FA 15 16 Ex4 solHW
FA 15 16 Ex4 solHW
FA 15 16 Ex4 solHW
Deadline to hand in the homeworks: your exercise class on week 16 November – 20 November
(1) Show that if T ∈ B(X, Y ) and S ∈ B(Y, Z) are bounded operators then
∀x ∈ X : kT xk ≤ kT kkxk,
kST k ≤ kSkkT k.
Solution: Recall the definition of the operator norm,
kT xk
kT k := sup .
x∈X\{0} kxk
kT xk kT xk
≤ sup = kT k ,
kxk x∈X\{0} kxk
(2) Show that for a bounded linear map T : X → Y the following expressions for
the norm are equivalent:
d) kT k = supkxk=1 kT xk.
Solution: Let
kT xk
I1 = sup ,
x6=0 kxk
I2 = sup kT xk,
I3 = sup kT xk.
kT xk x
Straight from definition we have that I3 ≤ I2 , and since kxk
= kT ( kxk )k we
have I1 ≤ I3 .
kT xk
Now if kxk ≤ 1 we have kT xk ≤ kxk
. Then I2 ≤ I1 and therefore
I1 = I2 = I3 .
|λ| ≤ kT k . (0.1)
b) Equip Rn with the ∞-norm kxk∞ := max1≤i≤n |x(i)|. We have seen in Pnthe
lecture that in this case the induced operator norm is kT k = max1≤i≤n j=1 |Tij |.
Hence, for a stochastic matrix kT k = 1, and by the previous point, every
eigenvalue λ of T satisfies |λ| ≤ kT k = 1.
(4) Let δ : C([0, 1]) → R be the linear functional that evaluates a function at the
origin: δ(f ) = f (0).
kf k∞ = sup |f (x)|
then δ is unbounded.
(5) Define the linear functional
Clearly, y ∈ lq (N, K) for any 1 ≤ q ≤ +∞. Assume first that 1 < p < +∞. As
we have seen in the lecture, ϕ defines a bounded linear functional on lp , and its
norm is
1 1
kϕk = kykq = (1 + 4q + 5q )1/q for =1− .
q p
For p = 1, we have
|ϕ(x)| ≤ |x(1)| + 4|x(2)| + 5|x(2015)| ≤ 5 |x(i)| = 5 kxk1 , x ∈ l1 ,
and hence kϕk ≤ 5 = kyk∞ . On the other hand, choosing x ∈ l1 such that
x(2015) = 1 and x(i) = 0 for i 6= 2015, we get kxk1 = 1 and ϕ(x) = 5, and
hence kϕk ≥ 5. Combining the two inequalities, we get kϕk = 5.
For p = +∞, we have for every x ∈ l∞
we see that kxk∞ = 1, and ϕ(x) = 10, and thus kϕk ≥ 10. Combining the two
inequalities, we get kϕk = 10.
(6) Let
c00 := x ∈ KN : #{i : x(i) 6= 0} < +∞
be the space of K-valued sequences that are non-zero only at finitely many places.
!1/p +∞
kx − xε kp = |x(i) − xε (i)|p = |x(i)|p < ε.
i=1 i=Nε +1
+∞ +∞
X 1
|y(i)| = q/2
i=1 i=1
xK ∈ lp ([NK ], K) such that kxK kp = 1 and N
i=1 yK (i)xK (i) = kyK kq . This
xK can be naturally considered as an element in c00 with kxK kp = 1 and
ϕ(xK ) = y(i)xK (i) = kyK kq ≥ K 1/q .
kxk2 := |xi |2 .
where the first inequality is due to the triangle inequality, and the second
one follows from the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Hence, T is bounded, and
P 1/2
d 2
kT k ≤ C i=1 kT e i k .
c) No. Consider the examples in (4)b) and (6)b), where Y is one-dimensional,
and the given linear functional is unbounded.
d) No, for the same reason as in the previous point.
(8) In the lecture it was proved that for p, q ∈ (1, ∞) with 1/p + 1/q = 1 the space
lq := lq (N, K) is isometrically isomorphic to lp (N, K)∗ , i.e. lq ∼
= lp∗ . Prove the
∗ ∼
same for p = 1, i.e. prove that l1 = l∞ .
P∞ the same argument as in the lecture. Define T : l∞ → l1 ,
Solution: We follow
by (T x)(y) := k=1 xk yk for x ∈ l∞ and y ∈ l1 . Then
|(T x)(y)| ≤ |xk yk | ≤ kxk∞ kyk1 ≤ ∞.
On the other hand, for every
k such that xk 6= 0, let y (k) (k) := |xk |/xk , and let
y (k) (i) := 0, i 6= k. Then
y (k)
1 = 1, and (T x)(y (k) ) = |xk | implies that kT xk ≥
|xk |. Since this holds for every k ∈ N, we obtain kT xk ≥ supk∈N |xk | = kxk∞ .
Combining the two inequalities, we get kT xk = kxk∞ , i.e., T is an isometry.
This immediately implies that T is injective, and hence the only thing we are
left to show is the surjectivity of T .
To this end, let ϕ ∈ l1∗ and define x = (x1 , x2 , . . . ) by xk := ϕ(e(k) ), where
e(k) = (0, . . . , 0, 1, 0, . . . ) has 1 at the k-th place and 0 everywhere else. We need
to show that T x = ϕ, i.e. for all y ∈ l1 : (T x)(y) = ϕ(y). Since cc := {y ∈
KN : #{i : y(i) 6= 0} < +∞} is dense in l1 , it suffices to consider y ∈ cc . By
construction, for all y ∈ cc we have (T x)(y) = ϕ(y).
(9) Prove that equivalent norms on a normed linear space X lead to equivalent
norms on the space B(X) of bounded linear operators on X.
Solution: Let k · k1 and k · k2 be the two equivalent norms on a normed linear
space X, i.e. there exist constants c and C such that for all x ∈ X
Let T ∈ B(X). Then
kT (x)k2 CkT xk1 C
kT k2 = sup ≤ sup = kT k1 .
x6=0 kxk2 x6=0 ckxk1 c
In other words,
c C
kT k1 ≤ kT k2 ≤ kT k1 .
C c
Homework with solutions
Therefore K is bounded, and kKk ≤ kkk∞ .
Score: 3 points.
for x ∈ P
l1 and y ∈ c0 . The above sum is well-defined, as it is absolute convergent
due to ∞ k=1 |xk yk | ≤ kxk1 kyk∞ ≤ ∞. Then
|(T x)(y)| ≤ |xk yk | ≤ kxk1 kyk∞ ≤ ∞.
|(T x)(y)|
kT xk = sup ≤ kxk1 . (0.4)
y∈c0 \{0} kyk∞
On the other hand, for every k such that xk 6= 0, let yk := |xk |/xk , and let yi := 0
(N ) (N )
otherwise. For every N ∈ N, let yi := yi , 1 ≤ i ≤ N , and yi
:= 0,
(N ) (N ) (N )
i.e., y = (y1 , . . . , yN , 0, 0, . . .). For all N ∈ N, y ∈ c0 and y
≤ 1, and
(N )
kT xk ≥ |(T x)y |= |xi |. (0.5)
Taking the limit N → +∞, we get kT xk ≥ kxk1 , and combining it with (0.4)
yields kT xk = kxk1 . That is, T is an isometry. This immediately implies that
T is injective. Hence, we are left to prove that T is also surjective.
To this end, let ϕ ∈ c∗0 and define x = (x1 , x2 , . . . ) by xk := ϕ(e(k) ), where
e(k) = (0, . . . , 0, 1,
P0, . . . ) has 1 at the k-th place and 0 everywhere else. Note
that (T x)(y) := k=1 xk yk defines a linear functional on cc := {y ∈ KN : #{i :
y(i) 6= 0} < +∞} such that T x = ϕ|cc , and the same argument as in (0.5)
shows that kxk1 ≤ kT xk = kϕ|cc k ≤ kϕk < +∞, i.e., x ∈ l1 . Hence, T x can
be extended to a bounded linear functional on l1 by the formula given in (0.3).
Since T x and ϕ are both bounded linear functionals on l1 , and they cocincide
on the dense subspace cc , we finally obtain that T x = ϕ.
Score: Continuous embedding of l1 into c∗0 : 3 points. The embedding is isome-
try+injectivity: 4 points. Surjectivity: 3 points.
Total score: 10 points.