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The Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Wildlife Resource Division (WRD)



Beavers (Castor canadensis) were almost eliminated from Beavers create their own shelter in the form of either bank
Georgia because of unregulated trapping and habitat loss. dens or lodges. Dens are created by digging a series of
Wildlife professionals of the 1940’s conducted restoration holes in the banks of lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks or
efforts that were quickly successful. As the beaver streams. If banks are not suitable for digging, beavers will
population expanded, management regulations were opt to pile up sticks and form a lodge. Entrances to the
adjusted to permit a legal harvest. Today, beavers are lodge or den are submerged while the denning area is 1-2
thriving statewide, harvest demands are low, and there is feet above the water level. The beaver’s most famous
no closed season on taking beavers in Georgia. signature is the dam. Beaver dams serve to stabilize water
levels yielding protection to both beavers and their homes
HABITAT AND RANGE as well as facilitating access to food.
Beavers are found throughout North America and
statewide in Georgia wherever suitable habitat exists. ECOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE
Present in most areas with a year-round water flow, From an ecological standpoint, beavers are one of the most
beavers are found in streams, lakes, ponds, wetlands, and important animals in Georgia. Ponds or wetlands created
low lying land or swamps along flood-prone creek and by beavers provide excellent habitat for numerous plants
river bottoms. Beavers occasionally are found in roadside and animals, as well as provide critical nesting or foraging
ditches, drainage ditches, and sewage ponds and are areas for numerous species of waterfowl and other
becoming more common in urban areas. migratory birds. Beaver created wetlands also serve as a
filtration system trapping sediments and improving water
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS quality. Landowners may benefit from having beaver
Members of the Order Rodentia (rodents) and Family ponds on their property through improved hunting, fishing
Castoridae, beavers are North America’s largest rodents. and bird watching opportunities.
Considered semi-aquatic animals, beavers live on both
land and in water. Their broad flat tails are used for NUISANCE
stability while sitting, feeding or chewing trees. In water, Beavers sometimes create impressive wetlands that
the tail serves as a warning device when slapped on the conflict with people’s use of the land. Frequently beavers
water and as a rudder for swimming. Sexes appear impound streams creating flooded bottomlands, pastures or
indistinguishable from visual observation. crops. Numerous trees are chewed in areas of beaver
activity resulting in damaged or dead trees. Beavers chew
DIET on almost any tree or plant, including desirable timber,
The herbivorous diet of beavers varies seasonally. During planted crops, or valuable landscaping. The most effective
the winter months, preferred woody vegetation includes way to control beaver damage is through shooting or
sweet gum, ash, willows, poplar, cottonwoods, pines and trapping. However, other actions such as fencing and
fruit trees; however beavers will chew most trees. During drainage devices can work in certain situations.
the spring and summer, beavers relish aquatic plants and
lush tender green shoots or plants. FURBEARER VALUE
During the 1700’s and 1800’s beaver fur was one of the
REPRODUCTION AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE most widely and intensively sought natural resource in
Beavers are social animals and usually live in family units North America. Their fur was used for clothing, especially
called colonies. A single colony may contain a breeding hats. The oil from beaver castor glands was an essential
adult pair and both yearling and juvenile offspring. component of many high quality perfumes. Today,
Breeding in Georgia typically occurs in October through beavers are a valued fur resource worldwide. However, in
March. Offspring are born 105-107 days following comparison to northern furs the Georgia beaver is less
breeding. Beavers become sexually mature at two years of desirable resulting in lower pelt prices.
age and will then produce one to four kits (young)
Beaver Management and Control In Georgia, 2002

For more information, contact a WRD Game Management Office or call (770) 918-6416. Revised 10/03

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