Web & Internet Technologies Question Bank: Dr. P. Chitralingappa Page 1 of 6

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Web & Internet Technologies

Question Bank

Introduction to Web Technologies: Introduction to Web servers like Apache 1.1,
IIS, XAMPP (Bundle Server), WAMP (Bundle Server), Handling HTTP Request and
Response, installations of above servers, HTML and CSS: HTML
5.0, XHTML, CSS3.
S.NO. Questions
1. What is Web Server? Write installation process of Apache/IIS,
XAMPP/WAMP server?
2 Explain the architecture and features of Apache server.
3 Explain in detail about Handling HTTP Request & HTTP Response.
4 What is CSS? Explain various types of CSS with suitable examples.
5 What do you mean by “class” and “id” in CSS? Show the use of external CSS
with example.
6 Explain form tag in HTML with suitable example.
7 Explain table tag in HTML with suitable example.
8 What is list? Explain various types of lists in HTML
9 Explain frame tag in HTML with suitable example.


Java Script: An introduction to JavaScript–JavaScript DOM Model-Date and
Objects. -Regular Expressions- Exception Handling-Validation-Built-in objects-
Event Handling- DHTML with JavaScript.
Servlets: Java Servlet Architecture- Servlet Life Cycle- Form GET and POST
actions- Session Handling- Understanding Cookies.
Installing and Configuring Apache Tomcat Web Server;
DATABASE CONNECTIVITY: JDBC perspectives, JDBC program example
JSP: Understanding Java Server Pages-JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL)-Creating
HTML forms by embedding JSP code.


S.NO. Questions
1 Briefly explain operators in JavaScript.
2 Describe various control structures used in JavaScript.
3 What is array? How are arrays handled in JavaScript? Explain with example
4 Explain functions with suitable example in JavaScript.
5 Briefly explain the importance of Document Object Model (DOM).
6 Briefly explain various Built-in Objects in JavaScript.
7 Explain about Regular Expressions with suitable example.
8 How to handle exceptions in JavaScript? Explain with suitable example.
9 Briefly explain Event Handling in JavaScript.
10 With the help of neat diagram, explain the servlet architecture.
11 What is a ‘servlet’? Explain the life cycle of a servlet with an example.
12 Distinguish between GET and POST actions in Servlets.
13 Briefly explain various Session Tracking Techniques
14 What is JDBD? Explain various types of JDBC drivers.
15 With a neat diagram explain the lifecycle of Java Server Page (JSP).
16 What are the components of Java Server Page (JSP)? Discuss in brief about
each component.
17 Discuss about various categories of JSP tags. Explain each of them with
syntax and suitable examples
18 How to create HTML forms by embedding JSP code.


Introduction to PHP: The problem with other Technologies (Servlets and JSP),
Downloading, installing, configuring PHP, Programming in a Web environment and
the anatomy of a PHP Page.
Overview of PHP Data types and Concepts: Variables and data types, Operators,
Expressions and Statements, Strings, Arrays and Functions.
PHP Advanced Concepts: Using Cookies, Using HTTP Headers, Using Sessions,
authenticating users, Using Environment and Configuration variables, Working
with Date and Time.


S.NO. Questions
1 How to Downloading, Installing and Configuring PHP.
2 Explain ANATOMY OF PHP and supported Data Types.
3 What is PHP array? How are arrays handled in PHP? Explain with example.
4 Write a PHP script to sort the elements in descending order of an array.
5 Explain about Regular Expressions with suitable example in PHP.
6 Briefly explain operators in PHP.
7 Describe various control/loop structures used in PHP.
8 How strings are declared in PHP? Explain string operators.
9 Discuss about various functions used in PHP with examples.
10 Demonstrate the use of cookies in PHP with an example.
11 Demonstrate the use of sessions in PHP with an example.
12 Explain about HTTP Headers and authenticating users in PHP.
13 Briefly explain Environment and Configuration variables in PHP.
14 Explain Date and Time concepts in PHP.

Creating and Using Forms: Understanding Common Form Issues, GET vs. POST,
validating form input, working with multiple forms, and Preventing Multiple
Submissions of a form.
XML: Basic XML- Document Type Definition, XML Schema DOM and Presenting
XML, XML Parsers and Validation, XSL and XSLT Transformation, News Feed (RSS
and ATOM).
S.NO. Questions
1 Explain the differences between the GET & POST methods in PHP.
2 How will you create forms and validate the form input in PHP? Explain with
sample code.
3 Explain how to create multiple forms and Prevent Multiple Submissions of
a form?
4 What is XML? Explain various Building blocks of XML.
5 Define Document type definition (DTD) in XML. Explain various types of


6 What is XML schema? Explain the elements of XML schema with own
7 Difference between DTD and XSD.
8 What is an XML DOM? How DOM parses the XML file.
9 What is a ‘XML Parser’? Explain in detail how XML data is parsed with an
10 What is a ‘XML Parser’? Differentiate between DOM and SAX parsers in
11 How to transform one XML to another XML document using XSLT
12 Explain about RSS and ATOM News feeds.

AJAX: Ajax Client Server Architecture-XML Http Request Object-Call Back
Web Services: Introduction- Java web services Basics – Creating, Publishing,
Testing and Describing a Web services (WSDL)-Consuming a web service, Database
Driven web service from an application – SOAP.
S.NO. Questions
1 What is AJAX? Explain the components and features of Ajax.
2 Discuss AJAX architecture and compare it with DOM and SAX.
3 Describe the integration of PHP and AJAX with an example.
4 Briefly discuss Ajax Client-Server Architecture.
5 Explain about XML Http Request Object-Call Back Methods.
6 What is web service? Explain Web Services-Architecture and its
7 Explain about Java webservices and its types.
8 How will you publish and test web services? Explain.
9 Discuss the role of WSDL web services in AJAX.
10 Describe the SOAP web services and building blocks of SOAP messages.


1. What is HTML table? Explain table element with necessary attributes. Write
the HTML code to print following table.
FName SName Age Address
Vikram Nivas 20
GaaMa 30

2. Design your class time table using table tag.

3. Write a java script program which reads number and check whether that
number is strong number or not.
4. Write a script that asks the user to enter two numbers and outputs text that
displays the sum, product, difference and quotient of the two numbers.
5. Write a PHP program to store user registration information (like user name,
address, DOB, age, Aadhar card number, gender) with data base and display
those details on view screen in tabular manner.
6. Write a PHP script to sort the elements in descending order of an array.
7. Write PHP code to create a login page for a web application.
8. Write a program in PHP to find out length of the string “This is my first program”
9. Write a PHP code to validate the form consisting of a username, password and
email fields.
10. Write a well form schema in XML for the payroll system of any organization.
11. Design an XML schema for university/library/bank/customer management.

Lab Programs for practical Examination:

Week Experiment Name
1 To create a simple student bio-data form using html5. it should contain the
following name (text box), address (multiline text box), gender (radio button
male, female), Skill sets known check boxes – C, C++, java, C# etc.), extra-
curricular activities (text box), nationality (combo box), upload file, submit
and reset button.
2 To create an html page with different types of frames such as floating frame,
navigation frame & mixed frame.
3 Design the webpage by applying the different styles using inline, external &
internal style sheets.


4 Write a java script program to read .XML file and display data in a neat
5 To write a JavaScript program to define a user defined function for sorting
the values in an array. Use HTML5 for user interface
6 To create an html page to demonstrate exception handling in JavaScript
Create an html page named as “exception.html” and do the following.
7 Write a jsp servlet program to implement the single text field calculator.
9 To create a php program to demonstrate the different predefined function
in array, Math, Date and Regular Expression.
10 Write a program in PHP for a simple email processing with attachment using
11 Write a program for PHP for a login script; create a login database and
store username and password.
13 Create a DTD to describe a library.
14 Create a DTD to describe a computer.
15 Create a Schema to describe a computer.
16 Create a Schema to describe a library.
17 Create a DTD to describe a bank.
18 Create a Schema to describe a bank.

Week 8 and 12 programs are exemption for practical examination but you have
to write in observation as well as record.


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