Deputy Head Academic Role Description

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Deputy Head (Academic)

Candidate Information Pack


1. Mill Hill School

2. Role Description

3. Person Specification

4. Employment Terms
and Conditions

5. Application Process

The Mill Hill School Foundation is a

This is an exciting time of development
successful family of four leading
for the Foundation, with the recent
co-educational Schools providing an
appointment of the Chief Executive
outstanding educational experience
Officer, Antony Spencer, whose
for pupils aged 3-18. Mill Hill School,
responsibility for overarching strategy
the Senior School, is one of London’s
frees up the Heads to manage their
leading co-educational day and
Schools. Since her appointment
boarding schools; Grimsdell, Mill Hill
in September 2018 our Head, Jane
Pre-Preparatory School, is a day school
Sanchez, has drawn on many years’
for pupils aged 3 to 7; Belmont, Mill Hill
experience as the Principal Deputy
Preparatory School, is a day school for
Head of Mill Hill in setting a course
pupils aged 7 to 13 and The Mount, Mill
which reflects her commitment to the
Hill International is a co-educational
pursuit of educational excellence in a
boarding and day school for pupils
21st century context and the nurturing
aged 13 to 17 predominantly from non-
of each individual pupil. Many new
English speaking backgrounds, which
initiatives have already been set in
opened in September 2015.
motion, and an exciting vision for
the future is unfolding, with further
Situated in 150 acres of magnificent
investment planned in facilities and
parkland in North London, the
resources. The appointment of 25
Foundation and its constituent
new members of the teaching staff in
Schools blend a distinctive heritage
September reflects both our growth in
with outstanding pastoral care, high
numbers and our appreciation of the
academic standards and a diverse
fact that our teaching staff is such a
range of sporting, artistic and
key resource. The Mill Hill community
cultural opportunities. Each School
is characterised by the wholehearted
is led by its own Head who has
engagement of its staff and pupils,
responsibility for the admission of
who exemplify the ethos of our School
pupils and for the quality of teaching
motto, et virtutem et musas, instilling
and learning,
values, inspiring minds.
including staff recruitment, and
Heads work closely together to
ensure a seamless transition as pupils
progress through the Foundation.
Within easy reach by private and
public transport and with good
access to all London airports,
enrolment in all four Schools is
extremely healthy and local and
boarding parents alike are supportive
of the School and aspirational for
their children.

Deputy Head (Academic)
Following the appointment of the Key Areas of Responsibility
current incumbent, Mr Alex Frazer, after
eight years’ service, to an HMC 1. Strategic Development
Headship, Mill Hill is seeking a dynamic • To develop and implement the School’s
individual and outstanding leader to vision, aims and objectives
shape and develop the academic life of • To oversee the School’s academic
the School and to contribute strategy, in line with agreed
significantly to our vibrant community. educational priorities, and, where
The successful candidate will be ready appropriate, in liaison with senior staff
to play a pivotal role at this across the Foundation
exciting time in our continuing growth and • To recommend to the Head future
development. academic priorities that meet the
academic needs of all pupils
The Deputy Head (Academic) is • To represent Mill Hill School at the
responsible to the Head for all academic relevant Governors’ Committee
matters. He or she is responsible meetings, notably the Academic
for ensuring the highest standards Committee, reporting on results
of teaching, learning and academic and significant academic matters
attainment across the School. He or she
will work closely with the Assistant Head 2. Leadership
(Teaching and Learning), the Assistant • To be a core member of the Senior
Head (Academic Administration), Heads Leadership Team, representing the
of Department and other senior staff to interests of the academic life of
ensure the effective development and the School
delivery of the academic curriculum • To work with members of the
and the efficient management of Senior Leadership Team and,
academic departments. The Deputy Head where
(Academic) reports directly to the Head. appropriate, senior colleagues across
the Foundation, to develop, refine and
The key areas of responsibility which implement the School’s policies and
attach to the position are set out below, procedures (particularly those with an
although the list is not exhaustive and academic focus)
the post holder may be expected to • To lead on all academic areas of the
assume additional responsibilities as School Development Plan
reasonably requested by the Head. He or • To lead the Assistant Heads and
she will keep the Head informed of any Heads of Department in setting and
significant issues relating to the meeting agreed academic targets
academic curriculum or the academic • To be an excellent role model, in the
progress of the classroom and beyond and in his or
School and its pupils. The Deputy Head her role as a senior leader within the
(Academic) will work alongside the Head School
and the Deputy Head (Pastoral) in leading • To take a lead responsibility in
the strategic direction of the School. He promoting an ethos of academic
or she will be expected to deputise for the rigour, engagement and perseverance
Head, as required. in the pursuit of academic excellence
within a warm and supportive
3. Curriculum Parents, to ensure that all pupils are
6. Pupil Performance
• To ensure that curriculum planning, supported and well prepared for
• To develop effective systems for
development and delivery meets the university admissions
monitoring and evaluating the
needs of all pupils within the School
progress of all pupils, together with
and is co-ordinated across the
appropriate strategies to support
pupil progress
• To oversee the School timetable
• To support Fifth Form (Year 11)
(including individual pupil timetables
pupils at risk of non-qualification for
and prep timetables), working in
the Sixth Form
conjunction with the School
• To oversee the reporting of pupil
progress, together with the
• To manage the timetable, staff
Assistant Head (Teaching and
allocations and subject options
Learning) and the Assistant Head
• To ensure that the provision of Careers
(Academic Administration)
and Higher Education is ambitious,
• To analyse public examination
high quality, wide-ranging and age
performance in relation to:
individual pupils; academic
• To inform the Head and the Senior
departments; the School as a
Leadership Team of current research,
whole and nationally, reporting to
trends and issues relevant to the
Governors and senior staff on
academic life of the School to
strategies for improvement
facilitate future planning
Joint Areas of Responsibility
4. Staffing
• To assess academic staffing
With the Deputy Head
requirements, recruitment
and deployment
• To oversee support staff (including
• Contingency planning, planning for
recruitment) relating to academic
inspection and regulatory
departments compliance
• To oversee staff cover, including • Major School events,
supply cover - with the Assistant Head including Foundation Day
(Academic Administration) and Call to Remembrance
• To monitor staff absence/illness, • Full School assemblies
including Return to Work interviews and
an active appreciation of staff As a Member of the Senior Leadership
wellbeing Team
• To conduct staff appraisals, as agreed • To line manage key members of the
with the Head SLT and Heads of Department, as
directed by the Head, including
5. Quality of Teaching Examinations and Learning Support.
• To ensure that the quality of teaching • To lead on ISI inspection preparation
and learning is consistently excellent • To lead on the submission of the
• In conjunction with the Assistant Head annual returns to DfE, ISC and ISI
(Teaching and Learning), to foster a • School Development Planning
positive culture of professional • Leading on key elements of
reflection and the sharing of excellent School Partnerships with local
practice Maintained schools
• To have oversight of academic line • Leadership/membership of
management and the continual working groups as directed by
improvement of academic the Head
departments • Disciplinary issues and
• Working in conjunction with the responding to pupil and parental
Assistant Head (Sixth Form) and concerns relating to academic
Heads of Department and and other matters and oversight
Housemasters/ mistresses/House
and maintenance of the School’s
With the Assistant Head (Academic
complaints log Meetings

• Support for School routines and events, The Deputy Head (Academic) will attend
• Oversight of organisation of internal
including speaking at assemblies and meetings, including:
and external examinations
parents’ evenings • Senior Leadership Team
• Recording, publication and analysis of
• Academic Heads, the Academic
examination results
Advisory Group (AAG) and
• Identification of and follow up action
cross- Foundation Academic
on pupils whose examination
performances is a concern
• Head’s Common Room meetings
• Review of A Level grade predictions
• Housemasters/mistresses and House
for UCAS applications
• Analysis and internal publication of
• MHS Health and Safety Committee
value added data
• Governors’ Academic Committee
• Line management meetings of direct
With the Registrar
• Leading on admissions testing at all
• Haileybury & St Albans Group
entry points, including scholarships and
(Directors of Studies & Deputy Heads
transfer from Mill Hill Prep School and
Mill Hill International School
• Academic assessment of all
The Deputy Head (Academic) will be
• Oversight of academic scholarship
responsible for setting (in conjunction
applications (13+ and Sixth Form)
with the Head and Director of Finance
• Involvement in the interview and
and Operations) the budgets assigned
selection process of prospective
to academic departments (known as the
pupils to the School
‘School Materials’ budget).

The successful candidate will be

• A high degree of motivation to
expected to have:
work with children and young
• A strong academic background,
with at least a good honours
• The ability to form and maintain
appropriate relationships and
• An awareness, understanding and
personal boundaries with children
experience of issues relating to
and young people
safeguarding the health, welfare and
• A positive attitude to
safety of children
maintaining discipline
• Evidence of successfully leading
• A good eye for detail
and managing change, ideally at a
• Flexibility and resilience
strategic level
• High standards and outstanding
• The ability to take the initiative, to
levels of professional and personal
seek advice where necessary and to
work effectively as part of a team
• Well-developed knowledge of issues
A track record of success in running
relating to the academic
an academic department within one
curriculum, timetabling, teaching
or more good schools is highly
and learning, and educational
desirable but, for the right candidate,
not essential.
• A good awareness of recent trends in
curriculum content, aims, objectives
No specific academic subject
and assessment
specialism is required of the successful
• Well-developed managerial skills and
candidate, who will be expected to
the ability to lead and inspire staff
teach a significantly reduced timetable.
• Outstanding time management,
problem-solving and organisational
• Evidence of achieving excellent
results at GCSE and A Level
• The ability to understand, use and to
encourage, a variety of teaching and
learning styles
• Highly developed inter-personal
skills, and the ability to work
effectively and productively with
pupils, staff, parents and governors
• Excellent written and oral
communication skills and the
confidence to make effective
presentations to audiences of pupils,
parents and staff
• The ability to chair meetings in an
effective and inclusive manner


The Mill Hill School Foundation is committed If you would like to apply for this role, please
to safeguarding the welfare of children. The download the application form from the School
School is registered with the DBS and website. Our Guidance Notes for Applicants can
successful applicants will be required to also be found on the website:
complete successfully the Disclosure procedure
at the Enhanced level. It is an offence for a Your application form should be completed in full
person barred from working with children to and returned to [email protected]
apply for this post.
Please note that we are unable to accept
The Mill Hill School Foundation is committed to applications unless they are made on our own
Equal Opportunities and welcomes applications application form. Due to the large number of
from all sections of the community. applications the School receives, please be aware
that only shortlisted candidates will be
Pension: The successful candidate will be contacted to be invited for an interview.
eligible to join the Teachers’ Pension Scheme.
Key Dates
Accommodation: Some staff accommodation • Deadline for submission of applications: 4pm
may be available. on Friday 7 February 2020
• Selected candidates will have a first-round
Salary: Competitive package of benefits and interview during the week beginning Monday
salary commensurate with the senior nature of 10 February
the role. • Second round interviews are expected to be
held during the week beginning Monday 24

Should you require any further assistance, please

contact us via email [email protected]
Instilling values, inspiring minds

Mill Hill School

The Ridgeway
Mill Hill Village
London NW7 1QS

020 8959 1221

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