Anna University Questions Department of CSE III Year CS1005 - Advanced Java Programming (Elective) Unit I 2 Marks

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Anna University Questions

Department of CSE
III Year
CS1005 – Advanced Java Programming (Elective)
Unit I
2 Marks
1. When to use pipe stream for performing I/O operation?
2. What are the storage structures used to represent byte code?

NOV/DEC 2007
1. What is the use of thread?
2. Give the syntax and use of any four classes in swing?

1. Write a java program to read an integer and to display the same.
2. What are the benefits in using swings compared to awt?

May/June 2009
1. How are the strings transferred between native methods in Java?
2. Write a Java statement that tests if a thread is alive.

NOV/DEC 2009
1. Define the term Byte code in Java.
2. Compare swing with awt?
16 Marks
1. Explain Byte stream and Data stream with their applicability.(8)
2. How to extract the methods and constructors defined in a class using reflection in Java. (8)
3. Explain the implementation of thread synchronization in Java.(10)
4. How to invoke legacy application in Java? (6)

NOV/DEC 2007
1. Write a Java program for Reading the data from a file.(8)
2. Explain the properties and methods in FileReader, FileWriter, BufferedReader and BufferedWriter(8)
3. Write a program in Java for dynamically changing the color of Text using Multithreading.(8)
4. Develop Java swing code for creating student Bio-data form.(8)

1. Write a java program to read a text file and to count the number of words and sentences.
2. What is reflection? Explain its use.
3. Explain the life cycle of thread.
4. What is JNI? With an application scenario explain its usage.

May/June 2009
1. Briefly explain the Java i/o stream class hierarchy.
2. Write a Java program to illustrate the event handling registration and working in Swing
3. Illustrate the use of Pipes for communication between the threads with suitable java program.
4. Write a Java program to create and access a random access file using file streams

NOV/DEC 2009
1. Explain Inter-thread communication in java with an example.
2. What is swing? Explain its features.
3. Explain Dynamic reflexive classes.
4. What is JNI? Explain its uses with an example.
5. Explain JVM in detail.
Unit II
2 Marks
1. What are the different communication mechanisms used by the distributed objects for their
2. What are the methods in the URL class used for parsing the URL?

NOV/DEC 2007
1. Differentiate between Socket and Server Socket.
2. What is the Domain Naming Service (DNS)?

1. Name the classes and methods associated with URL.
2. Define socket and port. Write syntax for creating socket for UDP

May/June 2009
1. List the situations where the ‘Socket Exception’ be thrown.
2. How does a client determine the host name?

NOV/DEC 2009
1. What is Telnet?
2. Write a Java code, which accepts a host name and displays is IP address.
16 Marks
1. Create Socket client and socket server for performing simple data read and write operations in Java.
2. Explain the following:
(i) Secure sockets (ii)Custom sockets (iii)Java Messaging service

NOV/DEC 2007
1. Explain the principles and working of Multicast Socket.(6)
2. Write a client/server program for establishing connection using TCP (10)
3. Compare and contrast the feature of TCP/UDP.(6)
4. Write Java program for Net chatting.(10)

1. Write a java program to implement a chat system using TCP/IP.
2. Write a java program to read a web page from a given web site.
3. Explain the features of JMS.

May/June 2009
1. Write a client/server java program to transfer a file from the server to the client using Datagram
2. Write brief note on multicast sockets.
3. Write a Java network program to implement a telnet server which counts the number of lines in a text
file which is sent from the telnet client using connection oriented services

NOV/DEC 2009
1. Develop an EchoServer and EchoClient program that displays whatever is typed in the server on the
client using sockets
2. Develop a JAVA program for reading the content of a file from web server through a URL connection.
(HINT: You may use Swing GUI component JEditorPane from package javax.swing).
3. How do you read the content of header for a received IP packet? Develop a JAVA code for the same
and display the header contents.
4. Explain about JAVA Messaging Services.
Unit III

2 Marks

1. What is the use of remote reference layer?
2. When object serialization is to be invoked in the program?

NOV/DEC 2007
1. What is meant by middleware architecture?
2. Mention the Interfaces used for creating RMI
1. Define the terms marshalling and unmarshalling.
2. What is POA? Explain its role.

May/June 2009
1. Compare RMI and CORBA.
2. What are the activation models?

NOV/DEC 2009
1. What are RMI custom sockets in JAVA.
2. Explain the naming services in CORBA.

16 Marks
1. Explain the architecture of RMI(8)
2. Discuss the steps involved in creating an RMI server.(8)
3. Explain the implementation of Naming service in CORBA.(8)
4. Create a CORBA server for performing simple deposit and withdrawal operation in java(8)

NOV/DEC 2007
1. Discuss a simple client/server application using RMI.
2. What is meant by object serialization? Explain.
3. What is the use of CORBA? Draw the Programming Model of CORBA.(10)
4. Write short notes on IDL technology.(6)

1. What is object serialization? Write a java program to serialize an object.
2. Justify the need for creating and using a JAR file.
3. Explain the process of mapping an IDL to java with an example.
4. List out the different services provided by CORBA specification And high light their features
May/June 2009
1. Illustrate the steps involved in RMI server creation with an example.
2. Describe the CORBA OMA architecture and how components in various layers interact with each
3. Explain the steps involved in JAR file creation.

NOV/DEC 2009
1. Develop a RMI application in which a client applet invokes a method on a remote object to retrieve
the bio-data of an employee from the XYZ Company along with his photograph and display them on
the specified area on the applet. Here the person’s bio-data is retrieved while giving the employee
identification number through the keyboard.
2. Compare JAVA RMI with CORBA.
3. How do you create a JAR file? Give an example.
Unit IV
2 Marks
1. Compare Java Server Page with servlet?
2. Mention the various types of JDBC drivers.

NOV/DEC 2007
1. What is Server-side programming?
2. Give the life cycle of Servlets.

1. Describe the life cycle of servlet.
2. What is multimedia streaming? How is it achieved in JAVA?

May/June 2009
1. Illustrate the uses on ‘image maps’.
2. What is session tracking? How it is implemented in Java Servlet?

NOV/DEC 2009
1. Explain how o pass parameters to applets in JAVA with example.
2. What is JAVA Media framework?
16 Marks
1. Compare Applet communication with socket communication.(6)
2. Discuss the steps involved in creating a customized tag with an example(10)
3. Explain the servlet creation with an example (8)
4. Explain the steps involved in accessing a database using JDBC (8)

NOV/DEC 2007
1. What is Session Tracking? Write a program for implementing session tracking.(12)
2. What are hidden fields? Explain their use.(4)
3. Write a Java program for printing student mark sheet using JDBC.(8)
4. Develop a JSP code to create a web site for ordering books.(8)

1. Consider a database STATE_DETAILS with state name, No of males, Females and avg income. write
a JSP program to retrieve the detail when state name is provided as input.
2. Consider a database table student details with Roll no, name and result Write a servlet program to
display the result of a student, when the rollno is given as input.
3. Highlight the features of JMF.

May/June 2009
1. Explain the JDBC configuration process and write a Java program to automate the savings bank
application with deposit and withdraw operations using JDBC.
2. Discuss the Java Media Framework in detail.
3. Write a Servlet to display a “Hello” message.

NOV/DEC 2009
1. Develop a JAVA program that bounces a blue ball inside an applet. The ball should be initiated with a
mousePressed event. When the ball hits the edge of the applet, the ball should bounce off the edge
and continue in the opposite direction. Provide the minimum of 20 balls. Randomly choose the color
for each ball. It should also allow you to add shadows. As a ball moves, draw a solid-black oval at the
bottom of the applet. You may consider 3-D effect by increasing or decreasing the size of each ball
when a ball hit the edge of the applet. Bounce the balls off each other when they collide.
2. List the builts in objects of JSP and summarize their features.
3. Explain the steps involved in JDBC connectivity.
Unit V

2 Marks

1. Which types of objects are used to represent multimedia data in JAVA?
2. What are the Java technologies used to create server components?

NOV/DEC 2007
1. What are the advantages of Java Beans?
2. What does a session bean do?

1. Define a component.
2. List out the different types of entity bean.

May/June 2009
1. Compare entity bean with session bean.
2. List the various components of a bean window.

NOV/DEC 2009
1. What is Bean Box?
2. List the different types of sessions beans
16 Marks
1. How J2EE architectural model is used for creating distributed system? Explain it with example.(16)
2. Explain stateful and stateless session beans with example. (10)
3. Compare container Managed Persistent Entity bean with Bean Managed Persistent Entity Bean.(6)

NOV/DEC 2007
1. Write a simple program for creating reusable component using Java Beans(8)
2. Write steps for developing a simple beans using BDK.(8)
3. Explain concepts and use of Entity Beans and Persistent Entity Beans.(8)
4. Enumerate the features and the applications of J2EE.(8)

1. What is an enterprise application? List the technologies available for implementing enterprise
2. List out the feature of J2EE framework and highlight the importance of each features.
3. Write a stateless session bean to convert a dollar value into rupees.
4. Explain the process of executing a J2EE based application.

May/June 2009
1. Discuss in detail the J2EE architecture.
2. Explain bean context and relationship bean context classes.
3. Explain the steps involved in assembling and deploying of EJB
NOV/DEC 2009
1. Difference between Entity beans and Sessions beans.
2. Discuss the design issues in modeling using Session and Entity EJBs.
3. Explain the steps involved in developing and deploying an Entity Bean with an example.
4. Explain how to develop, build, deploy and test Calculator Stateless Session Bean for summing the
values entered by user. It should also display the mean of the input values.
5. Explain the passivation and activation processes in EJB.

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