KAATSU Magazine Volume 02 Issue 02 R

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5 6 9 12

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25 27 30 34

38 40 44 48

52 60 64

69 70 71 72
2.0 - KAATSU 2.0 - TURNING 2.0 - KAATSU 2.0 - SIX PRE-


79 81 83 USING THE

88 90 91 USING THE
THE KAATSU CYCLE was The new KAATSU Cycle 2.0 unit is a
speciality device that enables people to
invented by Dr. Yoshiaki Sato in 1973.
quickly, efficiently and safely used the
After decades of testing, experimentation
KAATSU Cycle mode.
and refinement, the patented KAATSU
Cycle is the cornerstone of KAATSU 71-year-old Dr. Sato is shown on the cover
training, rehabilitation and recovery page using the new KAATSU Cycle 2.0 that
for professional and Olympic athletes, can be utilized in both the KAATSU Cycle
paraplegics, aging Baby Boomers, busy mode and the KAATSU Training mode for
parents, stressed out students, corporate improved athletic performance, enhanced
executives, soldiers and wounded rehabilitation and recovery, improved
warriors. wellness, and healthful longevity.
This edition is about how the KAATSU Cycle
Steven Munatones
mode is used by people from various walks
of life and of all ages. Steven Munatones, CEO & Co-founder
KAATSU Global, Inc.
Huntington Beach, California, U.S.A.



fter years of research, design Based on the original KAATSU know-how
modifications, software changes, and US patent #9,775,619 (Compression
user feedback and utilization of and decompression control system and
metabolite testing results, the next- vascular strengthening method), the
generation KAATSU Cycle 2.0 is now equipment:
available. "It is more compact and »» can tone muscle without weights
quieter. It is more capable and more
powerful than the first-generation »» is convenient: do anywhere, anytime
KAATSU Nano and KAATSU Master by anyone
products," explains Steven Munatones.
»» offers access to the KAATSU
"It enables exercise, recovery and
Performance database
rehabilitation anywhere anytime by
anyone. »» offers 6 pre-sent KAATSU Cycle levels
The ultra compact, ultralight, durable »» can efficiently and effectively improve
unit offers the KAATSU Cycle and KAATSU speed, stamina and strength
Training modes and utilizes precise,
»» is an incredible time saver
software-controlled limb pressure for
both your arms and legs." »» can improves circulation
The KAATSU Cycle 2.0 includes 4 KAATSU »» enables faster recovery
Air Bands (for both arms and legs),
»» enables greater range of motion for
a rechargeable battery with a USB-C
those rehabilitating and recovering
charger. The pneumatic elastic bands can
from injuries and surgeries
be disconnected from the KAATSU Cycle
2.0 unit and are waterproof, for use in the »» is reimbursable with various CPT codes
»» offers customizable KAATSU pressures

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AATSU Cycle is a sequential series of increasing pressure on the circumference
of a limb by KAATSU Air Bands. The invention in Tokyo in 1973 by Dr. Yoshiaki
Sato is based on his blood flow moderation concepts.

KAATSU Global has developed a series The concept is patented (United States
of commercial products - KAATSU Nano, 9,775,619) as a Compression and
KAATSU Master, KAATSU Master 2.0 - with Decompression Control System and
this modality that has long been used Vascular Strengthening Method by Dr.
by people of all ages and abilities from Sato and is used by athletes preparing for
Navy SEALs and professional and Olympic the Olympics to individuals with cardiac
athletes to aging Baby Boomers and issues including those who have just
individuals as old as 104 years. come out of heart bypass surgery at the
University of Tokyo Hospital under the
care of cardiologists Drs. Nakajima and

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With the KAATSU Cycle modality, users knee replacement surgery might use
benefit from doing rehabilitation and Cycle 20 (i.e., 20 seconds of pressure
exercise with different levels of pressure followed by 5 seconds of no pressure)
and duration that are automatically for rehabilitation. The appropriate
applied. Different goals for different tightness for each individual based on a
individuals are achieved based on the combination of their Base SKU pressure
different protocols. (i.e., manual tightening of the pneumatic
bands) and Optimal SKU pressure (i.e.,
So, for example, a Navy SEAL or an
inflated tightening of the bands).
NBA player might use Cycle 60 (i.e., 60
seconds of pressure followed by 20 KAATSU Global offers numerous different
seconds of no pressure in 8 sequential KAATSU Cycle modalities depending
cycles as the pressure levels increase on the person’s age, conditions and
each cycle) for Performance Training goals from Performance Training to
(i.e., meant to improve strength, stamina Rehabilitation to Recovery - and is
or speed on a healthy individual) an ideal mode to get some quick and
while a patient with a broken bone or efficient exercise or stress relief in the
a septuagenarian recovering from a office or work cubicle:

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»» Correctly place the KAATSU Air
Bands on your upper arms and
upper legs every time.
»» Release the KAATSU Air Bands if you
feel something is not right. If you
feel lightheaded or if you have any
pain on one side or the other, stop
{{ Note : On your arms, the Bands
and continue on another day.
should be placed above your
biceps and triceps near your »» You can do different exercises or
armpit, but below your deltoids. movements during KAATSU. You can
type emails or play the piano or play
»» Check Base SKU (pressure) and find
computer games. Be creative and
Optimal SKU (pressure) during every
enjoy the experience.
KAATSU session. Optimal Pressure is
one that is not so high as to occlude, »» Rest 30-60 seconds between
but high enough to get that “KAATSU different sets of exercises.
Fatigue/Failure Feeling” during
»» Do hydrate well before, during and
after each KAATSU session.
{{ Note: Your Optimal SKU can
change on a daily basis.

»» Do not ever fully occlude blood flow.
Signs of this are collapsed veins, no
limbs. The KAATSU Cycle 2.0 will
deflate automatically the KAATSU Air
pulse at the wrist, pale palms and Bands when the maximum time is
skin, severely delayed (>6 seconds) reached.
capillary refill.
»» Do not lift heavy weights when doing
»» Do not have Air Bands inflated for KAATSU
more than 20 minutes on your

AATSU during Stretching can be
done two different ways:
a. Stretching with KAATSU Cycle
b. Stretching with Optimal Pressure
KAATSU Specialists often ask older
patients or rehabilitating clients to
simply stretch as the KAATSU Air
Bands are inflated during the KAATSU
Cycle mode - and to relax during the
5-second rest (deflated) intervals.
These patients do not - or cannot due
to age or other ailments - even do the
KAATSU 3-point exercises because
it is too stressful. For these
individuals, stretching
with the KAATSU Cycle is
sufficiently effective.
Conversely, younger healthy KAATSU
users can inflate to their Optimal SKU
and stretch before and/or after their
KAATSU workouts. Stretching with the
inflated bands serves to help keep
the muscles limber and avoid muscle
hypertrophy that some individuals
and endurance athletes do not want.
Unlike KAATSU training for muscle
hypertrophy (see here), KAATSU users
who are stretching do not need to go
to fatigue. Most do not even come
close to muscle failure. They are
simply stretching the muscles that
are engorged in blood.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Competitive cyclists, including professional keirin

cyclists and triathletes use KAATSU equipment in a
variety of ways:
1. Warm-up and stretching with KAATSU Cycles
2. Workout recovery with KAATSU Cycles
3. Increased watt output with KAATSU Cycles
4. Increased watt output with KAATSU Training
5. Increase functional threshold power using
KAATSU Training
6. Rehabilitation with KAATSU Cycles
»» As the athletes prepare
for a vigorous workout, they do 3-5
KAATSU Cycles on their arms and then 3-5
KAATSU Cycles on their legs.
»» They can remain stationary, stretch, or do
easy cycling on a stationary bicycle during
these warm-up KAATSU Cycles.
»» Using the KAATSU Wearables or the KAATSU
Cycle 2.0 equipment, the units are easily and
comfortable used.
»» It is important to be well hydrated before
starting KAATSU Cycles.
»» It is very important to start with
comfortable (i.e., lower) Optimal SKU
pressure levels and gradually increase the
Optimal SKU levels with each subsequent
»» As the athletes complete a vigorous workout,
they do 3-5 KAATSU Cycles on their legs so waste
products in their muscles can be effectively and

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efficiently removed. This enables »» For example, athletes can cycle for a
the athlete to benefit from a rapid specific time at a specific SKU level at a
recovery so their subsequent workouts specific watt output (e.g., 200 SKU for
are optimized. 15 minutes at a specific watt output).
»» They can remain stationary, stretch, or »» As time and experience with KAATSU
do easy cycling on a stationary bicycle increases, the watt output and time
during these cool-down KAATSU will also increase (e.g., 250 SKU for 20
Cycles. minutes at an increased specific watt
»» Using the KAATSU Wearables or the output).
KAATSU Cycle 2.0 equipment, the units
are easily and comfortable used.
»» It is important that the KAATSU Color
is pink or rosy or beefy red while doing
»» Athletes can workout while setting
KAATSU Cycles; the skin tone should
their Optimal SKU at a specific level in
never be white, blue or gray.
the KAATSU Training mode.
»» For example, athletes can aim for a
INCREASED WATT OUTPUT WITH specific time at a specific SKU level at a
KAATSU CYCLES specific watt output (e.g., 200 SKU for
15 minutes at a specific watt output).
»» Athletes can do their workouts while
»» As time and experience with KAATSU
gradually increasing the Optimal SKU
increases, the watt output and time
levels of the KAATSU Cycles.
will also increase (e.g., 200 SKU for
»» For example, athletes can do 6-8 sets
20 minutes at an increased specific
of KAATSU Cycles as the Optimal SKU
watt output). When the time goal is
levels increase from 200 to 225 to 250
achieved, then the Optimal SKU level
to 275 to 300 to 350 to 400 SKU.
can also be increased.
»» As time and experience with KAATSU
increases, the watt output will also
»» Athletes can change (either decrease CYCLES
or increase) the parameters of time, »» Torn muscles, ligaments, tendons or
incline, Optimal SKU levels as well as broken bones can be efficiently and
watt output. effectively rehabilitated using the
KAATSU Cycle mode.
»» Athletes can workout while setting
their Optimal SKU at a specific level in
the KAATSU Training mode.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



t should be noted that The testing was done 3. One repetition
academic researchers using 2-minute bouts maximum and
confirmed what KAATSU of treadmill speed of 50 maximum isometric
Specialists have long meters per minute. strength increased
known since the 1980's: between 8 - 10%
The researchers found
that low-intensity exercise
a multitude of benefits Furthermore, indicators of
with KAATSU Air Bands and changes among the muscle damage (creatine
leads to muscle growth experimental KAATSU kinase and myoglobin) and
and strength gains. users while there was no resting anabolic hormones
did not change with both
Many researchers between change in muscle size and
dynamic and isometric groups. The researchers
2000 - 2005 tested
concluded that KAATSU
KAATSU Walking with MRI- strength in the control
group.. Walking induces muscle
measured muscle size
hypertrophy and strength
and strength (maximum 1. Serum growth hormone gain despite the minimum
dynamic or one repetition was elevated after level of exercise intensity
maximum) and isometric KAATSU Walking with after 3 weeks, and that
strength along with blood the experimental group, KAATSU Walking may be a
hormonal parameters. but not with the non- potentially useful method
Testing was done on KAATSU control group. for promoting muscle
both control groups and
2. MRI-measured thigh hypertrophy for a wide
experimental groups of
muscle cross-sectional range of the population
subjects ranging from
area and muscle volume including the frail and
young men to older
increased by 4 - 7%. elderly.
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.

While these benefits United States military, After three weeks of

have long been known in researchers like Dr. lower extremity KAATSU
Japan, there have been William Ursprung at Texas Walking, the test found
many other applications A&M University studied significant improvements
that have since been the effects of KAATSU in VO2max, significant
developed and researched Walking to improve aerobic decreases in 1.5 mile
that address age-related capacity. Dr. Ursprung run time, and significant
skeletal muscle loss evaluated the effects increases in thigh muscle
(sarcopenia) that inhibits of KAATSU Walking on cross sectional area and
mobility and increases the VO2max, 1.5 mile run the researchers concluded
risk of developing several times, and muscular size that KAATSU Walking
diseases such as diabetes, at low training volumes represents a methodology
osteoporosis and heart and intensities with airman for improving aerobic
disease. from the U.S. Air Force capacity, endurance and
350th Special Operations muscular size at low
As the implications of
and Tactics Training training volumes and
KAATSU protocols began
Squadron. intensities.
to be appreciated by the

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This conclusion mirrored the applications This phenomena means that the
for KAATSU that many far forward- implications and applications of KAATSU
thinking coaches and trainers have usage expands significantly. When
known and used. For military personnel benefits and improvements can be
and athletes who are looking for achieved at any speed, pace or level of
concurrent improvements in strength intensity, coaches and athletes can be
and endurance, they do not always much more flexible and creative in their
have to move, run, swim, cycle or row at training decisions.
maximum intensity if they strategically
For example, instead of only going all-out
use KAATSU equipment.
sprints with KAATSU, runners, cyclists,
While movement or exercises with swimmers, rowers and skiers can practice
KAATSU equipment performed with at more moderate pace - which means
intensity will result in significant that KAATSU can be done more frequently
physiological and athletic improvement, it and with less resultant fatigue.
is always unnecessary.
The same effects of KAATSU have been
found with other KAATSU-using mammals
like horses, mice, rats, and goats in
testing performed in Japan and China.

“As long as their technique and athletic form is correct,

athletes and military personnel can realize benefits with
KAATSU by moving more slowly (i.e., walking versus
running or swimming at a moderate pace versus swimming
at maximum speed) rather than always going all-out,”
explains Steven Munatones. “Perhaps this lowered intensity is
appropriate after injuries or immediately after a competition
or during a taper phase of training. Perhaps this slower pace
or raw speed is simply more appropriate during different parts
of any specific workout when an athlete is working on their
technique or form.”

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



isionary physicians and patients born before 1950 are leading the way on how
best to incorporate KAATSU to combat sarcopenia and address a host of other
health issues. A 104-year-old female patient in Kawasaki, Japan shows what is
possible with KAATSU under the guidance of her physician Dr. Odagiri and KAATSU
inventor Dr. Sato.

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The video above was presented by Dr. During the video, she was asked how old
Odagiri at the first KAATSU Training she is and she answers as 104, holding a
Symposium held in Tokyo, Japan in 2005. document confirming her age and birth
date. She is shown doing a variety of
The patient was bedridden and
exercises with her KAATSU Air Bands on
uncommunicative for two months with
(120 Optimal SKU level).
severe dementia. She was transferred
from her local hospital to Odagiri Her doctors also documented her muscle
Hospital where she was treated with gains in her upper legs (quadricep
KAATSU. Initially for the first month, + hamstring) via before-and-after
she simply did KAATSU Cycle as she comparative computed tomography
remained in bed. Gradually, she became scans (3 months apart):
communicative and was able to get out
of bed. Eventually, over the course of two
months, she was able to do a variety of
exercises and found herself wishing to
live to be 200 years old.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


t the Harvard Medical School in
Boston on November 5th 2014,

cardiologist Toshiaki Nakajima, M.D.,
Ph.D., formerly of the University of Tokyo

Hospital, presented a study entitled Skeletal
Muscle Hypertrophy inducted by KAATSU
Rehabilitation and Prevention of Sarcopenia.
KAATSU Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle mass and is

a major problem among older individuals.
Among both males and females, muscle

strength decreases with age and muscle
volume quickly decreases (0.45 kg per year)
as individuals age past 50 years old. That is,
fast twitch muscle fiber decreases on average
to 50% by the age of 80 years.
To prevent it, physicians and physiologists
understand that high-intensity resistance
exercise (e.g., weight training or body weight
exercises) is required. But this type of training
is usually not possible - or desired - by the
But with KAATSU, individuals up to the age of
104 [see below and here] can perform low-
load or no-load, non-impact exercise with
KAATSU equipment following the KAATSU
Cycle modality to induce muscle hypertrophy
and strengthen muscle even with short-term,
low-intensity exercise. With the KAATSU Air
Bands or KAATSU Aqua Bands, the KAATSU
no-load, non-impact exercise physiologically
equals high-intensity, high-load training.
In both cases (KAATSU and high-intensity,
high-load training) the muscle and brain are
stimulated to induce muscle hypertrophy and
strength including fast twitch muscle fibers.
Dr. Nakajima tested 19 healthy elderly
subjects with a mean age of 71 years [one

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84-year-old subject is of thigh with MRI in the traditional resistance

shown on left]. There Scandinavian Journal of training. "Typically, an
were 10 individuals in Medicine & Science in individual needs to
the control group and Sports (2014 Oct;24(5):799- perform at least 65% of
9 individuals in the 806). He also explained 1RM to create mechanical
experimental (KAATSU) how the increase in muscle stress, metabolic stress,
group. The individuals strength and mass leads Hormone (cathecholamine)
did knee extensions and to improvement of life secretion, Growth factor,
leg press exercises twice function tests like getting Cytokin (IL-6), nerve
per week (Mondays and up and out of a chair or factor, local circulation,
Thursdays) for 12 weeks. bed. hypoxia and cell swelling
The SKU (Standard KAATSU that leads to adaptation
Similar results were
Unit) pressure on the and an increase in protein
realized in the arms (biceps
KAATSU leg bands ranged synthesis and decrease in
and triceps) among the
from 120-250 SKU. protein degradation.
group of elderly patients.
Dr. Nakajima reported In contrast, KAATSU leads
He explains the process
the significant increase to several mechanisms
leading up to muscle
in cross sectional area that cause KAATSU's
hypertrophy due to

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hypertrophic effects: recruitment of fast twitch

muscle fibers, increase in Growth Hormone
and IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor), amino acid
uptake, increase in protein synthesis and a
decrease in myostatin.
He described the process. "Maintenance of
skeletal muscle mass is dependent on the
relationship of muscle protein balance -
protein synthesis and breakdown. A negative
protein balance induces muscle atrophy,
whereas a positive balance induces muscle
hypertrophy. Repetitive KAATSU
After muscle disuse, during long-term bed rest appears to be a novel
and simulated models of no-bearing activity, stimulus for skeletal
severe skeletal muscle atrophy develops due
to altered protein metabolism leading to muscle to induce a
decreased muscle contractile protein content. net positive protein
To prevent this, resistance exercise, an balance and prevent
established and potent stimulus for enhancing
muscle protein synthesis and subsequent atrophy especially
muscle hypertrophy, is traditionally used. with patients
Conversely, skeletal muscle is a plastic organ with orthopedic
that adapts its mass to the different conditions
by affecting pathways that regulate protein diseases or injuries
and cellular turnover. Repetitive KAATSU or those with
appears to be a novel stimulus for skeletal
muscle to induce a net positive protein disuse syndrome,
balance and prevent atrophy especially with sarcopenia and
patients with orthopedic diseases or injuries
or those with disuse syndrome, sarcopenia cachexia (weakness
and cachexia (weakness and wasting of the and wasting of the
body due to severe chronic illness)."
body due to severe
To view an example of the before-and-after
effects of KAATSU on a 104-year-old female, chronic illness).
visit here.

© 2016
2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.

AATSU is well-known to build The KAATSU Cycle can either be done as
muscle mass and girth. But this is a stand-alone workout or should be done
only one single aspect, one athletic before every vigorous workout or KAATSU
perspective, one possible benefit, one Training session. The KAATSU Cycle offers
resultant outcome of KAATSU. the ideal warm-up as it efficiently gets
blood in the working muscles of the arms
There are some athletic activities that and legs. You can start using the KAATSU
need only a greater range of motion Cycle 2.0 with the GROUP (G) mode in
or increased strength or improved the LOW (L) pressure setting on your first
performance - and do not desire greater KAATSU Cycle. Then, you can proceed to
muscle mass or girth. Similarly, some the GROUP (G) mode in the MEDIUM (M)
individuals do not wish to gain muscle pressure setting on your next KAATSU
mass or muscle girth - they prefer Cycle if appropriate. Then, you can
improved muscle tone or improved BMI. continue to the GROUP (G) mode in the
In these cases, the KAATSU Cycle is an HIGH (H) setting on your next KAATSU
ideal application of KAATSU Training. Cycle, etc.

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If the pressure is appropriate, you can If you do not want undesired muscle
continue to the PRO (P) mode, going from growth and increased girth in your arms
the LOW (L) level to the MEDIUM (M) level and legs, you can walk easily or do simple
to the HIGH (H) level. stretching while you do the cool-down
KAATSU Cycles.
Then, a few additional KAATSU Cycles
can be repeated after the end of your The use of KAATSU Cycle is a safe and
workout. effective engorgement of blood in the
limbs. A warm-up or warm-down while
Always be well-hydrated throughout your
moving (e.g., walking or stretching)
KAATSU sessions.
in such a physiological state will lead
After your workout is over, you can begin to improved preparation for vigorous
the KAATSU Cycles again in the GROUP training or greater efficiency in flushing
mode LOW pressure level and repeat the out lactic acid that has built up.
process above in order to flush out the
lactic acid that you may have built up
during your workout.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



anny Woodhead is one tough 1. Athletic Performance
athlete. Small in stature (for an NFL 2. Rehabilitation
veteran), but huge in heart, the 3. Recovery and Wellness
33-year-old NFL running back has had his
share of injuries including two separate
torn ACLs. After his latest ACL surgery ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE: KAATSU is
during the 2016 season, he did KAATSU used in slightly different ways to improve
in order to return to the field as soon as speed, stamina, strength, muscle size or
possible. BMI.
His return was indeed REHABILITATION: KAATSU is used to
quick as he followed enhance traditional physical therapy
the following standard for people with broken bones, or torn
KAATSU protocols. ligaments, tendons, and muscles. These
KAATSU is separated protocols are specific with different
into different applications of pressure.
protocols in RECOVERY: KAATSU is also used for
each of the recovery from injuries and the effects of
following 3 sedentary living.
»» Even for post-ACL surgery recovery,
start KAATSU on your arms first.
»» Do KAATSU Cycle 20 at your
appropriate Base SKU and Optimal
»» •• Your Base SKU can vary between
10 - 30 SKU depending on your age
and physical condition. In general,
the younger and more fit you are, the
higher your pressures. But everyone

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»» You can stretch your arms or upper ¾¾ ** Note: KAATSU Aqua Bands are also
body, do isometric exercises, or do available and any kind of aqua-therapy
3 sets of the KAATSU 3-Point Arm movements can be done in the water
Exercises (i.e., 3 sets of Hand Clenches or on an AlterG treadmill.
+ 3 sets of Biceps Curls + 3 sets of
Triceps Extensions) during the KAATSU
Cycle mode.
»» Place the KAATSU Air Bands on your
¾¾ •• Rest while there is the KAATSU Air
upper arms, above your biceps and
Bands are deflated. Move while the
below your deltoids near your armpits.
KAATSU Air Bands are inflated.
Your KAATSU Air Bands should be
placed snugly so your finger cannot be
SPECIFIC POST-ACL SURGERY easily slipped under the bands when it
PROTOCOLS is against your skin.
»» Do muscle contractions of your »» The palms of your hands should start
quadriceps and calves or stretch or turning pink or even a redness right
perform simple therapeutic motions away. Your KAATSU Air Bands are on
(in combination with resistance bands too tightly if the hands turn white, gray
or other equipment that is requested and blue or you feel numbness.
by aa you can during the KAATSU »» If the KAATSU Air Bands are on too
Cycle. tightly, your Capillary Refill Time (CRT)
¾¾ •• Higher SKU levels are usually will be longer than 3 seconds. In this
tolerable on the legs compared to the case, loosen the KAATSU Air Bands on
arms in most cases. your arms.
»» Do specific physical therapeutic »» To check your CRT, firmly press your
movements, stretch or the KAATSU thumb into the palms of both hands
3-Point Leg Exercises: and release. The temporary white spot
on your palms should quickly fill back
with blood and turn pink (or red). You
can do this anywhere on your legs, but
preferably on your quadriceps above
your knee on your legs, when you are
Moderate (after the body begins to heal
checking your CRT on your legs.
and such movements become possible): 3
»» Place the deflated KAATSU Air Bands
sets each of Balancing on one leg + casual
around the upper legs, right by your
groin (i.e., under mens's briefs or a
Advanced (after the body begins to heal woman's swimsuit are worn).
and such movements become possible): »» Start with the appropriate KAATSU
3 sets each of Standing Heel Raises + Cycle level depending on your age and
Standing Leg Curls + Non-lock (partial physical condition (10 - 30 SKU).
extension) Quarter Squats

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GENERAL GUIDELINES »» Always conduct movements with a

»» Do 3-4 sets of each exercise, stretch or good range of motion. However, if
therapeutic movement. Then continue you feel any pain or uncomfortable
with the next 3 sets with a different sensation, restrict your range
exercise, stretch or movement. of motion so there is no pain or
»» For rehabilitation and recovery, uncomfortableness. That is, never
movements should be performed push your joints or limbs to the point
slowly, steadily and non-stop (e.g., do of pain.
not lock knees on squats). »» Always follow KAATSU protocols (i.e.,
»» For athletic performance, movements have Capillary Refill Time within
should be performed at desired pace 3 seconds with no occlusion or
or speed in a game, set or match. This lightheadedness, and no paleness or
is called KAATSU Performance Training. no numbness in limbs).
»» After 3-4 sets of a specific exercise, »» Immediately release and remove
stretch or movement, then move onto KAATSU Air Bands if there is any
another type of exercise, stretch or numbness or lightheadedness, or the
movement. Note: If you are working skin color becomes pale or white.
on your legs, do 3-4 sets on one leg Lie down with the legs elevated if
and then 3-4 sets on the other leg. necessary.
»» Keep rest short between sets and »» First start KAATSU on your arms and
between exercises. That is, rest 20 then proceed to do KAATSU on your
seconds maximum between sets of legs.
3 or 60 seconds maximum between »» Never simultaneously put on or use
different exercises. Modify as the KAATSU Air Bands on your arms
necessary. and legs.
»» Select exercises, therapeutic »» Limit KAATSU to 15 minutes on your
movements or resistance loads that arms and 20 minutes on your legs.
allow performance of a good number »» Frequently check your CRT (i.e.,
of repetitions (e.g., 30- 40 in the first Capillary Refill Time). Confirm that the
set, 20-30 in the second set, fewer color of your limbs remains either pink
than 15 in the third set, fewer than 10 or beefy red.
in the fourth set). »» Your veins may become distended (i.e.,
»» Reach maximum effort (or go to popping out) during KAATSU.
muscular failure or technical failure) »» You may feel a slight tingling in your
within each set. fingers or toes during KAATSU.
»» Always remain well hydrated before »» KAATSU should be implemented with
and during the entire KAATSU session. the understanding of your physician.
»» Always start with standard KAATSU
CYCLE 20 (i.e., 8 cycles of 20 seconds
of pressure followed by 5 seconds
of pressure off with sequentially
increasing pressure).
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


any older Japanese with KAATSU stimulates the aerobic exercise with
women have great repeated constriction and KAATSU Air Bands on).
skin. dilation of the body's blood As the limbs are dilated,
vessels and improves the more blood is pooled in
Most of their secrets are elasticity vascular system. the limbs (which is why
well-known: good sun As a result of the KAATSU the color of the arms or
protection throughout Cycle, vascular endothelial legs often starts off with a
their lives combined with cells and nitric oxide are slight pinkness color and
good nutrition. produced that also helps. then gradually changes to
But there is another secret: When the KAATSU Master a darker or redder color
KAATSU. within minutes).
2.0 or KAATSU Nano is
KAATSU has been called used, the blood vessels Meanwhile, the blood
anti-aging in the popular in the arms or legs are vessels in other parts of
Japanese media. In fact, dilated as the blood pools the body are also positively
the KAATSU Cycle modality in the upper or lower limbs impacted. Due to the
is highly effective in (as is seen as the color of increased elasticity in the
maintaining vein and the arms or legs becomes arms and legs, the blood
capillary elasticity as pink, beefy red or even circulation is improved
one ages. The blood a shade of purple with throughout the body -
flow moderation that is people with a high degree including the face and
instigated and enhanced of vascular elasticity doing neck.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


During KAATSU, the enhanced blood 4. Slowly rotate the head left and
flow in the arms and legs pools into right, forwards and backwards, and
blood vessels where no blood has been clockwise and counterclockwise while
previously supplied - or alternatively doing 1-2 KAATSU Cycles with the
new capillaries are formed. This is why KAATSU Air Bands on the arms.
older people or those with cold hands 5. Gently stretch the upper body while
or cold feet feel a sense of warmth after doing 1-2 KAATSU Cycles with the
doing KAATSU. These new capillaries help KAATSU Air Bands on the arms.
supply a limited amount of blood more
efficiently and helps with the onslaught of
1. Be well-hydrated.
With increased vascular elasticity 2. Do 3-6 KAATSU Cycles one hour before
- especially of the tiny amount of going to bed.
capillaries* - skin elasticity is increased.
3. Slowly and steadily stretch the legs
KAATSU BEAUTY - NIGHTTIME and core (abdominal and lower back)
PROTOCOL #1 while doing KAATSU Cycles with the
1. Be well-hydrated. KAATSU Air Bands on the legs.
2. Do 3-6 KAATSU Cycles one hour before Actual KAATSU users shown above are at
going to bed. least 50 years old.
3. Repeatedly pronounce vowels (a - e
- i - o - u) out loud while doing 1-2
KAATSU Cycles with the KAATSU Air
Bands on the arms.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


he Achilles tendon is a tough band of

fibrous tissue that connects the calf
muscles to the heel bone. When the
tendon is strained, torn or repaired due to

PROTOCOLS surgery, the following KAATSU protocols are



»» Always remain well hydrated before and

ACHILLES during the entire KAATSU session.

»» Your skin should turn pink or a beefy red

or even a hint of purple. This indicates
engorgement of blood in your arms or

»» Your skin should not turn white, gray or
blue. This indicates the KAATSU Air Bands
are too tight and the bands are serving
as a tourniquet. KAATSU is not occlusion
training. There must be sufficient and
regular arterial flow (i.e., blood flow
from the torso to the limbs) and only a
modified venous flow (i.e., blood flow
from the limbs back to the torso) when
doing KAATSU.
»» Continue to follow the recommendations
of your medical professional and perform
the movements as recommended by your
physical therapist .
»» You can use the KAATSU Air Bands while
doing standard physical therapy.
»» You can do KAATSU twice per day which
is especially effective if one session is in
the morning hours and another session is
closer to bedtime.
»» Keep rest short between sets and
exercises while doing KAATSU. Rest 20-
30 seconds between sets or 60 seconds
between different exercises. This can be
modified as necessary.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


»» Select physical therapy movements,

exercises, or loads that allow you to
perform a good number of repetitions
(e.g., 30–40 repetitions in first set, 20-
30 repetitions in the second set, fewer
than 15 repetitions in the third set).
»» Do at least 3 sets of each exercise
or movement and then move onto a
different exercise.
»» Try to reach maximum effort (or go to
muscular or technical failure) within
each set.
»» Always start with up to 15 minutes of
KAATSU Cycle on your arms and then
do up to 20 minutes of KAATSU Cycle
on your legs.
»» Always have your Capillary Refill Time
fall within 3 seconds with no occlusion
or lightheadedness, and no paleness
or no numbness in your limbs.
»» Immediately release and remove
KAATSU Air Bands if there is any »» You may feel a slight tingling in your
numbness or lightheadedness, or the fingers or toes during KAATSU. This
skin color becomes pale or white. indicates that the small capillaries of
Lie down with the legs elevated if your hands are fully engorged.
necessary. »» KAATSU should be implemented with
»» Never simultaneously put on or use the understanding of your physician
the KAATSU Air Bands on your arms and physical therapist.
and legs. »» Higher SKU levels are usually tolerable
»» Do not exceed 15 minutes of KAATSU on your legs compared to your arms in
on your arms or 20 minutes on your most cases.
»» Frequently check your Capillary Refill KAATSU PROTOCOLS FOR MUSCLE,
Time and confirm that the color of BONE, LIGAMENT, AND TENDON
your limbs remains either pink or RECOVERY
beefy red. »» Do 3-5 KAATSU Cycles ("Cycle 20")
»» Your veins may be distended (i.e., at your appropriate Base SKU and
popping out) in your forearms during Optimal SKU, first on your arms (i.e.,
KAATSU. 8 cycles of 20 seconds on + 5 seconds

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


»» Then do 4-6 KAATSU

Cycles at your appropriate
Base SKU and Optimal
SKU on your legs.
»» You can repeat this twice
per day. If you stimulate
a hormonal response
towards bedtime, your
speed of recovery will be
»» Additionally, you can
also do "Cycle 60" at your
appropriate Base SKU
and Optimal SKU on your
injured leg. That is, apply
the KAATSU Air Band only
one the leg that is injured
or is recovering.
¾¾ •• The KAATSU Cycle 60
mode is cycles of 60
seconds on followed by 20
seconds off at the Optimal
»» You can do muscle
contractions or simple
motions during the
KAATSU Cycle 20 and Cycle
60 as desired.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


any KAATSU users, including KAATSU inventor Dr. Yoshiaki Sato,
use their KAATSU equipment following the standard KAATSU
protocols to reduce the effects of jet lag and battle insomnia
when they travel internationally or cross several time zones.

Steven Munatones explains important pressure. The effects will still be

points regarding KAATSU use before, evident despite a lower-than-normal
during and after airplane travel: pressure.
»» Rest at least 30 seconds between each
»» Be very well-hydrated before doing
set and each exercise.
KAATSU Cycles in the airplane or
»» There is no need to go to failure with
before takeoff at the airport in order
these protocols; the goal is to become
to help reduce your jet lag.
»» Do KAATSU Cycles and KAATSU
»» Always follow the standard KAATSU
Wellness Exercises in your hotel room
safety protocols (e.g., always have
if possible before going to bed on your
Capillary Refill Time faster than 2- 3
first few evenings in your new location.
seconds with no occlusion and no
»» Always focus on doing KAATSU
numbness in your feet or legs after
Cycles after setting your appropriate
setting the appropriate Base SKU and
Base SKU (10-30 SKU) pressure and
Optimal SKU pressures).
identifying your Optimal SKU pressure
»» Ideally, do your KAATSU Cycles before
(50-400 SKU).
you board the airplane.
»» You can be conservative with your

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



1. Place the KAATSU Air Bands on your
upper arms.
2. Do 2-4 KAATSU Cycles, ideally within
30-60 minutes of boarding the
3. You can do all or any the following
KAATSU exercises while sitting in your
seat during flight:
¾¾ Forward Shoulder Rolls
¾¾ Backward Shoulder Rolls
¾¾ Head Rotations
¾¾ Tricep Muscle Stretches
¾¾ Deltoid Muscle Stretches
¾¾ Arm Rest Press Downs
¾¾ Isometric Contractions
4. Do 20-30 Forward Shoulder Rolls in a
steady motion while your KAATSU Air
Note: Skip this exercise if rolling your
Bands are inflated in the KAATSU Cycle
head forwards, backwards, left, right,
mode. Breathe deeply. Relax while
clockwise or counterclockwise causes
your KAATSU Air Bands are deflated.
Repeat as desired.
5. Do 20-30 Backward Shoulder Rolls in a 7. Stretch your triceps muscles on
steady motion while your KAATSU Air your left and right arms while your
Bands are inflated in the KAATSU Cycle KAATSU Air Bands are inflated in the
mode. Breathe deeply. Relax while KAATSU Cycle mode. Breathe deeply.
your KAATSU Air Bands are deflated. Relax while the KAATSU Air Bands are
Repeat as desired. deflated in the KAATSU Cycle mode.
6. Slowly roll the head forwards and 8. Stretch your deltoid muscles on
backwards. Then slowly roll your left and right shoulders while your
head to the left and then to the KAATSU Air Bands are inflated in the
right. Then slowly roll your head in KAATSU Cycle mode. Breathe deeply.
a clockwise direction and then in a Relax while the KAATSU Air Bands are
counterclockwise direction while your deflated in the KAATSU Cycle mode.
KAATSU Air Bands are inflated in the 9. Do isometric exercises like placing
KAATSU Cycle mode. Breathe deeply. both hands on your arm rests and
Relax while the KAATSU Air Bands are press down for a few seconds while
deflated in the KAATSU Cycle mode. contracting your muscles. Rest and
relax, then repeat.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


10. Place the palms of your hands 5. Slowly do 10-15 Leg Extensions in a
together and push your hands steady motion while your KAATSU Air
together for a few seconds. Then, rest, Bands are inflated in the KAATSU Cycle
relax and repeat. mode. Breathe deeply. Relax while
11. Grasp the fingers of your hands your KAATSU Air Bands are deflated.
and pull your hands apart for a few Repeat as desired.
seconds. Then rest, relax and repeat. 6. Place your hands on your inner thighs
12. Stretch your upper body or torso as and slowly push outwards as you push
you desire and are able. your legs inwards against the force
of your hands while the KAATSU Air
LOWER BODY JET LAG EXERCISES: Bands are inflated in the KAATSU Cycle
Note: Doing KAATSU on your legs is much mode. Breathe deeply. Relax while the
easier in a business or first class seat and KAATSU Air Bands are deflated. Repeat
most difficult or impossible while in the the Inward Leg Squeezes as desired.
middle seat in economy class. 7. Place your hands on your outer thighs
1. Place the KAATSU Air Bands on your and slowly push inwards as you push
upper legs. your legs outwards against the force
of your hands while the KAATSU Air
2. Do 2-4 KAATSU Cycles, ideally within Bands are inflated in the KAATSU Cycle
30-60 minutes of boarding the mode. Breathe deeply. Relax while the
airplane. KAATSU Air Bands are deflated. Repeat
3. You can do all or any the following the Outward Leg Squeezes as desired.
KAATSU exercises while sitting in your 8. Contract your upper leg muscles
seat during flight: (quadriceps and hamstrings) while the
¾¾ Heel Raises KAATSU Air Bands are inflated in the
¾¾ Leg Extensions KAATSU Cycle mode and repeat.
¾¾ Inward Leg Squeezes Some of these exercises are
¾¾ Outward Leg Squeezes demonstrated below. These same
¾¾ Isometric Contractions exercises can be done in your office while
4. Slowly do 10-20 Heel Raises in a steady as work to relieve stress and get some
motion while your KAATSU Air Bands exercise during the day when you are
are inflated in the KAATSU Cycle mode. sitting and being sedentary all day long.
Breathe deeply. Relax while your
KAATSU Air Bands are deflated. Repeat
as desired.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


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ince 2001, Japanese researchers confirmed what KAATSU Specialists have
long known: that low-intensity exercise with KAATSU Air Bands leads to
muscle growth and stamina gains. These findings were confirmed using
U.S. elite military personnel [photos below].

Improvements in strength, speed and

stamina have been long known to KAATSU
Specialists since the 1980’s.
Many researchers between 2000 - 2005
tested KAATSU Walking with MRI-measured
muscle size and strength (maximum dynamic
or one repetition maximum) and isometric
strength along with blood hormonal
parameters. Testing was done on both
control groups and experimental groups of
subjects ranging from young men to older
The testing was done using 2-minute bouts of
treadmill speed of 50 meters per minute.
The researchers found a multitude of benefits
and changes among the experimental
KAATSU users while there was no change
in muscle size and dynamic and isometric
strength in the control group..
1. Serum growth hormone was elevated after
KAATSU Walking with the experimental
group, but not with the non-KAATSU
control group.
2. MRI-measured thigh muscle cross-
sectional area and muscle volume
increased by 4 - 7%.
3. One repetition maximum and maximum
isometric strength increased between 8 -

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Furthermore, indicators of A&M University studied concurrent improvements

muscle damage (creatine the effects of KAATSU in strength and endurance,
kinase and myoglobin) and Walking to improve aerobic they do not always have to
resting anabolic hormones capacity. Dr. Ursprung move, run, swim, cycle or
did not change with both evaluated the effects row at maximum intensity
groups. The researchers of KAATSU Walking on if they strategically use
concluded that KAATSU VO2max, 1.5 mile run KAATSU equipment.
Walking induces muscle times, and muscular size
While movement or
hypertrophy and strength at low training volumes
exercises with KAATSU
gain despite the minimum and intensities with airman
equipment performed
level of exercise intensity from the U.S. Air Force
with intensity will result in
after 3 weeks, and that 350th Special Operations
significant physiological
KAATSU Walking may be a and Tactics Training
and athletic improvement,
potentially useful method Squadron.
it is always unnecessary.
for promoting muscle
After three weeks of
hypertrophy for a wide "As long as their
lower extremity KAATSU
range of the population
including the frail and
Walking, the test found technique and
significant improvements athletic form is
in VO2max, significant correct, athletes and
While these benefits decreases in 1.5 mile
have long been known in run time, and significant military personnel
Japan, there have been increases in thigh muscle can realize benefits
many other applications cross sectional area and with KAATSU by
that have since been the researchers concluded moving more
developed and researched that KAATSU Walking
slowly (i.e., walking
that address age-related represents a methodology
skeletal muscle loss for improving aerobic versus running
(sarcopenia) that inhibits capacity, endurance and or swimming at
mobility and increases the muscular size at low a moderate pace
risk of developing several training volumes and versus swimming
diseases such as diabetes, intensities.
osteoporosis and heart
at maximum
This conclusion mirrored speed) rather than
the applications for
always going all-
As the implications of KAATSU that many far
KAATSU protocols began forward-thinking coaches out," explains Steven
to be appreciated by the and trainers have known Munatones. "Perhaps
United States military, and used. For military this lowered intensity is
researchers like Dr. personnel and athletes appropriate after injuries
William Ursprung at Texas who are looking for or immediately after a
competition or during a

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


taper phase of training. For example, instead of attaching standard KAATSU

Perhaps this slower pace only going all-out sprints Air Bands on the hind
or raw speed is simply with KAATSU, runners, legs of goats in northern
more appropriate during cyclists, swimmers, China under the auspices
different parts of any rowers and skiers can of China's State General
specific workout when an practice at more moderate Administration of Sports,
athlete is working on their pace - which means that the government agency
technique or form." KAATSU can be done more responsible for sports in
frequently and with less China that also administers
This phenomena means
resultant fatigue. the Chinese Olympic
that the implications
and applications of The same effects of
KAATSU usage expands KAATSU have been found Kenneth McKeever,
significantly. When benefits with other KAATSU-using Ph.D., FACSM serves as
and improvements can mammals like horses, the Associate Director
be achieved at any speed, mice, rats, and goats in of Research and is a
pace or level of intensity, testing performed in Japan Professor of Animal
coaches and athletes can and China. Sciences at The Rutgers
be much more flexible and Equine Science Center. The
The photo above show
creative in their training Center is part of Rutgers,
Chinese scientists
decisions. The State University

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


of New Jersey, and is Professor McKeever and samples were obtained

dedicated to better horse his fellow researchers before the first acute
care through research delved into the efficacy of exercise and 5, 15 and
and education to advance KAATSU being used as both 60 minutes afterwards.
the well-being and as a therapeutic method as Serum somatotropin
performance of horses and well as a training aid. The concentration was
the equine industry. purpose of their study was determined using a
to investigate the effects commercially available
Since 1995, Professor
of slow KAATSU Walking on equine-specific ELISA kit.
McKeever has proceeded
muscle and tendon size.
to build, develop, and The professors found
coordinate one of the most They studied 6 healthy, that the acute increase in
active Equine Exercise unfit Standardbred plasma somatotropin was
Physiology laboratories mares performed walking 40% greater (P<0.05) in
in the USA. One of the (240 meters/minute for the KAATSU Walking group
most interesting studies 10 minutes and then a than in the Control-walking
that Professor McKeever 5-minute recovery) with group 5 minutes after
conducted in collaboration KAATSU, and 6 mares exercise and remained
with his colleagues performed walking without elevated (P<0.05) at 15
Professors Abe, Kearns, KAATSU. The KAATSU Air and 60 minutes post
Filho and Sato of the Bands - the same model exercise compared with
Department of Exercise and type that were used by the Control-walking group.
and Sport Science at humans and with the goats After 2 weeks of training,
the Tokyo Metropolitan in China - were inflated muscle thickness increased
University and the using KAATSU equipment (P<0.05) 3.5% in the
Department of Ischemic and placed at the most KAATSU Walking group,
Circulatory Physiology at proximal position of the but did not change in the
The University of Tokyo in forelegs and inflated to a Control-walking group
Japan. pressure of 200-230 mmHg (0.7%). Tendon thickness
throughout the KAATSU did not change (P>0.05) in
His study on this topic of
walking and recovery either group.
using standard KAATSU
Air Bands - the same used They concluded that these
on humans - is entitled The training was data demonstrate that
Muscle, tendon, and conducted once a day, 6 KAATSU can induce muscle
somatotropin responses days/week for 2 weeks. hypertrophy in horses
to the restriction of muscle Skeletal muscle thickness and suggest that KAATSU
blood flow induced by and tendon thickness may provide significant
KAATSU-walk training that were measured using therapeutic/rehabilitative
was published in Equine B-mode ultrasound at value in horses, as has
Exercise Physiology. baseline and after 2 weeks been shown in humans.
of training. Venous blood

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.




Day 1 and Day 7 Photos AATSU Master
Before and after photos of a young female's toes Specialist David Tawil
- one week of doing daily KAATSU protocols, 20 utilizes the KAATSU
minutes per day Cycle on his handheld
KAATSU Nano for a wide
variety of purposes, from
increasing the range of
motion and strength for
paraplegics to improving
the muscular strength
of Olympic athletes. He
does this utilizing the
KAATSU Cycle mode on a
daily basis with individual
sessions no longer than
20 minutes each. The
efficiency and efficacy of
his protocols are unheard
Day 4 and Day 9 Photos of.
Before and after photos of a young female’s toes
after doing the daily KAATSU protocols, 20 minutes Tawil also utilizes the
per day KAATSU Cycle to help the
body heal itself of unsightly
problems as varied as
improving and eliminating
toenail fungus.
Toenail fungus is an
infection that gets in
through cracks in the nail or
cuts in the skin. The toenails
change color or become
thicker while it can cause

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Because toes are often warm and damp, fungus

grows well there. Different kinds of fungi and
sometimes yeast affect different parts of the nail. The result was
"The photos above show the progress Victoria the elimination
is experiencing with her toenail fungus," Tawil
explained. "When I first started the KAATSU Cycle
of edema
Self-Care Protocols, she had fungus, ingrowths, (swelling was
dead skin, facia and overall stagnation. After
treating comfortably and easily over the last few reduced via
weeks, she is now enjoying stretchy new skin.
We combined KAATSU Cycles with coconut oil,
oregano, magnesium and salt for their antiseptic, more curling
antibacterial, antifungal and antibiotic properties. of the toenails
While doing KAATSU Cycles with the KAATSU Nano,
we gently stretched the toe, her skin, the ankle
with oil,
joint, and her overall foot. We also gave her a magnesium,
magnesium and salt bath for additional antiseptic
properties that enabled her local muscles to relax. salt, toenail
This combination initially led to a total removal clippers, and
of stagnation that stopped the fungus in its path.
She moisturized her skin with oils and greatly the elimination
improved the blood circulation with KAATSU
of fungus
Concurrently, she continued to flex and stretch with KAATSU,
her toes, feet and ankles and kept her feet
and toes clean. We could have also added the
antiseptics, and
standard KAATSU 3-point Leg Protocols (e.g., Heel good hygiene.
Raises + Leg Curls + Quarter Squats) if she had
wanted, but these exercises are entirely optional.
In summary, the KAATSU Cycle Self-Care Protocol
is simple: essentially, clean, hydrate, oxygenate
with KAATSU Cycles.
The result was the elimination of edema (swelling
was reduced via KAATSU), no more curling of the
toenails with oil, magnesium, salt, toenail clippers,
and the elimination of fungus with KAATSU,
antiseptics, and good hygiene."

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



or optimal results from strained, Arm Protocols
sprained or broken fingers or 1. Manually tighten your KAATSU Air
broken toes, especially with Bands on your arms to the appropriate
hairline fractures, KAATSU can be used Base SKU (pressure).
an ideal rehabilitation methodology 2. Inflate the KAATSU Air Bands on your
and recovery modality. arms to your personalized Optimal
Key Points 3. Start with a conservative (i.e., low)
• Do KAATSU Cycles on all four limbs for SKU on the first KAATSU Cycle. Then
optimal systemic results. proceed with higher and higher SKU
levels on the next several subsequent
• Do KAATSU Cycles at least once KAATSU Cycles. For example, do 100
per day, but ideally twice per day. SKU for the first KAATSU Cycle, then
Optimally, do KAATSU Cycles once in 150 SKU on the second KAATSU Cycle,
the morning and once again within an then 200 SKU on the third KAATSU
hour of going to bed. If there is time, Cycle, etc.
doing KAATSU Cycles in the middle of {{ Note: Even if the first or second
the day is also recommended. KAATSU Cycles do not feel tight
• During each KAATSU session, first do enough, it is perfectly acceptable to
KAATSU Cycles on your arms (whether start at a low SKU pressure. This will
or not you have broken bones in your help warm-up your capillaries and
upper or lower body). Then proceed prepare them for higher and more
with KAATSU Cycles on your legs. effective SKU levels.

• Always be very well-hydrated when 4. Each KAATSU Cycle on the KAATSU

you do KAATSU. Well-hydrated means Nano includes 8 repetitions of 20
your urine is clear or nearly clear. seconds of pressure followed by 5
seconds of no pressure in sequentially
• Do KAATSU only on the injured limb increasing pressures (e.g., 100 SKU
for the first few (or several) KAATSU on the first repetition, 110 SKU on
Cycles for the first days. Later, you the second repetition, 120 SKU on the
can simultaneously and use place the third repetition, etc. to the 8th and last
KAATSU Air Bands on both limbs (both repetition).
healthy and injured limbs). {{ Note 1: on the KAATSU Wearables
• Consult with your personal physician and KAATSU Cycle 2.0 units, there
before starting KAATSU, especially if are 8 repetitions of 30 seconds
there is a compound fracture. followed by 5 seconds on no

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


{{ Note 2: on the KAATSU Master 2.0,

there are five standard SKU Levels
and one customizable SKU Level.
1. Do 3-6 of these KAATSU Cycles on your
arms. This will take 9-18 minutes total.
These are called Cycle 20 (indicating
20 seconds of pressure) or Cycle 30
indicating 30 seconds of pressure).
2. During these KAATSU Cycles, you
can do standard physical therapy
{{ Note 1: You can also do isometric
exercises or simply contract your
arm muscles in the positive and
negative direction during exercise.
{{ Note 2: You can also do the KAATSU blood pressure cuffs keep blood out
3-Point Arm Exercises (i.e., Hand of your arms by restricting arterial
Clenches if possible, followed by flow. KAATSU Air Bands function
Biceps Curls, and then Triceps as the opposite of tourniquets and
Extensions). blood pressure cuffs. KAATSU Air
3. After the first 2-3 days, you can add Bands modify the venous flow - or
longer KAATSU Cycles. This is called blood flow from your limbs back to
Cycle 60 (i.e., 60 seconds of pressure your torso.
on followed by 20 seconds of pressure {{ Note 2: Never feel numbness while
off). In order to do Cycle 60, go to the doing KAATSU or allow your hands
KAATSU Training mode and manually or arms to turn white, gray or blue.
input 1 minute (60 seconds) and select In these cases, immediately release
an appropriate SKU level (e.g., 250 SKU the pressure and take off the
for 60 seconds). KAATSU Air Bands.
4. Constantly confirm your CRT (Capillary
Refill Time, see photo above) on the {{ Note 3: There should ALWAYS be a
palms of the hands and make sure pink color or a beefy red color in
your CRT is faster than 3 seconds. Your your hands and arms when doing
palms should be pink or even a beefy Cycle 20 or Cycle 60. This indicates
red color. There should be significant blood pooling in the limbs, bringing
blood pooling in your arms with your fresh blood to the capillaries of
veins distended. your entire arm.
{{ Note 1: Never occlude blood flow 5. Remove the KAATSU Air Bands on your
to your arms. KAATSU Air Bands arms and rehydrate. Then apply the
are not a tourniquet. Tourniquet or KAATSU Air Bands on your legs.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Leg Protocols the Advanced KAATSU 3-Point

1. Manually tighten the KAATSU Air Bands Leg Exercises (i.e., Heel Raises if
on your legs to the appropriate Base possible, followed by Standing Leg
SKU (pressure). Curls and then Non-Lock Quarter
2. Inflate the KAATSU Air Bands on your Squats).
legs to your personalized Optimal SKU. {{ Note 4: You can walk comfortably
3. Start with a conservative (i.e., low) inside or outside or steadingly on a
SKU on the first KAATSU Cycle. Then treadmill.
proceed with higher and higher SKU
levels on the next several subsequent 6. After the first 2-3 days, you can add
KAATSU Cycles. For example, do 150 longer KAATSU Cycles. This is called
SKU for the first KAATSU Cycle, then Cycle 60 (i.e., 60 seconds of pressure
200 SKU on the second KAATSU Cycle, on followed by 20 seconds of pressure
then 250 SKU on the third KAATSU off). In order to do Cycle 60, go to the
Cycle, etc. KAATSU Training mode and manually
{{ Note: Even if the first or second input 1 minute (60 seconds) and select
KAATSU Cycles do not feel tight an appropriate SKU level (e.g., 250 SKU
enough, it is perfectly acceptable to for 60 seconds).
start at a low SKU pressure. This will 7. Constantly confirm your CRT (Capillary
help warm-up your capillaries and Refill Time) on the quadriceps above
prepare them for higher and more your knees or near your ankles on
effective SKU levels. your calves. Make sure your CRT
remains faster than 3 seconds. Your
4. Do 3-6 of these KAATSU Cycles on your feet and legs should be pink or even
legs. This will take 9-18 minutes total. a beefy red color. There should be
5. During these KAATSU Cycles, you significant blood pooling in your legs
can do standard physical therapy with your veins distended, particularly
movements. visible in your feet.
{{ Note 1: You can also do isometric {{ Note 1: Never occlude blood flow to
exercises or simply contract your your legs.
leg muscles in the positive and
negative direction during exercise. {{ Note 2: Never feel numbness while
doing KAATSU or allow your feets
{{ Note 2: You can also do the or legs to turn white, gray or blue.
Standard KAATSU 3-Point Leg In these cases, immediately release
Exercises (i.e., Toe curls if possible, the pressure and take off the
followed by Toe Raises if possible, KAATSU Air Bands.
and then Leg Curls).
8. Remove the KAATSU Air Bands on your
{{ Note 3: You can alternatively do legs and rehydrate.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Before Bed Arm Protocols to Sleep Better 4. During these evening KAATSU Cycles,
you can do forward shoulder rolls,
with KAATSU Cycles
backward shoulder rolls, head
In order to get better quality sleep, follow
rotations, and deltoid and triceps
the night time KAATSU Sleep Protocols:
stretching. Note: Movements before
1. Manually tighten your KAATSU Air bedtime should be casual and light.
Bands on your arms. Do not do anything too vigorous and
2. Inflate the KAATSU Air Bands on your difficult like push-ups or squats.
arms to GROUP (G) on the LOW (L) 5. If you wish to feel a slight pump in
pressure level. your arms or legs, you can slowly
3. Continue with this conservative contract your muscles during the
pressure level - or proceed to higher KAATSU Cycles.
pressure levels on the subsequent 6. You can do the same protocols if you
KAATSU Cycles. For example, do wish to have a great nap in the middle
GROUP (G) on the MEDIUM (M) level of the day.
on the next KAATSU Cycle, then GROUP 7. If you want to get some exercise after
(G) on the HIGH (H) level on the next dinner, go for a leisurely walk using
KAATSU Cycle. Note: Even if the first or the GROUP (G) LOW pressure level.
second KAATSU Cycles do not feel tight
enough, it is acceptable to start at a
low SKU pressure.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



he standard protocol for muscle injuries, including groin pulls and strains,
is RICE (Rest + Ice + Compression + Elevation). Depending on the severity
of the injury, individuals may want or need additional treatments to speed
healing that can include: physical therapy, massage, heat and stretching, and
But in the KAATSU community, KAATSU can play a significant role in healing and
speeding up recovery from groin injuries (i.e., an injury or tear to the adductor (inner
side) muscles of the thigh).
Whether a groin strain is experienced by a water polo player or an older adult,
KAATSU is a very effective modality for significantly reducing the pain factor during
recovery. For optimal results, KAATSU can be used as follows:

Key Points of this can be done at Then proceed with

• Do KAATSU Cycles on all your home, office or KAATSU Cycles on your
four limbs for optimal during travel. legs.
systemic (overall) • Do KAATSU only on the • Always be very well-
results. injured limb for the hydrated when you do
• Do KAATSU Cycles at first few (or several) KAATSU. Well-hydrated
least once per day, but KAATSU Cycles for the means your urine is
ideally twice per day. first days. Later, you clear or nearly clear.
Optimally, do KAATSU can simultaneously and
• Consult with your
Cycles once in the use place the KAATSU
personal physician
morning and once again Air Bands on both
before starting KAATSU,
within an hour of going limbs (both healthy and
especially if you think
to bed. If there is time, injured limbs).
you may have a Grade
doing KAATSU Cycles in • During each KAATSU 3 strain that may need
the middle of the day session, first do KAATSU surgery to repair the
can also be added - all Cycles on your arms. torn muscle or tendon.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Arm Protocols 5. Do 3-6 of these KAATSU Cycles on your

1. Manually tighten your KAATSU Air arms. This will take 9-18 minutes total.
Bands on your arms to the appropriate These are called Cycle 20 (indicating
Base SKU (pressure). 20 seconds of pressure) or Cycle 30
2. Inflate the KAATSU Air Bands on your indicating 30 seconds of pressure).
arms to your personalized Optimal 6. During these KAATSU Cycles, you
SKU. can do standard physical therapy
3. Start with a conservative (i.e., low) movements.
SKU on the first KAATSU Cycle. Then {{ Note 1: You can also do isometric
proceed with higher and higher SKU exercises or simply contract your
levels on the next several subsequent arm muscles in the positive and
KAATSU Cycles. For example, do 100 negative direction during exercise.
SKU for the first KAATSU Cycle, then {{ Note 2: You can also do the KAATSU
150 SKU on the second KAATSU Cycle, 3-Point Arm Exercises (i.e., Hand
then 200 SKU on the third KAATSU Clenches if possible, followed by
Cycle, etc. Biceps Curls, and then Triceps
{{ Note: Even if the first or second Extensions).
KAATSU Cycles do not feel tight
enough, it is perfectly acceptable to 7. After the first 2-3 days, you can add
start at a low SKU pressure. This will longer KAATSU Cycles. This is called
help warm-up your capillaries and Cycle 60 (i.e., 60 seconds of pressure
prepare them for higher and more on followed by 20 seconds of pressure
effective SKU levels. off). In order to do Cycle 60, go to the
KAATSU Training mode and manually
4. Each KAATSU Cycle on the KAATSU input 1 minute (60 seconds) and select
Nano includes 8 repetitions of 20 an appropriate SKU level (e.g., 250 SKU
seconds of pressure followed by 5 for 60 seconds).
seconds of no pressure in sequentially 8. Constantly confirm your CRT (Capillary
increasing pressures (e.g., 100 SKU Refill Time) on the palms of the hands
on the first repetition, 110 SKU on and make sure your CRT is faster
the second repetition, 120 SKU on the than 3 seconds. Your palms should be
third repetition, etc. to the 8th and last pink or even a beefy red color. There
repetition). should be significant blood pooling in
{{ Note 1: on the KAATSU Wearables your arms with your veins distended.
and KAATSU Cycle 2.0 units, there {{ Note 1: Never occlude blood flow
are 8 repetitions of 30 seconds to your arms. KAATSU Air Bands
followed by 5 seconds on no are not a tourniquet. Tourniquet or
pressure. blood pressure cuffs keep blood out
{{ Note 2: on the KAATSU Master 2.0, of your arms by restricting arterial
there are five standard SKU Levels flow. KAATSU Air Bands function as
and one customizable SKU Level. the opposite of tourniquets and

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{{ blood pressure cuffs. KAATSU Air Bands modify the venous flow - or blood flow
from your limbs back to your torso.
{{ Note 2: Never feel numbness while doing KAATSU or allow your hands or arms
to turn white, gray or blue. In these cases, immediately release the pressure
and take off the KAATSU Air Bands.
{{ Note 3: There should ALWAYS be a pink color or a beefy red color in your hands
and arms when doing Cycle 20 or Cycle 60. This indicates blood pooling in the
limbs, bringing fresh blood to the capillaries of your entire arm.
1. Remove the KAATSU Air Bands on your arms and rehydrate. Then apply the
KAATSU Air Bands on your legs.

Leg Protocols 4. Do 3-6 of these KAATSU Cycles on your

1. Manually tighten the KAATSU Air leg(s). This will take 9-18 minutes total.
Bands on your legs to the appropriate 5. During these KAATSU Cycles, you
Base SKU (pressure). If you feel can do standard physical therapy
uncomfortable placing the leg band movements.
on your injured side, simply place {{ Note 1: You can also do isometric
the bands on your leg/side that is not exercises or contract your leg
injured. muscles in the positive and negative
2. Inflate the KAATSU Air Bands on your direction during exercise.
leg(s) to your personalized Optimal {{ Note 2: You can also do the
SKU. Standard KAATSU 3-Point Leg
3. Start with a conservative (i.e., low) Exercises (i.e., Toe curls if possible,
SKU on the first KAATSU Cycle. Then followed by Toe Raises if possible,
proceed with higher and higher SKU and then Leg Curls).
levels on the next several subsequent
KAATSU Cycles. For example, do 150 {{ Note 3: You can alternatively do
SKU for the first KAATSU Cycle, then the Advanced KAATSU 3-Point
200 SKU on the second KAATSU Cycle, Leg Exercises (i.e., Heel Raises if
then 250 SKU on the third KAATSU possible, followed by Standing Leg
Cycle, etc. Curls and then Non-Lock Quarter
{{ Note: Even if the first or second Squats), if you feel comfortable
KAATSU Cycles do not feel tight doing so
enough, it is perfectly acceptable to
{{ Note 4: You can walk comfortably
start at a low SKU pressure. This will
inside or outside or steadingly on a
help warm-up your capillaries and
prepare them for higher and more
effective SKU levels. 6. After the first 2-3 days, you can

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1. add longer KAATSU Cycles. This is called Cycle 60 (i.e., 60 seconds of pressure
on followed by 20 seconds of pressure off). In order to do Cycle 60, go to the
KAATSU Training mode and manually input 1 minute (60 seconds) and select an
appropriate SKU level (e.g., 250 SKU for 60 seconds).
2. Constantly confirm your CRT (Capillary Refill Time) on the quadriceps above your
knees or near your ankles on your calves. Make sure your CRT remains faster
than 3 seconds. Your feet and legs should be pink or even a beefy red color.
There should be significant blood pooling in your legs with your veins distended,
particularly visible in your feet.
{{ Note 1: Never occlude blood flow to your legs.
{{ Note 2: Never feel numbness while doing KAATSU or allow your feets or legs to
turn white, gray or blue. In these cases, immediately release the pressure and
take off the KAATSU Air Bands.
3. Remove the KAATSU Air Bands on your legs and rehydrate.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



any individuals are initially
attracted to KAATSU due to
cosmetic reasons and weight
loss goals. They simply want to lose
weight or tone their bodies in some

Dr. Yoshiaki Sato, the exercises 10 - 20 times in blood, it takes

inventor of KAATSU, each. incrementally more energy
writes that thigh muscles for our vascular system
Dr. Sato explains, "You
are strengthened and to expand and contract.
can lie flat on your back
legs can be slimmed When more energy is used,
on the floor with your
especially when people more calories are burned
hands clasped behind
are overweight and they which is why daily KAATSU
your head. Lift your legs
experience swelling or usage leads to effective
together straight up from
have loose skin in their body toning."
the floor. Concentrate on
lower body. Swelling is
the muscles of your inner If this is not possible in
relieved by promoting
thigh and open your legs the beginning, you can do
blood circulation - which is
as widely as possible and simple KAATSU Walking
what KAATSU can achieve
then slowly close them 10- (i.e., walking comfortably
for people.
20 times. with the KAATSU Leg Bands
In order to strengthen on) for up to 20 minutes
It will not be easy in the
your inner thighs, you can - or even more simply the
beginning, but your legs
spin on a stationary bicycle KAATSU 3-Point Exercises
will gradually get stronger.
or casually do KAATSU for the Legs.
Walking for 10-20 minutes When the veins and
- or do these following capillaries are engorged

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These simple exercises have been performed safely

and effectively among millions of individual KAATSU
sessions among people of all ages and abilities with
myriad physical conditions or ailments.
The KAATSU Air Bands as safely possible to the exercise for both the arms
should be placed snugly on level where your knees and legs. After the Base
your legs. Snugly means touch each other. Then SKU (manually applied
that you can put one finger slowly return to the pressure) is established,
between the KAATSU Air standing position in order then the KAATSU 3-point
Bands and your skin - but to strengthen the muscles Exercises is a means to
not two or three fingers. of your outer thighs." determine if the Optimal
If you can put two or SKU (inflated pressure of
KAATSU 3-point Exercises
three fingers between the the pneumatic bands) is
are a fundamental part
bands and your skin, the appropriate (read a more
of the standard KAATSU
bands should be manually detailed explanation here).
protocol for your legs.
tightened a bit more.
Alternatively, especially
Dr. Sato first established
Dr. Sato continues, "You for Baby Boomers and
and fine-tuned the KAATSU
can also stand straight adults who are being
3-point Exercises during
with your arms placed on reconditioned back to a
the 1970s for individuals
your hips. Spread your legs state of wellness through a
of all ages and from all
wider than your shoulders simple exercise program,
backgrounds whether
and stand with your toes the KAATSU 3-point
they are athletes or de-
pointed outward. While Exercises can consist
conditioned overweight
exhaling, lower your hips of their entire KAATSU
individuals. These simple
slowly as low as you can training program.
exercises have been
safely go. Then return to
performed safely and When the KAATSU 3-point
your standing position in
effectively among millions Exercises are performed,
order to strengthen the
of individual KAATSU the exercises can be
muscles of your inner
sessions among people of performed either on
all ages and abilities with a KAATSU Master or a
Alternatively, you can myriad physical conditions KAATSU Nano or a KAATSU
stand straight with your or ailments. Cycle unit. The KAATSU
arms placed on your hips. 3-point Exercises can
The KAATSU 3-point
Spread your legs wider be performed while the
Exercises can either be
than your shoulders and user is either tethered
used to help determine
turn your toes inward. (connected) or untethered
the optimal SKU pressure
Lower your hips as much (disconnected) to the units.
or as a form of basic
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.

KAATSU Leg 3-point Exercises The Advanced KAATSU 3-point Exercises

The KAATSU 3-point Exercises for the for the legs are alternatively used by
legs are either defined as Standard or more fit or active individuals or for those
Advanced. individuals with more experience in
KAATSU. These 3 basic exercises includes
The Standard KAATSU 3-point Exercises heel raises, leg curls and squats. The
for the legs involves toe curls, toe raises, heel raises can be done while sitting or
and heel raises. These are all performed standing. The leg curls can be performed
while the user is seated comfortably while standing and holding onto a chair
with good posture on a chair. In general, or balancing against a wall. The squats (or
these are preferred for older or less "chair touches") can be performed while
fit individuals or those just starting an bending the knees to touch a chair and
exercise program or KAATSU. then popping back up.

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Ideally, the squats are "non-lock" (partial

extension) so that the muscles are constantly
engaged and there is no rest while the knees are
"locked" straight (in a full extension). This will
build up fatigue and lactic acid more quickly.
Each set of exercises should be done 3-4 times
each with a maximum of 20 seconds between
each set. Ideally, the number of repetitions for
each exercise decreases before the user reaches
muscular or technical failure (or fatigues).
That is, an ideal set would be 25-30 repetitions
on set #1, 10-15 repetitions on set #2, and 5-10
repetitions on set #3. Even if only 1-2 repetitions
are completed on the last set, this failure signal
sent to the central nervous system is one of the
goals of KAATSU.

KAATSU Arm 3-point Exercises [illustrations posted

The KAATSU 3-point Exercises for the arms
involves hand clenches, bicep curls and tricep
extensions. Each set of exercises is done 3 times
each with a maximum of 20 seconds rest between
each set. Ideally, the number of repetitions for
each exercise decreases before the user reaches
muscular or technical failure.* But users do
not have to go incredibly hard. It can be casual
movement and muscle toning and body slimming
can be achieved.
That is, an ideal set would be 25-30 repetitions
on set #1, 10-15 repetitions on set #2, and 5-10
repetitions on set #3. Even if only 1-2 repetitions
are completed on the last set, this failure signal
sent to the central nervous system is one of the
goals of KAATSU.
* Technical failure is defined when the individual
starts to do improper technique (movement) due
to an increasing sense of fatigue. At this point, the
set is stopped.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



any people interchangeably refer to KAATSU as BFR and BFR as KAATSU.
This article serves to explain in easy-to-understand, non-medical terms, why
this assumption is incorrect and this definition is medically and technically
wrong. In summary, KAATSU is not BFR and BFR is not KAATSU (read here) for various

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KAATSU (or 加圧 in Japanese): translated as

First, let's review the vernacular additional pressure in English.
used for both BFR and KAATSU:
Blood Flow Restriction (or BFR): a training
Restriction (noun): something strategy that involves the use of blood
that restricts, an act of restricting, pressure cuffs, tourniquets or occlusion
the condition of being restricted wraps placed proximally around a limb
from the Merriam-Webster online that maintains some arterial inflow while
dictionary occluding venous return during exercise or
Occlusion (noun): the act of
occluding (or close up or block off The Doppler ultrasound images above show
or obstruct) from the Merriam- the arm's artery and vein of a male using
Webster online dictionary KAATSU Air Bands at different pressures.
The ultrasound shows that the blood flow
Patent: open, unobstructed, from the torso to the arm (arterial flow in the
affording free passage from artery) and the blood flow back from the arm
MedicineNet to the torso (venous flow in the vein) remain
open and not occluded or restricted.
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.

Borg Scale; but, if there is numbness, the

BFR advocates recommend loosening the
In contrast, KAATSU starts at homeostasis
or the stable state of equilibrium in the
body with complete patent (i.e., open)
arteries and veins. From this point, the
"KAATSU Cycle" is used to very gradually
and precisely increase the pressure until
an "optimal pressure" for each person
and each limb is reached (note: the
pressure on each limb can be different if
there is an injury or significant difference
in limb strength, range of motion, or
That is, BFR starts at the point of
occlusion where there is no arterial blood
flow to the limbs - but KAATSU starts at
the point of homeostasis where there is
Second, how is the pressure in BFR and complete and open arterial blood flow to
KAATSU determined? the limbs.

BFR is commonly started by occluding Even when the KAATSU Air Bands have
the brachial systolic blood pressure in significant air pressure inside them,
the arms or the femoral systolic blood there is no occlusion of arterial or venous
pressure in the legs. Once this pressure, flow [see photos above and read here].
measured in mmHg, is determined, The KAATSU Air Bands are specifically
then the BFR bands are set at a certain designed to allow this condition to occur
percentage of that pressure measured even at the highest KAATSU pressure
in mmHG. In other words, BFR starts possible.
by cutting off the arterial flow from the Decades of trials and testing with
torso to the limbs - and then proceeding different material types, material
with exercise or rehabilitation at a lower elasticities, and widths enabled the
pressure. KAATSU inventor, Dr. Yoshiaki Sato to
Some BFR advocates, with inexpensive come up with this innovative design.
equipment, recommend using the Borg KAATSU protocols were tested and
Scale; a simple self-determination of studied at the University of Tokyo
the perceived exertion on a scale of 1 to Hospital under the supervision of trained
10. The ideal tightness for these BFR (or and experienced cardiologists including
Occlusion) bands is reportedly 7 on the Doctors Nakajima and Morita.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Third, the structure and composition

of the bands are significantly different
than all the other BFR and Occlusion
Bands on the market today.
BFR or Occlusion bands are
engineered to cut off or restrict blood
flow - similar to blood pressure cuffs.
Their structure and materials are
purposefully designed to achieve this
objective. The width of the bands
apply a pressure that is effective in
reducing or restricting arterial flow.

In contrast, the KAATSU Air Bands are specifically engineered to maintain arterial
flow, and only modify the venous flow. The width and the center axis of the inflated
KAATSU Air Bands are significantly different than BFR / Occlusion Bands or modified
tourniquets / cuffs. This means that the pressure transmission region of the KAATSU
Air Bands - especially within the limb on the arteries and veins, is significantly less
than the larger / wider BFR bands.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Larger pressure transmission

region and effects of BFR bands.

Smaller, narrower pressure

transmission region of KAATSU
Air Bands.
When the optimal pressure in
reached with the KAATSU Air
Bands, the KAATSU users see
a pinkness or a beefy redness
in their limbs as the blood fills
the capillary vascular space.
When the limbs are moved in
this state, there is alternating
distension and emptying of
the venous/capillary vascular

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


The KAATSU Air Bands gradually apply Professor William VanWye of Western
pressure to the veins. This modifies Kentucky University, and Johnny
the venous outflow in the limbs. As the Owens of Owens Recovery Science (the
pressure increases during the KAATSU exclusive distributor of the Delfi Portable
Cycle mode, this modification of the Tourniquet System for Blood Flow
venous outflow eventually modifies the Restriction equipment). They presented
arterial inflow. As exercise or movement a study called Pressure Needed to
continues with the KAATSU Air Bands on, Achieve Complete Arterial Occlusion:
the blood flow into the limbs must soon A Comparison of Two Devices Used for
match the (venous) blood flow out of Blood Flow Restriction Training [see
the limbs. Give about 80% of the body's above].
blood is in the venous system, there is
The researchers concluded the wider cuff
some capacitance for holding extra blood
of the Delfi Portable Tourniquet System
in the limb, and when that capacity is
for Blood Flow Restriction is able to
reached, the blood flow in must match
restrict arterial blood flow at significantly
the blood flow out of the limb.
lower pressures compared to the narrow
Physiologically, exercise becomes cuffs [KAATSU Air Bands] using the
unsustainable when light and easy KAATSU Master. The key finding of this
exercises or movement (e.g., KAATSU study is as follows:
Walking or unweighted KAATSU limb
“We were unable to achieve complete
movements) are conducted with this
arterial occlusion in any participant with
impeded circulation. The pO2 and pH
the KAATSU cuff.”
gradually (or quickly, depending on the
KAATSU intensity) drop to critical levels The KAATSU equipment is designed
with even mild exercise. Additionally, and is specifically manufactured to
higher levels of lactate are generated avoid arterial occlusion in the limbs.
during KAATSU (compared to non-KAATSU This fact is precisely why KAATSU was
exercise). ATP levels drop as the ADP originally defined by Dr. Yoshiaki Sato, the
and Pi levels rise, and ATP dependant KAATSU inventor, and leading Japanese
electrolyte pumps (e.g. Ca++) cannot cardiologists at the University of Tokyo
maintain proper electrolyte gradients. In Hospital as a Blood Flow Moderation
this state, there are a significant amount (BFM) device. KAATSU equipment is
of metabolite and hormonal changes and specifically not a Blood Flow Restriction
increases that are subsequently realized. (BFR) device.
The fact that KAATSU Air Bands do not While the vernacular nuance between
approach occlusion pressure , nor result BFM and BFR may be overlooked by many
in Blood Flow Restriction, was identified (venous flow modification versus arterial
by Professor Alyssa Weatherholt of flow restriction), the modification of
the University of Southern Indiana, venous flow is critical to understanding

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


“There is no part of the KAATSU

protocols which tries to achieve arterial
occlusion. This is why KAATSU is not BFR,
occlusion training, tourniquet training,
O-training, or any kind of blood flow
restriction modality,”

the safety and goal of KAATSU, as certified and safely compressed by a bed of air.
KAATSU Specialists understand. This principle and practical engineered
solution leads to blood pooling in the
"There is no part of the KAATSU protocols
limb - not arterial occlusion. This fact was
which tries to achieve arterial occlusion.
independently determined by researchers
This is why KAATSU is not BFR, occlusion
and the leading Delfi proponent of BFR.
training, tourniquet training, O-training,
or any kind of blood flow restriction Furthermore, the patented KAATSU Cycle
modality," explains Steven Munatones. allows normal arterial and venous flow
"This is why KAATSU equipment does every 20 seconds which means it is safe,
not use blood pressure cuffs or surgical effective and gentle for people of all ages
tourniquets that are specifically designed (including up to 104 years - see here).
to occlude, or manufactured to restrict
In summary:
arterial flow. Rather, the stretchable
KAATSU Air Bands are designed with 1. The purpose of KAATSU equipment
flexible, elastic air bladders that inflate and its protocols is a reduction
inwards, towards the limb, at very in venous flow via blood flow
moderate pressures to minimally modify moderation, a term first coined in
venous flow. the 1990s by Dr. Sato and Doctors
Nakajima and Morita, cardiologists at
This pressure is gentle on the body and
the University of Tokyo Hospital.
uniform, because the limb is evenly
2. The pneumatically controlled KAATSU

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Air Bands are designed to achieve a reduction

in venous flow, and is a very different
approach from BFR and widely-promoted use
of blood pressure cuffs that are specifically
designed to achieve limb occlusion. KAATSU is
not BFR.
3. When the KAATSU equipment is used, its
users agree to follow the specific protocols as
defined by its inventor, Dr. Sato. Specifically,
KAATSU protocols and equipment are designed
not to occlude.
4. The stretchable, pneumatically controlled
KAATSU Air Bands are not (blood pressure)
cuffs. A cuff is a term that refers to devices
specifically engineered for limb occlusion.
5. KAATSU Specialists understand the importance
of users to know both their Base SKU pressure
and their Optimal SKU pressure while using in
the KAATSU Cycle and KAATSU Training modes.
To refer to KAATSU pressure without reference
to both Base SKU and Optimal SKU pressures
is misleading.
There is another paper written by Jeremy P.
Loenneke, Christopher Fahs, Lindy Rossow,
Robert Thiebaud, Kevin T. Mattocks, Takashi Abe,
and Michael G. Bemben (Blood flow restriction
pressure recommendations: a tale of two
cuffs) that addresses this subject from another
Fourth, proper and safe KAATSU extensively (or
exclusively in most cases) utilizes the patented
KAATSU Cycle mode. In the KAATSU Cycle
mode, there is only 20-30 seconds of pressure
applied at a time. The pressure is regularly and
intermittently released (turned off) - and, most
importantly, the pressure starts off gently and
only gradually increases to the user's optimal
pressure levels. This enables the vascular system
to become more elastic during the session,
enabling a greater vascular capacity to handle
higher pressure and increased blood circulation.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.




mong many young
men - especially those
in the bodybuilding
and strength-training worlds -
believe that KAATSU needs to
be painful and discomforting
in order to realize its benefits
and see improved results.
While this may be true for BFR
(Blood Flow Restriction) training
with occlusion bands or blood
pressure cuffs, this is not true

So while the young man in the above With the KAATSU Cycle, blood pooling
video is pushing himself to extremely is mechanically enabled with the
high intensity levels, this level of exertion KAATSU equipment for between 20-30
- or anything similar - does not need to be seconds (i.e., when your hands are very
the case. pink, rosy or a beefy red with visible
vein distension). Then a repeated and
KAATSU benefits - performed at much
subsequent 5-second total release of
lower levels of intensity - include
the KAATSU Air Band pressure enables a
improved recovery, increased speed of
large venous flow of blood that includes
rehabilitation, effective warm-up and a
the waste products produced during
metabolically efficient way to workout or
the vigorous workouts or intensive
finish off a training session.
competition. This alternate pooling-
Recovery and-release repetition is an easy-to-use
For recovery, the KAATSU Cycle mode means to clear the muscles of waste
provides a very convenient, easy-to-use, products.
and very importantly easy-to-feel means
to recover effectively and efficiently
For rehabilitation, the KAATSU Cycle
after a vigorous workout or intense
mode also provides a very convenient,
easy-to-use, and very importantly easy-to-
observe means to rehabilitate effectively
and efficiently from an injury or surgery.
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.

Benefits such as a lack of muscle atrophy drills and sets that already exist. So, for
and sustained strength and aerobic example, a basketball player can take 10-
conditioning become obvious with two 20 jump shots with the KAATSU Air Bands
or three KAATSU Cycle sessions per day. on. As fatigue sets in, the vertical leap
The KAATSU Cycle sessions can be done will steadily decrease. When the coach
at your home, your office or during or athlete determines that form has
travel, making rehabilitation a constant degradated beyond which is useful, the
throughout the day instead of merely KAATSU Air Bands should be removed.
focusing on rehabilitation during periodic After a brief rest and perhaps a bit of
visits to a physical therapy office. hydration, the athlete should resume his
jump shot drill and see how how and fast
Performance Gains Before Workout or he or she elevates and how smooth his
Competition shooting motion becomes.
For performance gains, the KAATSU
The same can be done with track
Cycle mode provides a very convenient,
athletes, swimmers or any athletes who
easy-to-use, and very importantly easy-
are practicing specific movements (e.g.,
to-feel means to prepare effectively and
starts, wrestling moves, agility drills,
efficiently for a vigorous workout or
jumps, throws, pitches, or sprints). That
intense competition. When the vascular
is, the athletes should fatigue their
system - especially the capillaries that are
muscles and stress their vascular system
ubiquitous in your muscles are engorged
for brief periods within a workout (5-15
with blood, the effectiveness of a warm-
minutes) with the KAATSU Air Bands on.
up is optimized.
Then they should remove the KAATSU Air
That is, doing 3-5 KAATSU Cycles on your Bands and do the same movements in an
arms followed by 3-5 KAATSU Cycles on explosive or intense manner similar what
your legs while stretching or walking they want to do in competition.
around the track, field, gym or pool is an
For example, runners and swimmers can
optimal way to get your vascular system
practice their starts or do a few sprints
and therefore your muscles prepared for
with the KAATSU equipment to the
a workout or competition.
point of fatigue, and then finish off their
Performance Gains During Workout workout without the KAATSU equipment
To experience the inevitable "race pain" - so they finish a workout with optimal
experienced by athletes in competition, performances.
athletes can incorporate KAATSU in
Performance Gains in Lieu of a Workout
the middle or towards the end of their
Special operators in the United States
workouts on the track, field, gym or pool.
Air Force did KAATSU Walking with
Ideally, KAATSU equipment is used to their KAATSU Leg Bands on for 3 weeks
enhance the existing movements or sets in a clinical test conducted at a U.S.
performed in a workout, not necessarily military base under the supervision of
as a replacement for proven workout researchers and scientists.
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.

They did not run as part of their normal training as they typically do. But the
increased vascular elasticity due to the KAATSU Walking led to physiological
improvements. The improvements were demonstrated by increased VO2 max and
faster mile run times across the tested special operators [see photo below].

The ability to significantly decrease the intensity of KAATSU while still seeing
physiological and vascular improvements is a key to sustained use by athletes, people
recovering from injuries or surgeries, older individuals, and those who may not be
psychologically motivated to exercise intensely - or at all.
Of course, for those athletes who are entirely focused on KAATSU performance gains
and am aiming for Olympic medals, world championships, NCAA or professional
sport competitions, intense KAATSU sessions are part of their overall equation - but
not the only part.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.

› Exercise, recover and rehabilitate
anywhere anytime 

› Offers KAATSU Cycle and

KAATSU Training modes

› Ultra compact, ultralight, durable

› Utilizes precise, computer-controlled limb

pressure on both arms, or both legs

› The pneumatic elastic bands can be

“untethered” from the KAATSU unit and
are waterproof, for use in the pool

Unit weighs 3.5 ounces and measures 3.6” x 2.25” x 1” › Utilizes original KAATSU know-how 

› US patent #9,775,619


› Includes 4 KAATSU Air Bands (for arms + legs) › $899.95 (1-yr warranty on device, 6 mo on bands)

› Rechargeable battery with USB-C charger › $979.95 (2-yr warranty on device, 6 mo on bands)

› Tone muscle › Offers 6 pre- › Improves › Offers
without weights  sent KAATSU circulation customizable
Cycle levels KAATSU Training
› Convenient: do › Faster recovery
anywhere, anytime › Improves speed,
› Enables greater
stamina and › Proven safe
› Offers access range of motion
strength for users up to
› Reimbursable with 104 years old
Performance › Incredible
various CPT codes
Database time saver

KAATSU is the world-leader in blood flow moderation training and therapy. Invented in 1966 by Dr. Yoshiaki Sato in
Tokyo, Japan and protected by 47 patents, our equipment and protocols have an impressive and unprecedented safety
track record with over 20 million individual KAATSU sessions in dozens of countries across the globe. From elite
athletes, to baby boomers, and everyone in between, KAATSU is the ultimate biohack for health and rehabilitation.

LEGAL NOTICE—DISCLAIMER Warning: KAATSU Global, Inc. cannot diagnose diseases, prescribe drugs, or recommend treatments
for specific disease conditions and does not dispense medical advice. Any views and ideas expressed are opinions only and
not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical advice or service. You agree that no responsibility or liability will be
incurred to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly
by the information contained within this document. If you have a medical condition, please see a licensed healthcare practitioner.




Thank you very much for your purchase For more information, visit www.kaatsu-
of the global. com and www.kaatsublog.com.
If you have any questions, contact info@
KAATSU Cycle 2.0.
»» KAATSU Cycle 2.0 unit with a KAATSU Training is a patented,
removable belt/ proprietary method where the KAATSU
»» pants/shirt pocket clip Air Bands stay inflated. Because the
»» 2 KAATSU Air Bands for the arms KAATSU Air Bands stay inflated, use is
»» 2 KAATSU Air Bands for the legs limited to 10 minutes on your arms or
»» 2 translucent connector tubes legs.
»» Power adapter
»» USB Type-C connector KAATSU CYCLE
»» Black carrying case KAATSU Cycle is a patented, proprietary
method where the KAATSU Air Bands
HEALTH PRECAUTIONS repeatedly inflate and deflate 8 times.
Before you begin using KAATSU
The inflation continues for 30 seconds
equipment, please confirm your use of
and the deflation continues for 5 seconds.
the KAATSU Cycle 2.0 with your physician
This cycle of pressure on and pressure off
if you take medications, are pregnant or
continues for 8 repetitions (steps). One
have any health or medical issues. You
complete KAATSU Cycle with 8 repetitions
must always strictly follow the KAATSU
is 4 minutes 40 seconds in duration.
usage protocols.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



»» The KAATSU Cycle 2.0 has 6 pre-set Cycle levels.
»» The 6 Cycle levels are separated into GROUP (indicated by G) and PRO (indicated
by P). See the SKU scale below.
»» Each GROUP (G) and PRO (P) level has a Low (L), Middle (M) and High (H) level.
»» It is recommended that users begin at a low SKU level and then use gradually
higher pressures.
»» In each KAATSU Cycle, the pressure increases by 10 SKU in each repetition. This
gradual increase in pressure is healthful and safe.

KAATSU AIR BANDS »» The KAATSU Air Bands on your

»» Connect the translucent tubes to the legs should be placed above your
connector on the KAATSU Air Bands. quadriceps and hamstrings high up on
You should hear a small click when the your legs near your groin.
tube connector is properly connected »» The KAATSU Air Bands should be
with the KAATSU Air Bands. This click placed snugly on your limbs. You
ensures the lock is air tight. should be able to place one finger
»» The KAATSU Air Bands should be between your skin and the KAATSU
placed over your clothes. Air Bands. But if you can place two
»» The KAATSU Air Bands on your arms or more fingers between your skin
should be placed above your biceps and the KAATSU Air Bands, you may
and above your triceps below your want to slightly tighten the KAATSU Air
deltoids (shoulder muscles) near your Bands.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



START AND USE CYCLE MODE »» In the G mode under LOW setting, GL1 first
1. Hold the ON/OFF appears in the first step, GL2 appears during
button down for 3 the second step GL3 appears in the third
seconds to turn on step, GL4 appears during the fourth step, GL5
KAATSU Cycle 2.0. appears in the fifth step, GL6 appears during
2. CYCLE appears on the seventh step, and GL8 appears in the eighth
the screen. step. G stands for GROUP; L stands for LOW; the
3. To use the G numbers indicate the step number.
(GROUP) mode, »» This same pattern is also used for the MEDIUM
press the G button and HIGH settings. So GM1 is the first step of
on the face of the the GROUP MEDIUM mode; GM2 is the second
KAATSU Cycle 2.0. step of the GROUP MEDIUM mode. Similarly,
GROUP appears on GH1 is the first step of the GROUP HIGH mode;
the screen. GH2 is the second step of the GROUP HIGH
4. To use the P (PRO) mode.
mode, press the P »» This pattern is also used for the PRO mode. So
button on the face PL1 is the first step of the PRO LOW mode; PL2
of the KAATSU Cycle is the second step of the PRO MEDIUM mode.
2.0. PRO appears on Similarly, PH1 is the first step of the PRO HIGH
the screen. mode; PH2 is the second step of the PRO HIGH
5. In both the G and P mode.
mode, press the L »» Three digits follow the mode settings. These
button on top of the numbers indicate the SKU (Standard KAATSU
KAATSU Cycle 2.0 in Units) pressure. So GM7 200 means that there
order to use in the is 200 SKU pressure in the GROUP MEDIUM
LOW setting. mode and PH1 180 means that there is 180 SKU
6. In both the G and P pressure in the PROFESSIONAL HIGH mode.
button on top of the 1. To change between the GROUP (G) mode and
KAATSU Cycle 2.0 in the PRO (P) mode, press either G or P with a
order to use in the short press (1 second).
MEDIUM setting. 2. Then press LOW (L) or MEDIUM (M) or HIGH (H)
7. In either the G and to start in a new mode.
P mode, press the H
button on top of the
1. The unit will stop automatically at the end of the
KAATSU Cycle 2.0 in
eighth repetition. Each Cycle ends with a double
order to use in the
HIGH setting.
2. If you wish to manually stop the unit during the
KAATSU Cycle, press the ON/OFF button.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



The SKU levels should remain as is stored on the unit. However, in some situations,
you or your KAATSU Specialist may want to decrease or increase the SKU levels.
In this case, you can manually change the HIGH SKU levels in the GROUP or
1. To change the SKU levels, go to either GROUP (G) or PRO (P).
2. Press the HIGH (H) button in a long press (3 seconds) to set a new SKU level.
3. The pre-set SKU level will flash on the screen. For example, in the PH8 mode, the
pre-set SKU level is 400 SKU. On the screen PH8 400 will appear flashing.
4. To decrease the pre-set SKU level by 10 SKU, press the G button and press the ON/
OFF button. Repeatedly press GROUP (G) to decrease the SKU levels by more than
10 SKU. Each press will decrease the SKU by 10.
5. To increase the pre-set SKU levels by 10 SKU, press the P button and press the ON/
OFF button. Repeatedly press PRO (P) to increase the SKU levels by more than 10
SKU. Each press will increase the SKU by 10.
6. When you reach your desired SKU level, press the H button again to set the new
SKU level.

SOUNDS 2. Press the LOW (L) button on a Long

»» The compressors make an inflating Hold for 3 seconds. TRAINING will
sound when the bands are being appear in the screen.
pumped with air. 3. Press PRO (P) on a Short Hold. T 15-
»» There is always a small bit of air 200 appears with the 200 flashing.
that finds its way out of the bands T indicates the Training mode. 10
and connectors. In these cases, the indicates a maximum of 10 minutes to
compressors automatically refill to the use. 200 indicates the SKU level in the
appropriate pressure with small bursts Training mode.
of air as required. 4. Press the ON/OFF button to start
KAATSU Training (at 200 SKU for 10
minutes in this example).
1. To change from the KAATSU Cycle
5. To stop the KAATSU Training mode,
mode to the KAATSU Training mode,
press the ON/OFF button.
press the ON/OFF button so the Red
Light is on. The G and P lights should
not be on. CYCLE appears on the

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



1. Change to the KAATSU Training mode. Press the ON/OFF button so the Red Light
is on while the GROUP (G) and PRO (P) lights are not on. CYCLE appears on the
2. Press the LOW (L) button on a Long Hold for 3 seconds. TRAINING will appear in
the screen.
3. Press PRO (P) on a Short Hold for 1 second.
4. Press GROUP (G) to decrease the SKU level by 10 SKU. Repeatedly press GROUP (G)
to decrease the SKU levels by more than 10 SKU. Each press will decrease the SKU
by 10.
5. Press PRO (P) to increase the SKU level by 10 SKU. Repeatedly press PRO (P) to
increase the SKU levels by more than 10 SKUs. Each press will increase the SKU by
6. To set a new SKU level, press the ON/OFF button. The unit will automatically inflate
to your new desired SKU.


Press the ON/OFF button in the KAATSU Training mode to stop
the inflation and deflate the KAATSU Air Bands.


1. Press the LOW (L) button on a Long Hold for 3 seconds. The
screen will change from TRAINING to CYCLE.
2. Press GROUP (G) or PRO (P) and select LOW (L) or MEDIUM
(M) or HIGH (H) to start KAATSU Cycle.
»» Four bars on the right side of the
screen indicate a full battery life.
»» When the bars decrease, the battery
life is reduced.
»» To recharge the battery, plug in the
USB Type-C connector to a laptop
or to the Power Adapter that is
plugged into an electric outlet.
Press the ON/OFF button on a
Long Hold (3 seconds).

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.




The new KAATSU Cycle 2.0 is the second- Ageing Baby Boomers can tone muscle
generation KAATSU equipment. and improve their BMI (Body Mass Index)
and Olympic athletes can gain strength
The KAATSU Cycle 2.0 is the smallest,
without using weights while lessening the
quietest, most powerful KAATSU device
risk of injury to joints and muscles.
yet - enabling people of all ages, abilities
and backgrounds - to comfortably, safely The pneumatic KAATSU Air Bands can
and effectively do the patented KAATSU also be untethered (disconnected) from
Cycle modality or the original KAATSU the KAATSU Cycle 2.0 device so athletes
Training. and physical therapy patients can train
bilaterally and separate from the device
The new device can accelerate training
itself - with personally customized
when time is of the essence - at home,
pressures appropriate to the age,
on the road during travel, at an airport,
condition and goals of the user.
in the office while increasing strength,
stamina, speed and range of motion, and
improving circulation. Users can exercise,
recover from jetlag, vigorous workouts
and competition, and rehabilitate
from injuries and surgery anytime and
anywhere at their convenience.
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



KAATSU was invented by Dr. Yoshiaki Sato It can fit in the palm of your hand or in
of Tokyo, Japan in a flash of inspiration in your pocket, but it also has a clip so you
1966. can use it in the gym or while walking,
running, spinning, skating, stretching or
After decades of self-experimentation,
doing any number of movements from
testing at the University of Tokyo Hospital,
yoga to physical therapy.
and vetting by hundreds of physicians,
academic researchers and scientists in To turn on and off the KAATSU Cycle 2.0,
Japan and China, KAATSU was introduced press the ON/OFF button on a Long Hold
in the United States in 2014. KAATSU has (3 seconds).
since expanded to 48 countries around
In order to check and recharge the
the world with many users expected to
battery, there are four bars on the right
participate in the 2020 Tokyo Olympic
side of the LED screen indicate a full
Games - thereby, bringing back a
battery life. When the bars decrease,
Japanese invention to Tokyo where it all
the battery life is reduced. In order to
recharge the battery, plug in the USB
The KAATSU Cycle 2.0 is the most recent Type-C connector to a laptop or to the
culmination of over 50 years of expertise Power Adapter that is plugged into an
of Dr. Sato, his medical and scientific electric outlet.
colleagues and collaborators, and
thousands of coaches, therapists and
trainers worldwide.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



The KAATSU Cycle 2.0 is the next-generation KAATSU equipment based on 5 decades
of testing and use by individuals up to the age of 104 years.

It has a unique and unprecedented tested and proven by cardiologists at

safety track record with over 20 million the University of Tokyo Hospital over
individual KAATSU session in 48 countries a 10-year period. Their work resulted
around the globe to date. in several dozens of academic papers
published in peer-review journals.
The KAATSU protocols, including those
for cardiac rehabilitation patients, were

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



The KAATSU Cycle 2.0 has six pre-set
pressures for individuals to use.
KAATSU Cycle is a patented, proprietary
method where the KAATSU Air Bands
repeatedly inflate and deflate 8 times
("repetitions"). The inflation period is
30 seconds and the deflation period In the midst of the KAATSU Cycle, the
is 5 seconds. One complete KAATSU pressure increases by 10 SKU (Standard
Cycle with 8 repetitions is 4 minutes 40 KAATSU Unit) in each subsequent
seconds in duration. repetition. There are 8 repetitions per
On top of the device, users can select each Cycle. This gradual increase in
Low, Medium and High levels. On the pressure is safe and optimal - and leads
face of the device, users can either select to a healthful production of metabolites
the G (Group) mode that offers lower and hormones. The pressures of each
pressures) or P (Professional mode that of the 8 repetitions are as follows (from
offers high pressures). lowest to highest):

The KAATSU Cycle 2.0 uses a combination »» Group Low SKU pressure: 80 - 90 - 100
of G or P pressures at either the Low, - 110 - 120 - 130 - 140 - 150
Medium or High levels. »» Group Medium SKU pressure: 130 -
140 - 150 - 160 - 170 - 180 - 190 - 200
So GL means Group Low. GM means
»» Group High SKU pressure: 230 - 240 -
Group Medium. GH means Group High.
250 - 260 - 270 - 280 - 290 - 300
Likewise, PL means Professional Low. PM
»» Professional Low SKU pressure: 180 -
means Professional Medium. PH means
190 - 200 - 210 - 220 - 230 - 240 - 250
Professional High. Each level offers
»» Professional Medium SKU pressure:
incrementally higher pressures. KAATSU
280 - 290 - 300 - 310 - 320 - 330 - 340 -
users should only use the optimal
pressures appropriate to them. But
»» Professional High SKU pressure: 330 -
everyone should start at the GL level and
340 - 350 - 360 - 370 - 380 - 390 - 400
then increase as they see fit.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


The proper placement of the KAATSU Air

Bands is absolutely critical to the safety
and efficacy of the KAATSU equipment.
There is only one proper position for the
KAATSU Air Bands on the upper body.
Place the KAATSU Air Bands over your

The KAATSU Air Bands on your arms
should be placed above your biceps
TO USE THE and above your triceps, but below your
deltoids (shoulder muscles) near your
KAATSU CYCLE 2.0 armpit.
Even if you have tendonitis in your elbow

PLACING THE and are rehabilitating, or broke your finger

or ribs, or want to develop your trapezius
KAATSU AIR BANDS muscle, you still place the KAATSU Air
Bands in the same position:
ON YOUR ARMS »» above your biceps
»» above your triceps
»» below your deltoids (shoulder muscles)
»» near your armpit
The effects of KAATSU are systemic. That
is, there are only two places where you
should position the KAATSU Air Bands:
on your upper arms and upper legs. Any
other location is wrong and can lead to
The pneumatic KAATSU Air Bands must be
connected to the KAATSU Cycle 2.0 device
with the translucent connector tubes.
You should hear a small audible click when
the tube connector is properly connected
with the KAATSU Air Bands. This click
ensures the lock is air tight.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



The proper placement of the KAATSU Air »» above your quadriceps

Bands is absolutely critical to the safety »» above your hamstrings
and efficacy of the KAATSU equipment. »» high up on your legs at an angle (that
There is only one proper position for the follows a bikini or briefs line)
KAATSU Air Bands on your lower body. »» near your groin
Place the KAATSU Air Bands over your The effects of KAATSU are systemic. That
pants or shorts. is, there are only two places where you
should position the KAATSU Air Bands:
The KAATSU Air Bands on your legs
on your upper arms and upper legs. Any
should be placed should be placed above
other location is wrong and can lead to
your quadriceps (i.e., front of your leg)
and hamstrings (i.e., back of your legs),
high up on your legs at an angle near The pneumatic KAATSU Air Bands must be
your groin. connected to the KAATSU Cycle 2.0 device
with the translucent connector tubes.
Even if you rehabilitating from a knee
surgery, or broke your toe or tibia, or
want to develop your calf muscles, you
still place the KAATSU Air Bands in the
same position:

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



The KAATSU Air Bands should be placed this case, slightly loosen up the bands.
snugly on your upper arms. Snug - but KAATSU Air Bands are elastic Blood Flow
not tight. Moderation bands with an inner air
bladder; KAATSU Air Bands are neither a
When you put on the KAATSU Air Bands
tourniquet or blood pressure cuff.
on your arms, you should be able to
place one finger between your skin and Occlusion training or blood flow
the KAATSU Air Bands. If you can place restriction (BFR) training use tourniquets
two or more fingers between your skin and blood pressure cuffs in order to
and the KAATSU Air Bands, the bands are restrict arterial flow (i.e., blood flow
too loose and you may want to slightly from the torso to the limbs). This is NOT
tighten the KAATSU Air Bands. what KAATSU Air Bands do. KAATSU Air
Bands were specifically designed and
However, if you manually tighten the
engineered to modify venous flow (i.e.,
KAATSU Air Bands too much, you will
blood flow from the limbs back to the
not be able to place a finger between
torso). This is a major and very important
your skin and the KAATSU Air Bands. In
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.

In order to confirm that your pressure is color should be between 1-3 seconds.
safe and optimized and your bands are If your skin does not turn back to its
on adequately tightly enough, you can normal color within 3 seconds, the
check your Capillary Refill Time (CRT). On bands are on too tightly and should be
your arms, press your thumb into the loosened. If your skin is so engorged with
base of the palm of your hand. The skin blood that the blanched spot returns to
will temporarily blanch (i.e., go white) and color less than a second, that is OK too.
then will refill back up with blood and When the color of your arms turns pink
return to normal color. (or becomes rosy red or even a purple
color), it means that your capillaries are
The duration of time for the blood to
thoroughly engorged in blood, thereby
refill and the blanched spot to return to
improving your circulation.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



The KAATSU Air Bands should be placed However, if you manually tighten the
snugly on your upper legs. Snug - but not KAATSU Air Bands too much, you will
tight. not be able to place a finger between
your skin and the KAATSU Air Bands. In
When you put on the KAATSU Air Bands
this case, slightly loosen up the bands.
on your legs, you should be able to place
KAATSU Air Bands are elastic Blood Flow
one finger between your skin and the
Moderation bands with an inner air
KAATSU Air Bands. If you can place two
bladder; KAATSU Air Bands are neither a
or more fingers between your skin and
tourniquet or blood pressure cuff.
the KAATSU Air Bands, the bands are
too loose and you may want to slightly
tighten the KAATSU Air Bands.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Occlusion training or blood flow

restriction (BFR) training use tourniquets
and blood pressure cuffs in order to
restrict arterial flow (i.e., blood flow
from the torso to the limbs). This is NOT
what KAATSU Air Bands do. KAATSU
Air Bands were specifically designed
and engineered to modify venous flow
(i.e., blood flow from the limbs back
to the torso). This is a major and very
important difference.
In order to confirm that your pressure
is safe and optimized and your bands
are on adequately tightly enough, you
can check your Capillary Refill Time
(CRT). On your legs, press your thumb
into your thigh (quadriceps) just above
your knee (patella) if you are wearing
shorts. If you are wearing leggings
or long pants, press your thumb into
your calf near your ankle. The skin will
temporarily blanch (i.e., go white) and
then will refill back up with blood and
return to normal color.
The duration of time for the blood to
refill and the blanched spot to return
to color should be less than 3 seconds.
If your skin does not turn back to its
normal color within 3 seconds, the
bands are on too tightly and should be
loosened. When your leg turns a pink
color (or rosy red or even a purple tone),
this means that your capillaries are
thoroughly engorged in blood, thereby
improving your circulation.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.





KAATSU 3-point Exercises are a of all ages and abilities with myriad
fundamental part of the standard KAATSU physical conditions or ailments.
protocol for the arms.
The KAATSU 3-point Exercises can be
The KAATSU 3-point Exercises were performed while you are either doing
invented in the 1970s by Dr Sato. These KAATSU Cycles (tethered or connected to
simple exercises have been performed the KAATSU Cycle 2.0) or KAATSU Training
safely and effectively among millions of (untethered or disconnected to the
individual KAATSU sessions among people KAATSU Cycle 2.0).

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


KAATSU Arm 3-point Exercises

The KAATSU 3-point Exercises for
the arms involves Hand Clenches,
Biceps Curls and Tricep Extensions
[illustrations on left].
Each set of exercises can be done 3-4
times each with a maximum of 20
seconds rest between each set. Ideally,
the number of repetitions for each
exercise decreases before you reach
muscular or technical failure* (or
That is, an ideal set would be 25-30
repetitions on set #1, 10-15 repetitions
on set #2, and 5-10 repetitions on set
#3. Even if only 1-2 repetitions are
completed on the last set, this failure
signal sent to the central nervous
system is one of the desired outcomes
* Technical failure is defined when
you start to do improper technique
(movement) due to an increasing sense
of fatigue. At this point, the set should
be stopped.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.





KAATSU 3-point Exercises are a (untethered or disconnected to the

fundamental part of the standard KAATSU KAATSU Cycle 2.0).
protocol for the legs.
The KAATSU 3-point Exercises for the
The KAATSU 3-point Exercises were legs are either defined as Standard or
invented in the 1970s by Dr Sato. These Advanced.
simple exercises have been performed
The Standard KAATSU 3-point Exercises
safely and effectively among millions of
for the legs involves Toe Curls, Toe
individual KAATSU sessions among people
Raises, and Heel Raises. These exercises
of all ages and abilities with myriad
are all performed while you are seated
physical conditions or ailments.
comfortably with good posture on a chair.
The KAATSU 3-point Exercises can be In general, these exercises are preferred
performed while you are either doing for older or less fit individuals or those
KAATSU Cycles (tethered or connected to just starting an exercise program or
the KAATSU Cycle 2.0) or KAATSU Training KAATSU.
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.

The Toe Curls and Toe Raises can be That is, an ideal set would be 25-30
done without shoes on. The Heel Raises repetitions on set #1, 10-15 repetitions
can be performed while either sitting or on set #2, and 5-10 repetitions on set #3.
standing. Even if only 1-2 repetitions are completed
on the last set, this failure signal sent to
Especially for Baby Boomers and adults
the central nervous system is one of the
who are being reconditioned back to
desired outcomes of KAATSU.
a state of wellness through a simple
exercise program, the KAATSU 3-point * Technical failure is defined when
Exercises can consist of their entire you start to do improper technique
KAATSU training program. (movement) due to an increasing sense
of fatigue. At this point, the set should be
Each set of exercises should be done
3-4 times each with a maximum of 20
seconds rest between each set. Ideally,
the number of repetitions for each
exercise decreases before you reach
muscular or technical failure* (or fatigue).

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



KAATSU 3-point Exercises are a The KAATSU 3-point Exercises for the
fundamental part of the standard KAATSU legs are either defined as Standard or
protocol for the legs. Advanced.
The KAATSU 3-point Exercises were The Advanced KAATSU 3-point Exercises
invented in the 1970s by Dr Sato. These for the legs are performed by more fit or
simple exercises have been performed active individuals or for those individuals
safely and effectively among millions of with more experience in KAATSU. The 3
individual KAATSU sessions among people Advanced Exercises includes Heel Raises,
of all ages and abilities with myriad Standing Leg Curls, and Non-lock Quarter
physical conditions or ailments. Squats.
The KAATSU 3-point Exercises can be The Heel Raises can be done while sitting
performed while you are either doing or standing. The Standing Leg Curls can
KAATSU Cycles (tethered or connected to be performed while standing and holding
the KAATSU Cycle 2.0) or KAATSU Training onto a chair or balancing against a wall.
(untethered or disconnected to the
KAATSU Cycle 2.0).
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.

The Non-lock Quarter Squats (or

"chair touches") can be performed
while bending the knees to touch a
chair and then popping back up.
Ideally, the squats are "non-lock"
(partial extension) so that your
muscles are constantly engaged
without rest while your knees are
not locked straight (i.e., in a full
extension). This will build up fatigue
more quickly.
Especially for Baby Boomers and
adults who are being reconditioned
back to a state of wellness through a
simple exercise program, the KAATSU
3-point Exercises can consist of their
entire KAATSU training program.
Each set of exercises should be done
3-4 times each with a maximum of
20 seconds rest between each set.
Ideally, the number of repetitions for
each exercise decreases before you
reach muscular or technical failure*
(or fatigue).
That is, an ideal set would be 25-
30 repetitions on set #1, 10-15
repetitions on set #2, and 5-10
repetitions on set #3. Even if only
1-2 repetitions are completed on the
last set, this failure signal sent to the
central nervous system is one of the
desired outcomes of KAATSU.
* Technical failure is defined when
you start to do improper technique
(movement) due to an increasing
sense of fatigue. At this point, the set
should be stopped.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.




It is not intuitive, but KAATSU Air Bands Core and lower back exercises can
can be placed on your upper arms and comprise of your entire KAATSU training
upper legs for systemic effects that are session for the day. Alternatively, core
felt and seen throughout your body, and lower back exercises can be an
including your core and lower back. addition to your typical KAATSU sessions.
Many individuals are not motivated to Core & Lower Back #1 Exercise
do planks, crunches and other forms of 1. Manually tighten your KAATSU Air
abdominal work. Instead, KAATSU users Bands on your legs at your appropriate
can do a number of simple KAATSU Base SKU.
exercises to strengthen their lower back
2. Inflate your KAATSU Air Bands on your
and tighten their core.
legs to your Optimal SKU.
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.

3. Sit straight up in a chair or couch with book on your head.

your hips near the edge. 5. Walking straight slowly, especially on
4. Slowly exhale and slowly lean forward, an uneven surface like a sandy beach,
tightening your abdominal muscles as will create instability in your core and
strongly as possible until your stomach will help strengthen your stomach and
is close to your legs. lower back.
5. Hold and then slowly inhale air on Core & Lower Back #4 Exercise
your return to a sitting position with 1. Manually tighten your KAATSU Air
good posture. Bands on your legs at your appropriate
6. Repeat as desired. SKU.
2. Inflate your KAATSU Air Bands on your
Core & Lower Back #2 Exercise legs to your Optimal SKU.
1. Manually tighten your KAATSU Air
Bands on your legs at your appropriate 3. Stand on one foot while holding a
SKU. water bottle in each hand.
2. Inflate your KAATSU Air Bands on your 4. Hold the water bottle in your
legs to your Optimal SKU. outstretched arms and stand as long
as possible on one leg.
3. Stand on one foot, balancing only on
your other leg for as long as possible. 5. When your balance is lost, rest 10-20
seconds and repeat two more times.
4. When your balance is lost, rest for
10-20 seconds and repeat two more 6. After 3 times, balance on your other
times. foot.
5. After 3 times, balance on your other 7. In order to make this exercise more
foot. difficult, move your outstretched arms
left and right, and up and down in an
6. This act of balancing will create
asymmetric manner while balancing
instability in your core and will help
on one foot.
strengthen your stomach and lower
back. Core & Lower Back #5 Exercise
1. Manually tighten your KAATSU Air
Core & Lower Back #3 Exercise Bands on your legs at your appropriate
1. Manually tighten your KAATSU Air
Base SKU.
Bands on your legs at your appropriate
Base SKU. 2. Inflate your KAATSU Air Bands on your
legs at your Optimal SKU.
2. Inflate your KAATSU Air Bands on your
legs to the Optimal SKU. 3. Do planks as usual.
3. Place a book on your head and walk 4. Alternatively, tighten the KAATSU Air
slowly until the book falls off. Bands on your arms at your Optimal
SKU and do planks as normal.
4. Rest 10-20 seconds and repeat the
walk again two more times with the

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Core & Lower Back #6 Exercise 4. Lie on your back, lift both your feet off
1. Tighten your KAATSU Air Bands on the ground, and kick your feet slightly
your legs at your appropriate Base off the ground. Repeat as desired.
SKU. Core & Lower Back #9 Exercise
2. Inflate your KAATSU Air Bands on your 1. Tighten your KAATSU Air Bands on
legs at your Optimal SKU. your legs at your appropriate Base
3. Lie on your back and slowly bring one SKU.
leg one up to your stomach and hold. 2. Inflate your KAATSU Air Bands on your
Grab your knee with your arms to legs at your Optimal SKU.
stretch your back. 3. Lie on your back and slowly
4. Repeat as desired. pandiculate (i.e., stretch and stiffen
5. Continue to lie on your back and your trunk and limbs, extending your
slowly pull both your legs up to your toes, feet, arms and hands as you do
stomach and hold. Grab your knees upon waking).
with your arms to stretch your back. 4. Repeat as desired.
6. Repeat as desired. Core & Lower Back #10 Exercise
Core & Lower Back #7 Exercise 1. KAATSU Aqua Sit-ups are used by
1. Tighten your KAATSU Air Bands on competitive aquatic athletes with a Bosu
your legs at your appropriate Base Ball. 2. Start horizontal in the water while
SKU. grabbing onto a Bosu Ball; then climb on
2. Inflate your KAATSU Air Bands on your top of the Bosu Ball. Do 3 sets to failure.
legs at your Optimal SKU.
3. Lie on your back and slowly lift your
hips off the floor and hold. Bring your
hips to the ground and repeat as
Core & Lower Back #8 Exercise
1. Tighten your KAATSU Air Bands on
your legs at your appropriate Base
2. Inflate your KAATSU Air Bands on your
legs at your Optimal SKU.
3. Lie on your back and slowly lift both
your feet off the ground and hold.
Repeat as desired.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



In order to reduce the effects of
jet lag and battle insomnia, or
to relieve stress before bedtime,
especially when traveling
internationally or crossing several
time zones, the KAATSU Cycle 2.0

can work wonders.
Before bedtime or after checking
into your hotel during travel, you
can properly utilize the KAATSU
Cycle 2.0 as follows:
»» Be very well-hydrated before
doing KAATSU Cycles.
»» Do KAATSU Cycles in your hotel
room before going to bed on
your first few evenings in your
new location.
»» Be conservative with your
pressure. The effects will occur
despite a lower-than-normal
»» Rest at least 20 seconds between
each set and each exercise.
»» Do not go to muscular failure
with these protocols; the goal is
to become relaxed.

Upper Body Exercises:

1. Place the KAATSU Air Bands on
your upper arms.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


2. Do 2-4 KAATSU Cycles while doing any course, skip this exercise if rotating
the following exercises: your head causes dizziness.
»» Forward Shoulder Rolls 6. Stretch your triceps muscles on your
»» Backward Shoulder Rolls left and right arms while the bands are
»» Head Rotations inflated.
»» Tricep Muscle Stretches 7. Stretch your deltoid muscles on left
»» Deltoid Muscle Stretches and right shoulders while the bands
3. Do 20-30 Forward Shoulder Rolls in are inflated.
a steady motion. Breathe deeply and 8. Stretch your upper body or torso as
relax while the bands are deflated. you desire and are able.
Repeat as desired.
Lower Body Exercises:
4. Do 20-30 Backward Shoulder Rolls in 1. Place the KAATSU Air Bands on your
a steady motion. Breathe deeply and upper legs.
relax while the bands are deflated.
2. Do 2-4 KAATSU Cycles while simply
Repeat as desired.
sitting or stretching, meditating,
5. Slowly roll the head forwards and reading or watching entertainment.
backwards. Then slowly roll your
Some of these exercises are
head to the left and then to the
demonstrated below. These same
right. Then slowly roll your head in
exercises can be done in your office while
a clockwise direction and then in a
as work to relieve stress and get some
counterclockwise direction while the
exercise during the day when you are
bands are inflated. Breathe deeply and
sitting and being sedentary all day long.
relax while the bands are deflated. Of

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



Press the ON/OFF button to start KAATSU
Training at the default level of 200 SKU
for 10 minutes. To stop KAATSU Training,
press the ON/OFF button.
In order to increase the pressure level
from the default 200 SKU in the KAATSU
Training mode, press the PRO (P) button
to increase the SKU level by 10 SKU.
Repeatedly press PRO (P) button to
increase the SKU levels by more than 10
SKU. Each press will increase the SKU by
While the KAATSU Cycle modality is the 10.
primary feature of the KAATSU Cycle 2.0,
In order to decrease the pressure level
the device is also versatile and can also
from the default 200 SKU in the KAATSU
be used for KAATSU Training.
Training mode, press the GROUP (G)
In order to change from KAATSU Cycle button to decrease the SKU level by 10
to the KAATSU Training mode, place the SKU. Repeatedly press GROUP (G) to
device in its "neutral position". That is, decrease the SKU levels by more than 10
press the middle ON/OFF button so only SKU. Each press will decrease the SKU by
the Red Light is on. The G and P lights 10.
should be off. CYCLE appears on the LED
To set a new SKU level, press the ON/OFF
button and the device will automatically
Press the LOW (L) button with a Long inflate to your new desired KAATSU
Hold for 3 seconds. TRAINING will Training SKU level.
automatically appear on the LED screen.
Press PRO (P) on a Short Hold for 1
second. T 15-200 appears with the
number 200 flashing. T indicates the
Training mode. 10 indicates a maximum
of 10 minutes to use. 200 indicates the
default SKU level in the KAATSU Training
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.



While the KAATSU Cycle modality is the work on certain movements or athletic
primary feature of the KAATSU Cycle 2.0, techniques (for a dancer, a golfer, tennis
the device is also versatile and can also player, or basketball player).
be used for KAATSU Training.
The KAATSU Air Bands are made of
Only use the KAATSU Training mode for neoprene and can get wet or be used in
a maximum of 15 minutes on your arms a pool. But do not depress the connector
and a maximum of 20 minutes on your valve in the water or else water will seep
legs. This should be more than sufficient into the internal air bladder.
time to achieve your goals - whether it is
Use the KAATSU Training mode until you
a runner, swimmer or cyclist sprinting or
have reached your maximum fatigue
doing some interval workouts, or to build
or your technique is failing within the
muscle with resistance exercises, or to
maximum time limit.
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


Purple Heart recipient Joe Lowrey of Long his ability to do simple movements -
Beach Wilson High School in Long Beach, standing up, walking, using his left arm -
California has been using KAATSU daily was significantly hampered or impossible.
for nearly two years.
But after two years of twice daily KAATSU
While serving with the 7th Special Cycles and KAATSU Training (morning
Forces Group on July 7th 2014, the U.S. and night on both arms and legs), the
Army Green Beret took a bullet to the retired Sergeant 1st Class has improved
head in 2014 (read his story here). The dramatically, both physically and
injury occurred during Lowrey’s third cognitively.
deployment as he was manning the gun
"I started eating right, going keto, and
turret on top of a truck during an intense
getting good sleep," says Lowrey. "I
firefight against Taliban insurgents.
use all kinds of biohacks, but I always
After surprising his colleagues and the try to do KAATSU in the morning with
medical staff in hospitals in Afghanistan my caregiver and before I go to bed at
and Germany, then later the Walter Reed night. I jokingly tell my buddies that Dave
Army Medical Center in Washington D.C. Asbrey of Bulletproof took my name. I am
by surviving the traumatic brain injury, the one who is bulletproof."

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.





ack during the planning and In post World War II Japan, the average
execution of the 22nd Century number of children born to women was
Project at the University of Tokyo 4.54. Now it is only 1.42 children which
Hospital in the early 2000s, Dr. Sato is higher than Japan's historic low of 1.26
and Dr. Nakajima led research on in 2005, but still well below the fertility
KAATSU. rate necessary to maintain its current
population levels.
They - along with Japanese government
The total fertility rate has been hovering
demographic specialists - were preparing
around 1.4 since 2012 after hitting a low
for Japan's future when its population
of 1.26 in 2005. The rate fell below 2.00
would start to decrease for a number of
in 1975, a large decrease from the rate of
societal factors.
4.54 seen in 1947.
Well, the future is now.
"With an increasingly aging population,
The number of newborn babies born in easy-to-use, convenient modalities
Japan reached a record low of 918,397 such a KAATSU are becoming ever more
in 2018. It was the third year in a row important to the Baby Boomer population
the number of newborns were under 1 - and their elderly parents," observes
million. Steven Munatones, Chief Executive
Officer of KAATSU Global. "This is why far
Japan is the oldest and most rapidly
forward thinking companies in Japan - like
aging country on the planet. Since 1899,
their counterparts in the U.S. and Europe
the Japanese government has been
- are making plans and implementing
conducting a census, but 2018 saw the
innovative programs to expand the use
largest overall decrease in its population
of KAATSU with new Bluetooth-enabled,
in history.
wireless handheld products in the latter
half of 2019."

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


KAATSU KAATSU is has received recognition and coverage

in prominent and prestigious publications.
In The News

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Designed for performance, recovery,

rehabilitation and wellness applications
Touch-screen tablet offers personalized
KAATSU Cycle options
Dual air compressors enable each limb to be
simultaneously inflated to different pressures
WIFI connectivity enables automatic storage
of user data in the KAATSU Cloud

w w w. k a a t s u - g l o b a l . c o m
© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.
IN Q4 2018 w w w. k a a t s u - g l o b a l . c o m
Master 2.0 is the fourth- • effective muscle toning
generation KAATSU • improved circulation
device that enables • faster recovery from competition or ADDITIONAL
vigorous workouts
real-time monitoring
• anti-aging benefits INFORMATION
and archiving of user’s
physiological data. The
• improved speed INCLUDING:
• enhanced stamina • KAATSU Time (KT) or the amount
2.0 is ideal for use by • increased strength of time spent doing KAATSU per
individuals, corporations, • greater range of motion session
organizations, physical • significant time savings • Capillary Refill Time (CRT) or the
• convenience - exercise anywhere amount of time in seconds that it
therapy clinics, anytime takes for your capillaries to refill
universities, hospitals, and • offers 6 levels of the KAATSU Cycle with blood
teams. • KAATSU Exercise (KE) or the

2.0 is combined with the Masimo

PACKAGE type of exercise, movement or
2.0 comes with 4 sets of KAATSU Air rehabilitation you do with KAATSU
MightySat™ Finger Pulse Oximeter Bands or KAATSU Aqua Bands (Small, • KAATSU Cycle Function (KCf) or
and a wrist blood pressure monitor Medium, Large or Extra Large) and the specific type of KAATSU Cycle
that capture and archive your oxygen certification for KAATSU Specialists (e.g., Cycle 20 or Customized
saturation, pulse rate, Perfusion Index, Cycle)
Pleth Variability Index and blood
pressure readings in real-time. DATA MONITORING
Masimo MightySat™ Fingertrip Pulse BAND SIZES
Oximeter and a Wrist Blood Pressure KAATSU Air and Aqua Bands are
FEATURES Monitor measures and monitors the available in 4 sizes: Small, Medium,
• Designed for performance, following data during exercise or Large and Extra Large. Measure
recovery, rehabilitation and rehabilitation: the circumference of the top of your
wellness applications • Pulse Rate (PR) or the number of arm (right by your armpit) and the
• Touch-screen tablet offers heart pulses per minute indicates circumference of the top of your leg
personalized and comprehensive your overall fitness and exertion (right alongside your groin). Those
KAATSU Cycle options levels circumferences will determine the
• Dual air compressors enable each • Oxygen Saturation (SpO2) or the appropriate size for your KAATSU Air
limb to be simultaneously inflated oxygen level in the blood indicates Bands.
to different optimally pressures changes due to your heart or lung
• WIFI connectivity enables real-time
monitoring and automatic storage
function, oxygen use by your body, ARMS
and altitude Small: less than 18 km (7.06 inches)
of data in the KAATSU Cloud • Perfusion Index (PI) indicates the
• Video feedback and interaction Medium: 18 - 28 cm (7.06 - 11.02
strength of blood flow to the finger inches)
with KAATSU Master Specialists for as blood circulation changes
real-time consultation Large: 28 - 38 cm (11.02 - 14.96
• Respiration Rate (RRp) or the inches)
• Access to KAATSU Cloud where number of breaths per minute
user information is automatically Extra Large: 38 - 48 cm (14.96 -
indicates how well your heart and 18.89 inches)
uploaded and archived lungs are functioning and how
• Rechargeable battery quickly you recover from exercise
• Used with both the KAATSU Air • Pleth Variability Index (PVi) or the LEGS
Bands or KAATSU Aqua Bands variation in perfusion index over Small: less than 40 cm (15.74 inches)
• Band pressure up to 500 SKU your breathing cycle which may Medium: 40 - 50 cm (15.74 - 19.68
(Standard KAATSU Units) indicate changes in hydration, inches)
• Reimbursable with CPT codes breathing effort, perfusion or Large: 50 - 60 cm (19.68 - 23.62
other factors. inches)
• Blood Pressure (BP) indicates Extra Large: 60 - 70 cm (23.62 -
your systolic blood pressure and 27.55 inches)
diastolic blood pressure.

“Our goal is to awaken human

potential by sharing precise effective
tools and methods to maximize the
health, happiness and performance
of people who want to realize their
potential," explains David Weinstein
Raton, Florida.
Weinstein was an investment banker for 35
years, specializing in biotechnology and medical
companies. With that background and knowledge,
combined with his lifelong interest in athletics and
anti-aging, he and his wife Leidy are offering their
lifestyle design via LIFEFORCE IQ.

"We continuously monitor scientific advances and

are quick to adjust products and protocols to assist
our clients in optimizing their lifestyles."

In addition to KAATSU equipment including the new

2.0 and KAATSU Aqua, the Weinstein's offer Juvent
Health Micro-Impact Platform, LiveO2, Viome, Tower
Garden, and One Truth 818.

For more information, visit here.

For additional examples of how people of all ages

have improved themselves, visit here.

© 2019 KAATSU GLOBAL, INC. All Rights Reserved.


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