Financial Reporting May 22 Mock Test Ques PPR

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Test Series: March, 2022


Question No.1 is compulsory. Candidates are required to answer any four questions from the
remaining five questions.
Wherever necessary, suitable assumptions may be made and disclosed by way of a note.
Working notes should form part of the answers.
Time Allowed – 3 Hours Maximum Marks – 100
1. (a) H Limited having net worth of ` 250 crores is required to adopt Ind AS from 1 st April, 20X2 in
accordance with the Companies (Indian Accounting Standard) Rules 2015.
Mr. R, the senior manager, of H Ltd. has identified following issues which need specific attention
of CFO so that opening Ind AS balance sheet as on the date of transition can be prep ared:
Issue 1: As part of Property, Plant and Equipment, Company has elected to measure land at its
fair value and want to use this fair value as deemed cost on the date of transition. The carrying
value of land as on the date of transition was ` 5,00,000. The land was acquired for a
consideration of ` 5,00,000. However, the fair value of land as on the date of transition was
` 8,00,000.
Issue 2: Under Ind AS, the Company has designated mutual funds as investments at fair value
through profit or loss. The value of mutual funds as per previous GAAP was ` 4,00,000 (at cost).
However, the fair value of mutual funds as on the date of transition was ` 5,00,000.
Issue 3: Company had taken a loan from another entity. The loan carries an interest rate of 7%
and it had incurred certain transaction costs while obtaining the same. It was carried at cost on
its initial recognition. The principal amount is to be repaid in equal instalments over the period
of loan. Interest is also payable at each year end. The fair value of loan as on the date of
transition is ` 1,80,000 as against the carrying amount of loan which at present equals
` 2,00,000.
Issue 4: The company has declared dividend of ` 30,000 for last financial year. On the date of
transition, the declared dividend has already been deducted by the accountant from the
company’s ‘Reserves & Surplus’ and the dividend payable has been grouped under ‘Provisions’.
The dividend was only declared by board of directors at that time, and it was not approved in the
annual general meeting of shareholders. However, subsequently when the meeting was held it
was ratified by the shareholders.
Issue 5: The company had acquired intangible assets as trademarks amounting to ` 2,50,000.
The company assumes to have indefinite life of these assets. The fair value of the intangible
assets as on the date of transition was ` 3,00,000. However, the company wants to carry the
intangible assets at ` 2,50,000 only.
Issue 6: After consideration of possible effects as per Ind AS, the deferred tax impact is
computed as ` 25,000. This amount will further increase the portion of deferred tax liability.
There is no requirement to carry out the separate calculation of deferred tax on account of
Ind AS adjustments.

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Management wants to know the impact of Ind AS in the financial statements of company for its
general understanding.
Prepare Ind AS Impact Analysis Report (Extract) for H Limited for presentation to the
management wherein you are required to discuss the corresponding differences between Earlier
IGAAP (AS) and Ind AS against each identified issue and its impact there upon for preparation
of transition date balance sheet. Also pass journal entry for each of the issues mentioned above.
(12 Marks)
(b) The following information is available relating to Space India Limited for the Financial Year
Net profit attributable to equity shareholders ` 90,000
Number of equity shares outstanding 16,000
Average fair value of one equity share during the year ` 90

Potential Ordinary Shares:

Options 900 options with exercise price of ` 75
Convertible Preference Shares 7,500 shares entitled to a cumulative dividend of
` 9 per share. Each preference share is convertible
into 2 equity shares.
10% Convertible Debentures of ` 10,00,000 and each debenture is convertible into
` 100 each 4 equity shares
Tax rate 25%
You are required to compute Basic and Diluted EPS of the company for the financial year
20X1-20X2. (8 Marks)
2. (a) (i) B Ltd. produces aircrafts. The length of time between first purchasing raw materials to make
the aircrafts and the date the company completes the production and delivery is 9 months.
The company receives payment for the aircrafts 7 months after the delivery.
(a) What is the length of operating cycle?
(b) How should it treat its inventory and debtors? (2 Marks)
(ii) On 1st April, 20X3, Charming Ltd issued 1,00,000 ` 10 bonds for ` 10,00,000. On 1 st April,
each year, interest at the fixed rate of 8% per year is payable on outstanding capital amount
of the bonds (ie the first payment will be made on 1 st April, 20X4). On 1 st April each year
(i.e from 1 st April, 20X4), Charming Ltd has a contractual obligation to redeem 10,000 of the
bonds at ` 10 per bond. In its statement of financial position at 31 st March, 20X4. How
should this be presented in the financial statements? (2 Marks)
(b) In the plant of PQR Ltd., there was a fire on 10 th May, 20X1 in which the entire plant was damaged
and the loss of ` 40,00,000 is estimated. The claim with the insurance company has been filed
and a recovery of ` 27,00,000 is expected.
The financial statements for the year ending 31 st March, 20X1 were approved by the Board of
Directors on 12 th June, 20X1. Show how should it be disclosed? (4 Marks)
(c) G Ltd. operates oil exploration and production facilities. It is preparing its transition date opening
balance sheet as per Ind AS.
(i) There· is a significant decommissioning obligation in connection with several oil wells, but
it's previous GAAP did not require the obligation to be recognized.

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Discuss the treatment of decommissioning obligation as per relevant Ind AS. (4 Marks)
(ii) G Ltd. has four assets, each in a different class under property, plant & equipment.
Assets 1 and 2 are revalued under previous GAAP (AS). Assets 3 and 4 are not. Under
previous GAAP, at 31 st March 20X1, immediately prior to the entity's date of transition to
Ind AS, it Balance Sheet (extract) is as follows:
Asset 1 Asset 2 Asset 3 Asset 4 Total
Valuation Valuation Cost Cost
` ` ` ` `
Cost or revaluation 5,000 2,000 4,000 4,500 15,500
Accumulated deprecation (1,000) (500) (2,000) (1,700) (5,200)
Net book value 4,000 1,500 2,000 2,800 10,300
Revaluation surplus 2,500 500 - - 3,000
On adoption of Ind AS, its management decides that, under Ind AS, it will:
− Continue to revalue asset 1. The fair value of asset 1 at the date of transition is not
materially different from its carrying value under previous GAAP;
− Use the previous valuation of asset 2 as deemed cost, and adopt a policy of cost less
depreciation under Ind AS;
− Adopt a policy of revaluation for asset 3. The fair value of asset 3 at the entity's date of
transition is ` 5,000;
− Continue to use a policy of cost less depreciation for asset 4.
All depreciation methods are already in accordance with those required by I nd AS 16.
Discuss the treatment under Ind AS of valuation of assets 1, 2, 3 & 4, being part of property,
plant & equipment? (8 Marks)
3. (a) Pacific Ocean Railway Ltd. has three Cash Generating units namely Train, Railway station and
Railway tracks, the carrying amounts of which as on 31 st March, 20X1 are as follows:
Cash Generating units Carrying amount (` in crore) Remaining useful life
Train 1,500 10
Railway station 2,250 20
Railway tracks 3,300 20

Pacific Ocean Railway Ltd. also has two Corporate Assets having a remaining useful life of
20 years.
(` in crore)
Corporate Assets Carrying amount Remarks
Land 1,800 The carrying amount of Land can be allocated on
a reasonable basis (i.e., pro rata basis) to the
individual cash generating units.
Buildings 600 The carrying amount of Buildings cannot be
allocated on a reasonable basis to the individual
cash-generating units.

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Recoverable amount as on 31 st March, 20X1 is as follows:
Cash Generating units Recoverable Amount (` in crore)
Train 1,800
Railway station 2,700
Railway tracks 4,200
Company as a whole 9,600
Calculate the impairment loss, if any. Ignore decimals. (10 Marks)
As a part of its sales promotion activities, MIL distributes office utility articles along with its
product catalogues to medical practitioners to familiarize & encourage them to prescribe
medicines manufactured by it. No conditions are attached with the items distributed.
Whether the distribution of office utility articles to medical practitioners is covered by Ind AS 115
‘Revenue from Contracts with Customers’? If not, how should the same be accounted by MIL?
Give reasons. (4 Marks)
A Company invested in Equity shares of another entity on 15 th March for ` 20,000. Transaction
Cost = ` 400 (not included in ` 20,000)
Fair Value on Balance Sheet date i.e. 31 st March, 20X1 = ` 24,000. Pass necessary Journal
Entries when Financial Asset is accounted as FVTPL. (4 Marks)
(c) On 1st April, 20X1, S Ltd. issued 30,000 6% convertible debentures of face value of ` 100 per
debenture at par. The debentures are redeemable at a premium of 10% on 31 st March, 20X5 or
these may be converted into ordinary shares at the option of the holder. The interest rate for
equivalent debentures without conversion rights would have been 10%. The date of transition
to Ind AS is 1 st April, 20X3. Suggest how should S Ltd. account for this compound financial
instrument on the date of transition. The present value of ` 1 receivable at the end of each year
based on discount rates of 6% and 10% can be taken as:
End of year 6% 10%
1 0.94 0.91
2 0.89 0.83
3 0.84 0.75
4 0.79 0.68
(6 Marks)
4. (a) The Company has taken a particular application software of a supplier namely,
Crystal Systems Limited, which is available on a cloud infrastructure managed and controlled by
the Crystal Systems Limited. The Company contracts to pay a fee of ` 5,00,000 per month in
exchange for a right to receive access to the Crystal Systems Limited's application software for
2 years. The Company accesses the software on need basis over the internet. The contract
does not convey any rights to New Age Technology Limited over the tangible assets of the
Crystal Systems Limited.
The Chief Accountant of New Age Technology Limited has sought your advice, whether the IT
should account for this transaction for use of software with Crystal Systems Limited in terms of
Ind AS 116 leases or an intangible asset in terms of Ind AS 38 ‘Intangible Assets’. Help him to
understand your assessment. (6 Marks)

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(b) During 20X1-20X2, XYZ Ltd. completed a large contract to supply a customized equipment for
one customer for a total consideration of ` 5,00,000 received fully in cash. As a special
arrangement and in order to procure the customer's order, XYZ Ltd agreed to maintain the
equipment for three years from the date of installation. Had there been no maintenance
requirement, the sale would have been for an amount of ` 4,85,500. If maintenance alone was
required, it would have cost the customer ` 12,500 per annum.
Explain the requirements of Ind AS in relation to the XYZ Ltd.’s supply of customized contract
and the maintenance that has been agreed to be provided to the customer. Ignore discounting
and calculate the amounts to be recognized in the financial statements as at 31 st March, 20X2.
(4 Marks)
(c) ABC Limited granted 500 stock appreciation rights (SAR) each to 80 employees on
1 st April, 20X1 with a fair value ` 100 each. The terms of the award require the employee to
provide service for four years to earn the award. The SARs are expected to be settled in cash
and it is expected that 100% of the employees will exercise the option. The fair value of each
SAR at each reporting date is as follows:
31st March, 20X2 ` 110
31st March, 20X3 ` 120
31st March, 20X4 ` 115
31st March, 20X5 ` 130
Please present the journal entries in the books of ABC Limited over the entire life of the grants.
What would be the difference if at the end of the second year of service (i.e. at 31 st March, 20X3),
ABC Limited modifies the terms of the award to require only three years of total service? Please
present with the revised journal entries. Answer on the basis of relevant Ind AS. (10 Marks)
5. (a) On 1st April 20X1, A Limited acquired 80% of the share capital of S Limited. On acquisition date
the share capital and reserves of S Ltd. stood at ` 5,00,000 and ` 1,25,000 respectively.
A Limited paid initial cash consideration of ` 10,00,000. Additionally, A Limited issued 2,00,000
equity shares with a nominal value of ` 1 per share at current market value of ` 1.80 per share.
It was also agreed that A Limited would pay a further sum of ` 5,00,000 after three years.
A Limited's cost of capital is 10%. The appropriate discount factor for ` 1 @ 10% receivable at
the end of
1 st year: 0.91
2 nd year: 0.83
3 rd year: 0.75
The shares (issued in the year 20X2-20X3) and deferred consideration have not yet been
recorded by A limited.
Below are the Balance Sheet of A Limited and S Limited as at 31 st March, 20X3:
A Limited (` 000) S Limited (` 000)
Non-current assets:
Property, plant & equipment 5,500 1,500
Investment in S Limited at cost 1,000

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Current assets:
Inventory 550 100
Receivables 400 200
Cash 200 50
7,650 1,850
Share capital 2,000 500
Retained earnings 1,400 300
3,400 800
Non-current liabilities 3,000 400
Current liabilities 1,250 650
7,650 1,850
Further information:
(i) On the date of acquisition the fair values of S Limited's plant exceeded its book value by
` 2,00,000. The plant had a remaining useful life of five years at this date;
(ii) The consolidated goodwill has been impaired by ` 2,58,000; and
(iii) The A Limited Group, values the non-controlling interest using the fair value method. At
the date of acquisition, the fair value of the 20% non-controlling interest was ` 3,80,000.
You are required to prepare Consolidated Balance Sheet of A Limited as at 31 st March, 20X3.
(Notes to Account on Consolidated Balance Sheet is not required). (14 Marks)
(b) M Limited had constructed another factory few years ago with the assistance of yet another
government grant, 'Innovative Product'. The grant is non-repayable and, following the
construction of the factory, cannot be clawed back by the government. There are no further
conditions attached to the grant that the Company is required to satisfy. The grant received has
been treated as deferred income and is being credited to the income statement over the same
period as the factory is being depreciated. Following an adverse change in the demand of the
product the factory manufactures, during the year at the reporting date, the directors have
concluded that the factory's carrying value is no longer recoverable in full and that a write down
for impairment is required. The write down is more than covered by the amortized deferred
income balance related to the grant.
Discuss, in the context of Ind AS framework and Ind AS 20, the impairment of the factory for
which 'Innovative Product' government grant, has been received. Would your answer be
different, if there are further conditions attached to grant beyond construction of factory?
(6 Marks)
6. (a) Wheel Co. Limited borrowed ` 50,00,00,000 from a bank on 1 st April, 20X1. The original terms
of the loan were as follows:
• Interest rate: 11%
• Repayment of principal in 5 equal instalments
• Payment of interest annually on accrual basis
• Upfront processing fee: ` 58,70,096
• Effective interest rate on loan: 11.50%

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On 31 st March, 20X3, Wheel Co. Limited approached the bank citing liquidity issues in meeting
the cash flows required for immediate instalments and re-negotiated the terms of the loan with
banks as follows:
• Interest rate 15%
• Repayment of outstanding principal in 10 equal instalments starting 31 st March, 20X4
• Payment of interest on an annual basis
Record journal entries in the books of Wheel Co. Limited till 31 st March, 20X4, after giving effect
of the changes in the terms of the loan on 31 st March, 20X3. (14 Marks)
(b) Diamond Pvt. Ltd, has a headcount of around 1,000 employees in the organisation in financial
year 2X19-2X20. As per the company's policy, the employees are given 35 days of privilege
leave (PL), 15 days of sick leave (SL) and 10 days of casual leave. Out of the total PL and SL,
10 PL and 5 SL can be carried forward to next year. On the basis of past trends, it has been
noted that 200 employees will take 5 days of PL and 2 days of SL and 800 employees will avail
10 days of PL and 5 days of SL.
Diamond Pvt. Ltd. has a post-employment benefit plan which is in the nature of defined
contribution plan where contribution to the fund amounts to ` 200 crores which will fall due within
12 months from the end of the accounting period.
The company has paid ` 40 crore to this plan in financial year 2X19-2X20.
What would be the treatment of the short-term compensating absences, profit-sharing plan and
the defined contribution plan in the books of Diamond Pvt. Ltd.? (6 Marks)

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