Book 9789004221109 B9789004221109 004-Preview
Book 9789004221109 B9789004221109 004-Preview
Book 9789004221109 B9789004221109 004-Preview
1 L. Ravid, “The Special Terminology of the Heavenly Tablets in the Book of Jubilees”
Tarbiz (), –. Although the specific passages that I associate with the
“special terminology” differ somewhat from those listed by Ravid, my debt to her overall
insight should be evident throughout this study.
chapter three
(): Genesis recounts how Judah ended up sleeping with his daugh-
ter-in-law, Tamar. When Jubilees retells this story, it provides both Judah
and Tamar with a legal exculpation that the biblical story did not men-
tion. It asserts that Tamar’s earlier marriages to Er and Onan had never
been consummated (see Jub. :–, –). As a result, she was still a
virgin when the incident with Judah occurred—and thus legally available
to be married to him. Their union was therefore altogether licit and nei-
ther of them was liable for punishment (as indeed they were not punished
in the biblical narrative). Yet in the middle of the Jubilees narrative comes
a passage summarizing the legal lesson to be learned from it (:–).
This passage—characterized by the typical “terminology of the Heavenly
Tablets”—mentions nothing about Tamar still being a virgin nor, conse-
quently, anything about the innocence of the two participants. Instead, as
far as the author of this passage was concerned, Judah was fully deserv-
ing of punishment and only “had forgiveness because he turned away
from his sin” (:) after pleading and lamenting (:) before God.
(It says nothing about the guilt or innocence of Tamar.) But if, according
to the surrounding narrative, Judah did nothing wrong, why should he
have had to plead and lament?
(): A similar case pointed out by Segal is that of the sin of Reuben,
who slept with his father’s concubine Bilhah (Gen :). Unlike the bib-
lical narrative, Jubilees stresses that Bilhah was an unwitting victim—she
2 M. Segal, The Book of Jubilees: Rewritten Bible, Redaction, Ideology and Theology