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Arsi University ICT directorate

College of Natural and computational science

Department of computer science

Internship Report on: Network installation

Prepared by: Tahir Dekamo

ID: ccs/ur7761/11

Feb, 2022
Asella, Ethiopia

Internship report at Arsi University

First of all, we would like to acknowledge the Almighty God for the successful completion of the field
attachment period. We would like to say to thanks to Arsi University for the opportunity given to us this
internship chance. And, in the way of completion to our project we would also like to thanks Arsi
University ICT center for their all help and support.
Improvement of the presentation of the material in the reports to them I am thankful. Constructive
comments and excellent suggestions that led to noticeable improvement in the style and presentation of
the reports material, I am debated to the anonymous reviewers arranged by Mr. Ragasa Alamu Arsi
Unversity ICT directorate of director for their suggestions and corrections. Special thanks to Mr. Dejene
Belete the series editor for their help in making this reports a reality. Of course, responsibility for errors
and inconsistencies rests with me. Finally, and most of all, I want to thank my families for their patience
and support during the writing of this reports. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all of them.

Internship report at Arsi University

Arsi University found in Oromia Region in Arsi zone Asella town, the University is aspires to be a pre-eminent
African graduate and research University dedicated to excellence in Learning-teaching, demand driven research
and innovation and problem-solving community engagements. To this end, the University recognizes ICT as a
powerful enabling tool for institutional change and transformation to achieve its strategic missions and vision.
The office provides the primary management and support of computing and technology infrastructures, services
and systems within the University. The office also provides troubleshooting, maintaining, supporting services to
streamline the University’s operational business processes. The office is working on a number of projects to
enhance and expand the University’s ICT infrastructure, systems and services to enable the transformation of
the University’s administrative and academic business processes in line with its strategic plan.

This internship report describes the activity carried out during two months in our final fulltime internship
program at Arsi University information communication and technology (ICT) center. The main purpose of the
internship is to learn practical environment and to apply the knowledge acquiring during the studies in the real-
world scenario. We have discussed about every major aspect of the campus network. Which we observed and
perceived during our internship program. The first part of the report offers an overview of the hosting company,
next materials and methodology used, then network criteria and network cabling. Following the process to
describes the overall internship experience, project and assessment of the internship. Finally, the report warps up
with the few closeting remark and conclusion from the experience. The most important in an internship program is
that we spend our time in a true manner and with the spirit to learn practical orientation of theoretical study
framework. During our internship we are able to practical aspects of network and get good working experience.
Internship report at Arsi University

 AU Arsi University

 CAT5e Category 5 Enhancement

 ICTC Information Communication Technology Centre

 LAN Local Area Network

 Mbps Megabits per Second

 MMF Multi mode fiber

 OFC Optical fiber cable

 RJ-45 Registered Jack – 45

 STP Shielded Twisted Pair

 TCP Transmission Control Protocol
 TP Link Twisted pair link UIL
 UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair
 WWW World Wide Web
 RAM Random Access Memory
 CD Compact Disk
 DVD Digital Video Displayer
 WAN Wide Area Network
 LAN Local Area Network

Table of Contents
ACKNOWLEDGMENT..................................................................................................................................................................... II
EXECUTIVE SUMMERY............................................................................................................................................................... III
Internship report at Arsi University

ACRONYMS.................................................................................................................................................................................. IV
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................................................................. VI
LIST OF FIGURES........................................................................................................................................................................... VI
1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 BACKGROUND OF ARSI UNIVERSITY..........................................................................................................................................................1
1.2 AU VISION....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 AU MISSION..................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.4 GOAL............................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 VALUES.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.6 OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................................................................................................... 2
1.6.1 General objectives.....................................................................................................................................................................2
1.6.2 Specific objectives.....................................................................................................................................................................2
1.7 ORGANIZATIONAL GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE..........................................................................................................................................3
2. COMPUTER NETWORKING......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 NETWORK HARDWARE........................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.1 Switch........................................................................................................................................................................................4
2.1.2 Rack...........................................................................................................................................................................................5
2.1.3 RJ45..........................................................................................................................................................................................5
2.1.4 Cable Tester...............................................................................................................................................................................6
2.1.5 Cable Trunk................................................................................................................................................................................6
2.1.6 Crimper......................................................................................................................................................................................6
2.2 NETWORK CABLING............................................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.2.1 Twisted pair cable.....................................................................................................................................................................7
2.3 THE CABLES TO CONNECTS TO DIFFERENT AND SAME DEVICES.....................................................................................................................8
3 REVIEW OF THE INTERSHIP........................................................................................................................................................ 10
3.1 THE SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS GAINED FROM THE INTERNSHIP............................................................................................................10
3.1.1 Practical Skill Gained...............................................................................................................................................................10
3.1.2 Interpersonal Communication Skill........................................................................................................................................10
3.1.3 Improving Team Playing Skills................................................................................................................................................10
3.2 CHALLENGES AND MEASUREMENTS.....................................................................................................................................................11
3.2.1 Challenge faced during our Internship Period.......................................................................................................................11
4 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.................................................................................................................................... 12
4.1 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
4.2 RECOMMENDATION TO AU ICT DIRECTORATE......................................................................................................................................12
4.3 RECOMMENDATION TO UNIVERSITY.................................................................................................................................................... 13
REFERENCE.................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
APPENDICES................................................................................................................................................................................ 15

List of Tables
Internship report at Arsi University

Table 0.1 Straight through Cable Color Orders................................................................................................................................ 8

Table 0.2 crossover cables Color orders.......................................................................................................................................... 9

List of figures
Figure 1:ICT Organizational Governance Structure..................................................................................................................... 3
Figure 2: Switch............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Figure 3 Rack................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Figure 4:RJ45 connectors............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 5: cable Tester..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 6: Cable Trunk..................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 7: CRIMPER......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Introduction
This internship program is very important in many aspects for us, who has been taking undergraduate course. It
provide us awareness about what kind of activities are performing practically in the institute, how to apply or
implement theoretical knowledge that we have gained from the university study in to practical in industries
moreover. It also helps to assess and evaluate how much we are enough matured to be employed in any Company.
And how much of the theoretical part will be able to apply. Practically in company knowing this may be help us to
figure out, the facing problem and give immediate and appropriate solution for it easily.
Though stay one month in AU center was very good time ,we have got much more lessons .we were not only
observe what is done in the company but also we have got a good opportunities to do some important practical
works since, we have tried our own best to share knowledge from the employers , what need the discipline they
have to fulfill ,what seems their cooperation to work together and time management was few of their qualities and
we are the one to be witness as they highly need to maximize their service .

Therefore, we have observed and practiced at all especially in networking. Future about what is going to be do at
department it provides me to have confidence and confirm things which are possibly done by trying to do with our
best efforts.

1.1 Background of Arsi University

AU is one of the public institutions of higher learning in Ethiopia, established in 2014(2004 E.C) by decree
No.322/2014 of the Council of Ministers of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. AU started with four
Colleges and one School, namely; College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, College of Health Sciences,
College of Business and Economics and College of Humanities and School of Low. As a higher education institution,
AU has set itself core responsibilities, with a focus on regionally and nationally relevant teaching-learning
programs, problem-solving research projects, and community-based services. In accordance with its core mission,
that is, contributing to the economic development of Ethiopia, AU is committed to promoting practical research
culture and dissemination of findings to end-users and appropriate stakeholders.
Within the context of academic institutions, it is evident that quality and relevant research contributes significantly
to the search for excellence and to the ongoing efforts to ensure quality learning and teaching with the ultimate
goal of cultivating and nurturing the new generation for the future of Ethiopia. The significance of research for
changing the lives of the immediate and wider communities and improving their wellbeing is beyond doubt.
Research projects initiated by universities can often yield very useful findings with direct bearings on policy
initiatives, generation of new development insights, application of technologies and innovations, and ultimately on
the quality of life of our citizens.

1.2 AU Vision
 Arsi University aspires to be among the leading east African universities and recognized
university in the world by 2033.
 To become the best provider of human resource services.
 We strive to ensure the school has a staff skilled and trained to meet its continuing needs that
staff reflecting the diversity of our student population are hired and retained.
 We will work to align the human resource function more closely to the mission of school.

1.3 AU Mission
 Arsi University is committed to produce competent & ethical graduate’s practical teaching, research, community
engagement and innovation to the sustainable development of the country.
Internship report at Arsi University

 The mission of the ICT Directorate is to play a major enabling role in strengthening the operational missions of
the University, namely learning-teaching, research and innovation, community engagements, institutional
development and administrations.
 AU is committed to providing excellent and relevant services to broad community of employees in the areas of
teaching, research and core administration.
 The mission of AU is to comprehensive and includes employment staff relations, staff development and

1.4 Goal
Ensure that ICT is fully integrated into every operations of the University in order to speed up and improve quality of
activities of Arsi University.

1.5 Values
 Our obligations will be executed with commitment and professionalism
 We will maintain a sense of self respect, discipline, and responsibility
 We commit ourselves to the practice of teamwork
 We embrace efficacy and excellence
 Confidentiality, diversity, fairness, honest, based on trust, respectful and creative problem solving

1.6 Objectives
1.6.1 General objectives
The general objective of internship is to gain full knowledge or practical knowledge on how to design local
area network (LAN) by using our previous theoretical knowledge and to develop communicative knowledge
with organization society.
1.6.2 Specific objectives
The network is designed to achieve several specific business/operational objectives:
Secure service: The other objective of this network installation to provide secure administrative computing
service to users.
 Integration and update: This is a new installation in a new building with new trunk.
Versatile Information Processing: The network enable users retrieve, process and store data regarding the
operation of the client.
 Scalability: The network design is scalable so that more network cable equipment can be added if
 To view academic information in Arsi university.
 To facilitate communication between different offices.
 Improve network performance at Arsi university community
 To share file or data with authorized individuals.
 Provide increased network capacity.
 Provide future expansion capability.
 Improve the network's fault tolerance, security, and high speed connection.
Internship report at Arsi University

 Identify the critical points of failure in the existing network and propose on how to eliminate them.
 Recommend which points of failure should be addressed to increase availability and how to increase
this goal.

1.7 Organizational Governance Structure

Information and Communication Technology Directorate reports to the Office of the President as it is
responsible for the provision of ICT infrastructure, services, and systems for the four operational domains of the
University: Learning- teaching, research and innovation, community engagements and governance services. The
directorate’s governance structure embodies five operational units:

 ICT Infrastructure and Services Unit

 Business Applications Development and Administration Unit
 Teaching-Learning Technologies Unit
 ICT Support and Maintenance Unit
 ICT Training and Consultancy Services Unit

“ICT” Organizational Governance Structure

Figure 1:ICT Organizational Governance Structure

Internship report at Arsi University

2. Computer Networking
A network is a collection of computers and devices connected together, often wirelessly, via

Communications devices and transmission media.

2.1 Network Hardware

2.1.1 Switch
A switch is used to network multiple computers together. Switches made for the consumer market are
typically small, flat boxes with 4 to 8 Ethernet ports. These ports can connect to computers, cable or DSL
modems, and other switches. High-end switches can have more than 50 ports and often are rack

A network switch is a small hardware device that joins multiple computers together within one local area
network (LAN).It is a piece of a physical circuitry component that governs signal flow. A switch is a network
device that selects a path or circuit for sending a unit of data to its next destination.
A switch is a Layer 2 device in fact it is called a multi-port bridge, just like a hub is called a multi-port repeater.
The difference between the hub and switch is that switches make decisions based on MAC addresses and hubs
don't make decisions at all. Because of the decisions that switches make, they make a LAN much more
efficient. They do this by "switching" data only out the port to which the proper host is connected.
A switch is a box that makes sure that data sent from one client reaches its intended recipient; it helps all your
devices talk to one another. We hook Ethernet cables between it and our clients to do so, although the network
settings have to be manually set on all the clients for this to work, as it's not smart enough to manage all the
devices itself. Most switches in the home have between four and 24 ports, and can be daisy chained together to
offer even more.

Figure 2: Switch
Internship report at Arsi University

2.1.2 Rack
A rack is a metal frame used to hold various hardware devices such as switches, hard disk drives, modems and other
electronic equipment.

Figure 3 Rack
2.1.3 RJ45
RJ45 is a type of connector commonly used for Ethernet networking. It looks similar to a telephone jack, but is slightly
wider. Since Ethernet cables have an RJ45 connector on each end, Ethernet cables are sometimes also called RJ45

The "RJ" in RJ45 stands for "registered jack," since it is a standardized networking interface. The "45" simply
refers to the number of the interface standard. Each RJ45 connector has eight pins, which means an RJ45 cable
contains eight separate wires. If you look closely at the end of an Ethernet cable, you can actually see the eight
wires, which are each a different color. Four of them are solid colors, while the other four are striped.

RJ45 cables can be wired in two different ways. One version is called straight through and the other is


Figure 4:RJ45 connectors

Internship report at Arsi University

2.1.4 Cable Tester

A network cable tester can identify if the wires are paired correctly. It can also show if there is a break in the
insulation, a situation which allows crosstalk between two wires that should not be connected. Tell whether the

Figure 5: cable Tester

2.1.5 Cable Trunk

Trunks are used to interconnect switches to form networks, and to interconnect local area networks (LANs) to
form wide area networks (WANs) or virtual LANs (VLANs). A trunk often consists of multiple wires, cables,
or fiber optic strands to maximize the available bandwidth and the number of channels that can be

Figure 6 : Cable Trunk

2.1.6 Crimper

Crimpers are primarily used for attaching ends onto different types of network cables by a process known as
For example, network cables and phone cables are created using a crimping tool to connect the RJ-45 and RJ-11
Internship report at Arsi University

connectors to the end of the cable. In the above example picture, this crimper is capable of crimping a RJ-11 (6-
Pin) and RJ-45 (8-Pin) connectors and also includes a wire cutter near the handles that can be used to cut phone
or CAT6 cable.

Figure 7: CRIMPER

2.2 Network Cabling

Cable is the data transmission medium in which information usually moves from one network device to
another. Understanding the characteristics of different types of cable and how they relate to other aspects of
a network is necessary for the development of a successful network. The following types of cables we can use
in networks:

➢ Twisted pair cable

2.2.1 Twisted pair cable
Twisted-pair cable is the most common type of cabling we can be seen and used in LAN networks. A pair of
wires forms a circuit that can transmit data. The pairs are twisted to provide protection against crosstalk, the
noise generated by adjacent pairs 22 carrying a current, the current creates a magnetic field around the wire.
This field can interfere with signals on nearby wires. To eliminate this, pairs of wires carry signals in opposite
directions, so that the two magnetic fields also occur in opposite directions and cancel each other out. This
process is known as cancellation. Two Types of Twisted Pairs are:

- ➢ Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) and.

➢ Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)

Internship report at Arsi University

2.3 The cables to connects to different and same devices

Straight Through: Ethernet cables are the standard cable used for almost all purposes, and are often called
"patch cables" and it is used to connect different type of devices. This type of cable will be used most of the
time and can be used to:

➢ Connect a computer to a switch/hub's normal port.

➢ Switch to router

➢ Switch to PC or server

➢ Hub to PC or server

S. No Color-coded order UTP

Side A Side B
1 White Orange White Orange
2 Orange Orange
3 White Green White Green
4 Blue Blue
5 White Blue White Blue
4 Green Green
7 White Brown White Brown
8 Brown Brown
Table 0.1 Straight through Cable Color Orders

Crossover Cables:
An Ethernet crossover cable is a type of Ethernet cable used to connect computing devices together directly.
Use crossover cables for the following cabling:

➢ Switch to switch

➢ Switch to hub

➢ Hub to hub

➢ Router to router

➢ Router Ethernet port to PC NIC

➢ PC to PC
Internship report at Arsi University

S. No Color-coded order UTP

Side A Side B
1 White Orange White Green
2 Orange Green
3 White Green White Orange
4 Blue Blue
5 White Blue White Blue
6 Green Orange
7 White Brown White Brown
8 Brown Brown
Table 0.2 crossover cables Color orders
Internship report at Arsi University


3.1 The Skills and Qualifications Gained from the Internship
The skills gained from the internship are very essential to change the theoretical knowledge to practical skills.
Experiences that we have shared during our two months apparent ship period are listed below –

➢ I have learnt about working processes in Organizations, especially Network installation

➢ I have improved our technical and personal skills that I have learned theoretically becoming familiar with
new techniques and methods.

➢ I have gained knowledge of organizational structure and how can behave in a company.

➢ I have learned how to configure network devices before they are being used
3.1.1 Practical Skill Gained
I have developed a confidence to do the given work practically and observed practical work is more simple
than theoretical. The differences between Theoretical Skill and Practical Skill are:

➢ Theoretical knowledge always unfulfilled in practical application, though sometimes it might seem that

➢ It is important to realize that in the workplace, what matters is not the amount of practical experience or
theoretical background that an individual has.

➢ Gaining knowledge from practical work is easier than from theoretical learning process.
3.1.2 Interpersonal Communication Skill
From the entire internship we have learned that, it is how well you communicate with someone & how well you behave
or carry yourself or simply which means interpersonal skills are how people relate to one another. Having positive
interpersonal skills, increase the productivity in the organization since the number of conflicts can reduced.

Informal situation, it allows communication to be easy & comfortable. People with good interpersonal skills can
generally control the feelings that emerge in difficult situations & respond appropriately, instead of being overwhelmed
by emotion. Confidence of the behavior is also play important role in decision to take risk.

3.1.3 Improving Team Playing Skills

Most of networking installations are totally teamwork. We learned that how teamwork is essential for an
organization to be successful for its work. Teamwork has a number of benefits among them are:

➢ distributing the work load, Reinforcing individual capabilities

➢ Creating participation & involvement, making better decision

➢ Feeling like we play a part in the work being done, generating a diversity of ideas

➢ Teamwork allows us to make friends & enjoy a better social experience when studying & working.
Internship report at Arsi University

➢ One of the most important qualities to have when collaborating with others is the ability to communicate.

3.2 Challenges and Measurements

3.2.1 Challenge faced during our Internship Period.
➢ there are material limitations at the beginning time of our internship.

➢ Lack of Punctuality: - is the big problem in my field practice period because the staff members are not
getting on time.

➢ at the start, AU-ICT scheduled our programs into 2 parts such as networking, maintenance but they had not
accomplished all the programs correctly, mean that they haven’t reached what their scheduled or intended
goal. They have trained us only in network due to the absence of voluntary professional man.

➢ Some of Employees within the campus is not voluntary to share his/her talent to us.
Internship report at Arsi University


4.1 Conclusion
After going through the whole period of internship I have observed so many professional activities and learnt
as well. I had to cover many different fields in network area:

➢ I have learned new concepts and new ways of working.

➢ I acquired practical experience to complement the theoretical content of our study for campus, Network
cable installation, network cable maintenance.

➢ To conclude, we think that this internship was very beneficial to us as we learnt a lot, and it made us
discover works in partial of real world. Generally, we had got practical knowledge of networking especially in
switch configuration, cable crimping, cable punching on patch panel, how networks distributed.
This internship was definitely an introduction to the actual work field for us. I have learned to work in a
Networking organization and apply our knowledge into practice.

4.2 Recommendation to AU ICT Directorate

 As I have seen in summer field practice there are a lot of problems and challenges were happening for
performing effective works like, the office didn’t have good documentation system, so any person did
not get good information when needed. So if they prepared a good documentation system there work
may be simplified.
 This office did not have sufficient worker to manage the office work and to give good practice for
students. So if they prepare person which give excellent practice for students.
 The office is very narrow to manage the word and to keep material. So it is good if they prepare suitable
rooms for the work.

In order the company to perform well and to become competent with other company definitively we would
like recommend the following activities that need transformation possibly:

➢ Management practices to the company workers must be carryout at a regular interval of time.

➢ To keep the equipment in a safe condition, cleaning the equipment daily is needed.

➢ Punctuality must be required from the employers.

➢ The Company should have to take the responsibility that the internship student participates in project

➢ The Company must have schedule for internship student.

➢ Therefore, the company could be highly expected to accept this recommendation and kindly requested to
fill the interest of the company end user as well as the internship student to work with them properly.
Internship report at Arsi University

4.3 Recommendation to University

➢ The University should give correctly published internship report format to student before the students
distributed to the hosting company.

➢ The University should give chance to electrical and computer-engineering student to see some related
company equipment and device before internship program. Trip related with knowledge sharing program with
the future hosting company is much better for student to be familiar with equipment and device when the
student joins the company for internship program.

➢ The money allocated for intern students is very, very and more very small cannot be fit with our current
economic influence in our country and cannot be fulfill the intern student human needs (food and shelter).

➢ The teaching and learning strategy should more focus on electronics and computer lab in order to make the
intern’s students more familiar to industrial instruments and equipment.
Internship report at Arsi University

[2]. Intranet access
[3]. Behrouz A. Frozen Data communication and networking, 4th edition.
[4]. Roy Blake, Electronic communication system, 2nd edition.
[5]. Networking books
Internship report at Arsi University

COMPUTER- is an electronic machine, that process the input data according to the given instruction & gives
output as a result. It also saves the result for future use.
EPON – it is network tool that is used to receive the network from the fiber optics cable to router of the
organization. Core switch – it is also known as distribution switches and used as router.
Toolkit – a device that it is used to hold collection of cable crimping devices.

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