Design and Construction of An Underwater Robot: September 2017
Design and Construction of An Underwater Robot: September 2017
Design and Construction of An Underwater Robot: September 2017
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Abstract—This paper describes a wirelessly controlled one high power DC motor and a servo motor can change the
underwater robot that can move under water and it can be even direction of thrust [4].
controlled by an android smart phone very easily. An arduino
based platform in used to process, transmit and receive all For the purpose of localization and tracking system, a team
information. There are many kinds of robots have been designed of researchers have done an experiment with underwater robot
and constructed with the development of computer and whose speciality is acoustic localization system [5]. A semi-
information processing technology. A low cost underwater robot autonomous submarine is used specially for marine
and its propulsion system are complete wirelessly using the environmental research [6]. A remotely operated vehicle
combination of a pair of arduino board and a pair of RF module (ROV) which has a camera system and a gripper system has
that makes our project different. Six handmade waterproof been constructed by PVC is designed by some researchers [7].
thrusters control the propulsion system horizontally and A navigation technology for autonomous underwater vehicle
vertically of this robot. The camera of this robot works as eyes. has been developed with advance battery capacity and the
This robot can be used in various purpose such as underwater development of hydrogen fuel cell. The navigation system of
environmental monitoring, oceanographic survey, pipeline and this accurate and it can be part of a longer mission [8].
subsea structure inspection, debris inspection and more related
purpose. Another remotely operated vehicle has constructed
includes a manipulator arm, water sampler, light penetration,
Keywords—Underwater robot, Low cost, Wireless system,
temperature and depth [9]. The researcher of Kyushu Institute
Waterproof, Underwater monitoring
of Technology has developed an AquaBox series for shallow
I. INTRODUCTION water observation [10]. After some years the researchers of
University of Science and Technology of China have been
In recent years, besides other robots various kinds of designed a mini underwater robot which detects the
underwater robot have been designed, constructed and underwater situation by high definition camera [11]. There are
developed by many interested researchers. Various kinds of various controlling systems for underwater vehicles such as
difficult work can do easily using underwater robot in ocean zigbee communication, light approach, etc [12].
or any source of water. The important part of this project is
every parts of this robot have to be waterproof and it is the In our laboratory, we have designed and constructed of an
main challenge of this project. underwater robot (Fig. 1 & 2) which can control wirelessly by
an android smart phone via software. Six propeller propulsion
Researchers of CSIRO ICT Centre of Australia the robot forward, backward, right, left, up and down. A
successfully constructed a new robot for environmental camera has attached with it and a pair of light for brightens
monitoring on the great barrier reef which has been focused at underwater darkness. The body of robot has made by PVC.
truly low cost robot [1]. A cylindrical shaped autonomous
underwater vehicle whose main purposes are real-time visual
simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), cooperative
multi-vehicle navigation and perception-driven control have
designed and constructed at University of Michigan [2].
A cylindrical and long shape autonomous underwater
vehicle has designed by the researchers of Technical
University of Malaysia and University of Malaysia. The
propulsion system of this robot is smooth. A horizontal
propeller moves the vehicle forward and backward, a servo
turn it left and right, a water pump system moves it up and
down. When water inject into the water tank in vehicle, the
vehicle get down and when water inject out of the vehicle
from water tank the vehicle flood on water [3]. There are
various shaped underwater vehicle have been designed in
different area of robotics. An electrical system has designed
for a spherical underwater robot. It used three vectored water-
jet thrusters for its propulsion system. Thrusters are driven by Fig. 1. Top view of Underwater Robot
An underwater robot is a waterproof robot which can move
in water depends on user command. This robot has a
transmitting part and a receiving part.
Fig. 4. Block diagram of Underwater Robot (receiving part)
In transmitting part, an android phone is used instead of
joystick. The android phone is connected with a bluetooth As remote controller joystick, an android phone is used.
module BC-05. The bluetooth module is connected with ATC software is android software which can control arduino
microcontroller (arduino) and arduino hold a RF Transmitter via bluetooth. Firstly, commands send via android phone with
(RF433Tx). In receiving part, we used RF receiver (RF433Rx). ATC software to bluetooth module in remote controller part.
The receiver is connected with microcontroller (arduino mega). Bluetooth module sends these commands to arduino and
Arduino mega hold motor driver IC. arduino process the commands as preset program. Then
arduino transmit the commands to main robot via RF
When user sends a command through android phone, the transmitter with transmitting antenna. Fig.3 shows the
transmitter transmits the command to receiver by preset controller system of this robot.
program. The receiver receives the command and gives it to
arduino. Arduinio process the command by preset program. The main parts of robot contain an antenna, RF receiver,
Then arduino command to motor driver and the robot starts arduino, motor drivers, motors, lights, and camera. RF
move. To move forward, horizontally installed motor of both receiver receives the transmitted command from remote
side have to rotate in clockwise direction. To move backward controller part of Robot via receiving antenna. Then RF
these motor have to rotate in anti-clockwise. The vertically receiver sends the command to arduino. Arduino process the
installed motors will remain stop. To move left, one motor commands as preset program and send command to motor
rotate in clockwise and another in anti-clockwise. To move drivers. Motor drivers drive the motors clockwise and
right, one motor rotate in anti-clockwise and another in anticlockwise as preset program. Fig.4 shows the operation
clockwise. The upper motors will remain stop. To move system of this robot.
upward, all upper motor have to rotate in anti-clockwise. To
move downward, all upper motor have to rotate in clockwise. B. Main Hardware
The both side motors will remain stop. Arduino: Two arduino boards are used in this project.
Arduino uno is used for controller circuit and arduino mega is
III. SYSTEM DESIGN used for main robot as the brain of this robot.
A. Block Diagram of the Underwater Robot Bluetooth Module: A bluetooth module (BC-05) is used to
connect smart phone with controller circuit. Any joystick
software can be used from an android smart phone to control
robot. In this project ATC software is used as joystick. ATC
software is joystick controller software which can be
configured as per requirement.
RF Module: A pair of RF module (RF433MHz) is used to
connect controller to robot. RF module is very good for low
cost communication. It can communicate and send command
up to 100 mitre distance in open space.
Motor Driver: Motor drivers (L293D) are used for driving
motors, light and camera. It this project the supply voltage of
Fig. 3. Block diagram of controller of Underwater Robot (command
transmitting part) motor drivers is 9 volts and logic voltage is 5 volts.
DC Motor: Small and 9 volt DC motors are used to make Arduino input 6 volts. Rx pin of bluetooth module is
thrusters. A big challenge is to make motors waterproof is connected with Tx pin of arduino & Tx pin of bluetooth
successfully overcome. Tape, wax, grease, glue stick and glue module is connected with Rx pin of arduino. Vcc pin of
gun is used to make motors waterproof. bluetooth module is connected with +5 volts of arduino and
ground to ground. Then Vcc of RF module also connected +5
Propellers: volts of arduino. RF module data pin connected with Arduino
digital pin 12. RF module antenna pin connected with an
Omni-directional antenna. An LED (green) is connected with
arduino digital pin 13 to indicate command transmission.
Another LED (green) is connected with parallel the power
supply to show the power on. And a LED (red) with connected
with charging portion to show charger connection.
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