Question Bank Test 1 With Answers
Question Bank Test 1 With Answers
Question Bank Test 1 With Answers
6. What are the similarities and difference between an Ltd. and a Plc.?
Similaritires Differences
• Both have limited
• Tax benefits. Parameters
• Raising finance - banks of LTD PLC
will be more willing to Comparison
lend becuase the status of
the company in Private owner Government
increased. (one or many) mostly
• Business continuity.
Transfer of Not easily Easily
• Protecting the business share transferred transferred
Shareholders Private people and general
9. What is the difference between the future value and the present value of
Present value refers to today's value of money.
Future value: Amount to which an investment will grow after earning interest.
10. What is the difference between compound and simple interest?
If the bank calculated the interest only on your original investment, you would be
paid simple interest.
Compound interests=interests on interests
Simple Interest = PV * r * t Compound interest-𝑭𝑽 = 𝑷𝑽(𝟏 + 𝒓)t
In this case, the variable PV is your FV: the future value of money
principal amount, r is your annual interest PV: the present value of money
rate, and t is the term of the loan, expressed r: the interest rate or rate of return per
in years. period
t: number of periods (years) of investment
– also called time
11. What is the difference between nominal cash-flow and real cash-flow?
Nominal cash flow refers to the actual dollar amount of money that a company
expects to take in and pay out, without any adjustment for inflation.
Real cash flow is adjusted for inflation in order to reflect the change in the value of
money over time.
12. Explain the term ‘historic cost convention’.
A historical cost is a measure of value used in accounting in which the value of an
asset on the balance sheet is recorded at its original cost when acquired by the
13. What is the balance sheet formula and explain in what way the balance sheet
reveals information on the company’s wealth?
The balance sheet is one of the three fundamental financial statements and is key
to both financial modelling and accounting. The balance sheet displays the company’s
total assets and how the assets are financed, either through either debt or equity. It
can also be referred to as a statement of net worth or a statement of financial
15. Give the three most important items of the current assets.
• Cash and temporary investments
• Accounts and notes receivable
• Inventories
• In order to match properly the revenue generated in each accounting period with
the expenses incurred to generate that revenue, enterprises systematically allocate
the costs of these types of assets over an estimated useful life. => This allocation
of costs is “amortization”.
17. What is the function of the income statement and what information does it
reveal about the company’s wealth?
An income statement reconciles an enterprise’s revenues, expenses, gains, and losses
for an accounting period, and states the total of those items.
Though the main purpose of an income statement is to convey details of profitability
and business activities of the company to the stakeholders, it also provides detailed
insights into the company’s internals for comparison across different businesses and
An income statement provides valuable insights into various aspects of a business. It
includes a company’s operations, the efficiency of its management, the possible leaky
areas that may be eroding profits, and whether the company is performing in line
with industry peers.
18. Describe the difference between financial and non-financial reporting.
Financial reporting refers to standard practices to give stakeholders an accurate
depiction of a company’s finances, including their revenues, expenses, profits, capital,
and cash flow, as formal records that provide in-depth insights into financial
Non-financial reporting, put simply, is a form of transparency reporting where
businesses formally disclose certain information not related to their finances,
including information on human rights.
19. In what way do equity and liabilities differ from each other in terms of claims?
There are two important differences between liabilities and equity.
• First, liabilities are claims held by outsiders, whereas equity is the aggregate claim
of a business’s owners.
• Second, the amount of an enterprise’s liabilities is independent of the amount of
its assets, whereas the amount of equity depends on the amounts of assets and
liabilities both.