Social Science Syllabus
Social Science Syllabus
Social Science Syllabus
CLASS X (2021-22)
CODE NO. (087)
The Social Science curriculum draws its content mainly from History, Geography, Political
Science and Economics. Some elements of Sociology and Commerce are also included.
Together they provide a comprehensive view of society over space and time, and in
relation to each other. Each subject’s distinct methods of enquiry help the learners to
understand society from different angles and form a holistic view.
• promote an understanding of the issues and challenges of contemporary India-
environmental, economic and social, as part of the development process
• help pupils acquire knowledge, skills and understanding to face the challenges of
contemporary society as individuals and groups and learn the art of living a
confident and stress-free life as well as participating effectively in the community
• develop scientific temperament by promoting the spirit of enquiry and following a
rational and objective approach in analysing and evaluating data and information
as well as views and interpretations
• develop academic and social skills such as critical thinking, communicating
effectively both in visual and verbal forms - cooperating with others, taking
initiatives and providing leadership in solving others’ problems
• develop qualities clustered around the personal, social, moral, national and
spiritual values that make a person humane and socially effective.
CLASS X (2021-22)
M. MARKS: 40
No. Units No. of Periods Marks
I India and the Contemporary World -1 12 10
II Contemporary India – I 16 10
III Democratic Politics – I 14 10
IV Economics 20 10
Total 62 40
M. MARKS: 40
No. Units No. of Periods Marks
I India and the Contemporary World -1 34 10
II Contemporary India – I 19 10
III Democratic Politics – I 14 10
IV Economics 22 10
Total 89 40
Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – II
Themes Learning Objectives
Section 1: Events and Processes
Unit 2: Contemporary India – II
Themes Learning Objectives
1. Resources and Development • Understand the value of resources and
• Types of Resources the need for their judicious utilization
• Development of Resources and conservation.
• Resource Planning in India
• Land Resources
• Land Utilization
• Land Use Pattern in India
• Land Degradation and Conservation
• Soil as a Resource
• Classification of Soils
• Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation
3. Water Resources
• Water Scarcity and The Need for Water • Comprehend the importance of water
Conservation and Management as a resource as well as develop
• Multi-Purpose River Projects and awareness towards its judicious use
Integrated Water Resources and conservation.
Management • Identify different Dams in the country.
• Rainwater Harvesting
Note: The theoretical aspect of chapter ‘Water Resources’ to be
assessed in the Periodic Tests only and will not be evaluated in Board
Examination. However, the map items of this chapter as listed will be
evaluated in Board Examination.
Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II
Themes Learning Objectives
1. Power Sharing • Familiarize with the centrality of power
• Case Studies of Belgium and Sri Lanka sharing in a democracy.
• Why power sharing is desirable? • Understand the working of spatial and
• Forms of Power Sharing social power sharing mechanisms.
Unit 4: Economics
Themes Learning Objectives
1. Development
• What Development Promises - Different • Familiarize with concepts of
people different goals macroeconomics.
• Income and other goals • Understand the rationale for overall
• National Development human development in our country,
• How to compare different countries or which includes the rise of income,
states? improvements in health and education
• Income and other criteria rather than income.
• Public Facilities • Understand the importance of quality of
• Sustainability of development life and sustainable development.
CLASS X (2021-22)
Chapter 1: Resources and Development
a. Major soil Types
Chapter 4: Agriculture
a. Major areas of Rice and Wheat
b. Largest / Major producer States of Sugarcane, Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cotton and
Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – II
Themes Learning Objectives
Section 1: Events and Processes
Note: Any one theme of the following. The theme selected should be
assessed in the periodic test only and will not be evaluated in the
board examination:
Unit 2: Contemporary India – II
Themes Learning Objectives
• Why do we need Political Parties? • Introduction to major political parties,
• How many Parties should we have? challenges faced by them and reforms in
• National Political Parties the country.
• State Parties
• Challenges to Political Parties
• How can Parties be reformed?
• Evaluate the functioning of democracies
7. Outcomes of Democracy in comparison to alternative forms of
• How do we assess democracy’s governments.
outcomes? • Understand the causes for continuation
• Accountable, responsive and of democracy in India.
legitimate government • Distinguish between sources of
• Economic growth and development strengths and weaknesses of Indian
• Reduction of inequality and poverty democracy.
• Accommodation of social diversity
• Dignity and freedom of the citizens
Unit 4: Economics
Themes Learning Objectives
3. Money and Credit
• Money as a medium of exchange • Understand money as an economic
• Modern forms of money concept.
• Loan activities of Banks • Understand the role of financial
• Two different credit situations institutions from the point of view of day-
• Terms of credit to- day life.
• Formal sector credit in India
• Self Help Groups for the Poor
4. Globalization and the Indian Economy • Explain the working of the Global
• Production across countries Economic phenomenon.
• Interlinking production across
• Foreign Trade and integration of
• What is globalization?
• Factors that have enabled
• World Trade Organization
• Impact of Globalization on India
• The Struggle for a fair Globalization
CLASS X (2021-22)
A. HISTORY (Outline Political Map of India)
Chapter - 2 Nationalism in India – (1918 – 1930) for Locating and Labelling /
1. Indian National Congress Sessions:
a. Calcutta (Sep. 1920)
b. Nagpur (Dec. 1920)
c. Madras (1927)
2. Important Centres of Indian National Movement
a. Champaran (Bihar) - Movement of Indigo Planters
b. Kheda (Gujarat) - Peasant Satyagrah
c. Ahmedabad (Gujarat) - Cotton Mill Workers Satyagraha
d. Amritsar (Punjab) - Jallianwala Bagh Incident
e. Chauri Chaura (U.P.) - Calling off the Non-Cooperation Movement
f. Dandi (Gujarat) - Civil Disobedience Movement
B. GEOGRAPHY (Outline Political Map of India)
Chapter 5: Minerals and Energy Resources
Power Plants-(Locating and Labelling only)
a. Thermal
• Namrup • Ramagundam
• Singrauli
b. Nuclear
• Narora • Tarapur
• Kakrapara • Kalpakkam
Chapter 7: Lifelines of National Economy
Major Ports: (Locating and Labelling)
a. Kandla f. Tuticorin
b. Mumbai g. Chennai
c. Marmagao h. Vishakhapatnam
d. New Mangalore i. Paradip
e. Kochi j. Haldia
International Airports:
a. Amritsar (Raja Sansi)
b. Delhi (Indira Gandhi International)
c. Mumbai (Chhatrapati Shivaji)
d. Chennai (Meenam Bakkam)
e. Kolkata (Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose)
f. Hyderabad (Rajiv Gandhi)
Marks Description
Periodic Assessment 10 Marks
Pen Paper Test 5 marks
Assessment using 5 marks
multiple strategies
For example, Quiz,
Debate, Role Play, Viva,
Group Discussion, Visual
Expression, Interactive
Bulletin Boards, Gallery
Walks, Exit Cards,
Concept Maps, Peer
Assessment, Self-
Assessment, etc.
CLASS X (2021-22)
05 Marks
1. Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on the following
Consumer Awareness
Social Issues
Sustainable Development
2. Objective: The overall objective of the project work is to help students gain an insight
and pragmatic understanding of the theme and see all the Social Science disciplines
from interdisciplinary perspective. It should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the
Students are expected to apply the Social Science concepts that they have learnt over
the years in order to prepare the project report.
If required, students may go out for collecting data and use different primary and
secondary resources to prepare the project. If possible, different forms of Art may be
integrated in the project work.
4. The projects carried out by the students in different topics should subsequently be
shared among themselves through interactive sessions such as exhibitions, panel
discussions, etc.
• innovative ideas generated in the process (like comic strips, drawings,
illustrations, script play etc.);
• list of questions asked in viva voce.
7. It is to be noted here by all the teachers and students that the projects and models
prepared should be made from eco-friendly products without incurring too much