments are focused on better that are preventing our ability to recognize a return
utilization of standardized large-scale programs on investment.
Many facilities are hoping that new machine learning their decisions. Unfortunately, while reliability leaders
and artificial intelligence advancements may address are regularly making improvements through their
these gaps, but that is not likely. In the context decisions, the human mind cannot take into account
of reliability, machine learning can be applied to millions of inputs and weigh hundreds of possibilities,
specific assets or problems that can be solved by resulting either in overspending or unrealized
identifying aberrations or repeat patterns. However, reliability. By applying advanced data science
machine learning is limited when it comes to principles to traditional algorithms and strategies,
advanced simulation of complex systems. To identify we can get the best of both: minimizing our spend
patterns and correlations that will unearth insights while maximizing our reliability through quantitative
not previously seen, these programs need large decision making.
sample sizes, repeated incidents, and controlled data
inputs. Complex processing facilities exhibit none Together, we need to address these three gaps to
of these. Therefore, reliability leaders are left with realize both improved facility-wide reliability and
expert opinion and traditional programs to inform optimized spend in a compressed timeframe.
Quantitative Reliability Optimization (QRO) is a new Risk-Based Inspection (RBI) represented leaps forward
approach to reliability modeling that solves the in the reliability community in past decades, QRO is
current challenges of reliability previously listed and the next leap that combines the best of first principle
enables reliability and operations leaders to improve reliability with the best of data science to deliver
and simplify complex reliability decision making. better outcomes.
Just as Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) and
QRO was developed by synthesizing and expanding current models, QRO enables reliability leaders to
upon the best elements of each of the current make data-driven decisions in a way never before
reliability models while introducing new data science possible, providing for improved production levels,
and analytical concepts to close the gaps in current safety, and spending performance with statistically-
programs. By expanding upon the best elements of backed confidence.
*While RAM uses Monte Carlo simulation, it is driven at the asset level by underlying qualitative Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) assumptions.
1. QRO links every failure and data point to the overall system.
To optimize a system, an analysis must cover that system. Rather than isolating models on individual
assets or specific failure modes, QRO statistically relates all of the components of a system into one
analysis. QRO’s analysis can cover thousands of assets for a particular facility or many more if modeling
an entire fleet or supply chain. This statistical relation of all the assets enables us to understand how
critical data and specific failure points relate to the overall production or reliability impact of the system.
3. QRO provides for a dynamic reliability model for the entire facility.
The QRO model is continually updated by relevant data sources so that key changes in those data
points, whether in process, operations, maintenance, inspection, or economics, update the LVC for each
failure point. As a result, facility leadership can then see how changes to their data affect the reliability
of their system as a whole. In addition, the recommended data gathering tasks from initial studies like
inspections and operator walkdowns provide additional information used to fine-tune the model’s
predictions. These dynamic updates and the ability to see how they impact the reliability of the system
improves the overall confidence of facility leaders that they are making the best reliability decisions for
their facility.
Combining all equipment, failure points, and critical inspection, operations, and reliability departments
data into one analysis engine provides new insights will be able to see exactly how, when, and where
into facility-wide availability. This drives better previously siloed spending resulted in increased
strategic investment decisions and tactical data- performance and increased measurable confidence in
driven reliability planning. Organizationally, plant forecasting.
management and its supporting maintenance,
• Understand the economic value of every piece of data that is currently being gathered
or possibly gathered in the future, especially from inspection or maintenance activities.
• Drive optimization of all maintenance spending based on strategic reliability targets, in
near real-time, including the implications of moving a turnaround, feedstock changes,
various capital projects, and operating excursions.
• Dynamically plan and schedule tasks, maximizing resource utilization based on value
addition to drive total availability performance.