Responsible Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
Responsible Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
Responsible Purchasing and Supply Chain Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.3, 2012
1. School of Business, Kimathi University College of Technology, P O box 657, 10100, Nyeri, Kenya.
*E-mail: [email protected]
This paper presents the concepts of beneficence, responsibility and accountability in procurement
management through an examination of ethical theories and their application to managerial challenges
which typically confront procurement managers, their employees and suppliers in Kenya and in other
countries. The main research drivers were focused on the ethical tendering, accountability, transparency and
fairness in awards. The literature review employed various theories such as: Virtue Theory, Utilitarian
Theory, and Kantian Theory. Of course, these approaches are considered in relation to the procurement
management implications.
Purpose: The main purpose of the paper was to investigate the role of ethical consideration in Kenyan
procurement management approaches.
Methodology and Research design: The paper employed a case research design. A survey of the selected
study population from Central and Nairobi Provinces of Kenya was carried out by the use of questionnaires
through focus group discussions. The sample size of this research was estimated at 150 participants.
Findings: The findings suggest that the current procurement management is deficient of ethical inclination
and should therefore employ ethical consideration to re-invent itself.
Conclusion: This study is focused on the responsible purchasing and supply chain management in Kenya,
with a critical analysis of the ethical considerations in procurement management.Taken as a whole, our
findings suggest that, there are some impediments associated with the current procurement management
and thus ethical consideration could help re-engineer the whole system.
Keywords: Ethical purchasing, procurement management, Theories and principles, Kantian theory, Virtue
ethics, Utilitarian Principle, ethical tendering, responsibility accountability
1.0 Introduction
Procurement remains to be a key sector in Kenya, which facilitates the acquisition and disposal of goods and
services, thereby leading to smooth running of various institutions, both public and private. Therefore, with
respect to green procurement process executed on the basis of ethical codes of conduct, reference is made to
ethical purchasing, ethical procurement and ethical sourcing (Graafland 2002). Ethical purchasing is used
here as generic term to include sourcing, purchasing and procurement. It is the acquisition of goods and
services through supply chains and subcontractors in a responsible manner, with consideration of the
conditions under which goods and services are made and delivered and a strategy that promotes
improvements (Mamic 2005). When people or business deal with contracting as a means of Procurement for
their company, there may be issues regarding who the company will deal with. Procurement process
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.3, 2012
conducted correctly in ethical way can be a valuable tool when combating this problem (Fisher & Lovell
The Kenyan Government is a larger institution that relies on contractors to take care of many of the logistics
necessary to keep our government running smoothly. More so, many large public corporations and
institutions in Kenya rely on procurement to access most of their products and services, through purchasing
and sourcing as well as tendering and contracting. Our government does not have the manpower or
equipment and supplies to build its own buildings or streets, so it has independent companies bid on contracts
for this work. This method of business has been so successful that it has move most of its product
procurement needs to this type of business. Unfortunately this type of business has to be regulated through
proper embracement and consideration of ethical drivers (Gichure 1997). It would be unfair to all of the
companies trying to win a contract from the government if the same contractor was chosen time and time
again (Polo 2008; Gomez 1999).
In order to be fair during the bidding process, the Government, through the Public Procurement Oversight
Authority (PPOA) has established guidelines when selecting a contractor. These guidelines include the hiring
of minority owned companies which include female owned companies. The company has to have established
Equal Opportunity hiring policies and must not have a history of unfair treatment of bidders (Fisher & Lovell
2009). Another thing the Government must do when selecting a contractor is it must spread the wealth among
the contractors. This assures that all contractors and their companies are fairly treated when being considered
for a contract. The possibility is good that the smaller, minority owned companies will eventually be chosen
to work on a contract. Now all we have to do is make sure that the person that awards the contract is also fair
and impartial, and not influenced by outside parties.
This research which is ethical in nature of approach is an exploration of efficient and effective procurement
and supply chain management in Kenya and any other country where such business practices take place.
This process should involve citizens, who might be employees and customers that are of high caliber to
fight temptations of conducting unfair and unscrupulous business contracts. As such Drumwright (1994)
inferred that tendering processes should always be transparent and fair without any form of prejudice and
favoritism. This is what the research aim to propose to procurement managers in Kenya as well as in any
other country. With the use of ethical theories and principles (Gichure 1997; Gomez 1999), procurement
process in Kenya can be turned into green practice where equality and transparency prevails. For many
organizations, the process of procurement, or the purchase of goods and services, is the process that offers the
most potential for ethical abuses or violations. Good procurement management practices should identify
areas of potential ethics pitfalls, and address them ahead of time so employees know what practices to avoid.
1.1 Problem statement
The rise of supply chain management and procurement in Kenya has given rise to a number of unethical
business practices that violates codes of conduct. For instance when tendering processes is not executed in a
transparent manner, then suppliers may have chances and vantages to solicit for consideration by advancing
bribes and other forms of corruption (Huang 2008). According to Gray et al (1997), transparency, fair
treatment in bidding and awards of tenders, accountability and responsible purchasing and supply have a
positive implication on procurement processes in any organization and could thus result into increased
performance and delivery. This is not possible without employing ethical theories and principles (Gichure
1997) which form the basis and foundations of ethical organizations. The research will have implications
for effective procurement and supply chain management thus fostering dedication and freewill drives
between contractors and customers.
1.2 Research objectives
The research consisted of the general objectives as well as specific objectives
1.2.1 General objective
To determine the extent with which responsible purchasing and supply chain management prevails in the
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.3, 2012
procurement management
abolished, especially in organizations that rely on public funds, as state and federal laws often prohibit
discrimination against vendors for these reasons (Gray et al 1997).
1.2.3 Ethical responsibility as accountability between supplier-customer relationships
According to McWilliams & Siegel (2001), firms should be responsible for the practices of their suppliers, to
the extent of this responsibility and how they could effectively translate such responsibilities, if any, into
practice. The paper starts by situating firm-supplier relationships within the broader context of firm buying
behavior; and from Quite often, the fact that purchasing firms are customers is ignored in debates around
responsible supply chain management. Supply chains and procurement should focus on such ethical issues in
purchasing as: deception, bribery, price rigging, unsafe products and public safety (Wood 1996:185), since
these are likely to arise from the internal environment of the purchasing firm and not necessarily from its
relationship with the suppliers. Its procurement processes should solely focus on espousing the moral (and
sometimes legal) connotations of the concept of responsibility (Polo 2008) and what it means to be held
responsible while relating these to firm-supplier relationships. In their research, the Maclntyre (1984)
attempted to set limits to responsibility in a supplier relationship by introducing the concepts of corporate
control, transparency and corporate grouping as critical factors such as fairness.
Drawing from the works of other academics (Gray et al 1987; Williams 1987; Roberts & Scapens 1985),
Swift (2001:17) characterizes accountability in both broad and narrow sense. Broadly speaking, he describes
accountability as "... the requirement or duty to provide an account or justification for one's actions to
whomever one is answerable". In a narrow sense, Swift talks of accountability as "... being pertinent to
contractual arrangements only... where accountability is not contractually bound there can be no act of
Furthermore, borrowing from a later work of Gray et al (1997), Swift ( 2001) notes that "... essentially
accountability is about the provision of information between two parties where the one is accountable,
explains or justifies actions to the one to whom the account is owed". This form of accountability underlies
principal-agent relationship, which is central to the firm as an economic and legal entity (Jones & Pollitt
1998). Despite the presence of semantic variations within the notion of accountability, the duty to account
appears to convey a central meaning. The duty to account connotes institution of rights and obligations and as
such, should be able to hurt if violated (McGee et al 2005).
1.2.4 The application of ethical theories and principles in procurement management
1.2. 4.1 The Concepts of Beneficence and Benevolence in ethical procurement processes
The term beneficence connotes acts of mercy, kindness, and charity, and is suggestive of altruism, love,
humanity, and promoting the good of others. In ordinary language, the notion is broad; but it is understood
still more broadly in ethical theory, to include effectively all forms of action intended to benefit or promote
the good of other persons (Arneson 2004). The language of a principle or rule of beneficence refers to a
normative statement of a moral obligation to act for the benefit of others, helping them to further their
important and legitimate interests, often by preventing or removing possible harms. Many dimensions of
applied ethics appear to incorporate appeals to beneficence in this sense, even if only implicitly (Hurley
2003). For example, when apparel manufacturers are criticized for not having good labor practices in
factories, the ultimate goal is to obtain better working conditions, wages, and benefits for workers.
Whereas beneficence refers to an action done to benefit others, benevolence refers to the morally valuable
character trait—or virtue—of being disposed to act for the benefit of others (Gert 2005). Traditionally, acts of
beneficence are done from obligation, but they may also be performed from nonobligatory, optional moral
ideals, which are standards that belong to a morality of meritorious aspiration in which individuals or
institutions adopt goals that do not hold for everyone (Daniels 2006). Exceptional beneficence is usually
categorized as supererogatory, a term meaning paying or performing beyond what is owed or, more
generally, doing more than is required. The term usually refers to moral ideals of action, but it has links to
virtues and to Aristotelian ideas of moral excellence. Such actions need not rise to the level of the moral saint
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.3, 2012
or moral hero. Not all supererogatory acts of beneficence are exceptionally arduous, costly, or risky.
Examples of less demanding forms include generous gift-giving, uncompensated public service, forgiving
another's costly error, and complying with requests made by other persons for a benefit when these exceed the
obligatory requirements of ordinary morality or professional morality (Mack 2002). Virtue theory and responsible accountability in business
In the history of western philosophy, substantive reflections on the notion of moral responsibility date back
to the ancient Greek philosophers, especially Aristotle. In Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle considered the
criteria for moral agency to include the capacity for rational choice and deliberation (Gomez 2002). A
responsible act is a voluntary act. Therefore, an agent is praiseworthy or blameworthy depending on his or
her voluntary acts and disposition of character traits. For an act to qualify as a voluntary act, the agent must
be both in full control of his or her action and must be rationally cognizant of the consequences of his or her
action. Involuntary acts are thus those acts for which the agent should not be held responsible, either
because they are executed out of ignorance, external coercion or to avoid a greater evil (Cahn 2002). Covey
(1992) exposes that corporative excellence is a form of human excellence, because it is produced by the
people that believe in what they are doing. He also assures that the organizational success and personal
satisfaction require of abundant doses of those four virtues. Finally, he mentions that the basic virtues
proposed by Aristotle that allow people to work together in a good way are: Courage, temperance, liberality,
magnificence, pride, good temper, cordiality, truthfulness, justice, astuteness. Virtue is not something that
is done; it is more like a way of being. Utilitarian Theory and benevolence in business
In Utilitarianism, John Stuart Mill argued that moral philosophers have left a train of unconvincing and
incompatible theories that can be coherently unified by a single standard of beneficence that allows us to
decide objectively what is right and wrong (Mill 1969). The principle of utility, or the “greatest happiness”
principle, he declares the basic foundation of morals: Actions are right in proportion to their promotion of
happiness, and wrong as they produce the reverse (Gomez 2002; Fisher & Lovell 2009). This is a
straightforward, and potentially very demanding, principle of beneficence: That action or practice is right
(when compared with any alternative action or practice) if it leads to the greatest possible balance of
beneficial consequences or to the least possible balance of bad consequences. Mill (1969) also holds that
the concepts of duty, obligation, and right are subordinated to, and determined by, that which maximizes
benefits and minimizes harmful outcomes. The principle of utility is presented by Mill as an absolute or
preeminent principle—thus making beneficence the one and only supreme principle of ethics. It justifies all
subordinate rules and is not simply one among a number of prima facie principles. Kant's Theory on benevolence and responsible accountability
Kant argues that everyone has a duty to be beneficent, i.e. to be helpful to others according to one's means,
and without hoping for any form of personal gain thereby (Kant 1994). Benevolence done from friendly
inclination he regards as “unlimited” (a term subject to different interpretations, but meaning “having no
boundaries in potential scope”), whereas beneficence from duty does not place unlimited demands on
persons. This does not mean that the limits of duties of beneficence are clear and precise (Daniels 2006).
While we are obligated to some extent to sacrifice some part of our welfare to benefit others without any
expectation of recompense, it is nonetheless impossible to fix a definite limit on how far this duty extends
(Livnat 2004). We can only say that every single person has a duty to be beneficent, according to that
person's means and that no one has an unlimited duty to do so (Miller 2004).
The Kantian idea of moral responsibility also stems from the conception of person as a moral agent. A
moral agent or person is not only rational or capable of rational choice, but is one whose action is informed
by a sense of duty (Kant 1994). The sense of duty is codified in universal law principles, which Kant
referred to as categorical imperatives (Gomez 2002, pg 18). Therefore, a responsible or right action is not
necessarily one that maximizes utility, but one that follows moral principles, which are capable of
becoming universal moral laws (Cahn 2002:752).
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.3, 2012
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.3, 2012
The information was analyzed and evaluated to determine their usefulness, consistency, credibility and
adequacy. Quantitative data was be analyzed by using descriptive statistics and other standard quantitative
methods (Kontio, Lehtola & Bragge 2004). To analyze our data we employed descriptive Analysis models.
To get a perspective of the four research drivers that gather the 12 variables, Descriptive statistics was
employed using SPSS analysis tools. Data collected from the survey was entered into the statistical
package, SPSS (statistical package for social science) for analysis, discussion and presentation of the results
in this research.
1.4 Results and findings
One hundred and forty nine hand delivered survey accesses were recorded during the designated survey
collection period. This represents 65% of all procurement managers practicing in Central and Nairobi
Provinces of Kenya. None of the surveys were found to contain no responses or respondent duplicated
survey attempts and thus none was neglected. We noted that not all participants provided responses to all
the survey questions.
1.4.1 Respondent’s Frequency based on variables of procurement management drivers
The frequency demographic and respondents characteristics are summarized in table 2 in the appendices
section below. The analysis of the data involved a purely descriptive analysis, which had frequency,
percentage, cumulative percentage and the means of central tendencies which included mean, median and
standard deviation (Table 2). Below is a description of what the data gathered from the survey regarding
each of the variables of the research driver.
1.4.2 Ethical tendering
The driver had variables labeled V1 to V3. With regards to V1 .it was noted to have mean score 3.57, median
of 4.00 and standard deviation 1.108. V2: noted a mean score 3.73 median of 4.00, and standard deviation
1.155. V3: the variable came out with a mean score 3.43, median 3.00 and standard deviation 0.934. The
driver of ethical tendering remains to be a significant dimension in the procurement. This confirms the
hypothesis H1: If there are ethical tendering processes in contracting, then procurement and supply chain
management will be green and responsible. Though the hypothesis was confirmed, respondents proposed
on the need of adopting ethical applications in the tendering processes, where equality prevails. Accountability
The driver had its variables labeled as V4 to V6. V4: had a mean score: 3.85 and, median of 4.00 and,
standard deviation: 0.857. V5: noted to have a mean score 3.65, median of 4.00 and standard deviation
0.999. V6: was observed to have a mean score 3.57, median of 4.00 and standard deviation 1.006. In order
to have efficiency and effectiveness in an organization, there should be accountability for actions among the
concerned parties in the procurement processes. This confirms the hypothesis H2: With respect to
accountability for actions, contractor-customer relationship is maintained.
The driver had important variables labeled V7 to V9. V7: For this variable the median score is 3.55, median
of 4.00 and the standard deviation is 1.101. V8; noticed a mean score 3.03, median of 3.00 and standard
deviation 1.133. V9 had a mean score 3.86, median of 4.00 and standard deviation 0.956. The result of the
study shows that the transparency has a crucial impact on facilitating effectiveness in procurement
management. For instance, some suppliers reported that transparency is not consistent in the procurement
management in Kenya. In response to the driver we confirm the hypothesis H3: When an organization takes
an initiative to ensure that the procurement processes are transparent enough, its growth and competitive
advantage is maintained. Fairness in awards
As noted from the responses of demographics in the research, the driver had variables labeled V10 to V12.
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.3, 2012
V10: From the analysis, this variable had a mean score of 3.37, median of 4.000 and standard deviation of
1.059. V11: scooped a mean score was of 2.77, median of 2.50 and standard deviation 1.233. V12: The
analysis of the data gave rise to a mean score 3.18, median of 3.00 and standard deviation1.156. The
respondents from the suppliers reported that some companies would not practice fairness in awards. Under
the drivers of fairness in awards, H4: The sustained growth of procurement processes in an organization will
depend on how fair its tenders are awarded among the bidders. The descriptive analysis supported this
1.5 Discussions and Recommendations
1.5.1 Discussions
As noted in the literature review and the research findings, achieving efficiency and effectiveness in the
supply chain management lies squarely on the moral and ethical natured of the participants. According to
McWilliams & Siegel (2001) firms should be responsible for the practices of their suppliers, to the extent of
this responsibility and how they could effectively translate such responsibilities, if any, into practice. The
paper started by situating firm-supplier relationships within the broader context of firm buying behavior; and
from quite often, the fact that purchasing firms are customers is ignored in debates around responsible supply
chain management (Sako 1992). Supply chains and procurement should focus on such ethical issues in
purchasing as: deception, bribery, price rigging, unsafe products and public safety (Wood 1996:185), since
these are likely to arise from the internal environment of the purchasing firm and not necessarily from its
relationship with the suppliers. Its procurement processes should solely focus on espousing the moral (and
sometimes legal) connotations of the concept of responsibility (Polo 2008) and what it means to be held
responsible while relating these to firm-supplier relationships.
In most organizations, the largest ethical issue in the procurement process is the potential for conflict of
interest (Gomez 2002). Employees who purchase goods or services from individuals or companies with
whom they have a personal or familial relationship leave the organization open to fraud at the worst or
overpayment for the items or services procured at least. A good procurement management policy should
outline what constitutes a conflict of interest, and forbid procurement where a conflict exists. This would lead
to ethical tendering where accountability and transparency prevails and with which awards are executed
based on principle of fairness (Gray et al 1997).
1.5.2 Recommendations
From the findings of the responses of the focus groups and the discussion of the research, the following
recommendations were formulated based on the ethical theories and principles.
(i) In virtue ethics, integrity is a main issue for procurement management and shows up in the discussions
about responsible agents in the procurement management, who are able to make rational decisions to depict
their ethical and moral nature in the conduct. It is therefore relative that to elaborative a list of virtues be set
and applied in the management of purchasing and supplies in Kenya. Integrate ethical purchasing into
existing procurement management systems—incentives and performance reviews can be structured to
reward rather than undermine ethical sourcing.
(ii) According to Utilitarian principle, actions are right in proportion to their promotion of happiness, and
wrong as they produce the reverse. It is therefore very relative that companies and institutions in the supply
chain void the attraction of searching for the cheapest labour and goods, at the expense of social and
environmental responsibility. Avoid frequently changing suppliers as this undermines their commitment to
long-term progress on labour standards and would thus lead to inefficient procurement processes.
(iii) Kantian theory also has implications for procurement management in Kenya. Kant argues that
everyone has a duty to be beneficent, i.e. to be helpful to others according to one's means, and without
hoping for any form of personal gain thereby. With this, there should be ethical tendering and fairness in the
awards where indiscriminate acts are not witnessed. Bidders and tenders should be selected on the basis of
European Journal of Business and Management
ISSN 2222-1905 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2839 (Online)
Vol 4, No.3, 2012
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