RecoverPoint For VMs 5.3 Events Reference Guide 01

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RecoverPoint for VMs

Events Reference Guide


July 2021
Rev. 2


Tables........................................................................................................................................... 4

Preface......................................................................................................................................... 5

Chapter 1: Introduction................................................................................................................. 7
Open RecoverPoint for VMs.............................................................................................................................................7
Monitor system events...................................................................................................................................................... 9
Monitor system alerts....................................................................................................................................................... 12
Monitor system limits........................................................................................................................................................13
Monitor system components.......................................................................................................................................... 15
The RecoverPoint for VMs Dashboard......................................................................................................................... 17
Monitor group and copy protection...............................................................................................................................21

Chapter 2: Events reference........................................................................................................22

Normal events.................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Detailed events.................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Advanced events............................................................................................................................................................... 47

2 Contents

1 RecoverPoint for VMs event logs..........................................................................................................................9

2 System limits..............................................................................................................................................................13
3 Consistency group limits.........................................................................................................................................14
4 vRPA cluster limits................................................................................................................................................... 14
5 Splitter limits..............................................................................................................................................................15
6 The RecoverPoint for VMs Dashboard................................................................................................................17

Figures 3

1 Normal events.......................................................................................................................................................... 22
2 Detailed events.........................................................................................................................................................26
3 Advanced events......................................................................................................................................................47

4 Tables

As part of an effort to improve product lines, we periodically release revisions of software. Therefore, some functions described
in this document might not be supported by all versions of the software currently in use. The product release notes provide the
most up-to-date information on product features.
Contact your technical support professional if a product does not function properly or does not function as described in this
NOTE: This document was accurate at publication time. Go to Online Support ( to ensure
that you are using the latest version of this document.

This document includes conceptual information on managing a RecoverPoint for Virtual Machines system.

This document is intended for use by vSphere administrators who are responsible for managing the RecoverPoint for VMs

Related documentation
The following publications provide additional information:
● RecoverPoint for VMs Release Notes
● RecoverPoint for VMs Installation and Deployment Guide
● RecoverPoint for VMs HTML5 Plugin Administrator's Guide
● RecoverPoint for VMs Flex Plugin Administrator's Guide
● RecoverPoint for VMs Deployment REST API Programming Guide
● RecoverPoint for VMs REST API Programmer's Guide
● RecoverPoint for VMs Security Configuration Guide
● RecoverPoint for VMs Scale and Performance Guide
● RecoverPoint for VMs Cloud Solutions Guide
● RecoverPoint for VMs CLI Reference Guide
● New! RESTful API at
In addition to the core documents, we also provide white papers, technical notes, and demos.

Typographical conventions
This document uses the following style conventions:

Bold Used for names of interface elements, such as names of windows, dialog boxes, buttons,
fields, tab names, key names, and menu paths (what the user specifically selects or clicks)
Italic Used for full titles of publications referenced in text
Monospace Used for:
● System code
● System output, such as an error message or script

Preface 5
● Pathnames, filenames, prompts, and syntax
● Commands and options
Monospace italic Used for variables
Monospace bold Used for user input
[] Square brackets enclose optional values
| Vertical bar indicates alternate selections - the bar means "or"
{} Braces enclose content that the user must specify, such as x or y or z
... Ellipses indicate nonessential information omitted from the example

Product documentation
● For release notes and user guides, go to Online Support at
● For API documentation, see

Product information
For documentation, release notes, software updates, or information about products, go to Online Support at https://

Where to get help

Go to Online Support at and click Contact Support. To open a service request, you must
have a valid support agreement. Contact your sales representative for details about obtaining a valid support agreement or with
questions about your account.

Where to find the support matrix

Consult the Simple Support Matrix for RecoverPoint for VMs at

Your comments
Your suggestions will help us continue to improve the accuracy, organization, and overall quality of the user publications. Send
your opinions of this document to

6 Preface
This guide contains a detailed description of all RecoverPoint for VMs events, and describes how to monitor and filter their
appearance. For more information on troubleshooting your specific RecoverPoint for VMs solution, refer to the:
● RecoverPoint for VMs Flex Plugn Administrator's Guide if your VMs are being protected on-premises.
● RecoverPoint for VMs Cloud Solutions Guide if your VMs are being protected on the AWS Cloud.
For advanced event monitoring and troubleshooting options, log into the RecoverPoint for VMs Command Line Interface
(CLI) and run the get_events_log command. For more information, see the RecoverPoint for VMs CLI Command Reference
• Open RecoverPoint for VMs
• Monitor system events
• Monitor system alerts
• Monitor system limits
• Monitor system components
• The RecoverPoint for VMs Dashboard
• Monitor group and copy protection

Open RecoverPoint for VMs

Display the RecoverPoint for VMs plugin in your vSphere Client.

1. Connect to a vCenter Server hosting RecoverPoint for VMs components.
2. Click LAUNCH VSPHERE CLIENT (HTML5). You can also launch the vSphere Client (HTML5) directly by entering or FQDN:/ui/ into your address bar. The HTML5 plugin supports vSphere 6.7 U1 and later
versions. In vSphere 7.0 U2 or later, it is recommended to use RecoverPoint for VMs 5.3 SP2 or later.

Best practice is to LAUNCH VSPHERE CLIENT (HTML5) as your primary client, and only use the vSphere FLEX plugin if
you are using a vSphere version prior to 6.5 U1, or if you need a feature that is not currently supported through the vSphere
HTML5 plugin of your RecoverPoint for VMs version. See the RecoverPoint for VMs Flex Plugin Administrator's Guide for
more information.

Introduction 7
In RecoverPoint for VMs 5.3 SP2 and later versions, when running a vSphere version that supports FLEX, only use the
vSphere FLEX plugin to:
● protect VMs with a copy in the Amazon cloud.
● enable pre-emptive support services.
● display recovery activity reports.
● display performance statistics for consistency groups and vRPA clusters.
● protect VMs with more than one local copy and two remote copies.
● select an existing copy VM when adding a VM to an existing consistency group.
In RecoverPoint for VMs versions prior to 5.3 SP2, when running a vSphere version that supports FLEX, also use the
vSphere FLEX plugin to monitor system health, components, limits, events, usage, and capacity.

NOTE: On vSphere versions that do not support FLEX, you can only perform these tasks through the RecoverPoint for
VMs RESTful API at
In all other cases, click LAUNCH VSPHERE CLIENT (HTML5) to display the RecoverPoint for VMs vSphere HTML5

3. Display the RecoverPoint for VMs plugin in the vSphere Client:

● Click the RecoverPoint for VMs menu item in your main vSphere Client Menu.

● Click the RecoverPoint for VMs menu item in your vSphere Client Navigator.

8 Introduction
The RecoverPoint for VMs Dashboard on page 17 is displayed.

Monitor system events

Monitor system events to troubleshoot your RecoverPoint for VMs environment.
An event is a notification that a change has occurred in the state of a system component. In some cases, the change indicates
an error or warning condition for a system component. Multiple events can occur simultaneously on a single component and a
single incident can generate multiple events across multiple system components.
By default, the following information is displayed for every event in the Event Logs:
● Level, which can be: Info, Warning, or Error.
● Scope, which can be: Normal, Detailed, or Advanced.
● Time and date that the event log was generated.
● vRPA Cluster reporting the event.
● Event ID that allows the event to be excluded from the events log using the event logs filter.
● Topic, which can be: Splitter, Consistency Group, Management, Cluster, RPA, or Array.
● Summary of the event.
To monitor your system events, click Monitoring > Event Logs.

Figure 1. RecoverPoint for VMs event logs

1. Note the total number of events in the event logs.

2. Use the table controls to move to the next page, a previous page, or control the number of events displayed per page.
3. Click the Event Filter to control which events are displayed in the Event Logs and which are hidden.

Introduction 9
NOTE: Click APPLY after changing the event filter settings.

● Click vRPA Cluster to select the events for a specific vRPA cluster to display. By default, the events of all vRPA
clusters are displayed.
● Click Time Range to select the events of a specific time period to display. Select Unbound to display all events. Display
events based on your local time (the default) or GMT.

● Click Topics to hide or display events for specific system components. The event topic can be: Splitter,
Consistency Group, Management, Cluster, RPA, or Array.
● Click Scope to hide or display logs of specific event scope. The event scope can be: Normal, Detailed, or Advanced
● Click Level to hide or display events of a specific level. The event level can be Info, Warning, or Error.
● Click Event IDs to exclude to select the events to exclude from display in the events log.

10 Introduction
4. Note the date and time that the Event Logs were Last Updated and use the Refresh icon to update the Event Logs.
5. Hover over the Summary of an event with an elipses (...) after it, to display hidden text.
While troubleshooting:
● Use the search bar to display only events that include specific text.

● Click the Clear Filters button to easily clear all event filters.

● Click an arrow to expand an event and display the event Description and Details.

Introduction 11
Monitor system alerts
System alerts is a mechanism that enables vRPA clusters to send events about system components in real time. Monitor system
alerts to troubleshoot your RecoverPoint for VMs environment.

About this task

To monitor your system alerts, click Monitoring > Alerts. A system alert's type can be Warning or Error.

NOTE: You can also monitor your system alerts in the The RecoverPoint for VMs Dashboard on page 17.

12 Introduction
Monitor system limits
Monitor the limits imposed on your RecoverPoint for VMs system and system components to troubleshoot your system.
To monitor the state of your system limits, click Monitoring > System Limits. The System Limits screen displays the limits
imposed on a system, or on consistency groups, vRPA clusters, or splitters in a system.
A system component's limit status can be 'Critical', 'Warning', or 'OK'. Ensure an OK status is displayed for all of your
system limits.

Figure 2. System limits

Introduction 13
Figure 3. Consistency group limits

Figure 4. vRPA cluster limits

14 Introduction
Figure 5. Splitter limits

NOTE: You can also monitor your system Limits in the The RecoverPoint for VMs Dashboard on page 17.

Monitor system components

Monitor RecoverPoint for VMs system components to better understand and troubleshoot your RecoverPoint for VMs
To monitor the state of your system components, click Monitoring > Components. In the System Components screen,
ensure an OK status is displayed next to each of your RecoverPoint for VMs system components.

Introduction 15
NOTE: You can also monitor the state of vRPA clusters in the The RecoverPoint for VMs Dashboard on page 17.

16 Introduction
The RecoverPoint for VMs Dashboard
The RecoverPoint for VMs Dashboard presents a high-level overview of the RecoverPoint for VMs system to help you
analyze and monitor your system health.

Figure 6. The RecoverPoint for VMs Dashboard

The Dashboard is displayed each time you log into RecoverPoint for VMs. Use the Dashboard to monitor the status of your
system licenses, limits, alerts, protected VMs, consistency groups, group sets, and recovery activities.
In every Dashboard widget, you can:
● Click the help icon to display more detailed information on the widget system component or activity.

● Click a status in a legend to hide or show the system components or activities in the clicked status from the chart.
● Click a color of a status in a chart to go to the relevant system component or activity screen, and display only the system
component or activity in the clicked status.

The Dashboard in RecoverPoint for VMs 5.3 SP2 and later versions contains the following widgets that do not exist in
previous RecoverPoint versions.
● Limits

Introduction 17
○ Displays the number and status of the limits imposed on system components like consistency groups, splitters, and
vRPA clusters.
○ A system component's limit status can be 'Critical', 'Warning', or 'OK'.
○ Click a status in the chart to display all system components with that status in the Monitoring > System Limits screen.
○ For more information, see how to Monitor system limits on page 13.
● Protected VMs Size

○ Displays the total size (in GB) of all protected VMs on this vCenter Server
● vRPA Clusters

○ Displays the number and status of all registered vRPA clusters on all registered and linked vCenter Servers.
○ The status of a vRPA cluster can be 'Error', 'Warning', or 'OK'.
○ Click a status in the chart to display all vRPA clusters with that status in the System > Administration > vRPA
Clusters screen.
● License Usage

18 Introduction
○ Displays the number of protected sockets out of the total number of licensed sockets.
○ A system license's usage status can be 'Trial', 'OK', or 'Violated'.
○ Click a status in the chart to display all licenses with that status in the System > Licenses screen.
The Dashboard in RecoverPoint for VMs versions prior to 5.3 SP2 also contains these widgets:
NOTE: RecoverPoint for VMs versions prior to 5.3 SP2 do not contain the Limits, vRPA Clusters, License Usage, and
Protected VMs Size widgets.
● Alerts

○ Displays the number and types of alerts in the system.

○ An alert's type can be 'Error' or 'Warning'.
○ Click an alert type in the chart to display all alerts of that type in the Monitoring > Alerts screen.
○ For more information, see Monitor system alerts on page 12.
● VM Protection

○ Displays the number and status of protected VMs on the vCenter Server that you are connected to, or a registered
vCenter Server linked to the vCenter that you're connected to.
○ A protected VM's status can be 'Active', 'Error' or 'Paused'.

Introduction 19
○ Click a status in the chart to display all protected VMs with that status in the Protection > Protected VMs screen.
● Group Protection

○ Displays the number and status of all consistency groups in the system.
○ A consistency group's status can be 'Active', 'Inactive', 'Warning' or 'Error'.
○ Click a status in the chart to display all groups with that status in the Protection > Consistency Groups screen.
● Group Recovery Activities

○ Displays the number and status of all consistency group recovery activities.
○ The status of an activity can be 'Error', 'Action Needed', or 'In Progress'.
○ Click a status in the chart to display all groups with that status in the Recovery Activities > Consistency Groups
● Group Set Recovery Activities

○ Displays the number and status of all group set recovery activities.
○ The status of an activity can be 'Error', 'Action Needed', or 'In Progress'.
○ Click a status in the chart to display all group sets with that status in the Recovery Activities > Group Sets screen.

20 Introduction
Monitor group and copy protection
Monitor the status of replication for consistency groups and copies, when managing or troubleshooting your system.

1. Select Protection > Consistency Groups.
2. Expand a group.
3. Note the Transfer Status (1) and State (2) of each consistency group and the Status (3) of each copy.

● The Transfer Status (1) of a consistency group can be:
○ Active: Data is being transferred to a copy.
○ Initializing: A copy is being initialized: volume sweep, short init, or full sweep.
○ High Load: The system enters a temporary high-load state while data is being transferred to a copy, when the journal is
full and cannot accept new writes. The system attempts to resolve the high-load state without user action.
○ Paused by System: System paused replication so data is not being transferred. If this state occurs for long periods of
time, check the system alerts and events in the Dashboard for more information.
○ Error: An error has occurred.
○ Permanent High Load: The system enters a permanent high-load state while data is being transferred to a copy. A
permanent high-load can occur after a temporary high-load. The system pauses replication and waits for user action.
○ Paused: User paused replication so data is not being transferred to a copy.
○ Disabled: User disabled a copy so data is not being transferred.
● The State (2) of a consistency group can be:
○ Enabled: A group is enabled for replication.
○ Failed over: A multi-copy group has completed temporary failover.
○ Being recovered: A group is in the process of recovering production.
○ Partially suspended: Some of a group's copies have been momentarily suspended while being upgraded.
○ Suspended: All of a group's copies have been momentarily suspended while being upgraded.
○ Disabled: A group is disabled for replication.
● The Status (3) of a copy can be:
○ OK: Data can be transferred to the copy.
○ Initializing: A copy is being initialized: volume sweep, short init, or full sweep.
○ High Load: A copy enters a temporary high-load state while data is being transferred to the copy, when the journal is full
and cannot accept new writes. The system attempts to resolve the high-load state for the copy without user action.
○ Paused by System: System paused replication so data is not being transferred to a copy. If this state occurs for long
periods of time, check the system alerts and events in the Dashboard for more information.
○ Error: An error has occurred on the copy.
○ Permanent High Load: A copy enters a permanent high-load state while data is being transferred to the copy. A
permanent high-load can occur after a temporary high-load. The system pauses replication to the copy and waits for user
○ Paused: User paused replication so data is not being transferred to a copy.
○ Disabled: User disabled a copy so data is not being transferred.

Introduction 21
Events reference
RecoverPoint for VMs events are displayed along with their ID, scope, summary, details, and when relevant, a recommended
user action.
• Normal events
• Detailed events
• Advanced events

Normal events
The following table contains the Normal scope events that are issued by the RecoverPoint for VMs system.

Table 1. Normal events

ID Topic Level Summary More Info
1012 Mgmt Warning License grace period about to expire License grace period expires in less than <x> days.
You must obtain a new RecoverPoint for VMs
1013 Mgmt Error License expired Obtain a new RecoverPoint for VMs license.
2000 vRPA Info Cluster management running on vRPA
3002 vRPA Warning Cluster management switched over to vRPA
3007 vRPA Warning vRPA is up
3014 vRPA Warning vRPA unable to access volume
3022 vRPA Warning LAN link to vRPA restored
3023 vRPA Warning LAN link to vRPA down
3024 vRPA Warning DHCP changed one or more of the vRPAs
3025 vRPA Warning VMDK capacity almost full NOTE: Relevant only in RecoverPoint for VMs
5.3.1 and later versions.
VMDK <x> of VM <x> at vRPA cluster <x> is
almost at full capacity. To ensure that replication
is not interrupted, see KBA #000180105 for
instructions on how to fix this issue. If problem
persists, contact Customer Support.

3026 vRPA Info VMDK capacity issue resolved NOTE: Relevant only in RecoverPoint for VMs
5.3.1 and later versions.
VMDK <x> of VM <x> at vRPA cluster <x> was
almost at full capacity, but the issue has been

3165 Group Error Full sweep is taking too much time due to Consider changing the link policy.
incoming data

22 Events reference
Table 1. Normal events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
3170 Mgmt Info New site keys and certificates are generated
and being synchronized between clusters
3171 Mgmt Info New site keys and certificates are
synchronized between clusters
4000 Group Info Group capabilities OK
4001 Group Warning Minor problem in group capabilities
4003 Group Error Group capabilities problem
4007 Group Info Pausing data transfer for group
4008 Group Warning Pausing data transfer to copy 1. To determine the cause of this event, check
adjacent events for this group, both before and
after this event.
2. Verify that transfer resumes in a timely
manner. To do so, check the transfer state in
the RecoverPoint for VMs GUI or CLI, or check
subsequent events for this group.
3. If transfer does not resume, collect logs for the
period when the event occurred, and contact
Customer Support.

4009 Group Error Pausing data transfer for group

4010 Group Info Starting data transfer to copy
4015 Group Info Transferring latest snapshot Transferring latest snapshot before pausing
transfer (no data loss).
4016 Group Warning Transferring latest snapshot Transferring latest snapshot before pausing
transfer (no data loss).
4017 Group Error Transferring latest snapshot Transferring latest snapshot before pausing
transfer (no data loss).
4018 Group Warning Transfer of latest snapshot complete Transfer of latest snapshot from source complete
(no data loss).
4019 Group Warning Group under high load Group in high load -- transfer to be paused
4020 Group Warning Group high load over
4021 Group Error Initialization paused To complete initialization, add journal volumes to
the journal or enable long initialization.
4022 Group Error off Initialization resumed
4023 Group Error Transfer paused To restart transfer, first disable access to the
accessed image.
4024 Group Error off Transfer restarted
4025 Group Warning Group under high load Group is undergoing a high load so initialization will
be restarted.
4026 Group Warning Group high load is over
4027 Group Error Group under high load Roll to the physical image will be paused and
transfer will be paused.
4028 Group Error off Group high load is over

Events reference 23
Table 1. Normal events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
4040 Group Error Journal error Full sweep to be performed.
4041 Group Info Group side activated
4042 Group Info Group side deactivated
4043 Group Warning Group side deactivated
4044 Group Error Group side deactivated
4045 Group Error Journal error Volume(s) sweep to be performed.
4051 Group Info Resuming distribution Disabling access to image and resuming
4054 Group Error Failed to access an image
4057 Group Error Specified image removed from journal The specified image has been removed from the
journal. Disable image access and then enable
image access on a different image.
4062 Group Info Access enabled to latest image
4063 Group Warning Access enabled to latest image
4064 Group Error Access enabled to latest image
4070 Group Warning Journal error Synchronization will be a full sweep.
4084 Group Info Markers cleared
4085 Group Warning Unable to clear markers
4086 Group Info Synchronization started
4087 Group Info Synchronization completed
4088 Mgmt Info Set Markers was requested by user
4091 Group Error Image access log is full Access to copy volumes for this group at this
vRPA cluster has been disabled.
If you do not wish to retain the writes that were
added to the copy image while image access was
enabled, disable image access; the relevant writes
are automatically undone. Alternatively, use the
undo writes command to undo the same writes;
image access remains enabled.
If, however, you wish to retain the writes that
were added to the copy image while image access
has been enabled, you can do one of the following:
● Increase the size of the copy journal by adding
one or more volumes to the journal.
● Fail over to the copy. Note: The copy journal is
● Set the image access mode to direct access.
Note: The copy journal is erased, and a full
sweep synchronization will be required to
restore consistency between the production
and copy images.
To help prevent this problem from recurring,
increase the size of your image access log, using
one or both of the following:
● Add volumes to the journal.

24 Events reference
Table 1. Normal events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info

● Modify the policy setting for the portion of

the journal allocated to the image access log.
This is permitted only when image access is

4097 Group Warning Starting three-phase distribution Check the maximum journal lag setting value, and
verify that the current value is indeed required.
If the maximum journal lag value has not been
defined or the current journal lag is lower than
the maximum journal lag value, this is probably a
journal space or performance issue.
In this case, enlarge your journal or increase the
speed of the journal by placing it in a faster array,
on faster media, or any other procedure that can
increase the journal write-rate.

4098 Group Warning Maximum journal lag within limit

4099 Group Warning Starting long initialization
4120 Group Warning Journal usage exceeding threshold
4122 Group Error off Trying to regain write permissions Trying to regain write permissions to non-
production copy.
4129 Group Warning Logged access enabled for unusually long Logged access has been enabled on a group copy
time for an unusually long time.
4130 Group Warning Logged access no longer enabled for Logged access on group copy is now disabled or it
off unusually long time has been enabled to a different image.
4135 Group Info Copy entered maintenance mode All copy activities have been suspended.
4136 Group Info Copy exited maintenance mode All copy activities have resumed.
4137 Group Info Snapshot consolidation has been successful
4138 Group Warning Snapshot consolidation failed
4140 Group Info Change pipe mode because of sync/async
dynamic settings
4141 Group Info Snapshot consolidation policy change The user has changed the snapshot consolidation
policy setting(s).
4142 Group Info Snapshot consolidation request registered
4160 Group Info Volumes were resized
4161 Group Info Short initialization started
4171 Group Info Volume changes
4174 vRPA Info Volume migration started Migration of <volume name> configuration data
Cluster has started.
4216 Group Warning One or more failover networks are unavailable
5013 Splitter Error Splitter is down
5015 Splitter Error off Splitter is up
5016 Splitter Warning Splitter has restarted
5017 Splitter Error off Splitter version is supported
5018 Splitter Error Splitter version is not supported

Events reference 25
Table 1. Normal events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
5030 Splitter Error Possible splitter write failure
5031 Splitter Warning Splitter not splitting to replication volumes
5032 Splitter Info Splitter splitting to replication volumes
5035 Splitter Info Writes to replication volumes disabled
5036 Splitter Warning Writes to replication volumes disabled
5037 Splitter Error Writes to replication volumes disabled
5038 Splitter Info Splitter delaying writes
5039 Splitter Warning Splitter delaying writes
5040 Splitter Error Splitter delaying writes
5041 Splitter Info Splitter not splitting to replication volumes
5042 Splitter Warning Splitter not splitting to replication volumes
5043 Splitter Error Splitter not splitting to replication volumes
5045 Group Warning Splitter and vRPA problem detected Simultaneous problems reported in splitter and
vRPA. Full-sweep resynchronization will be
required upon restarting data transfer.
5047 Group Warning Splitter problem detected Problem reported in splitter. Volume sweep
8331 Array Info Cloud DR Server has been successfully
8332 Array Error Cloud DR Server installation failed
8333 Array Error Cloud DR Server registration failed

Detailed events
The following table contains the Detailed scope events that are issued by the RecoverPoint for VMs system.

Table 2. Detailed events

ID Topic Level Summary More Info
1000 Mgmt Info User logged in
1001 Mgmt Warning User login failed
1003 Mgmt Warning Failed to generate SNMP
1004 Mgmt Warning Failed to send email alert Failed to send email alert to the specified address.
Check whether there is an issue with your selected method
of transfer. If a problem exists, fix it and then, perform a
connectivity test by running the test_syr_connectivity
CLI command.
If problem persists contact Customer Support. For more
information, see the RecoverPoint for VMs CLI Reference Guide.

1005 Mgmt Warning Failed to update local file

1006 Mgmt Info Settings changed
1007 Mgmt Info Settings change failed

26 Events reference
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
1008 Mgmt Info User action succeeded
1009 Mgmt Info User action failed
1014 Mgmt Info User bookmarked an image
1015 Mgmt Info User bookmarked an image
1017 Mgmt Warning vRPA to host multipathing
1018 Mgmt Warning vRPA multipathing problem
off fixed
1019 Mgmt Warning User action performed
1020 Mgmt Warning Failed to send system Check whether there is an issue with your selected method
report of transfer. If a problem exists, fix it and then, perform a
connectivity test by running the test_syr_connectivity
CLI command.
If problem persists contact Customer Support. For more
information, see the RecoverPoint for VMs CLI Reference Guide.

1031 Mgmt Warning System limit exceeded low

1032 Mgmt Info System limit passed below
low watermark
1033 Mgmt Warning System limit exceeded high
1034 Mgmt Info System limit passed below
high watermark
1035 Mgmt Error System limit exceeded
1036 Mgmt Info System limit passed below
3000 vRPA Warning vRPA successfully
off communicating with cluster
3001 vRPA Warning vRPA problem vRPA is currently experiencing a problem communicating with its
communicating with cluster cluster.
3005 vRPA Error Settings conflict between A settings conflict has been discovered between two vRPA
Cluster clusters clusters.
3006 vRPA Error off Settings conflict between The settings conflict between vRPA clusters has been resolved
Cluster clusters resolved by a user action.
3008 vRPA Warning vRPA appears to be down
3036 vRPA Error vRPA clock out of sync Contact Customer Support.
3037 vRPA Error off vRPA clock is back in sync
3040 vRPA Info vRPA cluster added
3041 vRPA Info vRPA cluster removed
3164 Group Warning Failed to create cloud copy
user snapshot

Events reference 27
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
4056 Group Error No image in journal
matches query
4078 Group Info Replication set resized
4082 Group Warning Next synchronization will The copy marked all of its replication volumes as dirty.
be a full sweep
4083 Group Warning Next synchronization will The copy marked some of its replication volumes as dirty. Next
be a volume sweep synchronization will be a volume sweep on these volumes.
4090 Group Warning Image access log 80% full Image access is enabled to a non-production copy. The capacity
of the copy journal’s image access log has nearly been reached;
only limited further information can be written to it.
If the log becomes completely full, the system will block access
by host applications to the replication volumes that belong to
that group (and the application will receive I/O errors). When
the system is in this state, it is recommended that immediate
action be taken to prevent the log from becoming 100% full.
If you do not wish to retain the writes that were added
to the copy image while image access was enabled, disable
image access; the relevant writes are automatically undone.
Alternatively, use the undo writes command to undo the same
writes; image access remains enabled.

If, however, you wish to retain the writes that were added to
the copy image while image access has been enabled, you can do
one of the following:
● Increase the size of the copy journal by adding one or more
volumes to the journal.
● Fail over to the copy. Note: The copy journal is erased.
● Set the image access mode to direct access. Note: The copy
journal is erased, and a full sweep synchronization will be
required to restore consistency between the production and
copy images.
To help prevent this problem from recurring, increase the size of
your image access log, using one or both of the following:
● Add volumes to the journal.
● Modify the policy setting for the portion of the journal
allocated to the image access log. This is permitted only
when image access is disabled.

4107 Group Info Replication integrity check

4108 Group Error Replication integrity issue A possible replication integrity issue has been detected. Contact
detected Customer Support.
4121 Group Error Error writing to volume Ensure that RecoverPoint for VMs has write permission to all
System will retry automatically.
If the problem recurs repeatedly, possible causes may be:
● Volume is thin device not attached to any storage pool.
● Volume is attached to storage pool that is full.
● Volume contains bad sector.

28 Events reference
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info

If you extended a storage pool or attached a device to a

storage pool, run the CLI command rescan_san’. For more
information, see the RecoverPoint for VMs CLI Reference Guide.
If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

4125 Group Error Journal capacity Journal capacity is currently insufficient for the required
insufficient retention period.
4126 Group Error off Journal capacity sufficient Journal capacity is currently sufficient for the required retention
4127 Group Warning Predicted journal capacity Journal capacity is predicted to be insufficient for the required
insufficient retention period.
4128 Group Warning Predicted journal capacity
off sufficient
4131 Group Warning Transfer paused or
synchronizing for unusually
long time
4132 Group Warning Transfer resumed Transfer has resumed (following long pause or synchronization).
4133 Group Error Starting copy regulation The system has detected an unstable state in this copy and
therefore the copy is being regulated for a period of <x> minutes
in order to allow for the environment to stabilize.
See event Details for cause of regulation. Event logs can also
be a good source for the detection of system issues. Look for
repetitive errors, that may indicate a specific problem in the
Also, check SAN/IP events outside of RecoverPoint for VMs, as
instabilities may not originate from RecoverPoint for VMs.
If regulation persists, collect all system information, and contact
Customer Support.

4134 Group Error off Copy regulation has ended Copy regulation has ended due to a user action or internal
4158 Group Warning Journal capacity extended Journal capacity is currently extended for the required retention
4175 vRPA Info System has entered The RecoverPoint for VMs system is adding an vRPA to the
maintenance mode cluster.
4176 vRPA Info System has entered The RecoverPoint for VMs system is performing a major version
Cluster maintenance mode upgrade.
4177 vRPA Info System has entered The RecoverPoint for VMs system is performing a minor version
Cluster maintenance mode upgrade.
4178 vRPA Info System has entered The RecoverPoint for VMs system is performing an vRPA
maintenance mode replacement.
4179 vRPA Info System has exited The RecoverPoint for VMs system is no longer adding an vRPA
maintenance mode to the cluster.
4180 vRPA Info System has exited The RecoverPoint for VMs system is no longer performing a
Cluster maintenance mode major version upgrade.
4181 vRPA Info System has exited The RecoverPoint for VMs system is no longer performing a
Cluster maintenance mode minor version upgrade.

Events reference 29
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
4182 vRPA Info System has exited The RecoverPoint for VMs system is no longer performing an
maintenance mode vRPA replacement.
4183 vRPA Info System has entered The RecoverPoint for VMs system is performing an vRPA
maintenance mode conversion from class to RPSE.
4184 vRPA Info System has entered The RecoverPoint for VMs system is no longer performing an
maintenance mode vRPA conversion from class to RPSE.
4185 vRPA Info System has entered System has entered user-initiated maintenance mode
Cluster maintenance mode
4186 vRPA Info System has exited System has exited user-initiated maintenance mode
Cluster maintenance mode
4311 Group Info Load balancing None
4505 Mgmt Info Events deleted by user All of the events (info, warning and error) have been deleted, as
requested by the user.
8000 Mgmt Error Calling home A service request is being opened for you with Customer
8001 Mgmt Error Call home event failure Contact Customer Support.
8002 vRPA Info VM created
8003 vRPA Info VM network reconfigured
8004 vRPA Info Private network created on
Cluster ESX
8005 vRPA Info Private network on ESX
Cluster erased
8103 vRPA Info Storage was registered
8104 vRPA Info Storage was unregistered
8105 vRPA Warning Lost connectivity to Ensure that there is connectivity with the storage and that the
Cluster storage entered credentials are correct, and try again.
If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

8106 vRPA Info Restored connectivity to

Cluster storage
8107 vRPA Info Resource pool was
Cluster registered
8108 vRPA Info Resource pool was
Cluster unregistered
8202 Group Info Bookmark has been applied
8204 Group Warning Failed to replicate snap on
8206 Group Warning Next snapshot was not Please check the status of the group and verify it does not have
created within configured problems.
If external tool is managing snapshots, please align its settings
with RPO configured for this group in RecoverPoint for VMs.

30 Events reference
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
8300 vRPA Error Failed to load system
Cluster configuration
8328 vRPA Warning Connectivity to the
Cluster Amazon S3 bucket was lost
8329 vRPA Info Connectivity to the
Cluster Amazon S3 bucket was
9998 vRPA Info Cannot identify event
10203 vRPA Error off vRPA cluster was down
10206 vRPA Brief error Internal process restarted
10207 vRPA Brief error Internal process restarted
10210 vRPA Error High load occurring during High load situation is ongoing. Consider enabling fast first-time
group initialization initialization.
For more information, see the RecoverPoint for VMs Flex
Administrator’s Guide.

10211 vRPA Error SAN communication Temporary issue on the SAN caused communication problems
problem between splitters between splitters and vRPAs at the specified cluster. The
and vRPAs existed but has problem resolved itself.
resolved itself
10213 vRPA Error off High load occurring during High load situation is ongoing. Consider enabling fast first-time
group initialization initialization. For more information, see the RecoverPoint for
VMs Flex Administrator’s Guide.
10501 vRPA Info Initialization ended
10502 vRPA Info Access to image enabled Access to an image at the copy has been enabled.
10503 vRPA Error Transferring latest Transferring latest snapshot before pausing transfer (no data
snapshot loss)
10504 vRPA Info Access to image disabled Access to an image at the copy has been disabled.
10505 vRPA Info Image access log writes None
have been undone
10506 vRPA Info Roll to physical image Logged access to physical image now enabled.
10507 vRPA Info Journal available again Due to system changes the journal was temporarily out of
service, but it is now available again.
10509 vRPA Info Initial long initialization
10510 vRPA Info Following a pause transfer
system now cleared to
restart transfer
10511 vRPA Info Finished recovering
replication backlog
10512 vRPA Info Following a pause transfer
system now cleared to
restart transfer
12001 vRPA Error Splitter is down
12002 vRPA Error Error in links to all other Check if the other cluster is down.

Events reference 31
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info

In case of IP connectivity issues:

● Check RecoverPoint gateways and IPs configuration.
● Check if there are any ISP-related issues.
● Check RecoverPoint for VMs firewall configuration.
● In case of FC connectivity, check RecoverPoint zoning.
● If you recently changed the network configuration, please
verify that RecoverPoint for VMs configuration matches the
new network configuration.
If none of the above instructions resolve this issue, collect
system information from all clusters experiencing connectivity
issues, and contact Customer Support.

12003 vRPA Error Error in link to an vRPA at

other cluster(s)
12004 vRPA Error Error in data link to other Error in data link. All vRPAs at cluster are unable to transfer
cluster(s) replicated data to other cluster(s) due to communication failure
over the WAN link. Data transfer between vRPA clusters has
1. Check if replication process at other cluster is down.
2. In case of IP connectivity issues:
● Check RecoverPoint for VMs gateways and IP
● Check firewall configuration.
3. If you recently changed network configuration, please
verify that RP configuration matches the new network
12005 vRPA Error Error in data link over 1. Check if replication process at other cluster is down.
WAN. vRPA is unable to 2. In case of IP connectivity issues:
transfer replicated data to ● Check RecoverPoint for VMs gateways and IPs
other cluster configuration.
● Check firewall configuration.
3. If you recently changed network configuration, please
verify that RP configuration matches the new network
12006 vRPA Error vRPA is disconnected from
the vRPA cluster
12007 vRPA Error All vRPAs are disconnected
from the vRPA cluster
12008 vRPA Error vRPA is down
12009 vRPA Error Link entered high load Due to heavy I/O activity a link entered a high load state in order
to prevent I/O failures on that link. The following are among the
possible causes of the high load:
● vRPA is unable to handle the large volume of incoming data.
vRPA performance statistics are presented in the Release
Notes that accompany each RecoverPoint for VMs product
● Journal reaches capacity, because the rate of the distribution
process consistently lags behind the rate of incoming data to
the copy journal.
● WAN is too slow to handle the data rate.
● Compression for WAN optimization is too high, such that the
vRPA is unable to handle the volume of incoming data.

32 Events reference
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info

● Peak I/O activity in the SAN causes a temporary bottleneck

in the environment. This can be considered normal behavior,
and does not necessarily require user action.
If high load persists, consider:
● Running the balance_load command and applying the
load balancing recommendation.
● Manually modifying the preferred vRPA of each group.
● Checking for scheduled activities in your environment.
● Enabling fast first-time initialization.
For more information, see the RecoverPoint for VMs Flex
Administrator’s Guide.

12010 vRPA Error Journal error -- full sweep

to be performed after error
is corrected
12011 vRPA Error Image access log or virtual Access to copy volumes for this group at this vRPA cluster has
buffer is full been disabled.
If you do not wish to retain the writes that were added
to the copy image while image access was enabled, disable
image access; the relevant writes are automatically undone.
Alternatively, use the undo writes command to undo the same
writes; image access remains enabled.
If, however, you wish to retain the writes that were added to
the copy image while image access has been enabled, you can do
one of the following:
● Increase the size of the copy journal by adding one or more
volumes to the journal.
● Fail over to the copy. Note: The copy journal is erased.
● Set the image access mode to direct access. Note: The copy
journal is erased, and a full sweep synchronization will be
required to restore consistency between the production and
copy images.
To help prevent this problem from recurring, increase the size of
your image access log, using one or both of the following:
● Add volumes to the journal.
● Modify the policy setting for the portion of the journal
allocated to the image access log. This is permitted only
when image access is disabled.

12013 vRPA Error Cannot enable image Cannot enable image access to the specified image.
12026 vRPA Error Error occurred in link to an
vRPA at other cluster(s)
12027 vRPA Error vRPAs are unable to vRPAs cannot complete I/O operations at this cluster to any
access any volume at this volume -- replication or journal -- in the consistency group.
cluster that belongs to this
Check your SAN and storage configurations for any irregularities;
consistency group
for example, incorrect LUN masking or zoning.
Ensure that the Reservations Support policy setting (enabled/
disabled) is appropriate for your environment, as described in the
RecoverPoint for VMs Flex Administrator’s Guide.

12031 vRPA Error Error occurred in link Ensure that at vRPA(s) cluster are connected properly to the
between one or more other cluster(s).

Events reference 33
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
vRPAs at cluster and all
vRPAs at other cluster(s)
12032 vRPA Error Error occurred in link Ensure that all vRPAs at cluster are connected properly to the
Cluster between all vRPAs at other cluster(s)
cluster and all vRPAs at
other cluster(s)
12033 vRPA Error volume is not accessible;
repository data may be lost
12034 vRPA Error Writes to storage may
have occurred without
corresponding writes to
12035 vRPA Error Cluster control at other Error occurred in link to cluster leader vRPA at other cluster(s).
cluster(s) unavailable
12036 vRPA Error Negotiation of transfer Negotiation of transfer protocol failed due to network issues in
protocol failed TCP layer between clusters.
If problem persists, check your TCP network.

12037 vRPA Error All replication volumes in

the consistency group (or
groups) are not accessible
12038 vRPA Error All journal volumes in
the consistency group (or
groups) are not accessible
12039 vRPA Warning Long initialization started
12041 vRPA Error Error writing to volume Ensure that RecoverPoint for VMs has write permission to all
If the problem recurs repeatedly, possible causes may be:
● Volume is thin device not attached to any storage pool.
● Volume is attached to storage pool that is full.
● Volume contains bad sector.
If you extended a storage pool or attached a device to a
storage pool, run the CLI command rescan_san’. For more
information, see the RecoverPoint for VMs CLI Reference Guide.
If problem persists, contact Customer Support.

12043 vRPA Error Splitter writes may have

12044 vRPA Error Problem with IP link
between vRPAs (in at least
in one direction)
12045 vRPA Error Problem with all IP links
between vRPAs
12046 vRPA Error Problem with IP link
between vRPAs
12047 vRPA Error vRPA network interface
card (NIC) problem
12048 vRPA Error Unsupported splitter

34 Events reference
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
12049 vRPA Info vRPA has entered
maintenance mode
12050 vRPA Error RecoverPoint for VMs
has dynamically started
replicating asynchronously
to one of the replicas of
this group. The group will
now be initialized. During
initialization data is not
transferred synchronously
12057 vRPA Info Replication volume This is OK for disabled groups.
Cluster reservation conflict
12058 vRPA Error vRPA to splitter
communication error
12059 vRPA Error vRPA communication vRPA has encountered a communication problem with all
problem with volumes volumes
12060 vRPA Error vRPA communication
problem with journal
12061 vRPA Error vRPA communication
problem with replication
12062 vRPA Error vRPA communication
problem with replication
12063 vRPA Error vRPA communication
problem with journal
12073 vRPA Error vRPA communication
problems with repository
12078 vRPA Error Splitter communication Although the vRPA sees the splitter, the cluster control has
error been unable to communicate with it for the past five minutes,
and therefore, cannot detect whether or not any writes have
passed through it.
Transfer will be paused to ensure consistency between the copy
and production.
When the system re-starts transfer, an initialization or full sweep
will follow.
NOTE: To ensure data integrity, it is highly recommended
that any snapshots created in the past five minutes are not
selected for recovery.

12080 vRPA Error Communications problem in The cause of this problem may be:
internal process
● Failure of a RecoverPoint for VMs process.
● Disconnection between internal RecoverPoint for VMs
To determine the cause of this problem, collect logs for the
period when the event occurred, and contact Customer Support.

Events reference 35
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
12081 vRPA Error Communications problems The cause of this problem may be:
between vRPA and site
● Failure of a RecoverPoint for VMs process.
● Disconnection between internal RecoverPoint for VMs
To determine the cause of this problem, collect logs for the
period when the event occurred, and contact Customer Support.

12090 vRPA Error Splitters disaster

12091 vRPA Error ESX disaster
12092 Group Error VM disaster
12093 Group Error VM disaster
12094 Group Error VM disaster
12095 vRPA Error Datastore disaster
12096 vRPA Error Datastore disaster
12097 vRPA Error Datastore disaster
12098 vRPA Error Datastore disaster
14001 vRPA Error off Splitter is up and version is
14002 vRPA Error off All links to all other clusters
have been restored
14003 vRPA Error off Link to an vRPA at
other cluster(s) has been
14004 vRPA Error off Data link has been
restored. All vRPAs at
cluster are able to transfer
replicated data to other
14005 vRPA Error off Data link over WAN has
been restored. vRPA is able
to transfer replicated data
to other cluster
14006 vRPA Error off Connection of vRPA to the
vRPA cluster is restored
14007 vRPA Error off Connection of all vRPAs
to the vRPA cluster is
14008 vRPA Error off vRPA is up
14009 vRPA Error off Link was in high load, but Due to heavy I/O activity, the link entered a high load state
has now retuned to normal in order to prevent I/O failures on that link. The link has since
operation exited the high load state, and has returned to normal operation.
The following are among the possible causes of the high load:

36 Events reference
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info

● vRPA is unable to handle the large volume of incoming data.

vRPA performance statistics are presented in the Release
Notes that accompany each RecoverPoint for VMs product
● Journal reaches capacity, because the rate of the distribution
process consistently lags behind the rate of incoming data to
the copy journal.
● WAN is too slow to handle the data rate.
● Compression for WAN optimization is too high, such that the
vRPA is unable to handle the volume of incoming data.
● Peak I/O activity in the SAN causes a temporary bottleneck
in the environment. This can be considered normal behavior,
and does not necessarily require user action.
If high load persists, consider:
● Running the balance_load command and applying the
load balancing recommendation.
● Manually modifying the preferred vRPA of each group.
● Checking for scheduled activities in your environment.
● Enabling fast first-time initialization.
For more information, see the RecoverPoint for VMs Flex
Administrator’s Guide.

14010 vRPA Error off Journal error corrected --

full sweep required
14011 vRPA Error off Image access log or virtual
buffer no longer full
14013 vRPA Error off No longer trying to access
a diluted image
14026 vRPA Error off The link to an vRPA at
other cluster(s) has been
14027 vRPA Error off Access to all volumes in
the consistency group (or
groups) is restored
14031 vRPA Error off Link between one or
more vRPAs at cluster
and all vRPAs at the
other cluster(s) has been
14032 vRPA Error off Link between all vRPAs at
Cluster cluster and all vRPAs at the
other cluster(s) has been
14033 vRPA Error off Access to volume restored Restored repository data integrity.
14034 vRPA Error off Replication consistency to Replication consistency in writes to storage has been restored.
storage restored
14035 vRPA Error off Cluster control at other The link to cluster leader vRPA at other cluster(s) has been
cluster(s) available restored.
14036 vRPA Error off Negotiation of transfer Negotiation of transfer protocol, which failed to due to network
protocol successful again issues in TCP layer between clusters, has been restored.

Events reference 37
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
14037 vRPA Error off Access to all replication
volumes in the consistency
group (or groups) has been
14038 vRPA Error off Access to all journal
volumes in the consistency
group (or groups) is
14039 vRPA Warning Long initialization
off completed
14041 vRPA Error off Write access to volume
14042 vRPA Error off Synchronization in progress
to restore any failed writes
in group
14043 vRPA Error off Synchronization in progress
to restore any failed writes
14044 vRPA Error off Problem with IP link
between vRPAs (in at least
in one direction) corrected
14045 vRPA Error off All IP links between vRPAs
14046 vRPA Error off IP link between vRPAs
14047 vRPA Error off vRPA network interface
card (NIC) problem
14049 vRPA Info vRPA is out of maintenance
14050 vRPA Error off RecoverPoint for VMs
has dynamically resumed
synchronous replication to
one of the replicas of
this group. The group will
now be initialized. During
initialization data is not
transferred synchronously
14059 vRPA Error off End of connectivity
problems between all group
volumes and vRPA
14060 vRPA Error off End of connectivity
problems between group
journal volumes and vRPA
14061 vRPA Error off End of connectivity
problems between group
replication volumes and
14062 vRPA Error off End of connectivity
problems between group
replication volume and

38 Events reference
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
14063 vRPA Error off Connectivity problems with
group journal volume and
vRPA were fixed
14073 vRPA Error off Connectivity between
repository volume and
vRPA restored
14075 vRPA Error off Control issues between
Cluster volume and splitter
14076 vRPA Error off Control issues between
Cluster group and splitter
14078 vRPA Error off End of splitter The cluster control is able to communicate with the splitter
communication error again. To ensure consistency between the copy and production,
initialization or full sweep will follow.
14080 vRPA Error off Fix of communications
problem in internal process
14081 vRPA Error off Internal process
communication problem
has been fixed
14090 vRPA Error off Splitters fix
14091 vRPA Error off ESX fix
14092 Group Error off VM fix
14093 Group Error off VM fix
14094 Group Error off VM fix
14095 vRPA Error off Datastore fix
14096 vRPA Error off Datastore fix
14097 vRPA Error off Datastore fix
14098 vRPA Error off Datastore fix
16001 vRPA Brief error Brief splitter error Splitter was down. Problem has been corrected.
corrected. Problem has
been corrected.
16002 vRPA Brief error Brief error in links to all Error occurred in all links to all other clusters. Problem has been
other clusters corrected corrected.
16003 vRPA Brief error Brief error in link to an Error occurred in link to an vRPA at other cluster(s). Problem
vRPA at other cluster(s) has been corrected.
16004 vRPA Brief error Brief error in data link to Error in data link. All vRPAs at cluster are unable to transfer
other cluster(s) corrected replicated data to other cluster(s). Problem has been corrected.
16005 vRPA Brief error Error occurred in data link
over WAN. vRPA is unable
to transfer replicated data

Events reference 39
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
to other cluster. Problem
has been corrected
16006 vRPA Brief error vRPA was disconnected
from the vRPA cluster.
Connection has been
16007 vRPA Brief error All vRPAs were
disconnected from the
vRPA cluster. Problem has
been corrected
16008 vRPA Brief error vRPA was down. Problem
has been corrected
16009 vRPA Brief error Link was in high load but Due to heavy I/O activity, a link entered a high load state in
has now returned to normal order to prevent I/O failures on that link. The link has since
operation exited the high load state, and has returned to normal operation.
The following are among the possible causes of the high load:
● vRPA is unable to handle the large volume of incoming data.
vRPA performance statistics are presented in the Release
Notes that accompany each RecoverPoint for VMs product
● Journal reaches capacity, because the rate of the distribution
process consistently lags behind the rate of incoming data to
the copy journal.
● WAN is too slow to handle the data rate.
● Compression for WAN optimization is too high, such that the
vRPA is unable to handle the volume of incoming data.
● Peak I/O activity in the SAN causes a temporary bottleneck
in the environment. This can be considered normal behavior,
and does not necessarily require user action.
If high load persists, consider:
● Running the balance_load command and applying the
load balancing recommendation.
● Manually modifying the preferred vRPA of each group.
● Checking for scheduled activities in your environment.
● Enabling fast first-time initialization.
For more information, see the RecoverPoint for VMs Flex
Administrator’s Guide.

16010 vRPA Brief error Journal error occurred.

Problem has been
corrected -- full sweep
16011 vRPA Brief error Briefly image access log or Problem has been corrected.
virtual buffer was full
16012 vRPA Brief error Briefly unable to enable Problem has been corrected.
virtual access to image
16013 vRPA Brief error Was unable to enable
access to specified
image. Problem has been
16026 vRPA Brief error Brief vRPA and all storage Error occurred in link to an vRPA at other cluster(s). Problem
error corrected has been corrected.

40 Events reference
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
16027 vRPA Brief error Brief group(s) volumes All volumes in the consistency group (or groups) were not
accessibility error accessible. Problem has been corrected.
16031 vRPA Brief error Brief link error between Error occurred in link between one or more vRPAs at cluster and
vRPA(s) at cluster and all all vRPAs at the other cluster(s). Problem has been corrected.
vRPAs at other cluster(s)
16032 vRPA Brief error Brief link error between all Error occurred in link between all vRPAs at cluster and all vRPAs
Cluster vRPAs at cluster and all at other cluster(s). Problem has been corrected.
vRPAs at other cluster(s)
16033 vRPA Brief error Brief volume accessibility volume was not accessible. Problem has been corrected.
error corrected
16034 vRPA Brief error Brief write consistency Writes to storage may have occurred without corresponding
error corrected writes to vRPA. Problem has been corrected.
16037 vRPA Brief error Brief group(s) replication All replication volumes in the consistency group (or groups) were
volumes accessibility error not accessible. Problem has been corrected.
16038 vRPA Brief error Brief group(s) journal All journal volumes in the consistency group (or groups) were
volumes accessibility error not accessible. Problem has been corrected.
16039 vRPA Info System ran long resync
16040 vRPA Brief error System had detected bad
sectors in volume. Problem
has been corrected
16041 vRPA Brief error There was a problem
writing to volume. Problem
has been corrected
16042 vRPA Brief error Splitter write may have
failed (while group was
transferring data). Problem
has been corrected
16043 vRPA Brief error Splitter writes may have
16044 vRPA Brief error There was a problem
with an IP link between
vRPAs (in at least in
one direction). Problem has
been corrected
16045 vRPA Brief error There was a problem
with all IP links between
vRPAs. Problem has been
16046 vRPA Brief error There was a problem
with an IP link between
vRPAs. Problem has been
16047 vRPA Brief error There was a vRPA
network interface card
(NIC) problem. Problem
has been corrected

Events reference 41
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
16048 vRPA Brief error Brief unsupported splitter Splitter version was not supported. Problem has been corrected.
version error corrected
16049 vRPA Info vRPA temporarily entered
maintenance mode but has
since exited
16050 vRPA Error RecoverPoint for VMs
had dynamically resumed
synchronous replication to
one of the replicas of this
group but has since started
replicating asynchronously
again. Consequentially the
group has been initialized
twice. During initialization
data was not transferred
synchronously. If this is
not the expected behavior
contact Customer Support
16057 vRPA Info Brief reservation conflicts
Cluster on group volumes
16059 vRPA Brief error Brief connectivity problem
between all group volumes
and vRPA
16060 vRPA Brief error Brief connectivity problem
between group journal
volumes and vRPA
16061 vRPA Brief error Brief connectivity problem
between group replication
volumes and vRPA
16062 vRPA Brief error Brief connectivity problem
between group replication
volume and vRPA
16063 vRPA Brief error Brief connectivity problem
between group journal
volume and vRPA
16073 vRPA Brief error Brief connectivity problem
between repository volume
and vRPA
16075 vRPA Brief error Brief control issues
Cluster between volume and
splitter corrected
16076 vRPA Brief error Brief control issues
Cluster between group and splitter
16078 vRPA Brief error Brief splitter A temporary splitter communication error occurred, but the
communication error problem has since been corrected.
To ensure consistency between the copy and production,
initialization or full sweep will follow.

16080 vRPA Brief error Internal process The cause of this problem may be:
communication problem
● Failure of a RecoverPoint process.

42 Events reference
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info

● Disconnection between internal RecoverPoint for VMs

To determine the cause of this problem, collect logs for the
period when the event occurred, and contact Customer Support.

16081 vRPA Brief error Internal process The cause of this problem may be:
communication problem
● Failure of a RecoverPoint process.
● Disconnection between internal RecoverPoint for VMs
To determine the cause of this problem, collect logs for the
period when the event occurred, and contact Customer Support.

16090 vRPA Brief error Splitters temporary disaster

16091 vRPA Brief error ESX transient disaster
16092 Group Brief error VM temporary disaster
16093 Group Brief error VM temporary disaster
16094 Group Brief error VM temporary disaster
16095 vRPA Brief error Datastore temporary
Cluster disaster
16096 vRPA Brief error Datastore temporary
Cluster disaster
16097 vRPA Brief error Datastore temporary
Cluster disaster
16098 vRPA Brief error Datastore temporary
Cluster disaster
18001 vRPA Error Splitter problem, which was
considered to have been
corrected, has reoccurred
18002 vRPA Error Error occurred in all links to
all other clusters. Problem
was temporarily corrected,
but has since returned
18003 vRPA Error Error occurred in link to an
vRPA at other cluster(s).
Problem was temporarily
corrected, but has since
18004 vRPA Error Error in data link. All vRPAs Due to communication failure over the WAN link, data transfer
at cluster are unable to between the clusters has stopped.
transfer replicated data to
other cluster(s). Problem
was temporarily corrected,
but has since returned
18005 vRPA Error vRPA is unable to transfer
replicated data to other
cluster. Data link was
temporarily restored, but
problem has returned

Events reference 43
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
18006 vRPA Error Connection of vRPA to
the vRPA cluster was
temporarily restored but
problem has returned
18007 vRPA Error All vRPAs were temporarily
restored to the vRPA
cluster but problem has
18008 vRPA Error vRPA was temporarily up
but problem has returned
-- vRPA is down
18009 vRPA Error Group temporarily exited
high load but problem has
18010 vRPA Error Journal error was
temporarily corrected but
problem has returned
18011 vRPA Error Image access log or virtual
buffer was temporarily no
longer full and writing by
hosts at copy was re-
enabled -- but problem has
18013 vRPA Error Access to image was
temporarily enabled but
problem has returned
18026 vRPA Error Error occurred in link to an
vRPA at other cluster(s).
Problem was temporarily
corrected, but has since
18027 vRPA Error Access to all volumes in
the consistency group (or
groups) was temporarily
restored but problem has
18031 vRPA Error Error occurred in link
between one or more
vRPAs at cluster and
all vRPAs at the other
cluster(s). Problem was
temporarily corrected, but
has since returned
18032 vRPA Error Error occurred in link
Cluster between all vRPAs at
cluster and all vRPAs at
other cluster(s). Problem
was temporarily corrected,
but has since returned
18033 vRPA Error Access to volume was
temporarily restored but
problem has returned

44 Events reference
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
18034 vRPA Error Replication consistency in
writes to storage and
writes to vRPAs was
temporarily restored but
problem may have returned
18037 vRPA Error Access to all replication
volumes in the consistency
group (or groups) has been
temporarily restored, but
problem has returned
18038 vRPA Error Access to all journal
volumes in the consistency
group (or groups) was
temporarily restored but
problem has returned
18039 vRPA Warning Long resync was
completed but has now
18040 vRPA Error User marked volume as OK
but bad sectors problem
18041 vRPA Error Problem writing to volume
was corrected, but has
18042 vRPA Error Synchronization had
restored any failed writes
in group but problem has
18043 vRPA Error Internal problem
18044 vRPA Error Problem with IP link
between vRPAs (in at
least in one direction) was
corrected but problem has
18045 vRPA Error Problem with IP link
between vRPAs (in at
least in one direction) was
corrected but problem has
18046 vRPA Error Problem with IP link
between vRPAs was
corrected but problem has
18047 vRPA Error vRPA network interface
card (NIC) problem was
corrected but problem has
18049 vRPA Info vRPA temporarily exited
maintenance mode but has
since re-entered
18050 vRPA Error off RecoverPoint for VMs
had dynamically resumed
synchronous replication to

Events reference 45
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
one of the replicas of this
group but has since started
replicating asynchronously
again. Consequentially the
group has been initialized
twice. During initialization
data was not transferred
synchronously. If this is
not the expected behavior
contact Customer Support
18057 vRPA Info Reservation conflicts from
Cluster group replication volumes
were briefly fixed
18059 vRPA Error Connectivity problems
between all group volumes
and vRPA were briefly
18060 vRPA Error Connectivity problems
between group journal
volumes and vRPA were
briefly corrected
18061 vRPA Error Connectivity problems
between group user
volumes and vRPA were
briefly corrected
18062 vRPA Error Connectivity problems
between group user volume
and vRPA were briefly
18063 vRPA Error Connectivity problems
between group journal
volume and vRPA were
briefly corrected
18073 vRPA Error Connectivity between
repository volume and
vRPA was temporarily
restored but problem has
18075 vRPA Error Control issue between
Cluster volume and splitter was
temporarily corrected but
problem has returned.
18076 vRPA Error Control issue between
Cluster group and splitter was
temporarily corrected but
problem has returned.
18078 vRPA Error Splitter communication The cluster control was temporarily able to communicate with
error returned the splitter, but since then, it has lost communication with the
splitter again.
Transfer will be paused to ensure consistency between the copy
and production.
When the system re-starts transfer, an initialization or full sweep
will follow.

46 Events reference
Table 2. Detailed events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info

NOTE: To ensure data integrity, it is highly recommended

that any snapshots created in the past five minutes are not
selected for failover.

18080 vRPA Error Internal process The cause of this problem may be:
communication problem
● Failure of a RecoverPoint process.
● Disconnection between internal RecoverPoint for VMs
To determine the cause of this problem, collect logs for the
period when the event occurred, and contact Customer Support.

18081 vRPA Error Internal process The cause of this problem may be:
communication problem
● Failure of a RecoverPoint process.
● Disconnection between internal RecoverPoint for VMs
To determine the cause of this problem, collect logs for the
period when the event occurred, and contact Customer Support.

18090 vRPA Error Splitters temporary fix

18091 vRPA Error ESX transient fix
18092 Group Error VM temporary fix
18093 Group Error VM temporary fix
18094 Group Error VM temporary fix
18095 vRPA Error Datastore temporary fix
18096 vRPA Error Datastore temporary fix
18097 vRPA Error Datastore temporary fix
18098 vRPA Error Datastore temporary fix

Advanced events
The following table contains the Advanced scope events that are issued by the RecoverPoint for VMs system.

Table 3. Advanced events

ID Topic Level Summary More Info
2004 vRPA Info Repository volume created
2006 vRPA Info Splitter(s) added
2007 vRPA Info Splitter(s) removed
3003 vRPA Warning Stopping a system process

Events reference 47
Table 3. Advanced events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
3004 vRPA Info Starting a system process
3009 vRPA Warning A system process stopped
3031 vRPA Warning An internal process restarted
3033 vRPA Info Negotiating transfer protocol
3034 vRPA Info Negotiating transfer protocol
3035 vRPA Info An internal process restarted
4005 Group Info Negotiating transfer protocol
4013 vRPA Info Negotiating transfer protocol
4014 Group Info Negotiating transfer protocol
4050 Group Info Enabling access to image
4052 Group Warning Enabling access to image
4072 Group Info Journal cleared
4073 Group Warning Journal cleared
4074 Group Error Journal cleared
4075 Group Info Journal available
4076 Group Info Adding volume(s)
4077 Group Info Removing volume(s)
4089 Group Info Delta marker moved to bitmap
mode, next synchronization
may not be optimal
4092 Group Info Accessing image Writing by hosts to the accessed image has been enabled.
4093 Group Info Undoing writes to image
access log
4094 Group Info Writes to image access log
have been undone
4100 vRPA Info Group created Creating a new group modifies the load distribution across
Cluster vRPAs.
To balance the write load across all vRPAs run the
balance_load CLI command in seven days and apply the

4101 vRPA Info Group removed

4102 Group Info Journal volume(s) removed
4103 Group Info Journal volume(s) added
4104 Group Info Group started accepting writes
4105 Group Info Group stopped accepting
5049 Splitter Warning Splitter write to vRPA failed
10000 vRPA Info Analyzing changes in system
10001 vRPA Info System is stable System changes have occurred. System is now stable.

48 Events reference
Table 3. Advanced events (continued)
ID Topic Level Summary More Info
10002 vRPA Info Issuing intermediate report System activity has not stabilized and therefore, an
intermediate report is being issued.
10101 vRPA Error Unrecognised system activity Cause of system activity unclear.
To obtain more information filter events using Detailed

10102 vRPA Info Internal changes occurred Cluster control recorded internal changes that do not impact
system operation.
10201 vRPA Info Settings have changed
10202 vRPA Info System changes at other System changes have occurred at the another cluster.
For details of the system changes, refer to the event log at
the other cluster(s).

10513 vRPA Info Internal changes occurred Cluster control recorded internal changes that do not impact
system operation.
12042 vRPA Error Splitter write may have failed Splitter write may have failed (while group was transferring
during transfer data). Synchronization will be required.

Events reference 49

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