Devashish Kumar Gupta: B.Tech - Computer Science and Engineering - IIT, Dhanbad

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Devashish Kumar Gupta 

B.Tech – Computer Science and Engineering - IIT, Dhanbad 

# ​17JE002834 📱​ +​ 91-9199106606​ ​@​ ​[email protected]​ ​Skype: ​live:.cid.1cd962e223b90242 


Microsoft, ​Bengaluru — ​Software Engineer Intern  Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), 

MAY 2020 - JULY 2020  Dhanbad — ​Bachelor of Technology in Computer 
Worked  on  ​Outlook  on Jio Phone project. Developed the news  Science and Engineering 
JULY 2017 - MAY 2021 C
​ GPA – 8.61 
module  using  Typescript,  React,  JS  for  Kaios  based  devices. 
Kaios  is  a  web  based  OS  which  mainly  powers  smart  feature  Cambridge Court High School, J​ aipur  
phones.  12th -​ APRIL 2016 - APRIL 2017 - 9
​ 1.60% 

Maheshwari Public School, J​ aipur  

PROJECTS  10th -​ APRIL 2015 - APRIL 2016 - C
​ GPA - 10 

Smart Contract development for decentralized 
money transfer ​— C
​ ryptocurrency 
● Strong : C
​ , C++, Data Structures and Algorithms.    
a blockchain project which performs money transfer in a 
● Intermediate  :  ​Object-Oriented  Programming, 
decentralized way. Solidity programming language for  Typescript, React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.   
smart contract development was used for writing the 
smart contract and remix IDE was used for smart contract.  ACHIEVEMENTS 

Smart Contract development for voting —

​ ​Voting  ● Secured  21st  rank  in  Code  Marathon  organized  by 
a blockchain project which performs voting in a  CSE department IIT(ISM) Dhanbad. 
decentralized way. Solidity programming language for  ● Secured AIR 2484 in the Common Rank List of JEE 

smart contract development was used for writing the  Advanced 2017. 
● 4th  rank  in  Rajasthan  in  National  Science  Olympiad 
smart contract and remix IDE was used for smart contract 
(2015) organized by CBSE. 
development and testing. 
● 2nd  rank  in  Rajasthan  in  National  Science  Olympiad 
(2014) organized by CBSE. 
Blockchain A-Z: Learn How To Build Your First  POSITIONS OF RESPONSIBILITY 
Blockchain (Udemy) ​— ​Blockchain 
for an in-depth understanding of the theory behind  ● Member  ​of  Association  for  Computing  Machinery 
blockchain and cryptocurrency.  (ACM) IIT(ISM) Dhanbad. 
  ● Organizer o
​ f Udbhav (2018) Annual fest of CSE 
Department IIT(ISM) Dhanbad. 
Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Build Projects 
● A  ​key  member  of  the  Mess  Representative 
Using Solidity (Udemy) —
​ ​Blockchain  Committee for the year 2017-2018. 
for an in-depth understanding of the theory of smart 
● Served as School Prefect from 2015-2016. 
contract development. 
  ● Served as House Captain from 2014-2015. 
Participant ​in event Robotica in Khanan (2017) Annual fest 
of Mining Engineering Department IIT(ISM) Dhanbad.  ● Competitive  programming,  Badminton,  TPP  Video 
Participant ​in event Line Follower of Concetto (2017), 
Tech-Fest IIT(ISM) Dhanbad. 

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